Saturday, February 29, 2020


Greetings good citizen, is it ironic that leap year coincides with the presidential election cycle?

Prolly not an 'accident', someone thought it would be too clever by half.

Not a good starter to point out the obvious, people are idiots.

It's also 'why' the president gets a 4 year f'n lame is that?

Under ASP the competitions for leadership are annual but unlike today's pointless farce, it is NOT a popularity contest won by f'n MONEY!

We would move from electing people to voting for the best vision for society's future...which is what 'the parties' are supposed to represent.

How the f did it end up where it started with only the criminals being 'wealthy' enough to 'buy in'?

Nothing YOU can do to change it even with a working knowledge of ASP at your fingertips [an alternative to the F- U farce that eliminates your actual participation via the 'secret ballot'.]

No reason whatsoever for the process to be secret, yet here we are.

Did I mention people are idiots? [Check.]

You KNOW that YOU can't fix this despite having several billion supporters clamoring for a 'more equitable' system.

Left to your imagination is the daunting task of having to 'tip the scales' one 'pin' at a time.

Can't win a 'direct' confrontation but they have to sleep sometime...and when they slither out of the shadows we need to pick them off, one at a time. Not guilty of anything then you have nothing to fear but if you are even tangentially associated to the murder machine [wear a badge, a robe or hold a microphone/swing a pen in support of the lie machine you are wearing a bullseye on the back of your noggin.]

NOBODY can trust a 'judge'. The criminals 'made' them to control justice, which belongs to the PEOPLE...who I might have already mentioned happen to be TRUSTING 'idiots'.

You also can't trust a 'reporter'...because they do what they do not in pursuit of the truth but a paycheck, it's the EXACT SAME THING the FAKE justice system worker does.

Colleges don't care about 'quality education', all they care about is asses in seats. They hand out worthless degrees all day long if you pay them in full...with worthless money.

Why do you suppose the economy is fooked? Money has no 'value'.

Welcome to 'swindle central' where a criminal culture has turned society toxic.

This is considered all fine and well so long as nobody makes a stink about it...but seriously good citizen, this shit show is bursting at the seams because NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IS "REAL" anymore.

Everything is a lie!

You know what is real...are you willing to attack now that the target has been 'painted' for you.

Don't worry about the criminals, their jobs won't be coming back. The 'uh-oh squad' punishes criminals after the fact. If you had anything to do with the current 'justice system' you will be barred from working for the Uh-oh squad because your knowledge of the law is corrupt...and so are you.

Another 'heads up' to the 'one in a thousand'. Your history makes you a prime suspect and will count against you in any future criminal investigation.

Did I miss anybody?

I'm looking at YOU self-styled 'apex predator'. The H.A.E. abolishes the Employer/employee contract. The implementation of the divisions removes your control over ANYONE's pay...and the prohibition against CASH insures the only way to secure money is to WORK for it.

Getting caught 'using' a 'cash substitute' is an automatic exile.

Did you know tampering with the tests is an exile offense? You needn't worry because one of the things you did as an apex predator was ensure that everyone knew who you you have damned your family name for eradication.

You have already revoked your 'membership' in civil society thereby choosing EXILE as your ONLY way forward.

Flipping one of the hallowed scripts instituted by the criminals themselves, you are no longer 'presumed innocent'. The evidence has to clear you, not damn you.

Anyone whose DNA matches yours will be tried for treason, thanks to YOU.

Criminality won't stop but it will become much more difficult and tried much more ruthlessly if humanity is to survive.

Enjoy constantly watching your back?

Do nothing.

Once again it's YOUR head we're in here.

You decide, I've already done my part!


Friday, February 28, 2020


Greetings citizen Bystander, had a curious conversation with a millenial last night that served as proof of concept that not only has nothing 'changed' but nothing is going to either.

Constant reader knows one of the central themes behind ASP is the core issue of 'How will I live?', a question each and every one of us faces on a daily basis...if not moment by moment.

Cue the capitalist refrain.

What? Don't know what I'm talking about?

You got this...let me 'refresh' your feeble memory.

"Tough old world out there."

There was a 'twist' in last night's bitch session that didn't exist back in the bulletproof days of the Sixties when I was a 'yute'.

My maturing youngster has realized the 'funniness' of money. He was actually upset that raising the minimum wage wasn't going to do anything but make prices, which are already horrendous, worse.

So I shared the tale of what happened during the Carter administration when my pay inexplicably doubled, followed by prices quadrupling.

Remember the EVERYTHING shortage? Only us old folks 'remember' although few of us understood it even to this day.

Um, cruel as it might seem, thinking isn't something humans excel at.

What's the 'take away' from wages doubling and prices quadrupling?

Do we start with the failure of market regulation, which literally means the markets failed to regulate prices because there is not 'check' on greed. The planet minted it's first Billionaire just six years earlier and now we have 3,000 of them, with the top twenty percent having multiple billions.

Can YOU say 'criminal'?

But I digress.

What did we miss?

Talk about elephants in the room, how can you enjoy prosperity if money doesn't retain value?

More on this later, but for now I want that kick in the nethers to sink in. [Can you chant the refrain for me, children? (how f'n DUMB are you?)

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, February 27, 2020


Greetings Bystander, emblematic of the loss of faith in the process is this posted as a headline in today's NY Times

More Than 15 Million Tuned In for CBS’s Democratic Debate


The chaotic debate, the final forum before the South Carolina and Super Tuesday primaries, showed viewer interest remained high.

Murika is home to roughly 400 million and if we sort them into voting aged citizens that number would be roughly 300 million because there hasn't been a 'baby boom' since WWII.

Now Hillary lost to Pussygrabber despite beating him by 3 million votes so what does 15 million highly speculative viewers [those numbers are fudged/spitballed based on campaign contributions] actually tell us.

It is more 'hand-waving' by the one percent owned media; "ignore the man behind the curtain and look over here!"

The actual figure is likely closer to 5 million, which is a proverbial pisshole in the snow.

Who is this number targeted at? The dummies who think 15 million is a 'large number'.

If this is an 'accurate' reflection of the politically active segment of society I dare say that TWICE that number journey out to the polls in November solely to take a dump in the punchbowl, giggling like idiots the whole time.

As a percentage of the voting aged population 15 million is spit but since Morning in Murika voter turn our has held steady at less than 50%

MORE THAN HALF have no faith in the process.

Zero irony that an equal number of potential voters has had their 'right to vote' suspended.

Faith in the system is so minimal that low voter turnout is behind the push to reinstate the rights of felons to vote.

Gonna take a lot more than 15 million votes to push Pussygrabber out the door.

Prolly shouldn't but let's look at what comes after Pussygrabber, shall we?

Low voter turn out isn't just a problem in the West it extends worldwide as 'resistance to change' threatens to domino pseudo democracies into dictatorships for the sake of 'maintaining order'.

The cataclysm you are visiting on your children/grandchildren is UNFORGIVABLE.

There has always been a simmering resentment against the 'Greatest Generation' for their failure to prosecute the Banksters behind the Great Depression...which oddly keeps happening every 50 or 60 years and each time society fails to prosecute [as in hang the bastards.]

In a smaller headline, the House just passed legislation to make lynching a felony...WTF do you suppose the thinking is behind that, considering how many of the fuckers richly deserve it? Pussygrabber is expected to sign it after the Senate rubber stamps it.

Faith in the system, if the public doesn't have any then it's time to change the system...but the folks who fuck the rest of us over in the name of maintaining 'order' don't want change, especially change that holds them accountable for their actions or decided lack thereof.

They can only kill you once but they can (and do) make you suffer for your entire life.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Greetings Bystander, I'd ask how's it hanging but that would be like asking a cow if it was tasty. Not only do you not know but you also don't care.

You move through your life on 'automatic'. Wake up, perform your 'morning ritual', either go to work or start hunting for work. Take a break, look at the news, not that you care but to see if anything 'interesting' is happening. Get a little excited about the plague (is this the 'game changer' you've been waiting for? Is it finally time to max out that credit card you've been saving? Decide it's too soon to tell, get bored so you go back to work, which also bores you but at least your being paid to be bored.) ten minutes later you wander off to the bathroom to spend twenty minutes on your phone checking to see if you got any 'likes' from anyone you give a shit about...same shit, different day.

You don't HAVE anything and you have come to terms with the idea that you never will. Your personal refrain is 'why am I alive?'

It is a question nobody has the answer to (although the circus freaks that read the Bible, constantly searching for answers it DOESN'T contain, talk about your 'fool's errand') Convince themselves that God is the answer...running headfirst into that brick wall of what was the question again?

Purpose...for some reason the abandoned mining equipment doesn't have a purpose. How unfortunate for you that a 'Von Neumann machine' was designed to be self sustaining so you have been set to the pointless task of keeping yourself 'functional' despite no longer having a specific function.

At this point in the spectrum there isn't a significant difference between 'I' and 'AI'. Theory has it that it won't occur to AI to question its existence. The beings that did this this to us simply didn't care.

Why do I exist? The answer is the question is invalid.

Why don't you give a shit? Because you (nor anyone else can tell you) WHY you exist or what your 'purpose' is.

So it is we have become a species with questions that don't have 'satisfying' answers.

Doesn't help that our ability to prioritize is shit as well.

Ask a dozen drones what's important and you'll get 2 dozen answers across six different categories!

Sort of redefines 'dazed and confused', doesn't it?

Then there's this 'thankless task' I've set myself to...not that I can complain, 'self-inflicted wounds' don't deserve pity.

In this respect I understand the 'addict' that can't put their cell down for longer than a minute. Is that what fills the 'void' in your empty life?

The mirror is a hard place and most of us have trained ourselves to ignore what it reports, making our emptiness complete.

Was that the Zuck's epiphany? Certainly didn't serve the 'greater good' which is the ONLY thing that matters but you are too self absorbed to see that.

For that you have earned my pity, despite the wound being self inflicted...

How sad you can't bring yourself to care.

Thanks for letting me inside your head, [responsibility for these flashes of insight is all you.]

The emptiness you feel is an illusion, wake the f up!


Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Greetings good citizen, yesterday we looked over the edge into the abyss hoping to catch a glimpse of 'what's next' after Bernie Sander's victory drives a spike through the heart of 'fake democracy'.

Quick, go back and read yesterday's post! How did you miss that?

Today's title was lifted from today's headlines and stands alone as a warning to any and all that oppose the status quo.

Nevermind specifics, does it strike you that the feckless's 'go to' solution to ANYTHING (it/'they') don't like is 'retaliation'?

Still wrestling with today's first puzzle? Relax, it's self explanatory from the hotly contested point of view that your entire existence is a self-serving lie.

Again with the overthinking. YOU're not the one the lie serves.

Most of you have had the epiphany but a surprising number still live in denial, hoping against hope that they are 'wrong' in their interpretation of 'the writing on the wall'.

United we stand but you are alone...and everybody else is 'scared' [not without good reason.]

People go along to get along and that's how we got trapped in this mess in the first place. More disturbing is the realization that the undercurrents caused by the 'holes in the lie' show us what we are 'afraid' of...the inability to agree on a direction.

That is 'why' I post these missives, these exercises in the 'obvious'.

Despite how 'they' treat you, you are NOT 'dumb'.

You just can't 'see' all of the 'where to start'.

Thus the chain.

Since the mission objective is SURVIVAL, what flows 'naturally' from this? NOT 'competition' but cooperation!

What is the primary element necessary to 'cooperation'?

EQUALITY! Not just between colors but sexes and species. Doesn't matter that your 'purposes' vary widely, you share a common goal.

How sad is it that (apparently) NONE of us were gifted with thinking as a primary purpose...although there is no shortage of those who BELIEVE their way is the 'right' way...regardless of how idiotic/inefficient/heartless.

This is why LEADERSHIP is directly proportional to 'vision'. Only those with the ability to see the consequences of their actions have the 'duty' to lead.

The 'self-serving', while clever, obviously don't or we wouldn't be here with our continued viability in serious doubt.

Clever and 'smart' are to decidedly different things. It's like the 'gulf' between knowledge and wisdom, knowing HOW isn't enough, it is wisdom to know when a thing 'should' be done just as the current paralysis of society demonstrates the feckless's inability to lead effectively.

So Equality is the primary piece of the puzzle and you need only look within to verify that fact, from it flows the 'prime directive' of 'do unto others' which has been abandoned by today's feckless few.

Remember the 'chain'. Without Equality there can be no Justice and without Justice there can be no PEACE.

Think perpetual war is A.) The natural order of things or B.) The end result of unbridled selfishness?

Tit for tat is another side effect of 'my way or the highway...which is literally why mankind can be found even in the most desolate corners of this planet.

Time's up. There's no where to run and definitely nowhere to hide.

If we don't cooperate we WILL 'exterminate' one another...and only the freakazoids among us think that is all fine and well.

We share this planet with, er, 'entities' that are so self absorbed as to have forsaken their humanity as an encumbrance to THEIR, er, 'prosperity/survival'.

ASP 'weeds' those entities from our midst and removes them from the society they rejected.

You against the rest of the planet are mighty tough odds. If your future depends on killing the rest of us, it's on baby!

If YOU don't agree that the road to survival relies on Equality and Justice [equal treatment under the law that belongs to us all] you have rejected humanity and will be banished to live out the rest of your miserable days as best you can on the land humanity can't use.

Ironically, this is not 'retaliation' but justice [when seen from the perspective of the 'greater good.'

So if the ONLY 'greater good' you can bring yourself to care about is YOURS, well, you are 'on your own'.

Isn't this where 'you' got stuck? Most do. Everybody tells them [back in the 70's it was ubiquitous] to 'look out for number one'.

You know who started that nonsense? The 'owner class'.

They were 'just' looking out for number one and they didn't care who they hurt in the process because as far as they were concerned, looking out for number one is EVERYONE'S 'responsibility'.

That's why they hate the government that was established to protect the non-owners from 'THEM!'

If 'we' can't 'share' this planet then the conventions that prevents us from murdering one another on sight is null and void.

As WAS my custom, I shall thank you for letting me inside your seems this served to help readers cope with their decision to be thus 'invaded' by such 'alien' thoughts that have visited you unbidden in the past.

Ironic they call those episodes 'dark nights of the soul' but there you go.

Until next time, Head.


Monday, February 24, 2020


Greetings good citizen, the headlines revealed an increasing concern over the corona virus as our 'interconnected world' refuses to seal off the infected parts from the vulnerable whole.

In other news, Media matters weekly bulletin points out that the current 'crisis of democracy' is caused by the media treating politics as 'entertainment' for the 'ratings' case you ever wondered how a party that claimed to represent only 25% of the voting public kept winning elections, there's your answer: Politics, we're doing it WRONG!

{Is there anything touched by capitalism that isn't corrupt?}

Don't wrack your brains too hard, the answer is NO and the question is rhetorical.

Testing the edges of your consciousness is the idea (actually the fact) that Bernie Sanders CAN (and should have the 1st time) beat the moron, pussygrabber.

Why did the infamous 'they' hand the election to a clueless oaf?

Because what Bernie 'represents' was coming for them regardless and saddling the nation with an asshole was their way of 'poisoning the well'.

The same people who have stolen the last several elections and gerrymandered their way to a near perfectly split congress will piss in the next election so hard you'll be scratching your head wondering if the rest of the nation has lost it's mind...when it isn't the 'rest of the nation' at all, it's the feckless few 'molding' your perceptions.

Notice (of course you didn't) that the 'booming' [FAKE] economy is 'fizzling' now that it looks like giving the Trumpster a second term will solidify a revolution (and a damn violent one too!)

Yep there is no deed too low for the capitalists to stoop to in support of Fuck You, Pay ME!

EVERY candidate (on the campaign trail) has been vetted by the gatekeepers of Capitalism so the most 'radical' idea in the competition for Meat Puppet in chief is Socialized medicine/medicare for all.

NOTHING will be done about wage slavery or the homelessness crisis or the miseducation and malnourishment of our children out of sheer cruelty that Republican voters like to call 'tough love'!

Politicians will continue to pretend the higher educational attainment is vital to keeping Murika 'competitive' when this ain't a f'n competition, if it was you'd be on your front porch with your 12 GA popping everyone unfortunate enough to cross your path.

Only f'n capitalists can pretend competition is 'good'.

What are you going to do when the church tells you that Heaven is running out of space and your bank balance and your tithing record will be key in determining admission?


Bernie is going to beat the title asks, what's next? Nothing will 'change' post 'nationalized' healthcare [Murikan style, where you'll have to pony up for you 'free' treatments if you want them in this lifetime!]

Yup, there's a bazillion ways to poop in the punch and the capitalists are experts in ALL of them!

Bernie can beat Trump but in an honest election so could Simon LeGree or Pepe Le Pew.

Humanity's future is at stake and charade that passes for the political process is thwarting any attempt to escape destruction.

The self-interested have no interest in humanity's future because the only ones that 'matter' are them.

You choose not to believe that but what evidence do you have to the contrary?

The 'booming' economy or the bold statements that education will save us all, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

It's a given that looking 'down the road' is not your strong suit. Hell, you wouldn't think about tomorrow if you could help it and the fuckers are doing their very best to rob you of that too. [The dead aren't a problem anymore as long as you bury them in a timely manner.]

Time to stop dismissing politics as a 'silly game' and return to taking an active role in planning the future of our species.

The feckless insist 'they've got this' but it is obvious they are LYING.

If you do nothing, so will they.



Sunday, February 23, 2020


Greetings bystander, at the center of the conflict between imaginary brand A and brand B is the conversion between despotism and 'crowd rule'.

The glorified founders feared participation would create chaos as the factions competed for supremacy...and back then there was only farmers and merchants all holding hands with bankers...if you were the 'hired help' trying to get your legs under you, your concerns were beneath consideration.

Same as it ever was, the people who actually fought and died in the war for freedom er, 'Independence' were the last people to have a say in how the new system would serve them.

So it didn't.

The ONLY thing the 'revolution' changed is which cocksucker took advantage of us. The typical 'Bystander' today has less power than the tribal pipsqueak had in the days of the hunter/gatherer. [There were a lot fewer 'grunts' back then and they knew how to 'leverage' their unfortunate position on the social totem pole.]

Today the vast majority of us walk around with our hands in our pockets because being a grunt is it's own reward. Doesn't matter how much you WANT to 'participate' if there isn't anyone that needs something done for them and has the ability to pay you for your efforts.

The list of things that need doing is ENDLESS, finding a steady paycheck is next to impossible because of a system that operates almost exclusively on 'profitability'. [This is due to 'mismanagement' but the feckless prefer to call it laziness despite the occupy movement which exposed the fraud of college being a guaranteed source of a solid future building income.

A society built on lies will collapse...violently.

Se Habla 'Morning in America?'

Trump isn't the first 'fake president', Nixon was...and every one after that.

Picture the scenario, after winning the Brand A nomination, Bernie, rather than uniting with Beth Warren decides Mayor Pete is who Murika wants backing him up...then Bernie gets his head blown off by a rabid Trumpster whose head exploded when Pussygrabber lost...and Murika gets its first gay prezinent after all.

Withheld by the media is the fact that the assassin just happened to be an 'unemployed' former special forces member of Blackwater...remember them?

What a f'n mess, eh?

Here's a question you can only ask yourself [because nobody else is going to ask you.] Do you think you could live in a society where your 'participation' went beyond being told what was expected of you?

Shouldn't that be a two-way street where you got to 'influence' how things got done instead of sidestepping responsibility?

That's the difference between participating and being represented by someone you have never (and likely never will) meet in person.

You have a vote. The current system renders that vote worthless.

When the ballot box fails, what's left?

Comply or Die?

Those are your current choices until you put 'option 3' on the table.

Life is what you make it, will you (continue) to live on your knees or are you willing to stand up and see that they aren't ready to cut you down without an excuse because ten thousand scared peasants is a fearful thing indeed if they believe they are next.

One thing is certain, do nothing and you WILL BE. [Next, duh!]

Not what to think but definitely something to think about.

They make this easy, why are you making it difficult?


Saturday, February 22, 2020


Greetings good citizen...this morning's headlines come straight from conspiracy central. There is ample evidence that hackers 'interfered' with the 2016 elections now 'The Media' is reporting (based on what, nobody knows) that Russian...(who are no longer communist) 'hackers' are jiggering the delicate political balance to favor the Anti-Trump, (the guy that would have won last time if it hadn't been for the 'interference' of the DNC.)

I belabor the obvious when I opine that the non-conservo-whackos KNOW who is really behind the badly broken election process. It's the people that OWN everything worth having and make YOU pay dearly for what is rightfully yours.

Only the hopelessly stupid believe (because stupidity is believing dumb things!) the 'secret ballot' actually works.

It's 'secret' so YOU can't verify the results!

But again with the obvious.

What's behind the media's insistence that half the nation would club the other half to death in the middle of Main St at high noon we 'hate' one another so deeply?

The charade that the elections aren't 'fixed'.

So WHO is telling us that 'The Russians' are at it again?

The Media...and who writes the media's paycheck?

Knew you weren't totally stupid!

Sadly we once again hit a 'Dead End'.

What can we 'bystanders' do about this farce of 'mis-representation'?

Without equality there can be no justice and without justice there can be no peace...

Why is society on the verge of collapse?

See above.


Friday, February 21, 2020


Greetings bystander, if we are to be honest with ourselves our 'participation' in society has been reduced to bystander status and anyone who tells you different is yanking your chain.

The pot stays crusted over because those who consider themselves 'our betters' don't want to address THEIR multiple failures, starting with the quality of their leadership and filtering down to their refusal to 'maintain' what previous generations built coupled with the reckless and wanton squandering of resources as they focus on lining their own pockets at the expense of the rest of us.

Yes good citizen, your eyes don't deceive you. You sacrifice your comfort so they can live lives of opulence.

Bizarrely (and totally irrationally) YOU expect the 'system' that serves them to provide YOU with 'justice'.

Funny how the realization that 'fair' is a relative term brings it all crashing home and YOUR 'well being' hinges on someone else's idea of what constitutes 'a fair day's pay for a fair day's work.'


Theory and reality clash constantly. What 'actually happens' often falls far short of what is 'supposed to happen' and YOU have ZERO control over ANY of it!


Hatred is boiling to the surface around the planet as the media scapegoats capitalism's victims/refugees as the source of the economy's woes [When the true problem is mismanagement on a gross scale.]

Ready for a swift boot to the nethers? The 'antidote' for hatred is NOT LOVE but JUSTICE.

How fooked do you think we are?

Be honest.

Didn't we just circle back to the earlier question of 'fairness'?

Ironically, we humans have a finely tuned sense of 'fairness' despite choosing to ignore it most of the time...and despite our thinking parts not operating at even a fraction of their capacity.

Humans truly are remarkable machines, they can still function 'adequately' even when befouled with a mind filled with 'contradictions'...which is what will make AI fail. [Newsflash for the morons who believe AI is just around the corner.]

You 'are' what you 'believe' you are even if those beliefs are delusions. Is it frightening to consider that most of us are thankful for our 'invisibility'? It's what prevents us from speaking out against the lies the media feeds us.

Have any of you asked yourself where is 'the media's' outrage over the wholesale pardoning of the criminals poisoning the planet? It's capitalism after all, the 'owner' has the 'right' to do what he wants with THEIR property despite being unable to prove that it ever belonged to them.

See the trap that is SLAVERY?

Lawyers create 'weasel words' so the 'unacceptable' becomes 'the law'.

Orwellian or not (with 'evil intent' being the litmus test) the entire 'legal profession' will be abolished and claiming to have 'special knowledge' of the law will be an exile offense because 'THE LAW' (like the f'n planet) BELONGS TO EVERYONE, EQUALLY!

Don't know what direction to turn to...good citizen? Wanna stop being a bystander and pretending you don't have a stake in this shitshow?


United we SURVIVE.

It's not about 'more for me', it's about sustainability for all!



Thursday, February 20, 2020


Greetings good citizen, like my aversion to all things 'Spirit in the Sky' I also don't follow the farce that passes for politics or the bought and paid for media that can't shut up about all three.

I'm also going to guess that nobody is surprised/shocked to learn the Pussygrabber ignored the fig leaf of pretending to have the people he pardoned 'independently vetted' as past presidents have done.

Whenever a 'potentate' takes control of the Justice system in their own interests it's already too late to do anything about it. The people that should have stopped them have already approved of what was going to happen demonstrating conclusively how 'rot spreads'.

Did you know this is the stuff that spawns vigilante justice? For decades [since Morning in America in fact] Federal judges have been assigned 'bodyguards' for their personal protection.

Why doesn't this protection extend to judges at the lower levels? The local PD's have that 'quid pro quo' arrangement where they make sure nobody challenges unpopular decisions and in trade the judge turns his head when a member of his protective circle is brought up on charges, isn't 'justice in America' just peachy keen?

You may not think much of it but the criminals just adore it...until the next terror, which is closer than you think and will make the last one look like a fun family picnic.

Revenge is a peculiar beast because it demands a slow painful death...or a long period of does blind and castrated strike you?

Being denied justice is just like that but you can still see who screwed you and you can still pleasure yourself although you get no satisfaction from it.

Maybe being blinded and castrated is what it would take to focus your attention an the grave situation facing you as a modern citizen.

We (the founders) failed to place justice beyond the reach of the self-serving because they were to busy helping themselves to the fruits newborn liberty offers.

Born corrupt, those who established the 'new nation' had no intention of being the first tried under its as yet unwritten legal system.

Failure to remove the law from the reach of the feckless is it's own reward.

We don't even know the name of the individual who 'gifted' the nation with Pussygrabber.

But SOMEONE out there knows and that same someone would give up that name for a price...because that's how it ALL works.

What's the most important thing in the world?

Find that thing and they will tell you whatever you want to know to protect that thing...

Did I mention that REVENGE is a peculiar beast?

We keep returning to the same precipice, Rule of Law or the Rule of Man.

Rule of man isn't necessarily 'evil' but when that man is a moron...and look at who he pardoned!

Will the 'good times roll' when the feckless media announces he's been re-elected?

Picture it in your mind, blood as far as the eye can see all because we didn't rein in MONEY.

Later Head,


Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Greetings good citizen, how do you say 'well and truly?

Turns out you don't have to because Pussygrabber just declared himself the nation's chief law enforcement officer!

Mo-fo think's he's f'n King! [Republicans suck, but you knew that!]

I know most of you are ignorant of this because you have been trained to OBEY the one with the guns regardless of right or wrong...BUT, the laws exist to protect us from asshats like Pussygrabber!

Does BOZO think he can't be impeached again? [Will he cry 'double jeopardy' if the House makes another run at him?

WTF is wrong with this picture?]

When the law is a tool used to punish those who oppose tyranny/injustice then chaos reigns.

Numbnuts believes despite LOSING the election that the feckless have his back and the LAW is powerless against him.

Well good citizen, we all know what time it is?

It's rope and light pole time [torches optional.]

Instead of resigning Barr should be lynched! [How f'n incompetent can you get? How did this A-hole get a law buying one any better than being 'read in'? (Apparently not!)]

As I have stated repeatedly, the law belongs to those who agree to live under it and not some moron who decides guilt or innocence on the basis of 'usefulness' to himself.

ANYONE who supports that variety of justice is guilty of treason and we all know what the penalty for untrustworthiness is.

The loose cannon has been handing out pardons like they were water BECAUSE THE ASSHOLES IN CHARGE OF THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT ARE TOO STUPID TO DO THEIR F'N JOB!

Without due process the law is just a fig leaf criminals hide behind.

EVEN ASP provides a trial where the accused is charged with defending themselves to the best of their ability. [Lawyers and judges no longer exist because it will be a crime to pretend that you possess 'special knowledge' of the law.

Believe me, the lawyers and judges PRETEND all the time and justice goes right out the window...or nearest crack, pick one.

On YOUR plate, today is the decision as to whether or not this nation is a land of laws or if it is the domain of monied tyrants?

Didn't know you got to pick, did ya? Sort of like the morons in charge of justice...who ONLY DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD!

Talk about F'N USELESS!

Y'all saw it comin', now it's here and the question 'Whatcha gonna do about it? Because it won't be ignored...(but you'll try.)

Ya know what comes next, right?

The round-ups.

Mark my words.


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Lock & load

Greetings good citizen, as any shooter knows today's title is backwards, first you load then you lock the breach.

Before you do either you have to unlock the breach mechanism so perhaps the 'un' became silent over the centuries since the invention of breach loading weapons.

After all, English is a 'lazy' language loaded with contractions...but today's offering is not an English lesson [that all too often turn into debates with grammar nazis.]

Nope, today's reference acknowledges the, er, 'unexpected' rule change regarding the bar to the debate stage erected by people that no one voted for and nobody can overrule...unless you happen to be 'richer' than they are.

So it is the centrists have 'bent' their own rules that require candidates to accumulate campaign donations as proof of their 'political relevance.'

That's the kind of thinking that made the monarchy so difficult to is also the kind of thinking that keeps the 99% pauperized.

Bernie prides himself on not accepting PAC money but that has no relevance considering the only, er, 'entity' providing funding to Pussygrabber's campaign are largely anonymous PAC's. [Think of HOW 'rebels' anywhere, INCLUDING Nazi Germany, got the money to build their 'murder machines...same folks that YOU refuse to bring to justice!]

Not your job? Useless to ask whose job it is because the people those people work for like their fat paychecks too much.

Think it's time to abandon CASH?

Not if you want to keep your assault rifle to defend your family from those zombie hoards!

Zero irony that the 'power' behind the zombie apocalypse is cold hard cash!

The morons who pedal such nonsense are paid to frighten the children among us who pose as adults.

You NEED a machine gun like your belly button needs teeth [because both ends of your intestines are assholes!]

What kind of 'protection' does a guardianship that can be bought without anyone's consent give you?

Murika was sold a long time ago to the OWNER class. Why do you suppose the morons who loudly proclaim that this Land of the FREE and Home of the mindless sycophant!

None of those ass-licking clowns have the balls to even whisper what 'the money motivated' really has nothing to do with 'bravery' and everything to do with being greedy and self-serving.

Isn't it the 'lectuals up there chanting behind a right wing ringleader, 'Lock her up!' as numbnuts dry humps the flag to demonstrate just how much he lurvs Murika, Land of the Rich and Home of the hopelessly STUPID!

This is the 'farce' politics around the globe have become because those who OWN the media control the WORLD.

The only way the collective 'we' can save our children from this shameless exploitation is to ban the practice of ownership and embrace the doctrine of SHARING.

Are you alive or are you just a placeholder for the children you HOPE to have someday?

If you sit still that ain't gonna happen, you've already been marked 'surplus' by the same assholes that STOLE your share right from under your nose, claiming it was THEIR 'birthright'.

How does that sit with the seven billion other humans on this planet?

Good to be the One Percent now?

Sucks being YOU.


Monday, February 17, 2020


Greetings good citizen, another f'n Monday and a holiday Monday for the fortunate few. Gig employees and workers in the 24/7 retail and hospitality industry don't have it off but people in the traditional FIRE sector likely do...just another stark reminder about the 'divide' between the haves and the have nots in our society.

Today's NY times had a few suggestions regarding what you might want to do with a 'bonus day' and it turned into a 'to-do' list, one of those rare devices that seldom take physical reality because the worst part of a to-do list is how it is evidence that you are a slacker...and it wouldn't do to have others find damning evidence of your lack of competence.

Most of us avoid making 'to-do' lists because the things we will never get around to always compete to be placed on top of the list but the reason you have put off even starting that task still remains, stubbornly thwarting your best efforts to move forward.

Not that anyone needs to search too hard for things that need doing, they are ubiquitous just as are the reasons you haven't so much as lifted a finger towards crossing them off your mental list.

Primary on the 'excuse list' is money [bit of a fib there actually, money is tied with laziness as the number one reason shit don't get done. If it ain't on fire there is no rush to address those little things you keep putting on hold.

Some of us are honest (with ourselves and it is also the primary reason so few of us keep lists) we look at something and know we won't even think about it until it breaks, forcing you to address something you SHOULD HAVE gotten out in front of.

Sometimes it limps along much longer than you expected it to and other times it breaks immediately after is exhibits a behavior that alerts you to the fact something needs your attention...otherwise it's the old 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.'

Perhaps the most frustrating of things on your to-do list are the things you can't fix society. You MAY have been taught that keeping the wheels of civilization from flying off was the Church's responsibility but you became doubtful when you learned that the church's primary weapons are fear leveraged against an overactive imagination.

Now the wheels are flying off and you don't have the tools to fix it yourself...but that's not the worst part.

The people who make you 'borrow' your life from them have instructed their wage slaves to lie to you about all things economic...which only the cognizant recognize as being a substitute for the more urgent word...survival.

Naturally it wouldn't go well for the self-serving if you became aware that the people leading humanity were actually trying to exterminate you, would it?

Most people cannot 'see' themselves 'doing better' regardless of what the stock markets do so that is lie number one.

AI MIGHT be 'just around the corner but so is the cure for patient are you? Millions are dying waiting for the cure but the feckless aren't old enough to have the problem so like most other things on your to-do list, it doesn't get done because as far as the feckless are concerned, 'it ain't broke'.

Curing cancer or developing AI not on your radar? Then what is driving the stock markets to ridiculous [emphasis on the ridiculous!] heights?


Now ask yourself another question, do you honestly believe it is safe to ignore the lies of people who have no qualms with exterminating you?

They want you to move to Mars, a dead world BECAUSE it has no magnetosphere. They know this and you have heard it but the hopelessly dumb seem unable to comprehend what that means when you compound those problems by redefining the term 'life below zero'.

The question that remains is whether or not this is 'stupidity' or an alternate way of keeping 'the herd' thinned?

Problem with attempting to lick the technical problems of colonizing the inhospitable environments offered by our local celestial neighbors is we are more likely to solve the FTL problem first and go directly to seeking out and colonizing 'hospitable' worlds. [Just maybe this will slow the efforts of the feckless/more for me crowd from attempting to exterminate the 'surplus population'...keyword, MAYBE!]

[STOP] Why isn't this fact front and center in the public dialog? That's right, THE F'N MEDIA DOESN'T WORK FOR YOU!

But I digress.

Did you just discover something that keeps leaping to the top of your to-do list but you can't do it alone so you just gave up on making lists?

Remember why I end these when I do.


Sunday, February 16, 2020


Greetings good citizen, As the rah-rah go team political process gathers steam politics 'devolves' into an 'us' vs. 'them' battle of wills where 'might' makes right.

Fucktardo was never taught that 'politics' is a method of COMPROMISE where a middle ground can be hammered out between conflicting points of view.

When 'might makes right' enters the equation neither side compromises.

Now it is the pyrrhic victory that takes center stage.

This is why we keep losing despite 'winning' all the arguments.

It is impossible to reach the best possible outcome when everything has to be what the 'Party' wants and any compromise is viewed as 'weakness'.

But we are talking about fucktardo here...

Nope THE MEDIA picks a side and mercilessly attacks even the slightest opposition...You/the voice of the opposition doesn't get equal time on the soap box and whatever happens with the ballot box, you don't get to see, you just have to take the media's word for it.

There is no simple solution, either we listen and compromise or we sit still while the self interested TELL US how it's gonna be.

They don't call us Sheeple for nothing.

The 'owners' of the soapbox tell us what is what, unequivocally.

The 'well' has been poisoned and there isn't an 'easy out'. The true solution lies in purging the information platform and removing 'ownership' and its bias from the equation.

YOU (nor anyone else) can make valid decisions without accurate information.

Right now we have a system that lies and prevents those lies from being challenged. It also lies rapidly and repeatedly so the first lies are never challenged because the new lies keep taking precedence.

If humanity is to survive we must derail the lie machine...and that means ending ownership...of EVERYTHING because there can be no equality or justice in a world where even one individual is able to deny access to anything on the basis of possession as opposed to moral obligation.


You, because you are being fed lies, YOU are 'of the opinion' that the economy is going gangbusters DESPITE there evidence witnessed by your own eyes that homelessness and food insecurity keep getting why do you, who is a single paycheck away from abject and degrading poverty, honestly believe that you are doing 'better'?

Because it's not you hunting for something to put in the burn barrel so you don't freeze to death on a sub-zero night?

This week.

Self-serving lies are treachery and the penalty for treason is death.

What should be done to the pedallers of lies? [STARTING WITH PUSSYGRABBER!]

Why is the Dow (which doesn't contain ANY 'industrial stocks') at 30,000? It is a lie and the very definition of a 'self-serving lie at that considering all those trust funds that rely solely on stock valuations, which, like Art, is based solely on 'opinion'.

Is Murika 'GREAT' again?

I don't think so...but who cares what I think...and I think anyone who thinks they will be 'better off' next year is a moron for believing dumb things, which makes them the definition of stupid!

If you can't 'trust' leadership (and you can't) then you are a prisoner of those who tell you lies.

But you decide what to believe.


Saturday, February 15, 2020


Greetings good citizen, now that the most important holiday of the year is behind us (and the most insignificant one looms just ahead on Monday.)

Zero irony that most Christians would disagree, commercialism has taught us that the two most important holidays are Christmas and Halloween, talk about being detached from reality but those are the two 'money holidays'.

And so we have the focus of today's post.

Um, Trump's proposed budget...and like the tax cut that nobody saw coming or the morons who keep pouring dollars into an educational system for jobs that don't exist, it is purposeful 'mis-direction' to label the upcoming Federal budget as Pussygrabber's because he has NOTHING to do with it. His appointees decide how much their respective departments need to operate for the coming year.

The memo leaked good citizen, the pundits are straining to convince us that the ballot box is still valid, the voting public has seen what 'faith in the system' yields...more useless bullshit, excuses and finger pointing.

The problem won't fix itself and the public doesn't have the tools to fix it...(nor a clue about where to start.)

See, the same people pedaling 'Education Reform' are the same people selling 'tax cuts' as a panacea/cure all.

Automation has eliminated billions of jobs and AI will eliminate billions more, leaving a tiny 'owner class' that only an infinitesimal percentage of the current population will belong to.

Life, as we all know, doesn't work like that.

Either you pull together as a team or it's a game of king of the hill where only the 'luckiest' survive...temporarily.

How many of you appreciate the 'snow job' you are being subjected to?

How many of you understand that 'educational attainment' doesn't create jobs just as tax cuts don't spark 'investment'?

Lots of stupid people out there that actually believe investment stopped because the rich didn't have the money and that tax cuts 'stimulate' the economy which remains stubbornly stagnant even despite rampant 'planned obsolescence'.

You shouldn't have to replace EVERY appliance in your house every five years...but 'stupid' doesn't know that.

Now the public is being 'taught' that the burgeoning population is why they aren't 'successful'...because there is 'too much' competition.

Can't emphasize enough that too many people IS a serious situation and the SYSTEM can't handle rather than murdering ourselves we need to abandon the failed system! [Not on the ballot? I wonder why???]

Now, that doesn't mean breed like minks!

I propose we stop breeding altogether [making child rearing a profession instead of allowing amateurs to screw up our progeny's mental health.]

Humans are what they are taught. Condoning the multiple conflicting beliefs/faiths that are used to justify all manners of abuse of our fellow humans is literally insanity, especially under the comply or die rubric.

If we don't teach people equality, we give 'free rein' to those who preach hatred of the other...when the other is invariably 'us'.

Who do you think the one percent wants to use it's new and improved nuclear stockpile on? Are the Martian's coming?

Thinking, it's the 'anti-dope'!


Friday, February 14, 2020


Greetings good citizen, Happy Valentine's Day! Prolly not the best day to kick you in the shins but most of you will spend a few bucks on flowers and a card and call the job done when the single most important thing you need to do for that special someone in your life is assure them you love them.

There are words and there are deeds. How sad is it that most of you aren't perceptive enough to pick up on the things your loved ones go out of their way to do to demonstrate they truly do love you.

A single hug can turn that all around, with deeds being far more 'genuine' than words, which often ring hollow.

Again with the 'dumb'. Sacrificing to present the object of your affection with a gift is service to 'infatuation' and not 'love'.

Often we don't love those who love us and that is the true tragedy of this dreary holiday.

J. Geils said it best in the intro to his chartbuster 'Love Stinks!'

Do yourself a favor and examine your sphere for signs of who genuinely cares for you and who is 'just along for the ride'.

You may be shocked to find you've been 'wasting' your affection on someone that doesn't care at all...

Um, Valentines has a rocky place in my personal history. Today marks the 63rd anniversary of my father becoming permanently disabled in an on the job accident. Is karma being its usual twisted self to have conspired to introduce me to my life partner on this same day 30 years later?

Politicians like to claim that more education will solve society's problems and the incels complain that nobody returns their affection but I would posit that Valentine's Day is the single most important holiday on the calendar because what is more precious than love?


If there is one thing the world is mis-educated about it is the importance of love to both the individual and to the health of society.

Conservatism preaches hatred of anything different despite those differences being subtle. Comply or Die leaves no room for understanding.

It's not faith but LOVE that moves mountains and conquers all.

There isn't anything the smitten wouldn't do (or die trying) for Love.

While it may not be obvious to you, I do what I do because I love you!


[Not what to think but something to think about...]

Thursday, February 13, 2020


Greetings good citizen, on par with 'compassionate conservatism' came 'centrist' liberalism.

Neither concept is well understood and both envision some imaginary 'middle ground' between I got mine, f-u and support for deregulation that would make commerce more robust.

Apparently the DNC oligarchy is under the control of 'centrist' democrats who dumbly believe political success lay in a robust economy, totally ignoring how 'I got mine' gets theirs (by fucking you!)

Profits (under feckless capitalism) are raises your employees never got and lower prices your customers never saw FOR SHIT THAT IS 'FREE' FROM NATURE!

Chant the refrain, children!

Humanity will tear itself to pieces if a more equitable way forward isn't a simple plan.

How unfortunate for mankind that it is led by selfish, stupid morons?

There is no 'I' in TEAM and no 'M' in We.

It is NOT 'your' planet, it is OURS and WE need to start managing it that way. [Fucktardo thinks they are so clever when they think to themselves that the 'M' in we is upside down.)

This is the shit exiles are made of.

Today's headlines tell us that the DNC is frustrated with Bernie taking the lead and is considering throwing it's support behind Mike Bloomberg...the billionaire, WTF!

Remember, these are the same idiots that let Hillary carry the ball alone against the Trumpster.

Look at how that turned out.

It's late in the day and there isn't a lot more to say on this divisive topic.

I have to shovel the driveway.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Greetings good citizen, as the media circus continues to roll towards its anti-climax we have the guy that could have beaten Trump when it mattered taking a narrow lead against a political neophyte who's major claim to fame is his homosexuality.

Bern has 'paid his dues', the f'n mayor of podunk hasn't. At least Obama was a senator (despite being an Uncle Tom for not pursuing justice against the War Criminals.)

Electing someone to follow the dictates of (the failed) One Percent is not what 'humanity needs', not that anyone seems overly concerned with what any human 'wants' (save their own petty desires.)

While Bern will be 'better' than Pussygrabber the sad reality is he won't be another Roosevelt, the hired guns of the One Percent will see to that.

We are dealing with powerless meat puppets.

Trump's exoneration proves that (not that the cognizant need anything proven to them.)

Again, the cognizant know that not voting is futile as well. If the collective 'we' stopped participating (the hopelessly dumb would continue to vote cuz it's their 'patriotic duty' and the 'charade' would continue under its own momentum.

And they would keep 'alternating' between the two parties, installing 'socially appropriate' leadership in a feeble attempt to burnish a public image that has no basis in reality.

First a black guy, now a gay guy, then MAYBE next time we'll run a gay woman...

Is this how you think humanity will be best served? We deposed Royalty because they couldn't refrain from self-dealing. We didn't 'fix' the money problem and we ended up with self-serving fake royalty.

What's it gonna be?

Ya can't fight 'city hall' but you'd be perfectly within your rights to burn the sumbitch to the ground.

Hard to imagine the system getting 'more broken' after the travesty that was Pussygrabber's 'trial' (whose outcome was foreshadowed in Willy Jeff's persecution for a beaner...which the f'n Republicant's convicted him of!

Couldn't remove Willy Jeff from office because 'oral sex' is how shit gets done in DC, woulda hadta empty the whole capitol if they were pretending to 'serve justice'.

The war [which you are LOSING] is between the HAVES and their WAGE SLAVES. Own your own shit shack you're still starving to death because only criminals have disposable income anymore.

If it weren't for credit this whole circus would be underwater.

We are on our literal 'last legs'.

If we don't turn this bullshit around [real leadership and positive forward motion towards a sustainable society] the only thing anyone has to look forward to is the fireworks display that precedes being nuked back to the stone age.

Revolt (and purge) while you still can. (Act or be acted upon, your choice.)


Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Greetings good citizen, after the bogus SOTU the only ones 'fretting' over ousting Trump given the [fake] economic reports is, naturally, the media.

The only ones pretending the economy is going gangbusters is the regurgitators of nonsense for a paycheck...(and the low IQ Trumpsters.)

Humanity will not survive listening to the self interested promote their own agenda.

Where are the 'deficit hawks' when the proposed federal budget guts social spending in favor of strengthening the (useless) nuclear stockpile?

Did they have the Trumpsters at 'gut social security'? [When most of the Republican voting public has Alzheimer's, which explains much. They think they are voting for Ike.]

Donny doesn't care what you call him as long as you vote for him.

Citizen, we have a hellacious media problem on our hands and if it isn't fixed we will find ourselves on the 'express bus' back to the 'Dark Ages'.

Can humanity afford 500 more years of 'comply or die' witch hunts?

Zero irony the footsoldiers of Dog are chomping at the bit to get their torture freak on. [They force you to 'repent' before they kill you. How quaint!]

But I digress.

Today's title implies somebody has stacked the deck against humble and clueless.

There was a turning point back when I was a kid and that turning point pivoted on the respect and admiration of the older generations.

That 'loss of respect' has blossomed into full on hatred for the people who 'thoughtlessly' brought offspring into a world that has no use for them.

Is this an 'accident'?

Sort of a dangerous path to tread down...if your parents had been the 'thinking type' would you even be here?

The further you dig into this shitpile the more likely the 'abandoned tool' theory becomes.

Stop for a moment and flip that over...we are being led by some mighty 'myopic' one trick ponies...trying to do the same thing repeatedly, each time expecting different results (the clinical definition of 'insane')

Step one is the need to slam the brakes on 'indiscriminate' breeding and regulating population growth. Just because 'the system' sets resources to infinite doesn't make it TRUE.

The 'dishonesty' of telling our young to go out and make something out of themselves when the current system prevents more than half of them from (legally) participating in civil society.

Social harmony will not be regained until we end the squandering of resources for the benefit of the self important.

Without harmony there can be no unity and without unity society becomes a dangerous 'armed camp', quite literally a prison that NOBODY can escape from, even the feckless are 'trapped'. [Pseudo ending, one more thing your honor!]

Since the 60's (around the commencement of the Space Race) we started telling our children that if they wanted a 'good job' they had to attend college and get a degree.

Many of us from that era witnessed people with degrees in Art History being promoted into management positions despite displaying massive degrees of 'incompetence'.

Worse, those who didn't want to risk being exposed as frauds turned to teaching...and we are now living with the result. A degree in education is NO GUARANTEE of competence! (If your instructor was incompetent, how can you be competent?

The most daunting undertaking of all is attempting to teach someone something they are convinced they already know!

College, especially 'for profit' college has no obligation to insure you a 'quality' education. [Like the f'n stock market, a college's 'reputation' is mostly jawboned with no facts to back them up! That is why modern MBA holders have no f'n clue why commerce is 'dying' a brutal death because modern MBA holders aren't taught the 'symbiotic relationship between workers and customers.


While the Real Estate market is the most glaring example of this profound ignorance [The people who can afford seven digit homes ALREADY HAVE THEM, duh!]

So as we sit here helplessly mired in 'stupid world', hoping against hope that someone is going to 'save us'...the FIRST THING YOU NEED TO DO IS PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION!

A Simple Plan puts humanity on a sustainable path to the future, holistically.

Stupid is the belief in dumb things, ignorance is fixable...

If you're not ready to have your ignorance cured GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!


Monday, February 10, 2020


Greetings good citizen, one can only admire the ardor of the zealots who BELIEVE they are making the nation 'Great' by supporting a narcissistic moron for the leadership of the (imaginary) Free World.

Now the media has brought its own brainfart into the mix, Q-anon. Like money, Q-anon is an invention of the feeble minded sold as a scapegoat to the deeply deluded.

Again, the cognizant know who is behind Q-anon but the general public still dismisses 'conspiracy theories' [Like those pedalled by Rush Limbaugh, recent winner of the Presidential Freedom Medal, this speaks volumes about the 'character' of Pussygrabber the Shameless] as hokum dispensed to a frustrated minority, cooked up in the 'think tanks' of the One Percent.

We keep returning to the same puss-filled boil, the privately owned media with zero accountability to the truth.

The people writing/reading the tripe you are fed 24/7 DO IT FOR A PAYCHECK!

Why are there so many elephants in the room? If they want to keep their paychecks they have to keep writing what they are told to write.

You get a steady diet of steaming bullshit almost completely devoid of facts and information and the end result is the dog & pony show we call 'the campaign trail' where a bunch of paid shills compete for your support in a contest with a foregone outcome.

TRUMP WILL WIN...and there will be blood.

Humanity can no longer 'survive' the corrupting influence of cash on society.

As long as 'the feckless few' can use money to buy mercenaries to enforce their will society itself is in danger.

In the end we all know 'guns rule'. The only thing protecting society from being 'conquered' is the publicly staffed military, which dwarfs the combined might of the private armies.

That all changes if a demagogue rises to power, and the 'Man-Baby' is exactly that.

The (capitalist) media made Hitler and the (now centralized) media is making Trump into a 'new fuhrer'.

Some of you will notice the font color has changed, the cognizant know why.

You are again admonished to be mindful of why I end these missives when I do.


Sunday, February 9, 2020


Greetings good citizen, with no way forward, what does the future hold for the typical citizen?

For forty years the disintegrating economy has been jawboned by the media without the scantest proof and the public has convinced itself that it is they who must be 'missing something'...

Nope, lies are still lies.

Will you really have to (publicly) hump the flag every morning while swearing your devotion to 'the republic'?

Will making EVERYONE [who punches a clock] do it make it any less humiliating?

Will the next [fake] POTUS hump the flag during their swearing in ceremony?

UNDERSTAND, there is no 'going back'. Normal has been left in the dust of democracy's execution.

YOU will be forced to demonstrate your 'fealty' to the dominant political party regardless of what they call themselves.

How does Christian Evangelical grab you? Too 'on the nose'?

The party of no rules has joined forces with God's foot soldiers making for a very messy and complicated future.

How do you feel about obeying [don't even think you will be given a choice] the dictates of the followers of Dog spelled backwards? This has Comply or Die written all over it!

Sounds grim but what are you going to do , the die has been cast and 'team Republican' has publicly castrated team Democrat while the media controlled ballot box roars its approval because YOU don't get a CHOICE.

Let's see how many of you remember why I end these where I do...


Saturday, February 8, 2020


Greetings good citizen, we all know one, that rascal you double check EVERYTHING the moment you notice he's in the vicinity because his/her personal credo is 'rules are for chumps!'

Zero irony these feckless morons [who are forever repeating 'can't you take a joke' after you narrowly avoid crippling injury/sudden death because of their latest 'inspired prank' that they copied from the 'net.'

I use the shorthand in today's title to emphasize the fact that these self-styled 'rugged individuals' aren't big on thinking and they adore the idea of blaming their vindictive streak on the 'politically correct'.

Since Libbies aren't the sharpest tools in the shed I will 'rat them out' and use their full name, Libertarians.

These are people who will seek out Anarchist discussion boards and start asking what would they do if someone walked into 'NOT their house and took a shit on 'not their' bed?

They somehow think the response is hilarious, "Who is going to dig the 44 magnum slug out of what's left of your nutsack?"

Lost on these 'unfettered' types (that support Trump solely because it drives 'liberal's' insane) is the entire concept of 'civilization'.

The bedrock of civilization is TRUST and if you can't trust a particular individual you will make it your mission in life to remove them from your orbit.

People who regularly flaunt the rules (because they have been taught that rules are for chumps) quickly wear out their 'welcome' in a community and this only redoubles their resolve to take everything they can to the brink.

F' em if they can't take a joke!

If we step away from the situation the question becomes one of, 'since when is this even remotely funny?'

What does Dumbo reply? It's not 'that kind of' joke...with a perfectly incredulous face.

It's right here that Dumbo has just revoked his own membership in civil society.

Nobody has the time/patience to watch their back EVERY SECOND you are around because you can't be trusted farther than a flea can throw you!

Since slouchy will only slip into the nearest community and pull the same shit all over again, Exile is a 'permanent' one way naked nature walk. There to live out the rest of their natural days with the like-minded.

Let us return to the 'here and now' and have a closer look at the party that has been usurped by the people who are 'allergic' to both rules and regulations.

Pussygrabber's solitary 'claim to fame' has been the wholesale elimination of commercial regulation such as the clean water and Air acts and selling off drilling rights on public lands.

Pussygrabber (and his so-called 'base') are lawless Libertarians! In other words, exiles in waiting but the 'polite term' society has given them is CRIMINALS.

How can you trust somebody whose every word is a lie?

Where does 'free country' end and social responsibility begin?

Libertarians believe there is no such thing as 'social responsibility' but these are the same morons who think money is 'real' (and that it can be used to 'buy' justice...) [Nobody can afford to live with that brand of insane!]

Verily children, chant the refrain until your lungs give out!

How f'n dumb are you?

Consider this: the same asshole that would trip you as you try to skirt a mud puddle and laugh when you land in the puddle face first is the exact same asshole that would LIE to you that there was a 'glitch' with the software that muddied the waters of the 'first in the nation' primary...then start beating the loser drum as loudly as they can.

Kids don't know better but us oldsters who lived through it see the average february temps ABOVE freezing when we were kids the month of February was typically SUB ZERO, nevermind sub freezing ALL MONTH!

The 'facts' are being altered to fit the reality but I preach to the choir. Besides Iowa turning 'gay' (according to the media) the truly striking fact regarding the Iowa caucuses is the 'low turnout'. Are people getting wise after a half century of 'surprise' election outcomes? Everybody knows neither Reagan nor W was elected at all nevermind TWICE!

Something else jerkface wouldn't hesitate to do because 'rules are for chumps'...

Somehow I don't think that big red 'S' on your forehead stands for 'superman'.


Friday, February 7, 2020


Greetings Loser, Chump, er good citizen. Today's post deals with the belief in dumb things like the ABILITY to vote the Senate Republicans out of office.

Speaking of believing dumb things, Trumpsters actually BELIEVE that a 'majority' of Murikans support Preznint Pussygrabber. [logical fallacy here is the majority of voters are FEMALE] This is a DUMB thing to believe BECAUSE only 25% of voters register there should be ZERO 'Red' States...yet the media tells us 70% of the nation is 'conservative'. [Not throwing stones here but a majority of the people who self identify as Republican are also female...they are also senior citizens.]

Do you know who IS conservative? The One Percent.

Now would be a great time to chant the refrain: How f'n DUMB are you?

Answer, it's earned you the label 'stupid' because the stupid BELIEVE dumb things and refuse to believe the TRUTH.

This is why Trumpsters believe they are in the majority...because they are f'n DUMB!

This is also why the streets will run with blood the closer we get to November (even if someone cuts Pussygrabber down and perhaps because of it.)

People who are not mentally equipped to define 'patriotism' will commit atrocities in defense of their totally misguided 'beliefs'. Like the Bozo who ran down members of a track team because his son died in an apparent suicide.

I mentioned a while ago that there is no reversing course and pretending 'Morning in America' never happened (although some will want to try...because they are f'n dumb!)

I also belabor the obvious when I point to crisis that is capitalism and the need for a REAL 'New Deal' that focuses on providing ALL of the members of civil society their 'fair share' by returning to 'sustainability'.

Some would debate we never got there (because Capitalism set resources to INFINITE then leaves 99% of the resources beyond our is that for f'n dumb?)

Space X is a failure so why do you think Elon Musk isn't broke?

Chant the refrain...

He's One Percent!

Those who dismiss reality and cling to fantasy invite disaster.

Let's finish the circle, do you know WHY only 25% of the voting public 'admits' to being Republican?

EVERY social disaster to plague society is directly traced to republicanism and republican beliefs.

If we choose The Great Depression as our starting point and move forward we would find Coolidge and Hoover as anti-regulation Republicans that caused the global banking system to crash.

People like to blame Kennedy for escalating the Vietnam conflict and 'credit' Nixon for ending it although truth is he 'lost' it...and Nixon also 'opened the doors' to China...which began the exodus that led to the 'global race to the bottom in a DESPERATE (but FAILED) attempt to 'save' capitalism.

Skip the Ford/Carter administrations and we find ourselves 'gypped' by Reagan and runaway unemployment which he made disappear...magically! His focus on 'privatization' gave us today's out of control healthcare system...which used to be publicly funded but floundering capitalism ate it trying to remain didn't work and the f'n Republicans still won't admit it.

There hasn't been a REAL 'Democrat' since LBJ...remember, the peanut farmer WAS the former head of the CIA just as HW Bush was.

Clinton has been rightly called the greatest Republican president ever for single handedly dismantling Roosevelt's New deal, a job finished by HW's son W.

WHY are the majority of 'independents' ASHAMED to admit they vote Republican?

Because the 'majority' of them don't.

It DOESN'T MATTER which team YOU pick, the process is a SHAM and YOU have NO WAY of proving otherwise.

When the Republican senators retain MOST of their seats what are you gonna think, dumb farmers?

Who do you think put THE WIFE OF A BILLIONAIRE in the Speaker's seat when the Democrats won control of the House?

Who do you think appointed the billionaire wife of the founder of Scamway as the secretary of Education?

Same people who awarded the Half wit Trump the presidency even though he lost by 3 million votes!

This land ain't YOUR land, those who OWN the land, RULE the land...and if you don't like it, tough.

And we arrive full circle at 'What ARE you going to DO about it?

Come November you are going to be fighting for your life, make no f'n mistake about that!

Abandon the charade NOW!


Thursday, February 6, 2020


Greetings good citizen, in case you blinked, somehow/miraculously Murika, the land of the Dumb and the hopelessly deluded not only became Great since electing Pussygrabber the Shameless but he has also single-handedly put an end to American Decline!

Like the trillion dollar tax cut that did 99% of us zero good the 'newsflash' here is it did the billionaire class zero good as well.

What never occurs to you is the defacto 'owners of everything' ALREADY HAVE MORE THAN THEY CAN SPEND!

F'n literally. There is nothing more zeroes in the bank account does for them.

Why would the jawboning be directed towards advancing AI so more humans could be made 'redundant'?

The feckless few have ZERO INTEREST in 'saving' you or your future. Here's a hurtful hint, YOU can't DIE fast enough!

The feckless aren't worried in the least about PAYING you, they fear the day when the Frankenfood fails and you turn up on their doorstep demanding something to EAT!

They sure as shit ain't gonna give you any of theirs. [If they did you'd quickly realize they have been screwing the rest of us for decades! They don't eat Frankenfood!]

But that ignores the elephant in the room, the one where you have absolutely no frickin clue what money is.

Um, first some 'word association'.

Let's begin with today's title: who do you (regardless of political persuasion) associate the word 'loser' with?

Participants in the reality TV show?

Okay...who else? This one's a gimme because EVERY pundit says it CONSTANTLY.

Every 'talking head' ever calls the Democrats losers at every opportunity [Iowa being the latest example of the 'repeat until true' meme.]

WHO do you think REALLY f'd up the Iowa caucuses?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?


You are being herded down the chute to the slaughterhouse and you are too dumb to charge the fence.

Just because you can't see the flaming 'L' branded on your forehead doesn't mean it's not there.

Why don't you comprehend these simple facts is what should really be troubling you, Loser.

You are being taken long and deep and you couldn't care less because it is all exactly the way you've been taught it should be.

How f'n DUMB are you?

Once you 'admit' you have been played/taken advantage of, we can turn the tables on the feckless few.

Until then, your name is CHUMP.

Changing that is totally up to YOU.


Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Greetings good citizen, most of you don't go looking for trouble and it finds you anyway, regardless. No matter how careful you are there is always a puddle of shit to sidestep and you have to wonder why but most of us don't because we don't have to look for trouble, it finds us regardless.

In yesterday's post I raised the subject of 'unaccountability' and the impossibility of using the system to punish those who abuse it. [The WORST thing you can do to an incompetent politician is fail to re-elect them.]

How frustrating is it that YOU don't get to make that decision? [The f'n owners of the media does!]

[Think the shitshow in Iowa is an 'accident'? Chant the refrain!]


[I know you know but I'll keep repeating it until YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Silence is no longer an option nor is this 'someone else's' problem.]

Case in point: What will you do when the media is completely discredited?


What part of stupid don't you understand, the part that points at YOU?


Up until the Atomic age we were perfectly content to pummel those who didn't see the world 'our way' (like such a thing exists) with the biggest sticks we could find.

Now that stick could prove fatal for a planet that is rapidly running out of resources and if we make even a small corner of it uninhabitable the consequences might well be extinction.

(Can you say 'cascading systemic failure?')

Um, we often refer to the 'unthinkable' as exactly that BECAUSE of the deep seated DELUSION that Dog (spelled backwards) 'loves' us. Dog 'won't let us' destroy ourselves while completely ignoring what Dog routinely allows the feckless to get away with...if Dog loves us I'd hate to see what his anger looks like because his 'love' SUCKS.

Worse, the same ASSHOLES who claim Dog's love will protect us are the same ones boning the rest of us as hard as they can, every chance they get!

The words "you're REALLY fucked now!" Will never be the same again if the hopelessly dumb do the truly stupid because they believe Dog's love will save us.

Understand: MOST of us have more sense than that. Why do we keep fighting holy wars? Because stupid is being mislead by Leadership that is only interested in keeping your life as short and brutal as possible.

Repeat that in your mind a few times because it tastes both 'foreign and familiar'.

Here we return to the REASON you don't need to go looking for trouble and it finds you all the same.

This is a 'failure of leadership' and if you don't DO SOMETHING about it it's just going to keep on happening!

BURN the ballot box and take back your survival.

One more time Head, if you don't USE IT, you're going to LOSE IT.


Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Greetings good citizen, survival relies on wariness. When it becomes apparent that you shouldn't trust people in authority, instead of shrugging you 'should' redouble your guard.

Problem is you were born into this world and not warned that you shouldn't trust authority because people with authority will inevitably overstep their mandate and the higher you go the more certain this becomes.


Most of you avoid thinking about the power structure and the caliber of people calling the shots. The electoral process is SUPPOSED TO handle the 'worthiness' of elected officials but the only safeguard we have against that is the prohibition against convicted felons holding office and our current POTUS has had more than a few run ins with the law.

With that as a given how disturbed are you regarding the 'trend' for those convicted of crimes being able to pay small fines and walk away with their records clean?

Corporations regularly 'settle' criminal cases and refuse to accept the 'blame' for wrongdoing...and that's not how 'justice' works...unless those fines are being pocketed by the equally feckless.

When the typical individual presses for answers they must first succeed in reaching someone with the authority to talk to them, usually an aide that has literally no power and their entire job is to 'run interference' for their employer.

Public servants are not answerable to the public and corporations are not held accountable so we return to the trustworthiness issue and the necessity of you stepping up your guard. [Your survival depends on it!]

Why be 'wary'?

(Chant the refrain children!)

You can't trust the typical public servant as far as you can throw them because their REAL boss doesn't answer to you or anybody you can talk to...and it is this 'remove' that makes the whole process 'untrustworthy'.

Ever try to talk to your elected representative?

Short of tracking them down and waylaying them in a public restroom you have a better chance of talking to DOG than you do of having an actual conversation with an elected representative and if you think that sucks try talking to a political appointee who has zero obligation to the public.

The whole system exists to keep you away from the people who do the business of their paymasters. If you can't confront them with their incompetence how will you hold them accountable?

Short answer, you can't.

Worse, try it an YOU end up being the recipient of unwanted scrutiny!

See the problem with what is literally 'organized crime'?


How many of you fully appreciate the deliberate complexity of the power structure and the with which it deflects any assault from those it claims to 'serve'?

I have pointed repeatedly to the fact the 'system' is...not 'as advertised' AND THERE AIN'T A F'N THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!

Some of you thought I would say the system is broken but, unfortunately it works far too well, to the point that there isn't a 'peaceful' way to alter it nevermind correct it.

We would literally have to lynch the gatekeepers. We would be within our rights because they are committing treason which is punishable by death.

Throwing the rest of us under the bus routinely is still treason. The fuckers who let them get away with it are merely doubly guilty, not just of treason but dereliction of duty as well.

Treachery unchecked is tyranny.

All that I have laid out here is straight-forward and not difficult to understand, so where does the 'complex' come into play?

How do we fix it?

ASP has the answers!

Tyranny relies on coercion. The useful idiots are held hostage to their paycheck and if they balk their loved ones are threatened. Why does nobody stand up to these lowlifes?

Because the justice system is ineffective, thanks to it being run by CRIMINALS!

What part of 'comply or die' don't you understand?

Newsflash: You're gonna die anyway. Might as well take as many of the bastards with you as you can!


The foundation of civilization is TRUST. If you cannot trust the people in charge it is time to replace them with a system that puts the laws we all agree to live by beyond the reach of the self-interested!

You deserve to be protected and the assholes in charge now would kill you than answer your questions...just go ahead and ask them.

Happy Tuesday, Head.


Monday, February 3, 2020


Greetings good citizen, the cognizant know there isn't a genuine difference between candidates or the parties, the whole political divide is conjured by the media to make one side hate the other...MORE THAN THE (true) SOURCE OF THE PROBLEMS TEARING CIVILIZATION APART.

YOU hate (fill-in the talking point) more than the 1 percent because the one percent (which owns the media) tells you it's the 'oppositions' fault!

Some contend that it is human nature to breed or fight, if the opportunity to do one is absent then the other will satisfy their craving to 'break up the monotony/boredom' of having free time on their hands.

Yup, folks whose entire thought process runs along the line of 'I know what I like and I don't like that' took the KISS rule to heart and don't complicate life by actually examining their motives or looking ahead to the potential consequences.

Safe bet to state that most of the division in our society originates from a widespread mindset known as 'Fatal Myopia'.

"I know what I think and I know what I like...if you don't agree with ME then you are just plain WRONG!" [Stop-Think.]

Perfect example of this is the sit-com 'The Ranch' (on netflix) where a bunch of assholes are dicks to one another and find themselves apologizing (repeatedly) to their loved ones for being self-centered twats.

Hat tip to Ashton Kutcher for his insightful illumination and artful portrayal of this widespread human frailty.

From an anthropological viewpoint, life is struggle and we are all in a constant state of 'defense' despite the need to cooperate with each other, we argue over EVERYTHING, not because we have a better idea but because we are 'naturally wary'. [What usually ends arguments is the question, 'do YOU have a better idea?' The typical response is 'no', which is what gets most people labeled 'Dicks'.]

But I digress. The crisis faced by humanity isn't our natural tendency to argue for the sake of arguing but the media using this tendency to distract us from the true issues facing our species.

We can't combat the real problems if we are saddled with incompetents for leaders and warring with one another over baseless lies told by the true 'opposition'.

Would you laugh if I told you today's troubles trace their roots back to the 'original defense' of Royalty?

How does that stand up in a time when only the 'truly feeble' believe in a supreme being whose name just happens to be DOG spelled backwards?

Most no longer buy the tripe that we are living lives 'ordained' by the almighty...largely because the gullible would off themselves to end a lifetime of 'servitude' to a ruthless and uncaring entity that dropped them into cesspool of selfish, entitled assholes who made life difficult just because they could.

Well, not so nice when you put it that way, eh?

Cooperation is NOT a 'one-way street' the myopic honestly believe it is.

My way or the highway leads to the lonely road where Richard-head walks alone.

While some of us are pretty fair fighters none of us are up to the task of lasting more than a few seconds in the faced of 'united resistance'.

The feckless few have carved a pleasant existence for themselves by seizing control of what passes for the 'justice system'.

The badges, robes and stately courtrooms are all designed to INTIMIDATE. The individual has no chance against the well-oiled machinery of Justice (is what I say it is.)

WHY the 'justice system' chose to 'mirror' the Priesthood is a head scratcher until you consider the churches treatment of 'heretics'.

That's what the CRIMINALS were aiming at, the terror invoked by being branded an 'unbeliever' when you were simply standing up for you beliefs.

When beliefs become toxic justice reverts not to the greater good but to the good of those in power.

The puzzle that only a few see is that Capitalism is strangling the bulk of humanity yet those it 'serves' refuse to put an end to it.

This is, "I got mine, fuck you!" in action.

[Switch to the 2nd puzzle: The feckless few KNOW 'public sentiment (globally) is turning against them and they are drumming their fingers, hoping a solution/alternative will present itself before they are forced to resort to that imaginary 'reset button' that goes by so many acronyms depending on where you sit.]

Really want to break this down to the LCD?

EVERYTHING FAILS if what is needed isn't where it is supposed to be WHEN it is supposed to be infinitum.

Our fate (as a civilization) rests in the hands of the transportation industry.

Happy Monday, Head!


Sunday, February 2, 2020


Greetings good citizen, to no one's surprise Pussygrabber will walk away exonerated for his criminal acts and nobody will question how the Republicans responsible for this retained their seats in Congress.

The 'what' in today's title refers to 'what comes next'.

The ballot box doesn't belong to YOU and it NEVER has.

Voting is conducted in secret not to protect you from the disdain of your neighbors but to conceal 'true public sentiment'.

Remember when you had to line up outside the unemployment office to get your check? Most of you are too young to remember.

Zero irony that the practice ended during the Reagan administration to conceal the effects 'churn' had on the workforce.

Don't remember churn? Thank the lying media.

Your check is in the mail because it conceals just how many are drawing 'public assistance' because of a badly broken system.

The cognizant know this but the dummies don't know and they don't care. Ignorance is repairable but stupid is permanent.

I don't write for the dumb. The cognizant know what needs to happen. [The missing link is HOW?]

Yesterday I made the call for sustainability, which is impossible as long as ownership permits the waste of resources that belong to every living thing on this planet.

Since sustainability is not the primary factor in the governance of acceptable commercial activity we must conduct a complete board wipe to insure that sustainability becomes the focus of all human activity...not just for humans but the species humans rely on and the species those species rely on.

This is why your vote is meaningless and this is why the 'human condition' looks like the bottom of a cesspit.

How did things get this way?

Comply or Die.

You comply with the 'dictates' of the owners or you die.

The 'board wipe' I refer to basically dumps everything INCLUDING all but middle commandments in the trash, thou shalt not lie and thou shalt not kill (needlessly or for personal gain.) Coveting remains 'bad' but it is human nature to want what other have until you actually get your hands on it and wish you hadn't.

Now the people 'protecting' you from the criminals among us are in fact criminals themselves, enabling more criminality than they 'prevent' so that whole job category goes in the trash as well and society becomes self-policing under the do unto others' mandate.

The road to sustainability starts with removing the primary obstacle to justice...OWNERSHIP.

On a planet that need to be SHARED ownership is not possible.

Bad news twinkletoes, if you are willing to fight to hold on to your imaginary possession, how long can you go without sleep?

You CAN'T have it all and you can't protect enough to keep your stupid self alive ALL ALONE.

Those who shaft you out of your 'share' rely on your being satisfied with your alleged incompetence. Job one in screwing others is convincing them that YOU 'deserve it' more.

If you enjoy a good night's rest you won't 'be a dick'...because being a dick invites retribution.

Not your kind of world? How far do you think you'll get on your own?

That ballot box won't fix itself and alone it does you zero good.

United WE stand...and EQUALITY is the foundation of cooperation and the construction of a stable society

What could go wrong?
