Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I am beginning to feel like Captain Obvious here as I keep pointing to things you should all already know.

You SHOULD all know your fellow humans are rabid opportunists but for some reason we are wired to ignore this trait in others, especially those that succeed in edging out the competition to lead us.

Choices are reduced to binary and then those we elect to represent us vote the way their (major) campaign contributors want them to.

NOBODY has any illusions about how the 'shitstem' works. EVERYBODY is upset the SHITSTEM leaves the masses unrepresented but there ISN'T an 'alternative'.

We keep returning to 'my way or the highway' because criminals make it their purpose in life to exploit the system.

[Yes, that is another 'Captain Obvious-ism' and there is zero irony in the fact it is what's behind the growing rage at the rampant mismanagement/malfeasance that is threatening the very fabric of society.]

So what's up with today's title?

Scapegoating. The criminals keep pulling rabbits out of their backside to 'deflect' blame for the anger over what actually amounts to 'raised awareness'.

Today's Luddite is blaming the internet for society's problems...and in a small way they are right. Before now most of the shenanigans the 'shitstem' pulled remained out of sight...but it wasn't the internet that put a camera/phone in EVERYBODY'S pocket!

All those staring eyes and wagging tongues is having an effect on social stability because we can no longer pretend 'inequality' isn't happening or is grossly exaggerated.

That's how 'the infamous they' have kept a lid on things over the decades.

They start by admitting something underhanded happened but to keep your shorts on because the incident is being 'blown out of proportion'.

They were caught red handed so the 'age old' remedy is to admit fault then to downplay the incident as not being 'as bad as it looks' [usually it's even worse but the good news is the truly daming stuff was purchased for an obscene amount and squirrelled away before the lid blew completely off.

But these days, when everybody has instant recording ability in their hands every minute of every day it's a little tougher to get ALL the damning evidence.

Sure, those that can't be bought off are discredited.

This is the problem with those who live by 'do as I say and not as I do'. A wired society has lead to faking then raising questions over what has or hasn't been 'photoshopped'.

Ready for a final Captain Obvious-ism? Humans aren't trustworthy.

How many of you are 'surprised' to hear this? Back in the old days such an accusation would be considered scandalous...but today it's more a case of being no more dishonest than the next guy.

If EVERYBODY is shiftless does that make it okay?

Sad to say there is more truth than jest in the sign that admonishes you to 'trust no one.'

Um, considering God is fabricated of whole cloth how ironic is the statement 'In God we Trust'?

May as well admit to trusting nothing...

Now there is one thing (actually two) that you can hold as 'true', Satan exists...and we know that because each and every one of us is Satan incarnate. [Yeah, the rest of us will wait while you google 'incarnate'...]

Not all of these posts are 'helpful' and considering today's conclusion why even bother trying to 'save' such a wretched species?

Contrary to conservative doctrine, we are NOT all a 'waste of perfectly good butt-wipe'.

Sentience, like many other things, is a 'mixed blessing'. With the good comes the bad but with AWARENESS we can overcome the bad!

The first step in fixing any problem is admitting it exists.

Humanity is being pushed to the end of its tether by those who deny capitalism needs to be scrapped. [We ONLY know how to make money THIS WAY, Don't make us learn something NEW!]

Capitalism [properly executed] isn't inherently predatory but when greed steps in, all of the controls get cheated and the incentives turn poisonous.

Stock buybacks anyone?

We have to put an end to stupid being its own reward!

That said, thanks once again for taking the time to read this far, you are truly special!


Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, religion universally teaches us that this life is what we use to 'pay' for (in most cases) our ETERNAL salvation.

Like 'original sin' we are faced with the conundrum of not knowing what we are being 'saved' from nor the reason why we need saving in the first place...much less the need to 'pay' for this salvation, considering we are all born BLAMELESS.

Yeah it's not until you receive 'religious training' that you even learn your 'immortal soul' was in peril of being shut out of a place you never knew existed [Heaven] for crimes that you personally had no hand in.

Did I mention that ALL religion is rooted in superstition and are a 'con' a particularly fractured class of humans uses to exercise power/control over the feeble.

In their defense, they will insist their followers 'need' the guidance and comfort that religion offers and to an extent it boggles the mind to imagine what might replace religion if it were extinguished. So needy is mankind [and it is a disease likely shared by most sentient creatures, the daunting prospect of aloneness is more than the 'self-aware' can handle.]

Leaves open the very frightening question of 'is God psycho? (because 'it' is truly 'alone'.) It is in this scenario that the 'godless' take comfort, better to be godless than be haunted by the prospect of an anchorless, rudderless psychopath randomly creating chaos and destroying it on a whim. Yeah, funny how even the 'all powerful' fantasy has limits.

Notice how neatly Evil fills the void of why does our opportunistic nature makes us commit selfish acts? We blame our own bad decisions on Evil so we have an 'excuse' for our indefensible behavior.

It also 'feeds' the need to be 'saved' from, well, ourselves.

Yup, no denying it, Evil exists and it stares back at you in the mirror every morning.

Perhaps that is why humans are so prone to schizophrenia, they are endlessly trying to split themselves in two by thinking there is an 'evil them' that is separate (rather than part of) themselves.

Sticky wicket here, eh? How do you save, well, humanity (not just yourself you selfish fool!) from YOU?

Why is it that religion fails (miserably) to teach that the evil we are trying to overcome is within ourselves?

Humans that fail to understand human nature succumb to their own mental weakness and become rabid Trump supporters.

While I point the finger at the Church the real blame falls on our refusal to think for ourselves, that is a weakness no 'belief system' can overcome.

Can't stress enough that STUPID is a 'self-inflicted wound.'

Don't be stupid, think for yourself and the first step towards defeating 'evil' is admitting that it comes from WITHIN!

Work hard and you will eventually overcome Trumpism!

Thanks once again for opening your mind, (Those of you that can still find the latch!)


Monday, October 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as we continue our descent into the 'Bad Old Days' that were marked with random acts of violence spawned by an ineffective and inefficient 'Justice System' [It is NOT your imagination, good citizen, the criminals are getting bolder.]

Now the morons responsible for this escalation were astoundingly quick to put on their 'excuse shirt' and 'pretend' that they were being framed by the other side.

But what can we expect from serial liars? It's a situation made worse when their leaders take the lead by ignoring the facts and fabricating falsehoods to cover their own mendacity.

Were our justice system not FUBAR Fox News would have its charter revoked for the 'false flag' STUNT!

But we return to the issue of 'the system' only being as reliable as the people running it...and don't look now but the people who use money as their own personal 'toy' are the same people in charge of the 'injustice system'.

Which is to belabor the obvious, the WHOLE system is broken and not about to be fixed by the criminals who cheated out all the safeguards.

Here's the facts Jack: you can't vote criminals out of office. You only think they have to obey, they do not.

Who do the morons in Justice take their marching orders from? THE FREAKING CRIMINALS!

But YOU knew that, right? [You just didn't think about it (until just now) did you?]

Stop and process that for a minute. THERE IS NOBODY THERE TO PUT A STOP TO THIS!

The criminals are holding the 'mantle of authority', any attempt to remove them from power [despite their criminal actions] will be protested as the unlawful removal of elected officials while 'sort of' performing their duties.

So how about it you MAGA cap wearing morons? WHERE ARE THE JOBS? Is coal KING again? What's the 'Promises Kept' BS? Did he promise a 'reverse Robin hood? I missed the stump speech where the moron-in-chief promised to 'kick start' the US economy by playing Santa Claus to people who already have MORE MONEY THAN THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH!

And that STUPID, sums up the situation in a nutshell. There isn't a tax CUT that will shake the trillions sitting in offshore bank accounts free because THERE IS NO PLACE FOR THEM TO GO!

The primary reason the 'freakishly wealthy' aren't investing is because there is NOTHING to invest IN. Lack of money is the real 'false flag' being played here.

I know thinking makes your itty-bitty head hurt bit you can listen [because it's how all of the nonsense you believe got there!] You were raised to believe the world runs on money, that is a LIE. The world as we know it is brought to you by the dedicated PEOPLE that get their backsides perpendicular to the pavement and go to work to make it HAPPEN!

Now 'automation' has radically reduced the number of humans necessary to bring a minimal level of comfort to our species so our 'incentive system' is broken. Ever increasing amounts of money continue to buy less and less BECAUSE dollar number one is still in the economy!

Now I ask you to consider for a moment, WHO is RICH?

It's the people who 'handle' money, isn't it? [Why is congress filled with people from Goldman Sachs?] Don't suppose the world has a 'reserve currency' problem do you?

You can't fight the status quo if you remain ignorant of what's going on.

Challenge B is finding out just how many of you actually KNOW what the status quo is?

Most are clueless.

Loosely speaking the status quo refers to 'entrenched power', the people who support the system that provides them the with the power [to do as they please.] (Think royalty, one step removed.)

People in power only have one thing on their minds and that is staying in power.

Humanity be hanged; it's MY WAY or the highway!

One needn't back up to far to see the reckless disregard for human welfare across our entire civilization...and you have blinded yourself to it because there is nothing YOU can personally do about it [or so you have been convinced.]

Pay attention now because this is where the bear shits, your failure to appreciate what's really going on is what led to having your mind packed solid with manure!

You are NOT stupid, but you have been seriously mislead by the very people who are living well AT YOUR EXPENSE!

Why do YOU think hardship abounds?

Because the morons actually BELIEVE if you aren't near destitute that you'll STOP WORKING!

This is because THEY don't understand work.

Sad to say but it only takes a tiny bit of ignorance to cause some very large problems...

Thanks for taking a minute to open your mind (and maybe save the world in the process!)


Sunday, October 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, 'competition for customers' is what (allegedly) kept capitalism 'honest'. Problem is when there are only a handful of suppliers and a majority of them are based in other, er, 'jurisdictions' the consumer is in no position to 'bargain'. Back in the days of the open bazaar, where 'haggling' was expected, If you couldn't make a deal with this guy you moved on to the next one.

Now there are only a handful of sources and you don't haggle. Either you pay or you go without.

The 'other lynchpin' in this process runs along the concept that with so few merchants, how much market share do they need? With 'global' markets they can 'weather' economic downturns better than the sole proprietor ever could if the reason the town existed in the first place dried up and blew away, taking the town's employer with it.

Do you see where this whole globalization thing went? It was never about reducing cost and increasing was always about cutting out the competition, resulting in the virtual 'monopolies'.

If we turn this situation on its head we'd see that we have very few freakishly rich people and huge swaths of folks living 'hand to mouth because 'prices' [that no longer concern the freakishly rich, they already have more than they will ever need] are kept at artificially high levels to keep their 'customer/employees' on the 'work to eat' treadmill'.

There is a 'worse' here but that has to do with preventing this rickety applecart from collapsing under the anger and resentment of the billions that can't get their feet under them in a world society that has locked them out.

UNDERSTAND, the freakishly wealthy ALREADY had 'more than they could spend' before they decimated the global supply chain.

Are we suffering a linguistics problem here? Is it failure to comprehend that people who have more money than they know what to do with actually exist or is it an 'envy' problem where people don't want to disparage the 'freakish' because they might become freakish themselves some day?

Zero irony that females all believe their fortunes could 'turn on a dime' if they succeed in luring the right 'fish' into their babymaker.

Injustice and foolish fantasies aside, those of us who know our chances of becoming then next freakishly wealthy, self-important a-hole run about the same as that of waking up next to a unicorn chained to the biggest pot of gold we've ever seen.

I truly loathe having to cover the same ground repeatedly but the world/society DOESN'T work like they claim it does and we are long overdue for a major overhaul BECAUSE THE INCENTIVE SYSTEM IS BROKEN!

How are you supposed to 'buy your life' from the wretched capitalist (banking system) if stupid won't pay you enough to be a participant in society?

Wages are way too low and prices are far too high. Numbnuts knows this but his kids are sucking him dry so he doesn't know what to do about's that for 'stupid', finding yourself on the wrong end of a rope because you couldn't bring yourself to say the world's shortest sentence...but none of his peers see the need so why should he? [Besides, his wife would finish castrating him if he did!]

Yeah, we have ourselves a 'peculiar' problem on our hands. The 'freakishly wealthy' aren't going to address the problem because their wives and kids would revolt and their 'underlings' know better than to even broach the subject because they want to keep their jobs.

That brings us to the 'victims' of a system that can only use less than half of us [it costs the same to feed a rich man as it does a poor one!]

That old saying, 'a moment on the lips and an eternity on the hips' comes from people that can afford to throw food away.

The destitute don't quite see it that way.

I can't lay out the LIES any plainer than that...worse, this is something you already know, why am I wasting your time like this?

You know's your refusal to do anything about it.

We vote next week and it would probably be futile to remind you that CHANGE is once again conspicuous by its absence...

Thanks for letting me inside your nut jar.


I think some of those nuts are rotten, stinks in here!

Saturday, October 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I began Thursday's post with the opinion that intelligent bombers managed to elude capture for decades. Lucky for us the most recent would be assassin was basically representative of the typical Trump supporter.

This is a mirror, a chance for Trump supporters to see themselves as the rest of the world sees them, twisted, deranged and irrational.

The 'gut reaction' is to distance yourself and insist this guy is an 'aberration', maybe admit to be a teeny-tiny bit too patriotic but bomb thrower, never!

Nope, you don't get off that easy because THIS IS YOU. Take a good hard look at precisely WHAT you have been supporting. You've lost friends over your support for 'the belligerent right' but those were friends that were 'too soft' to take on the hardships that Trump's party has created!

That's right, you got sucked into the tribe Rush Limbaugh built that was founded on 'white victimhood' that produced Gay Marriage, transgender restroom privileges and the Me Too! movement...largely because you're (mostly) white and you're none too bright.

At the crux of the entire mess is the death of capitalism and fear over what will replace it. Those who owe their power to capitalism want to replace it with something much more brutal than predatory capitalism [so it will 'protect' them from prosecution for the crimes they committed under capitalism.] when the 'natural genesis' calls for a turning away from coercion and towards a model that rewards cooperation.

Um, we can't close our eyes and pretend systemic change will 'eliminate' those who will stop at NOTHING [Like the serial liar in the White House or the serial liar that built his 'base' so those people will 'removed' from society.]

Human nature is 'peculiar' in as much as our 'opportunist' nature will drive us towards supporting the wrong things so long as those supporting the wrong things are perceived to be 'winning'.

Well, Spanky's arrest is your wake up call. Numbnuts may pardon him but he won't be able to make it right nor will he 'SAVE' capitalism, that ship is sinking FAST.

The GLOBAL 'refugee crisis' is WORSENING! Pay the F attention!

We can head this thing off but only if we act swiftly to correct the excesses of the 'Billionaire Class' and their 'my way or the highway' attitude.

READ MY LIPS: It's NEVER been about R's and D's. It's ALWAYS been about the HAVES and the HAVE NOTS!

We can all see that 'the haves' are winning.

How STUPID do you have to be believe that 'supporting the winning side' will benefit you?


It is beyond astounding that so many of you believe the 1% can win against the rest of us.

All you have succeeded in doing is branding yourself 'untrustworthy'...and if you think we will forget...take a good look around and see how many 'forgot' the Civil War.

None are so screwed as those who screw themselves.

I know that most of Trump's base won't stop and read this [mostly because reading hurts their teeny tiny heads] so do I apologize to those of you who knew this already.

If anything, it is the 'key' to disassembling Trumps base, who, er, 'mistakenly' see themselves as 'crusaders for the American Way of life that they were taught by a Chevrolet commercial [redefining the terms shallow and insipid!]

Thanks for stopping by and letting me vent.


Friday, October 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, of late Dear Leader has removed his MAGA cap for a new one, a Nationalist one. I'm going to guess that conservatives didn't get the memo that this is a nation of rebels and our patriotic pride is founded on resisting tyranny.

Now Whackos [those who believe stupid things] I task you with pointing to a single 'liberal' tyrant.

You can't because the two terms contradict one another. You can be a liberal OR you can be a tyrant but you CAN'T be BOTH!

[Needless to say all tyrants are conservative zealots, without exception.]

Let's put this in a way you simple folks can understand it. If we flashed back to the revolutionary days, you'd be a TORY, a 'loyalist' to the freakin' CROWN! (How freakin' American is that?)

Problem with STUPID is he doesn't realize what he's saying [worse, his handlers are clueless too...but that's okay because his 'followers' are also morons.]

Sometimes the problem with wrapping yourself in the flag is it has unintended consequences, similar to hiding behind the throne...(which is what comes next!)

They built this right wing horror show (Actually this is the house that El Rushbo built.) Conservo-whacko-dom got its start from a known serial LIAR. The 'bedrock' of the militant right is PATRIOTISM, a fake as well as blind 'love of country' ABOVE ALL ELSE!

At the 'heart' of conservatism is a toxic 'blind obedience' that one never questions the leadership regardless of what they do because the leadership is being 'guided' by God himself!

This is how Hitler got 'blind obedience' to his ruthless policies...because the commanders fostered this 'divine connection' to the fuhrer.

Now the public has a better idea of what's been built under the guise of 'free speech'.

So what about YOU, 'Tory'...are YOU a Nationalist too?

Choose your words carefully because they might just come back and bite you, David Brooks.

The analysis of history shows that post modern Germany's problem was one of 'Nationalism'. If you've ever spoken with a (surprisingly soft-spoken) German have you noticed that they respond like you're an idiot?

That good citizen is NATIONALISM in the flesh! El Trumpo is trying to dress up the PIG that is 'American exceptionalism' and make it oink the star spangled banner!

Sieg heil anyone?

[Why isn't there a mirror around when you need one?]

Worse, many of us 'see' where this is headed but none of us knows how to STOP it!

See how 'simple economics' has once again lead us to the brink of destruction?

Of course you don't. I am alluding to the fact that contrary to modern economic 'wisdom', the AM dial was playing Rush's poison for decades BECAUSE IT WAS 'FREE' TO THE STATION OWNER! (Better, they still got 'royalties' for the commercials Rush brought with him...isn't capitalism great?) This isn't the only example of capitalism being used to subvert democracy, not that we have anything even close to 'real democracy' but that too is part in parcel with the lie that is conservatism.

Conservatives don't think...mostly because it makes their little heads hurt...

Now walk that back to 'monarchy' and maybe you will see what's REALLY going on!

The connection that is too seldom made is capitalism didn't start to thrive until the all powerful kings stepped off of their thrones and into their nation's treasuries.

Reminder for S.A.S. crowd, it was terribly long ago that the royal were the undisputed rulers of both the land and everything on it!

Why did those guys chuck it all and simply walk away?

Money made the 'obsolete'. They no longer needed to rule, they ruled money and money did the rest.

But we haven't reached the, er, 'disturbing' part yet...although not all of you are stupid/clueless. Allowing the 'animals to govern themselves has lead to a surplus of animals that needs to be 'dealt with'. War knocks down the 'breeders' but the ones that escaped combat made up for the ones that were eliminated.

So it is they have decided to return to despotism so they can execute the surplus with impunity.

And THAT good citizen is why they don't want the average moron questioning them.

well, that ties that up with a pretty pink bow...happy Friday everyone!

Wanna go lynching? [The life you save may be your own!]


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Of Bombs & Flies...

Greetings good citizen, Ted Kaczynski escaped scrutiny for years and so will whoever is behind the latest, er, 'message' sent to the meat-puppets of power. If the 'radicals' wanted these high profile figures dead there are much more certain methods. If they have the addresses of their targets it means they could use a high powered weapon to actually do the job and not some feeble device they made no effort to disguise.

Why DIDN'T they use a gun? Same reason our leaders have taken 'regime change via assassination' off the table. You kill one of theirs and you instantly declare open season on ALL of YOURS.

Once one goes, the rest become 'fair game'.

Still, bombs and poison? Is our society that far gone [or is it 'mostly' just the fear-mongers seeing how far they can push?]

Many will agree that Reagan made a huge mistake shutting down the county run mental health facilities.

Worse, 'selling' mental health made an already shaky proposition that much more 'unreliable'. [More money in the treatment than the cure...unless the afflicted is rich, then they can still be class A sickos but tout a clean bill of health provided by a well-paid 'Expert'.

Did I mention that money is seriously mismanaged by the mentally unstable people running this shithole PLANET nation?

Now for the Flies portion of this offering:

In my nearly thousand posts in this carnation I have pointed to an 'alternative' to living under the equality based cooperation A Simple Plan requires. [If you can't abide either, Lord of the Flies is for YOU!]

What do yesterday's bombers and candidates for life on Lord of the Flies Island have in common?

They both profess to loving FREEDOM, the kind of freedom that permits them to have things THEIR WAY...sort of like it is here.

Here if you have MONEY you get to have things YOUR WAY (right, wrong or indifferent.) Them that has less does what the rich guy wants. [Welcome to Somalia! a.k.a. Libertarian utopia.]

The bombers view their targets as people that stand in the way of their personal 'freedom'...[and if you knew what they were really after, you'd stand in their way too!]

Anyway, I haven't explained how Lord of the Flies Island works...and that's because EVERYBODY that 'volunteers' to go there is the 'true currency' of the island is brute strength.

After the 'strongest' is determined, the rest of you will be obliged to 'bow' to the dictates of the strongest...sure you're all 'free' but free doesn't make you powerful. [Now wouldn't be a bad time to contemplate why humans can be found in some of the most inhospitable places this (or any other) planet has to offer.]

Zero irony that this is also where a given places 'carrying capacity' comes into play. There's only so much, er, 'wildlife', once it's eaten it's not coming back. Them that gets there first gets dibs on what there is to have. The rest are viewed as 'looters' and a threat to the powerful's continued dominance.

So it's extremely likely that your 'arrival' on Lord of the Flies Island, that happy dance those that greet you with is really just joy that something (else) to eat has turned up!

Worse, those that volunteer aren't allowed to take ANYTHING with them...not even clothes. [Because the only guy with a gun on Lord of the Flies Island would be its King.]

You believe in FREE, WE believe in 'fair'. AFTER you arrive on the Island...(which may well be deserted by the time you get there) you are FREE to live any way you desire!

It is estimated that the tropical paradise (surrounded by shark infested waters) will be barren within thirty days of the arrival of the first 'refugees'. Even Mungo will have been eaten (by those more 'clever' than him.)

So tough it out under the quasi communist, freedom hating, mother loving free state of ASP for thirty days then demand you be transported to an island that will (in all likelihood) have no people left on it at all.

Just be prepared for the fact there isn't likely to much else there either. Sure we could find YOU a new island to inhabit but that's not the deal. Volunteers go where they are taken. Can't stand people? Become a scientist and we'll shoot you into space on a mission to find the universe's anus. Maybe you could volunteer to join the group trying to adapt to the vacuum of space! [How long can YOU go without breathing?]

Hey, freedom's not free and sometimes the price is stiffer than the stupid are capable of imagining.

Which leads us back to the here and now.

Yesterday's bombing incident was intended to SCARE the already shaken members of society away from the polls so the pretenders can keep the fraudulent electoral system on life support until the next election cycle.

Not that actually achieving record voter turnout will change anything...not gonna happen.

Change will come with truck bombs being detonated at State houses across the wretched land, after that courthouses need to be stormed and the 'injustice' personnel 'held to account.'

Naturally, the backbone of the 'injustice system' will need to be eradicated as well.

If You want a world that ALL children can share, this is the price that needs to be paid.

We live in a system dominated by the 'self-interested' who are slowly strangling the rest of us to death...and 'pretending' it's all in our heads.

We are LOSING because THEY control the 'public square'...[froggy, the pot you're sitting in is boiling, jump or die!]

I personally hope that yesterday's stunt is the straw that breaks the 'complacency' that all of this is just a 'rough patch' that will 'fix itself'.

ASP, an idea whose time has come!

Um, bend over, it seems as though you're dead tissue from the shoulders up so I'm gonna have to give you a boot in the ass to insure the message is 'received'!


Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Greetings good citizen, once upon a time, when the production line needed people for boring, repetitive jobs there were 'incentives' offered by employers to keep the production lines rolling.

In an ironic twist, once upon a time the 'big' incentive to work a production line was 'free health insurance' [that was back when health insurance covered nothing and cost a pittance.] (Imagine a non-municipal employer offering 'free health insurance' today! You have a better chance of seeing a unicorn...)

Now with not a production line in sight, the need to 'incentivize' workers has all but vanished.

Bizarrely, it was that same factor that made for widespread cheering when Reagan Privatized the municipal healthcare network and the evil Insurance companies began offering HMO's. [They were only $2 a throw in the beginning, now the 'deductibles' are back beyond where they were pre-privatization. A brief hospitalization regularly bankrupts those unfortunate enough to require it...and we can only wonder WHY?

Actually, YOU seldom question why things are as they are because the tubes [leading to the cesspool] are diamond hard and slick, you have nothing to grab onto so you do your best to ignore that which you can do nothing about.

This does NOT absolve you. Your 'acceptance' of untenable circumstances for the relative security of a job provided solely to pacify you (by providing you with a means of income that in most cases doesn't support you [How many of you find it more than a little rich that the nation's largest employer, Wal-Mart, is NOT hiring seasonal help so their 'regular employees' can get some over time?]

The typical Wal Mart looks like the after picture from a neutron bomb attack. 24 checkout lanes but only two of them are manned and less than a handful of harried looking, aproned employees scurrying around the whole damn place.

YOU better not need any assistance because their boss sent them on a snipe hunt...and if they don't find one it's their job!

and THIS is the 'Nation's Largest Employer'...

What a BOOMING ECONOMY this must be!

Let me ask again, honestly this time...HOW F'N STUPID ARE YOU?

The media is trying to get ahead of the 'unlikelihood' of a 'BLUE WAVE' this election because a majority of the public realizes the MONEY controls the ballot box. The person PRETENDING to be 'on your side' is doing precisely that...pretending.

Took a couple of decades and some major disappointments but the public is FINALLY wise to the FACT that the ballot box is broken and the system is ONLY AS HONEST AS THE PEOPLE RUNNING IT.

Given the past two decades the public doesn't trust the bankster funded political process any further than they could throw it. [Even Hercules can't lift a bucket with five-hundred assholes in it!]

The press is charged with 'preserving the illusion' that the process still, er, 'works' although the public hasn't seen a victory since JFK was assassinated.

Do I need to remind anyone that the 'killers' are still at large?

Um, difficult to imagine that we've been on the 'wrong path' since before most of us were born...including me.

You will know them by their deeds because their words contradict what they do.

Personally I think they should frog march the man-child onto a platform and televise his hanging to the world. It would be the first collective 'sigh of relief' heard around the world since the (faux) end of WWII.

Humanity has suffered under the boot-heel of despotism since the 'creators' finished looting the planet.

Why we allow them to keep regrouping has more to do with tradition and our craving for an 'orderly' life. It is also rooted in conditioning, we were created to be obedient workhorses, often working ourselves to death in a vain attempt to 'appease' an implacable master. [There are always MORE where YOU came from.]

Until we come to terms with out 'expendability' we will forever be a slave to it.

Better to die on your feet, fighting for the freedom of those you love than to live on your knees, sealing the fate of your loved ones.

Let no human exploit any other for ANY reason! [Thus the H.A.E. law.]

A 'better way has presented itself, all you need to do is defy those who tell you to 'get back to work' or 'Pay up' because the ONLY thing you will be obliged to pay for under ASP is 'perishables' and that which is in limited supply.

Your home will be free, utilities will be free, transportation will be free, education will be free and promotions will be merit based providing everyone the opportunity to be all that they can be.

Better, the 'work requirement' is limited to 20 hrs a week, anything over that is overtime that can be taken as pay or as time towards additional vacation or retirement...because all your 'money' won't another minute buy. Now here is VALUE more precious than any can measure!

You may take as many jobs as you qualify for and OT will be rare as the 20 hr week is intended to facilitate work-sharing because NOBODY (but the disabled) skates. Everyone faces the work requirement. [If you're disabled and want to work, work WILL be found for you! Nobody will be denied the opportunity to contribute to the community!]

I will once again point at an often ignored elephant in the room, work often isn't about the 'job' at all, usually it's the people that make the days enjoyable and the work tolerable. We should all strive to be that person that everyone looks forward to seeing the next day.

Um, this 'prize' could be yours tomorrow. All you have to do is reach out and grab it.

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, when you are young it is difficult to comprehend what drives a person to take their own life...but as you, er, 'mature' (seems only half of us manage any measurable progress in personal growth after middle school, most adults relate to South Park because primary school (mentally) was 'yesterday' for them.) it becomes less, er, 'mysterious'.

Their 'worldview' hasn't changed since they were nine. Funny how those 'first impressions' stick with you, isn't it? No sooner do they start teaching you about the planet then YOU become more interested in what's blossoming beneath the outfit of the person a few seats away...and now you've got zero concentration but we're not here to put our hormones on trial.

We are here to consider 'awareness' and people's profound ignorance because they stopped paying attention shortly after they became aware that they were getting 'urges' that wouldn't be ignored...(for long anyway.)

Tough being a kid and if you think about it your formative years were quite formidible because the 'edge' of middle school is roughly the same time when your parents hit you with, "I ain't gonna be around to pick up after you forever." So you begin to accept the responsibility that you will eventually have to make your own way in a world [that you don't understand at all!]

Your young mind doesn't know how to find Lima, Peru on a map much less Lima, Ohio. (If you don't live in the mid-west you might still be ignorant such a place exists...although as a full-fledged adult with rugrats of your own you have by now learned that place names are repeated across the planet and if you look hard enough, you'll find a Lima near you.

So we circle back to that 'awareness' thing and maybe begin to see why it matters.

Ignorance is the bedrock of fear because it is natural to fear the unknown. Conservatives play you using your El Trumpo's insistence that the caravan representing FAILED CAPITALISM, and NOT the burning desire to come to a first world hell hole [because to a peasant, there is zero difference between a third world hell hole and a first world one. Those that 'have' still piss on you and expect to be thanked for it.] Trump insists the immigrant caravan is filled not with refugees of the economic desert 'created by the global race to the bottom' but the very criminals that the economic crisis created!

How's that for being beaten with both ends of the same shitty stick?

Again, I'm threading a needle here because most of you are 'unaware' of your 'ignorance' and ignorance makes you stupid because you find yourself agreeing with people who 'pretend' they know what's going on like the Moron-in-Chief!

Does he know he's lying? He most certainly DOES. That said he is 'fed' this BS by his 'handlers' because they have researched what to say to prey upon the fears of the ignorant.

The difference between the predators and the non-ignorant? Capitalism gives the predator the platform from which to spread their fear mongering.

Capitalism can't provide jobs for all that need them...and that is not 'the capitalist's' problem. The government is supposed to 'do something' to keep the surplus population from interfering with the capitalist's raping of the planet for personal gain.

While the above statement is blunt beyond forgiveness it doesn't make it any less true...and it is YOUR inability to FACE THE TRUTH that is feeding the predators' FEAR MACHINE. [But they'd fire me if I disagree with them!]

Let me remind you of today's title...suicide.

Suicide is the 'result' of hopelessness, the feeling that no matter what you do it will all end horribly. The liars know this as surely as they know they will eventually be revealed as the frauds they are and be held responsible for all of the suicides they forced due to their lack of empathy/compassion.

Capitalists [like 'dear leader'] lie because if they don't, they LOSE (and that is 'unacceptable' to them.)

This is why the rich [hate themselves] and loathe the poor even more.

Prosperity unshared has become its own punishment, a guilty pleasure to be enjoyed out of sight.

So let's review a few 'facts' shall we?

Since Europe recovered it's industrial capacity the US economy has been sucking pond water. EVERY Republican since REAGAN has presided over worsening economic conditions and yet CLAIMED the economy was 'booming'.

YOU have ZERO PROOF the economy is even STABLE, considering the magnitude of the lies being told.

The predators trying to get you to buy gold [theirs to be specific] tell you the economy could crash at any minute and this too speaks of the degree of IGNORANCE surrounding THE PURPOSE OF COMMERCE and the ancillary PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT!

I was watching Vice News tonight and a Republican strategist had a group of Nevadans in a room and he was 'measuring' the depth of the 'political divide'.

Well one of the people in the group, a man of color no less, offered that he COULDN'T vote for a Democrat...and he was totally ignorant of how RIGHT he was.

Most of you BELIEVE the Progressives are just democrats trying to change their image...NOT TRUE!

There are NO DEMOCRATS anymore, they were defunded by the money that controls the electoral process. The people running with D's after their names are carefully vetted POSERS whose job it is to DECEIVE people in thinking they have a CHOICE...THEY DO NOT HAVE!

What do the REPUBLICANS fear the most? Not a BLUE WAVE but a FAKE blue wave that reveals the whole process is phony!

Here's another thought for those not completely brain-dead, P.T. Barnum is reputed as stating You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

How many of you figured out that ALL doesn't matter if you can fool most of 'em most of the time?

Returning to today's title, so long as you believe in yourself [and not some phony-baloney 'Spirit in the Sky'] you will ALWAYS HAVE HOPE!

Men lie but reality doesn't. There IS a way! [We just have to fight for it.]

While we would prefer to educate those who would fight against their own best interests, we must accept that stupid is a self-inflicted wound and often can't be cured because stupid won't change their mind.

And that, good citizen is the definition of 'hopelessness'.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Monday, October 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, before the incumbent was inaugurated I floated the disturbing prospect that the installation of a 'Showboat' as the leader of this nation was a dodge for a (long) planned nuclear event intended to permanently alter the socio-political landscape of the planet.

I know anyone who looks at politics and says 'they're all in it together is instantly branded as crazy but is is more than a mere curiosity that those claiming they were 'born to lead' can indeed trace their family roots back to one another's wood sheds.

So here we are, a society divided against itself thanks to privately owned media that places a higher value on sensationalism than factuality. When was the last time anybody heard the tale of the 'Boy who cried Wolf'?

We oldsters all know it but I never read it to my kids because it has faded into the background. Almost all of the old tales have been retreaded, ironically portraying the historic villain as the unjustly misunderstood victim.

This is what passes for 'morality' in the new millenium.

Villains are just misunderstood victims.

Is this what is behind the worship of our modern day King Tut, the 70 year-old (clueless) 'boy king'?

It is 'diabolical' what the 'opposition' (falsely) embraces as it tries to portray itself as the Guardians of all that is, er, 'cool'?

Back before the Kennedy assassination, when the party lines were 'clear' and conservatism clung to its falsehoods about a past that few actually enjoyed, we had a Democratic party that embraced equality and improving the lot of the average what do the Progressives stand for? Getting the money out of politics..and, er, giving it back to the shareholders IRA's?

[Sorry, we tried to get YOU more but people hate taxes and everything else about 'redistribution', Robin Hood was a Fink!]

How unfortunate for us all that almost no one understands money or its purpose?

Physical wealth is the destroyer of the point that the hoarders of wealth are plotting to unleash nuclear destruction upon what THEY VIEW (doesn't matter what YOU think) as a threat to their continued prosperity (a prosperity that relies on them ruling over us!)

Is exposing the plot enough? Look across the global landscape and you can see the stage being set...for universal martial law.

When the 'fragging' starts nobody knows where it's going to stop.

We will likely turn the clock all the way back to the stone age when the 'limited nuclear exchange' takes on a life of its own. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! Who do you 'trust' with the power to end mankind on a planet raised to hate humans?

We are a species of cowards, which makes 'push button' war that much more dangerous. It seems treachery is the by-product of sentience and 'me first' is baked in.

Now who do you trust?

In keeping with today's title this is where I make my exit.

In parting I would take the liberty of belaboring the obvious and admonish those with a mind that comprehends to remove the stooge before the puppet masters use him to put a permanent end to this failed 'experiment in self-rule'. [Where the ONLY thing YOU got to decide is who would decide for you...and even that choice was reduced to a binary. Not 'the best' but either this one or that one...and oftentimes there WAS NO DIFFERENCE!



Sunday, October 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, besides losing sight of our founding principles due to our commerce system hijacking the one thing standing between the individual and absolute despotism, we are once again confronted with the FACT that the system established to protect us is only as good as the people running it.

But the problem at hand is a bit closer than we are comfortable with.

The average citizen has its hands full with keeping their own head above water. While I rage against the 'mis-educational system' most of us are woefully ignorant of the issues facing our planet and everything on it.

Without being TOO blunt about it I would make a mission statement focused on the need to be practical and employ the metric that since humans are the dominant species on this planet that preserving humanity and the species we rely upon take the lead. Problem is the ones currently running things only like a particular 'kind' of human and they tend to be the 'paler' ones.

That nonsense HAS TO stop.

ALL humans matter and all humans belong...but not ALL humans are wise/smart enough to participate in the decision making process.

The current system of 'one human, one vote' produces gridlock BECAUSE most of humanity is myopic and fears change. [It's the 'we do it the way our parents did and their parents did and their parents did BECAUSE that's the way it's done!]

That's the 'argument' you will get when you ask are things now like they were in our parent's time?

It will start with waffling. First they will protest that 'for the most part' things are the same...start rattling off all the things that HAVE CHANGED and you will encounter INCREASING resistance from the fearful coupled with more anxious denials.

Now the level of refusal reaches irrationality and 'discussion' stops cold. You are talking at them while they have their fingers in the ears chanting 'I can't hear you' at the tops of their lungs!

Is THIS how to run a society?

Nervous Nelly would be in the company of a about half the population because of its deep seated fear of change. How do you change course when half the population (irrationally) fears change?

Yet we MUST change course or there won't be a species to save!

Ironically, to the fearful extinction is preferable to change so long as they can die doing things the way the always did them.

Is that 'living'?

Many would argue no but that's the kind of people we find ourselves following, the ones that don't 'rock the boat'.

Once again we confront the divide of those who despise change and the people that suffer because the fearful refuse to stop their destructive behavior.

If YOU can't see even the POSSIBILITY of a better life then you have no business deciding. Your choice is made by your refusal to even consider the NECESSARY changes.

We don't live in the world of our ancestors (and haven't for hundreds of years!) yet politicians regularly demonize 'change' and all the terrible things that will happen if 'change' occurs to scare you away from helping yourself!

Why don't we have 'single payer'? [Who will pay for it and worse, 'free' healthcare means 'rationing' (like it isn't now? lying bums!)

We are already in that 'bad place' where healthcare is 'reserved' for those who can afford it...and almost no one can these days, which SHOULD mystify you because it isn't 'magic'.

The shortage of services is completely artificial.

Would be MD's are priced out of the market resulting in a shortage of qualified providers.

Again just as it costs THE SAME to feed a rich man as it does a poor one, it costs roughly the same to teach someone to be a surgeon as it does to teach someone to be a ironic that one saves lives while the other ruins them?

Did I mention our civilization is severely mismanaged due to being hijacked by our badly broken and malevolent commerce system...and if you think people are scared of change just wait until you try and change the commerce system!

So as you step into the polls in a couple of vote for somebody to make decisions in your name without ever consulting you, or worse, someone who commits to vote for a party platform that you have no voice in forming, nor does either party reflect your beliefs or your values!

Will you stop or even hesitate and ask yourself what the heck are you doing?

Think it's time to take a page out of Al Pacino's character in 'Scent of a Woman' and take a flamethrower to this damn place!

WHAT are we doing? We certainly aren't doing our children any favors...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, October 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, yesterday's late start coupled with a to do list that would choke a horse led to no post. Today is action packed too but neglect loses you readers and you are all precious to me.

How 'bout that lottery? What does it say about society that when the pot gets high enough, EVERYBODY buys a ticket? SECONDLY what does it say about people that vote republican and when the situation presents itself, tell anyone that will listen that the lottery is a 'stupid tax'?

Not so 'stupid' it?

Well, let's look at how this is going to shake out. For months NOBODY could hit the damn thing (Because they made the odds too long) so now, probably next drawing (because EVERYBODY is playing now!) it will go a dozen ways!

Bad enough it went up by the population of the nation in the two days since the previous drawing (REMEMBER: ONLY ONE of those $2 goes towards the jackpot, the other goes to the states...and towards 'admin'. You'd think every third citizen was a lottery agent!) Well, the day of it jumped by the number of citizens and half again!

With the uncannily accurate 'guess' that EVERYBODY will be holding at least ONE ticket for Tuesday's drawing. [thus are the projections that Tuesday's jackpot will be in excess of a billion and a half dollars.]

So, riddle me it too late to make lottery winnings tax exempt?

Ironically come Wednesday morning only a handful of people are going to think that is a good idea, the rest will want their $50, $100, $1,000 back.

Yup and what does that tell you about society in general and money in particular?

Nothin', right?

How do you educate a species that is so easily hoodwinked? Being an opportunist is it's own reward.

That said our past gross mismanagement of 'physical assets' has resulted in billion dollar 'giveaways' that, ironically WON'T effect the economy.

Don't think I need to tell you that under A Simple Plan the lottery goes 'poof'.

Economics under ASP are considerably different...starting with a public that isn't DESPERATE for CASH!

That's what I see when I observe the 'frenzy' over a huge lottery jackpot.

Now let's compound that (angst) and speculate what will happen if someone (who needs it like a hole in the head) 'wins'?

Who do you suppose is buying all these tickets? The 'average' citizen can only spare, say $10 on lottery tickets and that's for the WEEK.

Remember Thursday's golf example? When people were using their houses as self-filling piggy banks (thanks to CDO's and the 'elimination of risk')

Golf became a popular leisure time pursuit BECAUSE of HELOC's once the 'free cash/disposable income' dried up golf died an ugly death...although our genius president owns a ton of golf courses...just like he USED TO OWN a bunch of Casinos...

See the 'similarities'? Both businesses rely of surplus income that NO LONGER EXISTS!

Once Billionaire replaced Millionaire it seems nobody noticed that 'disposable income' went 'poof'! Why? Because millionaires were a product of a 'local economy' that was wiped out by the 'consolidation of market share' that was the 'true goal' of 'Globalization'.

Globalization wasn't done FOR YOU, it was done TO YOU by the FREAKISHLY STUPID! [Who also happen to be freakishly GREEDY.]

So where were we? That's right, the lottery...and the masses so desperate for cash that riots might break out if 'fate' presents 'the wrong person' with a winning ticket. [People already suspect the lottery is rigged...and it doesn't help that there have been numerous prosecutions for people that were able to 'fix' the algorithms to provide them with the winning numbers ahead of the drawing.]

So it is we 'wallow' in a society where everything is 'rigged' against you.

What's the difference between playing the lottery and voting?

I don't know [actually I do and the answer is NONE, there isn't one because both are 'fixed'.]

Thanks once again for letting me slap you upside the head,


Thursday, October 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as I continue to dwell on the feeble-minded the question becomes one of WHY? What do they value that causes them to push their humanity back into a corner?

How did they lose sight of what is important? When did they decide the world was wrong and they were right? Who made them this way?

If we begin with stupid being a self-inflicted wound, who would we point the finger at? Would it be the victim of the falsehood or the individual that made it up?

Kind of a rickety ladder to climb on as it won't hold the weight of either.

Understand the problem got out of hand because the natural inclination has been to ignore those who have been hoodwinked into believing minor falsehoods but now ignoring those 'simple prejudices' has yielded to full-fledged hatred.

Worse, it is all based on lies.

So where is your 'free speech' now?

Again, back when the public's freedom to express itself was curtailed by royal decree, THAT gave birth to the free speech movement that has since turned into the freedom to lie with impunity.

Now that the royals can no longer force the public to wear a muzzle they decided to take one of their most hated aspects of being a ruler out for a spin, telling lies that justified their behavior.

Originally freedom of speech was intended to 'reveal the truth'...but the road to hell is paved with 'good intentions' and 'free speech' was suddenly being invoked to protect all kinds of nastiness that makes society considerably less 'civil'.

Because 'purity' is everything even if it doesn't make sense.

To a MORON, free speech means ALL speech, even lies regardless of how vile.

Back when the 'right to dissent' was enshrined in the Constitution, the 'god fearing' didn't fully appreciate the pandora's box they would be handing to the feckless.

But I digress...(amazing how easy it is to get sidetracked.)

What is the thrust of today's offering? Similar to the ancient query of 'What is best' we must rotate that a tiny bit to ask what is THE MOST IMPORTANT?

People believe what they believe because it is what they were TAUGHT to hold on to [even if they didn't fully understand what they were being told/taught.]

Some people are taught that GOD is the most important thing to hold dear because this life is fleeting while GOD is FOREVER. Others teach that LOVE is the most important thing to hold on to because a life without LOVE is devoid of purpose or meaning. Still others combine the two, 'opining' (although the ones being taught don't know it's just the teller's opinion) that there is no greater love or higher purpose than devoting oneself to the decidedly twisted 'teachings' of those who speak for God.

What is 'missing' from this list?


Who would teach their children that their 'humanity' was worthless and would only cause them grief? You don't suppose it would be people who think they are 'better' than the rest of us, do you? Hell, take that to the hilt and tell it like it is, they BELIEVE they are better than us.

Now people divide themselves along all sorts of lines but no matter how hard they try they can NEVER escape their 'humanity'.

Those who are taught to despise themselves for what they can't control become broken...and that is why we live among a lot of psychotic types. They hate you AND they hate themselves because they were raised to believe they are 'no good'.

Well, the only way to turn this around is to rid ourselves of the self-inflicted wound of stupidity.

YOU are FIRST AND FOREMOST 'human'. Own it and cherish it and cherish others of your kind.

Funny on a planet overrun by humans there are so few of us. Most humans are raised to hate humans and learn to hate themselves for being cruel to people that have never harmed them.

Then they tell themselves it's not their fault because they are 'only human'...and that is how the 'wrongness' reinforces itself and makes people hard...and cruel.

Your HUMANITY makes you 'unique'. Being 'less than human' makes you food.

Only rogues prey on their own kind and since humans are 'social' BY NATURE we must deal with rogues swiftly and certainly.

There isn't a 'god' anyone can point to (much less talk to) but there is no denying NATURE. Rogues go against nature and 'man' less his Hu is ever trying rise above the rest, not for the good of our kind but to become the 'dominant one', which is an aberration to a social species.

Should an ancient copy of A Simple Plan turn up after the chaos of revolt ends and the time comes to rebuild, I wish to direct your attention to the 'birds of a feather' clause within it that provides a mechanism for humanity to cleave together through shared interests.

Why our schools don't teach the need to get along or why religion isn't banished outright for being superstitious nonsense. Religions were introduced to divide us into 'competing' groups and to create artificial barriers that prevent cooperation.

It's time for those barriers to be rejected. If we don't unite we WILL perish [but stupid doesn't care about that because they will finally be with 'their GOD!' [Stupidity is the failure to realize God is ever and always 'personal'.] Like your money, your God belongs to you and you alone, end of discussion and absolutely nothing to fight about.

We can only marvel over what a fool believes.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, yesterday's post illustrated how the public never really had it's hand on the tiller that guides the 'ship of state', contrary to popular belief...but conservo-whackos believe a lot of stupid things.

That said the educational system is run by these same limited intellects so it becomes dogma that is drummed into the minds of those who don't have the skill to process what they are being taught.

Ever wonder WHY we are neck deep in stupid? It's because the politically controlled Dept of Education is teaching kids BULLSHIT and telling them it's the TRUTH!

The current POTUS is a prime example of the failure of the US educational system.

What does any of this have to do with being rudderless?

Again the Devil is in the details. The 'Crime of the century' has been underway for almost fifty years now so few are even aware that this all began as a plot to loot the US treasury [and the world along with it once they succeeded in making the USD the world's 'reserve currency'.]

I will once again assert that democracy (and with it democratic government) only functions (properly) if the system is 'honest' but we don't have wall to wall honesty, do we? What we do have is wall to wall opportunism and that is working pretty much like anyone would expect.

It is an old dream and it's been two hundred years in the making. The thieves who dominated humanity for millenia walked off of their thrones and into their treasuries because that is where they could finally achieve their dream of robbing EVERYBODY!

They still had to pay off the judiciary and provide them with 'plausible denial', easily done in a world where 'economics' is whatever we say it is!

I will once again direct the too stupid to live to the most glaring example of this.

If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck then a BUCK has to be a BUCK Regardless of who prints it! A buck in the US should be a buck in China and again in Moscow!


Yet the planet's 'banksters' [who have bankrupted the planet twice in the past hundred years and are about to do it again with 'cryptocurrency']

If you are STUPID enough to own 'cryptocurrency' then you deserve what's coming because you don't know WHAT MONEY IS FOR much less WHAT IT IS!

The banksters have played on the public's 'ignorance' to create fantasy scenarios where it was 'cheaper' to ship goods HALFWAY AROUND THE PLANET then it was to produce them locally...and the average MORON fell for it!

The bad news is the feckless are playing the 'I didn't know' card [while robbing YOU blind] while they were the ones responsible for removing money and its true purpose from the educational system.

The average person's education regarding money started (and ended) with how to add, subtract, multiply and divide with decimals.

Do you KNOW what money is? Your 'ignorance' is unsurprising. You know what the 'rich' want you to know and it's none of your business how they 'get/got' theirs.

The stock market is ALL smoke and illusion that is wearing thin as our (self-appointed) 'betters' plot to return to their throne so they can restore God to his 'rightful place' as the supreme overlord of the human race.

Christmas music can be 'educational' if listened to with a critical ear. The average Christian believes that King of Kings and lord of lords is proof that god bows to no-one when it actually means god's 'representatives' are all powerful because god is as real as Santa Claus!

You can pray to god but you answer to them!

Not quite the set-up you want to find yourself living under, even with the most benevolent in charge. [Because even 'the most benevolent human' is still only a half a step removed from Attila the Hun!]

Leading us full circle to that head full of nonsense they keep messing with.

Who are 'they'? Superman or the supersmart?

Nope, it is definitely proof positive that some people have more balls than brains.

While the majority of us sit on our brain and have absolutely NO Balls. There are A LOT MORE courageous WOMEN out there than there are men. That admitted I was not referring to the biological fact that there are more females than males [largely because men are less 'risk adverse' than women.]

Brings us back to that fine line between 'daring' and 'dumb'.

But politics have little to do with anything, it's the 'ignorance' that is breeding discontent that endangers our civilization and the future 'viability' of the human race on THIS planet.

While the 'excuse' that money has 'flexible' value because humanity is not under 'one king' [a dumb excuse if there ever was one] humanity is united under global trade that has existed for CENTURIES!

When it comes down to it good citizen, when you gaze across the landscape that passes for civilization, only then do you appreciate how many LIES you've been fed and how stupid YOU have been.

Are we (as a species) doomed to perpetual ignorance? (inflicted on us by those who bleed us dry for their own meager comfort?)

It is here that YOU truly do have a 'choice'.

You can either stick with the 'go along to get along' program that robs you blind...(you don't know HALF of what you are surrendering.) Or you can revolt and choose to learn the truth and take part in building a new world that your children will have a much brighter future in.

I leave you with the riddle, 'when is a buck a buck and where does it stop?'


It's ALL in YOUR head!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, like the traveler crossing the river Styx one would be wise not to pay the ferryman until the service has been rendered.

Trouble with our plight is we didn't tell the oarsman where we wanted to go and the people who did tell him said they wanted to go to the cracker factory!

So we're all headed to the looney bin, where it seems most of us came from in the first place.

Ya know, it's more than a little alarming to come to the realization that most people remain ignorant of the basics (or worse, take them for granted) when there is zero reason to even assume things are 'as advertised'.

Yet we all think voting is our 'outlet' to choose the kind of government the un-united believe the rest of us ought to have (or do some of us vote so people DON'T get what they want?)

That's the weird thing about politics, sometimes it is used to pee in the other guy's cornflakes just to piss them off.

In a world being crushed by OVERPOPULATION why is ABORTION even on the agenda?

[Because THEY think WE are STUPID (although this reckless mindset only proves that they are the mental defectives!)]

So it is even the problem resolution system proves 'problematic' [because the feckless use it to create problems that don't exist...]

Worse, one of the 'prerequisites' to being conservative is stupidity. This is why people that have no business voting in the first place believe liberals are behind gay marriage and transgender restrooms.

The gay doesn't care about marriage until their lover gets sick and they are refused treatment because they lack that specific insurance company exclusion!

Who do you suppose wrote that into the insurance code in the first place, the 'Religious Right' or the Libruls (because they are secretly haters just like the conservo-whackos?)

Do you really need a twisted mind to recognize one...nope, STUPID will do.

How STUPID do you have to be to believe that because the religion you were raised under has some child abuse to extend that to the belief that all non-protestants are child molesters?

Again it isn't 'logic' but stupidity you display when you join a conservative 'pig pile'.

But I digress, today's missive is regarding 'the consequences of mis-perception'.

You are raised to believe the 'process' democracy uses is 'pure' just as you are taught that GOD is central to this 'purity'. Remove the 'main ingredient' and what happens? Theory fail!

If God has NOTHING to do with politics, who is messing with YOU?

Stupid will never figure it out because stupid is trusting to a fault.

Has it ever been a better time to be feckless?

Rule number ONE good citizen is society is based on TRUST!

If you can't TRUST the people leading you they must be shunned! [Yet you all eagerly embrace LYING CONSERVATISM!] Did I mention STUPID?

How did the rich become so? Due to a Justice system so corrupt that the innocent are regularly jailed solely to provide the 'illusion of justice.'

It's this same INJUSTICE system that prevents equality from even making it onto the ballot. [It's all fine and well to preach the doctrine of fairness but another thing entirely to actually practice it!]

It's corrupt 'basic assumptions' that lead us to the cesspool we are forced to LIVE IN!

Grab a bucket and mop, scrub the bottom and top, nothing will be 'clean' until equality reigns supreme!

Where do we start? ALL corruption is 'Cash & Carry!'

Outlawing cash is the first step.

Outlawing the employer/employee relations [exploitation] is the second step. Abolishing the banking/insurance industry is the third, they exist solely to serve the status quo and NOTHING else. [To enrich the rich for those too stupid to connect the dots]

How logical is it to say you shouldn't be OBLIGATED to borrow YOUR F'N LIFE from a BANK!

Which is WHY Capitalism is broken...although STUPID thinks capitalism is just a 'liberal invention' to give liberals something else to bitch about.

Did I mention STUPID?

Thanks once again for letting me open your mind,


Monday, October 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, encountered a post on MSN yesterday, you know how they are always showing crazy (and decidedly opinionated) polls about the richest (and poorest) county in each state or the best/worst states to retire in (bizarrely discounting climate completely, the number one consideration for most retirees!)

Well, in case you missed it yesterday's poll was a left handed spotlight on why YOUR KID still lives with YOU (often decades after reaching the age when you 'flew the proverbial coop')

Sitting in their room most of the lives glued to the eye that never blinks (gaming) is a 'luxury' you were never afforded so why are you surprised they view shows like 'Friends' and 'Seinfeld' as aberrations rather than gameplans.

While one of Hollywood's most successful sitcoms (The Big Bang Theory) a show about geeks just like your kids never became role models for the nation's youth because they all had a doctorates in something...while your kid couldn't hack Community College because they c (w)ouldn't drop the controller long enough to be bothered to do their homework or get to bed in time to get up for class in the morning for that matter!

Did that leave a mark? You know damn well it did.

Um, it's NOT an accident either, the feckless don't want you ambitious or focused. It's your parents wishing those virtues upon you. You figured out long ago that the 'protestant work ethic' would marginalize you and shut you out of the job market so why crack your cookies?

What was your first hint? You're NOT Protestant!

You also cracked the 'code' early on, Jesus Freaks are EXCLUSIVELY Protestant.

Andrew Lloyd Webber told it true, "All your followers are blind, too much Heaven on their minds!"

Islam does the same thing with 'Paradise' but what are you gonna do? Go to church and let the priest teach you how to blow Gabriel's Trumpet? Not that the preacher didn't go visiting when he knew full well that all men folk would be out in the fields.

It wasn't the 'Lord's work' he was performing either...he was looking to do a little 'secret plowing' too!

So it is our 'Holier than thou' society pretends that everything is on the level when nothing could be further from the truth.

While most of you don't have a clue what the 144 hour work week is did you catch the piece I posted yesterday? In most northern states (where the minimum wage is higher) kids would have to work between 150 to 200 hours a WEEK just to afford a basic two bedroom apartment. Since minimum wage is synonymous with 'part time' this would require your progeny to work 6 plus 20 hour a week gigs...or to live in their Uber...which sort of defeats the purpose of working for an apartment.

So, how does the media get away with telling us that the economy is booming when evidence to the contrary is everywhere you look?

It is because YOU choose to ignore what is right in front of your face.

How many of you believe the 'stock market' has ANYTHING to do with the state of the economy?

Like money, it's all fake.

What isn't fake? Power.

The power to throw you out in the street because they can. We have names for people like that and most of the time the name is preceded by a title like Honorable or Esquire (when they are neither.)

What you need to wake up to is they got where they are by trampling YOUR RIGHTS into the mud...because to them you are lower than mud.

You got a problem with that?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind so I can point at where the bear shits...


Sunday, October 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I find myself in a 'funny place' as we approach the 1,000 post mark. Zero feedback leaves me guessing as to readership although pageviews approach the 50,000 mark [despite metrics having recently gone dark.]

Ironically a new metric showed up on my display [shortly after the 'normal' metrics ceased working about two months ago] and it makes me curious how many of my pageviews are coming from the 'unknown zone'.

Either way, the main display shows I have 89 followers despite the other display on the metrics page saying zero.

Without feedback one flies blind. Who is reading and what ground has already been covered [not that 'review' is a bad thing. If the story is good people don't mind hearing it over and over again.

I'm sure the non-religious among you are fed up to here with my hair on fire conclusions that the conservo-whackos intend to use 'old reliable' to crush dissent and return to power as God's 'appointed ones.'

That said I am left to draw my own conclusions regarding why EVERY REVOLT EVER keeps returning us to THE SAME WRETCHED PLACE! [With the feckless few lording it all over the rest of us while they thumb their noses at even the suggestion that they share WHAT ISN'T THEIRS IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Yeah, if one thing is clear it's that while people REGULARLY revolt against governments they neglect to PURGE what passes for the InJustice system and everything, incrementally, returns to where it all began with varying degrees of 'collateral damage'.

Again, the astute understand 'cause and effect'. The Chief of Police takes their orders from the political head of the municipality they work for. Sometimes the potentate is wise and leaves the top cop to handle things they way they see fit and sometimes the elected official adopts a 'take charge' posture if his campaign contributors need some 'special allowances' made by the local constabulary.

As we travel further up the Justice food chain we encounter the road to judgeship which is littered with patronage and political quid pro quo.

The Republican's 'owed' Kavanaugh for his role in the term long siege during the Clinton presidency...despite Willy Jeff being 'one of theirs' who was similarly rewarded after his exit from office.

See, that's the thing with quid pro quo, if you don't follow through, people remember and when it comes time that YOU need a 'favor' it won't be there.

So it is good citizen that I repeat the message that the parties 'truly responsible' for the shambles that has become our 'democracy' fully expect to survive 'in place' come the next [largely bloodless] revolt.

If things get tougher, that is to be expected. Them damn [imaginary] Libtards have pushed us far enough!

Um, it is (again) no mystery that the stock market exists solely to create 'paper millionaires'.

Why the stock market keeps rising in the face of a horrible job market isn't really a mystery so much as how much horseshit are you willing to swallow?

Zero irony that they talk up the president in EXACTLY the same way the talk up the stock market when anybody that is paying attention can see the global commerce has shrunk to the point where it could be drown in a bathtub.

Why does the public blind themselves to reality?

Why does the media 'play along'?

Why doesn't the average schmuck understand that the 'rules of capitalism' [you work for ME so you do what I say!] apply across the board, they don't make exceptions for either the police or the press?

What kind of STUPID are you?

ASP eliminates the 'You work for ME' nonsense and puts a stop to the 'nominal owner' pocketing the profits and thereby pauperizing the workers as a result because THE LAW says it's HIS!

If a 'paycheck' is good enough for 99% of us, it's good enough for ALL of us.

We MUST stop allowing the 'self-possessed' to make unilateral decisions based on what's good for themselves at the expense of the rest of humanity! [Global warming anyone?]

UNDERSTAND: Most revolts are 'inside jobs'. The feckless see it coming and know if the public is allowed to act there will be a purge and most of them will be, er, 'punished'.

So they fake these little coups and pretend the 'upper middle class' over threw their oppressive bosses and now everything will be alright...because it wouldn't occur to these well educated morons to purge the justice system...well, maybe they'd purge the supreme court if only to 'stack it' with their friends/like-minded fellow travellers.

This, good citizen is the gravest danger we face considering how long things have gone poorly.

If you choose to 'sit back and watch' you will leave your children with a horrid dilemma to deal with in the none too distant future.

The purges that should have gone up (for gross mismanagement) instead go 'down' as the faux 'new leadership' points the finger at the planet's 'deadwood' as the source of society's problems.

No feedback means I have no way of knowing if I'm reaching my intended audience.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


Saturday, October 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, what is the 'battle cry' of the ruling class?

What's that? Drawing a blank are ya? I can't imagine why because you hear it every damn day! Worse, half the time it's you telling it to someone else!

Still baffled? Of course you are because you don't recognize it for what it is.

I needn't tell the erudite what they already know, that CONTEXT is everything!

Last chance?

Okay (rude of me to toy with you regardless) even if you consider yourself 'woke', you still don't see 'the BIG picture'.

What is the 'battle cry' of global conservatism [the 'party' that represents our de facto rulers] ?

Mind your own business!

And no, I'm not messing with you, you are repeatedly being told to disregard things that 'aren't your concern'...and yes good citizen, a 'secret agenda' makes the feckless nervous because a slip would likely result in a lynching, that may not stop at the guilty party.

When they 'spring' their trap most of them will 'take cover' and let the associated 'minor royals' earn their place in the new court by overseeing the 'change' back to a 'Holy Empire'.


I suspect you would be because US citizens believe 'Morning in America' was just that, the heralding of the 'conservative revolution' in the USA when in fact it signaled a GLOBAL rise of Conservatism, more commonly recognized today as 'predatory capitalism'.

Did you see today's headlines? The collapse of the housing industry [due to reckless financial products] has resulted in a housing shortage that has 'landlords' turning away section 8 vouchers, leaving the poor with nowhere to go as winter approaches.

It is here that the typical conservo-whacko 'tunes out' and grumbles (angrily) Get a f'n job you bums!

Because stumpy has had his job [emptying the trash barrels at night] for decades and he also moonlights as a security guard at a parking lot during the day so we can safely say 'thinking' isn't stumpy's strong suit. He doesn't know his employers pity him and wonder what he'd do if they ever had to get rid of him.

So it is that STUPID votes Republican and equates Democrats with Commies because his Dad taught him that Democrats supported Unions and all unions are crooked!

Better to be a Clueless Conservative than a Libtard anyway!

Stumpy can't find his navel in order to contemplate it so he never has, everything he holds dear was taught to him by people with IQ's 3 points lower than rock.

Whenever Stumpy has a question [and he really is too stupid to keep it to himself] he is told 'Mind your own business!' and the question goes unanswered because the rulers WANT YOU guessing.

Maybe what they are doing isn't wrong?

Besides, it doesn't matter what you think and you most definitely don't have the 'need to know' because you have been on the 'go along to get along' program for as far as it takes you. [Usually the grave, often sooner than later.]

Now that you understand your 'place' [and conservo-whackos are BIG on people 'knowing their place'!] you will stop questioning the MORONS and let them get on with ruling the land [for their personal enrichment and amusement!]

You also understand the need to keep your questions to yourself...and hope to hell you aren't unfortunate enough to bring children into this abysmal world dominated by all too human demons.

So don't forget to go to the polls this November to let the royals know you fully support their return...because no matter how hard you try or how long you wait, CHANGE will NEVER be on that ballot.


Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR (sorta) head,


[sniff] what the hell died in here?

Friday, October 12, 2018


Greetings good citizen, we are lied to from the time we're born until after our deaths when the officiant will tell whoever is listening how good, kind and benevolent you were even if you were in fact the most miserable excuse for a human being ever.

Because 'truth' is not kind.

So it is a profession based upon falsehoods has gone from 'bending the truth' to fabricating it from whole cloth just to advance its agenda you know nothing about.

Later they will insist you did know and you wanted the (self-serving) 'changes' they've ushered in but by then it will be too late because complaining about the changes is known to be 'fatal'.

You'll be asked repeatedly if 'You don't like it?' or if you've got a problem with it because they want to kill you NOW rather than have to ferret out saboteurs later, and it really COULD be 'anyone'...but one thing is for sure, somebody is going to pay, they'll see to it!

This is what you've blinded yourself to (by continuing to troop down to the polling place to cast your ballot in obviously rigged elections.

Why aren't 'term limits' on the damn ballot? Do you think it has anything to do with why possession of marijuana is legal in most states but you'll still do jail time if you're caught under the influence?

Why isn't there legislation prohibiting 'heuristics' from being applied to government calculations of economic well-being? Things are MUCH worse now than they were fifty years ago but not to hear the politicians tell it! They INSIST things are looking up all over.

Again, another tidbit for you youngsters who remain 'unaware' that St. Ronnie presided over the worst economy in history. Guess who subtracted the 'permanently unemployed' from the workforce...same guy that 'privatized' the healthcare system, your true blue patriotic Republicans!

Seriously good citizen, everybody with two brain cells still in communication with one another must marvel over HOW Republicans keep getting re-elected when they are solely responsible for the economic devastation faced by the planet's workers.

So if you keep on voting NOTHING will change and things will continue their downward spiral...if you don't FIGHT them.

But it's Friday and most of you only have beer on your mind...the few of you that can afford them...

[sarcasm] Thanks for heeding the warning [/sarcasm]


Thursday, October 11, 2018


Greetings good citizen, seems most of the music world spins our collective sorrow into gold. A properly tasked program could tell us if happy outweighs sad or desperate or frustrated [a surprising number of tunes are about frustration!]

Even back in the Happy Days of the Fifties the music world reflected human misery, sorrow and betrayal.

Ironically there is no such thing as Pop music from the days of monarchy [The royals had a zero tolerance policy regarding criticism from ANY quarter!]

In case you ever wondered why the bulk of classical music is 'instrumental'...

You mocked the crown at mortal peril.

This is not the first time I've pointed at the 'tone' of modern music and sounded the alarm. Music is a reflection upon society and ours has sunk into something beyond despair.

On TV you watch actors who don't have a care in the world as they skip from one mishap to another, hilariously! [because people would burn their TV sets if TV reflected their own miserably lives too realistically.]

Yeah, modern life is typically a series of 'close calls' but there is nothing 'amusing' about it. Aspire, fail and try again. Get tired of barking up the 'wrong tree, regroup and try again, only to fail again [because you had 'bad intel'] so we fall back (again), regroup and swear we will be more careful NEXT TIME but NEXT TIME NEVER comes.

Yeah, when you're young you believe you have an unlimited number of 'at bats' because your loved ones never told you that you would only get one shot (maybe two, if you were exceptionally lucky or amazingly talented...but even talent is no assurance of success.)

Largely because the people holding the door (closed) are astoundingly STUPID but had the (incredible) 'good fortune' to be Well Born.

What is the path most youth choose to 'make their mark'?

Music, naturally!

And what do they sing about? Their miserable lives, of course! [Well, not THEIR misery but the misery of the people they were told about from the liars they've met while they were waiting for their 'at bat'.

Um, it is here I will posit that MOST music reflects reality and most 'inspirational music' reflects 'hope for the future' singing about glorious freedom that NO ONE has an idea how to achieve...but that's not the musician's job. They are 'poets' and thinkers, not killers [despite a majority of their songs being about killers!]

If it is music's intention to 'inspire' the current audio landscape is one of despair and hopelessness so what is it they are trying to cultivate, 'surrender?'

Sorrow is mankind's lot in life, our days are short and filled (often to overflowing) with 'woe'.

If we lift our heads a tiny bit (just enough to keep us from drowning in our tears) we would see the feckless, howling with laughter over our collective stupidity that they did NOTHING to cure.

Stupid is permanent, ignorance can be cured.

Here is hope because sometimes you can cure yourself!

Repeat admonition of why I end these where I do...

The CHOICE is always YOURS!


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Safety Net

Greetings good citizen, the bi-polar among us alternate between railing against handouts and fretting over disappearing social safety net.

Mind you there are tens of millions that are homeless and millions more that have ZERO prospects for the future.

While the 'news' explains the refugee crisis as the result of worldwide political turmoil it is in reality being driven by feckless capitalism and the selfish owners maximizing profits by automating every moving part of their business.

Leaving us to marvel over what our educators teach these no-minds? Are they really that STUPID?

Apparently they are...and bizarrely this surprises no one.

[Most of you understand what I'm pointing at but for the simple that accidentally happen upon this page I feel compelled to elucidate: YOUR ROBOTS DON'T BUY YOUR PRODUCTS! This is why CEO's are piling on debt to buy their own shares so the stock markets don't betray them that capitalism is failing across the globe because it is built on a false premise!

This is the 'crisis' the sneaky are pointing to but investing in worthless gold will NOT save humanity from the catastrophic collapse that is coming, sooner than you think.

Society/civilization runs on TRUST.

What does it say about our current society when you can trust NO-ONE?

Again with the 'lessons of history'. How many of you KNOW where 'The New Deal' came from?

The New Deal was the feckless's last ditch effort to save capitalism (and banking as we have come to know it) from the 'crisis of faith' precipitated by global market crash that preceded it.

Well, don't look now but we're there again and like just the first time, nobody was executed for high treason because the whole system is a LIE!

The 'other lie' is capitalism is the 'only way'. [Even monarchy operated on the F-U pay me! scheme.]

Sovereigns used 'the money noose' to keep the nobles loyal.

That and keeping the well poisoned just enough to keep usurpers are bay...but this is a two-edged sword that would ultimately kill those who wielded it.

Tolerance is a fickle mistress indeed.

[Lesson here? 'More for Me' is ever and always fatal. You have to do more than just pay lip service to EQUALITY and its partner JUSTICE. You CAN'T have one without the other...and If you DON'T have Equality and Justice you can't have peace OR prosperity!

If ALL do not share in equality and justice then peace and prosperity are impossible.

By default this means anyone who lives by the 'more for me' code must be ejected from civil society.

I got mine, F-U has to die, NOW!

We all know that those who try to hold on to their claim on what doesn't belong to them will get it lifted from their cold, dead fingers...and justice will be served.

Not I, Us and not Me but We!

What part of 'this planet is OURS' don't YOU understand?

Is this just a pipe dream [like the 'gift economy'?]

Nope, the root of ALL corruption is CASH and under A Simple Plan cash is illegal and possession of 'cash substitutes' is an exile offense.

(Remember, people talk and nothing is more fleeting than a 'secret'.)

[Most people prosecuted for using 'cash substitutes' will be caught using 'ancient equivalents' that have long been associated with value or items considered to be 'precious' due to their scarcity.]

If you encounter one of these items RUN in the opposite direction and report it immediately! Failure to root out the feckless is how civilizations become corrupt.

Giving someone a trinket is NOT a crime but expecting something in return IS.

Be chary of giving anyone anything, especially if you don't know them well.

YOU might think you are being 'kind' but you are actually being STUPID and needlessly risking your life!

Strangers don't NEED anything you have [That's what they have jobs for!]

Understand, most of you have been raised in a toxic stew we call libertarianism, people who profess 'F' em all but six and after I'm gone F them too!'

[Sidebar: Gegner is not squeamish or prudish. I don't feel the need to spell fuck when just the first letter conveys my meaning adequately!]

Why bring this up?

Most of today's youth think society CAN'T be saved and that is because NOBODY [except me] is offering any alternatives!

The 'abandoned' know 'more of the same' will only beget precisely that, we need change and in order to change we need a 'roadmap'.

The employer/employee relationships is born of the Master/ Slave model that severely curtails the worker/slave's input/needs in the process.

There is NO LACK of things that need doing yet we have hundreds of millions of unemployed...and somehow the feckless don't think this is a problem when the whole situation is a ticking TIME BOMB! Kids who have no future won't sit still much longer.

They have to contribute to Social Security for TEN YEARS in order to draw even a meager pension. If you don't pay in you won't be able to draw and will have to rely on the dwindling resources of welfare [that relies on failing capitalism for their shit!]

Do YOU see the pincers closing?

Eliminate 'retail' and who is going to buy anything? [Morons will answer online but where will the paychecks come from? Are we back to mowing each other's lawns? [Capitalist Utopia doesn't and can't exist [without SLAVERY!]

The Conservative economy of 'tax cuts for the rich' is a death sentence for everyone else. [There is no place to 'invest'! The customer base is GONE!]

Are you all that simple? [No, but the problem is they believe WE ARE!]

Capitalism is DEAD and needs to be abandoned before it kills us!

Equality is the ONLY path forward...and that's not true either, despots will promise you salvation while only saving their 'buddies' and stiff arming the rest.

Billions will STARVE [because the feckless will hoard what belongs to us all and even destroy it so we can't have it and that just screws those who otherwise would have made it.]

We MUST purge the feckless from our midst.

[I once again remind you why I end these where I do]

Thanks for opening your mind,
