Thursday, October 31, 2019


Greetings good citizen, with election day still a year away the feckless media continues to be Preznint Pussygrabber's staunchest supporter by 'manufacturing' support for the most reviled POTUS ever to hold the mantle.

Given how dipstick won office, this should come as a 'surprise' to no one.

How can it be in a time where everybody knows the system is FUBAR that nobody, in particular the owners of the media, is calling for replacement as the only viable option for 'reform'?

Let's put a pin in that right there because the crisis is twofold, the people who own pretty much everything also own the 'opinion mine' that tells the dumb what to care about.

How unfortunate the only fly in the comply or die ointment is the few who don't meet the 'dumb' requirement of being unable to determine for themselves what's tolerable/acceptable.

Somehow go along to get along [a losing proposition for anyone dumb enough to go along with it] begins before an infant receives its first swaddling blanket in case you were wondering just how deep the quid pro quo rabbit hole really is. (and you weren't. The thought never occurred to you until I brought it up just now.)

Just because it is everywhere doesn't make it (or the mindset behind it) correct or even proactive coercion for that matter.

Rewards for cooperative behavior as well as punishment for non-compliance start at birth and this is 're-enforced' throughout the individual's life.

Odd to see the public being told that just a sliver over half of the population supports a man that would set box office records if his impeachment ended with his public execution for crimes against humanity.

They could ask a million dollars a seat and get it [yeah, even his peers hate him but that wouldn't be why they bought front row seats to the collapse of fake democracy.]

What comes next? Not the first time humanity has reached its limit with rule by the self absorbed. History tells us a 'crackdown' is coming...problem is who is behind this supposed termination of the old way of doing things.

It will be the 'robes' [who work for the owners] and they will direct their mindless underlings, the pistol packing badge flaunters and they will round up the 'troublemakers' and rid society of them.

Once 'justice' is done they will make a big show [read warning] to people who might object to their heavy handed tactics and pretend that all will be well once more while NOTHING actually changes.

Remember where zipperhead got his badge from...his Uncle gave it to him, which is the same way he got his.

Conversely, the first thing ASP does is end the self serving chain of guns, badges and robes telling us what the law means...and when it applies.

You [and by extension, we] don't have a hope in hell of numbnuts being brought to justice. The owners won't stand for it. Understand, you have been trained from birth to believe YOU are a member of the 'owning class' when the truth of the matter is you are the backbone of the 'owing class'...see what removing a single 'n' will do?

Whether or not 'the truth' will set you free remains to be seen. There is still a whole boatload of dumb out there who will go along with whatever everybody else is doing.

And still you fail to recognize your peril!

Wake the fuck up, will ya!

Next November is a bad time to decide, what the fuck am I going to do?

A book of matches could save the day but only if you have the balls to put them to good use.

Later Head.



  1. You [and by extension, we] don't have a hope in hell of numbnuts being brought to justice. The owners won't stand for it. Understand, you have been trained from birth to believe YOU are a member of the 'owning class' when the truth of the matter is you are the backbone of the 'owing class'...see what removing a single 'n' will do?

  2. How can it be in a time where everybody knows the system is FUBAR that nobody, in particular the owners of the media, is calling for replacement as the only viable option for 'reform'?

  3. What comes next? Not the first time humanity has reached its limit with rule by the self absorbed. History tells us a 'crackdown' is coming...problem is who is behind this supposed termination of the old way of doing things.

  4. the feckless media continues to be Preznint Pussygrabber's staunchest supporter

  5. Let's put a pin in that right there because the crisis is twofold, the people who own pretty much everything also own the 'opinion mine' that tells the dumb what to care about.


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