Greetings good citizen, the deeper we are sucked into this quagmire of mindlessness it becomes increasingly apparent that we will fail to stop it because we have failed to identify the problem.
The strong survive and the weak perish [or at least that's how the dumb perceive it.] Being binary in a complex world marks you as a victim ripe to be exploited because you can't process complex systems and become suspicious at the wrong time about the wrong thing.
Temper that with Incorrect = Dead, [stupid kills.]
This is why your inability to analyze condemns you to perpetual victimhood. You think you are winning when you are actually being played for a chump.
Go, Galt!
At the cornerstone of modern conservatism is the Randist version of the "Law of the Jungle" which dictates that the strong survive (mostly as slaves) and the weak perish.
What the followers of John Galt fail to realize is there can only be one Galt. Everyone and everything works for him. This is the teaching of the Christian Bible, everyone (including Eve) who isn't Adam is superfluous.
Go, Galt!
This is the truth but the binary, knowing they aren't the one, rejects this truth, preferring to believe every (good) man is 'John'.
Kill or be killed is the law of nature and nature favors the strong, it also favors the many against the individual but that doesn't stop the binary from choosing individualism.
Go, Galt!
All you rugged individual types who are sick of the weak parasites leeching you dry were going to leave them behind and build a paradise where the hard-working could build a life free from the tyranny of being forced to support those who couldn't take care of themselves.
But wait a minute? This isn't new, it's so old that Ayn Rand is dead and nobody ever did get around to Going Galt and we can only wonder...why?
Do you know 'why'?
We need to look no further than the Self-Promoter-in-Chief for the true reason why Going Galt never got off the ground. What does Fat Donny and John Galt have in common? They don't do anything. Most of the complaining morons out there are more concerned with feelings than reality because they, like Fat Donny, are FAILURES who don't DO anything!
All they know how to do is complain and blame others for opportunities they never had.
You live in a society run by thieves. The only thing the thieves have to do to keep you 'docile' is make certain the shelves of the grocery store don't go barren and the rest is all your fault.
The thieves TAKE, making is for chumps who have to punch a clock and work all day, you know, the Galts who do all the heavy lifting around here.
Worse, 'real jobs' that actually produce something are rare, most of capitalist society is comprised of 'make work' [like banking and insurance] Then there is the educational system and the entertainment sectors which both specialize in pedaling ignorance. Fat stupid and happy not to lift a finger.
What do you suppose is the fly in this crazy ointment? Why are these pampered parasites so worried? Well, if the people who actually DO the work start looking for fair treatment then the idle complainers will have to do something and they are good at nothing...
Then everyone will know how hollow their constant complaining really was.
Feeling is not thinking and you can't solve a problem by complaining about it considering all the complainer knows is they are unhappy with the choices life offered them.
The greatest irony is there is no lack of things that need doing! Everybody could have 'meaningful/useful' work if we made some elemental changes to the badly broken system.
But you can't fix anything until you agree on what is broken.
Sounds simple enough but the first barrier that derails all efforts at changing/challenging the status quo is the question the non-thinkers always have poised on the tips of their tongues...and that question is, "Who is paying for this? (and by extension, WHERE is that money coming from?)
Considering money is a 'legal fiction' and all money is 'willed' [Green Lantern-like] into existence the truly thick start objecting saying you can't pay for something with nothing when in fact they do it all the time. [Deficit spending, it's not just for governments!]
If the collective WE didn't will things into existence there would be NOTHING! We would still be chasing down our next meal with a stick and beating it to death, starvation would return as the leading cause of death. [This is the 'reality' the John Galt conservo-whackos routinely ignore and why nobody has EVER 'gone Galt' despite the concept having millions of disciples.]
Did I mention the high correlation between stupidity and death?
Stupid remains the number one cause of preventable death.
Don't believe dumb things and we all have to learn to get along, nobody but YOU and the lies of the thieving liars are holding you back.
Probably more 'truth' than you can handle. If you are looking for sunshine and lollipops read a child's book.
Reality is for adults.
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head.
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