Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, like many words, prosperity is 'relative'..if your neighbor has A chicken but YOU have TWO, you are 'prosperous'.

Well, the AMERICAN DREAM is somewhat like that except it's based on more than having chickens [depending on circumstances, if you have a million chickens (and buyers for 2 million) you're living the dream...but most of us aren't that, er, 'prosperous'.]

Once again the 'metrics' used to measure economic viability are poorly defined.

We don't even agree that the AMERICAN DREAM is made up of. [It could be a one room shack with an earthen floor or it could be a three bedroom cape with central air-conditioning but we all agree both are surrounded by a plastic 'white picket fence'.] One thing is certain, the owner of said 1/4 acre kingdom has a job that pays more than minimum wage.

Back when the much propagandized DREAM was born the typical DREAMER was a factory worker but since 'dreamland's' smokestacks went cold there aren't any 'factory jobs' anymore. So today's dreamer is a 'gig worker' where the 'service provider' takes the 'juice' leaving the one accomplishing the actual delivery with just enough to pay expenses, leaving nothing but the dream that maybe someday he will receive orders close enough together that he might have a little something left over for himself.

Today DREAMER means something else entirely although they were brought to this, er, 'place' so they could 'chase the dream' too.

See what happens when you are born to STUPID PARENTS?

The Dream is like the Donkey's carrot that is tied just out of its reach. It's the desire to achieve the dream THAT CAN NEVER BE REALIZED.

In dog racing the poor abused animal chases an rabbit scented prop around the track...should one of the dogs EVER catch that decoy, they are put down!

If YOU ever wake up to the fact the DREAM is really just an illusion...ever hear of the for profit prison system? It's a way of making you 'useful' after you've given up on 'making yourself useful' to the MAN.

If the donkey reaches the carrot he eats it...and stops. He won't move again until you tie another carrot to the stick but if the donkey figures out how to get the carrot on a consistent basis guess what they'll do to the donkey?

Same thing they do to YOU!

I once again repeat it's NOT about the MONEY [or the alleged cost savings to the taxpayer because all money is FUNNY!] Bizarrely, most of you still don't comprehend this! (Repeat the hymn: Ignorance is fixable, stupid is permanent.) Stupid CAN'T be fixed especially if you refuse to believe the truth!

Opens another can of worms: The Slavers tell you lies (like The Dream itself) to keep you doing what you're told. Your prosperity is a roof over your head, wheels under your ass, a full stomach and a paycheck at the end of the workweek.

Your prosperity starts and ends with 'the job'. No job, no dream.

Back in the day [when the rest of the planet was a bombed out wreck] they needed YOU to report to the factory every day to make the widgets. If you didn't show up it didn't happen {and there was damn little they could DO about it.}

Those were heady times good citizen. The unions had leverage because the capitalists didn't have ten million other hungry dupes to undercut each other.

They also couldn't make examples out of workers that displeased them because the others would 'revolt'.

Funny how that all went sideways in the Seventies. [With Europe and Asia essentially returned to 'self-sufficiency', the flood of goods coming out from war torn Japan took the world by storm.]

Did I mention all money is funny? Well, using America's over abundant food stores, the feckless were able to push the Japanese yen to less than a cent. Making them formidable competitors in the 'fake money game' that is still being played right under your nose!

IF the 'average citizen' were made aware of what was done 'in their name, behind their backs there would be dead bodies hanging from every utility pole for as far as the eye could see!

The 'greater good' was served but it wasn't YOUR greater good, it was THEIRS! They got rich and you got TV's! [They got TV's too but they aren't stupid enough to actually watch them. When THEY want to escape they go to the theater!] YOU need to escape every night after you clock out of your living hell...and watch fantasies that have NOTHING to do with reality [regardless of what you watch. Even the science shows are limited to the imagination of the reporters. 90% of it is conjecture...small wonder Fox produces it.

You remained in rags, living a hand to mouth existence, unable to afford even a few 'finer things' while those who committed you to a life of drudgery 'prospered' in direct proportion to their cruelty.

As is my intention, it is not enough to criticize. To 'solve' the prosperity puzzle we must agree on how to 'quantify' prosperity.

The 'terminally stupid' believe 'prosperity = money' but we have seen countless incidents where money has been rendered useless by the feckless. [There is only so much tread on that tire, once it's worn off there is no putting it back! (once people stop 'trusting' money it will be back to barter and guess who is holding the short end of the stick...again?)]

Why do you suppose 'Peace' is one of the pillars of civilization? Because without peace there can be no prosperity! The stupid will fight one another to the death protecting their 'frivolous' claim to WHAT BELONGS TO ALL OF US!

How corrupt is a justice system founded on the idea of allowing ANYONE to own what we ALL NEED TO LIVE?

Don't look now citizen but that's EXACTLY what we have...and it is the very font of POVERTY!

Wonder why everybody is 'incapable' of understanding the logical? It's because we ignore the commonplace as the price of what little 'liberty' we have.

YOU have traded a roof over your head and food in your belly for a TEMPORARY job!

WORSE, you've traded YOUR CHILDREN'S FUTURE for more of the same!

What will you tell you kids that don't make the cut? I didn't know?

Or will you tell them what you tell yourself, that's there is NOTHING 'I' can do about it?

You'd happily join a revolt but nobody is willing to be a 'rallying point'. {I have long lamented the reason we haven't revolted is nobody has any idea what to revolt for. The idea of the Human anti-exploitation law isn't out there neither is the 'your money is for you!' legislation and it NEVER will be thanks to the feckless's control of the media.

We all WANT a 'new deal' but we have zero leverage. All we 'can' do is withhold our labor and stop using THEIR funny money!

That and kill cops. Sounds terrible but it's not going to be the Boy Scouts that come to foreclose on YOUR house, the one the BANK has zero right to!

Prosperity begins with being 'secure in your own person.' If you aren't safe in your own home all bets are off. [Did I mention the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight have EXPIRED?]

By rights if you see another human, you should end them because they are bent on ending YOU and helping themselves to what you 'had'. [If you die and there isn't a will, the 'predator state' gets to decide what happens to your stuff...and guess who made that 'okay'?

Again, it won't be the Boy Scouts coming to collect your stuff.

In their defense, most cops aren't FULLY aware of what they are buying into when they join up but after a while they get an idea of what they have gotten themselves into.

The 'don't ask, don't tell' Blue Wall exists to protect the guilty.

I digress but again, not by much.

Your 'thinking parts' work just fine IF YOU LET THEM! In fact you'd be astonished at just how bright you really are!

Of course, none of this is 'difficult' and it's all hiding in plain sight. we just pretend not to see it.

I have taken many of you beyond your 'comfort zone' so we'll just put a cork in it here to mark our place. It will be up to YOU to return and pull that cork out when you mind is ready.

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


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