Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, most would agree we are in 'free-fall' a place rudderless societies often find themselves as in-fighting prevents the cooperation necessary to make 'forward motion.'

The 'stagnation' caused by permanent fall makes society 'rot'. It can't grow because it has no-where to go. [The perpetual bleed causes the 'falling' part as resources are set aside for future generations of the self-interested. Good news is 'banking reform' fixes that and arrests the downward motion.

If we rewind to the beginning of the blog we return to the 'whiz-bang' years of Trains planes, automobiles, followed by telegraph, radio and telephone and we come to a dead stop when we reach computers. Now we're in free fall because the feckless few wanted to 'savor' being rich [but you don't stay rich if new technologies keep supplanting the old.]

And 'change' was unacceptable once they had reached the 'top of the heap'.

So we are in 'free-fall'. They (the feckless) keep introducing the same crap with minor variations calling it 'new'.

Once again. Like the jobs situation, there is a direction to move in but the will to go just isn't there.

So we end up with a society at war with itself. Those who [TEMPORARILY] control the high ground (The law and the courts) use this power to maintain stasis.

IF they were spreading their 'good fortune' around the stasis would be more tolerable [but it would still be a 'deadly stasis', the 'self-important' earned that particular label for a reason.]

So 'a few' could be rich is a dangerous game indeed.

"Lucky me, sucks being you" isn't something you can walk around saying without 24/7 bodyguards you can absolutely count on.

But, remarkably, a lot of them get away with it! Usually not the top dogs but a little power in a little mind is all it takes.

Um, in another 'lost on most of you' observation, have you noticed that they are remaking movies from twenty years ago already?

They seem unable to break with the fantastic despite there being an enormous body of work that provides 'moral lessons.'

[The feckless don't want you to 'take notice' of their depravity. They prefer to cultivate the notion that we are ALL 'like that'.

Part of the 'free-fall' phenomenon, provide the public with 'the illusion' it is moving forward while the descent continues to build speed.

What will give first, the Capitalist's grip or society itself? [One thing is for sure, capitalist society (as small as that actually is) is headed for extinction.]

If the Capitalist continues to 'strangle' society, civilization will collapse.

What we are witnessing since the 'Conservative Revolution' more commonly known as 'Morning in America' is the Capitalist trying to transform himself from his carefully burnished image as the 'font of freedom' to the guardian of the all that is good [but only 'a few' can enjoy at everyone else's expense.]

"I got MINE" [One of the 'founding principals' of this nation, SEE JOHN JAY] has reached the combative stage. They are now willing to 'fight the rabble' (by labeling us 'terrorists') and having THEIR 'Justice System' dispose of us.

The 'wake up call' here is one that has been revisited repeatedly because the feckless are relentless in dismantling our protections against them. [If 'we' are to survive we need to remake society itself.]

A better life FOR ALL deserves more than 'lip service' and to achieve that we have to push the self-interested from their control of civilization.

That starts with MONEY. Followed by the H.A.E. law. It will be maintained by exile and 'the people's court'. [No more 'monopolies' of the law!]

If your 'peers' find you guilty there isn't a 'judge' to get you 'undone' [and you COULDN'T pay him no matter how badly you wanted to [your money is for YOU and YOU alone, there is no way to transfer it.]

Which is to belabor the obvious. Sometimes REVOLT is about 'self-preservation'...

I suspect I belabor the obvious when I point out you need to fight because YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!

We will NOT resume moving FORWARD until the self interested are (literally) blasted from bunkers.

Don't let the 'lip service' fool you. They have only just recently achieved their goals and are now 'digging in' so THEY can enjoy the fruits of their 'plunder'.

Should make you very angry that they achieved their goals by simply paying off the self-serving among us...with funny money.

That's the part that should really set your teeth on edge. ALL of this is due to 'funny money'. [So 'a few' can be rich.]

Can I get a 'Death to the Tyrants!'?

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, everything you desire there is somebody somewhere that's 'against' it...with or without a reason. Some people will oppose you just because you desire a thing/outcome but others have more concrete reasons why they oppose 'change'. [Often it is the 'Devil they know' that makes people resistant because a single change can affect multiple aspects of an individuals life.

But that's not the thrust of today's piece. I point at the 'insoluble' like the Occupy movement, students are still getting 'skinned' to train for jobs that don't currently exist but MIGHT, SOMEDAY.

[According to El Trumpo the economy is swimming in jobs and many of those jobs go begging due to a dearth of 'qualified applicants' [This is what happens when you demand 10 years experience in a technology that has only existed for 2...(Time travelers are devilishly hard to find.)]

Why does the economic news vary so widely with reality? [because if the truth ever came out they'd all get lynched!]

Now, it's not like nobody knows, we all do. What they are trying to avoid is the costly dead-end investigations that spread the blame everywhere but where it belongs.

The public doesn't want THAT either. The public wants its country back but the feckless doesn't want to compete with a currency it doesn't control.

Even the most rabid capitalist wants nothing to do with competition. Given the chance they will pick Monopoly every time.

So what do you do when 'entrenched interests' stand in opposition to 'reform'?

So far you've done exactly that, nothing.

You keep going to the polls, marching in the streets and shouting it from every rooftop but this isn't the country it used to be. The public cares and the public hears you but the feckless few 'won't back down'.

From the local town hall all the way to the White House and everyplace in between, the story is the same, 'My way or the highway!'

So long as they hold the 'legal' high ground there isn't a legal remedy to the situation.

The 'problem' here is the weasels that hold these posts. Sure, they are 'hand picked' [(for loyalty) that's why most of them aren't qualified.]

But loyalty is all they need, that and the ability to deny until they receive specific instructions from a 'superior' (job description be damned! and most of these clowns are pulling down big paychecks!)

Corruption and cronyism has run amok in our civilization, which more closely resembles organized crime than a publicly funded social institution.

As the population continues to explode it's not WHAT you know but WHO...

This is in direct defiance of the laws of large numbers...if you aren't going to 'play fair' things WILL get UGLY on a dime!

Those ordered by their superiors to stand in opposition to fairness [The More for ME crowd] foolishly invite the outraged to 'do their worst'.

After the initial victory of the forces for good the Armed Forces will be ordered in to restore 'order'.

The 'kids' don't know better and will do what they're told so the 'trick' here will be to take out the commanders. [Once their 'hardware' is in the streets, it's OURS!]

There will only be a handful of officers on the scene and they should be easily captured. Most of 'em rely on the flora or fauna on their uniform to insure compliance.

In the absence of command, the kids will stand down. They didn't sign up to kill Grandma or Grandpa. [Sadly, this leaves the drones and the nukes.]

Once the resistance gathers steam they will start digging in their heels harder. Time is of the essence, we need to capture central command quickly or we will have a global catastrophe on our hands. [Although from the looks of things the problem will be 'worldwide'. Once armor rolls in the streets of the U.S., nervous leaders elsewhere will mobilize telling the public 'just in case' but it will be the public's opportunity to make their move (the drones can't be in two places at once.)]

The solitary thing standing between us and an equitable society are the badges and robes of the feckless.

It's a line you MUST see or NOTHING will change [for the better...and some things you CAN'T keep ignoring.]

Battle lines are being drawn...whose side will YOU be on [neutral won't be an option. If you're not part of the solution, you are (by default) part of the problem.

Consider your prospects carefully,


Monday, February 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, we all knew it was going to happen again when we first got wind of the Republican plan to provide the One Percent with a Trillion dollars in tax breaks they needed like a hole in the head.

Well-Heeled Investors Reap the Republican Tax Cut Bonanza

Businesses are buying back stock to boost prices, giving dividends and pursuing mergers, not raising wages.

Now corporate announcements and analyst reports confirm what honest observers always said — this claim is pure fantasy. As executives tell investors what they intend to do with their tax savings and their spending plans are tabulated into neat charts and graphs, the reports jibe with what most experts said would happen: Companies are rewarding their stockholders.

Businesses are buying back shares, which creates demand for the stocks, boosts share prices and benefits investors. Some of the cash is going to increase dividends. And a chunk will go to acquiring other businesses, creating larger corporations that face less competition.

The public has been LIED TO AGAIN...BY A POLITICIAN NO LESS! [Some would object to labeling El Trumpo a politician but his is every inch the 'essence of one', he's every inch a liar!

Is ANYBODY 'surprised'? Nope, nor is anybody outraged, [we exhausted that emotion back in the eighties.]

Why do Republicans keep doing the SAME THING [tax cuts to the wealthy] repeatedly, each time PROMISING a different result but nope, it happened AGAIN!

Question is good citizen, what are YOU gonna do about it?

Same thing you did about it last time, right?

We all KNOW what that is. Maybe it's time for our kids to stand up to the political process and tell them what they are telling the gun lobby, that enough is enough!

Um, with the feckless doing everything in their power to capsize society [because there's a fortune to be made between the (faux) period of confusion and the (heavy-handed) restoration of order.

[What they aren't counting on is how violent the 'blowback' will be against attempts to restore the 'status quo'. If there is to be ANY change at all it must be BIG change where EVERYBODY (mostly the working stiffs) WINS!

Under A Simple Plan 'everybody who isn't currently rich' will be far better off than they were before. The ONLY losers will be those that had theirs in the corrupt banking system/stock markets. Those are going to be wiped clean. HOWEVER, those people will STILL be better off than they were under the oligarchs! [because now retirement is something EVERYBODY gets to enjoy! You'll NEVER have to worry about running out of money after you stop working...or starving to death or being wiped out by a healthcare crisis...or how your kids will survive should ill fortune befall you because society cares for ALL 'children' from the cradle to the grave...INCLUDING YOU!]

Not only could we have that TOMORROW but you have to seriously wonder why it isn't that way already?

Who are the MURDERERS running our civilization? [And why isn't some/anybody bringing them to JUSTICE?]

We shouldn't have to ask these questions of our so called 'leaders' [but I wouldn't follow El Trumpo across the street even if he insisted he was buying! (because you know what a liar he is!)]

Keep electing clowns like this and nothing will ever get fixed except you. You will be 'well and truly' for as long as they can get away with it.

[Remember it takes something pretty hellacious (like our latest Columbine) to make them put a band-aid on social wounds so the 'shit' has to get mighty deep before something like Black Lives Matter springs up to demand action that still hasn't produced results.

#Me Too has 'shuffled the deck' but there are still no concrete 'rules' defining the line between 'get over yourself' and 'I'll have you locked up for that'.

which is to say the 'blowback' from ME Too is only just beginning, If we fail to follow through a lot of women are going to be sorry they spoke up and THAT is a CRIME!*

[Nothing against Black lives matter, it's just that they are following a 'similar trajectory' as Occupy did (all noise, zero action.)

If ANY of us are to enjoy the 'rule of law' again we must eliminate with extreme prejudice the felons preventing justice from being pursued.

Pretty sad to point to the people running things and listening to them mumble 'problem? What problem?' because THEY ARE THE PROBLEM!

I'm not doing this because I love to hear myself bitch...I don't. I want humanity to SURVIVE and it won't with this crowd in charge.

If we fail to police the police and rein in corruption, we have failed as a society.

ASP does both and it does it at the source so it's ASP or nothing!

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,

[Good News, it isn't broken after all (yet)]


* The public needs to understand we are currently locked in a 'power-struggle' with the feckless and they are taking the 'won't back down' posture. They OWN the courts so there isn't anything we can do to them LEGALLY...but justice is justice and those who block the paths to legal remedy leave the rest of us no choice but to do what we have to do to keep our loved ones secure in their own person.

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the circus we call government continues its horrifying antics of doing what [almost] nobody wants we can only wonder if there is a method to the madness?

Planned or not, the flagrant disregard for both prudence and sobriety (coupled with a total lack of wisdom) is having an effect, as evidenced by the Mandalay Bay incident followed closely by the latest of 1,600 shooting rampages which are now being laid at the feet of the video gaming industry.

Remember what we're dealing with here, 'opportunistic mimics'.

How do you 'manage' such a society? [Hint: look at the 'clowns' in Washington]

My new meme is God exists to keep the stupid, stupid. Bad Luck = God's will. Same goes for getting robbed, it was God's will.

Bad luck is bad enough without bringing imaginary super-beings into the equation.

We are quick to tell one another that next time it will be different but what do we know?

We say that to give each other 'hope' [because we all knows what happens when a human loses hope.]

But I digress...

If we are to determine what 'The Plan' is we first need to recognize the goal.

What's the goal here? Are we trying to get to heaven or will making it to the weekend suffice, we don't know.

Asked and answered...we don't know leaving our opportunist mimics in a total 'anything goes' environment as we chase our own tails trying to make ends meet any way possible.

Herein lies the danger of providing a people (who will do ANYTHING) [And most are damn proud of their, er, 'spunk'] to meet an immediate goal regardless of the outcome.

So our first person shooter games are consequence free, switch the unit off and your dead disappear, ready to fight again tomorrow but that's not how it works in real life.

In real life we all have tormentors and in the game we get to deal with our tormentors in a way our current society doesn't condone.

Sad news is offing those who get off on belittling others in a game doesn't carry the same permanence as doing it in reality does.

The major problem with 'justifiable homicide' is it all depends on who is doing the justifying. [It's how dueling originated.]

Let 'anything goes' prevail and the streets would be littered with casualties of these random bush-whackings as far as the eye could see.

Language is both a blessing and a curse. We are able to communicate with one another but few are interested in what the other fellow has to say.
[Mostly because the other fellow doesn't have anything to tell you that you don't already know...]

You pretty much know everything you need to...the only reason I do this is because you SUCK at 'connecting the dots!'

Most of you know [but could care less] that you are surrounded by (dangerous) opportunistic mimics...mimics that are checked only by the knowledge that we live in a 'comply or die' society. [Either you follow the rules or your are sent to live with the 'desperadoes'.]

In prison the desperadoes 'technically' can't kill you but they are already lying in societies garbage dump so they have little 'tolerance'. They don't have patience with stupid...and their situation can't get much worse.

Antagonize them at your own peril.

On the outside intimidation is a powerful weapon, on the inside, no so much.

While I'm taking the 'long way home' I do so to illuminate the bigger picture. To recognize the plan you first need to understand the players.

MOST OF US are raised being taught the 'go along to get along' paradigm [The 'exceptions' are the carpe-diem types who live by the My Way or the Highway credo, taught to them by parents who grew tired of always 'appeasing' their peers.]

Increasingly, parents started to recognize their complicity in raising 'mindless followers' so they started encouraging their little ones to 'take the initiative' rather than meekly submit to preserve the peace.

Now the natural 'pecking order' has been abandoned because kids no longer 'free associate' outside school. [Remove 'adult interference' and kids will select leaders based usually on age/experience, the elders lead the younger. Kids often 'pull rank' on one another, often the age card if not the size card and usually both because older kids are bigger.

Today's kids are spared this natural selection process outside school thanks to the sudden predominance of 'stranger danger' that resulted in 'play dates'.

This imperfect solution has led to kids being dominated by kids who were taught by their parents they were better than the kids THEY ALLOWED them to associate with.

The 'natural process' still exists but the determined parent, attempting to wring a successful child out of mediocre material [turns out most 'successful' adults were mediocre kids...thus the 'quest'] this foolishly ignores the 'law of the jungle'. The kid is either a meat eater or its not.

Harangue a child into ignoring it's basic nature and you'll produce a psychopath [just like YOU!]

The average opportunistic mimic doesn't have a lot of 'connect the dots' brainpower going for them but they do know your 'circle of friends' can influence the course of your life so that's how [and why] 'play dates' were born.

In this respect life has turned up the 'predatory volume' as our 'anything to win' mimics step all over one another for a steadily shrinking pool of 'opportunity'.

To varying degrees this is played out up and down the social spectrum with the practice fading to pointless at either end of the social scale.

Again, there is no 'plan' only the reality of preserving the 'status quo'. The rich stay rich and the poor keep reaching for 'the prize'.

Now, the HAVES are constantly cheering on the wannabes because, as the lottery has proven repeatedly, if you don't control an income stream you have NOTHING. [Did I mention that YOU suck at connecting the dots?]

It ain't the trust fund that makes you rich, it's seat on the board of directors that keeps you (and yours) 'in the chips', [What Luck!]

But it has NOTHING to do with luck and everything to do with corruption.

You got yours the old fashioned way, your [great] grandparents stole it!

Still we are no closer to a Plan...and as we all know failing to plan is planning to fail! [Which is exactly what we are headed for, at full throttle no less!]

So what do we do? How do we plot a course for the future when the only plan at present is to preserve the wealth of the already wealthy?

Glad you asked!

First thing we do is fire the [bought and paid for] government's whose sole duty is to keep the already rich, rich.

The next thing we do is close the banks and declare all money counterfeit. [Your money is for YOU and you ALONE!]

Next thing we do is 'nationalize' industry and use the commercial codes order the specialties that bring us life as w have come to know it.
in unison with abolishing ownership of resources we would also enact the Human Anti-Exploitation Law. [We will start with the almost completely hollow US and it will spread around the planet because 'trade' with non Division system nations is strictly prohibited.]

We will then close both the stock market and the insurance companies. [These comprise the bulk of the 'income streams' the feckless rely on.]

Then we will provide everyone (choosing to remain) with a job that will pay them enough to live comfortably on. [What a concept! (no LUCK required)]

To facilitate full employment the workday will be shortened to 4 hours or six shifts for continuous ops.

Spirit in the Sky will no longer have 'paid' adherents. If you feel compelled to do 'god's work' you will do it on your own time and on your own dime!

Religion will NOT be 'prohibited' but proselytizing WILL!

Part of the prohibition on transferring funds between individuals is due to the practice of tithing being prohibited. YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU!

Worship whatever you like but KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! Your 'relationship' with YOUR VERSION of god is (and always will be) PERSONAL!

Attempting to convince others that your way is 'the right way (or worse) the 'only' way and you WILL be exiled.

Same goes for OWN.

YOU no longer OWN anything [and neither does anybody else.] What resources there are MUST to be shared with the surviving species on the planet.

We can no longer rape the planet just so Bobo can pretend he's all that and a bag of chips.

There are other details but the essence of the plan is to 'rein in' out of control population growth while we expand our technological understanding to better facilitate our reaching (and surviving) the stars.

If I'm right we are going to find ourselves as far as our ships can travel and you know what that means.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, February 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, we have long suffered from 'lipstick on a pig' syndrome where those in power put band-aids on gaping wounds and declared them repaired. [There is little difference between providing a fig leaf and pretending something is 'all better' because they 'banned' the most popular variety.]

Wasn't the AR used in Newtown the mother's a ban would accomplish what, exactly?

Just like Me Too. Men across the social spectrum are losing their jobs over 'inappropriate behavior' but it isn't going to make that behavior go away, it will just drive it deeper into the closet.

We won't 'cure' this problem until clear guidelines about acceptable behavior are etched in stone. Not too bizarrely were the defenses of 'I didn't know' coming from offenders that had been doing it for years!

Me Too isn't wrong, it just isn't done...and it won't be until there are 'standards' of the EVERYBODY KNOWS variety.

While a gun ban will never work, the fig leaf of banning (the sale of) assault weapons to 'minors' [back when I was a kid 21 was the 'age of majority' but the feckless's war machine likes 'em young and it sparked the whole old enough to die but not old enough to vote controversy!

So the 18 Y.O. got the vote and they even got to drink for a little while until the nervous mommies banded together and revoked that it remains, old enough to die but not old enough to drink...

Did I mention we have some serious social issues to deal with? [Se habla #Me Too?]

They don't have a drinking age (or a drinking problem) across the pond and you have to wonder why our kids are, 'clueless'. You don't suppose it's because their parents are concern trolls, do you?

I think it's that book they are always thumping that's creating all the problems. [This is what comes from being unable to think for yourself!]

Why do you suppose Sheldon Adelson has volunteered to pay for moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Do you think he'd like America better if we named it Adelson? [Play with gasoline around fire much, Sheldon?]

What do you suppose this moron would do with 'the spear of destiny?' Sit on it, we hope! It's as close to Jesus as he's ever going to get...

I don't believe, problem is THEY do!

Here's a 'even worse' scenario for ya! Let's suppose THEY suddenly start claiming Jesus HAS RETURNED and ONLY THE FAITHFUL can see him? What do we do if these whack-jobs make war on us?

Now how do you feel about your 'god fearing' government?

Remember the 'separation of church and state?'

The three hundred years of scientific advances are SOLELY due to that separation, the church would have FORBIDDEN any perceived 'tampering' with God's Design.

So do you like your modern lifestyle or do you want to go back to herding donkeys and witnessing public humiliations for savage amusement on Saturday night?

The church wouldn't stop at forcing you to abandon technology...that would be just the tip of the iceberg. You think things are bad in the Middle East now, let the Church start quarterbacking the Global war and you'll see for yourself just who are the REAL 'Terrorists!'
I guess it's not terror or it's close cousin atrocity if you do it in the name of the 'Overlord'.

That's who these flakes are playing for and guess who gets to 'speak for God'?

It won't be you. Remember, only the 'faithful' can see him much less talk to him...

Gonna cut this one here cuz this weeks posts have all been longer than usual [Guess I still have a lot to say.]

Enjoy what passes for the weekend, while they last,


Friday, February 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, pivotal to everything I write is the reality that the legal construct we call 'money' is both random and arbitrary.

One of this morning's headlines concerned senior citizens being evicted from nursing homes because they were losing medicaid and being switched to medicare.

The measure of any society [it's disturbing in the extreme that this isn't uniform, planet-wide (that we are not one species, one society) because they feckless have succeeded in dividing us into warring factions over fabricated issues we care nothing about, but once our conscripted loved ones die for these (lost) causes it becomes a different matter entirely.

Anyway, the measure of any society is how it cares for the least of its members. The victims of these evictions have finished their working careers, most of them giving of themselves selflessly and this is how society repays them?

[Let's not forget the Quadrillion dollars of mostly pension money that went down the drain in the CDO vanished and NOBODY went to jail, another huzzah for Justice!] (Now you want these same people to protect your children? Are YOU Insane?)

Worse, MOST assisted living facilities have shareowners so is it the inability to pay a dividend that is driving these evictions?

We don't know but preying on the aged isn't a 'good reflection' on ANY society [never-mind the increasingly predatory FOR PROFIT healthcare system.]

Worse, lining the shareowners pockets at the public's expense is another systemic horror show that is driving both cruelty and displacement unjustly.

This shatters 'a mis-perception' that once admitted to a nursing home you'd be under their care no matter the cost. It's the quid pro quo behind the signing over of all of your assets before entering.

In reality, should you develop a deadly/costly condition, you gonna die cuz they provide you bed space and nursing care to do exactly that in.

Remember, you live under a 'buyer beware' justice system that provides zero guarantees.

I appreciate YOU don't have a choice in these matters. This is how the game is played and the rules are the rules.

I point at these 'inequities' as I build my case for 'paychecks all around', shareowners are raping the rest of us silly and it must stop.

[Why is the Dow 20,000 again? Nobody has an answer...or they do but it isn't rational. Between psycho-babble about 'investor confidence' and the Easter Bunny coming it's all a circle jerk for people who don't understand what sunlight is.]

The cruelty in today's title is directly pointed at F-U, pay me! Capitalism that routinely puts profits before people...while money remains a legal construct and STUPID is the general level of discourse.

Why we continue to use a system that doesn't meet society's needs is baffling...or is it? NO, it's not, once you take a moment to think about it [and YOU never do!]

We use capitalism because it is essentially 'legalized slavery' and the people running the show need to maintain the illusion that their slaves are 'free'.

[Remember, NO JOB = NO DREAM!]

The 'DREAM' we touched upon a couple of posts ago is driven by the need for food in our stomachs and a roof over our heads [preferably with a floor, thank you, so we (hopefully) don't wake up covered by bugs that like to eat us.] These are basic necessities. Why are they even part of 'the dream?'

I understand that some 'dream' much bigger than just the basics but for most of us, when we talk about achieving 'the dream' it is just the basics COUPLED with the ability to afford them! The implied part that is seldom spoken about is having a little extra to set aside each pay period so when you can finally stop working (another 'dream') you can kick back and enjoy what life has to offer but were too busy to take the time while you were making your 'heap'.

So like I said originally, we don't even have a consensus on what constitutes 'the dream'...all we have is the reality that our economic model is incapable of delivering it to a wage slave.

Today's overcrowded employment market (thanks to F-U, Pay Me!) insures you will work 'til you drop [how sad for most of us you will NOT drop dead no matter how fervently you wish for it.] Life as we have come to know it is always looking over your shoulder as the budget axe continuously 're-organizes' departments bringing in younger, less cynical talent while putting YOU on the street. [The older you are the more likely it is you will start using the benefits they used to lure you to the job in the first place (and if you start using them, the price will go up!)]

When you look at it like this the system itself appears to be designed to maximize cruelty. First there are thousands of things that need doing but go undone because they aren't 'profitable' [which is INSANE because money is meaningless.] People are left to struggle in poverty just to keep the ones with jobs reporting to work! [Tell me that isn't cruel...but an astonishing number of you truly believe the BULLSHIT there's work out there if you want it!] There ISN'T.


How do politicians keep their jobs?

Because the people responsible for this keep financing the re-election campaigns of them AND their opponents!

Who are these people? The SLAVERS!

They don't have a preferred title [although I suppose they wouldn't object to being called 'your highness'] because they pretend they don't exist, that the broken systems exist because of electoral stagnation, what the Republicans lovingly refer to as 'the swamp' [ A swamp that didn't exist until they took over in 1968] K street was built and maintained by the feckless capitalists.

Impropriety went out the window after the stolen election of 1980. Nobody investigated graft or malfeasance once the B-list actor was crowned.

Those who did complain were silenced and marginalized but now it is too widespread to hide or even deny [thus 'fake news' to keep an already dispirited public off balance and out of the streets 'for the most part'.]

Stupid abides and one (cruelty) can't exist without the other (stupidity)

How sad an indictment is that good citizen? [Again, rhetorical's beyond sad...way beyond.]

While a raise the topic constantly it is only to highlight the relationship between our untenable situation and low intelligence that makes it's ongoing prevalence a reality.

You are raised to 'go along to get along' and look at where it landed you?

It is the Mother of self-inflicted wounds yet you persist in teaching your children 'obedience' when you should be teaching them to revolt!

Well, cruelty is its own reward. The very foundations of society are quaking and this is NOT a 'good thing'. The SLAVERS are 'united' while the slaves foolishly believe they are 'free'. [It's also why they refuse to organize because the Slaver's agents ALWAYS usurp the leadership and the whole process goes sideways.]

You start off going for anti-exploitation legislation and end up with a reduced workweek WITHOUT a proportional reduction in expense.

Your 'leaders' call this compromise but you know they are selling YOU down the river. So you replace the sellouts and end up at an even worse compromise [status quo, it's the best we can do.]

So you ditch these bums and try again...until it finally dawns on you that they wont' bargain because change, any change opens them up for 'retribution'.

There is NO BARGAINING with a SLAVER. [For pretty much the same reason you can't give a cat anything...]

We literally have to sweep the current system into it's own cesspool [starting with THEIR courts and The treacherous Palace guard. There are maybe a few hundred thousand of them but there are BILLIONS of us!

They have chosen to hide among us, which will be their downfall.

The only 'visible' part of the slaver confederation is 'the government'. [The one they let YOU pretend to elect.] (Again, thousands of them BILLIONS of us.)

If we are to make this happen it will be accomplished by 'fiat'. How do we make THEM capitulate? We bring the financial markets to zero by refusing to be billed.

STOP Commerce in its tracks...everywhere.

Society exists because we 'agree' to it.

All YOU have to do is 'Agree' to a better life! [How unfortunate for us all that FDR didn't implement the HAE when he had the chance?]

They called him a 'class traitor' but we all know that isn't true. He, like our latest 'po boy made good' let the criminals walk (and this time he didn't spank them first!)

FDR at least was permitted that 'fig leaf'.

Well, now we are at a place before either Teddy nor Franklin existed. We have rolled all the way back to Lincoln and his adding the rest of us to the ranks of the slaves.

Biggest myth there is would that of Lincoln 'liberating' the slaves when the reality is all he accomplished was liberating the OWNERS from having to care for their 'property'.

Lincoln ain't the quite the 'hero' he's made out to be when you interpret the ultimate outcome of his action literally.

[Technology is what really ended the practice of humans owning humans. Worse, the abuse of technology is making humans 'obsolete' and there is more than a little WRONG with that 'idea'.]

How pathetic THINKING is BELOW YOUR PAY GRADE [now put that in context with meaningless money!] Can you see the 'slaver mentality' shining through?


The Human Anti-Exploitation Law is YOUR insurance policy. The outlawing of any human using any other as an 'income stream' is prohibited because it also prohibits any human from claiming ownership of what we all need to live. [This make the employer/employee relationship illegal.]

You are paid by society to produce what you make to meet society's needs. In exchange society grants you the use of everything you need to be a functioning member of society.

If it sounds 'fair' that's because it is. NOBODY gets to buy your labor, sell what you produce then pocket the difference. The ONLY way to get money is to work for it and the only place to spend it is at the public store where your money is simply erased. Neither society nor commerce needs your money to operate.

Commerce exists so YOU can specialize. [Understand, currently YOU exist to support predatory commerce!]

How 'cruel is that?

A better life is waiting on you (to get with the program)

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind!


Thursday, February 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as our culture becomes increasingly toxic our frustration with those in charge, who pretend they aren't aware, keep 'charging at windmills' [imaginary, often made up problems] rather than taking on our genuine concerns.

Like our disappearing economy. As long as the Dow keeps rising [even if it defies economic fundamentals] there is NOTHING 'wrong' with the economy because the Dow says investor confidence is HIGH.

[Bad news can't EAT investor confidence.]

Now the monied class is ringing the recession warning alarm and the rest of us are looking around for the bear because most of us have no idea what Team USA does anymore.

Until they croaked it, we used to sell each other houses [because cutting each other's lawns wasn't lucrative enough.] Just as once it was computers but now it's cell phones (so you'd never be Away From Keyboard ever again!) we have made everyday existence even more hellish because our work now chases us 24/7!

This 'confusion' over what we do and why is shredding the very fabric of our society. [You know that place where the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight resides. Don't need that? well, Society don't need YOU!]

We are 'social creatures' that require clear instructions because not everyone is comprehending the message that the rest of us are NOT the 'enemy'.

Those helping themselves to what belongs to us all have always been, er, 'conflicted' when it comes to their place in society. The only place they can accept is the top...and there are more than one of them.

How did we get here? Most of you went along for the ride. The people who were supposed to be minding the store sold the rest of us out because they perceived we were 'insatiable' [never satisfied] and they grew sick of endlessly splitting hairs.

So they walked away and those who filled the void had their own agenda.

Like the flipping of a switch, the 'new regime' took charge and with this marked change came the 'what are YOU going to do about it?' attitude.

Well, after nearly fifty years they are about to find out [and it threatens to make 'The Terror' look like a Sunday School picnic.]

This is how toxic our culture has become. How unfortunate for the plotters that self preservation is our strongest drive?

Some would point to this and declare the situation hopeless but they fail to appreciate that underneath the ubiquitous F YOU pay me, TEAM HUMANITY exists.

It's this same 'better nature' that has allowed things to get this far out of hand. It's our 'saving grace' but it is only so elastic, eventually even the 'nicey-nice among us say enough is enough.

If you're going to turn the world to glass you'd best get on with it because we are DONE with this nonsense!

[Of course we can't prevent them from launching then claiming 'skynet' did it...which is probably their play, sans terminators.]

But we CAN use them for environmental safety checks when it's time to leave the shelters.

Might even send some of them outside immediately after just to see what happens...

Did you vote for Trump? Glass world is YOURS!

The question [very much akin to the one about our broken electoral system] is how do we 'detoxify' our badly polluted society?

The church of the feckless took censorship a dozen steps too far but with nobody defending the public's interests we are living in a cesspool literally created by 'potty humor' and people that can't string two words together without using an f-bomb.

[NEWSFLASH: if you can't make your point without profanity, YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!]

So we eliminate the God Crutch and remove the 'me first' from the equation and begin doing what's best for mankind.

Be nice to do it with a fully serviceable planet but it's looking like that isn't going to be possible. The 'head psychopath' [Ronnie Reagan] pardoned his peers and turned them loose on society, thus the mess.

That, coupled with the PATCO fiasco, signaled the beginning of the end for those of you too young to remember it. There should have been a nationwide strike over PATCO and the closing of thousands of mental health facilities nationwide should have earned Republicans another 40 years of exile from Congress just as the crashing of the stock markets did for them the first time.

Isn't the media wonderful?

Now that the One Percent OWNS both the media AND the political machinery...wanna run for office the first thing you have to do is pass 'the sniff test'. If you don't swear agree to be an obedient servant YOU won't get campaign financing!

Talk about 'a stacked deck'.

Oh, and the folks who get turned away by the process, that's non-news. It's dismissed as the system working like it's intended to.

Now the 'fake democrats' are trying to get people to 'step up' to run against the morons the Republicans recruit...but the cattle call is window dressing. You have to prove you drank the Kool-Aid before the Democrats approach YOU to run for office and then it comes with the identical loyalty pledge the Money extracts from all candidates.

Think Bernie has stayed in office for nearly two decades without pledging his loyalty away? Why did he fold like an empty cup at the rigged Democratic convention?

And HE claims he ISN'T a Democrat!


Tired of being 'duped'?

Good news, it won't go on much longer.

You will either swear loyalty to Voldemort or descend into Azkaban.

Did I mention the environment has become decidedly toxic? [comply or die!]

Compliance will kill you too but more slowly, it's that 'regret in leisure' thing.

Can this be 'fixed'?

Naturally! We just need to remove the confusion, level the playing field and the puzzle will reset itself. in a few years we will all laugh over just how close we can to annihilating ourselves!

The Three pillars will guide us true. [I double dog dare you to ask 'what three pillars'?]

It will clean up better than before, I promise!

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind, especially given today's topic!


Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, considering the economy is a chimera, what does a recession even mean anymore? When the markets tanked because of a quadrillion dollars worth of bogus collateralized debt obligations (CDO's) right around the end of Bush the Lesser's 2nd term (Talk about legacies!) we had already reached ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) so the only thing the FED could do was 'bail out the banks' (while stiff-arming the pensioners that got stuffed by the fraud that NOBODY went to jail for.

Now, a dozen years later (with a stock market that makes zero sense...but that's nothing new) we are being told the economy is going to crash again.

Don't bother asking 'What Economy?' There isn't one to point at. We [US citizens] are in the same position the former Soviets were three decades ago..."We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us."

The feckless used this statement to condemn Communism but here we are today in the exact same place.

What's our principal industry now, cell phone usage? Isn't Apple keeping the economy alive or am I confusing the ubiquitous hand helds (that aren't even made here) with online gaming and the players need to buy 'loot boxes' in order to upgrade?

WTF does TEAM USA do besides invade foreign countries, fighting 'terrorists' there so we don't have to fight them over here? (Here we 'grow our own'...then we elect them to Congress.)

So, with more than fifty percent of the working aged population considered 'not in the workforce' BECAUSE OF CAPITALISM! we are going to have another 'starve 'em out' session since the latest 'tax cut' has (supposedly) gutted the government's ability to provide economic assistance.

Seriously good citizen, since the beginning of the new millennium USA's principal exports have been raw materials and FINANCIAL PRODUCTS [that blow up catastrophically!]

Sing the refrain children: (Hard to believe we need a place called Hell...)

Will the coming train wreck be the USD's 'swan song' as it is removed from being the world's Reserve Currency?

Guess it's time to upgrade Rothschild's credo: I care not who MINTS the planet's Reserve Currency so long as I control it!

Bunch of sick puppies at the top of the ladder in case you're wondering why 'nobody works and nuthin gets done!'

What's wrong with Rothschild 'prime directive'?

Me, me, me! [No, I'm not going to sing...]

[Gotta turn that M into a W to put things back on track.]

The freakishly selfish are too busy keeping the lie from collapsing to do anything about the inequities THEY caused! The steady uptick in jailing and extra-judicial murders is directly related to our pirated government losing it's tenuous grip on power due to it rising 'unpopularity'.

Definitely NOT 'The Party of IDEAS' (then or now!)

I'd posit that things are going so poorly that they actually will be relieved when somebody takes this squirming mass off their hands and lets them run away...except that's not how it's going to work.

There WILL be blood, sadly more ours than theirs but that's unavoidable. [After the fact we will be thankful it wasn't worse...and you know what 'worse' means.]

Um, since all money is funny we can only wonder what the forecast downturn will consist of [since so few of us own stocks...and just about EVERY company listed on the market dumps it's profits [and then some] into stock buy-back programs (that the executive committee's pay is based on.)

Um, as I have pointed out repeatedly over the past fifty years, if you don't treat your employees right they can't buy your products!

But the feckless don't care. All they see is falling share prices and they don't care WHY because, to them the purpose of commerce is to enrich the owner and NOTHING else!

Globalization was in fact 'the global CONSOLIDATION of market share'. This results in the 'customer be damned' model. If you want it, you HAVE TO buy it from ME for whatever I demand for it!

That's what 'globalization' was all about. [Funny how the media is suddenly getting out ahead of these 'revelations' and calling them 'troll attacks' but the proof is in the pudding and you decide who is 'lying', the corporate owned media or morons like me?

Can't point at the college educated, the planet is a mess and it's run ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY by 'Degree'd professionals'.

What is the 'purpose' of an economic downturn? To keep 'the rabble' IN LINE [even if they haven't fallen out of line (yet.)]

They are ALL (the One Percent) sweating the next election. They KNOW it will become a bloodbath and they are pointing the finger at anything BUT themselves.

We could fix this tomorrow but, for the moment, it's not up to us.

A window of opportunity is coming but it will be brief and only a miracle will let us seize it...we shall see.

Thanks for letting ME inside YOUR head,


PS: Pretty sure my latest strategy of bumping the whole blog repeatedly each day is getting on your nerves but please be patient, It's the only way to maximize readership.

Thank you for bearing with me!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, like many words, prosperity is 'relative'..if your neighbor has A chicken but YOU have TWO, you are 'prosperous'.

Well, the AMERICAN DREAM is somewhat like that except it's based on more than having chickens [depending on circumstances, if you have a million chickens (and buyers for 2 million) you're living the dream...but most of us aren't that, er, 'prosperous'.]

Once again the 'metrics' used to measure economic viability are poorly defined.

We don't even agree that the AMERICAN DREAM is made up of. [It could be a one room shack with an earthen floor or it could be a three bedroom cape with central air-conditioning but we all agree both are surrounded by a plastic 'white picket fence'.] One thing is certain, the owner of said 1/4 acre kingdom has a job that pays more than minimum wage.

Back when the much propagandized DREAM was born the typical DREAMER was a factory worker but since 'dreamland's' smokestacks went cold there aren't any 'factory jobs' anymore. So today's dreamer is a 'gig worker' where the 'service provider' takes the 'juice' leaving the one accomplishing the actual delivery with just enough to pay expenses, leaving nothing but the dream that maybe someday he will receive orders close enough together that he might have a little something left over for himself.

Today DREAMER means something else entirely although they were brought to this, er, 'place' so they could 'chase the dream' too.

See what happens when you are born to STUPID PARENTS?

The Dream is like the Donkey's carrot that is tied just out of its reach. It's the desire to achieve the dream THAT CAN NEVER BE REALIZED.

In dog racing the poor abused animal chases an rabbit scented prop around the track...should one of the dogs EVER catch that decoy, they are put down!

If YOU ever wake up to the fact the DREAM is really just an illusion...ever hear of the for profit prison system? It's a way of making you 'useful' after you've given up on 'making yourself useful' to the MAN.

If the donkey reaches the carrot he eats it...and stops. He won't move again until you tie another carrot to the stick but if the donkey figures out how to get the carrot on a consistent basis guess what they'll do to the donkey?

Same thing they do to YOU!

I once again repeat it's NOT about the MONEY [or the alleged cost savings to the taxpayer because all money is FUNNY!] Bizarrely, most of you still don't comprehend this! (Repeat the hymn: Ignorance is fixable, stupid is permanent.) Stupid CAN'T be fixed especially if you refuse to believe the truth!

Opens another can of worms: The Slavers tell you lies (like The Dream itself) to keep you doing what you're told. Your prosperity is a roof over your head, wheels under your ass, a full stomach and a paycheck at the end of the workweek.

Your prosperity starts and ends with 'the job'. No job, no dream.

Back in the day [when the rest of the planet was a bombed out wreck] they needed YOU to report to the factory every day to make the widgets. If you didn't show up it didn't happen {and there was damn little they could DO about it.}

Those were heady times good citizen. The unions had leverage because the capitalists didn't have ten million other hungry dupes to undercut each other.

They also couldn't make examples out of workers that displeased them because the others would 'revolt'.

Funny how that all went sideways in the Seventies. [With Europe and Asia essentially returned to 'self-sufficiency', the flood of goods coming out from war torn Japan took the world by storm.]

Did I mention all money is funny? Well, using America's over abundant food stores, the feckless were able to push the Japanese yen to less than a cent. Making them formidable competitors in the 'fake money game' that is still being played right under your nose!

IF the 'average citizen' were made aware of what was done 'in their name, behind their backs there would be dead bodies hanging from every utility pole for as far as the eye could see!

The 'greater good' was served but it wasn't YOUR greater good, it was THEIRS! They got rich and you got TV's! [They got TV's too but they aren't stupid enough to actually watch them. When THEY want to escape they go to the theater!] YOU need to escape every night after you clock out of your living hell...and watch fantasies that have NOTHING to do with reality [regardless of what you watch. Even the science shows are limited to the imagination of the reporters. 90% of it is conjecture...small wonder Fox produces it.

You remained in rags, living a hand to mouth existence, unable to afford even a few 'finer things' while those who committed you to a life of drudgery 'prospered' in direct proportion to their cruelty.

As is my intention, it is not enough to criticize. To 'solve' the prosperity puzzle we must agree on how to 'quantify' prosperity.

The 'terminally stupid' believe 'prosperity = money' but we have seen countless incidents where money has been rendered useless by the feckless. [There is only so much tread on that tire, once it's worn off there is no putting it back! (once people stop 'trusting' money it will be back to barter and guess who is holding the short end of the stick...again?)]

Why do you suppose 'Peace' is one of the pillars of civilization? Because without peace there can be no prosperity! The stupid will fight one another to the death protecting their 'frivolous' claim to WHAT BELONGS TO ALL OF US!

How corrupt is a justice system founded on the idea of allowing ANYONE to own what we ALL NEED TO LIVE?

Don't look now citizen but that's EXACTLY what we have...and it is the very font of POVERTY!

Wonder why everybody is 'incapable' of understanding the logical? It's because we ignore the commonplace as the price of what little 'liberty' we have.

YOU have traded a roof over your head and food in your belly for a TEMPORARY job!

WORSE, you've traded YOUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE for more of the same!

What will you tell you kids that don't make the cut? I didn't know?

Or will you tell them what you tell yourself, that's there is NOTHING 'I' can do about it?

You'd happily join a revolt but nobody is willing to be a 'rallying point'. {I have long lamented the reason we haven't revolted is nobody has any idea what to revolt for. The idea of the Human anti-exploitation law isn't out there neither is the 'your money is for you!' legislation and it NEVER will be thanks to the feckless's control of the media.

We all WANT a 'new deal' but we have zero leverage. All we 'can' do is withhold our labor and stop using THEIR funny money!

That and kill cops. Sounds terrible but it's not going to be the Boy Scouts that come to foreclose on YOUR house, the one the BANK has zero right to!

Prosperity begins with being 'secure in your own person.' If you aren't safe in your own home all bets are off. [Did I mention the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight have EXPIRED?]

By rights if you see another human, you should end them because they are bent on ending YOU and helping themselves to what you 'had'. [If you die and there isn't a will, the 'predator state' gets to decide what happens to your stuff...and guess who made that 'okay'?

Again, it won't be the Boy Scouts coming to collect your stuff.

In their defense, most cops aren't FULLY aware of what they are buying into when they join up but after a while they get an idea of what they have gotten themselves into.

The 'don't ask, don't tell' Blue Wall exists to protect the guilty.

I digress but again, not by much.

Your 'thinking parts' work just fine IF YOU LET THEM! In fact you'd be astonished at just how bright you really are!

Of course, none of this is 'difficult' and it's all hiding in plain sight. we just pretend not to see it.

I have taken many of you beyond your 'comfort zone' so we'll just put a cork in it here to mark our place. It will be up to YOU to return and pull that cork out when you mind is ready.

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


Monday, February 19, 2018


Greetings good citizen, if you were raised Democrat you haven't had anybody in politics to VOTE FOR since LBJ 'abdicated' [refused his second term.]

There are NO Democrats anymore. You may register as one but you have no politicians (or even a party that embraces your 'ideals' anymore.) The strangers who call themselves Democrats and run as 'D's take their marching orders and have their platforms crafted (and approved) by the same people who craft Republican political strategy. THE MONEY!

We have seen [in my lifetime] such a seismic shift in the political landscape that what used to be considered 'Authoritarianism' now forms the backbone of Republicanism. While what used to be Democratic has vanished in a cloud of spineless surrender monkeys who bought the 'if the economy does well, the country will do well' BULLSHIT!

[Did I mention the need to insulate the political process from the terminally stupid? IQ tests prior to voter registration anyone?]

Because we have all seen just WHO prospered as conservative powered 'trade liberalism' swept the planet and the Anti-Trust system was dismantled and replaced by a few conglomerates that now dominate Global markets.

It is now clear that the true meaning of 'Morning in America' meant the resurrection of the Robber Barons [and the 'political exile' of those who opposed them.] (Starting with Nixon's Imperial Presidency!)

This was SOLD to the (poorly educated) citizens of the United States as necessary to maintain 'the American Way of Life.'

It also coincides with the TV show 'Happy Days' which celebrated an America that largely NEVER existed! [People only bought it because they saw it in the movies!]

Like 'We the People' and the oft quoted phrase 'All MEN were created Equal', we were once again duped into believing we were included in that 'sweeping generalization'. [that 'the American way of life' was enjoyed by 'the typical American'] when only The CRIMINALS among us prospered.

The rest of us suffered wage stagnation and severely eroded purchasing power (due to rampant inflation caused by feckless bankers but attributed to the 'abandonment' of the gold standard.) Damn good thing the opposite of 'funny money' is also true, prices are Bullshit! [Mother nature doesn't have a cash register, inputs are FREE, a statement that should be followed by 'to ALL' but under capitalism only the 'owner' gets it for free, everyone else has to pay.]

So we embark on the 'unfairness train'.

A long list of seemingly 'petty' exceptions that put a handful of interests ahead of the best interests of humanity.

Did I mention the need to insulate ourselves against the 'terminally stupid' who tend to consume whatever is put in front of them? [Even the toxic Kool-Aid. Would that it were 'poisoned', then only the foolish would meet the fate they have cast us all into (most recent election anyone?)]

Now would be a good time to point out the NEXT election still has the same 'greased chute' in place. Many people marveled that Ronnie Reagan got a second term. His first term was scandal plagued and his policies were UNPOPULAR, yet he 'prevailed' against a mediocre Democrat in another 'squeaker' of an election. Notice, SINCE Morning in America EVERY election is a near perfect split?

This 'nation divided' bullshit is a 'self-fulfilling prophecy' (what a great time to OWN a media outlet?)

NOBODY likes what's been going on for the past fifty years BUT there isn't anything the average individual can DO about it, which isn't COMPLETELY true.

YOU CAN REVOLT [or STRIKE, which is a 'revolt' without the bloodshed (theoretically.) 26,000 people DIED striking for the 40 hour work week.] More the pity considering ALL MONEY IS FUNNY!

Again I ask if we shouldn't take IMMEDIATE steps to remove the TERMINALLY STUPID from positions of power? [The strikers were murdered in defense of the 6 AM til 6 PM, six days a week system. The owners knew they have to hire more workers to institute a 40 hour week, cutting into THEIR profits [poverty be damned!]

This is back in the day when a 'man's wages were typically a penny a day! [Just like the song says, yes, that came from somewhere!] THe typical employee worked from sun up til sundown for less than a dollar a week.

The other owners were outraged when Henry Ford started paying his workers five DOLLARS a day [so they could afford automobiles] Good thing all money is funny, right?

Now throwing pre-cooked food out a drive up window pays $ 12 an HOUR [and you still can't live on it because prices have a nasty habit of 'keeping pace'.]

Did I mention the people running our society are freakishly selfish criminals?

Which gives us a moment to pause and ask, where were the [old time] Democrats during all this?

Not too hard to figure out, they were KOOL-AID drinkers too! Compromises the 'minority' had forced upon them finally became too much. The, er, 'fatally myopic' knew the key lay in the control of the printing press so they maneuvered Woodrow Wilson into creating the Federal Reserve to 'protect the public' from the terminally shaky banking system.

The common denominator here is the practice of allowing 'certain people' to dictate the 'value' of money when money ISN'T a 'storehouse of value' like the bankers want you to believe.

I have [patiently I might add] explained that the ONLY reason money exists is to facilitate 'specialization'...not 'retail', not commerce but the ability to diversify our skill sets so we can ALL life better.

But this is not what the 'freakishly selfish' believe because they can see what truckloads of money can accomplish!

Worse, it is they who engineered 'income streams' (perpetual payments.) A house SHOULD be a 'gimme' but the feckless have it set up so that once built it becomes one of the most lucrative 'income streams' imaginable. Once built its maintenance becomes the buyer's problem and once the buyer passes on the bank ends up with it again until a new buyer comes along! What a SWEET DEAL for the bankers and their confederates in the Real Estate, er, 'industry'.

Like banking, neither should exist.

Legalized 'loansharking' is still loansharking/extortion and having a prime piece of real estate from which you conduct your business doesn't make it any more 'legitimate'.

In fact, part of what's pushing civilization over the edge is the ability of money to make money [without producing ANY value!]

I know I have drifted in territory where most of you have to don your 'stupid hats' but bear with me because what you've been taught makes NO SENSE! [And we are now miles away from the subject at hand ('Democrats' and their sudden disappearance from the political landscape.)]

The NOW DEFUNCT Democrats knew the truth about money...and, ironically, so do the folks running the other side of the alleged 'divide'. They used 'fake money' to buy the justice system AND the media so THEY could attempt to [once again] build a dynasty before the bewildered eyes of an ignorant public!

Since Morning in America [which weirdly coincides with the nation's very first Billionaire, J.Paul Getty and NOT 'Rockefeller' with whom the people behind the propaganda machine use economic equivalents to make him first, he was because prices would support billionaire-dom until AFTER Nixon killed the 'gold standard'.

Zero irony that the two occurred almost simultaneously and one might have driven the other...

Capitalism was at a crossroads back then facing the 'crisis' of saturated markets and an expanding, er, 'population'. [How we got where we are today is in no small part due to the feckless's ability to separate the 'population' from the 'customer base' because they knew capitalism only operates when it's 'balanced'. If EVERYONE is a customer then capitalism fails and MUST BE ABANDONED! {The ONLY 'alternative is to KILL THE EXCESS!} Only cool if YOU wear the judge's robes...How do you think you'd fare if you had to be 'classified' and how could you live with yourself afterwards?

Again it is right around then that the 'Men, both Good and True' gave up trying to compromise with the greed-heads and stepped off the political stage to let the bodies land where they may.

Since the end of the Seventies we have had a 'fake' political system more interested in 'maintaining' Capitalism than society.

Now that you have walked the path, do you see what you need to do?

[Of course not! How freaking silly of me! (and I'm sure most of you substituted stupid for silly but I don't throw rocks at my own talking points and neither does anyone else.)]

Capitalism CAN'T continue. Either you wake up and do something about it or BILLIONS of you will DIE as the decision is made FOR YOU [by those who consider YOU to be a waste of perfectly good butt-wipe! (they're EXACT words!)]

Again, truth is not kind but if you can't take it...

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind.


PS, Special thanks to those who plus one'd, The system seems to hoard them for reasons unexplained...{go figure?}

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, an old friend of mine (may he rest in peace) was fond of saying "life is neither good nor bad, life just is."

We all know this is born of listening to EVERYBODY complain about all the ways their life has 'disappointed' them.

Nothing has changed since this individual's passing because even then it was common to dismiss people's, er, PMS as sour grapes and a personal failure to 'count their blessings'.

Funny how these exercises in 'rationalizing' glossed over the patent unfairness we all suffer and accentuate the little things we all 'take for granted' because life would be even more pathetic if we were surrounded by nothing but self-absorbed crybabies, wouldn't it? [oops! That's probably going to leave a mark.]

From the beginning of life we are given mixed messages about helping one another and helping ourselves first...seems only one sinks in, the other is tempered with 'only if it's not a hassle.'

Help is complicated, do someone else a kindness and they gripe that you didn't do enough [some people don't want 'help', they want someone else to do it for them!] This is why we laugh when these same people complain of being 'bored'. Seems the only thing they want to do is complain!

Face it good citizen, you are [most likely] surrounded by 'hot house plants' that want somebody to fawn over them 24/7 [how ironic is it that when these 'needy-greedy' types succeed in finding a 'personal donkey' the outcome isn't something precious but something pitiful, it's akin to be made to watch a Crucifixion...

Martyrs are rare but they are out there [hell has many punishments and most of them are self-inflicted.]

Yeah, good citizen, expectations are usually wildly different than reality [the wisest council ever is to abandon your expectations and to embrace what is.] That said I doubt most of us would survive very long in our opportunist dominated culture if we didn't have 'baseline expectations'.

Tyranny is being bent to the will of another (made that much more unbearable by that other's failure to acknowledge how they'd react if that shoe were on the other foot.)

Bizarre little circle there, isn't it?

Weirder is their 'rationalization' for their behavior, that THEY aren't 'weak'.

[When mercy is perceived as 'weakness' the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight go right out the window!]

If Hell = School you are here to learn how to 'dance between the cracks'.

Funny, in my sixty years I don't seem to have learned anything [beyond the basics we are all born with, that man is a treacherous creature you can't turn you back on for more than a few seconds at a time.]

[Sidebar] While we're on the topic of 'human nature' it's curious how your reaction to movies tells you what you're made of.

Some have intellectualized that the plot calls for certain things to happen but if an American wrote it, the 'good guy' is going to prevail, regardless of how unlikely or insurmountable the odds, in the end.

More specifically, I was watching a show last night and found myself mentally shouting for the protagonist to shoot but, naturally, they didn't [and mayhem ensued.]

Writers love to build 'tension' but I go for 'realism' [and my 'heroes' (who are often 'anti-heroes') don't talk when the situation calls for shooting. I think that's why people can't put my works down!]

Does it 'drive you crazy' that most writers let their central characters walk straight into traps that YOU can see a mile away!

If you start shouting at the screen it's not that you are losing it, it is because the writer has insulted your intelligence.

But I digress, the point here is how you react to these dramatized situations can tell you things you didn't realize about your, er, 'psyche'.

I'm guessing 'cold hard bitch' is the least recognized archetype in the spectrum. [Women are SO 'stereotyped'!]

[Back to the 'res'...]

The quiz question of the day is are we 'One People' or are we a collection of individuals who pick and choose who we will throw down for?

[Most of us had it literally 'beaten' into us that Family comes first...and the reason it had to be beaten into us is because nobody can be crueler than a family member that abuses their position in the birth order [this is the Mother of all 'selfishness'.]

IF we are to survive into the future we must first 'sacrifice' our petty family allegiance for the larger allegiance of our shared humanity.

It IS the 'price of peace'.

If we fail to learn that lesson then our legacy will remain 'stupidity'.

[We fail at teaching children what they NEED to know.]

I am aware that this in direct opposition to how most of you were raised but I once again direct your attention to the 'missing' Mother Ship...we were marooned for a reason.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Saturday, February 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, forecast calls for rain today but there isn't a cloud in the sky, which reflects today's title. While it doesn't look like rain that doesn't mean it's not going to.

Seems our 'special investigator' has ferreted out some Russians, [pretending to be Americans] that the evidence suggests were attempting to influence the presidential election.

What ACTUALLY influenced the last presidential campaign?

The choices. Bad and worse.

Certainly didn't help Hillary's case that she seemed to think it would be a cake walk, like we 'owed' HER the presidency. Perhaps she thought we bought the conservative tripe that her husband was the 'beloved' but much maligned victim of a smear campaign.

Willy Jeff's presidency was a ceaseless rolling disaster that untethered America even further from it's core values while the republican/oligarch controlled congress laughed at his haplessness.

Guess Hillary didn't get the memo, Wall Street has nothing to do with Main Street so being perceived as Wall Street's bitch wasn't helpful.

Most voters believed The Donald was Wall Street's Oaf, he wasn't 'slick' enough to have any real friends on the that gave him an edge although nobody is pointing to it, heck you need both hands and a hunting dog to find a genuine Trump supporter.

Naturally those voters were SHOCKED when The Donald's cabinet filled ITSELF and most of 'em came straight from Goldman Sachs! Can you say 'collusion'?

Remember, we're talking a 'match stick man' here. The Donald had no more idea of who to pick for what post even after he was awarded the presidency. [He LOST but the rigged electoral system went against Hillary, which wasn't a total loss.] How much collusion is there now?

Even the 'real news' [the comedy stations where most people get their news from] were parodying the contest between the giant douche and the turd sandwich!]

SELLING this election and it's outcome has proven to be a bigger job than the feckless imagined mostly because this election really highlighted how badly the system is being 'gamed'.

It started immediately after their boy Barry won his final term [another stolen election by the way.] and ran nonstop until the only players left on the stage were the giant douche and the turd sandwich. [the other conservative clowns get themselves throw out for not having any ideas to fix anything.

Didn't help Hillary only had one arrow in her quiver and that was repealing Citizen's United.

To her credit NOBODY ran on the idea of ending the carnage in the Middle East. [Apparently that would have upset the Evangelicals who really want pissed Jesus to come back quick!]

I made my point yesterday regarding the 'religious' and their, er, 'default' nature. Why does nobody else have a problem with politics being DOMINATED by people who profess to be doing [Fill in imaginary entity's name] work?

Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa Claus...Santa's anagram, Satan? They ALL fit but YOU are TOO STUPID to see that!

Now let me walk you back in history a couple of steps to a time when 'going to church' WAS what passed for 'savage amusement' [because there wasn't anything else!

Yeah, how things have changed since the advent of the eye that never blinks. No need to get dressed up and spend half the day in church, now you can get your head filled with nonsense right in the comfort of your own living room [or wherever you keep your TV/PCD.]

Better, you aren't limited to just one poison, you can select whatever suits you! There are lies for every personality type.

Just as humans are rabid opportunists they are also fickle beyond belief, vacillating with astounding vigor between their better and their worst natures.

This is why your info-tainment offerings run the full spectrum, from angelic to hellish and beyond.

Every decision you make your mind can't decide, this is going to work all the while the other half of your brain is prepping you for failure. Not just this but in everything, constantly. [Like life weren't tough enough without this, er, 'pressure'.]

This is 'cognitive dissonance' and if YOU can't deal with it, it will GLADLY deal with YOU! [Escape is NOT an option.]

Either YOU handle it or IT HANDLES YOU!

If you're not ready to off yourself, the first thing to do is 'GET A GRIP', 99% of what you 'fear' won't ever happen. So be still, your greatest 'worry' is worry itself. [Ironically, while we are back at the proverbial 'starting point' it might be helpful to point out that suicide only chases the boogeyman down a different rat hole.] The holy A-holes really covered ALL the bases.

The boogeyman is in your head and that's okay because that's where he stays. He only comes out for real if YOU invite him out.

We all have an on board BS detector that works better than you'd think because it's been honed by millions of years of evolution, just like your natural ability to recognize faces [because that's the part that's going to EAT you!] It's part of your 'genetic memory.'

Well, now that the Republican/Oligarch 'revolution is approaching it's 40th birthday, the costume of 'tidal change' is wearing thin. The oligarchs have pushed too far and now you don't know what to believe. All you know is this ISN'T what you signed up for...just like the Dark Ages, (five hundred years of 'do as I say and not as I do!')

You are 'confused' because you've been taught you are 'free' but you can't find it no matter how hard you look. Worse, you've been taught bad is good and good is bad. That rich is disgusting and poverty is noble. [Funny, the feckless seem not to have gotten that memo.]

Anyway, the 'freakishly selfish' are JUST LIKE YOU, filled with self-doubt and doubly fearful of discovery! The only ones more obsessed with Revolution are those who actually foment it.

Admit it good citizen, revolution is seldom far from your mind, especially with all of these (pseudo) 'preppers' trying to sell you 25 years worth of MRE's...

You know the wheels are about to fly off because this isn't your first dog & pony show. [Problem with this time is the same as all of the other times, there isn't a good indication of when it's going to happen until it's already started. Which is to point out 'you'll know it when you see it.']

Why did I admonish you to 'get a grip' then tell you your fear of the breakdown of civil order is Real?

Is your built in BS detector working? It's NOT telling you everything is alright, it's telling you that you should be on high alert. There are bad actors at the highest reaches of civilization 'engineering' a crash [and not a soft one either.]

What's their motivation? Same as always, MORE FOR THEM. [Why is it nobody believes this either?] It's part of what makes this task so challenging, the victims can't see what's right in front of their faces.

If you really want to cut to the chase the answer to 'why' really is as simple as 'because'.

While YOU sit there trying to ferret out a motive they are acting BECAUSE THEY CAN!

If life teaches one lesson it is 'ACT or be ACTED UPON!'

Simple enough for you? [Sadly it's TOO SIMPLE so you keep seeking a deeper reason and that reason is the same as it ever was FEAR!]

Now go ahead and tell me you're still 'confused'?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Friday, February 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, many of your 'liberties' have been sacrificed on the altar of 'public safety'. Should the feckless have their way the next domino to fall is going to be the ability to defend yourself.

In the eyes of the law, the courts exist to protect you. [If you can't afford a $ 400 an hour lawyer that's not their problem, lawyers gotta live too ya know!] Naturally it's the 'backside' of this phenomenon that is glossed over by those who want to disarm the public and that's the 'lack of immediacy' offered by the obfuscating legal system.

Zero comfort is drawn from looking your assailant in the eye and whimpering 'I'll see you in court!' [because we all know how THAT's gonna work two years after the fact.]

Often when you are attacked you find yourself defending what YOU did to defend yourself as the JUDGE completely ignores who initiated the problem. [Or worse, you learn later that the defendant was in fact a relative/associate/friend of the presiding official. Which is why in the 'future of justice' there will be NO JUDGES!] A jury comprised of three people that know you three that know the defendant and five that know neither (note the odd number) will serve as judge AND jury. Legal precedent' goes completely out the window (inadmissible) [mostly because it is 'cherry picked' to support the 'desired outcome'.] For those of you who have ever wondered why Judges exist in the first place...they exist to produce the 'desired outcome' AND NOTHING ELSE!

The judges 'interpretation' is completely unnecessary in the 'service of justice'. It is the 'average individual's understanding' of the law that is justice's guide and it's all our Jury needs to go on.

But I digress...

So, how 'safe' can the nation's public safety system keep you?

A tidbit gleaned from today's NY Times tells us there have 1,600 'mass shootings'* since the incident at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, CT. [Once again we have to wonder where the media is because most of us can only recall a half dozen 'high profile' shootings like the Las Vegas massacre at a country music festival.]

But I think if this number has any basis in fact the public safety system isn't worth spit when it comes to preventing ANYTHING!

Just as locks exist to keep 'honest people honest', if someone wants it bad enough all it takes is some 'extra effort'.

So if sacrificing your liberty DOESN'T make us all 'safer' [How many of you wake up in the morning and mumble a heartfelt prayer of thanks for the mighty Atlantic Ocean? You all should because you'd have HUNG all of the warmongering Bible Thumpers from the nearest light pole for stirring up the hornets nest of Islam just to hasten the return of their 'Heavenly Father'...[WHEN he returns (not IF, 'faith is nothing if not 'absolute') He's going to have THEIR backs and punish all of you doubters!]

Me? I see religious fanaticism as a 'universal' problem. If you have a religion, You are by default a 'fanatic' because it preaches hatred for all competing religions.

Bizarrely, the ones that don't aren't considered 'religions', they are dismissed as 'mysticism'. [Gegner has no truck with 'Spirit in the Sky' he instead favors Karma and the universe's struggle for 'balance'. [What comes around, goes around (so don't be a 'bad actor', sort of akin to not pissing into the wind if you're picking up what I'm laying down here.)]

If there is one thing our legal system teaches us it is the only people it succeeds at protecting are criminals.

A disarmed public has no way of effectively defending itself AGAINST ANYTHING!** But, just as most of us are ignorant of the other 1,595 'mass shootings' we are also quick to jump on the bandwagon to ban auto-loaders from the hands of honest citizens as a seeming solution*** to a problem the court system/public safety can't do ANYTHING about.

[cue lone trumpeter]

Where does the 'solution' lie?


When all a perp has to do is sneer and tell his victim 'sue me', he has already won. Most of us are 'priced out' of legal action. Litigating even the simplest conflict costs thousands of 'I don't have 'em' dollars! [This is another avenue that should be 'free' but that's not what the 'pirates' running things want. There's a reason these clowns charge all outdoors for their 'time & advice'.]

How badly do you want 'justice'? IF you CAN afford to 'sue the bastard', they usually are 'quick to accommodate' rather than risk a jury trial.

Want to end every third lunatic gunning down strangers to avenge himself on a world that never gave him an even break?

Make 'revenge' an option. [Under ASP 'dueling' returns as a form of legal remedy. People will hold their careless tongue/think twice before they 'prank' a victim if they become aware they may have to pay for their carelessness with their lives!]

The challenged has the right to refuse and all duels must be agreed to by both parties [with a mandatory 3 day 'cooling off period] and will be held in monitored 'dueling arenas' (no need for 'seconds', 'The State' will be watching.) THESE matches will NEVER be used for public entertainment. What happens inside a dueling arena stays in the dueling arena. Only the named combatants can enter and [if it's not a 'death match'] both will leave. This isn't a spectacle, this is justice.

Refusing a duel goes on your permanent record. To avoid 'frivolous challenges' the challenged retains the right to 'choice of weapons'. Ranging anywhere from toothpicks to small caliber automatic weapons [no incendiaries and no rocket launchers!]

Again, another crucial part towards resolving the growing 'me centered, instant gratification' is the return of (rational) censorship. Video games that teach the players it's okay to ambush aren't making society even a tiny bit 'safer' [but the feckless's thirst for profits is unquenchable so bad examples be damned!]

Understand neither of these is going to pop into existence as long as the current 'f' em all but six and after I'm in the ground, f them too!' brand of CONSERVATISM isn't driven from the mainstream society. [Like a gun ban it will NEVER be 100% effective.]

Civility, particularly the brand of 'incivility' we currently suffer is 'cultivated'. Worse, it's 'directed'. The violence depicted in these first person shooter games is often 'unexplained' with the assumption being they are the conditions that will follow the collapse of civilization. [sort of a 'preppers U' so to speak.]

Do we really want to place these 'expectations' in our children's minds?

Where are the adults? Oh, that's right too busy working three jobs just to keep wheels under our ass and food in our family's belly to be paying attention to what our kids are actually PLAYING with!

Here's a scary question: WHO IS MINDING THE STORE?

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


* What constitutes a 'mass shooting' isn't defined in the headline and I am selective about which articles I click on because the 'free edition' of the NY Times limits you to ten a month. [Yeah, bloggers gotta eat too.]

** Most readers are aware concealed carry permits are issued on the basis of 'life & Property'...and as the population grows the local public safety officer has become increasingly 'stingy' with the number of permits they grant. [The chief's underlings are less than cautious about who they pull over for what, so the more permits he issues increases the likelihood one of his underlings will get his fool head blown off for throwing their badge around.]

*** as the myriad of 'wrongly convicted' can attest to, often the 'appearance of doing something' trumps 'the reality of ineffectiveness'. The legal system's 'batting average' is abysmal for more reasons than we can enumerate here.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, Just as I was posting yesterday's piece it happened again! The common thread among school shooters is that they have been, to date, all juveniles.

Yesterday's shooter, besides being expelled for whatever, also failed to follow the script [kill himself afterwards] something he's sure to regret until somebody finishes the job for him. [Which is neither here nor just is what it is.]

Just as Japanese students who didn't get straight A's often killed themselves we can only speculate if yesterday's tragedy was triggered by the meme that if Johnny didn't get into college and earn a degree he was going to eventually end up dead in the gutter from a heroin overdose!

Given the prospects for most kids these days it's becoming increasingly difficult to tell if these overdose deaths aren't intentional...

One thing is certain, shooter BELIEVED his life was OVER. [He probably was counting on being gunned down by the police but lacked the courage when the moment came.]

It appears that once again the AR-15 Sporter was the weapon of choice but it appears every third terrorist wannabe totes an AK-47, it could have just as easily been one of those.

This is a $ 1,500 weapon so Johnny didn't just trot down to Wally-Mart and put one on lay-away. [Which is again, neither here nor there despite there being a certain camp that continues to insist if the weapons didn't exist the incident wouldn't have happened.]

One of my other 'missions' is to reduce ignorance. The non-gun savvy think the answer here is to sanction Colt firearms but 'knock-offs' are produced worldwide. They pay a royalty to 'use' the AR-15 patent and the product is indistinguishable from the real deal.

Again totally missing the ENTIRE point. It is not the magazine's capacity that is driving these psycho's to go on their 'One Way Rampage' in the first place?

I preach it every day so Constant Reader knows the answer!


The shooters believe they are 'on their own' so they take matters into their own hands.

This is the end result of 'rugged individualism' [coupled with that 'my way or the highway' attitude.]

Are YOU so enamored with 'F-you, Pay me' Capitalism that you refuse to get behind abolishing it?

Guns AREN'T the problem, it's the 'anti-social' predatory system of commerce that's breaking the will of our species!

I'm guessing the feckless media is keeping it quiet but this time last month there had already been 11 incidents of shootings at schools across the nation, I have heard of one more between those and this latest incident but if it has gotten to this point, what the hell are the feckless going to do about it?

You guessed it, NOTHING.

Disarming is a horrible idea [where do you think the Dark Ages came from?] Worse, take away their guns and would be mass murderers will turn to either bombs or poison!

It's simplistic to think removing weapons from the equation will solve the problem while allowing the core causes to remain.

Face facts: Commerce has turned feral and it's devouring society an individual at a time...because the feckless have stepped up their 'it's not my problem' attitude. [First making people redundant, removing them from their income source then complaining loudly that 'over-regulation' is crushing their 'competitiveness' in the marketplace when the REALITY is they are hacking their own feet off from under themselves by DECIMATING their CUSTOMER BASE!

We REALLY can't afford to have MORONS running the economy, it WILL END US!

We are NOT One society, under God, we ARE one society, under Man...and these particular individuals are quite insane...

Worse, it appears I am 'unique' in my point of view [I'm hoping by sharing my perspective that others will take notice and turn the tide but it's a slow process. I need YOUR help!]

The question is do YOU think I have a point? Did you just answer that question with a hearty chuckle and respond NOBODY cares what I think?

You'd be wrong but before you take to the streets with your trusty AR-15 pause for a moment and think about where this all started.

Doesn't matter if those in charge ignore you, you can't ignore you and it DOES matter what YOU think...(didn't EST teach you ANYTHING?)

United we stand.

What are 'WE' united against?

Those who don't value 'civil society'! Those who would make us 'redundant' just to support the price of their commodity! [not that pricing actually relates to availability. That only applies to Real Estate and even that should be FREE! [Did I mention these people are CRAZY?]

But I digress...but only somewhat.

We won't stop Crazy until with deal with what's causes crazy!

Oh well, back to the reservation...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, Constant Reader knows where I stand on the Russia controversy [The former Soviets have their own fish to fry and COULD CARE LESS about the fate of their 'self-obsessed' former rival.] The ONLY reason the feckless media is pointing the accusing finger at the Russians is because there is little Russia can do about it [in either direction.]

In the words of the late great Lenny Cohen, EVERYBODY knows Western Democracy is collapsing because Authoritarianism has once again reared it's ugly head. What's daunting about the latest overlord is it's anonymity. It allows us to elect puppets then it dictates to those puppets, who have no choice but to obey!

If politics have taken on the appearance of a circus sideshow it's because that's exactly what it is. More disturbingly, knowledge of this puppetry is becoming widespread. It's sad testament that neither The Donald or Hillary cared about being 'used' so long as they captured their moment in the history books.

Notice we are almost to the mid-terms and NOBODY has entered the 2020 presidential race? The week after Uncle Tom won his second term the stage was crowded with Republicans [16 of them to be precise] all thinking they could beat Hillary Clinton...they didn't count on having to compete with a 'Reality Star'.

The midterms are nine months away. You'd think after 40 years of mismanagement and malfeasance the Republican's would lose control of at least one chamber of government but that assumption rests on their being a 'viable option'. You can't vote progressive because nobody knows what that even is [except the Nazis were the last party to use that label.]

The Democrats are history, defunded and chased out of politics by the big money!

The Greens have no comprehensible agenda (and while Mother Nature is a powerful ally, still they are light on specifics.) Will they plunge civilization into darkness to curb coal fired power generation? NOBODY KNOWS!

[Can I get a 'thanks corporate owned media?]

Um, the Libbies are batshit crazy and nobody knows what the difference between a Libertarian and a Republican even is these days.

Game, set and point.

The 'globalization' of market commerce destroyed the 'illusion' of self-government. The Russians have/had nothing to do with it. [Not to discount the probability that some 'disaffected' Soviet youth didn't do a little race baiting as a juvenile form of 'savage amusement'.]

Remember, they are 'capitalist' now too so somebody probably made a few rubles selling what's being called 'attack ads' nobody knows who for sure.

If [and that is one HUGE If] you can't trust the media (and you CAN'T) how 'trustworthy' are EITHER the Justice system OR the Intelligence services?

You can only trust your gut and hope [there is nothing to 'pray' to] the political situation keeps the surviving oligarchs at cross purposes long enough so you meet a 'natural fate' instead of something considerably more gruesome.

But that clock is almost played because they started playing Global Monopoly and the 'winners' are knocking the losers from the board.

Remember in REAL MONOPOLY losing means DEATH. USA lost's been completely gutted. Only the nation's largest employer [the military] is keeping it afloat.

Which brings us to another horror, that of the children the military employs being ordered to gun down the very civilians they swore to protect once hostilities break out.

You'd think the average age of the GI would creep up in an 'all volunteer' fighting force BUT the principal driver of enlistment is CRUSHING POVERTY. Many new recruits have read the writing on the wall and know the military is their first, best bet.

How sad for our species that we squander our brightest on the meat-grinder that is the feckless's killing machine? [But it's not the brightest that will open fire, it's Johnny's dad's a cop and he ALWAYS follows orders. That's the kid who should scare the crap out of you!

That kid won't hesitate, even if it's his own grandmother in his cross hairs, he'll just shrug and tell himself it was granny's fault for being there in the first place.

We can't exile that kid before tragedy strikes but we can prevent him from EVER wearing a badge! [unlike now where the surest route to getting on the force is being a 'legacy', qualifications be damned! [Half of these clowns have waivers on their waivers!]

The 'me first' thing REALLY needs to be reined in...

So do you want to hear my 'predictions' for the midterms? In yet another 'squeaker' the Rethugs will retain control of the house and split the Senate' [despite dozens of 'stolen elections' that NO ONE will contest!] Mostly due to 'Alt candidates' springing up out of the woodwork confounding an already messy playing field. [Many of these alts will be from the 'hard right' although they will label themselves communist or anarchist without professing any of the values those labels advocate.

The sole purpose of running 'third party candidates' these days is to keep the water as muddy as possible so the stolen elections won't be contested and we, the people, will end up with yet another heaping helping of 'More of the Same!'

How do we break this cycle?

STOP putting up with it.

We CAN'T vote our way out of the 'dictatorship of money', it's impossible.

How do we break free?

We need a 'plan' and A Simple Plan is an idea whose time has come.

If not us, who and if not now, when?

Don't you love your children? Do you want to leave them a world that has no use for them? [So much NEEDS doing but the feckless don't care!] (sort of goes hand in hand with the whole feckless thing, ya know?)

They've got there's, F you!

ASP levels the playing field and gives EVERYONE a (long overdue) fresh start.

At the heart of this whole shitshow is MONEY and ASP 'fixes' money! There is NO SOLUTION that doesn't start with 'the core of the problem.'

AFTER fixing how money is used the second problem is JUSTICE and that starts with EQUALITY. The existing 'justice system takes a long walk in the wilderness while we restore justice to the people that need to live with one another. (and not make rules they exempt themselves from like they do today!]

In fact the 'sweet spot' of ASP is NOBODY is a 'ruler' so NOBODY can rule by decree [except me, I get to 'decree' that there are no rulers! I also get to decree what the ground rules are, like the Human Anti-exploitation law and the prohibition against ownership. Theft will always be a problem so ownership will be replaced by registered user, providing the user with rights to access and prohibiting access to non-users.

Simple and effective. [For all those pinheads who threaten to shit in your bed because 'you don't own it'.] The 'happy thought' here is those same pinheads will be the first ones on the bus headed for Lord of the Flies Island!

The LAW will remain out of the reach of the Self Interested...but we must first break their existing grip! The news and entertainment industries will be COMPLETELY overhauled and the censors will RETURN.

Another 'turning point' that has it's roots in Morning in America is the 'anything goes' attitude relative to 'morality'. It is not possible to maintain a 'civil' society when our 'mirror' of that society remains depraved.

Yeah, this one wasn't in the original draft but if nothing else, ASP is both logical and practical [unlike those who maintain power by keeping us at one another's throats!]

Consider today's offering my Valentine to you, beloved humanity!

If I could, I would but it's not up to me...

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,
