Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Greetings good citizen, after the bogus SOTU the only ones 'fretting' over ousting Trump given the [fake] economic reports is, naturally, the media.

The only ones pretending the economy is going gangbusters is the regurgitators of nonsense for a paycheck...(and the low IQ Trumpsters.)

Humanity will not survive listening to the self interested promote their own agenda.

Where are the 'deficit hawks' when the proposed federal budget guts social spending in favor of strengthening the (useless) nuclear stockpile?

Did they have the Trumpsters at 'gut social security'? [When most of the Republican voting public has Alzheimer's, which explains much. They think they are voting for Ike.]

Donny doesn't care what you call him as long as you vote for him.

Citizen, we have a hellacious media problem on our hands and if it isn't fixed we will find ourselves on the 'express bus' back to the 'Dark Ages'.

Can humanity afford 500 more years of 'comply or die' witch hunts?

Zero irony the footsoldiers of Dog are chomping at the bit to get their torture freak on. [They force you to 'repent' before they kill you. How quaint!]

But I digress.

Today's title implies somebody has stacked the deck against humble and clueless.

There was a turning point back when I was a kid and that turning point pivoted on the respect and admiration of the older generations.

That 'loss of respect' has blossomed into full on hatred for the people who 'thoughtlessly' brought offspring into a world that has no use for them.

Is this an 'accident'?

Sort of a dangerous path to tread down...if your parents had been the 'thinking type' would you even be here?

The further you dig into this shitpile the more likely the 'abandoned tool' theory becomes.

Stop for a moment and flip that over...we are being led by some mighty 'myopic' one trick ponies...trying to do the same thing repeatedly, each time expecting different results (the clinical definition of 'insane')

Step one is the need to slam the brakes on 'indiscriminate' breeding and regulating population growth. Just because 'the system' sets resources to infinite doesn't make it TRUE.

The 'dishonesty' of telling our young to go out and make something out of themselves when the current system prevents more than half of them from (legally) participating in civil society.

Social harmony will not be regained until we end the squandering of resources for the benefit of the self important.

Without harmony there can be no unity and without unity society becomes a dangerous 'armed camp', quite literally a prison that NOBODY can escape from, even the feckless are 'trapped'. [Pseudo ending, one more thing your honor!]

Since the 60's (around the commencement of the Space Race) we started telling our children that if they wanted a 'good job' they had to attend college and get a degree.

Many of us from that era witnessed people with degrees in Art History being promoted into management positions despite displaying massive degrees of 'incompetence'.

Worse, those who didn't want to risk being exposed as frauds turned to teaching...and we are now living with the result. A degree in education is NO GUARANTEE of competence! (If your instructor was incompetent, how can you be competent?

The most daunting undertaking of all is attempting to teach someone something they are convinced they already know!

College, especially 'for profit' college has no obligation to insure you a 'quality' education. [Like the f'n stock market, a college's 'reputation' is mostly jawboned with no facts to back them up! That is why modern MBA holders have no f'n clue why commerce is 'dying' a brutal death because modern MBA holders aren't taught the 'symbiotic relationship between workers and customers.


While the Real Estate market is the most glaring example of this profound ignorance [The people who can afford seven digit homes ALREADY HAVE THEM, duh!]

So as we sit here helplessly mired in 'stupid world', hoping against hope that someone is going to 'save us'...the FIRST THING YOU NEED TO DO IS PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION!

A Simple Plan puts humanity on a sustainable path to the future, holistically.

Stupid is the belief in dumb things, ignorance is fixable...

If you're not ready to have your ignorance cured GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!



  1. Worse, those who didn't want to risk being exposed as frauds turned to teaching...and we are now living with the result. A degree in education is NO GUARANTEE of competence! (If your instructor was incompetent, how can you be competent?

  2. The only ones pretending the economy is going gangbusters is the regurgitators of nonsense for a paycheck...(and the low IQ Trumpsters.)

  3. The most daunting undertaking of all is attempting to teach someone something they are convinced they already know!

  4. Without harmony there can be no unity and without unity society becomes a dangerous 'armed camp', quite literally a prison that NOBODY can escape from, even the feckless are 'trapped'.

  5. The only ones pretending the economy is going gangbusters is the regurgitators of nonsense for a paycheck...(and the low IQ Trumpsters.)


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...