Saturday, October 17, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, no matter who you are or what ideology you subscribe to your continued survival relies on trust. If you can't trust yourself (to make rational decisions based on facts) how can you trust someone else to make those choices for you? 

Sounds dumb that anyone would admit to being that 'weak-willed/minded but many of you form your beliefs based on the rants of some shill paid to say what they themselves don't believe. They are reading a script.

Sounds sinister when you strip away the pretense but back to your inoperative Bull Shit meter, the one you don't trust because the nitwit on the radio sure sounds like HE believes it. [And it's almost always a he, only recently have females been recruited to provide 'depth' to their self-serving arguments.]

Who would do such a thing? 

The swindlers that rely on your not connecting the dots.

Naturally, they don't refer to themselves as criminals, they are life's 'winners' and if it takes a degree of deception to keep their swindle from being scrutinized there is plenty of pie ($) to share with the cooperative

The 'Rabbit Hole' is deep because they have been building on top of lie number one for a long time. Here's the rub; the lie all of this is based on is right under your nose and never far from your thoughts yet you don't see it for the fraud that it is.

Worse, because you have been trained to believe it doesn't even occur to you to question the greatest lie there is. Some of you [and only some, that's how deeply you rely on trust] have 'questioned' this substance and the multiple contradictions it presents daily but you keep your suspicions to yourself because this whole shit-show is glued together by 'go along to get along.'

That phrase was coined to protect the lie.

Why does nobody expose the lie? Because without trust society cannot exist.

I would say even the densest of you know which lie I'm talking about but no, that is not the case. A significant portion of the human population has discarded the ability to think for itself because they can't reconcile the lie or what life would be like if it were exposed.

What currently passes for 'civilization' would collapse if the truth were, um, 'recognized' which is why the simple-minded will refuse to believe the lie isn't true.

Not because the lie works but because their entire life is a lie.

Too many of you bet your daily survival on MONEY and MONEY is a LIE. It has no value nor does it have any meaning. 

The problem money solves is the one where (the illusion of) prosperity creates peace, a false peace but peace nonetheless

There are better answers than money but the fraudsters (desperately) adhere to the devil they worked so hard to promote. They (foolishly) tied their personal success to the success of the money fraud.

Where does this leave YOU, oh hapless one?

It leaves you sinking in a quagmire of lies. Worse since every lie needs a dozen more to prop it up your mind is so overwhelmed it shuts down and rationality is rendered moot, irrelevant.

Worse, since critical thinking skills are something you are born with most of you are scratching your head if you've read this far, dumb is a terrible thing. [Remember dumb is the belief in things that aren't true...and if you are forced to trust dumb people you're kind of skunked, aren't you?]

If you don't know what to make of the puzzle the fraud you're living presents and the people around you can't figure it out either well, who do you trust?

That would be the liars paid by the fraudsters, wouldn't it?

The lies are unraveling before you fearful eyes and the nitwit in chief can't put the genie back in the bottle. Will the fraudsters pull the plug and let civilization collapse in the chaos of contradictions they have woven?

The trouble with the 'crazy train' is you CAN'T get off.

Either you stop it or it crashes and burns (taking the dupes/stooges with it.)

Where do you begin? Starts with the lie and accepting the truth. One thing hasn't changed, job one is SURVIVAL and we all live better cooperating and sharing what there is [it would be much better if it were shared EQUITABLY but one trainwreck at a time, eh?]

You can only TRUST those who admit the fraud, that all money is 'funny'. [The concept is useful but misapplied!]

That's square one. If you can't admit we only have one planet that we all must share please move to the front of the train/as close as you can to the point of impact.

If you're not part of the solution it makes you part of the problem.

For those slow on the uptake, you might notice that the truth is closely interwoven with trust and who is worthy of such a gift.

If you trust fraudsters you will squander your future making them comfortable.

I will once again sign off with the declaration that I don't pen these missives for the dumb.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, October 8, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, the deeper we are sucked into this quagmire of mindlessness it becomes increasingly apparent that we will fail to stop it because we have failed to identify the problem.

The strong survive and the weak perish [or at least that's how the dumb perceive it.] Being binary in a complex world marks you as a victim ripe to be exploited because you can't process complex systems and become suspicious at the wrong time about the wrong thing.

Temper that with Incorrect = Dead, [stupid kills.]

This is why your inability to analyze condemns you to perpetual victimhood. You think you are winning when you are actually being played for a chump.

Go, Galt! 

At the cornerstone of modern conservatism is the Randist version of the "Law of the Jungle" which dictates that the strong survive (mostly as slaves) and the weak perish.

What the followers of John Galt fail to realize is there can only be one Galt. Everyone and everything works for him. This is the teaching of the Christian Bible, everyone (including Eve) who isn't Adam is superfluous.

Go, Galt!

This is the truth but the binary, knowing they aren't the one, rejects this truth, preferring to believe every (good) man is 'John'.

Kill or be killed is the law of nature and nature favors the strong, it also favors the many against the individual but that doesn't stop the binary from choosing individualism.

Go, Galt!

All you rugged individual types who are sick of the weak parasites leeching you dry were going to leave them behind and build a paradise where the hard-working could build a life free from the tyranny of being forced to support those who couldn't take care of themselves.

But wait a minute? This isn't new, it's so old that Ayn Rand is dead and nobody ever did get around to Going Galt and we can only wonder...why?

Do you know 'why'?

We need to look no further than the Self-Promoter-in-Chief for the true reason why Going Galt never got off the ground. What does Fat Donny and John Galt have in common? They don't do anything. Most of the complaining morons out there are more concerned with feelings than reality because they, like Fat Donny, are FAILURES who don't DO anything!

All they know how to do is complain and blame others for opportunities they never had.

You live in a society run by thieves. The only thing the thieves have to do to keep you 'docile' is make certain the shelves of the grocery store don't go barren and the rest is all your fault.

The thieves TAKE, making is for chumps who have to punch a clock and work all day, you know, the Galts who do all the heavy lifting around here.

Worse, 'real jobs' that actually produce something are rare, most of capitalist society is comprised of 'make work' [like banking and insurance] Then there is the educational system and the entertainment sectors which both specialize in pedaling ignorance. Fat stupid and happy not to lift a finger.

What do you suppose is the fly in this crazy ointment? Why are these pampered parasites so worried? Well, if the people who actually DO the work start looking for fair treatment then the idle complainers will have to do something and they are good at nothing...

Then everyone will know how hollow their constant complaining really was.

Feeling is not thinking and you can't solve a problem by complaining about it considering all the complainer knows is they are unhappy with the choices life offered them.

The greatest irony is there is no lack of things that need doing! Everybody could have 'meaningful/useful' work if we made some elemental changes to the badly broken system.

But you can't fix anything until you agree on what is broken.

Sounds simple enough but the first barrier that derails all efforts at changing/challenging the status quo is the question the non-thinkers always have poised on the tips of their tongues...and that question is, "Who is paying for this? (and by extension, WHERE is that money coming from?)

Considering money is a 'legal fiction' and all money is 'willed' [Green Lantern-like] into existence the truly thick start objecting saying you can't pay for something with nothing when in fact they do it all the time. [Deficit spending, it's not just for governments!]

If the collective WE didn't will things into existence there would be NOTHING! We would still be chasing down our next meal with a stick and beating it to death, starvation would return as the leading cause of death. [This is the 'reality' the John Galt conservo-whackos routinely ignore and why nobody has EVER 'gone Galt' despite the concept having millions of disciples.]

Did I mention the high correlation between stupidity and death?

Stupid remains the number one cause of preventable death.

Don't believe dumb things and we all have to learn to get along, nobody but YOU and the lies of the thieving liars are holding you back.

Probably more 'truth' than you can handle. If you are looking for sunshine and lollipops read a child's book.

Reality is for adults.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 Greetings good citizen, the schism that divides societies around the globe is being driven by the corporate-owned media's reframing of the decision-making process into an 'us vs. them' equation

Thanks to the stupidity that is conservatism, the clueless that routinely fail to think or consider the facts. Under the current environment, those who disdain thinking for feeling would object to being characterized as incapable of deciding but it is this lack that is being exploited by the opportunists who routinely deceive those who dislike/have a limited capacity for either reason or logic, often falling back on that useful ruse 'common sense' which is whatever excuse the exploiters fed them to confuse their sensibilities.

That paragraph alone is too difficult for the typical conservative to parse, again shining a blinding white light on the root of the problem.

What root is that you might ask?

We let stupid people participate in the decision-making process. [full stop: this is not hatred, it is TRUTH!]

We would not allow the incompetent to perform complex medical procedures or repairs on critical equipment so it only stands to REASON that we shouldn't permit people who neither know (or care) what is important participate in the decision-making process.

While we all know people who are ardent (often vocal) Trump supporters, we also know, by observation, that those individuals are RARE. If you're THAT DUMB Darwin eliminates you, chronic stupidity is almost always fatal.]

The self-serving have no interest in living in a rational society because a rational society would modify the commerce system to reflect reality. [Can't recognize reality? Chances are you're simply misinformed and not fatally stupid although the feckless opportunists push the line as hard as they can!]

At some remote corner of your mind, you recognize that you are routinely fed ridiculous to make what you are forced to accept seem 'reasonable' or the least worse compromise.

Let's return to today's title, shall we?

What do sports have to do with politics?

Our DUMB conservatives believe [because they are INCAPABLE of 'thinking' (about ANYTHING!)] that the parties are 'teams' and all they care about is beating the other team!

People unable to register the difference between a 'party' and a 'team' are TOO STUPID to be allowed to VOTE!

Humanity can't afford the participation of the easily manipulated, our very survival hangs in the balance.

Thanks to the few who are still capable of rational thought for allowing me to visit and communicate with your mind (your feelings are the last thing anybody should be worried/concerned with given the circumstances.)
