Saturday, December 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, every once in a while we return to the fact that the world is falling apart all around us while the media reports trivial non-events like El Trumpo 'threatening' to survive until tomorrow. [Equally as asinine is his threat to 'close' the Mexican border. What will the US manufacturers with plants in Mexico do when their products are blocked at the border.

All because STUPID was too chicken to fund the wall himself! He had two years of Republican CONTROL of congress and not once did he ask his fellow Republicans to pay for the NOW he expects the Democrats [already foundering with their awkward mid-term 'victory' and the ensuing battle for leadership while the wife of a billionaire refuses to step aside for the 'good of the party'.]

So the King of the Deal has to get the Democrats to pay for the wall that neither the Republicans nor the Mexicans will spring a single cent for.

Um, suicide if they do and it is likely numbnuts will get impeached AND REMOVED FROM OFFICE if they DON'T.

Apparently our 'really smart' president hasn't figured out that the Democrats win either way and ALL they have to do is NOTHING!

IF the Democrats fold and vote for the wall the 2020 election will be a sham going in and NOBODY is going to sit still for 4 more years of this freakshow!

Ironically, they could just 'announce' that the wall is being built with zero explanation and the 'base' would accept it. They could even start a 'whispering campaign' that the Dems traded their vote on the wall for a compromise on Obama/Romneycare. Yes good citizen, for the morons among you Obamacare is based on a the 'republican design' of 'mandated insurance' rather than single payer health like it is in other nations with better, less expensive healthcare.

Think YOU aren't being 'manipulated'...if you're here you've got more on the ball than the MAGA cap wearing morons, there's dumb and then there's whatever that is...

Which brings us to the other question, like victory in the Middle East, how will we know when Murika is Great...(again?) [When wuz Murika great the first time? when we (finally) 'freed' the slaves (from being cared for by they masters...who were the ones literally freed...) or was it in the twenties when we (finally) gave women 'permission' to vote?

Or is our claim to 'greatness' only as recent as WWII when we single-handedly saved Europe from fascism and watched with our thumb up our ass as the Soviets captured all of Eastern Europe and months later China fell to Communist rule?

Was THAT our 'moment of greatness'?

And turning the planet to glass is going to bring that glory back...for who? Trump?

Left to your imagination is whether or not Trump is the outcome of a broken process or the puppet installed by those who hijacked it, either way what passes for 'government' is toast and beyond repair from this side of the control room.

Once again there is no 'consensus' on what's broken or even how to go about repairing it.

Some want a 'clean slate' while others think we just need to weed out the 'bad operators' in a decidedly corrupt system.

Logic tells us that the WHOLE SYSTEM is corrupt from top to bottom so letting the 'underlings' step into their bosses shoes will only give a fresh face to people who only know ONE WAY of doing things and NOTHING WILL CHANGE.

Let's say the 'purgers' win out and all of the 'key positions' are, er, 'vacated' [no prosecutions, it's the 'professional courtesy' thing in action...because the people moving them out are just as bad if not worse than the ones how did the feckless's bidding.]

That's where the ball gets dropped. The problem starts with those who have declared themselves 'above the law', they need to be COMPLETELY REMOVED from society...because if only one person is permitted to avoid prosecution for their crimes then the law is MEANINGLESS!

Will the Trumpsters, claiming to be Q-Anon, save their boy from the hangman's noose solely because he was 'their president'?

Given the 'alternative' here we can't declare ALL Trump voters social suicides, many merely voted for Trump to reject Hillary.

It's not a 'meaningless question' to ask if we wouldn't be close to where we are at right now [globally] had the Electoral College not done the bidding of it's political masters and the contest had gone to the party of the 'super delegates'.

Probably much less 'theatrics' and Willy Jeff authorized some cruel tactics to be used on the refugees from the GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE! So there is little reason to think that Billary wouldn't use 'past precedent' as justification for continued brutality.

While we're there, there is another 'elephant in the room'. The one of police brutality being used against unarmed civilians.

It's only a matter of time until that situation gets out of hand and the cops claim they were 'forced' to draw their weapons.

You know the NEXT, er, 'demonstration' the 'marchers' will be wearing (stolen police body armor [what the hell THEY paid for it!]) and carrying scatterguns.

None of this was in today's papers but few will deny this is where this whole shitshow is headed.

Once again I remind constant reader why I end these where I do...

Thanks for opening your mind, those of you that still have one to open...


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