Sunday, October 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, 'competition for customers' is what (allegedly) kept capitalism 'honest'. Problem is when there are only a handful of suppliers and a majority of them are based in other, er, 'jurisdictions' the consumer is in no position to 'bargain'. Back in the days of the open bazaar, where 'haggling' was expected, If you couldn't make a deal with this guy you moved on to the next one.

Now there are only a handful of sources and you don't haggle. Either you pay or you go without.

The 'other lynchpin' in this process runs along the concept that with so few merchants, how much market share do they need? With 'global' markets they can 'weather' economic downturns better than the sole proprietor ever could if the reason the town existed in the first place dried up and blew away, taking the town's employer with it.

Do you see where this whole globalization thing went? It was never about reducing cost and increasing was always about cutting out the competition, resulting in the virtual 'monopolies'.

If we turn this situation on its head we'd see that we have very few freakishly rich people and huge swaths of folks living 'hand to mouth because 'prices' [that no longer concern the freakishly rich, they already have more than they will ever need] are kept at artificially high levels to keep their 'customer/employees' on the 'work to eat' treadmill'.

There is a 'worse' here but that has to do with preventing this rickety applecart from collapsing under the anger and resentment of the billions that can't get their feet under them in a world society that has locked them out.

UNDERSTAND, the freakishly wealthy ALREADY had 'more than they could spend' before they decimated the global supply chain.

Are we suffering a linguistics problem here? Is it failure to comprehend that people who have more money than they know what to do with actually exist or is it an 'envy' problem where people don't want to disparage the 'freakish' because they might become freakish themselves some day?

Zero irony that females all believe their fortunes could 'turn on a dime' if they succeed in luring the right 'fish' into their babymaker.

Injustice and foolish fantasies aside, those of us who know our chances of becoming then next freakishly wealthy, self-important a-hole run about the same as that of waking up next to a unicorn chained to the biggest pot of gold we've ever seen.

I truly loathe having to cover the same ground repeatedly but the world/society DOESN'T work like they claim it does and we are long overdue for a major overhaul BECAUSE THE INCENTIVE SYSTEM IS BROKEN!

How are you supposed to 'buy your life' from the wretched capitalist (banking system) if stupid won't pay you enough to be a participant in society?

Wages are way too low and prices are far too high. Numbnuts knows this but his kids are sucking him dry so he doesn't know what to do about's that for 'stupid', finding yourself on the wrong end of a rope because you couldn't bring yourself to say the world's shortest sentence...but none of his peers see the need so why should he? [Besides, his wife would finish castrating him if he did!]

Yeah, we have ourselves a 'peculiar' problem on our hands. The 'freakishly wealthy' aren't going to address the problem because their wives and kids would revolt and their 'underlings' know better than to even broach the subject because they want to keep their jobs.

That brings us to the 'victims' of a system that can only use less than half of us [it costs the same to feed a rich man as it does a poor one!]

That old saying, 'a moment on the lips and an eternity on the hips' comes from people that can afford to throw food away.

The destitute don't quite see it that way.

I can't lay out the LIES any plainer than that...worse, this is something you already know, why am I wasting your time like this?

You know's your refusal to do anything about it.

We vote next week and it would probably be futile to remind you that CHANGE is once again conspicuous by its absence...

Thanks for letting me inside your nut jar.


I think some of those nuts are rotten, stinks in here!

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