Greetings good citizen, many of your 'liberties' have been sacrificed on the altar of 'public safety'. Should the feckless have their way the next domino to fall is going to be the ability to defend yourself.
In the eyes of the law, the courts exist to protect you. [If you can't afford a $ 400 an hour lawyer that's not their problem, lawyers gotta live too ya know!] Naturally it's the 'backside' of this phenomenon that is glossed over by those who want to disarm the public and that's the 'lack of immediacy' offered by the obfuscating legal system.
Zero comfort is drawn from looking your assailant in the eye and whimpering 'I'll see you in court!' [because we all know how THAT's gonna work two years after the fact.]
Often when you are attacked you find yourself defending what YOU did to defend yourself as the JUDGE completely ignores who initiated the problem. [Or worse, you learn later that the defendant was in fact a relative/associate/friend of the presiding official. Which is why in the 'future of justice' there will be NO JUDGES!] A jury comprised of three people that know you three that know the defendant and five that know neither (note the odd number) will serve as judge AND jury. Legal precedent' goes completely out the window (inadmissible) [mostly because it is 'cherry picked' to support the 'desired outcome'.] For those of you who have ever wondered why Judges exist in the first place...they exist to produce the 'desired outcome' AND NOTHING ELSE!
The judges 'interpretation' is completely unnecessary in the 'service of justice'. It is the 'average individual's understanding' of the law that is justice's guide and it's all our Jury needs to go on.
But I digress...
So, how 'safe' can the nation's public safety system keep you?
A tidbit gleaned from today's NY Times tells us there have 1,600 'mass shootings'* since the incident at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, CT. [Once again we have to wonder where the media is because most of us can only recall a half dozen 'high profile' shootings like the Las Vegas massacre at a country music festival.]
But I think if this number has any basis in fact the public safety system isn't worth spit when it comes to preventing ANYTHING!
Just as locks exist to keep 'honest people honest', if someone wants it bad enough all it takes is some 'extra effort'.
So if sacrificing your liberty DOESN'T make us all 'safer' [How many of you wake up in the morning and mumble a heartfelt prayer of thanks for the mighty Atlantic Ocean? You all should because you'd have HUNG all of the warmongering Bible Thumpers from the nearest light pole for stirring up the hornets nest of Islam just to hasten the return of their 'Heavenly Father'...[WHEN he returns (not IF, 'faith is nothing if not 'absolute') He's going to have THEIR backs and punish all of you doubters!]
Me? I see religious fanaticism as a 'universal' problem. If you have a religion, You are by default a 'fanatic' because it preaches hatred for all competing religions.
Bizarrely, the ones that don't aren't considered 'religions', they are dismissed as 'mysticism'. [Gegner has no truck with 'Spirit in the Sky' he instead favors Karma and the universe's struggle for 'balance'. [What comes around, goes around (so don't be a 'bad actor', sort of akin to not pissing into the wind if you're picking up what I'm laying down here.)]
If there is one thing our legal system teaches us it is the only people it succeeds at protecting are criminals.
A disarmed public has no way of effectively defending itself AGAINST ANYTHING!** But, just as most of us are ignorant of the other 1,595 'mass shootings' we are also quick to jump on the bandwagon to ban auto-loaders from the hands of honest citizens as a seeming solution*** to a problem the court system/public safety can't do ANYTHING about.
[cue lone trumpeter]
Where does the 'solution' lie?
When all a perp has to do is sneer and tell his victim 'sue me', he has already won. Most of us are 'priced out' of legal action. Litigating even the simplest conflict costs thousands of 'I don't have 'em' dollars! [This is another avenue that should be 'free' but that's not what the 'pirates' running things want. There's a reason these clowns charge all outdoors for their 'time & advice'.]
How badly do you want 'justice'? IF you CAN afford to 'sue the bastard', they usually are 'quick to accommodate' rather than risk a jury trial.
Want to end every third lunatic gunning down strangers to avenge himself on a world that never gave him an even break?
Make 'revenge' an option. [Under ASP 'dueling' returns as a form of legal remedy. People will hold their careless tongue/think twice before they 'prank' a victim if they become aware they may have to pay for their carelessness with their lives!]
The challenged has the right to refuse and all duels must be agreed to by both parties [with a mandatory 3 day 'cooling off period] and will be held in monitored 'dueling arenas' (no need for 'seconds', 'The State' will be watching.) THESE matches will NEVER be used for public entertainment. What happens inside a dueling arena stays in the dueling arena. Only the named combatants can enter and [if it's not a 'death match'] both will leave. This isn't a spectacle, this is justice.
Refusing a duel goes on your permanent record. To avoid 'frivolous challenges' the challenged retains the right to 'choice of weapons'. Ranging anywhere from toothpicks to small caliber automatic weapons [no incendiaries and no rocket launchers!]
Again, another crucial part towards resolving the growing 'me centered, instant gratification' is the return of (rational) censorship. Video games that teach the players it's okay to ambush aren't making society even a tiny bit 'safer' [but the feckless's thirst for profits is unquenchable so bad examples be damned!]
Understand neither of these is going to pop into existence as long as the current 'f' em all but six and after I'm in the ground, f them too!' brand of CONSERVATISM isn't driven from the mainstream society. [Like a gun ban it will NEVER be 100% effective.]
Civility, particularly the brand of 'incivility' we currently suffer is 'cultivated'. Worse, it's 'directed'. The violence depicted in these first person shooter games is often 'unexplained' with the assumption being they are the conditions that will follow the collapse of civilization. [sort of a 'preppers U' so to speak.]
Do we really want to place these 'expectations' in our children's minds?
Where are the adults? Oh, that's right too busy working three jobs just to keep wheels under our ass and food in our family's belly to be paying attention to what our kids are actually PLAYING with!
Here's a scary question: WHO IS MINDING THE STORE?
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,
* What constitutes a 'mass shooting' isn't defined in the headline and I am selective about which articles I click on because the 'free edition' of the NY Times limits you to ten a month. [Yeah, bloggers gotta eat too.]
** Most readers are aware concealed carry permits are issued on the basis of 'life & Property'...and as the population grows the local public safety officer has become increasingly 'stingy' with the number of permits they grant. [The chief's underlings are less than cautious about who they pull over for what, so the more permits he issues increases the likelihood one of his underlings will get his fool head blown off for throwing their badge around.]
*** as the myriad of 'wrongly convicted' can attest to, often the 'appearance of doing something' trumps 'the reality of ineffectiveness'. The legal system's 'batting average' is abysmal for more reasons than we can enumerate here.
In the eyes of the law, the courts exist to protect you. [If you can't afford a $ 400 an hour lawyer that's not their problem, lawyers gotta live too ya know!] Naturally it's the 'backside' of this phenomenon that is glossed over by those who want to disarm the public and that's the 'lack of immediacy' offered by the obfuscating legal system.
Zero comfort is drawn from looking your assailant in the eye and whimpering 'I'll see you in court!' [because we all know how THAT's gonna work two years after the fact.]
Often when you are attacked you find yourself defending what YOU did to defend yourself as the JUDGE completely ignores who initiated the problem. [Or worse, you learn later that the defendant was in fact a relative/associate/friend of the presiding official. Which is why in the 'future of justice' there will be NO JUDGES!] A jury comprised of three people that know you three that know the defendant and five that know neither (note the odd number) will serve as judge AND jury. Legal precedent' goes completely out the window (inadmissible) [mostly because it is 'cherry picked' to support the 'desired outcome'.] For those of you who have ever wondered why Judges exist in the first place...they exist to produce the 'desired outcome' AND NOTHING ELSE!
The judges 'interpretation' is completely unnecessary in the 'service of justice'. It is the 'average individual's understanding' of the law that is justice's guide and it's all our Jury needs to go on.
But I digress...
So, how 'safe' can the nation's public safety system keep you?
A tidbit gleaned from today's NY Times tells us there have 1,600 'mass shootings'* since the incident at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, CT. [Once again we have to wonder where the media is because most of us can only recall a half dozen 'high profile' shootings like the Las Vegas massacre at a country music festival.]
But I think if this number has any basis in fact the public safety system isn't worth spit when it comes to preventing ANYTHING!
Just as locks exist to keep 'honest people honest', if someone wants it bad enough all it takes is some 'extra effort'.
So if sacrificing your liberty DOESN'T make us all 'safer' [How many of you wake up in the morning and mumble a heartfelt prayer of thanks for the mighty Atlantic Ocean? You all should because you'd have HUNG all of the warmongering Bible Thumpers from the nearest light pole for stirring up the hornets nest of Islam just to hasten the return of their 'Heavenly Father'...[WHEN he returns (not IF, 'faith is nothing if not 'absolute') He's going to have THEIR backs and punish all of you doubters!]
Me? I see religious fanaticism as a 'universal' problem. If you have a religion, You are by default a 'fanatic' because it preaches hatred for all competing religions.
Bizarrely, the ones that don't aren't considered 'religions', they are dismissed as 'mysticism'. [Gegner has no truck with 'Spirit in the Sky' he instead favors Karma and the universe's struggle for 'balance'. [What comes around, goes around (so don't be a 'bad actor', sort of akin to not pissing into the wind if you're picking up what I'm laying down here.)]
If there is one thing our legal system teaches us it is the only people it succeeds at protecting are criminals.
A disarmed public has no way of effectively defending itself AGAINST ANYTHING!** But, just as most of us are ignorant of the other 1,595 'mass shootings' we are also quick to jump on the bandwagon to ban auto-loaders from the hands of honest citizens as a seeming solution*** to a problem the court system/public safety can't do ANYTHING about.
[cue lone trumpeter]
Where does the 'solution' lie?
When all a perp has to do is sneer and tell his victim 'sue me', he has already won. Most of us are 'priced out' of legal action. Litigating even the simplest conflict costs thousands of 'I don't have 'em' dollars! [This is another avenue that should be 'free' but that's not what the 'pirates' running things want. There's a reason these clowns charge all outdoors for their 'time & advice'.]
How badly do you want 'justice'? IF you CAN afford to 'sue the bastard', they usually are 'quick to accommodate' rather than risk a jury trial.
Want to end every third lunatic gunning down strangers to avenge himself on a world that never gave him an even break?
Make 'revenge' an option. [Under ASP 'dueling' returns as a form of legal remedy. People will hold their careless tongue/think twice before they 'prank' a victim if they become aware they may have to pay for their carelessness with their lives!]
The challenged has the right to refuse and all duels must be agreed to by both parties [with a mandatory 3 day 'cooling off period] and will be held in monitored 'dueling arenas' (no need for 'seconds', 'The State' will be watching.) THESE matches will NEVER be used for public entertainment. What happens inside a dueling arena stays in the dueling arena. Only the named combatants can enter and [if it's not a 'death match'] both will leave. This isn't a spectacle, this is justice.
Refusing a duel goes on your permanent record. To avoid 'frivolous challenges' the challenged retains the right to 'choice of weapons'. Ranging anywhere from toothpicks to small caliber automatic weapons [no incendiaries and no rocket launchers!]
Again, another crucial part towards resolving the growing 'me centered, instant gratification' is the return of (rational) censorship. Video games that teach the players it's okay to ambush aren't making society even a tiny bit 'safer' [but the feckless's thirst for profits is unquenchable so bad examples be damned!]
Understand neither of these is going to pop into existence as long as the current 'f' em all but six and after I'm in the ground, f them too!' brand of CONSERVATISM isn't driven from the mainstream society. [Like a gun ban it will NEVER be 100% effective.]
Civility, particularly the brand of 'incivility' we currently suffer is 'cultivated'. Worse, it's 'directed'. The violence depicted in these first person shooter games is often 'unexplained' with the assumption being they are the conditions that will follow the collapse of civilization. [sort of a 'preppers U' so to speak.]
Do we really want to place these 'expectations' in our children's minds?
Where are the adults? Oh, that's right too busy working three jobs just to keep wheels under our ass and food in our family's belly to be paying attention to what our kids are actually PLAYING with!
Here's a scary question: WHO IS MINDING THE STORE?
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,
* What constitutes a 'mass shooting' isn't defined in the headline and I am selective about which articles I click on because the 'free edition' of the NY Times limits you to ten a month. [Yeah, bloggers gotta eat too.]
** Most readers are aware concealed carry permits are issued on the basis of 'life & Property'...and as the population grows the local public safety officer has become increasingly 'stingy' with the number of permits they grant. [The chief's underlings are less than cautious about who they pull over for what, so the more permits he issues increases the likelihood one of his underlings will get his fool head blown off for throwing their badge around.]
*** as the myriad of 'wrongly convicted' can attest to, often the 'appearance of doing something' trumps 'the reality of ineffectiveness'. The legal system's 'batting average' is abysmal for more reasons than we can enumerate here.
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