Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Greetings good citizen, when a species loses the will to fight it goes extinct. {On the surface we 'fight' all our lives but the feckless have won the battle of 'comply or die' and the endless fighting is, in reality, simply bitching that you both know YOU aren't never going to DO anything about.}

How disturbing is it that mankind's favorite activity is killing one another?

Understand, we don't actually do it but the majority of us commit justifiable homicide in our minds daily...often multiple times.

Is this 'release valve' useful or should we be searching for why we resent those who wield power in our names, helping themselves at our expense? [There is a rational alternative based on barring the self-servings access to the levers of power.]

Doesn't help that humans prefer to harbor murderous rage rather than face the simple truth. [Again with the 'simplification', our rage is complex because the world of 'I' is a very irrational place. No such thing as simple truths just as common sense is the refuge of the self possessed and more an act of projecting the individual's values on society as a whole.]

What is the 'simple truth' hiding beneath the posturing of a system designed to serve the few at the expense of the many?

Without equality there can be no justice and without justice there can be no peace. Without peace there can be no prosperity. [Abject squalor as far as the eye can see and most 'self-identify' as 'middle class', how's that for delusional?]

That is the 'necessary order' for cooperative survival, anything else is tyranny.

[Confused/lost? Remember, Gegner writes for the cognizant. To have a mind you must first know how to use it!]

What do you suppose are the prospects are for equality in our time (or anyone else's?) Deeply disturbing to observe that accident of birth is the single greatest factor responsible for much of an individual's life circumstances.

The feckless know (but could give a crap less) about the destabilizing influence inequality has on the social organism and it is this tendency towards self-dealing that fuels the outrageous gulf between the 'haves' and the have-nots.

If we spent a tenth of the effort we dedicate to fighting 'the other' and put it towards dismantling the 'killing machine' we'd all prosper rather than spend our days filled with self loathing over our own cowardice.

Here's a fallacy the self serving preach as the gospel, if we didn't have a 'strong military' we would quickly find ourselves enslaved and put to death as 'useless surplus'.

The capitalist mind has a tough time differentiating between enemy and customer, as evidenced by commerce's blindness to the fact that their employees ARE their customers!

This is economics 101 yet 'the system' rewards 'owners' for reducing and automating as much as possible.

These are the 'smartest' people in the room but how f'n dumb can you be?

We are already hitting our collective heads against the 'deareth of customers' created by fatal myopia of 'profits before people.'

How pathetic is it that people are throwing away their food budget on trying to effect political change? [It is the ONLY expense the individual can 'control'.]

Naturally malnutrition leads to irrationality but hey, we are already there...

I'd admonish you to buckle up but what's the point in that, you are already well down the chute that leads to 'game over'...and somehow electronic gaming has mentally prepared you to be a loser.

Learn and live or it's hasta la vista.

Until next time Head (if you're still here...)


How disturbing is it that most fail to make the distinction between sentient and rational?

Awareness and understanding are two separate issues.


  1. [Confused/lost? Remember, Gegner writes for the cognizant. To have a mind you must first know how to use it!]


  2. The feckless know (but could give a crap less) about the destabilizing influence inequality has on the social organism and it is this tendency towards self-dealing that fuels the outrageous gulf between the 'haves' and the have-nots.

  3. How pathetic is it that people are throwing away their food budget on trying to effect political change? [It is the ONLY expense the individual can 'control'.]

    Naturally malnutrition leads to irrationality but hey, we are already there...


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...