Sunday, October 6, 2019


Greetings good citizen, while I prefer the 'big picture' sometimes it is worth the trip to explore what's hiding in the minutia.

Is it still miniscule if it makes today's top story in the NY Times? It was actually the elephant in the room that has been there ignored for a remarkably long time. What do you suppose Joe Biden is running for? He hasn't put forth a platform so the greater public just 'assumes' he will be another 8 years of Obama...or whatever else his handlers will mold his presidency into.

Trump took a dump in this guy's cornflakes and he as said absolutely zero about it.

Statesman-like restraint or abject cluelessness? Seems the media isn't interested in telling the public how Candidate Biden feels about his son's business being used as a political hatchet.

Remember when I drew the actual strawman the faux presidential succession has taken? Hillary 'steps aside' so Obama can take his 'shot', then Biden who was Obama's 'successor' stepped aside to give Hillary her Bernie took heart attack on the presidential trail opening the door to (another) aborted run at the White House and resulting in four more years of numbnuts!

Biden will get crucified in the media and Beth Warren will be painted as 'left of Bernie' leaving Patriotic (albeit clueless) Murikans no alternatives (in the media's eyes) but to vote for 4 more years of whack-a-doodle!

Oh so f'n 'presidential'...

It is 13 months until the next election and the collective 'we' need to decide what we are going to do about 'indecision 2020.

The media circus must stop and so must the lies pedaled by the captive corporate owned media.

13 months out and we can already see how the feckless are revealing that ALL of the candidates are unfit for office. What they are ignoring is 4 more years isn't enough for the hapless incumbent to straighten up and fly right.

His parents must be spinning in their graves, the humiliation of it all.

Yet the media is painting the multi time loser as our 'only alternative'...and that deserves to blow up in their face.

The question the pundits will start prepping us for, 'we have survived this long, we will survive this too.' is absolute bullshit. Other societies revolted (unsuccessfully) for far less.

You have to know what you are going to replace the current system with if a revolt is to succeed.

Every revolt heretofore simply replaced the names on the doors...we need to blow those door to kingdom come if we are to have any hope of correcting a system that has outlived its usefulness.

One planet and we need to share it so 'ownership and everything related to it has to go!

Think you would be miserable living in a society where NOBODY 'owned' anything only proves 'you don't think.'

As long as somebody can deny you what you need to live based on your ability to pay you will be well and truly because blood is thicker than water. The 'tendency' is to take care of 'our own' first and the rest can go twist in the wind.

Until we accept the fact that not just sentient life deserves to live we will be whistling past the graveyard, pretentiously. Yup, clueless humans will remain focused on 'dollars in the pocket' while ignoring the consequences of their actions...the future is somebody else's problem.

Wanna thread that needle back to its origin? Spirit in the Sky anyone? Turn the earth to sand and still commit no crime, god forgives you!

You are being led down the primrose path, if you won't risk a few thorns then you deserve the cowards agonizing death that awaits us all.

Happy Sunday!



  1. Trump took a dump in this guy's cornflakes and he as said absolutely zero about it.

    Yeah, I'm looking at you NY Times...

  2. It is 13 months until the next election and the collective 'we' need to decide what we are going to do about 'indecision 2020.

    The media circus must stop and so must the lies pedaled by the captive corporate owned media.

  3. Think you would be miserable living in a society where NOBODY 'owned' anything only proves 'you don't think.'


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...