Sunday, February 4, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the nightmare is only beginning we can only ponder how much worse the situation will become before the deprivation starts feeding on itself.

Most of you don't comprehend what that statement means (or things wouldn't be as they are, those who can see beyond the end of their nose would have stepped in and taken action, behind the scenes where most action takes place.)

Since 'Morning in America' we have seen a steady, er, 'erosion' of civility as human rights and the quality of life have both sunk noticeably.

This is NOT an accident and most people know precisely where the problem is coming from [same as it ever was] the problem is that of rising inequality.

We are NOT united because we are NOT 'equal'. [Funny it's our kids that get sent to die in their far away wars, protecting THEIR commercial interests and their 'predatory' commerce system that gives US nothing but misery.]

The problem has always been HUGE but lately it's grown exponentially [and most of you didn't think that was even 'possible'.]

Did the greedy get greedier? Impossible right, they already have more than they can spend, WTF do they want MORE for?

[Short answer, so YOU don't end up with it!] Yessiree Bob, your life gets 'too easy' and you'll stop chasing carrots, then the whole shebang will grind to a halt...and they sure as shit don't want to swamp out their own toilets because they know what their bathrooms smell like! [It's that 'rich diet' that does it! Something you'll never know.]

We have gone from one to 1,800 billionaires since the long forgotten moment when Dick Nixon [Another Republican] took us off the gold standard and inflation went berserk!

The catalog of 'Republican fuckuppery' is ginormous, so much so that it boggles the mind the party of the One Percent now dominates the body specifically established to protect us from THEM!

Yes good citizen, government EXISTS to enforce 'EQUALITY'! [Not THIS government, it is the general rationale for establishing one! Sadly this one is too far gone.]

How did our self-professed 'betters' seize control of an organization established to 'level the playing field'?

Well, you know the answer. It all starts with corruption and a 'Well, just this once!' attitude because the people ELECTED to protect our interests WEREN'T QUALIFIED to do the job! [Worse, our educational system failed to educate the public regarding the PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT! and now one of the 1,800 is running the Nation (into the ground!)

Now do the 'tests' make sense? [How many of you are asking 'what tests'?] If you are ignorant of the tests then you also don't know about the 'ladder'.

Every person, once they achieve working age, starts climbing the 'skill ladder' where they are taught [and learn to master] the essentials of their specialty. To ensure the quality of their programs the existing masters will conduct testing to ensure both knowledge and proficiency have been achieved and to identify weak spots in the various curriculum.

Each of these test results will be 'peer' reviewed to prevent cover-ups of incompetence [like the glaring gaps in the much reformed educational system!]

One of the essential element of management will be to fix the problem, not the blame. Nobody is perfect but we can all recognize quality when we see it. If a process is deficient, a fix will be engineered.

That said, goals will always be 'achievable' [we currently have too many nitwits that routinely attempt the impossible with nothing and expect superior results. A failure to recognize what is possible is unpardonable.]

There is currently too much emphasis on compliance and too little on comprehension, if people don't understand what is expected of them they cannot deliver satisfactory results!

So it is the WHOLE process needs to be taught to EVERYBODY because society cannot be maintained in a vacuum, nor is it a machine that can operate independently. There are too many moving parts that fail when they are unsupervised.

EVERYBODY needs not only to understand THEIR function in society, they also need to understand how it all works together to improve the life of humankind.

ASP is 'holistic', it works together to produce better outcomes for EVERYONE, EQUALLY! [The second part is key, the fuckwits running things now don't understand WHY everything keeps blowing up and it's because of their lack of inclusiveness!

They are literally TOO STUPID to comprehend this!

Which brings us all the way back to our starting point: Do YOU want to be RULED [make no mistake about it, you are being ruled and have no more choice in the matter than you did under monarchy!

Why has the phrase 'we're all in this together! never been 'immortalized' and attributed to some 'great human'?

Because the ONLY time it is EVER invoked is when the feckless decide somebody needs to be punished for failure to comply with their insane directives.

Otherwise the feckless nettle at even the suggestion they have ANYTHING in common with the 'typical' human.

Worse, they may believe they are not human at all, just as the Europeans considered the native population 'sub-human'.

It doesn't make them correct but it does explain their behavior.

Only the very observant will recognize that this 'irrationality' in the minds of those who 'lord over us' also brings us full circle with the 'god phenomenon'.

We NEED to derail this madness pronto or it will END US.

How do we address this need?



Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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