Sunday, October 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, besides losing sight of our founding principles due to our commerce system hijacking the one thing standing between the individual and absolute despotism, we are once again confronted with the FACT that the system established to protect us is only as good as the people running it.

But the problem at hand is a bit closer than we are comfortable with.

The average citizen has its hands full with keeping their own head above water. While I rage against the 'mis-educational system' most of us are woefully ignorant of the issues facing our planet and everything on it.

Without being TOO blunt about it I would make a mission statement focused on the need to be practical and employ the metric that since humans are the dominant species on this planet that preserving humanity and the species we rely upon take the lead. Problem is the ones currently running things only like a particular 'kind' of human and they tend to be the 'paler' ones.

That nonsense HAS TO stop.

ALL humans matter and all humans belong...but not ALL humans are wise/smart enough to participate in the decision making process.

The current system of 'one human, one vote' produces gridlock BECAUSE most of humanity is myopic and fears change. [It's the 'we do it the way our parents did and their parents did and their parents did BECAUSE that's the way it's done!]

That's the 'argument' you will get when you ask are things now like they were in our parent's time?

It will start with waffling. First they will protest that 'for the most part' things are the same...start rattling off all the things that HAVE CHANGED and you will encounter INCREASING resistance from the fearful coupled with more anxious denials.

Now the level of refusal reaches irrationality and 'discussion' stops cold. You are talking at them while they have their fingers in the ears chanting 'I can't hear you' at the tops of their lungs!

Is THIS how to run a society?

Nervous Nelly would be in the company of a about half the population because of its deep seated fear of change. How do you change course when half the population (irrationally) fears change?

Yet we MUST change course or there won't be a species to save!

Ironically, to the fearful extinction is preferable to change so long as they can die doing things the way the always did them.

Is that 'living'?

Many would argue no but that's the kind of people we find ourselves following, the ones that don't 'rock the boat'.

Once again we confront the divide of those who despise change and the people that suffer because the fearful refuse to stop their destructive behavior.

If YOU can't see even the POSSIBILITY of a better life then you have no business deciding. Your choice is made by your refusal to even consider the NECESSARY changes.

We don't live in the world of our ancestors (and haven't for hundreds of years!) yet politicians regularly demonize 'change' and all the terrible things that will happen if 'change' occurs to scare you away from helping yourself!

Why don't we have 'single payer'? [Who will pay for it and worse, 'free' healthcare means 'rationing' (like it isn't now? lying bums!)

We are already in that 'bad place' where healthcare is 'reserved' for those who can afford it...and almost no one can these days, which SHOULD mystify you because it isn't 'magic'.

The shortage of services is completely artificial.

Would be MD's are priced out of the market resulting in a shortage of qualified providers.

Again just as it costs THE SAME to feed a rich man as it does a poor one, it costs roughly the same to teach someone to be a surgeon as it does to teach someone to be a ironic that one saves lives while the other ruins them?

Did I mention our civilization is severely mismanaged due to being hijacked by our badly broken and malevolent commerce system...and if you think people are scared of change just wait until you try and change the commerce system!

So as you step into the polls in a couple of vote for somebody to make decisions in your name without ever consulting you, or worse, someone who commits to vote for a party platform that you have no voice in forming, nor does either party reflect your beliefs or your values!

Will you stop or even hesitate and ask yourself what the heck are you doing?

Think it's time to take a page out of Al Pacino's character in 'Scent of a Woman' and take a flamethrower to this damn place!

WHAT are we doing? We certainly aren't doing our children any favors...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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