Greetings good citizen, this morning I read another piece by the writer who echoed my concern regarding the growing anti-intellectual movement...and must once again applaud his workmanship while condemning his lack of scope.
In today's piece [penned in March] he walked through the Neo-con agenda [he used the European label and called it Neo-Liberalism] which is the preferred term of moron economists who hailed the 'benefits' of the Global race to the bottom...(at their masters behest.)
The global consolidation of market share that eliminated redundancy pretty much world-wide and moved commerce onto the JIT clock [destroying the carefully crafted economic stability of the working class in the process] was heralded universally as a resounding success [for the (already) filthy rich.]
The paying public got neither lower prices nor higher quality despite the hollow claims of those who earn their paycheck cheerleading for predatory capitalism.
The thrust of today's article was how taking a machete to the global supply chain increased 'shareowner value' while seriously disenfranchising the workers who put the product on the shelf in exchange for their 'daily bread'.
What bobo totally glosses over is the 'complicity' of the captive political process and how the people overseeing this global impoverishment of the working class were 'incentivized' to turn their back on the people they were 'elected' to protect. [Like the new manager class, politicians were 'awarded' stock tips on the QT so they would vote for legislation that would make THEM rich!
What's the penalty for treason again?
This brings us to today's 5 W's and, as always, we shall begin our list with WHO (is responsible) for this, er, 'betrayal'.
Back in the days before the 'rich' learned to 'blend in' (by pretending to be 'plain folk') they used to be known as 'Robber Barons'; and the 'Anti-Trust crusader, Teddy Roosevelt supposedly vanquished them with his 'trust busters' and anti-monopoly legislation.
So 'the rich' went 'underground' only to resurface a short time later as the 'money' behind the stock market crash that broke the planet's banking system in 1929.
Again there was a conspicuous absence of mass executions followed by FDR implementing the New Deal to restore the public's 'faith' in elected government.
Why do historians ignore the obvious connection between the Great Depression and WWII just twenty years after WWI?
1919, 1929 and
I will go where nobody else DARES and point at the 'consequences' of not exterminating the royals after the 'abdicated' their thrones and took up residence in their nation's treasuries...
Remember that famous Rothschild quote: I care not WHO runs a country so long as I control its MONEY!
So our 'primary' who is the progeny of the Royals. Many no longer go by their ancient titles but you can trace them back to the bank vaults of antiquity. More troubling is as royalty they didn't use their 'family names' but insisted on being recognized via their royal station. So when they left the throne room, few knew what their surname was...and those that did know kept quiet.
Thus began the royal 'tradition' of anonymity equaling unaccountability.
Our second W is What?
Again, back in the days when the Royals were 'the law' [and the church would kill you if you disagreed because the church established that the royals were 'god's elect'.]
Take a moment to marvel over that 'connection' and precisely what it implies...
So our second W (WHAT) is Government or who 'controls' the nation's legal process commonly mislabeled the 'justice system'. It has almost NOTHING to do with justice and everything to do with determining 'criminality'.
[It's OKAY when I do it!]
Can you say corrupt? I knew you could!
Some might call this cynical and some would label it nihilistic but failure to recognize the truth prevents the problem from being addressed.
And this has been going on for over 300 years so it's not 'new' by any stretch of the imagination.
That's the 2nd 'what' that needs addressing.
How stupid are you if you don't see that the primary reason behind the revolt against the crown wasn't 'freedom' but the ability of a nation to coin money?
Which is our 3rd W (WHY) in a nutshell. Even back then money and the consequences of mishandling it were poorly understood...and it is not unfair to opine that this persists to this day.
Um, the above spells out the timeline quite clearly so our 4th W (WHEN) is boxed up nicely leaving the other W of WHERE and that, is also answered in the opening of today's offering.
Yup the Global consolidation of market share is happening in the 'here and now' worldwide and it's driving the Global war on Terra which is the mask given to the EXTERMINATION of the planet's 'surplus population'.
There you have the 5 W's as they relate to today's world. Why the bought and paid for media ignores this is obvious but you're the one sitting there as your brain turns into a mushroom.
It is little lifelines like today's offering that attempt to jumpstart what's left of your humanity before you become a total vegetable that is just waiting for the clueless to come along and put a bullet between your eyes because their commander told them too.
You should NOT find comfort in the thought that after they are finished exterminating you, they will in turn be exterminated too [Ironically for the crime of being a mass murderer!]
Then the people behind this shitshow will walk away, free to rape, pillage and bum-blast anybody they like because they are the ELECT of GOD!
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind...[because your life isn't already disturbing enough!]
In today's piece [penned in March] he walked through the Neo-con agenda [he used the European label and called it Neo-Liberalism] which is the preferred term of moron economists who hailed the 'benefits' of the Global race to the bottom...(at their masters behest.)
The global consolidation of market share that eliminated redundancy pretty much world-wide and moved commerce onto the JIT clock [destroying the carefully crafted economic stability of the working class in the process] was heralded universally as a resounding success [for the (already) filthy rich.]
The paying public got neither lower prices nor higher quality despite the hollow claims of those who earn their paycheck cheerleading for predatory capitalism.
The thrust of today's article was how taking a machete to the global supply chain increased 'shareowner value' while seriously disenfranchising the workers who put the product on the shelf in exchange for their 'daily bread'.
What bobo totally glosses over is the 'complicity' of the captive political process and how the people overseeing this global impoverishment of the working class were 'incentivized' to turn their back on the people they were 'elected' to protect. [Like the new manager class, politicians were 'awarded' stock tips on the QT so they would vote for legislation that would make THEM rich!
What's the penalty for treason again?
This brings us to today's 5 W's and, as always, we shall begin our list with WHO (is responsible) for this, er, 'betrayal'.
Back in the days before the 'rich' learned to 'blend in' (by pretending to be 'plain folk') they used to be known as 'Robber Barons'; and the 'Anti-Trust crusader, Teddy Roosevelt supposedly vanquished them with his 'trust busters' and anti-monopoly legislation.
So 'the rich' went 'underground' only to resurface a short time later as the 'money' behind the stock market crash that broke the planet's banking system in 1929.
Again there was a conspicuous absence of mass executions followed by FDR implementing the New Deal to restore the public's 'faith' in elected government.
Why do historians ignore the obvious connection between the Great Depression and WWII just twenty years after WWI?
1919, 1929 and
I will go where nobody else DARES and point at the 'consequences' of not exterminating the royals after the 'abdicated' their thrones and took up residence in their nation's treasuries...
Remember that famous Rothschild quote: I care not WHO runs a country so long as I control its MONEY!
So our 'primary' who is the progeny of the Royals. Many no longer go by their ancient titles but you can trace them back to the bank vaults of antiquity. More troubling is as royalty they didn't use their 'family names' but insisted on being recognized via their royal station. So when they left the throne room, few knew what their surname was...and those that did know kept quiet.
Thus began the royal 'tradition' of anonymity equaling unaccountability.
Our second W is What?
Again, back in the days when the Royals were 'the law' [and the church would kill you if you disagreed because the church established that the royals were 'god's elect'.]
Take a moment to marvel over that 'connection' and precisely what it implies...
So our second W (WHAT) is Government or who 'controls' the nation's legal process commonly mislabeled the 'justice system'. It has almost NOTHING to do with justice and everything to do with determining 'criminality'.
[It's OKAY when I do it!]
Can you say corrupt? I knew you could!
Some might call this cynical and some would label it nihilistic but failure to recognize the truth prevents the problem from being addressed.
And this has been going on for over 300 years so it's not 'new' by any stretch of the imagination.
That's the 2nd 'what' that needs addressing.
How stupid are you if you don't see that the primary reason behind the revolt against the crown wasn't 'freedom' but the ability of a nation to coin money?
Which is our 3rd W (WHY) in a nutshell. Even back then money and the consequences of mishandling it were poorly understood...and it is not unfair to opine that this persists to this day.
Um, the above spells out the timeline quite clearly so our 4th W (WHEN) is boxed up nicely leaving the other W of WHERE and that, is also answered in the opening of today's offering.
Yup the Global consolidation of market share is happening in the 'here and now' worldwide and it's driving the Global war on Terra which is the mask given to the EXTERMINATION of the planet's 'surplus population'.
There you have the 5 W's as they relate to today's world. Why the bought and paid for media ignores this is obvious but you're the one sitting there as your brain turns into a mushroom.
It is little lifelines like today's offering that attempt to jumpstart what's left of your humanity before you become a total vegetable that is just waiting for the clueless to come along and put a bullet between your eyes because their commander told them too.
You should NOT find comfort in the thought that after they are finished exterminating you, they will in turn be exterminated too [Ironically for the crime of being a mass murderer!]
Then the people behind this shitshow will walk away, free to rape, pillage and bum-blast anybody they like because they are the ELECT of GOD!
Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind...[because your life isn't already disturbing enough!]
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