Thursday, April 30, 2020


Greetings Peasant, you are often being told how well the economy is doing but you can't test this for yourself because your situation remains unchanged.

Your employer squanders its considerable profits buying back it's own stock to keep/retain their top-performing managers so when raise time comes around you'll get the need to remain 'competitive' speech with the undertone that you should be thankful that you still have a job at all. Soon your continued employment will be threatened, not by 'cheaper', 'smarter' people from Asia but by free A.I.

Then will you believe the economy is broken? [Start chanting the refrain, maybe this time at the tops of your lungs!]

Pay to play ain't the way.

Especially considering ALL MONEY IS FUNNY. It has NO fixed value and because of that, it is subject to change RANDOMLY.

Is that what you are staking you and your's future on, Dummy? [Yes, please chant the refrain!]

That doesn't change until YOU change it.

Not telling anyone what to do but it is a leader's job to solve problems. Elephant on the room, artificial shortages. Half of the workforce doesn't. Imagine what could be accomplished if we put that idle fifty percent to work!

(Mis) management tells us there aren't enough 'qualified' workers to tackle humanity's pressing problems, that's why we have a for-profit educational system turning out morons that still have to be trained ON THE JOB! ASP is based on an apprenticeship model of old where the individual, in tandem with the educational system, nurtures and helps to discover the child's innate talents.

Everybody works because NOBODY skates! Better still, paychecks all around! Nobody gets to pocket the (pretend) profits.

You can't afford life on forty hours so how the hell are you supposed to afford it on twenty? [Yup, there are too many to stick with just three shifts.] The work-week would be reduced to twenty hours [how will you 'get ahead' now?] It will be all you can do to avoid starvation...unless most of the items you are currently expected to pay for become gimmes!

Housing, free. Transportation, free [public] If the job requires it you will be given free personal transport, otherwise motor vehicles will work on a 'zip car' model where all YOU pay for out of your paycheck is the fuel you use.

To minimize 'waste' you will be required to 'pay' for food, which is where supply and demand will come in. This will take a degree of tweaking because 'the economy' isn't used to full participation but we could literally start tomorrow.

Our biggest problem as a species is mismanagement. Fire the freaks and problem solved.

That said, a lot of current industries will vanish. Work in FIRE? Not any more. The same deal goes for legal and you won't even be missed! The entire political system will be dismantled as MANAGEMENT both competent an accountable replaces the 'Crony-infested' political system, which will be frog-marched into exile for their crimes against humanity.

Blue suits and robes can all kiss their former jobs goodbye. The law belongs to all who agree to abide by it. Those who disagree will be provided with free transportation to a place where they can live any way they choose, naked.

[Those who fail to value the benefits of civil society shall forfeit them. Clothes are a product of social cooperation. Disavow your membership in society and you will be required to make your own clothes out of whatever you happen to find without the assistance of the tools civil society provides.]

Real society and real participation, no more 'surplus' and no more 'headcount'! Are You ready to become a citizen and stop being a victim?

Fair warning, there will be a 'trainwreck ahead, an avoidable one but you have a job to do first before we can restore 'normalcy' and resume a life worth living.

Follow me or follow them?

It's a choice you don't currently enjoy.


Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Greetings leaderless ones, here in the aftermath of Morning in America, some of the older generation are finally realizing what Y.O.Y.O. truly means.

People should find it disturbing that the term 'Morning in America' is just an obscure historical reference to those born in the post-Reagan generations. The world is the same as it has always been to those born after the Conservative Revolution of 1980. That said the 'poisoning' of global democracy predates WWI.

The (purposefully cultivated) state of fear is crucial to the latest rendition of the 'Comply or Die' regimen.

A bought and paid for media has been used by the 'owner class' to convince a poorly educated public to commit to a very specific agenda. An agenda that involves their own ongoing enslavement in exchange for unquantifiable 'safety'.

Thus the patriotic slogan which states that those who would sacrifice their liberty for safety deserve neither. Why this truth isn't more popular remains a mystery.

Part of how people became enslaved is because we are conditioned to think in terms of the present and their current circumstances, most of you give little thought to how we arrived here or how a certain segment of the population might have a different agenda than the rest of us.

They started as conquerers and enslavement was the consequence of being vanquished. So it is that success in this life has long been predicated on brutality and the suppression of 'resistance'.

Hence, comply or die.

The conquerors became king and the kings became nobles [more wastrels than warriors] which upset the 'natural order of things' until warfare was mechanized and armies grew to number in the millions. [See the repeat/evolution of 'the illusion of safety?']

Armies that can be evaporated with the push of a button are meaningless but the average moron doesn't appreciate that just as they fail to comprehend how a cloth mask only serves to limit the 'spray' of their coughs/sneezes, it does NOTHING to stop the virus!

Watched a documentary on Corvid-19 last night and it was, if viewed with a cynical/realistic eye, quite informative.

They showed how Covid was collected [along with a few other recently developed troublesome pathogens that were all weaponized and turned loose on an unsuspecting populace.

Naturally, the omitted the weaponization stage but they did reveal the blueprint for 'sculpting' the 'perfect killer'. Watch the video [Netflix] and you will see what I'm saying.

Now to address the 'assertion' that there exists a conspiracy to keep the bulk of mankind both docile and subservient because they don't want to do any 'shit work' themselves and AI isn't quite up to the job...and then there is the fear that AI may become too smart and no longer have a 'use' for its masters. Better the 'devil you know', keep 'em stupid and docile and things will work out so long as you keep them saddled with 'hostages'.

This is the ONLY thing preventing you from being sterilized in the birthing room.

Under ASP, children will no longer be something anyone can do. Your genetic material will be collected for future use but the future of our species lay in hybrids.

The 'best part of you' will survive into the future, the rest, the fucked up parts will be 'discarded'.

Who decides? We can't let those who have fooled themselves into thinking THEY are 'better' than the rest of us do it. We just have to leave the dumb out of the process because their decisionmaking parts don't function well.

Remember the sign: Survivors Only!


Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Greetings 'stakeholder', it is only just now dawning on leadership that this sum bitch ain't got no reverse and that driving towards the cliff was a dumb idea.

Lesson number #1, money is not proof of 'smart', money is proof of corruption as evidenced by our current predicament.

Let that fact sink in as you mentally recount all of the signs that the economic system was crashing and burning across the spectrum as leadership trumpeted largely imaginary successes while discounting epic failure as puzzling flukes that were bound to occur on occasion.

The common thread here, participant...(willing or otherwise) is YOU are being fed 'bad' information.

You are being told everything is under control when it is obvious that things are NOT!

The cognizant know that the details be damned so long as the 'general direction' is maintained.

'Money flows up' (and AWAY from YOU) is the only thing that matters to those who oversee this disastrous experiment in perpetual motion.

Pay attention now because it is here we encounter an important distinction: Everybody KNOWS the system is broken and it is almost universally agreed that it needs replacing.

That is where all 'agreement' (and apparently thinking) ends.

Distinction? This lies in the minuscule space between need and want.

The refusal to alter the current system in any substantial way remains hung up on the 'necessity' of doing so.

The pandemic response is threatening to wipe out the capitalist value system by rendering money useless.

They tripped on this exact same stone back when they severed the connection between gold and paper money. People didn't revolt because NOBODY [except the feckless few] understood/appreciated that the whole process is a SCAM!

What's the principle ingredient behind currency? TRUST. If you can't TRUST money to retain its value, money becomes WORTHLESS. During the Eighties (and yet another botched attempt to save capitalism from collapsing under the weight of its own contradictions) we had people driving cars that cost as much as their houses! [in case you were wondering why Real Estate went bonkers and your paycheck is virtually worthless.]

(One more time with feeling, dummy!)

YOU are being LIED to. [Did that penetrate your thick skull?]


It is pointless to belabor the obvious without offering an 'alternative' and that alternative, like all alternatives, requires difficult choices to be made.

How did we get where we are today? People didn't get to choose. The life you are living is made by people who make decisions without ever consulting you or giving you a choice in the matter.

This makes life less complicated but it also creates conditions that are as toxic as they come. This is why the central theme of this existence is 'comply or die'.

The 'alternative' retains an element of that but it is a choice that YOU get to make, unlike the current charade that has you chasing your tail for nothing...literally. Talk about 'sick', the current system places providing for your as yet to be conceived children's children on YOU. [Can't be a venerable grandparent if you fail to leave your grandchildren with a trust fund!] Yet another chimera fabricated by those who manipulate value to benefit themselves.

Life is 'free' if you can convince everyone else that you 'own' it.

What part of 'con' don't you understand?

Think it is time to chant the refrain [how f'n dumb are you!] until it sinks in and you really face what this means to your very uncertain future.

Remember, the sign at the entrance to the future says 'Survivors only!'

You CAN'T make it on your own. You are either part of the team or you will die an outcast.

Reality bitches! It doesn't ask if you like it but it demands that you respect it!


Monday, April 27, 2020


Greetings anxious and fearful! Most of you are uncertain whether to greet the lifting of the mandatory shelter in place orders with glee or panic.

I suspect there is more than a tiny degree of fear out there but since most people can't spell stoic, there is little chance of them behaving that way.

However, stoicism is the ONLY way we are going to arrive at our freakish 'new normal'.

[Put your mask on, you're scaring the kids!]

Yeah, it's gonna be a while before that nonsense goes away. The problem with bullshit inspired by fear is it doesn't go away. If the virus is going to get you, there isn't anything you can do to prevent it AND enjoy a productive, meaningful life from inside an antiseptic bubble!

Remember the sign at the entrance to the future? It says Survivors ONLY. If you can't hack a 'normal' life, do the rest of us a favor and give the f up!

Nobody can afford to suffer the untrustworthy anymore than they have time to deal with the (excessively) PARANOID!

Wariness is a good thing but if you are going to panic over every shadow, you are f'n useless!

So long as you remain 'on guard' and eyeball everyone as a possible contaminant, UNITY is impossible.

Welcome to The New Normal.

When your ONLY news source is Fox News and the only political party is the patriotism obsessed, God-fearing Conservatives, (who also just happen to be RABID capitalists!) you will dutifully only watch television shows where you identify the actors by the unique designer masks they wear.

Just the sight of an unmasked individual will be enough to spark revulsion, how could ANYONE be so 'insensitive'?

There's a bit of genius here. This will definitely slow the birth rate down to a trickle. Only the rich will exchange bodily fluids with abandon because they know the whole 'contamination' ruse is just that, a 'trick' intended to protect them from the stupid!

What will you do when they start shooting people in the face for being out in public without a piece of cheesecloth over their mouth and nose?


How f'n DUMB are you?

They jerk you around because YOU LET THEM!


Sunday, April 26, 2020


Greetings Supine one! Everybody knows you have to crawl before you can stand and you must balance before you can stand and stand before you can walk.

When your 'equilibrium' is off, you're never going to succeed at any undertaking.

Equality is an essential component of functionality Conversely, Capitalism is proof that equality isn't 'necessary' to function but if we are honest (ha!) capitalism is both crippled and stilted.

So, our crippled (ownership centered) economic system teeters dangerously on the verge of collapse as it vainly attempts to regain its forward momentum.

Our desperate meat puppets [following the dictates of the tragically mis-informed] are moving forward with the opening of the global economy because stasis won't save a system that relies on constant, ever-increasing growth, (even if that growth is fake/pretend!)

It doesn't matter that the virus deaths will accelerate. The quarantine, as mentioned yesterday, only served to 'delay the inevitable'. The 'good news' is it appears this contagion is no more virulent than its predecessors, the media will be able to 'safely' gloss over/ignore the uptick in the death toll by simply omitting the cause from the obituaries of the fallen.

Life as you have come to know it is one gigantic lie.

UNSURPRISINGLY, my original page, 'A Simple Plan' has received enough activity that Google felt compelled to provide me with traffic data! [Are Gegner's days numbered? Dilligaf?]

It is a foregone conclusion that capitalism will crash and burn as a result of the pandemic because the recovery will blow all of the horseshit you've been fed about economics to smithereens. [The 'red flag' here is the gold bugs are at it again when anybody who knows metals knows that gold is the most commercially useless metal there is.]

Only the gullible believe gold is valuable, thanks to centuries of misinformation! The cognizant learned long ago that when the ones with the guns meet the ones with the gold it isn't long before the ones with the guns have ALL the gold.

Heavy and cumbersome aren't exactly 'valuable' traits. Doesn't rust/oxidize is about the nicest thing you can say about gold.

Yeah, the world you've been taught to cherish is one gigantic, er, 'myth'. It really has been one long-running game of 'let's pretend' where most of the 'rewards' turned out to be 'imaginary'.

That's all over now...even if you don't see it. The question is 'what will replace it?'

I published ASP thirty years ago so the public would know what to expect. Um, with an audience of unknown size, your guess is as good as mine regarding who 'understands' the pillars [equality, justice, peace, and community]

At the center of the plan are one people, one planet, and one purpose. Protecting A S P is the Human anti-exploitation law that makes it illegal for ANY human/group to use another for their personal advantage.

Do not ignore that life is about 'choices', you either choose to be a member of society or you opt-out. Dancing between the cracks is an automatic reject. You are either part of the solution or you choose to be part of the problem.

Rejecting your humanity comes at a cost.

Social creatures can't afford to watch their backs constantly when the untrustworthy make themselves known.

No easy way to be free, toddler.

Without equilibrium, you'll never move forward.

Just sayin' Head.

The comments section is for questions too, not that anyone to date has had any.


Saturday, April 25, 2020


Greetings shut-in, every once in a while you encounter programming that isn't utter rubbish and last night's broadcast of HBO's Real Time was, perhaps unintentionally, a true eye-opener.

Is it me or did eliminating the 'round table' format improve the show's focus? Bill's first guest happened to be the billionaire wife who serves as the Nation's Speaker of the House, third in line for the presidential succession.

Bill asked the question that was on everyone's the hell can the land of the unemployed afford the nearly three trillion-dollar price tag of the bailout of Capitalism?

We were treated to ten solid minutes of psycho-babble...round and round she went about how keeping the first responders on the job was vital to nation's security regardless of the cost [in any direction as it turns out.]

Naturally, the (fake) sides of the political debate will point to partisanship and name-calling but boil away the bullshit and what I have been saying for over thirty years screams at you. The only thing 'leadership' is interested in is keeping YOU so desperate that you don't dare do anything about the mismanagement of a society that exists to serve a tiny minority.

Under a Just system, there would be no (insanely) wealthy nor would there be the desperately impoverished.

Again, somehow Just has been turned into 'fairness' and dismissed with a 'life isn't fair'.

Nobody cares if life is unfair but it had best damn well be Just!

For the dim allow me to clarify, what I've been saying all along [over thirty years now] is ALL MONEY IS FUNNY!

VALUE is a chimera, a phantom you have chased obsessively but can never (legally) catch.

The rich are rich because they are liars and cheats. The impoverished planet is the end result of their villainy.

You'd think this post would make that episode of Real-Time an instant most viewed episode but a word of caution, it is PAINFUL to watch. Starting with the fact that this woman represents the people in charge of deceiving the rest of us into thinking they have this clusterfuck under control.

Once again we encounter, Who are these people and what do they have 'in common' with the rest of us?

Short answer: Criminals and Nothing.

Capitalism made big promises that it could NEVER live up to and now those lies have come home to roost.

Usually when the 'mark' discovers they are being cheated the hustle vanishes and people 'get on' with their lives. The problem is this hustle is so ingrained into our way of life that we no longer know what matters.

Bill's second guest was an epidemiologist who echoed my observations that the lockdown was simply delaying the inevitable, all 'flatten the curve' succeeds in doing is postponing when some people die.

He cited a NY Times op-ed he wrote last month last time but I only have the headlines only edition to work with, I don't get to read any of the articles because I can't afford to subscribe [I can't afford a lot of things but I'm in good company there, am I not?]

So my explaining to my readers about plague dynamics is, on my part, an exercise in logic. Gegner is not a doctor but Gegner is also not a dummy. 1 + 1 = 2, always.

Complexity is the refuge of a scoundrel, especially when logic doesn't defend the outcome they desire.

Bill's final guest was Jay Leno and they basically 'talked shop' until it was time to wrap up the episode.

Besides putting the clueless and stunningly MYOPIC leadership of the faux political process on display [Did Nancy fall on her political sword so they could re-install their most useful stooge to date, Pussygrabber the Flag Humper?] the fact that she is both incompetent and a tool screamed to anyone watching.

She certainly didn't do the empty suit, Joe Biden any favors.

Logic is your friend and humanity's last hope.

The life you save will most definitely be your own. Stop the criminals and enact A.S.P. NOW!


Friday, April 24, 2020


Greetings care-worn and fragile, wish I had better news but the 'new normal' takes a considerable while to adjust to. Right now you are content just to be counted among the survivors (even if that is only temporary.)

What will this lesson in fragility teach those in power? While in the thick of it, diseases are frightening departures from the norm yet when viewed through the wider lens of history disease has been a constant threat to all social creatures.

So despite living the last century under the delusion that hygiene and medicine had halted the threat posed by biological agents, what we are currently experiencing is by no means 'new'.

What's 'broken' (besides your mind) you may be wondering? Some of the 'think tanks' have suddenly taken to attacking the 'dismal science' for being what it is, fakery.

Economics and its underpinnings are all predicated on a lie.

Do you know what that falsehood is? [Yes, you do but you have been taught to ignore it so that is what you do!]

All economic theory is based on the absurd notion that humans act 'rationally'.

The reality at work here is humans are gullible in ways that can't be quantified. You have been trained to believe bullshit your entire life (and most of you know it!)

How can this be? You know you are being fed a line and you still go along with it?

Not as 'unseemly' as it appears, is it? It's all about alternatives and the grimness of reality. Life is tough and most of us do whatever it takes to avoid that reality.

You despise me for holding a mirror but you despise what the mirror shows more.

Nothing changes until you change it.

Can't take the grimness out of reality but we can use it to make the most of our time here.

Life AS IT SHOULD BE is much finer than the cowardly avoidance we are forced live by the liars who promise to spare us reality's pain for a price.

How much shit do you have to shovel before you realize there is no pony?

Let the liars shovel their own shit, you have living to get on with!

Happy Friday, Head. I hope that you can do something with your 'new' marching orders.


Thursday, April 23, 2020


Greetings baffled and confused. If you feared that your already tenuous grip on reality was shaky, it just got a whole lot worse. The cancellation of the balance of the academic year nationwide has led the clueless to conclude that the quarantine would also be extended into Mid June.

That may well happen if the virus sparks another spike in the death toll [remember, the plagues of the past are gone, not because of social distancing and 'luck'. They are gone because everyone susceptible to them is dead.]

I've seen the future and the sign said what it has always said " SURVIVORS ONLY "

Apparently, humans and their sluggish thought processes have finally come around to wondering how the labor shortage is going to affect the food supply. Since the poor are dying at a disproportionate rate to their 'better off'...whatever you want to call them, the word 'peers' is just plain wrong. [Once againthe imprecision of speech confounds understanding.]

I have bad news, oh Baffled One, the morons in charge of commerce are already destroying the food that the restaurants aren't buying. Pussygrabber COULD make them process it just like they do for the supermarket industry but no, the underlying thought here is 'why waste a perfectly good crisis? How much of your 'stimulus check' will be squandered on artificially high food prices?

Allow me to remind you that these, er, 'people' [once again this isn't the correct word BUT we get our words from the criminals] need the money like an extra hole in the head.

Does it irk you that their attitude is, "you'd be AMAZED at what we can get away with?" [Remember, THEY control the law, a 'jury of your peers' is a fantasy because THEY consider themselves 'peerless'.]

While hunger plagues the planet, the first industry to be successfully 'automated' out of existence is farming. Why are humans 'suffering'? Because F-U, pay me needs you to keep wondering where your next meal is coming from.

Jet transportation has shrunk global supply lines from months to hours, information that is useless to a population raised to believe food comes from a supermarket.

How f'n dumb are you?

Worse, this kind of ignorance is LEARNED. You need look no further than our highly politicized educational system.

Let me refocus you on another 'essential', society relies on TRUST. If the people in charge CAN'T BE TRUSTED, society fragments and collapses!

Any questions?

This 'shitshow' is deliberate.

The alternative to a cooperative society is authoritarianism with is endless, ruthless fighting to prove who us 'purest'.

Ready to be shoved into that box [so 'a few' can be 'rich']?

Your freedom evaporates but the one thing that doesn't change is the one thing that needs to, the 'rich' (criminals) will stay rich...because they will still control 'the law'.

The LAW (like the f'n planet) belongs to EVERYONE, equally!

Laws should be simple and few and NOBODY gets to bend them to their liking or pick the parts they like and ignore the rest. Starts with Do unto Others and proceeds from there.

The criminals protest they've always obeyed the 'golden rule', they just did it first so everybody else can suck it.

Nobody can claim what everyone needs for themself unless they want to take on all 8 billion of us.

Written indelibly on the inside of your eyelids is the message Survivor Only, it is the first thing you see upon waking and the last thing you see before you close your eyes forever.

If you 'can't handle' the truth, your fight for survival is already over.

Eyes on the Prize, head!


Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Greetings peasant, welcome to the 'new normal'. Hope you enjoy the face mask, they are going to be huge!

The cognizant know that the face mask is actually unmasking those you always suspected were idiots but weren't quite sure.

Gegner is just a hot bundle of warnings that just keeps on giving to the already maimed, crippled, and crazy [let's not overlook deaf, you're all f'n deaf and blind to boot!]

Who is hiding behind that (totally ineffective) mask? The same morons in charge of putting YOU back to work for wages you can't live on. Do you honestly think THEY care what happens to you?

You are being set-up.

Trained from birth not to think, you will die obediently doing what you are told.

Worse, the moron who BELIEVES [no thinking involved] that masks work will push to have them mandated because they BELIEVE masks are sufficient to stop a virus.

How many of you remember the anecdote I shared about the lens of the Hubble telescope? That virus survived two years in the vacuum of dumb are you for BELIEVING a piece of cloth is going to stop it? [No 'thinking' involved, fuck, you don't even question it!]

Again, this process involves thinking, something that most of you avoid unless you are really up against it and have no alternative. Have you seen the people either have their masks under their noses or they aren't wearing their glasses?

Wearing a mask blinds people who need glasses. The mask is useless, you may as well wear a screen over your face because they don't make masks fine enough to stop a microbe. Bizarrely, even Hollywood get this right. Watch an epidemic film and they are wearing bio-hazard suits, not flimsy, leaky masks.

But doctors wear masks you a 'precaution' moron, the mask doesn't protect anyone from anything, it is, like voting, a chimera that primarily provides 'deniability'...

The appearance of taking precautions doesn't do anything to make those measures 'effective'...(like the useless TSA.)

It's a scary old world out there, if you don't wake up you're gonna get blindsided because you resolutely refused to THINK!

How unfortunate for humanity that our designers didn't need us to 'think' [beyond the ability to solve rudimentary problems.] We were designed not to think but to comply! God doesn't demand our love, Spirit in the sky demands your obedience!

You may hate doing it but if we boil away the bullshit, it's you and your mind against the rest of creation, thanks to your inability to reliably determine who to trust...

It's not comforting knowing stupid will never read this, reading leads to thinking and stupid already knows everything it needs to know.

Have a nice day, Head.


Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Greetings hostage, today we explore the limits of 'expertise' when inhibited by self-interest.

What do you suppose the chances for economic recovery are considering nothing about the 'true economy' operates on the 'need satisfaction' model?

Capitalist society exists to reinforce 'comply or die' with an emphasis on the 'and likely die anyway' (especially if you do 'comply'.)

How blind (to falsehood) do you have to be to ignore an elephant that large? Not only does anyone remember being sold an elephant but the elephant is disguised as 'the greater good'/the public weal.

Your 'faith' is doing you in, oh hostage to 'pretend value'.

You place your trust in people helping themselves at YOUR expense!

A quarter of you 'know' this [at least intellectually.] The rest have staked their future well-being on a piece of make pretend real estate along the banks of that famous Egyptian river, De Nial.

Naturally, failing to be realistic causes the majority of you to view your fellow captives as 'competitors' in a zero-sum game that nobody but those controlling it can 'win'.

Only a pitifully tiny minority can even see the elephant I'm pointing at which is a tragedy in itself.

Can YOU see it?

How can we repair what's broken if you remain ignorant of what needs fixing?

The minuscule elephant I'm referring to is named UNITY and it has been STOLEN from you.

It is ironic how you are repeatedly clubbed over your badly damaged cranium with the hammer of 'Divided YOU fall' when the truth is you fell so long ago that your mind is unable to put the word into any meaningful context.

The ONLY way out is THROUGH and we need to reject the self-serving nonsense we have been fed since childhood if we are to survive.

Job ONE REMAINS 'survival'. Only the feckless would try to convince you they have it under control, all you have to do is 'go along to get along'. [Time to chant the refrain like you mean it!]

You will continue to be exploited if you refuse to unite.

Thanks for opening your mind [because it stops working when it is closed!]


Monday, April 20, 2020


Greetings contestant! Are you feeling lucky? Supporters of Pussygrabber the Flag Humper are breaking quarantine claiming their constitutionally protected freedoms are more vital than the safety of the general public..and when the knotheads are laid low by the virus guess who is going to be forced to care for these reckless morons?

Then again, how is it going to look when nothing happens to those who violate quarantine? Nobody gets sick and these same self-serving hostages turn their outrage on the GOVERNMENT THEY (think they) ELECTED for the fiscal clusterfuck that will result from shutting down the economy?

Either way, the finger points at Pussygrabber the Flag Humper, moron extraordinaire!

He went along with the global shutdown despite denying it was a crisis in the first place and if, as the evidence suggests, the crisis is real then his agitating and politicizing the crisis is beyond reckless.

Remember, words are 'blunt axes' (at best) and when things go sideways the rogues first defense is 'YOU' misunderstood me!

You didn't 'misunderstand' anything but the possibility that you could have is all the liar needs.

How can you tell when Pussygrabber is lying? His mouth is moving.

What does it say about the state of society that we are powerless to remove leadership that has earned a sterling reputation for being 'factually challenged'?

If you can't 'trust' society then society collapses.

So what's it going to be, Punk? Ya feelin' lucky?

Without clarity, justice will NEVER be restored.

Without Equality, there can be no Justice and without Justice, there can be no Peace.

The average individual doesn't know what 'true justice' looks like because the only justice they have ever seen is the twisted, self-serving kind.

The equation above is the 'formula' for restoring trust, of we fail to accomplish that goal society is doomed.

The cognizant know Pussygrabber is only 'the face' of a much deeper problem that needs to be rooted out and banished.

How you may ask?

The formula tells you how and it all starts by prohibiting the private 'ownership' of what belongs to us all, EQUALLY!

Happy Marathon less Patriot's Day to my fellow Massholes, the rest of you enjoy your Monday while you still can.


Sunday, April 19, 2020


Greetings victims, if I am reading the tea leaves correctly the only thing the quarantine accomplished was allowing 75% of the people susceptible to COVID-19 to escape immediate infection. Conservo-whackos across the red portions of the nation have done the rest of us the service of acting as human guinea pigs, [not that the media will announce any spikes in the spread of the virus, even if the death toll is horrendous.]

Who encourages people to protest a quarantine during a pandemic? [Lying liars and the dumbasses that listen to them? The protestors have proven that stupid is its own reward!]

This leads us to the outcome that millions of, er, 'law-abiding' (albeit hopelessly stupid) citizens will be cursed with, remaining perfectly healthy during the quarantine only to be felled by the virus after the quarantine is lifted, then being forced to self isolate for TWO MORE (unpaid) WEEKS!

The fiscal meatgrinder we call capitalism makes no allowances for this highly foreseeable eventuality and our moronic politicians will balk at extending benefits for people who didn't get sick when they were under lockdown.

[Government, we're doing it wrong.]

So far, this whole episode 'looks like' a severe overreaction to the normal annual outbreak of the flu.

What if it isn't?

Nobody is ready for what will happen if, within a week of lifting the quarantine, the virus does what the doctors originally feared and an already over-stressed (for profit) healthcare system is overwhelmed, resulting in millions (if not billions) of deaths?

Will 'sorry' cut it? [Will it matter?]

Should such an event occur, how do you suppose 'damage control' will handle it? Divine retribution?

Happy Pasha to my orthodox loved ones and a Happy Sunday to the rest of you 'God Fearing' heathens...


Saturday, April 18, 2020


Greetings headcount, it seems the blogosphere is the last bastion of speaking truth to power as evidenced by Bill Mahar's pretending that the conservative media's call to publicly protest the shutdown of commerce (in the interest of public safety) was not newsworthy.

Shame on you Bill! [But like the rest of us, you need that paycheck too.]

Did anyone else notice that this is looking more and more like a 'dry run' for the real deal? Comparatively speaking, the death toll [as close as anyone can make it] is little different than a normal flu year...yet fucktardos around the globe worked in concert to shut down commerce to 'protect' people who likely would have died anyway.

Even the 750 deaths of people under 30 is a shadow of the 'typical' number, which is four times that amount.

The question on everybody's mind is what the hell is going on? Are they deliberately trying to tank the economy so famine does the job the pandemic appears unable to?

Hyperinflation is too much money [stimulus checks] chasing too few goods. China's smokestacks have been cold for over two months and while SOMEONE noticed that the Chinese death toll was 'disproportionately small' for its status as the planet's most populous nation the Western Media is boosting those figures while accusing Chinese officialdom of covering up the true numbers to 'avoid panic.'

Did we just circle back to yesterday's elephant in the room, how does the typical poorly informed citizen sort facts from lies?

Short answer, they can't.

That's why the whackos are in love with 'truthiness'. It doesn't have to BE true, it just has to SOUND TRUE!

Is humanity too dumb to live...or are humans too trusting?

Boil away the bullshit and treason is essentially lying. The penalty for treason is death. Society can't function with the self-serving living among them yet here we are, neck-deep in SELF SERVING LIARS!

Are prison planets (like the one we currently occupy) places where now ancient humanity sent its criminals that revoked/renounced their membership in society?

Is real Heaven a place devoid of self-serving liars/criminals? Imagine if you can the existence of a place where, as the Greeks like to say, they don't force you to try and put both of your feet into the same shoe!

Life without vicious assholes!

A fantasy, I know. No such place exists...but CAN it?

If we aren't striving to make this life such a place there won't be humans here at all because the vicious assholes are only interested in one thing and that is chumping you!

Not what to think but surely something to think about!


Friday, April 17, 2020

H F D ?

Greetings bewildered and astonished! What the hell is it with movement conservatism and stupid? This morning's headlines point to the hand to mouth tightrope that has typified the existence of the 'working-class PEASANT' since Morning in America when anything resembling an opportunity was exported to the mythical 'cheaper there'.

If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck than a buck has to be a buck, regardless of who prints it! Just try explaining that to people whose flag keeps coming unwrapped because of the death grip they have on their gun in one hand and their bible in the other...

Might as well talk to the wall.

Is that 'the secret'? Give stupid three things to worry about and they become so confused that they don't know which way is up?


At the risk of repeating myself, humanity can no longer afford the luxury of following stupid, myopic liars.

Bizarrely, that's the 'crux' of the problem. The 'average' individual is too dumb to spot a lie.

Worse, COVID-19 could very well be a (very) thinly-disguised attempt at global genocide and you seem unable to bring yourself to give a shit.

Did you spot the other 'dodge' in the headlines, that the obstacle to developing a vaccine lies in predicting how the virus will mutate?

Can you spell fucked?

Thinking has NEVER been the strength of Conservatism. The 'bedrock' of staunch Republicanism lies in 'truthiness'. It doesn't have to BE true if it 'sounds like it MIGHT be true'.

While it would be madness in the extreme to urge your followers to gather en masse to protest any delay in re-opening the economy, it could work as an 'organic' way of winnowing down the number of numbskulls living among us without resorting to IQ testing. The dumb would fight testing with every fiber of their being. Bad enough to know personally that you are dumb/ignorant and another thing entirely to have the rest of society know it too.

Who would be 'irresponsible' enough to urge folks to gather in large numbers during a pandemic?

Who indeed.

[Rhetorical question, we all know the answer and the fucktarded feckless would do it just to see who is actually dumb enough to gather without being vaccinated. Those who view the rest of us as both surplus and expendable would find this as a proof of theory kind of way.

Um, does anybody need a hand with today's title? [If you do, chant the refrain and if you don't know what that is, get the fuck out!

And another week goes down the tubes...

Happy Friday, Head and Happy Good Friday to my orthodox friends, not that it's anything to me.


Thursday, April 16, 2020


Greetings Moron, where would you like your bitch slap? [A rhetorical question as you're getting it upside the head whether you like it or not.]

Bitch slaps are intended to teach the recipient a lesson. A physical attempt to 'pound some sense' into them. This tactic doesn't produce the desired effect but it is oh so satisfying for the giver (which is why they do it regardless of effectiveness.)

Gegner is as famous for belaboring the obvious as he is for holding up the mirror and speaking frankly on subjects life's chickenshits would rather ignore.

Today's first slap is the proverbial Elephant in the room, the media's hand wringing over how the pandemic is destroying the economy.


The virus isn't doing shit! F-U Pay me is sinking the economy.

Again, most of you fail to appreciate the significance of F-U, Pay Me. The people on the collecting side of this equation have left you in the economic dust. They NEED your money like another DOZEN holes in the head.

You are kept DESTITUTE so you will comply with their demands for performance [regardless of ridiculousness.] This is not because A-hole NEEDS the money but because it's how they/the system operates.

Where does that leave you, Moron? [Most people resent being called by their 'real name' but you are what you do. You shouldn't cry over self-inflicted wounds. If your behavior makes you look foolish that's because you ARE foolish!]

Ready for another? The dead don't care what you call them. The 'ignored' portion of the workforce has crossed the fifty percent mark meaning more than half of working-age adults, DON'T.

The census, the information is there if you can do the math. You will see I'm not pulling this out of my opinionated backside.

Which brings us to this suspiciously convenient pandemic that the capitalists are calling a 'God Send'...(just not in public.)

The 'refugee crisis' [a global affliction as capitalism 'right sizes' local economies and the losers attempt to outrun the economic desert created by the 'freakishly selfish'] is a symptom of a myopic and dysfunctional finance system that is COMPLETELY IMAGINARY.

Money is NOT real. [It's real enough to YOU because you never seem to have enough.] Do you think about the injustice of this situation or are you preoccupied with trying to get your hands on 'more', any way you can, regardless of who gets hurt?

[Um, you got that last one whether you want it or not. Under ASP, your money is for you and you alone!]

I could do this all day but as I mentioned earlier, it's pointless to beat you up for things you just sit there and accept.

Justice isn't 'free' and neither are you! Didn't deserve that? You should be sitting there mumbling the refrain to yourself over and over again until you take the question to f'n dumb are you?

Remember WHY I end these where I do.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Greetings headcount, part of the charade that will eventually be acknowledged as part of the 'long emergency' (officially kicked off by 9/11) is the hand wringing over who would be in charge of opening the global economy for business.

Pussygrabber the Flag Humper has decreed that the authority was his alone, a prophecy that he'd like to make self-fulfilling. Reality [and Gegner only deals in reality] is that the 'business of survival' supersedes the dictates of all posers and will carry on any way necessary regardless of who decrees what.

In another stunning display of they will let anyone on television say anything (to lend credibility to their genocidal plans.) There was some, er, 'expert' on the AM news 'opining' that social distancing would be necessary for the next two years, if not PERMANENTLY!

Reality tells us that COVID-19 is here and it's not going away, EVER. The 'threat' will persist due to the virus's ability to MUTATE. What I saw this morning was priming the pump for the wildfire they are about to set off [ending the quarantine.]

Plague dynamics 101, the virus kills everything susceptible to it, then it [almost magically] 'disappears' just like a fire that runs out of fuel. If you were blessed with natural immunity, you will survive. Everyone else has to wait for a vaccine.

Think civilization can tolerate 2 (more) years of social distancing? I read years ago that an airborne virus can travel fifteen feet when propelled by the typical cough. Why is the social distance set at half that?

Because it is 'undoable'. Only skilled tradesmen have a good grasp of visual distance, everybody else is lost without a tape measure, making 'social distancing' another exercise in mental masturbation.

They are going to push this bitch off the cliff and the morons will conclude we simply couldn't hack it.

In that part they'd be right, stupidity is death. [Remember dumb = ignorance and stupid is believing dumb things that are 'unrealistic'! [Where's your 'spirit in the sky' now, A-hole?]

Just because YOU believe it doesn't make it true or real.

Your [society's] eventual salvation lies in an effective vaccine and the trustworthiness of those proven worthy of leading us. Wouldn't you just once like to have the confidence that our leader was both competent and trustworthy in their own right and not have to rely SOLELY on their 'party affiliation'? [In the future there will be no parties and the artificial divisions they exist to maintain.]

Remember, all bullshit aside, there is only ONE division that matters, Rich (criminal) and Poor, society's 'workers' who pay all of society's taxes along with the fines levied by the criminals.

Under a Society of equals rich and poor would not exist.

Yet capitalist society is championed by both the watchdog media and the control freak educational system and our leaders invariably come from the ranks of the 'well-heeled'. Joe Biden is no poor man or a working man for that matter.

Pussygrabber's life has been one long chain of disasters, which he dismisses as not being 'his fault'. Humanity can't afford the luxury of a leader that can't see the consequences of his actions. Trump will go down in history as the wrong man in the wrong place at the worst possible time.

Both patsy and stooge, he never saw either coming. Trump is the apex of what is commonly called, 'the useful idiot'.

[Especially if COVID-19 turns out to be the media/hidden deployment of biological global genocide.]

Let me take advantage of driving you to the particular precipice to point out that the 'Vote for Me' system has no mechanism that ensures competence. Shouldn't candidates for leadership be required to prove their problem-solving abilities BEFORE being handed the reins of power?

Under ASP EVERYONE climbs the 'ladder of responsibility' as high as their ambition and ability drives them. It is via the annual 'tests' (designed to ensure competence) that leadership skills are mastered and promoted...a quality we'd all agree civil society needs more of.

How unfortunate for humanity that QC is a missing feature in the leadership selection process?

Garbage in = garbage out.

We are in a crisis. If we fail to head off the deception that serves as the Weal of the (self-chosen few) Public, civil society will collapse catastrophically.

Are the non-existent 'we' too late?

Better late than never, like the last few dozen times...


Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Greetings beleaguered and besieged, after attending to the necessary duties of a retired spouse [still not done] the clock has run out on crafting a full post for today. Only three hours are remaining on today's clock, so rather than waste it, I will conduct an experiment to test to see who is paying attention.

Just as it is never a good idea to toss hand grenades onto the shop floor it is never recommended to talk out of class from within a relationship.

So it is with little fanfare that I announce, after talking it over with my partner of more than thirty years that we have decided it was time for a permanent ceasefire.

Friends will be kept up to date on my whereabouts after the marital assets are liquidated, the rest of you know as much as you need to know regarding where to find me.

Happy Tuesday!


Monday, April 13, 2020


Greetings inmates, as you are aware, a particularly nasty pathogen is sweeping the planet and preying on the vulnerable as pathogens tend to do. It appears few have the presence of mind to appreciate that the (alleged) greatest nation on the planet is also the hardest hit telling anyone that is paying attention something quite vital.

[I'll wait while you assemble the pieces.]

In another bit of 'shameless grandstanding,' today's NY Times editorial staff admonished the youth of the nation to get out and vote despite 250 years of doing precisely that, voting has changed NOTHING.

The founding principle of the USA has always been 'winner take all' and everyone else LOSES. Being a nation of losers is nothing to be proud of regardless of what the winners tell us. [You are taught that your loss is a win but the facts say otherwise.]

Not enough to go around? You can thank the 'winners' for that. The question on everyone's mind right now remains WTF happened to all the toilet paper? Why can't the infamous 'they' get ahead of the demand curve?

Will we ever see shelves of TP just sitting there again?

If you can't see the 'strangeness' of this observation your head is defective. Does anyone believe we can 'vote' for more Charmin? [If your grasp of geopolitical economics stops there you should be living in a cage and not roaming the streets unsupervised.]

Now ask yourself if this is a genuine crisis or if the capitalist is adjusting their supply chain to reflect 'a new reality' [one that you have been eliminated from.]

The objective of capitalism is not to 'meet the needs of society' but to keep YOU docile and dependent.

The political lexicon is overflowing with platitudes intended to mask the true intentions of those exploiting their control of the process.

Most people are well aware that the perpetual losers of team Murika can't use the system to fix the system, the ONLY WAY to fix the system is to revolt, then replace the system with something ASP.

Resources squandered, capacity misallocated and neglect everywhere you look because society itself isn't portioned properly. [There's a real 'blunt ax' there. The best synonym is 'divided' but that phrase has a decidedly negative connotation!]

How do we fix the system? REMOVE THE OWNER!

Equality is impossible as long as a 'certain class' of user is given priority over any other.

YOU are enslaved by the owner class. That IS your 'reality'.

Wake the f up!


Sunday, April 12, 2020


Greetings songsters, ready to join the cognizant in a rousing chant of the refrain?

[How F'n DUMB are you?]

The epicenter of the Corvid 19 pandemic WAS in rural China. Given the failure of the one-child policy, there are still five Chinese citizens for every freedom lurvin' Murikan. China is lifting its draconian shelter in place edicts and (as predicted) life is returning to 'normal' (at least in the media and we all know what that means.)

How did the US take the lead in global deaths? Considering where it all began, how indeed? [Chant the refrain, please.]

That observed, the non-existent 'we' are left to ponder if Murikans are just careless slobs, which is precisely what the media would have you believe or is this conundrum a sign that something 'more sinister' is afoot?

Not helpful that I'm on record as being pro-population control because that amplifies my image as an 'alarmist'. I have been pointing to how the out of control population is outstripping capitalism's ability to provide for all humans. [We are NOT overpopulated (yet) it is 'mismanagement' that has humanity 'on the brink'!]

Capitalism both creates the 'problem' of a surplus population as it also makes it impossible to address it.

Speaking of the badly broken operating system, rather than processing the food they can't sell, the rabid capitalists are destroying it because the pandemic has shutdown the restaurant industry.

This is what happened during the first global economic crisis that culminated in the second world war.

How bad is capitalism? Hundreds of millions dead (and counting) all so 'a few' can be 'rich'.

Even that observation is wide of the mark, the true goal of capitalism is dependence and crippling servitude.

As the number of humans needed to keep capitalism viable dwindles those capitalism serves are intent on 'right-sizing' the economy.

Any society that destroys food is up to no good. [Even the surplus can be processed for future use, destroying food to maintain price levels is both dumb and absurd.

Remember, money is only useful to the INDIVIDUAL, it is OTHERWISE USELESS!

The cognizant know this but we do occasionally get the stray who doesn't know what this site is about.

Happy Beaster to those of you who give lip service to stupidity [which is the belief in dumb things!] It appears social distancing is putting a strain on customary social gatherings intended to celebrate 'miracles'.

[Where is the holiday that celebrates the fact we haven't wiped ourselves out due to following stupid people?]

That's EVERY day? Who'd a thunk?

Must be the silent prayers (to nothing) that threw me off.

So, May first and the genocide begins as 'capitalists' around the globe boot up the latest scheme in a long string of failed initiatives to 'save' capitalism at the expense of billions of human lives.

Um, if it's 'true' that China has stopped the COVID 19 pandemic what do you suppose the odds are THEY have a working vaccine?

How do those of you who consider yourselves to be Middle Class feel about your freshly minted status as a member of the 'surplus population'?

Do you hope you like your next life better?



Saturday, April 11, 2020


Greetings YOU! Today's offering is about that thing that lives in your head and tells you what to do. Ever wonder why schizophrenia is so common? It's because of the duality of consciousness.

The average individual knows there is the meat suit and there is the 'conscious mind'. How we deal with this disturbing duality, that the meat suit is 'aware' of itself and thinks, that's the part that confuses us. Some of us tend to divide the two and the thing/alien in your head will, under some circumstances, 'scapegoat' the meat suit for its behavior.

Viola, instant psychopath!

People confused by this duality are susceptible to 'suggestion' because they have difficulty comprehending who is in control.

Tell a mind it doesn't know what it's doing often enough [Like the educational system does constantly] and you have humans that don't know their own ass from a hole in the ground. Add in movement conservatism and you've got a robot that votes!

You'd think you would grow comfortable with yourself over time but that 'feeling of otherness' always disturbs us.

Um, doesn't help to point out that there is nobody in there but you. You are the meat suit and the thing in your head is in charge! Worse, every once in a while the thing inside your head will seize control, forcing you to do things you aren't comfortable doing.

Sometimes the alien is brave but most times it is both reckless and foolish. You suppress the alien when you can but your thinking parts sometimes have a 'mind of its own' [in case you wonder where conservative screed comes from.]

How can you identify conservative dogma? It is riddled with repeated denials [conservatism demands that it be right and 'good' even when it is *insane...]

What's the 'point'?

If you can't deal with the reality that the meat suit is aware of itself and you ALLOW your mind to 'pretend' it is a separate entity, YOU are NOT in control of your life.

That voice inside your head isn't God, it's YOU!


Don't dismiss this. There are very few 'rational' people walking around out there. Most of you have an uneasy relationship with the thing between your ears and most have given up trying to reason with it.


Where does this leave our species? Doesn't this lack of rationality leave us susceptible to manipulation?

They are going to lift the shelter in place order and the virus will spread like wildfire. [They know this.] It DOESN'T take 12 months to develop a vaccine, if ANYONE survived, they ALREADY HAVE ONE!

Lifting the shelter in place order before providing the public with the vaccine is genocide.

Here we are again with the three things people hate cameras, mirrors, and the truth.

People aren't looking for answers, they are looking for assurances (even if they are lies.)

Happy Saturday, and the other guy play nice now!


*repeating the same behavior, each time expecting a different outcome. [Tax cuts DON'T create jobs because there is nothing to 'invest' in. You've watched Shark Tank, seen ANY billion-dollar ideas, any at all?]

P.S. This duality is the reason you are literally afraid to think...just another helpful pointer from your Uncle Gegner.

Friday, April 10, 2020


Greetings Chump, bend over and say, "AH" as loud as you can because this is gonna hurt!

Reprising my role as Captian Obvious we return to the problem that refuses to go away. For the feeble among you, said problem centers on the mismanagement of the commodity we call 'money' and the dumbass idea that anything worth doing can be done profitably (or it isn't worth doing.)

Completely ignored by this insane proposition is the fact that the purpose of society/civilization is NOT to make A few Assholes rich but the survival of the species! [Which is the LAST thing said assholes care about!]


You are in those paralyzing few seconds before the collision, you can see what's coming but you can't do anything.

Flooding the economy with money will only necessitate further injections of ever-increasing amounts with decreasing effectiveness because ALL MONEY IS FUNNY [and not 'Ha Ha' funny but FAKE funny.]

The simplified explanation for 'hyper-inflation' is too much money chasing too few goods. What the nitwits fail to focus on is the 2nd part of that equation, it's not the flood of money but the dearth of goods that causes the problem.

If you can't get what you want by compromise, your only other option is by force (because need refuses to go away.)

REDRUM anybody? Sadly this is where the feckless get cutesie parsing 'want' vs 'need'.

Somehow dumb humans fail to recognize WHY we can't ALL be RICH. (see hyper-inflation above.)

How ironic is it that the only way to derail the STUPID TRAIN is to do exactly what I'm advocating and wipe the slate clean...but the criminals don't want to work or compete so they want to start the refrain [How f'n dumb are you?] as quickly as possible.

It's gonna happen, and until it does we are in that split second where you can see the crash coming but there is nothing you can do to avoid it.

I say split second but anyone with eyes (and a brain so that's not many!) can see that flooding the economy with what you're forced to work for isn't going to end well for anyone that doesn't have a pipeline running from the printing press.

The huge influx of money is going to clear the already virus devastated supply chain and 'perceived value' will cause riots over stuff that is there solely because it is there.

There are a lot of bad ways to die but dumb has to be the worst.

We need an adult to step in and put a stop to this reckless power grab that leads humanity straight back to the Dark Ages when heresy spells death for those who challenge [or mock] fake authority.

Um, enjoy your weekend, Head.


Thursday, April 9, 2020


Greetings broken and browbeaten, as you turn your weary eyes to the future it suddenly occurs to you that you can't tell Joe from Don because they both take their marching orders from something you can't vote away.

It doesn't matter what you want, neither Joe the empty suit (who I'm not voting for regardless) or Don Pussygrabber the flag humper (who I'm also not voting for) is Presidential timber but this is what happens when money hijacks the process.

How do you think the election would turn out if they put 'none of the above' on the ballot?

(**Which Marvel superhero has YOUR vote?)

This is bullshit and, as I predicted 4 years ago, is going to keep happening. Your choice [until the church takes the government back] is going to be between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Since they both work for the same assholes (who are only interested in ripping you off) it isn't really a 'choice', is it? Welcome to the world of post Morning in America.

The part that should disturb you is we've been here before but the media has been successful in camouflaging it.

Back when the monarchs ruled [in god's name] choice was an illusion made easier to swallow once coated in divine will.

Now they simply cut to the chase. Only the dumbest still fall for 'the will of God' bullshit. The feckless don't care if you 'like' ANYTHING because they know you can't DO anything about it [as long as *THE LAW is on THEIR side.]

Welcome to the world of absolutes where the name of the game is 'comply or die'. A fact they will vigorously deny as they smear your blood across the shitty deal they just handed you.

Criminals? Who? Us?

Got a mouse in your pocket, Chumley?

It seems nobody appreciates history lessons, if that applies to you, you can stop right here. The cognizant know what I'm driving at, they refuse to wear blinders.

Often left unexplained by educators was the lynchpin that 'protects' democracy. How many of you know what I'm referring to? THE ONLY defense of self-government is MEN (not Women) both 'Good and True'.

Don't happen to know any, do ya? [If you do could you spare some?]

How did the founders get away with using such a flimsy device to protect mankind's most precious asset? In the 'back then' the only thing you needed to prove you were both 'good and true' was to be in 'good standing' with the Church!

Now, this might come as a shock to some of you but it has recently come to light that churches around the planet have provided cover for some of the vilest predators to walk the planet because they professed to be 'god-fearing'.

PS: this is still the gold standard for Good and True, one need only 'fear God' and you're a made man. [Since the Eve incident this doesn't work for women. How do you like them apples, ladies?]

Wait, it gets better! Eve tempted Adam with the 'apple of knowledge' and since that time anything less than blind faith in God is considered EVIL!

Remember, you were raised by your parents to believe ALL this (nonsense.)

You can drop the flashlight and turn the hunting dog loose, we've found the source of the problem.

Bon Chance, Head!


[*THE LAW has nothing to do with Justice or the rules of society, we're talking strictly guns and thugs here. Imagine a world run by criminals...oh wait, you're actually there!] **My money is on The Hulk because most Trumpsters can identify with him.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Greetings fellow captive, some have been treating the precautionary measures enacted for public safety as an infringement on their personal liberty.

There was much hand-wringing and weeping in today's headlines over the perceived (and actual) failure to enact lifesaving protocols quickly enough. That noted, both sides of that argument are rooted in fallacy. This latest assault by the viral sector of life serves as a reminder that the main focus of existence remains survival and that humans aren't the only predatory opportunists on this planet. [Worse, we tend to take some of our biological opponents with us wherever we go.]

The virus is doing what it was mutated to do. This leads us to the question of WHY do such creatures even exist? WHY does life's opportunistic nature extend all the way to exploiting the vulnerabilities in other lifeforms life cycles?

Female mosquitoes use the blood they suck as part of their reproductive process. Viruses literally clone themselves out of existing cells. How is this 'easier' than making their own?

The natural world is devoid of logic, what does this tell us about Spirit in the Sky?

The official answer is we are too dumb to understand the master of all [when the truth is there is no such thing.] How pathetic that it is easier to lie to someone than is to convince them they have been lied to?

Rod Stewart said/sang it best, "Think of me and try not to laugh."

Flipping that rock over, the media announced that the quarantine has been lifted from the epicenter of the outbreak. That the economy didn't spring back to life with full vigor seems to confound some pundits but what do they know?

Indeed, what do any of us 'know'?

I'd opine that the majority of humans born since Morning in America [1980] don't know 'normal' from hole in the ground.

What constitutes 'normal' in a life so thoroughly punctuated by pointlessness?

You do what you do regardless of if it needs doing...and that is disturbing all by itself.

This nature induced House Arrest has led to more serious introspection than the last hundred New Year's Eves combined. People everywhere were forced to look at where they were and where they believe they are headed and question some deeply held beliefs.

Bad news, Head! This ain't over yet. Still a lot of dying to do until a vaccine is ready for the paying public. [Can't pay? You ain't gettin' the sum bitch!] Everybody knows the feckless already have a vaccine (who do you think they are testing the first batches on?) The effectiveness of trial vaccines remains a question mark although technology has made serious strides in this department.

The ONLY reason there hasn't been a revolt is that there has been nothing to revolt 'FOR'. Overthrowing the existing order without a clear idea of what to replace it with usually only makes a bad situation, worse.

This is why leaders need vision and that vision must be the kind we all can see.

Clarity is key. ASP is true to its design intent, it is 'simple'.

Let's lose the covers to the ax blades. You will soon break quarantine only to enter a world more closed off than ever before.

You aren't in the mood for more bullshit and you are more than ready to do something about it.

Question is what? The infamous 'they' know the ground is ripe for a revolt. If they can foment one before it is organized enough to actually seize power 'they' can eviscerate the rebel movement with almost surgical precision.

Bad news for humanity, Head. We can't afford to lose and we will only get one shot at it.

Remember why I end these when I do.


Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Greetings survivors! Humanity will soon resume its trek towards annihilation as the few ignore the needs of the many with very predictable results.

I've never witnessed anyone push the stick into the cage with the vigor and enthusiasm that our self-professed 'Betters' are displaying right now!

It remains to be seen if the wildfire will rage anew when the restrictions are lifted or if CORVID-19 will join its predecessors in the dustbin of history.

Nature always wins and luck has little to do with anything. You may have dodged the first bullet but the second one will get you when you least expect it.

For the mystified, today's title is intended to refer to the opposite of yesterday's, which was Heads.

Left to our feverish imagination is whether this latest assault on the human immune system was natural or if there was any 'tinkering' involved.

Like a personal crisis I've been trying to resolve, we can't wait for a sign that isn't likely to arrive. If CORVID-19 was weaponized, the shroud of secrecy that surfaced around the time of The Manhatten Project remains too thick to penetrate.

Legislating transparency and actually achieving it are two separate things just as being awarded a judgment and collecting a cent of it.

A simple yea or nay would suffice but the standard advice of not admitting to stealing chickens even if you are covered in feathers still applies.

One can't make reliable decisions without accurate information. Our lack of information leaves us directionless and leadership's lack of vision compounds this problem.

Only rogues and scoundrels require the 'cloak of secrecy', it has no place in an open society.

As trust erodes society splits.

Remember these 'blunt axes' we use to communicate with? Everything becomes clearer when you factor in how what they say and what they do are not congruous.

It is too much to hope that since your head is useless perhaps you can pull a solution out of your buns?

[I need a MUCH sharper ax! That was crude and I apologize.]

I know what I'm 'trying to say', getting you to understand it is the part that's proving to be problematic.

Why does Tarzan beat his chest? [Because it feels so good when he stops!]

Ol' Tarzan gonna give it a rest and cross his fingers. You need to ask yourself just how lucky you feel walking down this blind alley where all the choices are being made for you. Even if you choose to turn back you can't. Is the plan to sit on your thumb until life chooses for you?

THEY have chosen to exterminate you KNOWING you won't lift a finger to stop them...

Good luck, er, Buns.


Monday, April 6, 2020


Greetings Head, seems the nitwits running things can't decide what to tell you to keep you from panicking.

The problem with lies is that they don't stack up neatly so you have to tell more lies to prop up the original ones.

Yesterday I made a statement of fact regarding the pandemic you can't find anywhere else. Those with compromised immune systems are the walking dead until a vaccine is developed.

Their (the media's) strategy will be to announce a 'peak' of the crisis [which will be repeated until true for as long as it takes.] So expect to hear the 'all clear' sounded a few weeks from now, followed by a sharp drop in REPORTED deaths as they pretend things are on the mend in time for the fake elections.

Hope is a critical element of life, it sustains us when there isn't any other reason to carry on. Hope can sustain you for an amazingly long time but it isn't infinite, eventually, hope runs out and reality stares deep into your eyes asking, "how do you like me now?"

The 'false hope' the guardians of authority provide is more driven by selfishness and exploitation than any concern for YOUR SAFETY. [Mandated facemasks anyone?]

Reality check: The facemask isn't going to do YOU any good but it will 'slow' the viruses spread, literally. A sneeze travels at 700 MPH, a mask 'slows' the germs progress but does nothing to 'stop' it.

Anecdotally, there is a piece of evidence that should open your eyes to what the non-existent 'we' are dealing with. When astronauts replaced the lens on the Hubble telescope they brought the one that had spent 2 years in space home to examine. On the lens, they found a rhinovirus. This creature had endured two years in the vacuum of space and it was still alive!

If we use this as a starting point and look back at the Spanish flu and even further back to the bubonic plague/black death, what can you conclude is the reason we aren't laid low annually by these fierce and deadly diseases?

Am I 'heartless' for pointing out that everybody too weak to fight off these past bio-threats is dead?

Plagues are wars of attrition, the strong survive and the weak perish. Vaccines can provide immunity but until a vaccine can be developed, the vulnerable are on their own.

Life is uncertain. Part of the human condition is dealing with the relentless forces at work culling the herd.

Face the threat and Hope you don't succumb, it's what the brave humans do although bravery has little to do with it.

Life has no guarantees, it is what it is and when your number is up, your number is up. It is pointless to argue with the final arbiter.

I love Hope. It can sustain you indefinitely when nothing else will. As I pointed out earlier, Hope is finite, meaning you can only ignore reality for so long and in the end, reality always wins.

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst, that's the human condition writ large.

Truth is not kind and neither am I.


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lucky reader!

Greetings curious one, it is you that will be blessed with knowledge that might help you survive this crisis.

Past plagues have taught us one thing, the crisis won't end until all of the people susceptible to it are dead. In case you are wondering, that is how the Spanish flu of 1918 ended. It's also how we 'survived' the Black Death.

So if you're twiddling your thumbs 'imagining' this whole thing will be over in a couple more weeks, think again. IF the non-existent 'we' are 'lucky' (big if), an effective vaccine will be developed IN THE NEXT TWELVE MONTHS and that will finally slow this train wreck down.

Quick mental test for competence, how many of you know why the 'common cold' keeps returning?


Um, are you bright enough to understand that this is COVID 19 and SARS is COVID-2?

No magic wand and no bullshit, this isn't over until everyone that is susceptible to it is dead.

Captain Obvious will repeat his credo, I don't pen these for DUMMIES! If you can't keep up, give up!

This is plague 101 without the 'candy coating'.

This is what WE NEED from the f'n media, not 'damage control'.

This is also a demonstration of vision and clear-sightedness, [Again, if you can't keep up, give up (and get out of the f'n way!)]

Gegner does not suffer fools gladly while the feckless thrive on your foolishness and welcome your ignorance!

If you can't sort fact from bullshit you have no place at the table.

I don't need to apologize to the cognizant, they know the only thing patience nets you is doubt.



Saturday, April 4, 2020


Greetings caged animal, bad enough cabin fever is tearing at your sanity but the 'slow reveal' that the CORVID-19 pandemic is more deadly than you were originally led to believe has you painted into a corner.

Like I pointed out yesterday, a mask without an oxygen generator is like pissing into the wind for the wearer BUT it is an effective way for the infected to minimize the spread of the contagion.

Emphasis on 'minimize' as most generic masks are ill-fitting and leak copiously.

Flipping that rock over, you aren't doing your immune system any favors by 'recycling' the virus back into your compromised body.

Personally, I'd keep the mask shit to a minimum because wearing one paints a big red 'S' on your forehead. That said, opinions are like poop chutes, everybody's got one.

The reality check here is genetic predisposition. Either your ancestors gifted you with a robust immune system or they didn't. [A ray of truth not shared by the public education system is one of the reasons you age and die is directly attributable to the 'arms race' between predatory lifeforms in the unending quest to survive and dominate. You breed to pass on the improvements your immune system adds to your body's defenses.]

The attackers [viruses] are constantly mutating and will eventually overcome outdated immune responses like those found in 'old people'.

In the end, a majority of us will die from a compromised immune system.

Not what most of you want to hear but regardless of how well you maintain 'the temple of your soul' the 'final destination' remains unchanged.

Wisdom, as always, is free (because so few know how to use it...worse, wisdom is most often earned 'after the fact'.)

But I digress.

As 'options' dwindle, desperation grows. As desperation 'rises' order falls exponentially. When the transportation system seizes, society evaporates.

Problem with the emergency measures is they weren't funded and what's on hand will quickly be exhausted because capitalism is predatory and Mr. Me 'needed' a new yacht, so he took what he was paid to stock the supply chain with and bought a beauty.

This is the, er, problem with a corrupt commerce system backed by an equally corrupt legal system.

Does anyone find it 'amusing' that the feckless consider themselves the Human Condition personified?

You know this but there is a certain sadistic pleasure in spelling it out.

A-hole acts the way they do because they honestly believe EVERYBODY, given the same opportunity, would act the same selfish way they do, thus excusing their reprehensible behavior.

Luckily, the 'selfless' will (once again) step up to the plate and keep the system (as much as they can anyway) from complete collapse and Bonehead will beat a hasty retreat (to escape prosecution) on that yacht he bought using public funds.

As the decidedly corrupt system crashes down around our ears we should all take a moment to be thankful that there are more 'selfless' individuals than the freakishly selfish among us. We wouldn't have gotten this far without them.

Take a bow, you! You know who you are [and more than a few of you just think you're wonderful and giving, no shortage of the self-aggrandizing, unfortunately.

Let me close by opining that since there wasn't a 'we' going into this disaster it is only the remotest of possibilities that a 'we' might come out of it [seriously depends on the death toll.] How wry is it that the feckless are also more than a little stupid, leaving them vulnerable?

What a slender thread for the righteous to prevail?

Stay strong [if you know how.] I'll be here.


Friday, April 3, 2020


Greetings ladies, You can tell it's Friday because the news is bad. It seems the competition for 'good men' (an oxymoron if there ever was one) is gonna get harder than it already is because the early numbers indicate COVID-19 is killing more men than women.

Here's a fact no one is going to like. If the sexes are to remain viable, we need to work 'sharing' into our closeted, possessive lifestyles.

ASP does away with 'traditional marriage' in favor of individual living arrangements where the individual is 'free' to share with who or whatever they, er, crave? [The heart wants what the heart wants, even (sometimes especially) if it is a serious error in judgment.]

Adventure, the heart craves it but society discourages it (in a feeble effort to minimize cuckoldry.) The ONLY solution to that age-old problem is to ban individual parenthood. At a young age (when it's still most viable) you will contribute your genetic material to the division that handles population management and ALL children will come from there. [Yes Virginia, there will be Baby Factories...but only if we can defeat the maternal instinct.]

If you can't bring yourself to share and love ALL children like they ARE our future, our species is doomed to extinction due to individual 'SELFISHNESS' (masquerading as 'protectiveness'.)

[Sidebar: Read an interesting article on consciousness this morning that posits reality is actually a 'hallucination' constructed by our brains (again with the blunt axes, hallucination isn't even close to what the researcher is trying to communicate because the writer went on to clarify by adding that reality is our brains 'guessing' what we are experiencing.)]

After reading the article I took a moment to marvel at how we function at all (if you want to call this functioning...)

Shift mental gears with me as we slide over into another topic the media is obsessed with, personal defensive measures.

Once again ignorance abounds and it is a proven fact that nothing will get you dead quicker than dumb.

Can you guess what I'm pointing at? [The cognizant know!]

Let's not waste this teaching moment. What do voting, the TSA and face masks have in common?

They are all ILLUSIONS!

Voting is the illusion of participation, the TSA provides the illusion of safety and a non-enclosed face mask only provides the illusion of protection.

How big is a microbe? While they CAN be filtered they are so small that filters become clogged almost immediately, not just with microbes but with the dust of existence. The only proof against infection is isolation and effective microbial eradication measures such as UV radiation, copper and chemical disinfectants, used in concert.

Anything less is mental masturbation. [I once again slam your mind right into the three things people hate, cameras, mirrors and the truth.] Nothing kills quicker than dumb.

Did I mention reality sucks?

Nope, writers are taught not to tell the reader what they already know.

Woo! The litany of woe only gets longer from here but your capacity for stuff you are trying to ignore is extremely limited...some of you have already dismissed the growing imbalance between sperm donors and eager females striving to live 'The Dream'.

You are being fed dangerous lies and if we don't stop them, humanity is doomed.

If we don't put a stop to being dictated to by our genitals this will all come crashing down quicker than you think and without the possibility of redemption.

Enjoy your weekend, Head!


Thursday, April 2, 2020


Greetings pedestrian, Joyous tidings! (or so the deluded would have you believe.) God shall return to save us 'shortly' (which is to add that it's inadvisable to hold your breath as we are dealing with 'God time' here.)

One thing hasn't changed over the ages, disasters of almost any scale are promptly determined (by the status quo) to be 'God's Judgment' visited upon a society born into 'wickedness'.

The front page of today's NY Times features precisely such a proclamation without committing to the opinion that the apocalypse is upon us.

St. John's alleged vision is a spectacle dripping in blood and worldwide misery. While the latest crusade has turned the region into an economic wasteland almost none of the predictions made in the Christian Book of Prophecies have come to pass.

Were we to accept the Bible literally the devastation in the Middle East doesn't approach the level carnage described in the Bible...a book that was written by men (but those men were 'influenced' by God!)

It is a given that Man is not a rational creature and that makes him susceptible to deception. IF the entity (I am convinced they are as human as you and I) ever returns (unlikely as whatever it was they came here for is long depleted/gone or they'd still be here!)

There are two explanations for a continued human presence on this mined out rock, One is we were abandoned in place, our purpose served we weren't needed elsewhere. The second narrative is we are the children of the escaped survivors of the 'clean up'.

The non-existent we have nothing they are interested in.

Right underneath the announcement of the arrival of the Apocalypse, we find an announcement that the global economy will take a 'long time' to recover.

The young accept this at face value but those of us who have been around this block a time or two have heard it before.

Nothing will improve until we stop letting the criminals milk us for everything we're worth.

If you weren't born with a trust fund you MUST buy your future from the bank. They call this 'fair' because (almost) everybody has to do it...

When you control the narrative the lies never stop. The economic desert has expanded mightily as capitalism lays waste to the planet so 'a few' can be 'rich'. [Even that doesn't mean what you think it means!]

Have I mentioned we are neck-deep in stupid?

The economy has been in a death spiral since I was young. The papers used to have pages and pages of help wanted ads but that useful indicator disappeared right around Morning in America when unemployment eclipsed that of the Great Depression (because capitalism is predatory and money is only useful to tyrants and the individual.

Guess who is getting the most mileage out the coin in your pocket? [Hint, it's not YOU!]

Worse, this situation is highly 'fixable'. A Simple Plan provides 100% employment while banning the exploitation of any human by any other. Paychecks all around are the first crucial step towards Equality that leads to Unity!

You know this, I know this and the criminals know this.

Remember why I end these when and where I do.


Wednesday, April 1, 2020


What are you doing here? The NY Times tells us today was canceled [likely due to butt cheek fatigue, we've all been trying not to shit ourselves as the crisis deepened and we realized we had the worst person/party possible in charge of containing it.]

But that's life, isn't it? While we are capable of astonishing precision when we focus on the work at hand yet most of the time we are amazed that our slap-dash methods work at all.

Today's title reflects the mood of the planet. The projected quarter of a million US casualties would be insignificant when compared to the fifty million of the Spanish flu in 1918 when the estimated global population was a single billion.

To creatures that spend most of their lives in the world of 'I', the non-existent 'we can't seem to get past the idea that the horror show we call capitalism threatens to bankrupt the planet for the third time in as many decades.

We 'used to' plan for the future but the more for me crowd found reducing redundancy more profitable than planning ahead.

Life is full of riddles and one of them is a callous disregard for priorities. According to the statistics I am the only person that reads what I share, is that not the summit of self-delusion?

I wrestle with the divide, are my priorities warped [compared to those of my peers] or are people uninterested in self-preservation? [Pet hobby horse, people are to wrapped up in themselves to pay attention to the larger picture. The old-time expression for this is having one's head up one's backside. I'm offering free anal-optorectomys!]

How much is too much? Like the lottery one has to play if one wants to win because the opposite is also true, you can't win if you don't play.

Should I keep my, er, opinions to myself? No growth in that strategy and serious danger as well. If the dog doesn't bark, what good is it?

So like a junkyard dog whose owner is laying in excrement soaked bedclothes, too sick to see what the commotion is all about, I bark to anyone paying attention.

This is MY blog and you came to visit ME.

I can't make you think but maybe I can tear your eyeballs away from the meaningless drivel just long enough to become concerned.

Overpopulation is only manageable through unity. There is more than noise here, there are answers as well.

We (meaning all of us) have to stop following the lead of the self-serving who are only interested in helping themselves at our expense.

We, as a society, are obsessed with money when the true 'precious commodity' is TIME! Time is the one resource that is irreplaceable and once it's gone there's no getting it back. Yet we squander time recklessly while the feckless laugh at us behind our backs because we are too dumb/trusting to see through their machinations.

Chumping, it's an art form!

Tis April first and none of us want to learn it is we who have been the 'fool'.

Happy Humpday and thanks for letting me inside your head,
