Thursday, October 31, 2019


Greetings good citizen, with election day still a year away the feckless media continues to be Preznint Pussygrabber's staunchest supporter by 'manufacturing' support for the most reviled POTUS ever to hold the mantle.

Given how dipstick won office, this should come as a 'surprise' to no one.

How can it be in a time where everybody knows the system is FUBAR that nobody, in particular the owners of the media, is calling for replacement as the only viable option for 'reform'?

Let's put a pin in that right there because the crisis is twofold, the people who own pretty much everything also own the 'opinion mine' that tells the dumb what to care about.

How unfortunate the only fly in the comply or die ointment is the few who don't meet the 'dumb' requirement of being unable to determine for themselves what's tolerable/acceptable.

Somehow go along to get along [a losing proposition for anyone dumb enough to go along with it] begins before an infant receives its first swaddling blanket in case you were wondering just how deep the quid pro quo rabbit hole really is. (and you weren't. The thought never occurred to you until I brought it up just now.)

Just because it is everywhere doesn't make it (or the mindset behind it) correct or even proactive coercion for that matter.

Rewards for cooperative behavior as well as punishment for non-compliance start at birth and this is 're-enforced' throughout the individual's life.

Odd to see the public being told that just a sliver over half of the population supports a man that would set box office records if his impeachment ended with his public execution for crimes against humanity.

They could ask a million dollars a seat and get it [yeah, even his peers hate him but that wouldn't be why they bought front row seats to the collapse of fake democracy.]

What comes next? Not the first time humanity has reached its limit with rule by the self absorbed. History tells us a 'crackdown' is coming...problem is who is behind this supposed termination of the old way of doing things.

It will be the 'robes' [who work for the owners] and they will direct their mindless underlings, the pistol packing badge flaunters and they will round up the 'troublemakers' and rid society of them.

Once 'justice' is done they will make a big show [read warning] to people who might object to their heavy handed tactics and pretend that all will be well once more while NOTHING actually changes.

Remember where zipperhead got his badge from...his Uncle gave it to him, which is the same way he got his.

Conversely, the first thing ASP does is end the self serving chain of guns, badges and robes telling us what the law means...and when it applies.

You [and by extension, we] don't have a hope in hell of numbnuts being brought to justice. The owners won't stand for it. Understand, you have been trained from birth to believe YOU are a member of the 'owning class' when the truth of the matter is you are the backbone of the 'owing class'...see what removing a single 'n' will do?

Whether or not 'the truth' will set you free remains to be seen. There is still a whole boatload of dumb out there who will go along with whatever everybody else is doing.

And still you fail to recognize your peril!

Wake the fuck up, will ya!

Next November is a bad time to decide, what the fuck am I going to do?

A book of matches could save the day but only if you have the balls to put them to good use.

Later Head.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Greetings good citizen, now isn't the first time partisan politics has descended into witch hunts that branded victims as communists for being 'open minded'.

Sadly, this time the retort that brought down the {and it ALWAYS is} Conservative attack dog Joe McCarthy (R - Wisconsin) seems the republicans did (mentally) corner the franchise of moral 'high ground', especially 'patriotism' the point of insisting if you are not a conservative, you CAN'T BE a patriot...because the two, in their moronic minds, are 'inseparable'.

So we return to the adventures of the Australia headquartered news organization Fox, telling their drooling sycophants what is and isn't 'patriotic'. [Seems the so-called journalists (read big bouncing boobs) of Fox are obsessed with the topic...]

Why do the self professed 'patriots' among us watch news produced by a foreign country sort of symbolizes just how dumb they are and how little this 'point of pride' really matters.

Don't love dirt and never fight over it. America is not a place, it is a people...and conservatives HATE people because they are all fundamentally 'disloyal'...(especially the ones that 'disagree' with them!)

America was founded on the protected right to 'disagree' and live in peace, following what each of us believes to be the truth, PEACEFULLY and respectfully. Is there anything respectful about [modern] conservatism?

Why do those who are ceaselessly questioning the 'loyalty' of their fellow Americans [Looking at YOU Donnie] always pretend that 'decency' is immaterial?

Why do these so called patriots relish dragging their victims through the mud just to spit on them afterwards? Are they without fault(s).

Being a conservative is a crime against humanity all by itself, so little does conservatism value the virtue of decency!

If decency is a foreign term to you [because you NEVER think about it] you can't claim it AFTER you smear your opponents as being the slime that you are and pretend to be offended by it [because the assholes with the cameras are cheering you on!] Did I mention we have a media problem?

The flashpoint here is the dumb know it but morons are clueless and often delude themselves with their own 'cleverness', failing to see it for the vileness it truly is.

People don't like mirrors because their reflection doesn't match the mental image they hold of themselves...this goes double for rabid 'patriots'.

The thing to keep in mind here is one man's patriot is another's terrorist. THIS is why conservatives loathe mirrors!

Trump is no hero and he most certainly isn't a 'savior' by any stretch of the imagination. He IS on the other hand a criminal but that he has in common with his predecessors, all 'traitors to humanity', bar none.

So many of Roosevelt's actions stopped well short of justice and he wasn't nearly the class traitor he is made out to be by the feckless conservatives, the party of the thieving wealthy.

Conservatism is based in the belief of the dogma, "A place for everything and everything in its [dictated] place."

The, er, dumb have no problems with this, they like (worship) simplicity to the point of taking pride in being 'simple'.

Accepting the doctrine of 'simplicity' includes embracing inequality, starting with females being 'inferior' to their murderous opposites. Even the gender flag is merely a modification of the male gender! It is as if women are just weak men [How do you like them apples, Ladies?]

Yet a majority of conservatives are FEMALE...must be the appeal of places and everything in them, seems the nesting half of mankind craves 'order' over 'any' price! [Is my dick showing? Sorry girls but it has to be said because you 'deal' with this incongruity by ignoring its existence!]

If you are (no good way to tell) a 'thinking individual' then the label 'liberal' was born of those who questioned 'the (un)natural order of things.

Conservatism favors heredity over competence and if incompetence kills us, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Naturally, conservatives have unshakable faith that 'the line' (of leadership) is self correcting (because God is 'real' to them.)

Questions are the basest form of heresy. A conservatives simplicity is never questioned...which is why they are the party of morons.

There is no 'God' guiding or watching out for us because God doesn't exist, he is a simpleton's invention to explain what he can't comprehend. You'd be shocked at just how 'little' that understanding is!

Like whistling past the graveyard makes you 'feel' safe, it does nothing to insure your actual safety.

These missives end where they end for a reason.

Later, Head!


Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Greetings good citizen, um sort of bewildering to see year after year the, er, forests of California catching fire and NOBODY doing anything about it.

Back during the 'Great Depression' [before people went stupid and started believing money had to be 'paid back'] they paid the Army of the Unemployed living wages to go into the forests and 'groom' them so should a fire break out it wouldn't endanger civilian infrastructure.

That was before Republicans and their stingy purse-fingers started saying 'no' to everything (except War...go figure, eh?)

Squander funding on killing one another and even more incarcerating the poor for crimes against industry but not one red cent for disaster mitigation...

Sing the refrain, children! [How f'n dumb are you, that's it, ring it out! Carry that 'u' til the end of time!]

Oh yeah, dem f'n Liberals! There ain't a Republican out there that ever voted to against military spending but the hug it out Liberals are the warmongers.

Ya-all don't think somebody is lying to you, do ya?

Everybody knows...(how can you 'discredit them' if you don't tell the occasional, teeny-tiny white lie?)

Or at least that is how the party of lies tells it. [Republicans have no more use for honesty than they do the truth, they consider both to be the mark of chumps...that is why 'treason' doesn't exist in the conservative vocabulary, every single one of them would betray you than look at you!]

Is this why the media fails to be appalled that EVERYTHING out of the Potus's mouth is a falsehood?

But I digress, today's topic is not 'the land that burns and shakes' but how fire is the poor man's WMD.

Let's suppose circumstances drive the slimy politicians into funding fire prevention protocols. Will that reduce the amount of property damage cause by fires set by an ever-growing (and increasingly disgruntled) population?

The collapse of capitalism has caused the media to mislead the public into thinking the wildfires raging across the west are accidental when it is more likely that most of them are deliberate.

That said, we are dealing with more than one crime when we peer into this particular pandora's box...

INJUSTICE is what causes the poor man to set fire to the world of those who have cheated him.

In this respect the world should be ablaze but there isn't that much (easily) combustible material laying about.

That said not everyone is petty or 'revenge driven'...[unlike those who stand in judgement of our 'wrongs'. They are invariably both!]

In fact the majority of us have been raised to be 'tolerant' of such things, most 'hope' that justice will eventually catch up to the feckless even after the realization that the justice system is a hoax sets in.

While human justice is an oxymoron, every once in a while karma sneaks up behind the too clever and runs them down when they least expect it...and there ain't a f'n thing anyone can do about it.

Shit, invariably 'happens'.

The mind strives for 'balance/harmony'...the universe doesn't give a shit.

Oh well.

Important is perhaps the most relative term ever conceived of just as relevance will forever stymie the rational being.

Let's put a pin in the existential wormhole with the axiom the ONLY answer to WHY is BECAUSE. [Full Stop.]

We spend more time 'prioritizing' than we are willing to acknowledge because even when you aren't consciously thinking about what's most important, you are unconsciously doing it, constantly. Hardly a waking moment passes (and yes, you even do it in your dreams) without you mind weighing what you should do next, You're hardwired to do it, it's part of your primary survival system.

So we are driven to seek both balance and harmony in a universe where neither exists. This is why the mind invented God, to literally 'impose' order on an otherwise chaotic existence.

Understanding begins with knowing why we believe what we believe. Zero irony that God comes leaping out of its box whenever we fail to comprehend what it is that just happened.

More accurate when we view God in it's true guise of "I don't know and can't understand it."

It seems we tend to 'humanize' our coping mechanisms without realizing we're doing it.

[For the umpteenth time there is no 'GOD', like money, it exists solely to help us cope!]

We are living with the consequences of giving our coping mechanisms a 'life of their own'.

This is fairly advanced stuff that only the cognizant will semi-successfully parse.

Your 'rational mind' is asking why did gegner lead us down this rabbit hole and the answer is it explains why the conservative mind is prone to lie. [It believe what it believes because it believes it. Doesn't have to make a lick of sense just as their 'unwillingness' to admit that GOD only exists in their freakazoid minds!

God is the place the mind 'dumps' what it can't comprehend!

Learn to embrace BECAUSE...the alternative is that insane asylum thing I keep kicking around...

Tomorrow Head...if we're lucky.


Monday, October 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, perhaps one of the most disturbing displays of mindlessness is the dogged displays of loyalty the 'narrow minded' regularly profess as their 'brand' sinks ever deeper into the cesspool of politics.

Not content to buff their 'teams' reputation as being [whatever it is knotheads support these days. They are so 'anti' that it is impossible to winnow out anything they support outside of prison for their detractors.]

If there is a worrying thought here it is that one, the old 'comply or die' tactic of the hopelessly dumb who honestly believe WHATEVER they think is automatically 'common sense' when they are unable to rationally defend a single belief they (claim to) hold dear...

There is dumb and then there's this.

Worse, it is not like these people don't know they are stupid, it is just that they believe in the power of numbers [falsely provided by the privately owned disinformation system] makes them 'right'!

The tail wags the dog regularly in the arena of human affairs and nobody stops it.

Worse, nobody even questions it, amplifying the original problem.

While my model, A Simple Plan uses 'reputation' (and the individual's need to be mindful of and to guard theirs in both word and deed) comes the most influential (as well as damning) indicator of an individual's character and that is who they choose to 'associate' themselves with.

How many of you dismiss the unrest around the planet as the result of bad people who lacked, er, 'ambition' and their 'association' with others like them that only serve to amplify these 'bad influences?'

Success is something you 'work' for...and how does one succeed when there is no work to be had?

If YOU associate with the kind of people who believe there is work out there if you just look hard enough and ignore the basic economic fundamentals of if a job doesn't pay you enough to live on then it is foolish to waste your precious time doing it when that time would be better spent seeking a better situation...except that situation doesn't exist.

Here we go. Now 'dummy' thinks you are messing with them. They refuse to believe there aren't enough jobs out there to keep the teaming billions flush [despite barely keeping themselves fed.]

A lack of perspective on your part condemns hundreds of millions to lives of desperation just so 'a few' can be richer than they know what to do with.

Money, we've been doing it 'wrong' all along. Is it any surprise that the people who control money have been feeding you bullshit for time out of mind?

Well, if you 'associate' with people that have zero 'decency' guess what that makes you?

Unfit for membership in civil society.

To understand where you fall in this judgement of values you have to parse who is the 'liar' here, the people who believe 'laziness' is the source of all social ills or the people the 'rich' have no 'use' for?

To 'simplify' let's re-phrase the question in simpler terms. Are humans the problem or is commerce to blame?

Conservatives believe the problem is ever and always humans when it is exactly the opposite, commerce is broken.

Since the justice system is also FUBAR, the feckless have chosen to employ their favorite tactic; 'blame the victim!'

If you 'associate' yourself with this lie it taints your 'reputation' and in a future where your deeds count for 99% of your 'reputation', your words are meaningless.

Needless to say you don't want to be seen as 'unfit for membership' because the consequences are fatal.

Simply put, if you believe people are the problem then you are not fit for membership in society...and if that membership is revoked, you will be 'on your own' in the most literal sense of the term.

Have you no shame? Consider this your 'wake up call'.

Better to die on your feet than live on your knees!


Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dear Moron

Greetings, as the title suggests today's post is not for my faithful readers but the people I keep warning them about...the people who proudly wear their 'deplorable' status as a badge of honor.

Dear pinhead, you are so dumb the only thing you know for a fact is you aren't 'bright' nor do you understand any of the political football analogies...which is to point out you don't have a clue what I'm telling you here except the part that you are dumb and you know it.

You don't like being dumb but you can't help it, it is how you were raised. Every time you did something it would cause somebody else to freak and scream at you to not touch anything!

A hard life we both know and this is what drives you to be such a 'contrarian'. You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can't pick your parents...and if your parents were morons well, woe unto you!

Nothing drives you to test your boundaries more than someone telling you that you can't do it.

In fact, you are so 'gun shy' about doing anything that you are attracted to the opposite.

You look at the Trump bobble head and read it literally because you are too dumb to read between the lines, it may say 'Liberals' but it reads Peasants...

Ironically it is Trump telling his many 'detractors' [people who think he is a waste of space] to go fuck themselves. Politics has nothing to do with it.

In fact in this one arena, you are the 'smart' one. How can there be 2 parties, especially opposing parties if we are all in this together?

You don't understand this and you also pick up on the fact that conservatism is the party of the rich, people you have absolutely NOTHING in common with!

The blowhards on talk radio and Fox news label the rich as Liberals but that is a lie. The rich HATE liberals the same way you hate people who defend you because they believe you can't defend yourself!

Did you know (and you don't) that the people behind the PC movement and the people who hate Liberals are the same people?

When the content is 'free' you get to say what you want.

Did you know Rush Limbaugh's show was given to AM radio stations for free?

Isn't free stuff Communist?

But that isn't the problem or the point, propaganda is brainwashing and Rush is a subversive working to convince you that the criminals among us are the 'good guys' and not the ones driving civilization off a cliff!

Rush champions Capitol, Industry and Ownership along with being the master of one's own destiny as opposed to sharing and cooperation, the real fundamentals that make civilization 'civil'. The 'weak' are made weaker by being given handouts instead of the 'opportunity' to forge their own a world that has no use or room for them.

[You can synthesize materials but you can't manufacture markets/paying customers...although the banksters regularly 'pretend' they exist!]

Rush is the first one to tell you that if you can't make something out of yourself, it's YOUR PROBLEM...just as employers tell their employees if you can't live on what I pay you it's YOUR PROBLEM!

Why do 'useless' jobs pay more than vital ones? [Because lawmakers get to vote for what they are don't!]

Everything Rush says was a lie. He champions a world that doesn't/can't exist as long as the few claim ownership of what we ALL need to survive!

That is lie number one, Rush and I dare you to refute it.

One people, one planet and no more LIES.

Our species will not survive if we fail to deal with the liars that put themselves first.

Politics, we're doing it WRONG! We need leaders with vision, not lapdogs seeking to gratify the freakishly selfish at everyone else's expense.

Sorry, are you still here? Sort of went off on a tangent and I'm not sure how much of that you caught...probably lost you when I called Rush a liar.

Men lie and justice is perhaps the most fleeting of all human desires (although you would argue that love is more elusive but, alas, that is YOU.

I'm not here to rub you nose in what you yourself will readily admit. You know you shouldn't be trusted with making decisions that you can't comprehend the stakes. Leave that for the people who can...and yes, Virginia, IQ tests are good enough for our purposes.

Only the wicked perpetually frame EVERYTHING in terms of 'life and death' [Ain't that right, Rush?]

The coin has two sides but those sides aren't Liberal and Conservative, those sides are rich and poor and the laws that enable one while penalizing the rest.

Breathing through your mouth is a sinus thing, we all know. You may consider yourself dumb but you aren't a total loss and we both know that too. It's those who pretend that you are 'just like them' [while they sneer at you stupidity behind your back] while playing you for a chump by telling how to vote and who to hate.

These people are NOT your 'friends'. Your friends are the people they tell you to hate. The liberal knows you are dumb and like you, they accept you for who you are and what you are capable of.

Your 'evil' friends tell you what to think and how to vote because they know you are confused and all THEY want is to be on the 'winning' side.

We isn't part of their vocabulary. It's them against the world and they are winning by convincing you to vote their way because they are your 'buddies!'...not that the actually spend time with you.

They like you because you are 'useful' like a tool. when the job is done they put you away until the next time they 'need' you.

Thinking is hard and the people you let do it for you have along history of doing evil things then blaming it on the people trying to protect you.

Do everyone a favor and think for yourself. If you don't know, let those who do decide. NEVER let your 'friends' think for you. Anyone who tells you what to think or how to vote is NOT your friend and has NO respect for you!

Thanks for stopping by because you're right, WE are ALL in this together!


Saturday, October 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen, it is never good when the billionaires among us start calling us 'peasants' to our face. Did you see the latest bobble head toy? It has Trump extending his middle finger with a tag that reads 'Hey Liberals' but everybody knows numbnuts can't tell the difference between a liberal and a Commie so it defaults to what he does know (and despise) intimately...and what does the Donald despise?


Yup, when Donald's bobblehead toy arrives broken [not a popular guy, regardless] it's because despite what the label says, the people doing life's heavy lifting can read the truth and an image of a champion a-hole giving the beholder the bird is more than they can take.

It's not F - U to my political opponents, it's F - U to anyone that didn't vote for me...and remember A-hole didn't WIN the popular vote. The electoral college gave us the moron the public is now (attempting) to impeachment.

Striking is what this says about the state of justice in our increasingly turbulent times.

Yeah, the bobblehead says to the typical voter 'hey peasant' which is the one thing the billionaire can recognize and loathes. They wrote 'liberal' but anyone who isn't rich knows the rigid middle finger is for them as well.

These are the wages of hatred, he hates everybody and we all know it.

His 'supporters' are all bought and paid for. Actors attend his rallies and hold up signs for the camera.

I'm not a Trump supporter but I play one on TV...

There are NO 'real people' at Trump rallies because the camera NEVER pans the room...we never see anyone that isn't standing behind the podium and even those people are starting to look familiar...because some of the 'actors' follow the Trump dog & pony show around the country...because of the risk of one of the people who despise the faker in chief infiltrating the taping and disrupting the 'set'.

People don't appreciate the 'show' being put on for them to back up the lies of the rich.

Because the circle always turns back on itself.

It's NOT about Liberals and Conservatives, it has always been about the Robbers and their victims.

They DESPISE us for being taken in so easily. They marvel over how 'dumb' the public is and the truly pathetic part is how we seem unable to disappoint them.

If we hold them and their puppets accountable suddenly we are the barbarians!

But that too is 'theatrics'. There is plenty of dissent out there, the bought and paid for media is forbidden to display it. [This is how we got Nazi Germany.]

The 'newsrooms' of the planet need a giant douche too because they are filled to overflowing with offal.

'Ditto' for the political realm. [We CAN'T use the political process to repair the Justice system, the justice system is screwed BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL POLITICAL APPOINTEES!]

We ARE divided but get your shit straight, on one side we have a handful of thieves and on the otherside are the teaming masses, the victims of the thieves.

There's 'cutesy' and there is over the top...and the Trump bobblehead represents his supporters, plastic and disposable.

Thanks for stopping by and adjusting your myopia!


Friday, October 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as we muddle along in our fantasy driven existence we keep bumping our heads on the question of why.

The problem with fantasies is they don't stand up well to questioning. [Is this some alien races insane asylum?]

How closely can you look at your existence before you encounter an insoluble conundrum? [Pat answers that make little or no sense?]

Only hobos (and lunatics) have the 'luxury' of claiming that everything they do isn't driven by money.

For a vast majority of you that undefinable thing we call wealth is your only 'anchor' to what you consider 'reality'.

Disturbing, no?

Life = Money and Money = Life.

Most people's [existential] calculus stops right there. For that reason the 'money motivated' will stop at nothing to obtain the 'fluff' they need to advance their weirdo agenda.

If you believe in luck, fate, God, Karma (simultaneously) and can still put one foot in front of the other your are typical of the inmate population of this forsaken rock.

As most of us will readily tell anyone who can hear our protests that we didn't ASK to come here, it only returns us to the question at hand. Is this existence a mistake or are we HERE for a PURPOSE?

Easy to arrive at the conclusion that most of us are being 'punished' for reasons known only to our, er, 'keepers'(?) but most of us felt that way through our years of indoctrination more commonly known as 'school'.

Can I get an amen for 'educational reform'?

[Rhetorical question, dolt.]

Don't be disheartened, the, er, 'madness' that is our reality teaches us to look beyond the physical/material for the deeper lessons existence trains us to 'accept'.

Will our immortal souls go to the 'happy place' after we die or are we (as the evidence suggests) doomed to an eternity of torment after the curtain falls and this existence ceases to be?

Can you picture somewhere that you'd be 'content' forever? [That 'glory of God' must be some potent shit if you NEVER tire of it...we are 'wired' to desire a steady diet of 'fresh'] so much so that the [temporary] cottage industry of 're-imagining' every life lesson ever taught is leading us back to the original tellings, which our young will hopefully have not heard, ad nauseum.

Did you know the tale of Christ has been 're-treaded' multiple times by multiple cultures...which, ironically, is the root of the word cult'?

If we are taught to believe what our ancestors were taught to believe, where is the 'growth' 'new knowledge' brings?

Are we too dumb to learn the lessons they keep pounding into our teeny-tiny minds?

This is looking pretty sinister if you think/believe that ANYONE is a.) in charge b.) knows what's going on.

Verily, the inmates are running the asylum and you needn't look too hard to see that they are making it all up as they go along [each time expecting a different outcome! Did I mention insane?]

Where did THIS come from?

I was watching a PBS documentary last night on netflix [did I mention humans are wired to seek out 'fresh' experiences including those gleaned by sifting through the nuggets of the past for obscure factiods?]

What hit this freakazoid mind of mine as bizarre is somebody thought the public would be interesting in knowing the estimated cost of these diabolical machines (and the programs that created them) in today's estimated dollars?

Isn't capitalism sick? [For putting a price tag on the murder machine.]

They kept calling Hitler insane and deranged but ignoring the fact that neither of these 'handicaps' stopped the psycho.

Perhaps more disturbing than the lengths the reckless capitalists, who coincidentally also turned POW's and the, er, occupants of conquered nations into SLAVES, [a seemingly 'capitalist' thing to do. Just like the plantation OWNING founders! Somehow blaming the atrocities of capitalism on Nazism is a feeble attempt at whitewashing a long ignored situation.]

Our fine public schools teach that the Nazis lost the second world war while failing to point out that capitalism was behind BOTH ideologies...and an already bankrupt Germany was dusted off and re-tooled [on the cheap] by none other than the One Percent/Robber Barons...who 'owned' the patents on the murder machine.

Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat, mistakes.

How many times can greed crash the global economy before we put a stop to the recklessness behind the crashes?

Only a fool thinks Murika is Great [Again] Can ANYONE point at the first time?

Torch your TV set and throw Alexa in the bathtub, you are being manipulated by psychos (and YOU KNOW IT!)


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Kitchen table

Greetings good citizen, apparently as humanity lost the ability to cook for itself the kitchen table stopped being the communal meeting place to discuss the future of the family.

Families used to insist on sharing the evening meal together because it was the ONLY time of the day that the whole house was gathered together. If you were at the table you couldn't pretend you didn't see the note telling you what your chore on the behalf of the family so commonly happens today.

Will the church fill the void left by the 'busy' [albeit unimportant] on the run lifestyle of chasing down a non-existent future? Once upon a time church attendance was mandatory too and if the conservo-whackos have their way, it will be again.

The modern kitchen table is lucky to see mom & dad breaking bread together...(but only if they still talk to one another.) Other than that, the former family meeting site has become the landing pad for junk mail, car keys and the errant abandoned beverage.

So it is we have the media telling us that Republicans are rallying around the most clueless president ever not because the man is 'popular' by any stretch of the imagination, even the character he portrayed on his reality TV show was despised [No emmys for Donnie, because he sucks!]

Why does the media insist Republican's still have the nitwit-in-chief's back? Because it isn't TRUMP the highly reliant on public opinion fear, it's the f'n MEDIA!

This is why 'popular elections' are a poor choice for selecting leadership...because the media has these people's future at the mercy of their innuendo tipped pens.

They can sink a candidate without ever accusing them of anything...and we have already seen the media sink presidential campaigns by ignoring the candidate into anonymity.

With the media being 'free and unfettered' we have also found the culprit who killed the family gathering.

Social responsibility is NOT the focus of 'the anything for a buck' commerce system that the media serves.

Guess what, now social responsibility rests solely in the hands of the feckless and the 'pay to play' media...with zero discussion.

Now we pass each other on our way to work and communicate through notes or text one another if they are high enough on the ladder of importance our empty lives have become.

Don't know where you are headed and there isn't anybody to talk about it with because they are busy pursuing their own chimera.

When you share your thoughts/feeling with your significant other of the moment are they listening and do they care or do they tune you out because you are 'unreliable'?

We stopped investing in each other when it became clear that if we were to get what we wanted, we would have to make it happen.

This, 'split' has devoured our entire culture.

"Don't surround yourself with yourself, move on back to squares."

The kitchen table is empty because you choose to chase dreams the lead nowhere...but if you hadn't you'd have found yourself alone anyway, thanks to the greatest 'time-suck' ever created...the mobile phone/gaming console.

If you aren't in a hunting for something to binge watch you are seeking memes on facebook or the latest release of the popular first person shooter the public adores [to hear the media tell it.]

Somehow nobody (again to hear the media tell it) is alarmed that humanity has become enslaved by its hand held devices. Apple shareowners are tickled pink about humanity's obsession with connectivity that isolates us more completely than prisons do.

How do you fight an enemy you are addicted to and if you have 'beat' that addiction, almost all of your...'acquaintances' [your 'friends' are your friends because you have 'history' (shared experiences) with them)]

Using this rubric none of you have any 'friends' because sharing video games isn't real.

How pathetic when it's all you have that it is 'real' to you. So when you finally do encounter a 'real' situation you are completely out of your depth/comfort zone...and explaining it to you like you are child only makes you resent your inadequacy.

We are NOT fucked...but a LOT of you have some serious 'growing up' to do. The tragedy is most of you won't survive it when the hammer falls.

Learn to cook and clear the 'junk' off the kitchen table, it is more important than you know.

Humanity CAN'T unite until we can TALK to one another so we can learn first hand WHAT IS IMPORTANT!

Tick-tock Head...


Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, 'we' apparently doesn't include everybody just as 'us' is usually reserved for present company.

Since no reporter is permitted to speak for the public as a whole, journalists train themselves not to use general pronouns.

So when conveying a story they keep it specific (unless it's a hatchet job, then the writer doesn't care who ends up under the bus because the 'truth' is usually the first victim sacrificed when crucifying entire groups, like Black people or that scourge of modern society, 'liberals'.

[How many of you are concerned that the same people who made the N-word taboo (by calling everybody and everything THEY DIDN'T APPROVE OF a 'nigger') have made the L-word even more so? [Liberal not lesbian, dummy!]

For an industry that takes pride in its 'objectiveness' they sure throw a lot of groups/brands under the bus and tar 'em with the broadest brush they can find...[which is to say 'fair and balanced' my ass!']

How many of you breathed a sigh of relief now that the Russians are filling the void left behind by the US military?

Who thinks the dimwit-in-chief knows what he is doing? [All numbnuts knows is he does what he's told or he ends up face down in a puddle of his own blood.]

How many of you smiled when you read that the Canadians are headed down the same media induced coma that the rest of the mindless world suffers from? Did you mutter 'at last!' when you learned it and repress a smug grin now that the world was finally on the same page as the Uber-rich? [People suck...everybody but ME that is.]

So we finally arrive at 'the point' of this post.

I never tell anyone what to think, that is why you have (whether us use it or not) a 'mind of your own'. That said I will bluntly tell you that the almighty WE must abandon the 'world of I' [the space capitalism forces you to live in] and embrace the world of us, from which all good things are possible.

The capitalist wants you in the world of I, it is where you will sacrifice your own children for the 'illusion of getting ahead'.

The birth rate keeps sinking to new lows as the feckless keep the economic pressure on the destitute, forcing them to wait longer to start families.

THEY don't have any problem finding women willing to bear them children. Hell, most, er, 'catches' have entourages of females working their little hearts out to 'snare' themselves a rich one.

Not flattering to use a 'trapping' analogy but it fits better than it appears.

Yeah, if there is 'competition' in the mating game it is over finding the 'best' mate.

Good for 'you' but horrible for the rest of us.

The 'barrier to breeding' has already risen beyond the six figure range. Considering that the typical wage earner makes less than $25,000 per year (and has for DECADES) where does this leave the majority of the procreation driven public?

Choosing not to breed, thank you very much! [Who said civic mindedness was dead? (hint: it was the feckless!)]

Understand, the whole planet isn't industrialized so the people of the 'third world' haven't received the don't breed memo...not yet anyway.

Humanity, if it wants to survive, must abandon the world of I and embrace wholeheartedly the world of WE!

Why am I saying this? Because the feckless few are ignoring this message and using their 'artificial' control of the marketplace to exclude their lessers from the future genepool.

Worse, as [fake] wealth continues to concentrate, the freakishly stupid will eliminate their only allies in the competition to be the last one standing.

Stupid begets stupid but you knew that.

Until next time, Head.


If you don't abandon I and embrace we, nobody is going to make it into the future!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, some of you are wondering if your college degree is worth the life of the sheep it was printed on considering how much bullshit they forced you to memorize [that you have (coincidentally) NEVER used.]

Well, talking about 'practical' let us turn our eyes towards the most populous state in the nation, California. After the Banksters trashed the Real Estate markets [recklessly feeding the 'greater fool' then backing up that foolishness with highly explosive mortgage insurance where supposedly 'sophisticated investors' gobbled up toxic debt because they we sold the idea that the government wouldn't let the paper go 'bad'.

That was ten years ago and, for the moment, nobody is pointing the accusing finger and howling about it being one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated [yet.]

How sophisticated do those 'investors' look now?

LCD good citizen. What essentially is treason? is the original capital crime because it is unforgivable. Weren't the sophisticated investors (many educated at the finest schools money could buy) 'betrayed' for believing the hype surrounding these risky debt instruments pedaled the world over?

Chant the refrain children...[how f'n dumb are you?]

How many bank executives lost their jobs over this?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

Yet we digress once again!

Today's story is but an extension of yesterday's blistering expose on the state of public education and its abject failure to build consensus because of politicization (HEAVILY influenced by Religion.)

Today's quiz question is Do you (personally, no one else will know) believe 'Murika' is a success story?

The banksters have, since the establishment of the Federal Reserve, capsized the global economy a dozen times (if you count the multiple unacknowledged 'depressions' that the world hasn't really recovered from.)

Well, the 'offshoot' of this 'calculated recklessness' (fueled on by the eugenicists among us) is the homelessness crisis, worldwide!

Whitewashed into obscurity, most of the younger generation has no clue what eugenics is nevermind who promoted it.

Does anyone think it is an accident that the term 'Master Race' has disappeared down the memory hole?

My generation remembers that one of the rallying cries of WWII was to 'stop the Master Race' from overrunning the world.

Yeah, few today remember the Pandora's box Darwin opened and the Scopes trial shown a spotlight on as the scientific community ran amok trying to 'improve' mankind.

[HGH anyone? Forgotten but far from 'gone'. The war only drove them back underground.]

How many of you are just asking yourself now why you don't know this?

Remember who draws up our educational priorities...the people who believe (because they were taught this from infancy) they are 'superior' to the rest of us and deeply resent our general lack of appreciation for their superiority!

One of the 'prerogatives' of privilege has always been feigned much so that it came to be 'expected' by the rabble. [It was 'inconceivable' to a commoner to think the well-born had anything 'in common' with them...a belief that persists to this day.]

It was/is also scandalous to believe you were more intelligent/better informed than your 'betters'. If you proved it you'd risk summary execution. That's how deep the superiority rabbit hole goes.

What's this have to do with humans living in the streets?

Let's return to our private beliefs about success and failure.

Our betters established and, er, 'enforce' the commerce system, sold to EVERY child in the nation as the best mankind has ever created.

Since the money returns to the top, those at the top will kill anyone that doesn't agree the current system is 'best'.

You go against the dictates of our superiors at your own (extreme) risk.

Just because they consider themselves better than you doesn't mean they aren't sadists that enjoy making an example out of anyone too dumb to keep their mouths shut.

Hundreds of thousands living in the streets and lo and behold, Murika is GREATER than it ever was!


I congratulate the reader who has the intestinal fortitude to have read this far. Most can't accept having their deepest prejudices challenged in this manner.

What's wrong with...humanity?

We are born believing some people are 'better' than we are [solely because their parents were bigger criminals so they had better amenities than the 'typical' human.] A child's jealousy doesn't come from oh so many boogiemen, it is 'learned'.

You can't build a rational society based on criminality, especially mislabeling that criminality 'industriousness'.

If 'we' are to succeed as a species this superiority nonsense must end.

Bizarrely, our self-professed superiors do NOT agree. [Being 'better' in that 'unquantifiable way' has been very, very good to them and they don't want to lose that!]

Part of our educational system, fed by the feckless media is the message that some people are just 'naturally' superior to the rest of us.

This is NOT TRUE. [Yet most believe it because 'the paid to talk' crowd told them it was so!]

Often those burdened with this false superiority are broken, many badly so.

Just take a look at numbnuts...if THAT ain't broke, what is?

Until next time, Head.


Monday, October 21, 2019


Greetings good citizen, politicians have been promising to 'fix' our badly broken education system for decades...does ANYONE think they have A.) succeeded or B.) screwed it up worse

You won't even get a vote on the 'true cause' of the failure to reform education, everybody knows education is (and always has been) highly politicized.

MOST of you are ignorant of just HOW politicized the education process is ( only party loyalists are permitted to approve curriculum REGARDLESS of whether they have the credentials to do so! [I'm looking at you Betsy De Vos!]

How do totally unqualified politicians (some of who are profoundly STUPID) get to decide what our youth are taught?

Their (the politician's) primary job is to protect the personal interests of their campaign contributors, the public weal be damned!

Yes good citizen, we live among the hopelessly stupid because people with more MONEY than they know what to do with object to pretty much anything that would serve to 'educate' the consumer/producer/prey.

Every single one of us was told we were being taught the 'new way' and hasn't that failure produced a focus not on getting the correct answer but obeying the rules to produce the desired result...[even if it was 'incorrect'.]

We all wonder if teachers are morons but no, If a teacher goes 'off script' (don't teach to the curriculum) and they'll be fired...let us never forget who, precisely, establishes what is permissible to teach in school...period. Private schools have 'latitude' that public schools aren't given but it's not enough to make a difference. If you want a 'real' education the ONLY way to get it is to first prove your loyalty and commitment to the capitalist agenda.

But I digress.

How many times (today) have you read a post opining they should teach kids basic 'life skills' in school...since that is supposedly what school is 'for', to produce 'educated citizens'.

Problem is if they teach you to 'think' it encourages questions that the overlords aren't prepared to deal with. If you were bored out of your tits in school, that was no accident.

The teachers? They (literally) can't complain. They plow the same field over and over again for a paycheck, just like (almost) everybody else.

They even have to watch their innuendos because if their (dumber, kool-aid drinking) fellow teachers catch them letting their brighter students in on the scam, they will never achieve 'tenure' [something they are trying to do away with anyway.]

Yeah, not a day goes by when the majority of us don't stumble upon the 'gaps' in our education...and some of us even marvel as to why we weren't taught something so basic in school only to brush it off because school was a long time ago and we are glad to see it in our rear view mirror.

That said it seems to NEVER occur to us to question the politicians that run on 'educational reform' because, in our own experience, it has NEVER been effective.

Why do we let this alleged incompetence slide? If YOU were this unreliable they'd can you in a heartbeat...but that's because all your public education prepared you for was a 'moron job' (literally) anyone could do.

But isn't that the 'world of work' in a nutshell?

Understand, the same goes for TEACHING!

You WEREN'T taught to THINK, you were taught NOT TO QUESTION!

How humiliating to realize that if a teacher answered your question with a 'you'll figure it out' they were thinking 'when pigs fly!' because even they realize the job isn't to teach you to think, it is to leave you on your own to answer questions, knowing if you ever did 'figure it out, you'd find yourself in the minority, unable to do anything about it.

Don't think teachers can be 'calculating'? If you slip up you won't be a teacher long and if you do get a can tied to your ass you'd best keep your yap shut because the private sector want's 'team players' and any prospective employer will be told that description doesn't match your 'unstable personality'.

Oh yeah, they know how to deal with loose cannons. Where do you think the Kevin Bacon game came from? [Again, only the cognizant will see the connection here.]

You are supposed to shrug off the notion that not only are there things you'll never know for a fact and that nobody is going to tell you if your suspicions are correct either...because in 99% of cases they don't know either!

Yeah, the limits of (concrete) knowledge are disturbingly narrow and you have to wonder why that is.

Einstein was being generous when he revealed the average person knows one tenth of a millionth of a percent of nothing.

Which should give you a clue to how much of what you've been taught is BULLSHIT...but only the cognizant can successfully parse what he was actually telling us.

Much of what you take for granted is (utter) bullshit [Spirit in the sky anyone?]

We are faced with what is more wretched, nobody is interested in what you have to say or that most people are convinced there is nothing anyone out there has to teach them?

We are neck deep in politicized stupid and nobody sees anything wrong with this.

Dig your own grave then pull the dirt in after you.

Not what to think but why you never succeed at anything...



Greetings good citizen, as the pundits play their favorite game of left, right, center do any of you think you can identify 'center' while you remain clueless to what constitutes either left or right?

At what point does a patriot become a zealot? Conversely, when does a communist become a hermit?

Zealots are everywhere, especially among the punditry. Not only are they convinced they are right, they are going to convince YOU that they are [kinda] right too! [just don't call their 'reasoning' into question and everything will be just fine...because that's how it is with zealots, questioning them is wrong all by itself because they are making 'perfect sense'.

As I pointed out yesterday, civilization if headed off the rails because none of you has a solid mental grip on 'the purpose of money' and the feckless shit weasels are using it all 'wrong' making trouble where there shouldn't be any...and yes good citizen, these abuses have led to murder, which the responsible parties are fully culpable for.

The many who are not 'born to money' make its acquisition the center of their lives when money is useful only to slavers. It is 'how' they get the slaves to comply.

Repeat the refrain as you ponder the difference between you and an 'unpaid' slave? There isn't one or should we clarify by pointing out the 'difference' is the 'paid slave' also believes it is free because it has money...too little to survive on but that's beside the point, isn't it genius?

So where is the 'center' here? When 'everybody' is rich, nobody will be? [Question mark optional, this observation works as a statement as well.]

If we ignore the money problem we return to the next 'tier' in the hierarchy, that of power/size. The physically largest military on the planet is Chinese...but the US press never mentions it because numbers are superfluous when you possess the firepower to render numbers moot.

So it is our corporate overlords ignore what will eventually overrun every democracy on the planet...but that's okay, they were 'fake democracies' anyway.

Allow me to remind you that we are still seeking the 'center' of this whole fiasco. How many of you 'see' it?

If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck then a buck must be a buck no matter who prints it.

But that statement of fact is NOT TRUE, thanks to the 'banksters' a criminal organization that walks free among us because money [the control thereof] is at the 'center' of everything.


Why do you keep proving Churchill correct? [If money is a tool used by PEOPLE then what is at the center of the proposition?]

Capitalization isn't enough I see...

Would you still revolt if we patiently told you the reason we don't let you was because you are stupid?

That's why we don't do that.

Nope, the too clever by half let EVERYBODY vote because NONE of them count!

Which leaves you where? [Out in 'left field' perhaps?]

You won't see clearly until you learn to understand who is 'using' whom.

Perhaps that will happen when the scion of the feckless start demanding that we wear signs telling all that encounter us what we truly are.

Would wearing an 'I am a moron' sign make you understand or would it just be one more thing for you to lose?

I know this is bordering on contempt but you have brought this upon yourself for failing to act when you had the chance.

You have that chance right now but you just sit there dumbfounded when you should be fighting like the caged animal you ARE!

Later, Head.


Sunday, October 20, 2019


Greetings good citizen, every day we learn something new and I was taken by surprise yesterday to learn that Churchill wasn't a 'fan' of democracy...possibly causing WWII to stretch longer than it needed to because he thought the Nazi's might be on to something.

No shock that many of the 'privileged' are elitists.

The statement attributed to Churchill was his opinion that anyone who had a five minute conversation with the typical voter would be quickly turn against democracy...for pretty much the same reason I am against allowing anyone that can't crack 100 on a standard I.Q. test from voting. [Dumb people make dumb decisions, there is no avoiding it.] Add in an 'anything for a buck' (facts be damned) media and you have the recipe for disaster on your hands.

The 'education system' is worthless...largely because some people are striving for the 'virgin mind' thing. They live in terror of denting their worldview by actually using it to reason.

So no, Virginia, education is NOT the answer...which leaves indoctrination.

And you are quite correct in pointing out that instructing others what to think is tyranny...but the typical whacko doesn't concern themselves with the consequences of their actions. [Can I get an Amen?]

Thinking for themselves is strenuously avoided because they only know one thing, they are DUMB!

You'd think evolution would address this problem but smart girls know a dumb man is easier to they keep breeding with them, consequences be damned. [Are you beginning to see where the 'whacko' part comes in?]

I was browsing the titles on Amazon last night (as authors are wont to do to see what's selling) and because of 'prominent product placement' a particular story caught my eye...and this dope had almost 800 4 star reviews!

What in particular caught my eye, you ask?

The cover of his 270 page work [must have taken him years to write!] was a map of the US showing the entire center of the nation as RED and the technological sections [the east and west coasts] as blue.

Whackos actually believe the 'center' of the nation contains nothing but 'honest' conservative.

As I read I came across this guy's bio. He was a colonel in the military. What do we, the trusting public know about the military? That promotions aren't based on skill but 'loyalty' and often that fealty is to an ideology.

The way this clown was bashing intellectuals you'd think he'd been force fed them for breakfast every day of his life.

He had zero use for anyone that could think for themselves...which makes you wonder who was pulling his strings?

Let's back up a second to the insane 'selective breeding process'. We take the most conniving females and set them loose on the dumbest, wealthiest men they can latch onto [See the Kardashians] and the end result is what YOU wake up to each morning.

Need I remind you that the 'rich' are not like you and me?

That gulf keeps getting wider as the lies they tell themselves keep piling up.

Is anyone shocked to see the identical circumstances that led to The Terror being repeated before our astonished eyes?

What led to famine then is the same thing that will lead to famine in the future, nobody can afford to live on what the feckless are willing to pay to harvest the crops they planted...and like the Great Depression, STUPID farmers will burn/contaminate those crops just so nobody will get them 'for free'.

[And still no one questions/protests predatory ALL need your heads examined!]

The whacko author would sic his troops on you if you questioned the 'patriotism' of f-u, pay me!

How's that for fucked?

Um, sorry if the further down the rabbit hole we venture we end up proving Churchill's axiom...but everybody knows this is NOT a (real) Democracy, it's a fake one where you only pretend your vote counts.

You know what's going to happen when they hand the crown back to numbnuts?

You know...

Yeah you do.

Same thing that always happens.

Try not to think too much, there's an app for that ya know! All you have to do is tune in to Fox news and listen, they will tell you everything you need to (not) know.


Saturday, October 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen, folks from my generation remember long ago that 'assertiveness training' swept the nation in the aftermath of the protests of the Sixties. Yeah, if you remember these things your kind of long in the tooth now and Fox broadcasting's 'mis-remembering' of those times is decidedly 'tainted', always remember you get what YOU pay for and who paid for those 'reimaginings to be produced before you invest any of your precious trust.

Anyhoo, the 'end result' of EST and the like was a tidal wave of 'My way or the Highway' coupled with the glorification of the 'rugged individual' [by the f'n media of course, in case you are wondering what this has to do with anything.]

The Nazis experimented with 'perception management' during the infancy of broadcast media (telling the public one thing while actually doing something else entirely) and that did NOT end with the fall of the third reich.

Considering how much of how you perceive the world comes from what you are 'taught' by the broadcast media...[even Rush has a purpose, albeit an evil one.]

Your 'trust' has been and is being betrayed, consistently. [This is what Orwell was driving at in 1984!]

Of course you can't believe that, you've been listening to the talking heads all your life!

Today's rudderlessness (you don't care what direction civilization is headed, you are convinced it is the WRONG one/way!) is directly attributable to the feckless's neverending campaign to keep the unsuspecting public both docile and subservient.

Vote for me and I'll set YOU 'free'...[how shitty is it that the definition of 'free' says a state of being free? (A few more steps and you'll be there folks) as in 'untethered' and 'rudderless'...sound familiar now?]

Free doesn't mean what you've been led to believe it does. YOYO means exactly what it says it does and that is the 'freedom' the feckless are 'selling'. [Again, only the cognizant will make the connection here.]

Let's regroup. The pot you are 'stewing' in is one where your emotions regularly override your intellect. What you are passionate about isn't rational or credible while you ignore the clear and present danger that commandeers your mind every time you 'update' yourself.

Divide and conquer is the single most successful strategy in military history. If you want to subjugate a superior force the first thing you MUST do is divide them AGAINST each other. This is not Sun tzu, this is no duh Sherlock!

How 'perilous' do you think our current situation is and how do you think we got here? [Can you say 'gradualism'?]

Civilizations are built on 'consensus' and if we push the (current) ball of contentiousness back just a tiny bit we would see that we are all pretty much on the same page...with certain notable exceptions that stick out like a compound fracture!

The current profound lack of consensus is not an accident. What does that tell you?

[Interesting quiz question: How many of you believe the impeachment proceedings are simply political sour grapes, angst driven by the thought that the 'liberals' are unable to field a candidate capable of defeating, unquestionably the worst president ever? How messed up is your head, Head?]

Seems the mental horsepower to trace this to its conclusion is rare indeed so we will stop at the divide and conquer strategym.

If you fail to see that the media is driving wedges between us you will soon learn what YOYO really means, up close and personal.

Perhaps it is time to draw a mental thumbnail of exile. Picture desolation as far as the eye can see. Now picture yourself naked and, at least initially, alone. You can sense others watching you but they are 'wary' of the 'freshly fed' because they are keenly aware of their weakened condition.

You mistake their intent for curiosity but by the time it occurs to you that hunger is behind their unblinking stares it will be to late. There is nothing to eat or drink for miles around...the longer you are there the more this fact will become clear to you but if your appearance is meek or diminutive, chances are you won't get the opportunity to fully appreciate your peril.

The 'quick' understand in order to survive they have to 'deflect' the gnawing hunger of the temporary survivors by providing an 'easier target'. One of the weakest is likely to attack first. If you have any chance of surviving you must best them...with whatever you can lay your hands on.

If you are nimble you should be able to outrun them but that depends on how long it has been since they last 'fed'.

In the beginning there will literally be millions sent into exile and they will strip the landscape of every but of organic matter, even the bugs will be gone (at first anyway.) You will see graves here and there but those are the result of 'friends' taking the time to lay their loved ones to rest. For the most part the most disturbing part of the landscape will be the skulls littering the ground as far as the eye can see, even more disturbing is how most of the skeletons won't be 'intact'.

This is 'my way or the highway' for real. ('rugged individualism' writ large.) Want to live life your way? This is your big chance to prove you can make it without the 'help' or hindrance of anyone else...

Tis a gruesome mental image but those who are intent on conquering you rely on your inability to think it through!

You are BORN dependent on the aide of your fellow human...until you learn they are standing in the way of YOUR 'happiness'. So you mentally divorce yourself from your humanity and vow to create your own world where everything will be just the way YOU want it to be.

In case you are too dumb to realize it, that world is here right now. This is what divide and conquer looks like. This is I will NOT COMPLY gets you.

Civilization is 99% consensus, a society divided cannot stand.

Kill your TV. [There's nothing worthwhile on anyway.]

Only a few 'next time left, Head.


Friday, October 18, 2019

Brick Wall

Greetings good citizen, another day in paradise for the freakishly feckless...and another bite of the infamous shit sandwich for the rest of us.

Since it happens so seldom it was a striking diversion this AM to see the NY Times hitting most of the high notes, which they must do on occasion to remain 'relevant'.

'Message fatigue' is beating the shit out of their subscriber base. [Yes, Virginia, people ARE getting sick of the lies.]

If the public wants lies they can watch Fox News for free.

Again, refreshingly, they even reported on the 'political eye-wash debacle' as the kabuki theater it now it can truly be said, Everybody Knows.

Doesn't mean we aren't going to get screwed next November (assuming the Gestapo can keep numbnuts alive that long.) The saloon door of 'patriotism' swings both ways.

That said there is no shortage of citizens willing to do the Nation a solid while earning themselves a footnote in the history books. John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald were both immortalized for their deeds. John Hinckley earned himself a dunce cap for using a f'n .22 and is walking around free out there somewhere while Sirhan Sirhan is still in stir for murdering Bobby Kennedy, go figure? (What is the 'Justice System' coming to?)

Let's not lose focus here, good citizen. The mission objective is for the feckless to keep as many of us enslaved for as long as they possibly can [out of fear of retribution more than anything else.]

The neat trick they keep pulling off is you don't think you are enslaved, you 'believe' you are merely 'unlucky' that you weren't born to wealthy parents.

It is the HOPE that our fortunes will turn that keeps our noses to the grindstone, waiting for the moment when we can shed our poverty like the rags they are and walk free among the 'giants' of society...[may not be true but that is how THEY see themselves...nothing like pouring gasoline on an already raging inferno, is there?]

Criminals all, every one a refugee from the gallows. It is their fear of retribution that makes them into 'monsters'.

Should the uncommon individual claw their way into the 'daylight'; all memories of a life of degradation are instantly forgotten (these are the 'new neighbors' after all!)

But we digress...which is easier to do than you can imagine, so twisted has our narrative become.

All glory to the 'great ones', the collective efforts of history are nothing compared to the ego of the feckless few!

Ironically, they all claim to be at a loss as to what to do about a situation most of them were born into [so much for genius...sort of redefines the axiom of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it!']

But it is oh so broken!

I could defuse the bomb with a single stroke of the pen [The H.A.E.] but the chances of that pen landing in my hands are roughly equivalent to the longevity [of the currently suspended] Magna Carta.

Yup, long gone and you are too stupid to even miss it! Talk about DUMB, W. ALSO erased anti-usury legislation and nobody has said a peep, like WTF?

Now can we ask is a CONSERVATIVE 'supreme court' worth it? [Maybe...if if brings God storming back to the center of society to save our sorry asses...[not.]

Chant the refrain at the tops of your lungs children!

Like I keep reminding you, there aren't a lot of 'next times' left...act or die...and you have zero choice about the second part so you may want to go down swinging.


Thursday, October 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen, considering the owners of media all have their own agendas, part of your job as a citizen is to deduce as best you can what the reality is behind their story and why they are telling you what they 'think' you will buy...considering a significant number of people don't waste time trying to winnow meaning out of the irrational actions of either government, commerce or the judiciary.

They have that 'virgin mind' thing happening and don't want to 'use' their thinking parts so as to risk sullying them with 'impure' thoughts created by thinking for oneself...

The remainder, those of us that are on the 'firing line' of the battle for survival have no choice but to winnow what we can from the mindless chatter that spews endlessly from the official news channels.

One of the primary and most important pieces of evidence we have right in front of our faces today is the fact they can (and will) make whoever they want President and there ain't a f'n thing we can do about it. W. and Trump are both 'Electoral' presidents, they both LOST the popular vote!] How's that for a gigantic F-U?

This is why the pundits are confident that Trump will win re-election...because the media is shellacking the [fake] opposition party as a bunch of whining liberal snowflakes.

Again, those who use their thinking parts regularly [ain't nobody going to give them anything for 'em anyway] understand that the 'next best thing' to monarchy is dictatorship and that is where this whole shitshow is headed.

If one looks at 'the long game', it is easy to see that the 'breakdown' of democracy is being engineered by those who OWN the media to provide the appearance that self determination is 'unworkable'.

The bizarre truth is the inability to compromise is being driven by placing the individual's interests ahead of the needs of the species.

'Fake' ownership [this planet belongs to us all and if we fail to 'share' it our species is doomed.]

So those whose interests are served by ownership want to exterminate the mechanisms that prevent them from dictating to the rest of us what they will and won't 'share'...because it's THEIRS! [The courts say so...our ENTIRE legal system is predicated on protecting owners and their rights!]

Why aren't the candidates presenting a united front against the incumbent and the machine that crowned him?

Oh, that's right...campaign funds come from those that have and if you want some then you have to play ball, no exceptions...and make THEM believe it!

So, my fellow sleuths, the writing on the wall says the current system will produce zero change of ANY variety.

It's a kabuki dance paid for by those who have a vested interest in the continuance of a system that has already cheated YOUR CHILDREN out of their future.

The 'Best system out there' is an abject failure and is collapsing world-wide. It is NOT that no one has come up with a better way, many have created alternatives to predatory capitalism but the capitalist doesn't want to hear anything that 'infringes' on THEIR OWNERSHIP of what belongs to us all.

That, good citizen, is the 'lynchpin' of the 'the best system out there'.

If I can't hold it hostage then it's worthless to me.

ASP is based on EQUALITY AND JUSTICE. We only have ONE PLANET so NOBODY can claim to own it...(even if they can PROVE they are god!)

Justice is exiling those who put their own welfare ahead of that of our species. This is also Equality in action.

Life is 'unfair' so neither term is 'absolute'. Talent isn't ladled out equally and rewards can't be always be divided equally so there are 'limits and compromises' to both equality and justice.

No one can be prosecuted for 'thought crime' just as the 'user of record HAS THE RIGHT to deny others from taking 'THEIR FAIR SHARE'.

Toxic as it is, a certain degree of 'mine' must be tolerated or we shall be bludgeoned by the feckless with endless barrage of claims that whatever it is isn't 'fair' (or just for that matter.)

Again, the cognizant (as I like to refer to them as) can see the morass created by dealing with 'relative terms'.

I belabor the obvious when I point out that things like 'the truth' are 'relative' and not 'absolute'. [ASPECTS of the truth are absolute but I wouldn't try picking the bones out of that statement for love nor money.]

What does the evidence tell you, good citizen? [Or are you trying to retain your mind's 'pristine' state so it will fetch a higher price at the slave sale?]

Later, Head.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen; left to your imagination is the fact we have NEVER, in the realm of human experience, been where we are today and the truly disturbing part of that is we observe the past and expect the future to behave just like it, especially financially.

Again, it is a dual edged statement to point out that all money is funny and survival relies solely upon mutual support. Do any of you think economists will start measuring the degree of support our growing exclusive society no longer generates because capitalism is a COMPETITIVE game in a world we must cooperate to survive in.

How many do you are convinced we have this 'survival thing' suss'd?

Your parents didn't starve, you didn't starve and your kids aren't that proof of success?

How disturbed are you that the obesity epidemic coincides with the population explosion and the quiet capitalist exploitation of Frankenfood?

Will fake meat solve the climate crisis? [Look to the title for the answer.] The fake news suggests the answer will be yes, even if it isn't.

The 'present' is unprecedented, we have never been here before yet we blithely use the past to predict the future.

Which is why nobody is even attempting to address (much less solve) the overpopulation crisis.

This stems from the fact that it isn't possible to determine who, precisely, is 'surplus'.

[The trick here is to slam on the brakes, and switch to 'sustainable mode' in a single generation without exterminating anyone! This is a hard reality that is unavoidable...yet the luddite capitalists won't admit it because Adam Smith taught the morons that greed is good and resources are 'infinite' in clear defiance of all that is true and reasonable.

They want to keep making buggy whips even though the only buggy's you can buy today are custom made toys for the hopelessly wealthy...another abomination created by feckless, reckless capitalism.

Takes as much to feed a rich human as it does a destitute one, the fact is unalterable.

Once 'sated' all the rich do is 'bank' their ill gotten does NO-ONE any good.

Humans believe dumb things and one of them is 'universal wealth', the myth that we (as capitalism teaches) can ALL be 'rich'.

How the hell do you expect THAT to work? [It doesn't and most of you intellectually know it so it becomes a race to avoid being the one that get's shut out and dumped on.]

Why do you believe this lie? [Look to the title for the answer.] Wrack your brain but you honestly don't know why you think all you have to do is keep your head down and be patient and your 'success' is 'inevitable'.

There are delusions and the deluded...and the line between the two is as stark as the one that divides the feckless few from the confused and clueless masses.

Slavery is alive and well. It seems to be something a lawless society is incapable of escaping.

How doomed are we if you were to consider the past predicts your (and our) collective future? [Look to the title for the answer.]

This is 'virgin' territory and things WON'T go on like they have in the past much longer.

I predict we will be tossed backwards into the cesspool of the Dark Ages by those who believe capitalism is the ONLY way forward.

Naturally this creates the conundrum of how will the feckless sort out the useful from the surplus? [Look to the title for the answer.]

How unfortunate the 'traditional answer' to that question has been, "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!"

Leaving humanity where, precisely? [Look to the title for the answer.]

I'll share one last opinion and that is of our being incapable of surviving (as a species) this endless loop of booms and busts.

As for tomorrow...[Look to the title for the answer.]

Next time is becoming less certain with every passing post, Head.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the now ancient admonition goes, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!"

With the media fanning the flames of fear at every opportunity we have all become, er, 'wary' that things aren't (because they seldom are) what they appear to be on the surface.

That said we (actually all life) is 'suspicious' [largely due to the kill or be killed dynamic that we have yet to, as a species, conquer.]

Some would 'quibble' that the advent of commerce abolished both poverty and starvation but reality tells a different story.

Strong are the proponents who believe if you starve to death in this world it is your own fault...this is decidedly not true. Profits before people kill thousands every day.

Like I pointed out yesterday, 'charity' only exists if someone is watching.

Which for the most part nobody is...why do you suppose the myriad 'foundations' that checkerboard society have failed to eradicate even one of the diseases they were founded to 'cure'?


Trust is a commodity that isn't easy to come by because we tend to hide our true motivations behind facades. We say one thing but don't mean 90% of can you 'trust' someone like that?

The opportunist in us is a natural self-promoter and the best of them are also adept at pretending to be self deprecating while they are at it. They make a big production out of 'gee whiz' and 'aw shucks' along with the inability to make/maintain eye contact...(which speaks of something else entirely.)

The 'honesty deficit' is being driven by a predatory system that is tearing society to shreds. Compassion is often rewarded with suicide as the victim often takes their would be savior with them under the waves of exploitation.

Want fellow creatures you can make common cause with? We must first end the race to acquire...every damned thing!

Half of what you are compelled to purchase you only need the temporary 'use' of.

But the battle to survive produces a few winners and the rest become 'collateral damage' in a fight to the death.

We could do so much more with so much less if we ended the 'it's mine' bullshit!

This world and what society produces belongs to us all, EQUALLY!

We fail to learn this lesson at the risk of our own extinction!

United we CAN'T be 'yours' and OURS too.

Cooperate and live or die defending what you can NEVER 'own'.

If you don't smarten up there soon won't be a 'next time'.


Monday, October 14, 2019


Greetings good citizen, I am not the first to voice dismay over fact that the only thing protecting the public from tyranny is 'men, both good and true'.

Seems the weasels among us did everything they could to avoid drawing clear lines where, as we so desperately need, the individual would understand what they could and could not do.

Remember, our legal system is not only based on but guided by a freakish belief in 'goodness'.

Like truth, goodness is 'relative' (and often heavily 'parsed'.)

Do we 'clarify' the laws or do we continue to rely on 'goodness' and the decidedly uneven outcomes it produces?

Under ASP the laws will be few and clear. Spite laws will vanish (along with all traffic violations) The rules won't vanish, just the fake revenue they generated along with the morons they kept employed.

The roads have always been a crapshoot. [Hope for the best but expect the worst.]

The current system was born out of outsized 'faith' in a non-existent entity contrasted against the hellaciously petty outcomes of the past. Judges were intended to 'correct' the loosey-goosey laws and winnow justice out of vague balderdash but alas, judges are human and spiteful too. [That is why the won't exist in a 'just' future.]

The law is what it is and it means what the typical individual understands it to do you see the evil lurking in our decidedly convoluted law-making?

How did we get here?

[Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?]

Because we listened to those who speak for Spirit in the Sky.

If GOD shows us the way it MUST be just! [Leaving aside the obvious fact that nobody has ever laid eyes upon this imaginary, all powerful being.]

Another 'strike' against the alleged almighty. Were it 'all powerful' we wouldn't be able to violate it's will!

Naturally this brings us to the irresistible force vs immovable object conundrum which pretty much proves GOD can't exist!

Yet we allow those who claim to speak for it to, er, influence our judgement.

Sing the refrain, children...(louder, I can't hear you but more importantly you can't hear you!)

If we return to our original theory that humanity on this planet is a case of abandoned tools, we need clear directions (laws) to guide our actions.

Spirit in the sky handed down laws but the criminals in charge had to alter those 'commandments' to save themselves from prosecution.

In this respect, ASP can be viewed as a return to basics. 'Thou shalt not kill' coupled with 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'...( I was tempted to use 'the shorthand' but you know jerky would point at the instance and use it as a pass because I wrote it ONCE!)

But the 'laws' could be winnowed down to just a handful simply by living 'responsibly'.

Don't need the cops or the courts to make the world 'comply'. If you are a f-up, the world knows it and you will reap what you sow. If you are the salt of the earth then you will be rewarded with respect and admiration. Pretty simple, really and that's the way we humans like it.

If at first you don't succeed you're pretty much average...and if you can't get out of your own way, well shit happens but we know when you are dogging it and when you are struggling to do the right thing.

The thing to keep in mind, Head, is 'we SEE you'. Don't pretend we don't.

What you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you are ACT accordingly.

This is where that 'do unto others' thing kicks your ass.

Life is difficult enough without blaming everyone but yourself for your mistakes/dissatisfaction with how life has treated you.

We don't need no stinkin' badges...

Until next time, Head.


Sunday, October 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as long time victims of 'outrage fatigue' it has occurred to us all to wonder just what the infamous 'they' are playing at...and make no mistake about it, all the ceaseless whining is coming from the same source and the discord it breeds has but one goal, to push the public past its 'breaking point'.

When the feckless decide the public is 'ready to act' they will personally 'lead the charge' to silence their opposition.

United we stand but united we're not...

To listen to them tell it, we are one nation united Under God. [The M-F's went as far as having 'a declaration of fealty' added to their number one control mechanism (currency) as recently as a Republican.

It also marks the beginning of the the push for declaring the US a 'Christian Nation' in direct defiance of the founding principles.

Seems not going to church regularly has caused the blasphemers and reprobates to threaten the political process with retribution from the pulpits that remain. Shortly after declaring fealty to Spirit in the Sky the South flipped from Democrat to Republican as the protestant church took sides in a long running war between fealty and freedom.

Sounds silly to say that 'church and state' formed the foundation of monarchy but there it is...and guess who wants to establish the USA not as a beacon of liberty but as the leader of the Christian World?

Balderdash you say? Is that what your going to tell the deacon when he comes to collect the fine for your not attending church services all day on Sunday?

What part of 'Comply or Die' don't you get?

Those were the 'bad old days', well it is a huge mistake to believe they are 'gone for good'. Your nemesis, God is sitting on the bench just waiting to be called back into the game.

Because the Deacon ain't comin' alone...and if you don't practice the 'right religion' you will have no rights and no privileges. Like poverty, the 'congregation' will be ordered not to molest you [which we all know actually means 'don't get caught' molesting you!] and to be charitable to those who put their faith in the WRONG GOD.

With the prevalence of poverty we all know that charity only exists if someone is watching...

Can you say nightmare? And the current bullshit is just a preview of things to come.

You won't be able to say shit if you had a mouthful because you, even now, don't know who you can trust.

There is NO GOD and we all know it but that won't stop the feckless from ramming belief into you as brutally as possible until you either beg for forgiveness or die, because that is the name of the game.

And Chumley, your torturer doesn't care. He is glad it's not him being flogged into submission and that nobody can ID him because his master(s) let him wear a f'n 'honest' is that?

Can I get an 'Amen'?

YOU (actually NONE of us) can't afford to 'underestimate' the cruelty of the animals that pretend to be doing 'the lord's work'.

Those who torture (pretty much period) in the name of faith (or for ANY other reason) reject and renounce their membership in society and will be exiled.

Some lines can't be crossed and when they are the consequences must be swift and sure.

Numbnuts betraying our allies because 'he' was done with them is unforgivable.

Not for nothing do Trump supporters proudly proclaim themselves 'deplorables'.

Until next time, Head.


Saturday, October 12, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as today's title suggests last night's panelists on Real Time seem to have drank the kool aid regarding the true nature of impeachment.

2 of the three stated impeachment could happen at the slightest provocation and was often driven by 'partisanship'. One went as far as opining that they could impeach the incumbent over the color of his hair!

Nay-nay good citizen, the cognizant know that impeachment is the process used to investigate executive criminality.

It is disturbing in the extreme to see the media's ignorance of the legal system exposed on prime time television.

Numbnuts is NOT a king but for, hopefully luck of the draw reasons, 2 of last night's three panelists incorrectly thought it was a 'spite move' driven by partisanship rather than the prosecution of criminal behavior.

Yes Virginia, the president can be a criminal...remember, they prosecuted Willy Jeff for getting a BJ from an intern...(at the cost of millions of taxpayer dollars) but let's not go into the rampant malfeasance that blocks the simplest and most basic problems from being addressed.

Three presidents have been impeached and only one stepped down in disgrace (only to be pardoned by his hand picked successor.)

Seems criminal and politician are two words the mean the same thing.

Not a particularly helpful observation but there it is.

[If we are all in this together then what's up with the competing parties...idiocy?]

While the criminal-in-chief is using partisanship to deflect from the criminality of his actions why does the media buy that excuse without thinking?

Did I mention YOU are being bombed with 'bad intel' from 'trusted journalists'?

Is it any wonder half the nation has its head up its ass?

We live in dangerous times but that is nothing new. That said the mission objective remains the same, leveling the playing field to prevent class war or worse, genocide from driving our species into extinction.

Chant the refrain children...

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind [I noticed a few of you got stuck there...good luck with that!

Until next time, Head.


Friday, October 11, 2019


Greetings good citizen, nobody is surprised to learn that what passes for government and justice are both rancid to the core. Nor is it particularly surprising to learn that those posing as patriots happen to be up to their ears in corruption.

What does get a rise out of the typical 'ostrich' is learning the whole damn thing is rancid. For reasons unexplained, those who view themselves as 'blameless' honestly believe the corruption magically stops when they leave the centers of power, that their little 'fife' is free of self-dealing and a bastion of liberty.

The odd part is how the many that consistently mis-identify as 'middle class' also believe that the rancidity that pervades society has magically passed them by in their safe little Dreamworld.

Are YOU guilty of 'Not me and Not here'?

Chant the Refrain children! [How f'n dumb are you?]

(slaps the dust off the back of a now ancient hobby horse that hasn't been ridden in long while)

How many times have I told you to fix a problem the FIRST STEP is ADMITTING A PROBLEM EXISTS!

Why do you keep falling asleep when you know the bed is on fire? [Chant the refrain!]

Those who gull you into thinking they are doing EVERYTHING they can but compromise is both lengthy and delicate...when the almighty WE shouldn't be 'compromising' at all!

Who keeps handing the crooks rufies? [Conversely, you KNOW the Kool Aide is tainted but you drink it anyway! Chant the refrain!]

Not a rhetorical question, good citizen. You are consistently fed 'bad intel' and for some bizarre reason you never suspect THE SOURCE! [To which there is no alternative.]

Case in point, I read an article this morning that postulated modern capitalism was established by escaped serfs who banded together in 'communes' and traded with one another as they fought off the forces of their former masters/owners.

These communes (like their modern counterparts) operate on the employee ownership model that (sometimes) uses the democratic method to allocate capital [like Animal Farm, some animals are MORE EQUAL than others.]

What part of 'ownership is treason' don't you understand?

You have been nurtured on the 'idea' (taught to you as a 'fact') that profits are dollars and nothing else matters.


Profit should be banished from the language pool alongside the deadly concept of 'own'.

The 'benefits' of labor [the ACTUAL 'PROFIT] can only be measured in the welfare of our species and the planet we hope to survive on.

'We' is going bankrupt and the ones driving us there don't give a damn.

How do we put a stop to the recklessness?

Use EQUALITY to restore JUSTICE. The LAW belongs to us ALL. No badge, no uniform and no robe places you Above the Law.

Did you know current lawmakers routinely EXEMPT themselves from the legislation they craft?

What's the definition of 'tyranny' again? [Go look it up, we'll wait.]

Ignorance is a terrible thing and feeds superstition, making it easier to manipulate YOU.

Luckily ignorance can be fixed, strive for the intelligence to understand when you are being lied to.

The future depends on it.

Thanks again for letting me inside YOUR Head.


Thursday, October 10, 2019


Greetings good citizen, among the pack of meat puppets the RNC's subsidiary, the DNC is running for Commander-in-Chief one candidate stood apart and now she is boycotting the dog & pony show sponsored by the corporate owned media to further confuse the modern 'issues voter'.

No plain vanilla democracy for you, if you are going to drag your ass out to the polls you had best have an agenda to see through!

Ever notice the 'subdivisions' that have sprung up across the political spectrum?

United we stand but united we are not.

Theoretically ALL voters are anti-tyrant but some of them have been indoctrinated to believe that all liberals/democrats are tyrants who demand 'political correctness' when what the typical human strives for is closer to respect and decency.

See the people who need to feel superior want to be able to belittle those they deem less deserving of respect without public condemnation and that's what changed after 'Morning in America'.

Which also marks the beginning of the war on respect known as Political correctness.

[I'm looking at you Bill Mahar.]

The Proud Boys are racist asshats that don't give a fig about decency. Like the typical 'lead with your chin' types they are proudest of their ignorance and their undying love of 'their kind'.

Like Trump, their 'support' is largely manufactured by the owners of the lying media.

And IF we were to vote for a candidate who is demonstrating the political backbone to stand up to the corporate owned lie machine I will be casting my vote for Tulsi Gabbard!

A True Leader sees the problem clearly and takes steps to correct it. Throwing money at problems created by the mismanagement of money only makes things worse.

For society to begin 'working' again the playing field must be leveled and that ain't going to happen under butt licking meat puppets like 'can't/won't say a word in his own defense' Biden or 'I'm too old to run' Sanders...(he missed/gave up his shot for Hillary.)

This quid pro quo that taints US politics is glossed over by the 'say anything' crowd [How pathetic is it that you have to take EVERYTHING you hear with a 50 lb block of salt?]

The campaign, thus far, has been an artificial celebration of the supremacy of Trumpism in/by the media and NOWHERE ELSE!

Black is white and up is down according to the bought & paid for media. Soon it won't be money but the barrel of a gun that demands compliance while none objected to the lies spread by the paycheck motivated.

If there is a stain on our system that is it in a nutshell. Do as I say if you want your pay!

If YOU refuse I'll find someone who will and in a world devoid of justice, they will. [THIS is why the law must be returned to the control of those who MUST live under it!]

So today's post is my first ever (explicit) endorsement of a political candidate.

Used to support Bernie but his rolling over at the national democratic convention revealed him for the puppet he is. It's his fault we got four years of Trump and it will be his fault again if he receives the nomination...

Love Liz Warren but something doesn't quite add up. Like the traitor Obama or his predecessor Willy Jeff, both sprung up out of the woodwork with 'canned' biographies that made them ideal legislators/order takers.

Tulsi is demonstrating she is her own person and that is essential for a leader.

I give this endorsement hesitantly, considering the ruthlessness of the forces arrayed against her. I don't want to see another brave individual lying in a puddle of her own blood while morons like Trump walk unmolested in this cesspool of ownership.

Alas, 'go along to get along' breeds ruthlessness [all for 'fake' money.]

There are too many elephants that need coraling and nobody willing to 'stick their neck out' to get the job done.

Can you say 'sweeping reforms'?

Until next time, Head.


PS: If I can't 'motivate' you, nothing is going to case you were wondering why I am always asking you how f'n dumb you are...