Friday, June 1, 2018


Greetings good citizen, time to pick another pachyderm from the parade of elephants stampeding through society and that is GREED.

For as long as there have been pulpits to preach from men have sought glory preaching against the evils of unbridled greed. Up until 'Morning in America', if you wanted to make a name for yourself as a 'righteous individual', you railed from the bottom of your soul against greed and the squalor it creates.

In a reversal that plumbed the depths of stupidity, post 'Morning in America' and suddenly it was okay if you 'had' while others did without.

If the 'god of money' liked you it wasn't your fault! It was 'god's will' that s/he/it had lifted the burden of fiscal responsibility from you.

[Because that's the new meme, work NEVER made ANYONE wealthy. You had to be LUCKY to make it to EASY STREET and GOD hands out luck!]

The 'true' flipside to the 'luck' meme is you need high friends in low places to avoid prosecution for your daring (albeit illegal) exploits.

John Law knows that people are wicked and will do what people do regardless. If he has to live in a cesspool the, er, 'lucky' had best have the good sense to offer up 'a piece of the action' so they can go about what's going to happen anyway unmolested.

So begins the chain of corruption that destroys civilization.

What's the problem here? Why are these activities illegal? Partly due to the lack of quality control and partly because certain vices compete with one another for market share and this is where the GREED MONSTER rears its ugly head!

Why isn't pot legal? Because you can grow it in your backyard and you don't have to pay anybody for it!

That's it in a bucket good citizen. Pot competes with the liquor industry and ask any cop how lucrative that business is! 50% of arrests are for possession or DUI. [It's the 'war on drugs' don't ya know!]

You'd almost say that 'illegal substances' pay for the police force [that exists to protect the feckless from the people they bleed for their various income streams.]

But that's not true. Law & Order (through intimidation) are considered a necessity. Employing armed ruffians on the public payroll has proven modestly effective in preventing them from banding themselves together and preying on the helpless public.

So the REAL purpose of the police force is to keep the common thugs off the streets.

What's this have to do with GREED?

Think about it, first we have 'entrepreneurs' using every means at their disposal to build market share so they can keep their kids in toys and their wives in enough baubles to distract them from their philandering ways.

GREED is universally condemned and righteously so.

This is why we don't fix the problem at the source [money itself.]

Herding humans is a tough challenge made that much more difficult because humans tend to live in a fantasy land of 'denial'.

We pay cops so they don't congregate downtown (like uber drivers) preying on the feckless entrepreneur's customers. They like having the badge to hide behind too, sort of a win-win for the knuckle draggers among us.

Did I mention 'mismanagement'?

This shit show got started with mothers who couldn't bear having their children cast out from the tribe [regardless of how much they deserved it.]

If momma happened to be 'servicing' one of the headmen [sorry ladies but back then it was all men at all levels and we all know man's greatest weakness is woman.]

Next thing you know some half-wit decided that if we locked them up for a while (and slapped them around a little) maybe they'd learn their lesson...and like all things human, one size fits all (even if it didn't.)

By now you'd think mankind was intelligent enough to know that 'stupid is permanent', only ignorance can be fixed.

So it is people who had no business living among the civilized were put in this foolish (publicly funded) 'finishing school for criminals'. [Another 'jobs program' for the marginally predatory.]

If it suddenly occurs to you that we have an awful lot of thugs in our society welcome to reality.

What do thugs have in common with their entrepreneur employers? Thinking/intelligence isn't their strong suit. [Most 'business people' with advanced degrees in business can't identify their customer base with any accuracy at all!

They all think their customers are Wall Street rainmakers, everybody else is inconsequential.

Well, don't look now but that bird they're chasing is a lot rarer than they think.

This is why the commercial markets are in turmoil...and didn't the retards on Wall Street drive a rally yesterday over SoftBank committing billions towards developing (murderous) driverless vehicles!

Who will be able to afford those? A vast majority of the working class has been priced out of both the home and the transportation markets.

Once they get the technology to 'good enough' you know truckers are next, don't you?

What's driving this 'insanity'?

[Please see today's title.]

Customers are somebody else's problem. The MBA's job is to skin 'em for everything they can get because damn it, 'GREED is GOOD!'

A-holes like Adam Smith lacked the vision to see the consequences of the nonsense he preached. If he were alive today do you think he'd be singing the same tune?

How unfortunate for us all that stupid is as stupid does...

Now, about that IQ test...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


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