Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, Constant Reader knows where I stand on the Russia controversy [The former Soviets have their own fish to fry and COULD CARE LESS about the fate of their 'self-obsessed' former rival.] The ONLY reason the feckless media is pointing the accusing finger at the Russians is because there is little Russia can do about it [in either direction.]

In the words of the late great Lenny Cohen, EVERYBODY knows Western Democracy is collapsing because Authoritarianism has once again reared it's ugly head. What's daunting about the latest overlord is it's anonymity. It allows us to elect puppets then it dictates to those puppets, who have no choice but to obey!

If politics have taken on the appearance of a circus sideshow it's because that's exactly what it is. More disturbingly, knowledge of this puppetry is becoming widespread. It's sad testament that neither The Donald or Hillary cared about being 'used' so long as they captured their moment in the history books.

Notice we are almost to the mid-terms and NOBODY has entered the 2020 presidential race? The week after Uncle Tom won his second term the stage was crowded with Republicans [16 of them to be precise] all thinking they could beat Hillary Clinton...they didn't count on having to compete with a 'Reality Star'.

The midterms are nine months away. You'd think after 40 years of mismanagement and malfeasance the Republican's would lose control of at least one chamber of government but that assumption rests on their being a 'viable option'. You can't vote progressive because nobody knows what that even is [except the Nazis were the last party to use that label.]

The Democrats are history, defunded and chased out of politics by the big money!

The Greens have no comprehensible agenda (and while Mother Nature is a powerful ally, still they are light on specifics.) Will they plunge civilization into darkness to curb coal fired power generation? NOBODY KNOWS!

[Can I get a 'thanks corporate owned media?]

Um, the Libbies are batshit crazy and nobody knows what the difference between a Libertarian and a Republican even is these days.

Game, set and point.

The 'globalization' of market commerce destroyed the 'illusion' of self-government. The Russians have/had nothing to do with it. [Not to discount the probability that some 'disaffected' Soviet youth didn't do a little race baiting as a juvenile form of 'savage amusement'.]

Remember, they are 'capitalist' now too so somebody probably made a few rubles selling what's being called 'attack ads' nobody knows who for sure.

If [and that is one HUGE If] you can't trust the media (and you CAN'T) how 'trustworthy' are EITHER the Justice system OR the Intelligence services?

You can only trust your gut and hope [there is nothing to 'pray' to] the political situation keeps the surviving oligarchs at cross purposes long enough so you meet a 'natural fate' instead of something considerably more gruesome.

But that clock is almost played because they started playing Global Monopoly and the 'winners' are knocking the losers from the board.

Remember in REAL MONOPOLY losing means DEATH. USA lost's been completely gutted. Only the nation's largest employer [the military] is keeping it afloat.

Which brings us to another horror, that of the children the military employs being ordered to gun down the very civilians they swore to protect once hostilities break out.

You'd think the average age of the GI would creep up in an 'all volunteer' fighting force BUT the principal driver of enlistment is CRUSHING POVERTY. Many new recruits have read the writing on the wall and know the military is their first, best bet.

How sad for our species that we squander our brightest on the meat-grinder that is the feckless's killing machine? [But it's not the brightest that will open fire, it's Johnny's dad's a cop and he ALWAYS follows orders. That's the kid who should scare the crap out of you!

That kid won't hesitate, even if it's his own grandmother in his cross hairs, he'll just shrug and tell himself it was granny's fault for being there in the first place.

We can't exile that kid before tragedy strikes but we can prevent him from EVER wearing a badge! [unlike now where the surest route to getting on the force is being a 'legacy', qualifications be damned! [Half of these clowns have waivers on their waivers!]

The 'me first' thing REALLY needs to be reined in...

So do you want to hear my 'predictions' for the midterms? In yet another 'squeaker' the Rethugs will retain control of the house and split the Senate' [despite dozens of 'stolen elections' that NO ONE will contest!] Mostly due to 'Alt candidates' springing up out of the woodwork confounding an already messy playing field. [Many of these alts will be from the 'hard right' although they will label themselves communist or anarchist without professing any of the values those labels advocate.

The sole purpose of running 'third party candidates' these days is to keep the water as muddy as possible so the stolen elections won't be contested and we, the people, will end up with yet another heaping helping of 'More of the Same!'

How do we break this cycle?

STOP putting up with it.

We CAN'T vote our way out of the 'dictatorship of money', it's impossible.

How do we break free?

We need a 'plan' and A Simple Plan is an idea whose time has come.

If not us, who and if not now, when?

Don't you love your children? Do you want to leave them a world that has no use for them? [So much NEEDS doing but the feckless don't care!] (sort of goes hand in hand with the whole feckless thing, ya know?)

They've got there's, F you!

ASP levels the playing field and gives EVERYONE a (long overdue) fresh start.

At the heart of this whole shitshow is MONEY and ASP 'fixes' money! There is NO SOLUTION that doesn't start with 'the core of the problem.'

AFTER fixing how money is used the second problem is JUSTICE and that starts with EQUALITY. The existing 'justice system takes a long walk in the wilderness while we restore justice to the people that need to live with one another. (and not make rules they exempt themselves from like they do today!]

In fact the 'sweet spot' of ASP is NOBODY is a 'ruler' so NOBODY can rule by decree [except me, I get to 'decree' that there are no rulers! I also get to decree what the ground rules are, like the Human Anti-exploitation law and the prohibition against ownership. Theft will always be a problem so ownership will be replaced by registered user, providing the user with rights to access and prohibiting access to non-users.

Simple and effective. [For all those pinheads who threaten to shit in your bed because 'you don't own it'.] The 'happy thought' here is those same pinheads will be the first ones on the bus headed for Lord of the Flies Island!

The LAW will remain out of the reach of the Self Interested...but we must first break their existing grip! The news and entertainment industries will be COMPLETELY overhauled and the censors will RETURN.

Another 'turning point' that has it's roots in Morning in America is the 'anything goes' attitude relative to 'morality'. It is not possible to maintain a 'civil' society when our 'mirror' of that society remains depraved.

Yeah, this one wasn't in the original draft but if nothing else, ASP is both logical and practical [unlike those who maintain power by keeping us at one another's throats!]

Consider today's offering my Valentine to you, beloved humanity!

If I could, I would but it's not up to me...

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


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