Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dear Moron

Greetings, as the title suggests today's post is not for my faithful readers but the people I keep warning them about...the people who proudly wear their 'deplorable' status as a badge of honor.

Dear pinhead, you are so dumb the only thing you know for a fact is you aren't 'bright' nor do you understand any of the political football analogies...which is to point out you don't have a clue what I'm telling you here except the part that you are dumb and you know it.

You don't like being dumb but you can't help it, it is how you were raised. Every time you did something it would cause somebody else to freak and scream at you to not touch anything!

A hard life we both know and this is what drives you to be such a 'contrarian'. You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can't pick your parents...and if your parents were morons well, woe unto you!

Nothing drives you to test your boundaries more than someone telling you that you can't do it.

In fact, you are so 'gun shy' about doing anything that you are attracted to the opposite.

You look at the Trump bobble head and read it literally because you are too dumb to read between the lines, it may say 'Liberals' but it reads Peasants...

Ironically it is Trump telling his many 'detractors' [people who think he is a waste of space] to go fuck themselves. Politics has nothing to do with it.

In fact in this one arena, you are the 'smart' one. How can there be 2 parties, especially opposing parties if we are all in this together?

You don't understand this and you also pick up on the fact that conservatism is the party of the rich, people you have absolutely NOTHING in common with!

The blowhards on talk radio and Fox news label the rich as Liberals but that is a lie. The rich HATE liberals the same way you hate people who defend you because they believe you can't defend yourself!

Did you know (and you don't) that the people behind the PC movement and the people who hate Liberals are the same people?

When the content is 'free' you get to say what you want.

Did you know Rush Limbaugh's show was given to AM radio stations for free?

Isn't free stuff Communist?

But that isn't the problem or the point, propaganda is brainwashing and Rush is a subversive working to convince you that the criminals among us are the 'good guys' and not the ones driving civilization off a cliff!

Rush champions Capitol, Industry and Ownership along with being the master of one's own destiny as opposed to sharing and cooperation, the real fundamentals that make civilization 'civil'. The 'weak' are made weaker by being given handouts instead of the 'opportunity' to forge their own a world that has no use or room for them.

[You can synthesize materials but you can't manufacture markets/paying customers...although the banksters regularly 'pretend' they exist!]

Rush is the first one to tell you that if you can't make something out of yourself, it's YOUR PROBLEM...just as employers tell their employees if you can't live on what I pay you it's YOUR PROBLEM!

Why do 'useless' jobs pay more than vital ones? [Because lawmakers get to vote for what they are don't!]

Everything Rush says was a lie. He champions a world that doesn't/can't exist as long as the few claim ownership of what we ALL need to survive!

That is lie number one, Rush and I dare you to refute it.

One people, one planet and no more LIES.

Our species will not survive if we fail to deal with the liars that put themselves first.

Politics, we're doing it WRONG! We need leaders with vision, not lapdogs seeking to gratify the freakishly selfish at everyone else's expense.

Sorry, are you still here? Sort of went off on a tangent and I'm not sure how much of that you caught...probably lost you when I called Rush a liar.

Men lie and justice is perhaps the most fleeting of all human desires (although you would argue that love is more elusive but, alas, that is YOU.

I'm not here to rub you nose in what you yourself will readily admit. You know you shouldn't be trusted with making decisions that you can't comprehend the stakes. Leave that for the people who can...and yes, Virginia, IQ tests are good enough for our purposes.

Only the wicked perpetually frame EVERYTHING in terms of 'life and death' [Ain't that right, Rush?]

The coin has two sides but those sides aren't Liberal and Conservative, those sides are rich and poor and the laws that enable one while penalizing the rest.

Breathing through your mouth is a sinus thing, we all know. You may consider yourself dumb but you aren't a total loss and we both know that too. It's those who pretend that you are 'just like them' [while they sneer at you stupidity behind your back] while playing you for a chump by telling how to vote and who to hate.

These people are NOT your 'friends'. Your friends are the people they tell you to hate. The liberal knows you are dumb and like you, they accept you for who you are and what you are capable of.

Your 'evil' friends tell you what to think and how to vote because they know you are confused and all THEY want is to be on the 'winning' side.

We isn't part of their vocabulary. It's them against the world and they are winning by convincing you to vote their way because they are your 'buddies!'...not that the actually spend time with you.

They like you because you are 'useful' like a tool. when the job is done they put you away until the next time they 'need' you.

Thinking is hard and the people you let do it for you have along history of doing evil things then blaming it on the people trying to protect you.

Do everyone a favor and think for yourself. If you don't know, let those who do decide. NEVER let your 'friends' think for you. Anyone who tells you what to think or how to vote is NOT your friend and has NO respect for you!

Thanks for stopping by because you're right, WE are ALL in this together!



  1. You can synthesize materials but you can't manufacture markets/paying customers...although the banksters regularly 'pretend' they exist!

  2. Rush is the first one to tell you that if you can't make something out of yourself, it's YOUR PROBLEM...just as employers tell their employees if you can't live on what I apy you it's YOUR PROBLEM!

  3. Everything Rush says was a lie. He champions a world that doesn't/can't exist as long as the few claim ownership of what we ALL need to survive!

  4. Thanks for stopping by because you're right, WE are ALL in this together!

  5. [You can synthesize materials but you can't manufacture markets/paying customers...although the banksters regularly 'pretend' they exist!]

  6. Greetings, as the title suggests today's post is not for my faithful readers but the people I keep warning them about...the people who proudly wear their 'deplorable' status as a badge of honor.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...