Sunday, June 30, 2019


Greetings good citizen, for those of you with enough mental horsepower to work things out know that the charade put on by the 'strong leaders' opposing the already full of himself pussygrabber all comes to naught because one person ISN'T the whole government.

FDR got away with what he did because the oligarchs feared prosecution and confiscation of their empires.

The Rump is a puppet who can't blow his nose if his handler isn't coaching. [Yes, even the multiple public flubs are 'scripted', being divisive IS his job description.

Since W. gave us the Roberts Court the conservatives have strutted without fear, the law belongs to them and them alone...just like royalty.

Nobody is going to prosecute the feckless despoiling the planet of shits and giggles [they sure don't need the money so the ONLY remaining motivation is EVIL...(often confused with stupidity.)]

Is mankind a waste? considering the less than one percent holding the rest of us as thralls it is an unfair judgement but were an intellectually superior species to be weighing our continued existence against the safety of the galaxy, I suspect we'd be deleted on the basis of obvious safety concerns.

[Naturally I need to remind the cognizant that aside form what could be considered biblical references our skies were UFO free until we started detonating nuclear weapons.]

We are alone is a lie told by the church. [remember the feckless fabricated the creator (and his 'heavenly host) from whole cloth.]

[NOW the church is 'backpedalling'.]

But I digress.

Doesn't matter who 'won' the first debate just as it won't matter who wins the nomination so long as what passes for our government is loaded with paid shills whose job it is to fiddle and diddle with inconsequential BS while our homes and livelihoods are plundered out from under us.

An ignorant public is its own worst nightmare.

Why is the public ignorant?

You know why, the 'party leadership' are also agents of the oligarchs and they set the curriculum. End result, the kids aren't taught how things are supposed to be. [Yes good citizen, what your kids are taught in school is highly politicized!]

So politics becomes a 'team sport' with everybody wanting the 'back the winner' even if they suck!

There's the hell of it, no matter how bad the Republicans suck the blame for the failure of 'magical thinking' will be stuck on the non-existent Democrats!

Why is there so much press being given to President Putin's remark that 'liberalism' is obsolete? Does he seriously believe TRIBALISM is a better alternative?

Again, don't be deceived, Vlad is a puppet too and he made that remark because UNITY is the last thing the oligarchs want. Nothing frightens them more than a united humanity...if mankind united maybe they'd put and end to this foolish ownership bullshit.

Um, the term Electoral Landslide fell on deaf ears, the slow witted haven't registered what it means...and likely won't as the comment slips into the oblivion of the endless BS stream that passes for 'news/infotainment.'

While I have suggested repeatedly that we should march down to the polls (tomorrow) the November after next and burn them to the ground [BECAUSE EVERY TIME YOU VOTE IT SIGNALS TO THEM THAT YOU HAVEN'T CAUGHT ON YET!]

You numbly sit there asking yourself repeatedly...IS THIS THE BEST WE CAN DO?

It's what you did in the last election and let me make a prediction that it's what you're going to do in 2024 as your choices are once again between bad and worse.

Although chances are there won't be elections come 2024, someone will have declared themselves emperor by then and the whole fuckaree will collapse under its own weight. [The threads keeping the current population alive aren't robust enough to withstand global civil unrest and systematic plunder.]

Thinking, it's the Anti-Dope.

Until next time Head. [I weep for the future.]


Saturday, June 29, 2019

One Party Rule

Greetings good citizen. Understandably, the people masquerading as Democrats appear clueless because they are. The big D democrats were defunded [by the same oligarchs that fund both sides of the fake political divide] after St. Ronnie busted the Union movement so those democrats are gone.

Couple that with Comrade Vlad's declaration that 'liberalism' is obsolete, people/humanity is better served by TRIBALISM.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one [but most of us haven't trained them to speak.]

The very bedrock of conservatism is the 'us vs them' mentality. Without a scapegoat conservatism can't exist. Conservatism would be so wonderful if reality would just stop interfering!

Understand this is behind the push for 'One Party Rule' where those dissatisfied with the 'magical thinking' that is conservatism will be crushed under the overwhelming tide of believers. [Key to this is the inescapable fact that humans are mimics, we will 'go along to get along', damn the consequences.]

[Sorry Jews, luckily but you aren't in the crosshairs this time, it's the 'third world's' turn.]

Understand that the rise in global 'conservatism' is an effort to get ahead of a rising tide of 'Hey, wait a minute?' that is sweeping the planet as the global 'rabble' see themselves in the downtrodden everywhere and have the epiphany that their plight isn't due to God hating them as they were taught by the lies of the White Devils.

Belatedly the feckless discovered that globalizing the planets markets would have 'unintended consequences' because people around the world would start reaching out to one another and find they had more in common with one another than what they were taught was the case.

You hate Commies because you were TAUGHT to hate commies, just as you were TAUGHT that brown people were stupid and inferior.

Neither is true and the 'free world' would collapse overnight if we boycotted products made in communist who is zooming who?

Could it be the MONEY PARTY of the oligarchs? [You don't get to vote and accident of birth determines membership with the only way to join being marriage, either in or out, as the case may be.]

I'm tempted to call digressing again but I'm not. The oligarchs control the media and the banking system and the totally screwy stock markets. [which is literally a bunch of old farts sitting in a room asking one another 'how can we drive 'em crazy today?']

It's where 'owning the tards' originated!

Now we are off the beaten path but it is here I wish to make the point that we are all 'human first' and those who don't agree have no business making rules for the rest of us, this 'Master Race' shit has gone on long enough!

Get your head out of your ass and put an end to this legalized tyranny THEY call 'democracy'.

No matter how hard you try you can't vote yourself 'free'. [The royals declared themselves free but that's a pretty small club and they have a bitch of a time protecting their flanks because of all the clever 'wannabes' and posers.]

One people, one purpose, no exceptions.

Thanks for letting me inside your head.


Friday, June 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, yeah, today's title is a mirror meant to illuminate the reality that there is no such thing as a 'one and done' fix for our badly broken civilization.

There's the first smack upside the head, a solid third of the denizens of this nation (or any other for that matter) don't think there is anything wrong with civilization/society and resent being told otherwise.

Just expressing such an opinion is enough to get you labeled a 'kook'.

Two thirds left but the next group is just a tiny bit brighter than the deniers, they think/believe in the 'if only' axiom and then it becomes a game of fill in the blank.

How sad is it that these mental giants comprise a whopping fifty percent of the public and together they make up almost ninety percent. I lumped in the single issue voter with the 'short listers' [multi-issue voters] who fail to realize there isn't a way to use the ballot box to repair the deep seated extra judicial corruption that permeates the entire charade.

This brings us to the cognizant which is split 50/50, they all agree the system is corrupt and needs to be rebuilt. One half is trying to communicate and garner support for their idea while the other half thinks it's a fool's errand, that there has NEVER BEEN a 'successful revolution'. [Um, guilty. history shows that revolts are hijacked by the feckless in process so the corruption that started the revolt isn't even touched during the rebuilding stage.]

Hillary stepping aside for Obama tainted her candidacy just as Bernie stepping aside for Hillary gave us another electoral asshat. Now Bernie can't get any traction.

The 'damage' in both cases is 'irreparable'. The media is the one behind Bernie now because they will 'use' him as the reason the non-existent Democrats couldn't unite.

In the meantime the public is waking up to the fact that NONE OF THE CANDIDATES represent them and even holding their nose isn't an option anymore.

People don't vote because they get beaten with the outcome and can't do anything to about it.

If WE can't do anything about the feckless who are destroying the fabric of society [by creating a permanent 'underclass' out of the 99%] well, how do we fix this...and the damning truth is there is no way to use the system to fix the system so the existing system must be ERADICATED. (scorched earth for you 'if only 'ers')

The stasis field we are locked in is due to 85% of the voting public not having a clue where to begin building an equitable society.

Yet the cornerstone is right there in the statement.

What is the basis of our widespread disagreement? Seems nobody can agree on what constitutes 'equitable' and, thanks to the feckless, treating everybody the SAME is somehow unfair, for reasons they can't explain.

The argument goes, if you are going to get the same as me, I'm gonna do nothin' for my share! Why bother?

Even ASP has a method to deal with this response. If you 'do nothing' you GET nothing.

Citizenship under ASP is based on your guaranteed EMPLOYMENT. You don't have to work but you also elect not to be a member of society. You will be provided [free of charge] transportation to a place where you won't be obliged to do ANYTHING [except meet the demands of nature] if you want to live.

For actually pointing out the obvious solution to this brand of obstinance the feckless will label you a 'kook' [when they really think you're a cuk but they don't dare call you that to your face.]

And there lies the whole crisis in a nutshell. Equity is 'impossible' because people will call your ideas regarding equity 'crazy'...when that true definition of crazy is whatever the majority of those present think it is.

Let's segue back to the 'you are being manipulated' observation. Dumb is incomprehension and stupid is believing whatever the insane tell you because you are too dumb to comprehend what's at stake.

So...who ya voting for?

Until next time Head.


Thursday, June 27, 2019

Electoral Landslide

Greetings good citizen, I waited to see if any of the other so-called news outlets picked up on this but after yesterday's CF of a 'democratic debate' [repeat after me, THERE ARE NO DEMOCRATS ANYMORE, only people PRETENDING to be.] I felt it us time to draw attention to what Trump's campaign manager is, er, 'forecasting'. [The cognizant already know it is the title of this piece.]

So here we are with perhaps the most loathed POTUS in history, a man that personifies the rift between the clueless rich and their voiceless, helpless peasant voters and his 'managers' prediction of an Electoral Landslide?

At first it bounces off the brain and you marvel 'what is this guy smoking?' but then it kicks in, the Electoral College has nothing to do with the 'popular vote'.

Is the deck stacked?

Remember this twat LOST the popular vote the first time and it is unlikely he will win a popular election now as he has demonstrated that it takes more than celebrity to represent a nation.

Despite a feckless media that makes no distinction between famous and infamous, Trump's celebrity stops with his television persona, which is scripted [and he's still an A-hole.]

If the Electoral college is deciding our elections your 'vote' is meaningless. The oligarchs are flying the nation by wire and what you want isn't even on their radar. [Sound familiar?]

If we were to re-write history we would go back to the great depression and the fake crashing of the world's fake financial system intended to punish the masses for supporting the Labor movement.

Remember the 'robber barons' were never brought to justice and the breaking up of their 'monopolies' was only a temporary setback, they quickly merged themselves back to even greater market dominance while limiting transparency legislation.

Remember Hertz/Avis? Most don't but that happened long after Teddy Roosevelt and the 'trust busters' were laid to rest.

What followed, the 'balkanization' of the car rental industry.

Seems like I'm drifting here but the cognizant understand the 'point' is the oligarchs [formerly known as the robber barons] have NEVER been brought to justice because they OWN it!

This is why a literally 'stacked' Electoral College can produce whatever outcome the oligarchs want, the public be damned.

There is ZERO DIFFERENCE between this and living in a DICTATORSHIP.

Worse, ALL dictatorships label themselves 'benevolent'.

Some of you are disturbed by my comparing the feckless rich with their predecessors, the royals and how the oligarchs treat women the same way those appointees of God, the royals did.

The latest is number 23...what a 'role model'.

If the Electoral college intends to hand him the presidency for a 2nd time, REVOLT is the ONLY option and we don't need to wait until November 2020 to do it because that die is already cast.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Blame Game

Greetings good citizen, every generation blames the one before them for not leaving them a workable situation...which ignores how 'accident of birth' and a dwindling pool of resources has always limited the prospects of the next generation.

The odds of a 32-year-old dying have risen by 24 percent in the past five years, even as death rates among older Americans are about stable. Baby Boomers are living longer even as the workers who pay for their pensions are dying from an epidemic of drug overdose, suicide, car accidents, and violence. But, of course, while this sudden increase in working-age death rates is a new concern, the long-run fiscal crunch has been obvious for decades. For virtually the entire period of Boomer political dominance, it has been obvious that long-term obligations needed to be fixed. And yet, the problem has not been fixed. Younger Americans will suffer the consequences.

As dire as this all sounds, there is cause for hope. If the problem is too many senseless rules, then the solution is obvious. Strict licensure standards can be repealed. Minimum lot sizes can be reduced. Building-height ceilings can be raised. Nonviolent prisoners can have their sentences commuted. Even thorny problems such as cost control in universities can be addressed through caps on non-instructional spending, while solutions for government debt and obligations are widely known, even if they are politically unpalatable.

Um, does anyone else see the 'la-la-la' factor there. Whoever penned this remains ignorant of why these regulations exist...and WHO put them there. Not like 'we' (the boomers) voted for ANY of that shit.

Worse, it is the reason these problems 'fester', because the journalistic community is incapable of pointing at the true culprit or they will lose their situation over a story that WILL NEVER see the light of day.

No magic here. Republics are oligarchies so who is the problem, the cowardly oligarchs!

See, simple, culprit hiding in plain sight but the media can't bad mouth the boss so instead they scapegoat the previous generation. [You didn't VOTE! when all you have to do to see what 'voting' gets you is look at the White House and that asshat LOST the popular vote! by 3 million votes.]

It is only in these missives that we see attention being drawn to the hundreds of years of no longer relevant legislation that remains on the books.

Like the typical hoarder, the oligarchs don't want old laws removed from the books, the confusion they create is precisely the legal environment they are cultivating!

What else did our intrepid mud-slinger miss?

Scrapping regulation will not create the jobs our foundering society so desperately needs...only ONE system creates paid employment for jobs the average citizen has been forced to do themselves or do without.

So, who f'd up YOUR life?

This time the mirror is only partly true. You aren't given a choice, even the children of privilege are expected to ride the greased rails without complaint.

If we are being honest about this the true culprit is the eye that never blinks, that is the constant reminder of your multiple shortcomings.

What if your life is 'just like' the people TV brings into your livingroom every minute of every day? Your dissatisfaction then becomes the 'role models' who are boring (or their problems are unrealistic...but what do you expect from scripted television?)

They are always cooking up happy/funny solutions and your life isn't like that.

If they put on shows that reflected real life nobody would watch! [The cops NEVER catch the criminal and the 'evidence' is almost always 'inconclusive'....wouldn't watch that shitshow for long, would you?]

Um, are you wondering how we got here when we started off playing 'let's point fingers'?

Truth, good citizen, the 'font' of all your dissatisfaction is the (lying) eye that never blinks.

The reason you don't know how to think is because the screen does all the thinking for you, all you have to do is WATCH.

Um, I don't watch TV, so I'll have to ask one of Murika Great Again? [If so, when was it 'great' before now?]

Just an 'opinion' here but Murika won't be great until we muzzle the lying beast we brought into our homes.

TV is for 'entertainment' yet the, er, 'unsophisticated' believe everything they see so maybe they shouldn't be permitted to watch TV if they can't notch a 100 on an IQ test...or perhaps programing should be restricted to IQ level. If you can't crack a 100 all you can watch is Barney and Arthur. [For the none too bright '100' is 'average' and most people can do it...although I suspect there are more 'near misses' (98's and 99's) than those who just squeaked over the mark. If we look across the landscape, hundreds have become rare.]

And those couple of points seem to have a profound effect on the individual's ability to sort fact from fiction.

Again, I write for the cognizant, their ability to see what I share for what it is [opinion] is uncontested.

Fair & Balanced is just the tip of the 'stupid' iceberg.

Nothing I share here is going to change that, it seems awareness alone does little.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Monday, June 24, 2019

A Simple Plan

Greetings good citizen, yesterday I promised I'd provide yet another copy of ASP for your reference as it seems many of you have no idea what I'm so wound up about.

Most of you at least tangentially recognize that the purpose of life is survival. Somewhere down the line we have lost sight of this common goal and decided [actually it was decided for us by the legal community, at the behest of the owner class.] That survival became 'commodified'...packaged and put up for sale in fragments on open, (albeit often captive) markets.

The typical, er, customer had no choice in this turn of events and if not for commerce itself most were uninterested in the commodification of consumer goods. The farmer did for themselves, often banding together to help one another bring in the annual harvest, this was considered being 'neighborly'.

Trouble with working the land is there is only so much of it and everybody had large families partly because of the high mortality rates of farming and the endless chores that are part and parcel with farming life were lightened by having more hands to pitch in.

Well, if more than two of your children survived to maturity they either had to migrate where land was still free [a phenomenon that ended over a hundred years ago in the lower 48 which left the children that came afterwards out of luck.]

About the time living off the land died society gravitated to the cities to join the age of mechanization, the precursor to automation.

[Why the history lesson? How will you know where you are if you don't know where you've been or what forces shaped the marketplace of today's increasingly expendable workforce.]

The 'game' itself hasn't changed, we all get up in the morning and address the need to feed our bellies and keep a roof over our heads and wheels under our backsides so we can get to our job on time.

Increasingly, the employee model is collapsing as the banksters have manipulated the tool we all labor for into the global search of the lowest cost labor markets. This was always a chimera because they typical human cost about the same [in REAL terms] no matter where they are found on the planet. Food is food, it may be more plentiful some places than others but all food is free from nature, it costs the owner exactly zero.

Collecting it and processing it is another matter and that brings us to the useful purpose of money, to facilitate specialization. While we are taught as children that money was invented to 'simplify barter' this is a LIE.

Money is the answer to the question how will the teacher, banker, lawyer, lumberjack, miner, shopkeeper eat?

Money is what makes the division of labor possible. We would all be ignorant farmers if we all had to grow our own food and make everything on the farm ourselves. There would be no teachers and the only thing you would know is what your parents taught you around the fireplace at night before bedtime, when they shared with you what their parents taught them.

Now we have public schools that teach us, 'things' that (might) make us useful to a prospective employer. How unfortunate for the planets growing population that employers are dwindling faster than the number of people who need jobs to stay alive?

Is it 'time to panic'?

Look at the political arena for the answer to that critical question. [Marvel at all the people who convince themselves there is work out there if you look hard f'n dumb are they?

Um, truth be told there is no shortage of deluded people who aren't even remotely intelligent...and they know it.

My most common lament is if you job doesn't pay you enough to live on it is NOT your employer's problem, it's YOURS!

Hence we arrive at the crux of the situation that most deny even exists; is humanity 'doomed'?

If we continue to follow the gormless, probably. The coming (food) riots will be LEGENDARY and the death toll will be in the billions worldwide...all so 'a few' can have more than they can spend.

Why is nobody in the public sphere addressing this problem?

The answer lies in the captivity of the Justice System. The people who 'commodified' survival [BEHIND OUR BACKS] did so through their bought and paid for lawyers, then they bought the government, seized control of the media (and the 'public square') so if anyone questioned why survival had been commodified they would be thrown out of court because it was deemed 'irrelevant' who owned what we all need to live.

Understand that the commodification of survival was/is a crime against humanity and the source of all poverty.

We must ask when it became permissible to deny another human the means of survival and it started when people decided they would do a better job of 'managing' a commodity than if it were accessible to the public [to prevent war.]

Survival is serious business and millions have died defending their right to survive. [In case YOU don't appreciate the position the feckless have put YOU in.]

Most of you don't have a clue, which is just how the feckless like it. They ave claimed to own what they have no right to for so long that the public accepts this as 'natural'.

It is NOT natural and wars have been fought over water an arable land. This grab came after the farmers gave away their land to their children and those children went to the cities to work in the factories because they couldn't compete with the factory farms. Since they couldn't afford the taxes on the land they couldn't keep it, which is how all that land got 'taken' for back taxes and bought up for pennies on the dollar by the criminal factory farmers...(did I mention criminals?)

None of this is secret but the typical low intelligence individual doesn't know to look for the evidence of why things have turned out the way they have and what the feckless plan on doing with a population that has outgrown its usefulness.

Yup, you got that right. The surplus population reared it ugly head around the Victorian era, the same time the smokestacks were in full bloom and farmers were abandoning the land wholesale [because a single man with a tractor could farm more food than a dozen men working teams of horses.]

Food got 'cheap' but you still paid dearly for it.

This is the coming crisis in a nutshell. How do we prevent a global famine now that the feckless have seized the world's markets?

The need to survive hasn't changed and they have no illusions about being able to fight us all off.

Can we 'bring them to heel?'

The answer is YES but it won't be effortless.

The system that currently exists was put in place over decades and the shiftless, fearing prosecution, will resist change with every fiber of their being even though they know they can't prevail.

So we will be forced to remove them from power but that won't solve the problem of too many people being unable to afford basic necessities, the entire commercial model has to be reformed (because survival has been commodified.)

So we return to where it all started, the collapse of the land based survival model.

There isn't enough arable land to give everyone a patch and a shovel (because there is so little fertile land available) and society needs workers more than it needs farmers [contrary to what conservo-whackos believe.]

But wait, isn't the other problem that of half the working aged population being unemployed? How do we 'fix' that?

The answer is obvious, reduce the workday/week. There in no shortage of things that need doing, we will still have people working two and three jobs and making a hell of an income while they are at it!

But your 'primary' job will be reduced to twenty hours a week...and some of you are asking, I can't get by on forty hours, how will I survive on twenty hours pay?

Your finances will do a 180 when we make housing a 'gimme'. You will no longer own...anything because we need to SHARE the planet with one another. You won't buy/own a car, we will convert to a zipcar model and you will only be billed for the fuel you use because nobody needs to make money off the, er, 'rental'.

The idea that you had to pay for everything is the concept of 'death by a thousand cuts'. Most of us are literally bleeding money to the point that if it weren't for credit cards we'd all be walking and starving to death because the nickel and dime BS expenses keep our pockets drained.

There is another factor to the division of labor concept they don't teach anymore because the feckless don't want you UNITED.

The original idea behind division of labor was to grow as a society and provide ALL humans with the means to participate in society. In the beginning, Div of labor was supposed to provide EVERYONE with jobs that paid them enough to live well on.

But then came the 'commodification' of pretty much everything and with it the added expense of staying current/relevant.

Worse, the commodification of survival included a 'more for me' element that made employers chisel their workers instead of rewarding them. [as the population grew the employer was deluged with people seeking employment and he began to view his workforce as expendable...and this triggered the application of automation wherever possible, eliminating jobs rather than growing them.

The official LIE is automation increases the bullshit. Robots steal jobs and that's a fact. It's why 50% if working aged adults are unemployed and the corporate owned media claims there is record low unemployment...this too is a lie.

As I stated in yesterday's post, the majority of crime is 'cash and carry' and ALL corruption relies on CASH.

To ELIMINATE the most common cause of crime, cash will be outlawed. So will the buying and selling of ANYTHING. There will NOT be a way for money to be exchanged between INDIVIDUALS, PERIOD.

Get caught with a 'cash alternative' in your possession and it is summary exile.

The criminals are smart enough to know that this limits what they can use as cash but buttons can be eliminated and most other substitutes are too numerous to act as reasonable substitutes. Can't use pebbles, they are too easy to come by, can't use nuts, same reason. Can't use glass because it's not unique enough.

They will try to return gold into circulation but gold is heavy and conspicuous. Would you risk exile for a bar of gold or a bag of diamonds? You can only trade them to criminals so you are automatically guilty.

There simply won't be a way to get money from someone else and because of that the ONLY way o get money is to WORK FOR IT.

When you purchase something from stores, they don't get the money, it is simply erased from your account. When you die, your account is simply erased, nobody gets it.

Born into wealth will be a relic of the past. EVERYBODY starts and finishes with ZERO.

Literally your money is for You.

Who will lead us?

Sort of cut this one short in yesterday's post. Under A Simple Plan once you enter the workforce EVERYBODY is 'tested' on an annual basis to ensure that you know your job intimately. Sounds silly that painters of garbage collectors will be tested but all careers lead up a ladder and everybody can climb this ladder as far as their talent will take them.

The brick walls of nepotism, sexism and favoritism will be eliminated by the annual tests, with fresh blood winning every tie to prevent stagnation. Even if you choose not to move up you are still required to defend your current position.

IMPORTANT: Nobody LOSES in the tests. Once one achieves 'master' status [knows the job well enough that they can teach it to others] you are freed from the obligation to test but all 'perqs' and salary increases flow from the tests!

As you climb the ladder of responsibility you will earn housing upgrades and access to vacation homes and seminars where you can expand both your horizons and your people skills.

As you advance, the tests will begin to shift from weighing your job knowledge to weighing your character. Profits no longer exist so your impact on the quality of your workers lives will be the measure of your worthiness to hold office.

Eventually the ladder leads all the way to the top and the leaders of the twelve divisions will compete via their vision/understanding of society for the position on the leadership triad.

Yup, even if you enter the services division as a janitor, putting your nose to the grindstone can lead to the top of society but only if your vision for humanity is judged as best by those who won the position before you.

Um, retirement will be optional at age 50 and mandatory at age 70.

Besides a living wage and a reduced expense picture overtime [hours over twenty in your primary occupation] can be taken as pay or banked as additional time off or put towards early retirement!

Not only is your life for you but your time is for you too. All your money won't another minute buy.

You are encouraged to live your life to the fullest, don't be a slave to meaningless money, use your time to expand your mind and explore what could be!

We will all be richer for it!

This concludes the 'de-commodification of survival' and the return to mutual cooperation that ends the exploitation of man by his fellow man.

Hope you can follow this...means what it says so it shouldn't be too hard.

Thanks for letting me (and this) inside your head,



Greetings good citizen, Today's offering is my proposed alternative to the shitshow that does nothing for 99% of us. I call it 'A Simple Plan' because it is not a departure from the familiar as much as a patch which repairs the glaring inequalities most of us have trained ourselves to ignore.

Why don't you see these problems? Because you are taught that there isn't an alternative...or that the alternative is worse than the economic slavery imposed by capitalism.

[This last is a realization the individual has to come to by themself because pointing out the blatant exploitation that is capitalism is 'heresy!'

Any criticism is considered unpatriotic which in itself is a meaningless euphemism used to manipulate you.

The beauty of a simple plan is its simplicity. The 'dictates of survival' are immutable, MOST of what we call commerce are simply the things we must do to survive.

The 'radical idea' behind ASP is that NO ONE be permitted to claim ownership of what we all need to live. This forms the foundation of the Human Anti-Exploitation law that forbids any human from turning their fellow humans into 'income streams'.

It also protects humans from being denied the ability to participate in society. [Guaranteed participation also eliminates that segment of humanity that eventually becomes the 'armed thug'.]


Any questions?

The level playing field divides up the tasks necessary for survival (AND ADVANCEMENT) so EVERYBODY has a job that provides them with a means of supporting themselves.

In so dividing the tasks of survival so everybody had a 'place' in society we would teach the truth so blithely ignored by the capitalist who insists some work is more 'valuable' than others. Life/society is the sum of its parts, if any of those parts is 'disparaged', the whole suffers.

WHY aren't our children taught this? [Because politicians control the curriculum.] Could it be that their parents are dumb? [The cognizati know this is a rhetorical question because the answer is obvious.]

YOU have been raised to focus on you and ONLY you when this world/life IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN the sum of its parts!

Why do we live in a broken system that nobody is trying to repair?


The LCD has provided a feckless few with the ability to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of us.

Money [particularly the laws governing its uses] have been perverted from their original purpose [to facilitate specialization] to provide the oligarchs with an unlimited income stream with which to protect their 'privilege'.

Money of account is 'traceable', cash isn't.

All crime/corruption/perversion is 'cash and carry', eliminate cash you eliminate crime.

There is no point in stealing/smuggling what you can't sell.

This is NOT a 'cure all'. In a cashless society there will still be those who will seize what they lack the charm to seduce and those 'rejects of evolution' will hasten their own elimination from the gene pool for their criminal acts.

This is what the criminal justice system was intended to 'protect' society from. Now they spend their time citing your for minor traffic violations while using that 'excuse' to look for a reason to lock you up.

So, yeah. The 'thugs' are OOC and ASP eliminates them by eliminating the justification for them.


Speaking of what government is 'supposed' to be doing, the overfishing and rampant environmental degradation caused by capitalist excess should be curtailed by an 'attentive' government.

Which leads us to today's bone of contention that is tearing society apart, government and its purpose.

Conservo-whackos are fed the BS that government (regulation) is the problem while the non-existent Libs point at the rampant poisoning of the planet and call for government to put an end to it!

Let's 'ice' this shit sundae with the fact you vote for the ideology that pretends to represent your 'best interests' and nothing happens.


Because the feckless have 'bought' the process and prevent change...SO THEY WON'T BE PROSECUTED FOR THEIR CRIMES!

So your 'right to vote' is really just an exercise in public self masturbation.

Nothing changes because nothing you do matters.

What needs to change?

How we 'select' leaders.

How did the most important job in society get turned into a popularity contest?

I think you know..and no, you didn't have a choice, it's what we have been 'stuck' with. [Too many cooks.]

So what SHOULD you be voting on?

How about the laws themselves?

If you have to obey them you should have a say on what is acceptable.

Most of us chafe at the idea of being told what we can or cannot do but, contrarily, if we aren't told [quite specifically] what is expected of us we get even more frustrated!

Those unfamiliar with using their thinking parts tend to favor laws for EVERYTHING because they are incapable of thinking things 'through'. [The whole 'if this then that' escapes them.]

So it is if you are to be granted 'permission' to vote on the laws of society you must first prove your intellectual capacity to participate.

Same thing goes double for 'leadership'.

Most people lack 'vision' or believe it has something to do with sight, protesting that they 'see' just fine!

For a glaring example of 'lack of vision' how about the self-styled brainiacs in hot pursuit of AI in a world awash in 'surplus labor' [that NOBODY is addressing...if you exclude global genocide by the planet's number one terrorist organization that most of you 'subscribe to' (support and defend).]

Ya know, not for nuthin but if ya don't use that lump between your shoulders it becomes a trash basket...just sayin.

So we return to the core principles of equality for all.

Ownership is outlawed and replaced with 'user of record' where everybody's needs are met in exchange for their labor in a field that they have talent in. Don't worry, NOBODY is 'totally useless' despite your personal experience.

All jobs are NECESSARY so the 'stigma' that some jobs are 'better' than others becomes a personal matter and not one of popular opinion.

Most people think 'work sucks' while lamenting having nothing to do. This too will 'change' in a life that is mostly 'free'.

Most work is getting what is needed where it needs to be when it needs to be there.

This means you 'need' to be 'timely'. If you can't keep up you can still push a lawn mower or swing a paint brush...or do 'demo' and scrape old glue from flooring surfaces.

No need to despoil the planet making goo-gaws that nobody wants or depleting fisheries wholesale because nobody has a clue what 'sustainable' means.

Much of what needs doing but doesn't get done thanks to the mismanagement of money will become employment that provides the worker with everything they need to be a functioning member of society.

Housing suitable to one's situation/circumstances will be made available upon acceptance into the workforce FREE OF CHARGE. Not only will the domicile be free but so will ALL the basic furnishings! [The people who make such things are paid to make what they make so there is no need for you to pay them too! [This is only logical.]

How do we 'afford' this? Do you hunt? Did you ever find a wallet on anything you killed?

Why should it be different for you? [Or are you dumb beyond belief?]

Do I need to parse that proposition for you?

Everybody mentally fit to work/participate WILL be provided the opportunity to do so, those who decide they want to do it on their own will be sent to a place, naked as the day they were born, there to eek out whatever kind of life they think they can make for themselves with their own two bare hands and the spartan contents of their minds utilizing the resources the find on site.

Being a 'lone wolf' is not a half this/half that proposition. You don't get to 'leave civilization behind' with the latest human achievement has to offer. 'On your own' is an exactly so have to smelt your own ore if you want a knife or an axe. We aren't giving you one. [Hack: find a sharp stone, quick!]

Problem with our moronic 'lone wolves' is they take so much of the larger picture for granted. People are unaware of what it takes to survive yet if allowed to they will take all they can grab without a 2nd thought, then claim they did it all by themselves.

Life is hard and so are we.

Morons who believe they don't need anyone else need to learn for themselves what society means. [Starting with the true value of 'loyalty'.]

Refocusing: Your primary education [most will be required to attend 're-education' to attempt to remove decades of BS from your no longer functioning thinking parts.] will end after 12 years and you will be enter the workforce to continue your 'education'. College is reserved for those who qualify through their mental agility/test scores to advanced study not available in the workplace. [This is voluntary, if you desire to live a 'simple life' one is not obliged to pursue academic advancement or a life dedicated to science.

You will not be made to live a life that doesn't appeal to you, including a life with cranky, unappreciative and often irrationally belligerent humans.

Still, life is compromise and you will be expected to make more than a few as your life unfolds, we truly do 'go along to get along'...which has led us to where we are today with the dire need to re-center and re-assess.

[Thinking isn't humanity's strong suit, thus these missives that make me wonder what the hell YOU DO think about...if anything at all because this stuff is 'baby food' it is so obvious.]

For example Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register so why the fuck to you have to pay for what's free to knothead?

But you are taught not to question those kind of things because you will rock the greatest boat that ever existed...a lie that has been repeated until it became truth, like God.

Which is why most of you will be required to attend 're-education' sessions to 'detox' that cesspool between your shoulders.

Everybody works and everybody gets paid so they can build the kind of life THEY want to live and not the existence the eye that never blinks TELLS THEM they want.

Television will return to its original function as being a source of 'entertainment' with strong controls on factuality.

Passing fiction for fact will have criminal consequences.

Who will decide? Our freshly minted 'thinkers', people capable of using their minds and proving they possess both vision and insight.

Yes, good citizen. These people WILL know better than you AND they will be able to PROVE IT!

[Note to the cognizant, I dislike this rambling format but you are capable of reading between the lines. This post will be followed by a bullet point presentation that leaves out the possibility of 'misinterpretation']

If I am incapable of convincing those with working thinking parts of the viability of ASP then it is a 'lost cause'.

If YOU won't get behind the premise that humanities only chance for survival lies in mutual cooperation and the equitable sharing of the resources available then the 'human model' is doomed to extinction, likely sooner than later.

Outlaw ownership, outlaw cash and outlaw criminality [the exploitation of others for personal gain.]

The first two steps eliminate what has become crime at its source. That said we can't remove the 'opportunist' from the mimic so we will have an ongoing police problem that needs to be dealt with [hopefully education will minimize this coupled with unyielding punishment that the perps bring upon themselves via their choices.]

Prison is a compromise that serves no one. Exile is permanent. You make your choices and you take your chances.

Stupid is permanent, ignorance can be fixed.

No more banks and no more exploitation. One species with one purpose...survival (get your mind out of the gutter!)

The breeding thing needs to be curtailed, quickly. Sustainability must be achieved ASAP!

Either get with the program or the dopes will hit the 'reset button' and the survivors will have to start all over again from the beginning (again.)

We won't survive having the legs kick out from beneath us every time we reach the point where rapid advancement is possible!

Ignorance Kills!

Until next time, Head.


Sunday, June 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, don't you just despise election season? For the past forty years the nation has been at war with itself OVER the unresponsive political system and what to do about it.

With this being the case let's point to which candidate is proposing positive, er any change at all to the system, from abandoning the Electoral College [which has fucked the US hard at every turning point in history, thank you oligarchs!] to overturning Citizens United [which, like the working class, has completely disappeared from the current political lexicon...]

And the leader for legislative change is...nobody, but this isn't a surprise, is it?

How about which candidate is promising to end W's global terror campaign...same one right. [Didn't Pussygrabber run on ending our involvement in the Middle East? I'm not a supporter so I guess I'm the only one that remembers what he promised and hasn't lived up to...(which makes Me a 'Hater'.)

But let's turn our attention to the candidate who is going to restore the economy by building a new future and repairing our crumbling infrastructure.

Can you believe it, Candidate ZERO is alone in their desire to right what is so horribly wrong with the corrupt thing we lost control of.

I think most of us suspect we are voting for the wrong thing...because the process is intended to prevent YOU from deciding ANYTHING.

REAGAN, BUSH and TRUMP all 'stole' their elections...(REAGAN & W did it twice!) but there isn't anything you can do about that, the system itself is beyond the reach of those who wish to make it more, if not equitable then at least relevant.

This past Friday night, 'the shill' of Three M fame called for Oprah to throw her hat in the ring because the only thing the public can agree on is celebrity and star power wins elections...completely ignoring that TWO of the three worst presidents in US history were MINOR celebrities!

Didn't see that one did ya Bill?

What does Oprah have in common with Pussygrabber? THEY ARE BOTH BILLIONAIRES!

What do you have in common with a BILLIONAIRE? [You might think your humanity is a common bond but billionaires as a group consider their humanity a liability [because the people that made them rich despise their victims and fear their retribution.]

That ain't gonna happen for reasons that don't need explaining. [Partly the morons in helmets and the other is the uniform wearing thugs who have no clue what their real purpose is.]

So how are you voting for?

Does it matter as long as your 'team' wins?

That's what it comes down to...when is this pageant going to get with the program and start using scantily clad females to excite their base? Who is hotter, the RNC cheerleaders or the DNC cheerleaders?

[thumping] is this thing on? Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Until next November, Head.


Saturday, June 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, something about the human psyche drives us to make up stories that explain what we are up to or what is going on around this respect we, as a species are as crazy as bed bugs because we end up believing our own fantasies!

Take the creation story, probably started off innocently enough with someone imagining a craftsman building humans using the only model it had to work with.

The next thing you know denying this was fact had people being put to death for heresy! What about the original storyteller, shouldn't that bastard be in a rubber room somewhere?

Naturally, the tragedy that is god took centuries to become gospel despite the obvious fantasy elements that still defy rational explanation.

So it is we have the president that got bitch slapped by his 'handlers' now claiming that he 'thought better' of launching a retaliatory attack on Iran because 'people might die'...Um, how does that sentiment jive with the fact we have been at war in the Middle East for the past 20 years and 'death from above' has been a fact of life for a generation of Muslims suspected of being 'radicals...and the drones have no way of telling the guilty from the innocent so the drone kills them all and let's Allah sort them out.

Nope, numbnuts gave the order and it was 'intercepted' then the troops were told to stand spankings today!

Well, actually Donny was on the receiving end of a 'reality check'. What did he think he was doing seeking revenge for the downing of a universally despised drone?

What the spitless fail to realize is those same drones fly over us every minute of every day 'protecting' us from a potential 'terrorist threat' that COULD come from anywhere. [Tyrannical oppression anyone? Now the words 'resistance is futile' ring in your ears as it dawns on you that you have been surrounded since before you were born.

Are you repeating the mantra 'but we aren't the enemy!' to yourself [and getting indignant over the idea that you paid for the drone?]

Wake up [for real this time.] It was never about black, brown or has ALWAYS been about exploiting the exploitable. The STRONG take what they want and kill whoever gets in their way, this they claim is the 'law of the jungle' when they wouldn't last a day on their own in the wild.

What you fail to realize is these self styled 'predators' made the jungle themselves. [Ever wonder why the one way nature walk was naked?]

But the list of what you 'fail to appreciate' is much longer than the stuff that hits you in the face every day the moment you open your eyes.

Left to your (admittedly) feeble imagination is the fact that your inability to think for yourself dooms you to remain 'prey' for creatures not any brighter than you are.

Yup, you made the 'rope' they are going to hang you with and none of it is 'right' because none of that matters. All that matters is what they say matters.

The most your feeble mind can hope for is that their demise is as painful as your meaningless death will be.

Probably too late to realize that you should have at least TRIED to take one of them with you (a pyrrhic victory is better than none at all, the proverbial 'eye for an eye'...)

Perhaps now would be a good time to get your vengeance because it will be too late after you are dead.

Keep smiling Head, make the bastards wonder what you're up to!


Friday, June 21, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it seems the 'free thinkers' up Washington State way are proposing that the common citizen be enabled to issue one another traffic citations, 'freeing up' law enforcement for other unspecified duties. [Possibly in response to the increase in donut thefts by uniform wearing bandits...]

Talk about two bad ideas in one, they can't possibly be that dumb but the situation is getting worse instead of better and it's only going to keep creeping toward chaos (definitely NOT ANARCHY, if you think they are the same you're a moron!) because our 'rudderless' society also doesn't have an ANCHOR.

Right and wrong are decided 'on the fly' by people PRETENDING TO BE JUDGES.

Y'all don't think we got us a 'justice problem', do ya?

Need I remind you that justice is whatever they say it is? [Even on f'n TV...]

Without straining you can count at least a dozen 'unjust practices' that the infamous they get away with all the time. [If you are having trouble identifying these travesties of justice start with the need for more rigorous policing at the nation's donut's the reason there is never a cop around when you need one.]

In a 'saner' future there won't be any cops at all but that is because criminal behavior will be rare and largely self-policing. [If you need armed thugs to keep you safe you are doing civilization WRONG!]

Ironically, you don't need to be a genius to figure that one out.

The 'stone' at the center of civilization is a Law Book but then we give WEASELS the 'sole discretion' to 'interpret' that rulebook however they see fit...which is where 'injustice' comes from.

[It's also where 'lawyering up' comes from. If you need a 'Pro' to get you undone then the system itself is unjust. Lawyers love the law but they love MONEY more and the first one to run out of cash's also why you CAN'T sue the government, not because they are 'infallible' but because they 'theoretically' can never run out of money.]

How many of you had your eyes pop this morning when you learned that your ass was saved by an act of congress? Numbnuts apparently 'authorized' a strike on Iran but Congress stepped in and said no.

You were about to get 'vaporized' over a drone that didn't belong there in the first place.

Naturally, 'Pussygrabber's base' is on a rampage this morning, seeking to lynch the politicians that denied them 'justice'...

Ownership and Conservatism are both incurable mental disorders that can only be treated using extreme measures. [It's why the naked nature walk is a 'one-way trip'.]

Returns us to the center of today's post and the question of 'who' shall judge us?

Why do the 'Pros' keep getting it wrong? Because they aren't interested in 'justice' only the 'appearance of justice'. Their multiple 'bad decisions' are made for the payday after the verdict is handed down.

Again you need not be a genius to see that this is NOT 'justice'.

So how do we mete out this elusive yet vital foundation for preserving 'Peace', the most essential element of Order?

Via Equality. Without equality there is no justice and without justice there can be no peace for without peace there can be no order...and without order civilization is a joke.

Didn't know 'the chain' was that long, did ya?

The first step is ROUTINELY ignored which is precisely the reason why human history is written in blood.

But alas, I preacheth to the choir.

Um, back to 'rudderlessness' which is the default state of a society that ignores the basic precepts...

Without equality we have those who BELIEVE they are BETTER than the rest of us RULING over a helpless populous for their own savage amusement.

To which we can only 'f'n dumb are you?

Happy Friday, Head!


Thursday, June 20, 2019

R.C. (cont'd)

Greetings good citizen, events are escalating in the oil rich middle east as the western economy implodes...

But the media isn't making any connections between the war drums and the foundering economy...let's not forget the escalating refugee crisis, which authorities claim is as high as it was in the aftermath of WWII when Europe all the across the Russia's and down to Africa was a bombed out husk.

Could WWIII really begin as a 'brushfire war'?

Seems the Iranians shot down a US drone over Tehran for the same reason the US would shoot down a foreign drone anywhere in the US. What was our military doing 'snooping' in an already sensitive area?

Trying to start a war, perhaps?

Didn't comrade Vlad chime in to 'advise' the nitwit in chief that a 'military adventure' directed at a nation allied with the USSR would be 'disastrous'.

How bad do YOU want that oil Boys and Girls?

The War without End [who knows what they are calling it these days, W's big stupid?] originally dubbed the GWOT, it eventually translated to the commercial sponsored military assault on civilians, a war on the people unfortunate enough to live on land that had oil under it.

More bluntly, blood for oil.

How many wars can the US start and continue to pretend to be the 'victim'? [3 and counting so far.]

When there is a M-1 Abrams idling in your driveway will you still think 'my country, right or wrong?'

Go ahead and wrap yourself in that flag ol' pussygrabber was just humping, I'll light it on fire for ya!

They have been rehearsing their excuses since they murdered the only obstacle to their take over of our civilization.

"I got caught up in the excitement, I wasn't thinking clearly...[in the wake of the mushroom clouds still glowing on the horizon]

I have already told you they have been planning this for seventy years. They know just how many to use and where to put them to maximize die-off while minimizing property destruction.

Many will have to die so a few can continue to 'live like kings'.

Capitalism only works when resources are set to infinite [along with a spear held to the victim's back...for insurance purposes, ya know?]

How fucked up is it that these same people claim to be doing 'God's Work'?

The poverty that THEY cause is God's Judgement against you. Killing you is God's will as god has already passed his judgement on you and found you wanting.

They won't shed a tear when they engage the murder machine to eradicate the growing challenge to their continued superiority. You'll be dead and they will still be 'rich'...which is more a state of mind than anything physical.

The 'hired' help will despair. they get to live but the condition comes at the price of perpetual bondage.

The moment they disobey they will be made an example of to the others.

Naturally, tyranny and ruthlessness are difficult to control and soon you won't be able to slaughter the insolent unless you want to wash all those dishes yourself.

Yeah you have a dishwasher but nobody knows how to fix it...and you've never loaded the damn thing because that's beneath you. You wouldn't wipe your own ass but mommy and daddy insisted it was too dangerous to order the hired help to do it...for reasons that didn't become obvious until you were older.

Some shit ya got to handle eradicating the vermin.

[STOP: think you are NOT VERMIN? RC stands for Reality Check so try again.]

Until next time, Head.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Reality Check

Greetings good citizen, yesterday the worst president ever (Behind St. Ronnie and W.) kicked off his re-election campaign from a location near Mar-a-Largo, that bastion of the oppressed that charges $200k a year in dues just to belong to the 'exclusive' club.

What does Pussygrabber have in common with St. Ronnie & W? Their 'constituents' were/are the HAVES and the HAVE MORES...and NO ONE ELSE!

SHORT OF A REVOLT, Bonehead boy is guaranteed a 2nd term.

He's not being impeached [and in the current media circus that wouldn't prevent his re-election never mind not remove him from office] the 'political will' to remove him from office (for incompetence) DOESN'T EXIST!

His handlers have cultivated the rude, crude and ignorant image of Pussygrabber as the kind of president the citizens of the U.S. DESERVE!

The 'failure' of 'U.S. Democracy' is the direct result of a 'dumbed down' electorate that doesn't know what it is ignorant of and, thanks to the feckless media, doesn't care.

Murika, go! Whoo-hoo boy!

As I have pointed out repeatedly on this page, WE are outnumbered. 'Neck-deep in stupid' isn't a joke or an overestimation. The portion of the public who believe their 'patriotism' is their political affiliation are roughly equal to the cowards who avoid confrontation with the terminally stupid...unfortunately, combined they comprise a majority of the electorate...but you, being the other third of the electorate, the cognizant (who tend to underestimate our own numbers) are outgunned nonetheless.

The election results tell a disturbing story. The Electoral College has been used increasingly to 'override' the popular vote with disastrous consequences for the people of this, er, 'Republic'...which if you will remember are 'oligarchies' which PRETEND to be *Democratic. [The popular elections keep going to the (faux) opposition because bullies don't vote for bullies, they HATE the idea of being on the receiving end!]

You were supposed to never be intelligent enough to figure that unfortunate for them that money is zero guarantee that they are in fact 'smarter' than the rest of us.

We really have to make it a habit to start asking the individual on our right in all seriousness, 'How fuckin' dumb are you? While we are at it we should constantly reminding them 'stupid is a choice!' [born of the refusal to correct ignorance.]

If they don't start swinging, ask them to explain their stupidity. It is unlikely they have ever heard their internal conflict outloud before and that might fix 'em once and for all!

What ELSE do we know? Bobo's 'war on the media' is an attempt to distract you from their complicity in the conspiracy.

They lie and STUPID believes it [mostly because they are too dumb to know better.] That fine 'public education' that keeps landing them in prison Zero irony it is the same one the cops receive so now we are a herd of wind up toys doing whatever we are told/ordered to do.

Did I mention that Capitalism is dangerous for handing authority to the people afflicted with Ownership Syndrome? These people are mentally ill in the first place and THE LAW lets them have power over their employees!

What the fuck is wrong with our nation's (bought and paid for) LEGAL MINDS?

Anyone up for a lynching? If ya ain't, ya ought to be...

Until next time, Head.


* The cognizant know this but I will remind the confused that THERE ARE NO DEMOCRATS in US politics and haven't been since Reagan killed the Labor movement.

Liberalism no longer exists except as an intellectual exercise among those who pretend to disdain the elite [while actually being one of them, not a full-fledged member but a proxy member with enough money to 'pose'.]

None are so blind as the saying goes.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the clown posse competition that masquerades as the contest to RULE the planet's most conceited nation isn't a step in the 'right direction'.

Worse, once in office 'the infamous they' [the flunkies who run the political machine for the oligarchs] INSIST 'more of the same' is what we voted for.

Disenchanted is probably the best word to describe Obama's two terms, not only did it result in more of the same [tone deaf, unresponsive government] but he ignored his mandate to bring the WAR CRIMINALS to justice and rescind the heinous Patriot Act.

He, er, 'pretended' neither existed.

So...what are YOU voting for?

Most will count themselves lucky if the current assclown doesn't get us all blown to kingdom come.

Why, oh why don't we hold competitions for leadership based on VISION?

Ya think Hillary would have ran a 'me too!' campaign to the Donald's 'Make Murika Great Again!' BS?

We are still waiting Donald. Times almost up and you can't point to a single thing that has improved. [Dumbo's base would say we don't have a black man leading the nation as an improvement but only morons count that as an accomplishment.]

If you are a Trump supporter, you are a moron who has no business voting.

That said, the collective 'we' vote and pretend it is 'democracy' the very foundation of our 'freedom'.

Considering the entire 'clown posse' is wholly owned by (and therefore answerable to) the oligarchs, what benefit do you get out of voting?


This isn't 'Sportsball' Bobo, this is life and death yet thanks to the media, politics has become another 'team sport' where being a fan of the 'winning side' has taken precedence over the welfare of our species.

YOU have been DECEIVED and there isn't anything you can do about it.

While today's RED FLAG is yet another call to revolt, YOU don't have the stomach for it, being so close to death's door and all. Our leaders bought the lie and our children are paying the price.

They won't fight because we didn't...but I digress.

This post points to the consequences of 'doing nothing'.

This asshat is a nightmare and it left the door open for the next despot who will claim a throne that doesn't exist and then insist it's what 'the people' want!

How bad does it have to get for you to realize the 'other politicians' aren't acting because their bosses have told them NO?

Who is in charge here and what are they trying to accomplish?

Mr. Jay tells us they have 'all that they want and they want no more...BUT they will be damned if they are going surrender a single inch of what God has given them!' [We have a name for people who think they talk to imaginary beings and that name is INSANE!]

Funny how he fails to mention delusional but there it is.

Ownership is a disease a planet whose population is doubling every couple of decades can't afford.

They have already DEMONSTRATED what they intend to do and how far they will go to 'preserve' what they consider to be 'theirs'.

Your choices are to restore sanity or die begging for mercy that isn't in their 'best interests'.

They knew what they were bargaining for when they started this.

If YOU don't 'own what you need' you are THE WALKING DEAD.

Bad news zombie, they lied yet again and your 'real death' will be permanent.

The Walking DEAD is how the feckless view the world and they have no problem with slaughtering zombies who want what they have claimed for themselves.

Problem is you aren't a zombie and neither are your kids.

So what are YOU going to do?

We have arrived at a point where nothing only seals the doom of all that you love...all so 'a few' can call themselves 'rich'.

Hardly seems fair but 'They can't help it if you're stupid!'

Until next time, Head.


Monday, June 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen, there are perhaps a dozen posts titled 'Happy Talk' and wouldn't you know it the 'don't worry, be happy crowd' has mounted an ongoing offensive on honesty by claiming everything is 'better than ever' despite having zero proof.

Don't believe that but do believe in Spirit in the Sky? Case closed, you're a moron. [One that ELECTS to be stupid because it suits their agenda/social position...]

That dustbin you carry between your shoulders isn't worth spit (probably because it's packed solid with shit but you are to dumb to figure that out for yourself.)

Like the feckless Stock Markets [which should be closed and everyone involved held for trial on charges of crimes against humanity.]

Because the same thing that makes the stock markets rise is precisely the same thing the chiselers are using to convince you that things, while visibly deteriorating, are (according to them) better than ever...

They call it 'jaw-boning' but it's more recognizable name is bullshitting.

Do you like the sounds of the idea that things aren't as bad as the media paints them, that they don't report the 'good news' because they want you to believe everything is bad?

Does that thought resonate with you?

Yeah, there are people knifing one another over parking spots but it's not happening in your neighborhood so maybe they are 'exaggerating'.

Just like the homeless, there aren't any on your block (despite that house that won't sell because of the ridiculous price, who makes that kind of money?)

A damn good question that answers a lot of questions and returns us to the bullshitting issue. [Why are rent's in 'lockstep' with mortgages?]

How long are WE going to LET THEM milk that cow? [They only get away with it because WE let them!]

Back to 'Happy Talk'. What do you suppose the 'purpose' of 'Happy Talk' really is?

It is to convince YOU to doubt things are as bad AS THEY REALLY ARE!

[The 'side benefit' of Happy talk is it covers up the gross incompetence of the people running things.]

There is no downside to lying, FOR THE MOMENT in our current conservo-whacko dominated culture.

Soon 'challenging the lies' will start to exact a price beyond just shredding the fabric so vital to a harmonious society.

Rush has done so much is such a short time and the part that should amaze you all is that he did it without knowing what he was doing! [His scriptwriters took care of the 'staying on message' part.]

In fact the 'Reality Show' that has become your life [you ARE a real live 'Truman' just following the script/wandering through the maze they lay out for you.] Not only are your choices made for you but you will be punished for going 'off script'.

Now you know why nobody has stopped the rentiers in their tracks.

Life is GREAT even if you (secretly) disagree. In fact it's this line of official bullshit that is behind the escalating suicide numbers! [The world is OKAY so the problem must be YOU!]

Nope, it's the f'n LIARS.

Back to the 'cornerstone of conservatism', Repeat lies until they pass for truth.

There's dumb and then there is this. All because the lie we call MONEY seized the public square so nobody can deny the lies for what they are.

This is your head. This is your head stuck in a barrel full of lies...

Any questions?

Until next time, Head.


Remember, only YOU can pull your mind out of the barrel.

Sunday, June 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it is the go to issue of politicians everywhere. More [which is assumedly 'better'] education will solve EVERYTHING (except their own stupidity...because that brand of dumb is a CHOICE!)

Every once in a while you get someone who questions the assumptions made by metrics grounded in NOTHING.

Here’s a thought experiment. Suppose that next year virtually every student passed the tests. What would the reaction be from politicians, businesspeople, the media? Would these people shake their heads in admiration and say, “Damn, those teachers must be good!”?

Of course not. Such remarkable success would be cited as evidence that the tests were too easy. In the real world, when scores have improved sharply, this has indeed been the reaction. For example, when results on New York’s math exam rose in 2009, the chancellor of the state’s Board of Regents said, “What today’s scores tell me is not that we should be celebrating,” but instead “that New York State needs to raise its standards.”

Humanity's collective 'cluelessness' surprises nobody more than humanity itself largely because our own 'self-awareness' makes us think we should have a 'purpose' beyond eating, shitting and screwing...

How unfortunate the 'typical' human can't figure out what they were 'meant to do/be' for themselves so they fall in behind our species 'whack jobs' that pretend they have the answer!

If you can't see the truth in that then you are well and truly...just like those who think they have 'the answer'.

Um, eat, shit and screw is all we need to know because those three functions are the 'mandates' of the ONLY job humanity has.

Do you know what that 'job' is?

The cognizant know that the only problem humans have is learning to 'appreciate' the role in a 'herd society'.

[While I'm tempted to beat the subject to death I am aware that I bounce on this topic (the purpose of life) all TOO frequently. The cognizant know and the dumb likely won't figure it out even if I spell it out for them (such is the CRAVING for 'higher purpose', like our 'true purpose' isn't tough enough!]

Now to go screaming off the reservation! The robots believe that SEX was the 'original sin' but the cognizant know that oversimplifies the problem. The 'apple' gave Eve 'self-awareness' which she shared with Adam and humanity has suffered from 'delusions' (often of grandeur) ever since.

Not 'what to think but something to think about', for sure.

We can't ignore our purpose but for some reason that mission has an alarming tendency to be turned back upon itself as we victimize 'the other' by making war on our perceived 'competitors'. [If we are to survive we MUST exterminate 'the other'...]

There's 'war' in a nutshell.

Naturally that is an oversimplification, there's a lot more going on there by if you 'boil away the BS', that's what remains.

A little known and not necessarily universal branch of manufacturing is TTD.

While it can be found as the crux of some science fiction stories the acronym stands for 'Test to Destruct'.

So it is the 'bar' ever and always in the 'educational process' is test until fail.

Even more disturbing is the whole process is BS based and often not rooted in factual information or outcomes.

I have many times pointed to the college hierarchy as a 'pedigree' system where the only thing it proves is how much your progenitors were willing to spend to provide you with a seat at the table.

The list of things your typical advanced degree holder learns they don't know makes them marvel that they spent all that money studying what essentially amounts to BS.

In the end you didn't even learn to appreciate your ignorance and it is there that all learning begins!

Learning is the cure for ignorance...but you can't teach anyone what they BELIEVE they already KNOW.

A closed mind doesn't work...(and it just gets more trite from there.)

So it is humanity has once again been goaded to the brink of collapse by the feckless who believe there are profits to be had in turmoil.

It is nigh impossible to convince the self-important that they not only aren't all that and a bag of chips but that the job fate has handed us is the most important mission any creature worthy of being called sentient can be given.

How unfortunate that this simple mandate is turned on itself for fun and profit by the feckless few that only care about themselves?

You're red-lining head, time to knock it off and digest what you've learned. I apologize to those of you that came away empty handed but to be honest you didn't bring anything worthwhile here in the first place so you are no worse off.

Until next time,


Saturday, June 15, 2019


Greetings good citizen, since the overthrow of the US installed puppet in Iran [the 444 day hostage crisis that handed RR the presidency] the 'shadow government' (better known as the CIA) has been waiting to pay the Iranians back.

But I speak of things that are almost forty years in the rearview mirror.

Many alive today don't remember that Iran's democratically elected president [Mohammad Mosaddegh was the 35th prime minister of Iran, holding office from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in the 1953 Iranian (military) coup and replaced by the dictator Mohammad Reza Pahlavi better known as the Shah of Iran.

Why did the CIA overthrow the democratically elected leader of Iran? Because that leader was protecting his people from the robber barons in the OIL INDUSTRY and that wouldn't do. The oil needed to flow to the WEST!

It was also around this time that the 'cloak of secrecy' disguised as National Security slammed down hard and the press started getting stonewalled by the 'spooks' who claimed they were working (alongside Superman) to preserve "The American Way of Life."

They claim that to this day, often ignoring that the American Way of life is in tatters from what it used to be, largely thanks to the 'dirty tricks' division of the Shadow Government.

Like the term ALL MEN in the declaration of Independence, ALL MEN is a generalization and as Toby quickly found out, he wasn't a 'man' at all, he was just property that could think.

Likewise, we are not ALL Americans, turns out the vast majority of us are the 'hired help' who soon won't be needed or wanted at all.

See what hides beneath the cloak of National Security, it's not YOUR security they're worried about, it's THEIRS!

If you KNEW what these shiftless bastards we up to you'd hang them from the closest light pole!

NONE of what they are up to is A.) a good idea or B.) in YOUR interests.

Why do you suppose the guy that can't spell IRAN is pounding the war drum?

Same reason he tore up the treaty to prevent the Iranians from enriching uranium (to produce plutonium.) BECAUSE DOPEY WAS TOLD TO!

Take a moment to consider the 'facts on the ground' here, eh?

Who was 'attacked'? a (Japanese) OIL TANKER!

Um, how 'convenient' is this? Remember since we 'nuked' Japan ending WWII they have been a US 'protectorate' attacking a Japanese flagged vessel is left-handedly considered to be an attack on Japan's 'protector'.

Is this the America anybody learned about in school?

Of course not but there are a lot of things that the 'oligarchs' leave out of the history books because young humans aren't mentally equipped to deal with the 'realities' of 'modern living'...just like the public isn't capable of 'understanding' what it takes to keep the fat cats from lobbing nukes at one another.

Didn't know that was a thing? There is a lot you remain 'ignorant' of and like the 'ALL MEN' puzzle, there are lots of things you don't know/understand because nothing is as it seems! (it's ALL 'wordplay'.)

STOP: What is FATHEAD the dunce's handlers really after? Control of Iran's oil fields.

Anyone got a map handy? Where is Iran relative to the former Soviet Republic?

Don't you think Vlad wants that oil to insure his nuts aren't put into a vise?

Appearances aside, what's the Number one crisis on the planet today? [Freebie: The collapse of capitalism.]

How will they prevent a 'hard crash' of the badly confused masses?

Zero Irony this is the exact plot of the film Threads, isn't it?

Never heard of it? Not only is it heavily dramatized but it is also wildly 'optimistic'.

Worse, why was the movie centered here? Because this is the physical location of the valley of Armageddon and the fucktards running the CIA are born again morons who want to incite the 2nd coming!

Ahem, excuse me but did I mention insane asylum? The harder you stare at it the worse it looks.

Either way there is a high probability that they know precisely how many weapons to launch and what the 'likely' pattern the fallout will fall. [Remember, nobody has ever done it before so it's really just guesswork.]

If we follow our assumption that the oligarchs are in league with one another and the flimsiness of the attack on the Japanese tanker, the paint is barely damaged, we are going to war over scratched paint...WTF?

That said, the clock is ticking. [The population bomb is tearing society to pieces, they can't/won't wait much longer.]

Enjoy your weekend, Head.


Friday, June 14, 2019

Forced compliance

Greetings good citizen, for your consideration today we examine history and ask if humanity just, er, 'enjoys' killing those who oppose its dictates or if there is something more sinister at work?

Not only is HISTORY written in blood but, crucially, it is also written by the victors so the tale is 'tainted' to put it mildly.

So enamoured of false flag operations the criminals that rule with the proverbial 'Iron Fist' craft the events leading to war just like they are staging a play.

Today's headlines scream that Iran is attacking oil tankers [didn't read the article but 'assume' that the tanker in question was navigating the straits of Hormuz at the time...otherwise it COULDN'T have been Iran. [And likely wasn't in either case.]

But I digress.

Key to today's essay is the 'mis-management' of human society since our overlords abandoned us in place. I hesitate to use the label 'alien' as the fossil record indicates this isn't the 'planet of origin' regardless of what you've been taught by well meaning morons who claim to 'love' you.

So it is we 'rewind' back to our abandonment, a time when we were a slaver culture and contrary to modern opinion, we were ALL slaves, with members of our own 'race' being trained by our former masters to serve as 'overlords'.

You can rest assured that they didn't receive any 'sensitivity training' because we were designed to be 'expendable'.

The message then was the same as it is today: What part of 'comply or die' don't you understand?

We are no longer mining drones sent into the bowels of the planet to extract whatever we were told to but that isn't the 'point'. Whoever is calling the shots to this day regards the rest of us as a 'useless, resource sucking vermin fit only for eradication.

Thus the 'endless' wars.

If we were to speculate on where we, er, 'learned' our treacherous behavior from we need look no further than our former masters. All life is 'opportunist' so we were already well schooled in the idea of easier to take it than to make it.

Yes, the pyramids marked the mines and as different parties arrived seeking whatever this planet was formerly rich in, they brought with them their own force of miner/soldiers.

Like Darwin observed, different climate conditions produce 'adaptations' in all species. The conditions on this, our planet of 'non-origin' aren't severe enough to produce the multiple adaptions we find in the races represented by various waves of invasion.

[Chances are the 'pirates' came first followed later by the various Empire(s)]

When viewed through this lens the potential grows that we are in fact 'dump' for criminals and the insane. [Put it together people, the criminally insane!]

But we digress from 'comply or die'. Those left behind seized control and maintain it via ruthlessness.

They [like everyone else] KNOW they are 'mis-managing' money but there isn't anyone (still alive) to oppose them and that's how things are going to stay.

The criminals are murderers who have placed themselves 'above the law'.

Everybody knows.

With that said, enjoy your weekend (and watch you ass!)

Until next time, Head.


Thursday, June 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the lynchpin of capitalism is 'pay' and if you can't pay then you do without.

No mystery that when the 'inability to pay' becomes chronic it leads to 'judgement'...usually against the legless individual that is judged as being too dumb to employ or the worse indictment, too LAZY to 'make it happen'.

So do ya think the rain will hurt the refugees? (Not if they're 'Cans'!)

So it is we live a life where it is 'assumed' that you will be given everything you 'need' so when you reach maturity it will be a simple transition from being a 'dependent' to being 'independent'.

If you get shortchanged in the asset column, say that you weren't born into a family with a thriving business and you are also lacking a rich aunt/uncle who can hold the door open for you then fear not, your 'free (mis) education' is all you need to succeed...

At least that's the official position, the one those with the wagging tongues base their judgement on.

Zero irony that the tongue cluckers DO have the kind of familial connections that paved the way for their 'apparent' success.

Yeah, THINKING you are successful is no different from PRETENDING you are successful. It's not until the marshal comes and padlocks what was formerly 'yours' that we admit we aren't as 'successful' as we made ourselves out to be.

That's the hell of it, we pretend to be successful as we borrow from Peter to pay Paul.

But wait, that's not the 'true hell' of it.

Mother nature doesn't have a cash register. [Do any of you comprehend what this means? (rhetorical question for the cognizant.)]

YOU are being RIPPED OFF by those who make themselves 'successful' at YOUR EXPENSE. YOU PAY and THEY get rich because what you are paying for COST THEM ZERO!

And that is the secret that teachers are trained to label as 'the knack for making money'.

You'd think it would be more 'mystical' than that but the truth is often just as simple as it appears.

It is truly the beauty of truth, they are just what they appear to be, nothing more and nothing less.

Which brings us to another TRUTH that none of you want to think about...apparently thinking must hurt like hell if you do it right...

Oh, what 'truth' is that?

Without EQUALITY [everybody gets their 'fair share' and nothing more] there can be no JUSTICE and without justice there can be no PEACE...and without peace there can be no (lasting) PROSPERITY!

Nope, our fine public educational system teaches the wealthy 'have a knack for making money' and that is all you are taught. The scion of the criminals are taught the real reason and warned to keep it quiet or it will make more trouble than they can imagine.

Most follow their parent's advice and don't even mention it to their peers until after they have taken over from their parents. [That's when you want to be a 'fly on the wall', what a conversation that must be!]

While it may start off as marveling over the collective STUPIDITY of the human race, that cognitive dissonance came at a terrible price.

The capitalist system was enforced at the tip of a spear and held in place by the muzzle of a gun...for those of you who think capitalism is the best that true if it's the ONLY choice?

What is the difference between capitalism and whatever else they parade before you dumb eyes when both operate on the premise of 'f-u-pay me'?

You can't even comprehend that you are trapped in the only game in town, that an alternative DOESN'T EXIST.

YOU provide the 'method of theft' the alternatives use without it being explained to you.

Who told you communism operates on the 'We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us' basis? How does fathead know?

Bad news, HE DOESN'T. You are so easily conned that even you are incapable of thinking for yourself.

Why aren't we doing it the 'other way' if there is an alternative?

How screwed are we that ALL the 'alternatives' to 'F-U pay me!' are, in the opinion of the ubiquitous other, all 'WORSE'?

How can the 'gift economy' be worse than 'F-U pay me!' [This argument usually descends into the 'why work' argument if you are just going to give it away...when the end result of capitalism is best described as 'stick 'em up!' I 'OWN it, pay me!]

Ain't nobody got a bill of sale from God (especially since there are several warring versions of the Almighty to contend with.)

This is what 'drives' our 'economy'...worse, Economists call this a 'science'...weirdly nicknamed 'the abysmal art'.

How bad does it have to get? We already shipped the 'legitimate economy' to the supposedly communist Far East yet the conservo-whacko's BS detectors didn't go berserk...(because there is no difference between communism and capitalism, the difference is the communists have a 'planned' economy where the few (Party Leaders) make out like bandits while the public share equally in widespread poverty.

What's that sound like to you?

Our patriot forefathers (and mothers) had a different word for it, they called it TYRANNY!

Are you tired of working for a tyrant that cheats you every chance they get, pretending they have to 'stay competitive' when 'the competition' is dropping wherever you look?

[When there is only one source and that is pretty much what the endgame of having just one planet leads to the 'competition' eventually becomes a chimera, just like your 'representation' is.

SO I ask you AGAIN, how DUMB are you?

What part of CHUMPED don't you understand?

They are ALL in on it, albeit some of them 'unwittingly'...although just like 'F-U pay me' journalists and teachers both face the sarcastic 'so you learned to live on love?' question if they stray from the 'script'.

You do it and like it if you want to see your next paycheck.

Funky little circle they got there, isn't it?

Well, chances are I've overloaded the minds of the synchopants but the cognizant have been nodding along with me as I check off the well worn boxes. You've heard it all a million times just just failed to appreciate what they were REALLY SAYING!

So now you know.

Until next time, Head!


Fair warning, today's piece WAS GOING to address humanity's 'warlike' nature so tomorrow's parable will be on the topic of the 'rarity' of peace.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as the political environment has once again become contaminated by 'extremism' we are left frozen with fear that changing horses will result in an extinction level event.

The 'wrong people' control the planet's nuclear arsenal.

What? You say...the OWNERS of what we ALL need to survive have claimed the launch codes for themselves and if we upset the tyrant's designs they will make good on their threat to nuke humanity back to the stone age.

Actually nobody is certain what will happen if there are multiple, simultaneous nuclear detonations, maybe the atmosphere will catch fire and burn all the oxygen up. [The unknown that stalked the original test, scientists didn't know 'for certain' that it wouldn't happen and they still don't know for sure which is why the scientists have been fighting to keep the 'unthinkable', well, unthinkable. [The 'tendency' (among non-scientist 'armchair warriors') is to treat them like really powerful normal bombs when there is a whole nother level of danger involved.]

STOP: how 'good' are you with 'don't know, don't care' now?

Because that is the intellectual capacity of the typical criminal charged with deciding whether or not to launch.

That said, the coming nuclear debacle will be BLAMED on the Donald despite his having no 'real authority' to authorize a launch.

In that much we are, (in a manner of speaking) 'safe' from Bumbolini lighting them up (just to get his name in the history books. )

He's gonna go down in history, likely for a narrowly avoided WWIII and I'm sticking with my original prediction that his 'presidency' will end with him face down in a pool of his own blood. [History's actors have people who arrange such things once a puppet has outlived its 'usefulness'.] (Still figuring out who to 'vote for' Dummy? Try not pissing into the wind!)

Not a 'patriot' by any stretch of the imagination, [Donald's 'loyalty' (such as that is) begins and ends with Donald.] He may mug it up for the cameras, dry humping the flag but in the end the sign stuck on his back reads "I LOVE Me!" (fuck the rest of ya!)

Neither a mental giant nor a clever one, he is, in the worst possible way, RUTHLESS.

That said, you can bet he smells blood in the water...what he is likely unaware of is it's his.

I'm also sticking by my assertion that running for president wasn't HIS idea, this wasn't done FOR him, it was done TO him.

Boil away the BS and that makes him a PATSY.

How are they going to cover their trillion dollar theft?

Sure beginning to look like with a flash of blinding white light followed by a deafening Bang as everything inside the detonation area vaporizes.

But I digress...albeit only a tiny bit given today's title.

Let's backtrack a step while we are here and look at the 'tax cut' for a brief moment.

Those who benefited the most from the cut DIDN'T need it, these people already pay themselves more than they can spend. Flipping that rock over there is NO PLACE to invest ANYWHERE in the bankrupt capitalist wet dream of F-U Pay Me!

[In case you are wondering how human trafficking and drugs continue to flow unhindered by 'laugh', er, Law Enforcement. Funding the desperate is how criminals make money, turn it into power only to turn it back into money again. Yup, Vonnegut nailed it when he called it 'idiot's delight'.]

They didn't NEED the money and despite grinding poverty across much of the planet, had no place to put it.

What does that tell you about the 'competence' of the people running things?

It's not that people aren't 'curious' but they don't seem to ask the 'right questions'.

So as we prepare to fight our ideological opponents over what needs doing and how to 'pay' for it, the criminals must laugh themselves to exhaustion marveling over how DUMB the populous is.

And THAT is the 'BOTTOM LINE' good citizen, can we save our species from those who manipulate the dumb among us?

AGAIN, not 'WHAT TO THINK' but something to think about...

Until next time, HEAD.
