Friday, October 4, 2019


Greetings good citizen, given the calculation behind his initial attempt to coerce others to do his bidding via an implied quid pro quo only a true knothead would think doing it out in the open would absolve him of the original criminal attempt.

Picture the robber who is caught passing the teller a note to put all of the large bills in a bag or the other bag he is holding contains a bomb and he'll set it off if they don't give him what he wants?

Caught, the criminal decides he has nothing to lose by screaming 'give me your money' to a bank crowded with cops.

Does his 'open declaration' negate the original 'bomb threat'?

How f'n dumb are you? [We already know how dumb our imaginary thief is.]

It's okay if a [Republican] president does it? If a [non-existent] Democrat president increases aid to the suffering the rabid conservo-whackos are out for blood and screaming 'treason' at the tops of their lungs.

What is wrong with a base so deluded that it can't tell the difference between authority and criminality?

Technically there is an ocean of difference between 'fans' and 'fanatics'. The former is an admirer and the latter is a psychopath.

My president, right or wrong is the mindset/behavior of a 'fanatic'...a mental case that should be locked up to prevent them from harming themselves or society.

A fan knows when to lay the pom-poms down and look away. Some things aren't not worth cheering about. [Locking up children after separating them from their parents. How f'n sick are you people?]

'Obama did it' doesn't make it right!


So we return to the question of does the problem rest with an ignorant public or an 'out of control' corporate owned and totally unregulated media? [How pathetic the answer is BOTH?]

When did 'free speech' turn into a license to lie? [The 'first amendment' was born out of the (mis-guided) desire to put a stop to the monarchy's censorship of the definition of what does and does not constitute tyranny or freedom. The crown would prosecute (and often execute) any that spoke against its authority by branding those outcries as 'sedition'.]

Back in the 'god fearing days' it was assumed that 'civilized people' would not 'lie' in the press because the church taught that God would make the offender 'pay'.

Funny how quickly that went out the window the moment the people that INVENTED God/WROTE-rewrote the Bible learned of it!

How f'n dumb are you? The honest answer may shock you...

We seriously need to remove 'getting over' on one another from its perch as the most 'satisfying' activity (apart from sex, the 'dirtier' the better) a human can engage in.

If you think playing others for chumps is 'harmless' you are broken and have forfeited your membership in civil society.

Again, the 'gulf' between harmless pranks and vindictive behavior [like numbnuts routinely displays. What a reel that would make if someone were slick enough to catch his frequent temper tantrum/meltdowns on film?]

Can you see Fox News anchors cooing over his outrageous behavior and blaming his 'detractors' for his childish demeanor?

Nobody is going to 'miss' them when the station loses its charter...except for the jiggle.

I do not an never have watched Fox News, anyone claiming to be 'fair and balanced' is raising an automatic 'red flag'. Let the viewer decide that.

If you have to say it then it is a lie. Same goes for people who are always telling you how smart they (or their organization) is.

It's a lie and we don't need to know anything about them. Actually, telling others what to think speak volumes about your 'agenda'. Fox News broke into the US market using the 'inference' that THEY were 'fair and balanced, IMPLYING EVERYBODY ELSE ISN'T!

How 'true' has that assertion proven to be?

Whenever you hear something outrageous all you need to do is look at the corner of the screen for the Fox News logo and you automatically know it's Bullshit!

But I preacheth to the Choir. My readers know where the bear shits and they don't mistake it for chocolate ice cream like Fox news viewers do.

There really is an enormous gulf between 'Fan and Fanatic!'

Thanks for stopping by and opening your eyes and your mind...what you do with your heart is up to you.

NEVER 'what to think' but always something to think about!



  1. Technically there is an ocean of difference between 'fans' and 'fanatics'. The former is an admirer and the latter is a psychopath.

    So when did politics become a 'team sport'? WTF...[repeat the refrain]

  2. Fox News broke into the US market using the 'inference' that THEY were 'fair and balanced, IMPLYING EVERYBODY ELSE ISN'T!


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...