Monday, December 31, 2018

Fodder [yeah, cannon type.]

Greetings good citizen, here we are again, on the brink of adding another year to the dustbin of history. One where the feckless (who write history, THEIR WAY) will wrap themselves if make believe glory that would blow the minds of all who actually lived through their maladministration.

I say 'almost' because it is not yet midnight. While time is a function of motion and midnight will come and go regardless of how many of us live until midnight GMT, it is not yet a 'done deal'.

I have predicted more than once that we wouldn't get this far and I'm drawing a fresh line in the sand for inauguration day 2021 regardless of who wins because capitalism can't survive and there is nothing on the table to replace it.

That said, the almighty 'we' don't get to vote on which commerce system would serve us best. That choice is made for us by the 'owners'.

Without that decision-making power we will be forced to accept a tyrannical welfare state where those at the top live a life of leisure [mostly due to 'accident of birth'] while those in the middle will work [foolishly] for wages they can't live on because the 'foundation' of civilization, according to those who run it, is misery and not prosperity! On the bottom we find those 'ill born', the by-product of rape and broken homes living lives of endless despair broken only by the 'hope' that they will (one day) win a lottery that lifts them from their poverty.

Hope floats and so will the lottery, going unwon week after week as it grows and grows...until some lucky slob buys a ticket and then doesn't come forward...then the 'lottery' will announce plans to take the money [which it already took half of] and divide it among the participating states, screwing the nations players out of roughly six dollars a piece...thanks for being stupid!

Wait until the lottery goes planet wide! Talk about a fuckaree!

Yeah, that's the other shoe that nobody is talking about. Now that 'commerce' has been 'consolidated' under the current batch of billionaires, there will be war between the impoverished states that don't provide anything to the loop and the 'predator' states that invested in large militaries capable of fielding global invasion forces.

Welcome to humanity 2.0

All so 'a few' can be 'rich'.

So go on and wrap yourself in the flag and plant a support our troops garden gnome in your picture window [because you don't have a yard and the HOA has forbidden statues of any kinds in the common areas. Oh yeah, don't forget to kiss your child good-bye because your money isn't the only thing you have invested in maintaining the feckless's safety/hegemony.

Maybe after they return from shooting foreign terrorists they will return home, pin on a badge and shoot domestic ones too! [Hell, it's all they know how to do...]

Doesn't matter which 'party' you vote for if both are controlled by the same folks that stage the whole charade, the MONEY! [No funds, no run!]

The 'future' lies before us and roughly half of you think it's already too late to turn this shitshow around. Meanwhile the other half knows they can't do it by themselves. [So (by default) the feckless win!]

All because you didn't dare make a stand. You also refused to question WHY nothing was being done about the unmitigated tyranny that is everywhere you look.

You just stood and watched as the innocent were trampled into the dust by the marching feet of unemployed children. [Where do the kids that can't afford college go? To be all that they can be, regardless of which branch they join or which flag they serve under, it's all the same because tyranny never sleeps.

[Tyranny: being forced to obey the will of another, the 'opposite' of 'freedom'...] For the simple among us it's what the patriots revolted against!

This is the tyrants claim writ large, they can and indeed HAVE paid half of us to kill the other half and it didn't cost THEM a cent...or a drop of their precious children's blood.

And that's the part we can fix.

Happy 2019, good citizen/fellow human. All it takes is the 'resolve' to turn this thing around, Exile 'em all!

Good hunting!


Sunday, December 30, 2018

Marvel [not the comics]

Greetings good citizen, today's missive is on the topic of the media and how they appear to be obsessed with homosexuality.

Fine if you're into that sort of thing but like a lot of other things in life, it's choice for the individual to make and therefore NO CONCERN OF MINE!

Why does the media, set on dividing us (and keeping us there) unable to leave the topic be?

If it bleeds is leads and if it's gay it stays? WTF?

Some are aware of this manipulation and others regularly ignore stories that have no 'relevance' to them but being the insufferable gossips that we are, the 'little old ladies' (a.k.a. superstitious peasants) among us cluck our tongues and ask anyone willing to listen, "where's the shame?"

Did I mention (or am I overdoing it under the 'it's only funny/brilliant the first time' rubric?) that hatred is a learned thing? Hate something and can't explain why just look at your family tree and try to recall which one of your relatives 'taught you' to shun it. [Broccoli followed by a fake gag reflex...yeah, that one. Broccoli, properly prepared, is delightful.]

The rest of today's news was equally as disturbing. Has anyone else picked up on the willful ignorance on display surrounding the collapse of Sears? Seems the guy who bought it for the Real Estate [he was never trying to save the retailing giant.] has stepped up to protect his initial investment [read unload as much as they can before the whole thing comes crashing down.]

Why is NOBODY talking about the 'elephant in the room' (while they obsess over shit that isn't our business...)

Commerce is failing and that failure will be CATASTROPHIC if it isn't addressed. [We ALREADY have a 'lost generation' on our hands but that's 'non-news/fake news' as far as the CORPORATE OWNED MEDIA is concerned...]

Kids spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for jobs that don't exist (on this part of the planet) is criminal but we live under the 'It's not the feckless's fault if you're too stupid to figure things out yourself.'

Buyer beware [something we can no longer afford, not that we ever could...but 'we' don't control the laws.]

Most can see that this won't end well...and the longer we put it off taking corrective action, the 'unhappy ending' is pointing at the bulk of us rather than the feckless few.

What do you do when the criminals have seized the 'legal high ground'?

Same as it ever was...I will once again refrain from belaboring the obvious. [Not that I often achieve this lofty goal...but I have that bad habit of digressing...(more or less constantly.)

In the end it is what it is.

And that's the end of today's offering. Happy Sunday good citizen/fellow human/conservative fucktard...(sorry, couldn't help myself!)


PS: Milestone alert: 1,000th post!

Saturday, December 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, every once in a while we return to the fact that the world is falling apart all around us while the media reports trivial non-events like El Trumpo 'threatening' to survive until tomorrow. [Equally as asinine is his threat to 'close' the Mexican border. What will the US manufacturers with plants in Mexico do when their products are blocked at the border.

All because STUPID was too chicken to fund the wall himself! He had two years of Republican CONTROL of congress and not once did he ask his fellow Republicans to pay for the NOW he expects the Democrats [already foundering with their awkward mid-term 'victory' and the ensuing battle for leadership while the wife of a billionaire refuses to step aside for the 'good of the party'.]

So the King of the Deal has to get the Democrats to pay for the wall that neither the Republicans nor the Mexicans will spring a single cent for.

Um, suicide if they do and it is likely numbnuts will get impeached AND REMOVED FROM OFFICE if they DON'T.

Apparently our 'really smart' president hasn't figured out that the Democrats win either way and ALL they have to do is NOTHING!

IF the Democrats fold and vote for the wall the 2020 election will be a sham going in and NOBODY is going to sit still for 4 more years of this freakshow!

Ironically, they could just 'announce' that the wall is being built with zero explanation and the 'base' would accept it. They could even start a 'whispering campaign' that the Dems traded their vote on the wall for a compromise on Obama/Romneycare. Yes good citizen, for the morons among you Obamacare is based on a the 'republican design' of 'mandated insurance' rather than single payer health like it is in other nations with better, less expensive healthcare.

Think YOU aren't being 'manipulated'...if you're here you've got more on the ball than the MAGA cap wearing morons, there's dumb and then there's whatever that is...

Which brings us to the other question, like victory in the Middle East, how will we know when Murika is Great...(again?) [When wuz Murika great the first time? when we (finally) 'freed' the slaves (from being cared for by they masters...who were the ones literally freed...) or was it in the twenties when we (finally) gave women 'permission' to vote?

Or is our claim to 'greatness' only as recent as WWII when we single-handedly saved Europe from fascism and watched with our thumb up our ass as the Soviets captured all of Eastern Europe and months later China fell to Communist rule?

Was THAT our 'moment of greatness'?

And turning the planet to glass is going to bring that glory back...for who? Trump?

Left to your imagination is whether or not Trump is the outcome of a broken process or the puppet installed by those who hijacked it, either way what passes for 'government' is toast and beyond repair from this side of the control room.

Once again there is no 'consensus' on what's broken or even how to go about repairing it.

Some want a 'clean slate' while others think we just need to weed out the 'bad operators' in a decidedly corrupt system.

Logic tells us that the WHOLE SYSTEM is corrupt from top to bottom so letting the 'underlings' step into their bosses shoes will only give a fresh face to people who only know ONE WAY of doing things and NOTHING WILL CHANGE.

Let's say the 'purgers' win out and all of the 'key positions' are, er, 'vacated' [no prosecutions, it's the 'professional courtesy' thing in action...because the people moving them out are just as bad if not worse than the ones how did the feckless's bidding.]

That's where the ball gets dropped. The problem starts with those who have declared themselves 'above the law', they need to be COMPLETELY REMOVED from society...because if only one person is permitted to avoid prosecution for their crimes then the law is MEANINGLESS!

Will the Trumpsters, claiming to be Q-Anon, save their boy from the hangman's noose solely because he was 'their president'?

Given the 'alternative' here we can't declare ALL Trump voters social suicides, many merely voted for Trump to reject Hillary.

It's not a 'meaningless question' to ask if we wouldn't be close to where we are at right now [globally] had the Electoral College not done the bidding of it's political masters and the contest had gone to the party of the 'super delegates'.

Probably much less 'theatrics' and Willy Jeff authorized some cruel tactics to be used on the refugees from the GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE! So there is little reason to think that Billary wouldn't use 'past precedent' as justification for continued brutality.

While we're there, there is another 'elephant in the room'. The one of police brutality being used against unarmed civilians.

It's only a matter of time until that situation gets out of hand and the cops claim they were 'forced' to draw their weapons.

You know the NEXT, er, 'demonstration' the 'marchers' will be wearing (stolen police body armor [what the hell THEY paid for it!]) and carrying scatterguns.

None of this was in today's papers but few will deny this is where this whole shitshow is headed.

Once again I remind constant reader why I end these where I do...

Thanks for opening your mind, those of you that still have one to open...


Friday, December 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, again I belabor the obvious when I point at the stepped up efforts by the freakishly feckless to 'stampede' the clueless. Since money has become completely disconnected from value the totally 'subjective' stock markets have been gyrating like a coked out hooker looking for a pole to hump.

Speaking of Capt. Obvious, anyone even mildly paying attention can see that the economy REMAINS broken [No place to 'invest' and nothing 'new' on EITHER front, tangible or intangible because creativity has been choked to death by the lawyers!] lower employment [because capitalism isn't about 'sharing the wealth', it's about more for me and the easiest way to line my pockets is taking it from you! You don't need a psychic to tell you it's gonna suck being you!]

Sure, you get the picture. Capitalism is dead and eating it's own carcass because that's what it does but what does that have to do with you?

That's the part you don't get or worse, can't wrap your head around.

Most of you cling to the idea that 'Daddy' (or some other adult) is going to come home and knock the babysitter's teeth down their throat for 'abusing' their helpless kids.

You 'kidults' need to wake up to the idea that Mommy and Daddy are dead and nobody is coming to save you from the psychopaths that are pretending to stand in for them.

Plain enough for ya or do I need to hit you harder?

How, er, dumb are you? Turns out you're a lot dumber than even you think and that's a mighty low bar.

More, er, 'disturbing' is how few of you appreciate what's coming next...and no I'm not going to make you sit through a meandering twenty minutes pointless (and seeming endless) video that has nothing to do with nothing.

The 'bottom' is going to drop out from underneath you and it won't be 'real'.

They will tell you that the banks are closed and there's been a 'run' on sanity but none of it will be true.

When the smoke clears they will call it 'a mistake' and 'the big misunderstanding' but the thing too few of you appreciate is how much modern civilization relies on TRUST.

If YOU can't/don't TRUST the people running things you are beyond Well & Truly. [David Drake readers know what 'Well & Truly' means.]

Um, MOST don't trust the government as far as they could throw it and even fewer trust their employers (mostly due to the mask most big employers wear.) If you work for a one man band you already know trustworthy isn't the first word that comes to mind, something along the lines of greedy, self-centered puke comes close despite the 'nice act' that you can see right through.

Um, then we come to the institutions intended to keep you 'safe'. A fed...pretty much any fed would bust you than look at you and the cops, (if it's NOT your Uncle) will shoot you than look at you and you're doomed if you find yourself in court without a high priced lawyer by your side.

Hospitals are looking to suck everything you've worked your entire life for from you for the services they rendered (albeit it poorly.)

There is nobody 'protecting' you from any of this and you can only marvel over how things got this far off the 'intended path' when the answer is we are neck deep in psychopaths that don't know or even care about the purpose of society/civilization.

The people running things have lost their focus on the purpose of the institutions whose operation they oversee were established for and they turned 'predatory' because the bankers screwed the pooch by undermining the value of money.

It all started when the bankers [for the raiders] started valuing the pieces more than the whole.

Once the pieces proved worthless, they walked away, pockets bulging, laughing at both their cupidity and the buyers stupidity.

Remember the 'motto', they can't help it if YOU'RE stupid!

Don't be stupid, go track down the feckless few and string them up!

The only thing they 'understand' is a 'hard stop'. Weirdly they are also too stupid to realize that money is worthless. It's worth something to you and that is all the 'value' they need...because you will do stupid things to get your hands on proven on TV countless times.

Speaking of 'stupid' I just received an alert over the cable system regarding 'inexplicable' 911 outages.

Do you suppose 'hackers' have tampered with the emergency response system? [or do you think it is one more piece of History's Actors plan to stampede the morons into blood in the streets?]

So, how's your New Years plans shaping up? Quiet evening in might be just the ticket considering how 'unstable' its becoming in the larger 'playing field'...

Watch your back!


Thursday, December 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the calendar dwindles to it's last blips we look back in remembrance and wonder if any of the questions facing humanity will be 'answered' or will we watch in horror as the whole damn edifice collapses before our eyes.

It is here that we encounter a puzzling question...'who' (precisely) is the 'enemy'?

The media beats the war drum and provides us with the rundown of who has, er, 'a grudge' against who. [How 'genuine' this grudge is rhetorical, if the media says it's true then it must be.]

It is here that millions of innocents are placed in, er, 'harm's way' because the 'conspirators' want to keep a razor's edge on their military and there is nothing like 'real combat' to battle harden your forces to the 'realities' of war.

If we could 'pinpoint' these conspirators we could save countless lives but the conspirators have something in common with their 'protectors'...they are both sniveling cowards. [This is why they operate in SECRET.]

Again, the cognizant don't need me to draw pictures, it's the morons that believe everything the media tells them without question.

In life there are those who believe anything a well-heeled stranger tells them and there are those who know it doesn't matter the source, you need to 'filter' everything you hear through multiple credibility checks to ferret out the reporter's 'true intent'.

EVERYTHING you hear is 'spun', only morons accept information at 'face value'. If you didn't witness it personally, you have no idea what actually happened.

And therein lies the rub. We get these 'incidents' that don't add up in your day to day calculus yet our 'so-called leaders' commit blood and money to 'avenge' the nation upon those who DARE to DEFY (some anonymous campaign contributor) 'us'.

The (never-ending) War on Terra, where we invaded Iraq, deposed their government and murdered hundreds of thousands of their the NAME OF 9/11! [That makes W. a criminal and it doesn't matter how you shake it, it has always been 'blood for oil'.]

W. is and was an Oil Man and so was his, er, 'handler' Cheney.

The planet bled making oilmen planet-wide 'rich' (in pretend money) while millions did the US public. [$150 a barrel oil anyone?]

If we don't start holding these people accountable, millions will die needlessly...all because nobody was 'in charge' the criminals took control.

The thing humans need to 'wake up to' is the REASON governments are established.

Today's average moron believes the government is stopping commerce from prospering and that we should reduce government to a 'bare minimum' when reality has shown us in no uncertain terms that without the 'restraints' government imposes upon the 'anything for a buck' crowd there would be mayhem society-wide and nothing would be done about it because the people doing all the cheating are already in control of the Justice System [or what passes for it.] (How about prosecutors that REFUSE to prosecute cops for killing unarmed civilians? How bad does it have to get before SOMEBODY thinks the system is pieces!)

Naturally, I am not alone in pointing to a system that has totally derailed itself. The question facing us as 2018 draws to a close is how much longer will this charade continue...because the moment the music stops, mayhem will erupt, world wide...and there ain't nobody in place to stop it.

The [paper] rich will set out to sea to 'wait it out' [and fall prey to very real pirates] while the conspirators will go underground, again to wait for (ignorant) humanity to club itself out of existence as they fight a death match over possession of the last turnip twaddler.

Hard to tell exactly how 'petty' is related to 'stupid' but there is definitely a 'correlation' there.

Again, the 'cognizant' know what Victory looks like and that starts with a pen stroke that wipes out the feckless and their frivolous claims. [Close the stock markets, the banks and the insurance companies. Outlaw cash and round up the criminals for exile (easily identifiable by their black robes, expensive suits or their shiny badges...)

Face it good citizen, the cavalry ain't coming, the outlaws stole all of their horses. The Salvation of Humanity relies on US!

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I don't 'code' so I don't know how to hide 'forbidden' words/terms from the net's search engines. [/would this] camouflage seditious comments or should I use < /something like this> to 'hide' certain keywords from the steadily dwindling list of acceptable search terms?

You can search freely for any human body function you can imagine but when it comes to concepts the list becomes constricted, considerably.

You search for love and you get an answer akin to that of the one provided for 'freedom'...'the state of being free'

Search for money and marvel over what comes back...

Not what you expected, is it?

Whoever, er, 'manages' the search engines has been given the task of NOT PROVIDING answers [useful ones at any rate.]

When I was building the Wix site it has a search engine keyword assistance feature [specifically for google] but if you have something to say and google's advertisers don't want the public hearing that message [particularly dangerous is UNITY] it tells you flat out that Google doesn't use these search terms but 'other' engines do.

That and if I am interpreting it right, if I want comments to work on the new site, I have to BUY a [hosted] package, the 'free' accounts [apparently] don't have working comments. Maybe the commercial accounts do but I don't have $ to burn on something that shouldn't be 'restricted' in the first place.

Anyway, the trainwreck that is my mind got to pondering if there were a way to, er, 'fool' the search engines, make them ignore the message I want to put out there without red-flagging it as 'subversive'.

My e-mail is clearly visible on the page...I'd sincerely appreciate any tips or tricks from the code savvy among my community of readers. drop me a line, let me know what you think of the site...or me for that matter, can't hide from your e-mail. Fair warning, it's NOT my main account.

We are, as most of you suspect, being censored, bigtime and there isn't anything we can do about it.

News to no-one and still distressing for the truth it drives home...tyranny never sleeps.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head (it's a little bit clearer than it was yesterday and it doesn't seem right to tell you to knock it off or you'll hurt yourself!)

Until next time,


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Ho-ho-ho (hee-hee-hee and Ha-ha-ha!)

Greetings good citizen, Happy Tuesday as Christmas isn't the only game in town...Seems the NY Times gave all of us a present with this article from the amazing Mr. Krugman.

Consider how the Trumpistas have responded to falling stocks. So far these are just a minor economic bobble. Yet Trump himself, having claimed credit when stocks were rising, has flown into a rage and lashed out; hence the attacks on Powell. Meanwhile, top officials are still claiming that last year’s tax cut was a triumph in the teeth of the evidence, and issuing bizarre statements — via Twitter — about the health of the banks, which nobody was questioning.

Now imagine how this administration team might cope with a real economic setback, whatever its source. Would Trump look for solutions or refuse to accept responsibility and focus mainly on blaming other people? Would his Treasury secretary and chief economic advisers coolly analyze the problem and formulate a course of action, or would they respond with a combination of sycophancy to the boss and denials that anything was wrong? What do you think?

Let’s be clear: There isn’t an obvious crisis-level threat looming at the moment. But growth is slowing, and as the bumper stickers don’t quite say, stuff happens. And if and when it does, the people who would be supposed to deal with it are the gang that can’t think straight. Merry Christmas.

Um, as a sidebar the holidays are a time to gather with friends and family, so it was I found myself in the bosom of such a congregation and the topic of The Border Wall came up [among many other issues] and what do you suppose the main argument was in favor of the wall?


Yep, stop them dirty scumbags from crossing the border and bringing their damn diseases with them. [like a wall is going to stop germs? WTF?]

I'm going to refrain from throwing the readily available rocks, there's dumb and then there's this.

Rapists, murders and job stealing criminals...they all FLY over the border (in private aircraft...lots of money in drugs)

Perhaps it doesn't occur to these people to ask themselves 'the question'?

How fortunate for the leadership of the planet's nations that their followers are all morons?

{didn't say I wasn't going to kick a few, I just said I wouldn't go out of my way to throw any...}

So on this festive holiday maybe it's time to ask if we should allow anybody with an IQ less than 100 to participate in the decision-making process.

There are too many of us to allow the FOOLS to lead.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your hung-over head, (smells like a brewery in here!)


Monday, December 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it is well 'advertised' that I have no truck with 'Spirit in the Sky' but that doesn't mean others hold that secular opinion.

Perhaps what rankles most is how the feckless use their 'invention' to justify their theft...if there isn't a hell I suppose there's no, er, 'spiritual' price to be paid for either treachery or lies...although I am a big believer in Karma and the universe's, er, 'tendency' towards 'balance'. For all the Evil perpetrated by the feckless, the universe must have some awesome oases of 'good' somewhere that evil isn't likely to taint it...but we have no clue who does the universe's books? Could all the evil be outweighed by a single flower blossom?

I'm not the judge of such things and even trying to conceive of such equations is folly beyond understanding.

Existence merely 'is what it is' and those who commit evil readily accept the debits they are racking up in the old Karmic bank. Doing good earns you 'luck' while doing bad earns you 'payback'.

Not necessarily in, er, 'equal measure'. Therein lies the 'bitch' of it all.

Since nobody has a handle on 'proportion' it seems as though Evil is almost never paid back in full but neither is good, or mercy or sacrifice.

So on the eve of the anniversary of 'The Savior's' birth, how many saviors do you reckon it would take to 'atone' for all of the evil acts committed against our own kind, nature and life itself?

Christmas every day enough or would we still be short? How about Christmas morning, noon and nite?

I'm thinking Christmas every hour on the hour still wouldn't be enough, given the magnitude of the lack of respect and honor among the self-important...and we have no shortage of self-importance.

How ironic, here on the day typically set aside to observe the 'salvation' of humanity that is marked not with 'giving' but with greed and the ceaseless peddling to the unquenchable desires of the basest kind.

Who's gonna save your soul...or is that your D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. face?

[Those who don't learn from this life are doomed to repeat it until they do. Deja vu, because you actually have 'been here before'.]

Wisdom is a gift that keeps on giving but you have to 'pick it up' first...and if you don't understand that I hope you enjoy your next time around and next time be on the lookout for wisdom, it's laying there just waiting for you to scoop it up!

Um, Ho, ho, ho and a hee, hee, hee, merry holidays to you from me.


Sunday, December 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as this year draws to a close it is time once again to take stock of our lives, resolve to leave behind what is holding us back and refocusing our efforts on what is 'important'.

Without 'consensus' there will be no UNITED effort to improve our lives or that of our children...although 'the few' seem to have this problem licked. [Money, we're doing it WRONG.]

Even that admonition ignores the fact that to be human is to be larcenous, grasping and unflinchingly self-centered. The feckless use this fact to console themselves. [It's not as bad as it looks because they'd do it to me in a heartbeat and never look back.]

The, er, 'flipside' of this conundrum isn't what money WON'T buy. Our reliance on others is what kicks us right where it counts, usually when we need them the most.

It's not necessarily the 'Evil Doctor' who routinely plays 'stick 'em up' when patients come to them desperate for a cure. There are ten thousand ways life can paint you into a corner and, without assistance, you will 'twist in the wind' until someone takes pity on you. [A situation the rich routinely 'buy' there way out of.]

But let's try and curb the cynicism, shall we?

It is the Solstice after all and The World is being 're-born'! When our culture was closer to nature we would endeavor to join nature in this 'rebirth', at least spiritually.

Now most of us struggle to find a reason to face another day, only to come back with...(as close as we can tell) we're not dead yet.

Didn't get far with the effort to keep cynicism at bay but that is also deeply ingrained into the 'human condition'...Hope is so rare that we only glimpse it occasionally and then only for a wink and it's gone.

Still, we fortify ourselves with the misguided idea that things COULD BE WORSE and draw strength from that (as foolish as it sounds...but then we are foolish beings!)

The growing 'negativity' in our society comes from those who have had ALL the hope crushed out of them and now only thirst for revenge on those who stole hope from them.

Because the 'answer' to restoring HOPE to our species lay in rejecting the negative's desire for meaningless revenge and embrace the idea that by working TOGETHER we can create an environment that nurtures and heals us all.

Think the 3 pillars, good citizen and embrace them.

[What 3 pillars? Am I talking to myself here? WTF?]

Equality, Justice and Peace are all vital to a 'prosperity' that can't be measured [by moronic capitalist standards.]

If we persist in chasing that beast into the boneyard we will never escape the fate that awaits us there.

Time to 'renew' and remake this existence into something we can all cherish.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, December 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, some might consider abuse of power an act of treason but we must step back and look at what 'History's Actors' are doing...(because they are still at it.)

What we are seeing now is a repeat of waiting until (a Democrat) Willy Jeff was in the White House to sign NAFTA into law [a meaningless gesture made even more meaningless by numbnuts redrafting of the pact this past summer.

But wait, they will, in their usual bait and switch, wait until there is another FAKE Democrat in office and they control both houses of congress so it won't matter if he signs it or not, and 're-authorize' El Trumpo's 'new NAFTA' and proceed to bitch about it because a Democrat signed what was already a fiat accompli.

As Dems gain control of the House in a few days, Mr. couldn't get out of his own way for two years! is now going to shut down the government over funding for a border wall that will prove absolutely useless!

May fool the base but it's not fooling anyone else.

So here we are with another 'government shutdown because 'The President' refuses to sign a meaningless document to 'fund' the government.

A lot of people aren't getting paid but that's another chimera.

Reagan enacted NAFTA before leaving the White House and for reasons unexplained, it never fell to his successor to sign the bill into law so by the time they installed a 'scapegoat' in the White House NAFTA had been a fact of life for a decade...and the Fox News driven 'noise machine' played up the extremely late signing of the 'Treaty' as something the Liberuls did...although like the abomination that is healthcare has Reagan's filthy paw prints all over it!

Seriously good citizen, Fox should lose its charter and Rupert Murdoch should stand trial for sedition!

Although the infection that is Authoritarianism has already spread way beyond the media.

Ya know, you are tempted not to say anything like we did when Reagan pulled the Patco stunt and suddenly you learn that the 'Fourth Estate' is actually in the pockets of the criminals that government is supposed to protect us from.

Now the media is a worthless wasteland of 'disinformation' and the non-existent Justice System has been reduced to armed thuggery.

And still you refuse to revolt, there's cowardice and then there's this...

Frankly I'm disgusted.


Friday, December 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, why does it suddenly seem like our allegedly divided society is suddenly from different planets?

Now [largely the corporate owned media] wants us to believe that the ginned up election between the Giant Douche and the Turd sandwich was genuine, and after finding ourselves saddled with the most unpopular President EVER [The Donald is right about that, he is undeniably the MOSTEST! Which is quite an accomplishment considering who his competition is (Stalin & Hitler.) Although W and the Guppy deserve honorable mentions, none of this would have been possible without their first laying the groundwork. Willy Jeff and Token deserve a nod too if only for being a 'tools'.]

After receiving earnest assurances that it would never happen, we now have one less defender standing between humanity and nuclear suicide [who will stop numbnuts now, the sackless kids?]

I again apologize to the cognizant, who already know that the feckless would rather murder us all than abandon the system that gave them 'the good life'...(and face the likelihood of being publicly executed for their crimes against humanity. It's what THEY'D do!)

Unthinkable doesn't mean the same thing to you and me as it does to THEM...and THAT is the greatest danger of permitting a class of people to behave as though they are in ANY DEFINABLE WAY 'superior' to even the least of us because these people have consciously CHOSEN to no longer BE 'human'.

If a 'mistake' was made it was in not turning them out sooner.

Those who OWN the media refuse to admit nevermind announce that nobody has a plan for what comes next [How lucky for you that you are in the ONE PLACE where the alternative does exist...and it's a far better deal than the feckless have ever offered ANYONE.

The private Idahoes they awarded their 'useful idiots' with all had strings attached to them, A.S.P. has NO STRINGS because it is based in EQUALITY FOR ALL MEMBERS OF SOCIETY! If you take the long naked nature walk, your membership in society has been revoked, not by us but by YOU. [Didn't you see the sign? The one that says 'NO Stupid People beyond this point!' Reading is fundamental and so is thinking.]

How unfortunate for most of us that those who own the media have the upper hand here. You can sit there and 'wonder' if it all wasn't just a trick while you wait for the 'mushrooms to bloom' or you can storm the courthouses and start lynching those who took your pay and then BETRAYED you without batting an eye.

K street should be a morgue and so should Wall Street. Once the button is pushed it will be too late and never could we have had such a move 'telegraphed' more vividly as the Donald has done. He's been spoiling to start a war with ANYBODY since he became not 'president' but COMMANDER IN CHIEF! [oddly ALL the 'Conservo-whacko candidates' ran not for president but for head of the military...something 75% of the public fears like mad because military governments are notoriously 'tyrannical'.

So the privately owned media [which is sinking along with its main 'tentpole', capitalism] is doing what it was designed to do and telling those too stupid to think for themselves that the nation with the planets largest nuclear stockpile is hellbent to use it.

Do YOU want to pay for that...'mistake'? When the button is pushed there's no running away, in fact, the response is automated.

Left to your imagination is whether or not the civil defense system will even warn you that the counterattack is incoming? Remember, it is part of the corporate owned broadcasting system...

I don't like calling it like I see it but the truth comes first and stupid is as stupid does.

Pray for your children and their future.

Thanks to the cognizant for letting me inside their head, it has been an honor and a comfort to know I'm not alone...


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Death Spiral

Greetings good citizen, in keeping with our reporting of the ongoing collapse of civilization that the for profit media pretends isn't happening we have this article from today's NY Times

The population of the United States grew at its slowest pace in more than eight decades, the Census Bureau said Wednesday, as the number of deaths increased and the number of births declined.

Not since 1937, when the country was in the grips of the Great Depression and birthrates were down substantially, has it grown so slowly, with just a 0.62 percent gain between July 2017 and July 2018. With Americans getting older, fewer babies are being born and more people are dying, demographers said.

The past year saw a particularly high number of deaths — 2.81 million — and relatively few births, 3.86 million. If the pattern continues, immigrants will soon be more important to population gains than the so-called natural increase, which is the number of births minus the number of deaths. That was not the case 10 years ago, when natural increase accounted for a far higher share of the country’s population gains.

As usual YOU don't know what that I'm breaking 'fair use' protocol (again) to raise awareness of what's happening Not just here but around the planet

Maine and West Virginia each recorded more deaths than births, Professor Johnson said. Even so, Maine’s population did not decline because it saw an uptick in people moving in, said Amanda Rector, the state’s economist. She said in an email on Wednesday that the state’s annual rate of net migration in 2018 ranked 19th in the nation.

But James Tierney, a former attorney general of Maine who lives in Lisbon Falls, said the population increases have been mostly confined to the southern part of the state, and that much of Maine still suffers from acute shortages of police officers, firefighters, town managers, school superintendents and teachers, among other professionals.

“We have an aging problem of immense proportions,” Mr. Tierney said, adding that some towns have even had a hard time finding snow plow drivers. “These shortages are immense and growing and in some parts of the state, desperate.”

Being a 'New Englander' myself I can explain what you're likely not seeing. I live thirty miles from the Maine border and land there is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than in of Maine's neighboring state, that said many of the transplants referred to in this article start in MA, migrate to New Hampshire then migrate again to (southern) Maine to escape 'tax free' New Hampshire's sky high property taxes!

Problem with Vacationland is if you want to LIVE THERE you have to bring your job with you!

HALF of the state's population lives within 20 miles of it's largest city, Portland. considering landwise, Maine can fit the other five New England states inside its borders might help you understand the scope of the problem.

As you'd suspect this hasn't done the land in the vicinity of NH and MA borders any favors pricewise. [Bizarrely, you can pick up land on the neighboring state borders cheaper than you can in Maine but 'Tax Free' NH generates most of its income from that ten mile strip it took when New Hampshire was carved out of the Massachusetts land grant that originally included Maine.

Ironically nobody put up much of a fuss when the original land grant was carved into new states, the land in question at the time was home to a fierce native population the 'religious freedom seekers' lacked the, er, 'intestinal fortitude' to tangle with. [Disease cleared Eastern Massachusetts of natives shortly before the arrival of the Pilgrims.]

Why didn't the natives make a more concerted effort to repel the European invaders? Their early encounters with 'Pale face' convinced them that even going near them more dangerous than they had a stomach for. That 'danger' diminished with time as the native immune system 'caught up' to what the Europeans brought with them. [we are all 'humans' after all and air travel is 'homogenizing' us faster than anyone ever imagined.]

But I digress.

Why does the media 'play dumb' when it points to situations like today's finding? What do YOU suppose is driving down the birth rate? We already know marriage is down planet wide and the refugee crisis threatens social stability around the globe.

Geez, ya don't suppose it could be the commerce system that's driving some decidedly unnatural selection, do you?

Understand, to the feckless we are ALL 'failed abortions' which makes us a waste of perfectly good buttwipe. [Guess who is behind the 'anti-abortion movement'? The same people that think the majority of us are a waste of space! Isn't THAT a riot?

These are the same assclowns that were rooting for Thanos! Do you think Thanos had 'the right idea'? [You're one sick pup if you do! That said, the 'producers' of that film wanted to see the public's reaction to such an event.]

I'm at the forefront of the fight for population control, we are rapidly overrunning the planet's (safe) carrying capacity. If we slam on the brakes now we MIGHT be able to stop just short of playing russian roulette with famine.

The feckless have no problem with rolling the dice, they won't be here when the troubles caused by their failure to plan arrives.

Have you read the condensed version of ASP yet? (You'll find it under the 'more' tab) [It omits details like there being a holiday EVERY month and your vacation time is attached to your AGE and not your length of service. EVERYONE starts with 3 weeks and adds a day a year up until retirement! [And you'll actually have the MONEY to go somewhere and enjoy yourself...if you're 'smart' about it!]

Nobody goes to the tropics in the summertime but it's not much hotter there than it is, if you want to go and ENJOY a tropical vacation, summer might be the best time. Hard to ski when it's hot but again, being mindful that it's always winter SOMEWHERE can give you the time of your life with a minimum of forethought and just a smidge of planning ahead. [You (and pretty much everybody else) has the time and the cash...why not?]

Reminder: The laws SHOULD BE 'simple and few'. The feckless angle for advantage 24/7 so FOR THEM legislating is a full-time job...and they will argue that you will be running to the polls every time somebody has a brain fart to vote it down.

A simple thought experiment to counter this LIE.

Try and craft a law that passes muster with both the H.A.E. [in as much as no law can provide anybody with an 'advantage' over anyone else then it also has to pass the 'Do unto Others' test.

Some of you are thinking, no problem, easy peasy...but won't you be surprised, it's damn near impossible. Prohibitions against murder and theft apply to everybody so they pass muster. The employment guarantee outlaws poverty and the free housing act outlaws destitution.

Making employment mandatory, while tyrannical (but just on the surface because it applies to EVERYONE EQUALLY.) Refuse your work requirement and forfeit your membership in society. It's quid pro quo written large and EVERYONE plays! Only the crippled are exempt...and even they will be found employment if they desire it! NO ONE will be denied the opportunity to contribute to society, it is only JUST!

Since a new holiday DOESN'T constitute a planet wide emergency AND you'll be able to vote from the comfort of your home...probably just once a year, more frequently if the need arises and LESS if it doesn't.

Did you notice the elephant in the room?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the media marvels over the 'inexplicable' rising global tide of immigrants fleeing to the 'more prosperous' First World, they have the chutzpah to pretend they 'don't know why'...EVERYBODY KNOWS. [Well maybe not the Whackos, they don't remember their own name if somebody doesn't shout it at them every fifteen seconds.]

(How sad is it that half of them think their name is Stupid Mc Dumbfuck?)

My apologies to constant reader but this one is another trip on the latest Hobby Horse to lead the pack, the collapse of capitalism. What's it going to take to make the Stupid Mc Dumbfucks of this nation wake up to the fact that this time-bomb is ticking for THEM too? Millions of homeless living in the streets?

A job market where either you wait anxiously for rush hour praying the Uber dispatcher sends you one or you can listen to lying employers complain they can't find anyone with ten years experience in a technology that has only been around for two...tight labor market, huh?

How long do you think people will keep buying that lie? When is somebody going to point out, 'don't you think it's time to TRAIN SOMEBODY?' WTF! [Oh yeah, might wanna kick up that starting salary from minimum wage, they didn't get that doctorates for free ya know!]

[gritting teeth] Okay, one more time, slow and in English: The FIRST STEP to SOLVING A PROBLEM is ADMITTING the problem exists IN THE FIRST PLACE!

The semi conscious are still marvelling over WHY the immigrants are trekking all those miles, there ain't no jobs here either! Even China only has a 50% employment rate.

Not only is something broken but nobody knows how to fix it...and I can't type the other part because the fear grows that when your only tool is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail...and Numbnuts Mc Dumbfuck has nuclear nails...more than enough to do the job.

Nobody is asking me but here's a sketch of the (non-nuclear) solution.

BY GCA.jr (condensed version)

Preamble: While not universally recognized, the need to abandon capitalism has reached crisis proportions and those 'favored' by the long running system are ignoring the consequences of their inaction. [see the GLOBAL 'refugee crisis'.]

For an idea how long this crisis has been ignored, the original draft of this document was in 1998.

The actual crisis itself dates back to 1980 when the entire political process was hijacked by The Jays, followers of the author of American juris prudence.

Which is fitting considering the bulk of society's problems are Legal. The legal system of The United States in not centered on democracy or even in protecting the rights of the nation's inhabitants. The US legal system exists primarily to safeguard OWNERSHIP RIGHTS.

What happens when 'ownership' forms the basis of your 'justice system' on a very finite planet when all of its inhabitants are FORCED to SHARE that planets limited resources?

Only owners have 'rights'. All others are sent to the back of the courtroom. Since its inception in 1790 the US constitution has become the model for every nation that replaced Monarchy with a 'Constitutional it is that today, Capitalism reigns worldwide.

What is the rigid backbone of Capitalism? Ownership. Those who Own the enterprise, profit from it. So it is we are in the thrall of a commerce system that doesn't serve 95% of the population of the planet.

That 'More perfect union' referred to in the original constitution isn't possible under a system that omits Equity. Mankind's oldest foe has long been itself and this will not change until THE LAW recognizes ALL HUMANS as EQUALS, deserving of an equal share of the bounty that both this planet and their species has to offer.

Without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE and without JUSTICE there can be no PEACE...and without PEACE there can be no PROSPERITY!

Central to A.S.P. Is EQUALITY for ALL MEMBERS OF SOCIETY, those who, by their actions or their choices forfeit membership in civil society shall be shunned by humans the world over and exiled to live as best they can without the benefits of civil society.


The first Law of this new, holistic, operating system is the The Human Anti-Exploitation Law that forbids any human from profiting at another humans expense.

For those of you confused by the term 'exploit', the H.A.E. not only prohibits ownership (of anything by anybody) but it also outlaws the Employer/Employee relationship, giving a whole new meaning to the term 'coworkers'.

That said, you are still required to follow the direction of 'Leadership' although under the 'ownership model' where you might have been 'terminated' for insubordination, the leaders will be following the 'leadership' model where they will be forbade to ask anyone to do anything they themselves would not do.

Unlike the old style of relationships, leadership isn't appointed by the owner, it is won by skill and competence. A leader knows how to do the job so thoroughly that they can also teach others to do it!

Vision and resourcefulness have combined successfully to lift humanity out of the 'darkness' that is the stasis the self-interested [more for me] crowd wishes to inflict upon us.

So it is here we recognize the NEED to place THE LAW beyond the reach of the 'self-interested'. Those who win 'leadership' positions have no law making abilities. For a law to become a law it must first pass the H.A.E and the 'Golden rule' of 'do unto others', if it fails either [our current legal system is awash in 'spite laws'] a proposed piece of legislation can not be put to the public for a vote. [There shall also be a limit to how many times similar legislation can be put forth for consideration. Adding to that no proposed legislation or variant thereof can be submitted to the public for a vote more than three times, TOTAL.

This is the essence of the 'new' legal system. NOBODY can make up laws to suit a situation, leaders are given latitude to 'bend' the laws but only in EMERGENCY situations. Since leadership has no 'law making' powers they cannot [like they regularly do today] 'exempt' themselves from prosecution. If a leader breaches the law they WILL stand trial for their transgression and a jury will either prosecute or absolve them of guilt.

Those who 'agree' to live under the law will vote upon what is or isn't acceptable to them and a 'super majority' rules. [A new proposed law must reach the 75% approval rating to become law] For far too long we have let the self-interested decide for us under the guise of 'representatives' that were beholden to the self-interested.


Upon adoption of A.S.P. and the establishment of Division society EVERYONE will have their bank accounts zeroed, no exceptions.

Cash and all cash substitutes are illegal and the possession of either is an exile offense.

One of the first acts of adopting A.S.P. will be to close the stock markets [permanently] and shutter the banking industry as 'banking' becomes an internal function of the division that one works in. This extends to that other scam we call 'Insurance'. No need to insure what we (society) will replace on an as need basis, regardless.

Insurance exists to provide a 'cover' for fraud and will be abolished. You won't 'own' a house or a motor vehicle [you will be provided with both on an as needed basis...your 'residence' will be free and motor vehicles will cost you by the mile to discourage 'wasteful/needless' travel adding to an already polluted atmosphere. [Trains and buses will be free of charge.] The individual is urged to plan accordingly.


While there are tens of thousands of SIC codes, there will only be 12 divisions or specialties deemed necessary to the survival of mankind. Too big of a social structure and the operation becomes unresponsive whereas too tragmented and it becomes impossible to track either the purpose or the productivity of the niches become overrun by corruption and fraud.

While the divisions are presented in no paticular order they must cooperate with one another to serve society.

1.Mining and Extraction
2.Construction and Infrastructure
3.Manufacturing and Fabrication
4.Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
5.Transportation and Distribution
6.Retail and Warehousing
7.Hospitality and Entertainment
8.Education and Training
9.Communications and Broadcasting
10.Medical and Healthcare
11.Science and Research

Upon completing your basic education you are eligible to apply for apprenticeship in the Division you are interested in pursuing a career with. Upon acceptance you will move to where your opening exists and visit the local relocation bureau for you first residence. Since housing upgrades are part of the promotional process [as you climb the leadership ladder you 'win' perqs like waterfront properties or quieter neighborhoods or a happening place where the action is depending on YOUR preferences.] Your first place will be fairly basic (although, depending on inventory and popularity of your career choice, upgrades might be available) Wanna be a Rock God you are going to have some stiff competition and that means slim pickin's on the domestic arrangements. After your first year as an apprentice you are obliged to test for competency


Testing: Once you are completed your first year [full year] of apprenticeship you will be tested to insure your competence and craftsmanship. Your test score will directly affect your PAY.

Efficiency and attention to detail will be rewarded while points will be taken off for sloppiness and neglect. One must first MASTER one's chosen vocation before advancing up the ladder into leadership and it is here that the dividing line exists. Testing UP TO the Master level is compulsory, once you have attained mastery the tests become 'optional'.

If mastery eludes you changing careers/divisions might be advisable. Persistent quality issues might also dictate a fresh path but eventually the right 'fit' will be found. [In, er, difficult cases a new re-evalutaion process may be undertaken.] If it happens too frequently in the same region the educational process will fall under scrutiny and the Uh-oh squad will pay a visit.

These are issues that will be addressed on the regional level but if the problem crops up system wide, the entire educational network will be overhauled.

A society that teaches its children nonsense is doomed to fail...but we aren't here to dwell on YOUR education, political or otherwise.

Transition is a process and not a destination.

Something that seems to have stopped almost forty years ago is the process where we evaluate whether or not we have hit our goals as a society.

Zero irony that this, er, 'oversight' is traceable back to the dawn of the Civil Rights era, around the same time money seized control of the political process.

But let us return to the testing process as it climbs to the pinacle not of 'power' but of 'responsibility'.

As the 'ladder' suggests, each rung adds new responsibility and new skill sets to be mastered. Under a 'deliberative' model, one would be given 'ample time' to master each level but we don't have unlimited time or immortality before us [yet.]

As humanity evolves, leading to a different future perhaps the process can be slowed to allow for a more 'mature' approach but in the here and now the focus will be on preventing the stagnation that kills social development.

VISION is the 'essence' of leadership! While it is tempting to charge into the unknown, guns ablazing, true 'vision' foresees the consequences of recklessness and plots a more 'sustainable' course.

In this statement you have just been handed the 'key to success' in the competition to become humanity's next leader. 

It's right there in front of you and the word is 'sustainability'.


Since it is imperative that the divisions function together smoothly it will be FORBIDDEN to form political parties or to otherwise create or endorse any schism within Division society because we ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, there is NO Opposition!

Opposition serves the self-interested and the self-interested alone. If you oppose unity then you are opposed to society and will be exiled...because YOU don't 'need' the rest of us.

PLEASE, do the rest of us a favor, LEAVE. [You can 'volunteer' to be exiled and will be provided with free transportation to the Island established specifically for 'freedom loving (morons) individuals' just like YOU. If you choose to sow discord there, be our guest because if you TRY it here, you WILL be sent to the place where your estimated survival time is measured in days if not hours...[depends on who you fail to hide from.]

Special note for 'volunteers': If you are caught with a cache of cash substitutes you WILL BE PERMITTED to take it with you! [maybe you can buy some extra life from your fellow freedom lovin' rugged individuals...although we doubt it.] Limit: All YOU can carry...and GOLD is more than a little heavy. Doubt you are going to find a credit card reader on Lord of the Flies Island but you never know...just be careful what you 'trade' for, these are gold lovin' yankees were talking about here and their motto remains the same: We can't help it if you're stupid...

Trust, some of us don't learn its true value until its too late.


Society becomes much less civil when the individual is denied the right to redress their personal grievances. In conjuncture with *the unilateral disbandment of the planet's police forces comes the restoration of the individual's right to duel.

For all our 'bravado' humans don't really like to fight and have gotten taken advantage of for their timidness. Well, people would be more respectful to one another if they understood their cupidity might cost them.

Unlike duels of old, modern mortal combat will be fought in PRIVATE dueling arenas. The events will be recorded but NOT for public display and the combatants have to wait a 3 day cooling off period before signing a document of intent.

Dueling need not be fatal and if both parties agree a non-letal match can be conducted with medical assistance standing ready.

The CHALLENGED has the right to refuse...and they also have the choice of do not challenge anybody lightly, they may well be experts in an exotic form of fighting you aren't familiar with.

Knuckleheads will wind up dead fairly quickly, the ones that don't opt for voluntary Exile in the beginning. Stupid has a bad habit of underestimating their opponent.

The challenged isn't required to accept and even the challenger can recant but you want to think real hard on that as we are living in a world where your reputation follows you around and can haunt you for the rest of your days.

Don't start something you have no intention of finishing.

Not only will the police be disbanded but those who controlled their actions [most of 'em will be exiled for their crimes against humanity ] will be out of a job as the entire 'justice system' is replaced by one that serves humanity rather than those who stole from us all just to enrich themselves. It is perhaps telling in the extreme that cops earn their guns and badges for their 'loyalty' NOT for their intelligence.

No more judges, no more lawyers nor more 'officers of the court' as well as no more 'politicians'.

The LAW belongs to ALL who agree to live under them. [A new 'coming of age' ceremony will be enacted where all 'new citizens' will be given the opportunity to accept/agree to the laws of Division society OR to reject them and join the 'rugged individuals' of Lord of the Flies Island.]


The 'new' legal system consists of the courts run by the magistrates who exist to prosecute crimes and 'referee' the juries when they have questions regarding what they can or cannot do. The Magistrates and the Uh-oh squad both operate out of the Services Division, a catch all division where the public comes to interface with the Divisions. You will find Relocation Services inside the local Services Division headquarters.

The individual WILL receive a 'fair and speedy trial' by a jury of their peers [in this new incarnation, literally, albeit your peers are defined for this purpose as people who have had dealing with you in the past, opening up a more honest and reliable jury pool that one made up of just your best friends...[which could go horribly sideways in either direction due to humans decidedly twisted sense of humor.]

Rather than 12 our new jury will consist of 7, eliminating the possibility of a 'hung' jury, nor does their decision have to be 'unanimous'. A simple majority will decide your fate. Three of the jurors will be people that 'know' you [and the defendant has the right to challenge..but so does the prosecution] and four 'strangers' who have never personally met the defendant.

Since there are no 'judges' to prejudice the proceedings the trial will be heard by the jury and it will be the jury's understanding of the law that they will use in their deliberations.

While lawyers will no longer exist and the defendant will be obliged to defend themselves using only their own understanding of the law. It is here the jury may find wiggle room because the defendant may have misunderstood the meaning of the law.

Or, more bizarrely, may have mentally exempted themselves from prosecution for any number of screwball reasons. People are strange!

Jury duty shall always be 'enlightening' (as well as PAID at your normal rate.) That said, if you find yourself being impaneled a little too often perhaps you should be more mindful of who you associate with. Life is trying to send you a message, you should listen.

Just sayin, ya know?


Your money is for YOU. Under A.S.P. There is only one way to 'earn' money and that is to work for it. Your necessities are provided free of charge. [The people who make them are paid to do what they do so there is no need for YOU to pay them too.] If you follow a STEM path and attend college, again it is FREE to you, your professors are paid TO TEACH YOU, the 'school' doesn't need YOUR MONEY to operate, the school was built to serve the public, it's not a 'cash cow' the capitalists use to milk you, mostly because they can.

I needn't walk up the entire ladder of what you DON'T need to pay for but it's here we need to address what YOU do need to use your money to 'compete' for.

I have already touched on a few items, nights on the town [nobody in their right mind would work in restaurant where the patrons never left AND couldn't tip!] That said most post capitalist dining establishments will be self service as it is more efficient for singles to dine out rather than prepare their own food...and I'm trying not to lump too many things together but life is messy.

Marriage WILL still exist BUT it will not be like the old days where the courts are involved in dissolving the marriage because the divisions care for their citizens from the cradle to the grave, no need for you to do it too.

Pair-bonding will become a choice with most eschewing long term commitments. There is no reason to subject yourself to long term misery for some short term pleasure. Most of us commit to the wrong one too soon and live the rest of our lives in regret.

No longer necessary, especially with the abolition of where were we? Oh yeah, the increased efficiency of feeding a large single population, cafeteria style.

Did you notice the hospitality Division also includes the Entertainment Division? Bands need to play together to get good and you should always be able to find a nightspot where 'your kind' of people are hanging out, grooving to the tunes of your day.

So, eating out will be one of you bigger expenses because food is both high demand and perishable...the two principle factors governing price. With almost every other aspect of life being free, [your other, er, major expense will be clothing, again for high demand and expendability.]

There will be grocery stores and clothing stores. You should NOT need to own a screwdriver but that brings us to 'lifestyles' and the 'Birds of a feather' clause of Division life.

Humans have driven each other crazy because of our diverse interests. Some people are into the whole 'surfing' scene while others relish the biker lifestyle to mention just two of the myriad lifestyle options available.

Well, motorheads need cars to cruise around in and bikers like to customize their rides and go touring together. They have their own kind of lifestyle and some of it is sonically exhausting. People don't like being woken up at 2 in the morning because somebody is racing around town with open pipes.

If you're a 'gearhead' it's a life you choose and in your own enclave you would deal with the insomniacs among you in your own way. [those choosing an open pipes 24/7 ordinance would be also choosing to live in a remote area so that choice wouldn't bother the neighbors.]

[This would not cost you money although being a motorsports aficionado will have an associated cost because fuel also fits into that high demand and perishable category.]

It's not the expense, it about living life YOUR WAY.

Now to the opportunist part of the puzzle.

Since your money is for you and the only way to get money is to work for it, you'll NEVER win it nor can you buy and sell, that leads to the deadly ownership problem.

If you have an item and you're tired of it, you can GIVE it away or you can TRADE it but under NO CIRCUMSTANCES can you later decide you made a poor deal and expect the court system to make you whole.

All 'gifts' or swaps must be recorded in the registry of items...because everything that you USE has a number to show that you are the 'user of record'.

Why bother? Because humans are both notoriously light fingered and envious. Traits that need to be discouraged but are unlikely to be eradicated.

You get a new doo-dad don't be surprised that a sharp eyed house guest spots it and swaps their old one for your new one.

If it looks like something is off you will be provided with the numbers of the stuff registered to you to check and see you've got what you are supposed to have.

Are people petty?

You're asking me?

Yeah they are and it's a damn shame because if your doodad is showing wear and tear just bring it to stores and get it replaced. [Home accessories are free so stealing them, which falls under the possession of items not registered to YOU is an EXILE offense, it's not worth a long naked nature hike into desolation for a knick knack.

That said, thieves don't steal because they need what they take, it's the 'challenge' of the thing. We are probably going to bounce a ton of people for a teeny bit of 'faulty wiring'...but it takes what it takes.

If you find something out of place you may want to keep your mouth shut and just get a free brand new one instead of sending someone to their doom over something trivial.

That said klepto doesn't care if the item in question is an irreplaceable heirloom...and if that goes missing, it's no longer a case of I couldn't help myself...and I didn't know isn't an excuse. It's NEVER alright to take what doesn't belong to you.

That's why being in the possession of items that aren't registered to you is a prosecutable offense.

I'm painting with a broad brush here to demonstrate the 'spirit' of a equality driven, justice centric society. [If you inherit heirlooms do everyone a favor and register them!]

If someone else is paid to do it, the 'rule of thumb' is you don't have to pay too. Food grows for free but everybody needs it so you will be obliged to give up some of your cash if you want to eat...and, again, the 'finer' victuals are rarer and therefore, more costly. Clothing workers are paid to do what they do but clothing is 'expendable' and everyone has different styles.

If you want 'unique' clothing that appeals to your sense of style, you have to pay for it. Basic, mass produced items will be virtually free/minimal expense.

Needless to say if you are, er, unusually proportioned, the cost to custom tailor clothing to your physique will cost you [if only because special accommodations will need to be made.]

Another item you will need your cash for is travel, we can't all head to the sunny part of the planet when the snow flies and if you do you will be obliged to pay, based on demand.

The final note on money and what you can and can't do with it. Mother Nature doesn't have a cash register so when you trade your money for food, clothing or fuel, NOBODY gets it, it is simply erased from your account. An important final note, since the divisions care for you from the cradle to the grave, when you die, your account is erased, live your life, that's what YOUR MONEY is for!

Closing Checklist

1.Ownership replaced by leadership...check.
2.Purge and replace justice system...check
3.establish 'direct democracy' eliminating law by decree...check
4.Free housing...check
5.Free healthcare...check
6.Your money is for you...check
7.Keep it civil [dueling]...check
8.La dolce vida [marriage]...check
9.Birds of a Feather [lifestyle accomodation] ...check
10.Call the Uh-Oh squad...nope and you don't want to know.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Refrain (sing it children!)

Greetings good citizen, today we are once again treated to keen observations of Mr. Krugman, the Nobel Laureate and a regular columnist at the NY Times

For while we may congratulate ourselves on the strength of our political institutions, in the end institutions consist of people and fulfill their roles only as long as the people in them respect their intended purpose. Rule of law depends not just on what is written down, but also on the behavior of those who interpret and enforce that rule.

If these people don’t regard themselves as servants of the law first, partisans second, if they won’t subordinate their political goals to their duty to preserve the system, laws become meaningless and only power matters.

And what we’re seeing in America — what we’ve actually been seeing for years, although much of the news media and political establishment has refused to acknowledge it — is an invasion of our institutions by right-wing partisans whose loyalty is to party, not principle. This invasion is corroding the Republic, and the corrosion is already very far advanced.

I say “right-wing” advisedly. There are bad people in both parties, as there are in all walks of life. But the parties are structurally different. The Democratic Party is a loose coalition of interest groups, but the modern Republican Party is dominated by “movement conservatism,” a monolithic structure held together by big money — often deployed stealthily — and the closed intellectual ecosystem of Fox News and other partisan media. And the people who rise within this movement are, to a far greater degree than those on the other side, apparatchiks, political loyalists who can be counted on not to stray from the party line.

As the situation deteriorates even the pundits are no longer 'holding back' [perhaps because they are finally recognizing that the majority of the voting public is truly 'confused' by those who wrap themselves in the flag than do decidedly anti-american acts [like shutting down the government to get funding for the border wall. Only the Alzheimer's brigade of those of us collecting our bought and paid for retirement checks thinks the border wall is a 'sound' idea...because they are already batshit crazy and so is the Asshat shutting down the government not for the wall but the billions that will be spent building the foolish thing, needlessly.

Once again you have to ask yourself, 'how stupid are you?' [How 'loyal' are you to 'the party' and how much damage will you let 'your party' do to the nation for the sake of, literally, SELF-ENRICHMENT?]

Lot of money to be pocketed by the winners of the border wall contract and that's ALL they are interested in. El Trumpo has already been paid to do his part, all he has to do is use the office handed to him by the scammers to hold the nation hostage.

Now ask yourself stupid are you?

[Still not ready to revolt though, right?]

It's too cold to go out and 'protest' and besides, protests are WORTHLESS. You have to shut the nation down to truly get the self-interested's attention...and that means the Truckers.

Sorry to put it on you boys but the people of this nation need you...and your probably sick of being threatened by the boss if you're late one more time [like there's anything YOU can do about it with whole states using their traffic forces as income streams.] Worse, that's the kind of 'infection' that can spill over into neighboring states because 'party politics' is EVERYWHERE and most of those boys owe their jobs to the people whose love muscle they sucked for the appointment. Once 'in', shit has a habit of rolling downhill.

So I think it's high time they learn who is really 'in charge'. [If shit don't get there when it needs to be there, EVERYTHING STOPS. (I'm looking at YOU tanker drivers...)] No gas is no go.

But hey, it's Christmas time and you wouldn't want to disappoint the kiddies, waiting all year for those presents...NOW stop and ask yourself HOW F'N STUPID am I? If you thought for even a few seconds all you'd need to do is imagine how happy their future would be if they graduated High School and moved into THEIR OWN PLACE, with a guaranteed job under their belts! [They'd like that a whole lot better than the fidget spinner you got them, right?]

That is Not going to happen under the current system that makes you borrow your future from a bank with a job you CAN'T rely on. If you don't want your kids to become future SUICIDES maybe you love them enough to give them a fighting chance...what do you say? We're counting on you and so are they.

Thanks once again for opening your mind to what's going on and taking positive action to stop the feckless from paying the other half to murder the rest of us.


Monday, December 17, 2018


Greetings fellow humans! Today's topic regards the tests for leadership that begin as soon as you complete your first year of apprenticeship [if you 'pass', you get a raise! Hooray for 'competence'...]

Testing: Once you are completed your first year [full year] of apprenticeship you will be tested to insure your competence and craftsmanship. Your test score will directly affect your PAY.

Efficiency and attention to detail will be rewarded while points will be taken off for sloppiness and neglect. One must first MASTER one's chosen vocation before advancing up the ladder into management and it is here that the dividing line exists. Testing UP TO the Master level is compulsory, once you have attained mastery the tests become 'optional'.

If mastery eludes you changing careers/divisions might be advisable. Persistent quality issues might also dictate a fresh path but eventually the right 'fit' will be found. [In, er, difficult cases a new re-evalutaion process may be undertaken.] If it happens too frequently in the same region the educational process will fall under scrutiny and the Uh-oh squad will pay a visit.

These are issues that will be addressed on the regional level but if the problem crops up system wide, the entire educational network will be overhauled.

A society that teaches its children nonsense is doomed to fail...but we aren't here to dwell on YOUR education, political or otherwise.

Transition is a process and not a destination.

Something that seems to have stopped almost forty years ago is the process where we evaluate whether or not we have hit our goals as a society.

Zero irony that this, er, 'oversight' is traceable back to the dawn of the Civil Rights era, around the same time money seized control of the political process.

But let us return to the testing process as it climbs to the pinacle not of 'power' but of 'responsibility'.

As the 'ladder' suggests, each rung adds new responsibility and new skill sets to be mastered. Under a 'deliberative' model, one would be given 'ample time' to master each level but we don't have unlimited time or immortality before us [yet.]

As humanity evolves, leading to a different future perhaps the process can be slowed to allow for a more 'mature' approach but in the here and now the focus will be on preventing the stagnation that kills social development.

VISION is the 'essence' of leadership! While it is tempting to charge into the unknown, guns ablazing, true 'vision' foresees the consequences of recklessness and plots a more 'sustainable' course.

In this statement you have just been handed the 'key to success' in the competition to become humanity's next leader.

It's right there in front of you and the word is 'sustainability'.

The problem with 'More for Me' is that it's not sustainable. We are exhausting resources four times faster than we should be just to keep the feckless in the lap of luxury...for doing NOTHING!

[That's another way of interpreting what scientists calculate is our resource expenditure rate as that of four PLUS Earths!]

The mission ahead is two pronged, one is becoming more efficient and two is the task of 'reclaiming' as much as we can of that which has already been squandered.

'Job security' all around! [Except for the feckless who will be sent on a 'journey of discovery' where they will explore new vistas in 'self reliance'.]

That said, those who are successful in climbing the leadership ladder will demonstrate their fitness for leadership by selecting critical issues facing society to tackle and proving their solution will both benefit and advance all humanity into a more sustainable future.

Ironically, capitalism as managed by the feckless is wasteful in the extreme, that is why we need the 'alternative' for capitalism, YESTERDAY!

Thanks once again for opening your mind and letting me inside your head,


Sunday, December 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's offering provides you a peek at how the world of work will change when we convert from the 'more for me' model to the 'All Play' model:

There are literally tens of thousand of SIC codes but there will only be 12 major divisions. This needs to be kept manageable because the 'skill ladder' leads to leadership of the entire human race...but I get slightly ahead of myself.

Again the ancient shall be new again. The now ancient practice of having to prove you have the talent and the mental horsepower to do the job will replace the 'he's one of us' that has held humanity back for so long.

Who will make it to the top of the ladder? It might well be YOU!

Let me outline the Divisions and then I'll fill you in on how the tests work.

In no particular order, these are the 12 Divisions:

1.Mining and Extraction
2.Construction and Infrastructure
3.Manufacturing and Fabrication
4.Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
5.Transportation and Distribution
6.Retail and Warehousing
7.Hospitality and Entertainment
8.Education and Training
9.Communications and Broadcasting
10.Medical and Healthcare
11.Science and Research

As I mentioned earlier, current workers will be evaluated and assigned a rating with the division that handles what they specialize in. Most adults won't need to start at the apprentice level although some may choose to.

Depending on who you WORKED for may well govern which division you land in more so than your specific job title.

While most divisions will utilize skills from across the trades, what you did for your former employer will remain unchanged. It's the tens of millions that capitalism refuses to 'profitably' employ [and was likely planning to murder] that will find themselves in apprenticeship programs.

Everybody works and everybody participates, nobody is left wondering, nevermind worrying 'What will become of me?' Like Billions do today.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head...


Saturday, December 15, 2018


Greetings fellow human, Today's offering is basically a cheater post. I am drafting a copy of A.S.P. for your reference here on the Wix site as it keeps 'disappearing' on google.

Here's an excerpt from the 'intro'...

If you wanted to learn law you had to first finish your basic education then you had to pass another exam and get accepted into 'law school'.

If you didn't go to law school [and even if you did] you weren't taught about how society works, you were taught how the law (is supposed to) work.

So it is here that YOU, the individual expected to actually live under this operating system are one of the first to read a formal blueprint for society.

Understand, until now society operated on ignorance and inference. If you had no 'documentation' to refer to, you had no leverage to argue that you were being mistreated.

SO I present to YOU with 'A Simple Plan', the first WRITTEN blueprint for society/civilization.

Take a moment to marvel over why nobody has done this sooner?

Since civilization operates on TRUST, you need to KNOW that you aren't being swindled like those currently running things do.

Once you have, er, 'cured your ignorance' you have to ask yourself, do I want to raise my kids in the world I was brought up in or do I want my kids to grow up free?

I didn't chose the title to be 'cute' but because it fits, it really is 'simple' and it is based on reason rather than 'because I said so' like it is now.

YOU deserve better and ASP delivers.

What's the most 'mysterious' substance on the planet? It's not a trick question, problem is you THINK you understand it but it is constantly changing because the people that, er, 'administer' it are always pushing the limits of 'how much today?'

Have you zeroed in on what the 'mystery substance' is? Did you guess MONEY?

Money is what? Most of you don't know but let me start off by informing you that money is a 'legal construct'. Even Lawyers don't like to be 'pinned down' on what money is exactly because money has all kinds of 'equivalents'.

[And there is money to be made when the players are ignorant of what they playing for...]
What a wretched race of cheats we are...but you knew that.

The REAL education starts now by explaining that MONEY itself is absolutely MEANINGLESS! It has zero value...but that is why your typical lawyer doesn't want to tell you the 'exact' value of a given item...because value varies from individual to individual and often race to race.

Stuff you'd pay to have taken away is worth a king's ransom to an individual of another culture.

Men covet gold but as a metalworker I will tell you that there are few metals as useless as gold. It's chief property is it resists oxidation and takes a fair sheen but besides that it's too soft to stand up to even the lightest applications, that's why it is mostly used in jewelry and electronics.

[Why backtrack all this way to explain the nature of money? Because you have been kept ignorant of what money really is so you wouldn't realize that you are being CHEATED!]

The thing you need to be aware of is YOU think money is worth something but the people trading paper for real good KNOW it's only paper and they can print up AS MUCH AS THEY WANT AS FAST AS THEY CAN SPEND IT!

Take a moment to digest what you have perhaps suspected but probably pushed to the back of your mind with a shrug...if you were being swindled, so was everybody else.

Well, now that 'everybody knows' money reverts to its singular useful purpose and that is to regulate access.

If food were free why would you ever leave a restaurant? Maybe to go to a hotel when you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore, then it's back to the restaurant in the morning for another day of free eating...but who would work in a place like that?

Well, now you are beginning to see that money has its uses...but those uses are limited to the individual.

Strictly speaking your money is for YOU and YOU alone!

We can't all go to the Superbowl, there isn't a stadium on the planet that big! How do we decide who gets to go and who would rather spend the money on other things?

Money is how that choice gets made.

Problem is some people get all the money they want for doing nothing...and they throw people in jail if they steal money so how is that 'fair' [not that they give a crap about fair!]

It's not fair and you can't have a civilization if there is no justice. Everybody deserves the same deal, it only makes sense.

Still, if YOU could keep the others in the dark about what they were supposed to get, you could make a killing with that printing press but then we'd be back where we started with 'worthless money'.

Is there an alternative? That's what the blueprint is all about, money's true value is to the individual and for money to retain ITS value we have to prevent it from getting 'diluted' by the reckless people running the printing presses full tilt.

Should bother all of you that the planet's first billionaire [on paper, not in the bank!] was minted in 1972 and now we have a few thousand billionaires, many with multiple billions, in the bank!

The other 'chain' you need to connect is that of pay for everything you buy, even if it's intangible like insurance and mother nature doesn't have a cash register so where does all of that cash go?

Into the pockets of the criminals.

Under ASP you are paid for your labor/service to society and when you buy what you need, what you spend is simply erased from your account, nobody pockets it so it doesn't stick around diluting the value of 'saved' money. This keeps your purchasing power up. [snip]

Have you asked yourself why the operating manual for society doesn't exist...or do you think the 'lawyers' have it 'under control' and YOU don't need to know? Civics was supposed to provide you with a nodding acquaintance with the 'operating principles of civilization but they don't teach Civics anymore since Morning in America [there's that thing again...why do we keep returning to the bloodless coup?]

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Friday, December 14, 2018


Greetings fellow Human, Automation is a multi pronged issue, on one hand it spares workers from tedium and drudgery but that is not why the rapacious like them. They don't complain about long hours or the breakneck speeds they are capable of and, technically, you only pay for them once.

In a world rapidly being overrun by humans what the owner class fails to appreciate is the robot will NEVER buy the products they make.

The problem sweeping the planet is economic nitwits, using heuristics, are measuring growth where there is NONE.

The ability to produce more is superfluous if adding capacity decreases the number of buyers.

Why those with MBA's from Ivy League institutions ignore one of economics most basic rules is how we got where we are today, with automation on the rise and unemployment keeping pace.

In the truly twisted game of Market Share capture, the one with the lowest expense profile wins [whoever delivers an 'adequate' product the quickest and the cheapest wins...but the workers often suffer because being the quickest to market most often relies heavily on robots.]

So what does society do when the majority of its humans can no longer afford food? [never mind all the other things it takes to remain a viable member of the working population.]

All too common the answer has become workers that receive government aid to make up for the shortage in their paychecks. All so the OWNER can keep their prices low and their profits high.

At what point slavery? [Because without the job these people wouldn't be able to survive on the government benefits alone.]

In many places the waiting list for subsidized housing starts at YEARS [Think that's bad, elderly housing is WORSE!]

In case you are wondering, the global race to the bottom is over and humanity lost. [Not All humans, although there is some debate as to whether or not the winners qualify to be called human if we judge by their visible revulsion at being lumped in with what they believe are unwashed 'rabble'.]

Herein lies the rub. Those more concerned with their personal 'bottom line' don't deserve a seat at the table of humanity.

Commerce exists to serve humanity, not just the few but ALL of us.

Being denied the RIGHT to participate in commerce is a CRIME yet no one, even if we were to scour ancient memory, has ever been prosecuted for this crime and we can only wonder why?

Wouldn't be the first time we learned we've been doing it WRONG for ten thousand years! Due to being forced to listen to the 'wrong people', in short, the criminals themselves.

It's going to take more than handing out wheelbarrows full of cash to keep this shitshow floating and that is precisely where this is headed. Once inflation bites, civilization as we have come to know it will crash and BURN!

MONEY Were doing it WRONG!

If you want to learn how money should be handled you will be able to read for yourself in the soon to be completed outline of A Simple Plan.

Banks go 'bye-bye' along with debt of ANY kind! You are NOBODY'S CASH COW.

Happy Holidays everyone! [not everybody is Christian so 'Merry Christmas' isn't a catch all that the stupid think it should be.]


Thursday, December 13, 2018


Greetings fellow human, the conservative echo chamber is spewing vitriol and it's difficult to tell if they can 'step it up' from here so I'll opine they are (pretty much) at 100%. What do you suppose this sowing of hatred/endless attack on decency is supposed to accomplish?

Occupy shined a spotlight on the broken economy, where the adults in the room have once again failed their own children by encouraging them to take on staggering debt in a competition for jobs that DON'T EXIST.

Once again we find ourselves at the wall of 'How Stupid are You?' [Admittedly, the none too swift will take offense to being called on their lack of intelligence, preferring to have it addressed as being 'trusting to a fault' of perhaps 'too reliant' on ginned up 'expert opinion.

"The people on TV said..." and we (once again) circle back to the source of the problem.

Before TV it was The Bible so really nothing much has changed. What YOU need to, er, 'appreciate' is where this leaves us a society?

As a society we rely on information we can how did we end up in the sea of lies?

The answer is literally three sentences above this one. That's how much we rely on accuracy and truth.

So who do you suppose is behind the 'snowflake' phenomenon? The same liars that pretend everything is 'the liberals' fault. These are the same morons that wrap themselves in the flag then call YOU out for being 'unpatriotic'. Zero irony that none of them can spell unpatriotic [because these are stupid people who think their 'pranks' are 'clever'.] None scream more loudly than 'the joker' when they are faced with the consequences of their cupidity...because the (now ancient) penalty for being 'untrue' is death.

While it hasn't happened in a while but you can still be prosecuted for shouting FIRE in a crowded venue just as people who thought it would be 'funny' to stampede livestock back in the 'lawless' West would literally be hung for their 'prank'.

What should we do to the morons who use 'the media' to incite violence and create panic?

Hang 'em?

Prison has proven totally ineffective at deterring anything and would have been abandoned by now if it weren't in reality a 'parking place' for criminals in the service of the criminals behind society.

Funny how things take on a whole different appearance when you look at why certain failed institutions continue to persist...[add in the profit motive and prison has become a cash cow for the criminals behind society.]

But I digress. Today's subject regards the lying liars and what they hope to accomplish as the floor drops out from beneath capitalism...and they laugh at the plight of those they have robbed.

Constant reader knows why I end these where I do,,,

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,
