Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Perception vs reality

Greetings good citizen, I just read a fluff piece that had the chutzpah to rank the states from best to worst. Sounds like sour grapes but that wouldn't be correct because my state ranked number 1.

As I traveled this nation people would learn [largely due to my wicked accent] that I was a Boston native and without exception everyone would say, You're from Boston, I'd love to go to Boston!

First word out of my mouth would invariably be WHY? They would then wax poetic about the history and the 'charm'...but if you LIVE HERE you can sum up the weather in one word...it SUCKS! [New England is home to some of the worst/extreme weather on the freakin' planet!]

When they call us New Englanders 'hardy', they aren't whistling Dixie but the opposite side of that coin is also true. Anyone that CHOOSES TO STAY needs their head examined!

I'm not here by 'choice', I lack both the funds and the opportunity to leave...[which doesn't mean I don't need my head examined but now we bump into the other issue, who is qualified?

I need some one on one time with 'Spirit in the Sky' the ONLY entity 'qualified' to make repairs on THIS old wreck.

Ain't Karma a bitch? I keep wondering WTF did I do in my last life to deserve this?

But I digress...

Although, again, not by much. People who DON'T live here 'perceive' Boston to be a place 'steeped in living history' where those of us who DO live here understand intimately what it is to live in the land of the frozen dead...(actually it's worse than that. They call California 'the land that burns and shakes'...here you freeze or boil. People who don't live here insist we get to 'enjoy' the four seasons! What they don't know is both Spring and Fall last for about 20 minutes a few weeks before either equinox.

Again, perception vs reality.

You know what really sucks? Outside, as I'm writing this on the last day of February, we are experiencing some of the NICEST WEATHER we will see for the rest of this YEAR. Have you ever worn shorts and a parka? THIS IS WHY! It's supposed to dip back below freezing JUST IN TIME FOR THE WEEKEND [Don't get me started about the other 'treat' we New Englanders regularly enjoy, it inevitably RAINS every weekend as well! I know, tell it to the Californians who have had drought for the past five years but during the week the weather is 'fair' (at least you can do stuff) but cooking out in the rain kinda blows!]

But listen to me complain...and naturally that is just the 'tip of the iceberg'. Let's turn our attention to the REAL issues, shall we?

Like MOST OF THE NATION, the 'jobs' situation could best be described as 'typical' of the rest of the DEVELOPED WORLD. If you even HAVE a job it's a gig that pays by performance. No work, no pay.

So it's no 'win' to live here in what was once the leading edge of the rust belt...although New England was traditionally defense/technology oriented as opposed to the automotive dependent mid-western states.

El Trumpo has pledged to return the manufacturing jobs we lost thanks to feckless BANKERS manipulating currency markets around the world to create 'the cheaper there' when in reality if a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck then a 'buck' should be a buck no matter who prints it!

Which is to say since there are NO [significant] differences in commodities, the value of money is and should be EQUAL.

If you want to get 'technical', the nations falsely branded as 'high cost' actually have higher levels of CORRUPTION!

[Am I still 'whining about the crappy weather' or do I have your ATTENTION? The 'cheaper there' is and always has been A LIE!]


Has the 'national IQ' slipped so much that the 'too stupid to live' don't even realize they are being ripped off?

Why do fifty percent of us NOT HAVE JOBS? Because the people running things don't care if YOU starve to death, it's not their problem! How pathetic is it that THE DEAD DON'T VOTE!

Perhaps that the observation you all need to think about before you decide whether on not you want to STRIKE to get some REAL CHANGE around this cesspool!

Understand, they are LAUGHING IN YOUR FACE because YOU are TOO STUPID to realize YOU ARE BEING RIPPED OFF!

How they must HOWL when they advertise seeking people to 'flip' houses or mine gold...how STUPID do you have to be?

But look at me, complaining about the weather...

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, February 27, 2017

Divided we...

Greetings good citizen, forgive me for playing hooky yesterday but by the time I got done with my early job it was too late to compose anything.

The media does itself no favors repeating the meme of how divided we are, truth be told there are a dozen different reasons for that none of them pertinent to the fact we have to SHARE THIS PLANET!

Although one of the wedges driving us apart is 'WHO DESERVES' a SHARE? A factor not real conducive to peace.

But differences aside, the average moron just wants to be left alone to go about his life in peace, raise a family and be surrounded by their loved ones in their declining years.

How much 'division' do you think there is on that simple idea? [Barring the occasional anti-social meathead who wants nothing to do with family or social obligations and believe me, we all know one.] most people find the idea of a 'simple life' attractive.

Key to the simple/quiet life is prosperity and peace. Now class, where do peace and prosperity flow from?


Very good, you're really getting this!

What is the most commonly cited 'divide' in our current civilization [and it's been that way for time out of mind!]


Hey, you guys are GOOD!

Not looking too 'divided' now, are ya? The 'divide' the media keeps talking about is a weirdly 'non-specific' quality that actually boils down to 'splitting hairs'. It seems we all AGREE the country is headed in the 'WRONG DIRECTION' the division part comes over which direction that is, followed closely by WHAT SHOULD WE DO ABOUT IT!

You can start a real pissing contest over which one is better, chocolate or vanilla but almost nobody doesn't like ice cream!

Well, the media telling us [ad nauseum] that we're divided is exactly like that because NOBODY is putting forth concrete solutions to the factors that divide us! So people come up with their own ideas, many not too far removed from what the next guy thought of but the pissing contest is joined when they start insisting their point is the main one!

They ALL have a point. [more than a little of the animosity and hostility is due to the built in tendency to reject what didn't come from you and people just being ornery because they can...and that's 99% of the basis for the media's claim that we're divided.

How helpful is this when the primary message is WE NEED TO SHARE THIS PLANET AND EVERYTHING ON IT?

Understand, the 'divided' meme is being used for a return to a more 'authoritarian style' of, er, 'leadership'...
They [the media] is priming the pump for you to accept a return to monarchy or another from of dictatorship PRECISELY BECAUSE of the inaction this inability to agree is supposedly causing.

NOBODY is even trying to reach a 'generally agreed upon' solution.

DO you see ANYBODY putting forth a solution? [besides me?]

THEY want you to think democracy results in deadlock because that's how they are playing it.

History can be a great teacher if you'd only PAY ATTENTION!

But you've let them jerk your chain your whole life and now that they want to slip a yoke back over your shoulders and YOU are going to stand there and let them do it.


Begs the question of whether or not the STUPID deserve our pity when our scorn is what they should get.

Don't let the stupid among us choose for the rest of us!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


PS: THEY already 'have us where they want us'. Since we can't 'agree' on what needs doing we can't 'unite' to oppose them when they decide it's time to bow to a new King.

The One Percent will declare themselves the NEW MAJORITY and the rest of us will 'comply or die'.

Se habla Citizen's United? Who else believes the Robert's court should be hung for treason?

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Cattle Drive

Greetings good citizen, with the presidency won we have to wonder why El Trumpo is still on the 'campaign trail' doing what he does best, 'catering to his base'.

As has become the habit of the new conservo-whacko party, the folks you see sitting in the audience were likely 'hand picked' invitees [and unemployed so they had no place 'more worthwhile' to be...]

Of note in the speech he gave is something we've all railed against for decades commonly called the 'anonymous source'.

Conservo-whackos have used anonymous sources for time out of mind to pick apart popular policies that didn't align with their 'Me First' ideology.

But that's not the problem here.

The problem is using stagecraft to make it appear that there are more Trump supporters than there are. How many people do you see in the accompanying video, a couple of hundred?

This is 'the will of the nation'?

In what has become a 'one horse' [party] town, that's what they want you to believe.

Supposedly the people posing as Democrats are selecting new leadership and we can only wonder who they think looks/acts the wimpiest?

Because in the end it's all 'theater'.

From the carny barker at center stage selling 'Fake News' to the mouth breathers nodding their agreement in unison. Do you look into their blank eyes and wonder how much they comprehend?

HE EVEN TALKS TO THEM LIKE THEY'RE SIMPLETONS! {but none of them are offended...must be why he's 'their president'!]

Understand, good citizen, it's crowds such as this one that gave us history's unlikeliest president in the fifth consecutive 'stolen election' because rational people stopped voting when they realized it was an exercise in futility.

Once the process was hijacked the rest was simple.

Make no mistake about it good citizen, the 'choices' will only get worse and the outcomes more unlikely because the process has been 'corrupted'.

Very 1984 to be 'stuck' with an outlandishly zealous 'primary party' that only the mouth breathers claim membership in and a paper thin, faux 'opposition party' that stands for stuff nobody genuinely cares about!

Do you see YOUR dilemma?

Government by those who don't have a clue what governments were founded for isn't what ANYBODY signed up for...but soon it won't matter because those who keep the supply chain humming are planning on 'culling' the surplus population.

In a world where NOTHING is secret we can only marvel that the details remain 'undisclosed'.

[Which is likely our 'saving grace'...THEY know what they WANT TO DO but they can't figure out HOW to do it WITHOUT leaving a trail of breadcrumbs that leads directly back to THEM!]

Left to your imagination is IF YOU survive the coming debacle, society WILL change. Will a 'smaller society' make people more valuable or less?

Depends largely on how the tech field stands up. A greatly diminished population would only remain viable with a high reliance on tech and its ability to maintain/repair that tech.

Since most of you suck at history, my warning that the 'social clock' will turn back a thousand years will fall upon deaf ears...until the females of our species find themselves (once again) 'possessions' with NO legal rights.

The 'inhumanity' of it all (if only you'd listened when you had a chance!)

That's right ladies, I'm looking at YOU!

There is still time but not much if I'm guessing correctly...and believe me, I'm guessing. [truth be told I'm astonished they've kept it glued together this long!]

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head!


PS: Make no mistake about it ladies, if they succeed in 'pulling the plug' YOU are on the Express Bus back to the BAD OLD DAYS.

Don't get sucked in by the Kabuki Dance...it's entertainment!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Birds of a feather...

Greetings good citizen, while the headlines continue to focus on the 'Global war on Sanity' the...'well-connected' are flocking together and we can only wonder why?

If we were to 'connect the dots' [recently there has been a disturbing number of stories centered on the uber-rich's obsession with surviving an, er, 'apocalypse'. Where better to survive a nuclear holocaust considering MOST of 'the surplus population' lives in the northern hemisphere? But I'm just 'rationalizing'...right? [Although I'm not making up the physics behind the doubling of the population, it's still 'right on schedule!']

They're obviously not thinking this through but one of the hardest things we all must cope with is 'self-delusion'. Which brings us to the flipside of this article. Now that the land down-under is a bastion of conservatism perhaps the uber wealthy are going there for the more welcoming/less hostile atmosphere.

Which is to opine that the rich fleeing the negative sentiments they cultivate in places with large working populations is nothing new.

It's one thing to wave the rigid middle finger around in the face of the 'peasants' and quite another to always have to 'watch your back' wherever you go.

Especially hazardous once it gets out that you aren't what you pretend to be...one of them.

Understand, good citizen, if we are to survive as a species we can't continue to allow the 'self-interested' to make decisions for all of us that primarily benefit THEM!

Some caring soul should make that sentence into a billboard and post it GLOBALLY because it is only through GLOBAL ACTION that we can put a stop to runaway population growth.

But no, apparently they believe we are incapable of understanding so they aren't even going to try and explain it to us.

So we have the wealthy 'flocking' to the land down under...better them than us? Not so fast, Slick. They don't give a crap about us in the first place which makes this a 'time to worry'...

I COULD dissect this more but some things are best left to the imagination.

Thank you once again for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, February 23, 2017


Greetings good citizen, even a cursory study of human history produces concrete evidence that violence is a 'baked in' trait in our, er, actually, it's difficult to point at any species that isn't blood-thirsty so perhaps it's more accurate to point at life itself as being a 'violent undertaking'. [Pun intended.]

The difference between our [opinion is shifting and science now believes animals may be more 'aware' than we give them credit for...largely because we are LESS aware than we claim to be...see the puzzle?]

Still, because we sit at the apex of our particular 'food chain', we SHOULD BE 'better' at managing/minimizing unnecessary violence yet Man's inhumanity to his fellow man remains 'legendary'.

Also evident among many predator species is a sadistic streak a couple of miles wide...is it this what we need to overcome?

Because this trait is ubiquitous sociologists tend to ignore it. It is a pointless argument largely because the people running things around here have said sadistic streak in spades and they REALLY don't like being 'singled out' for their inherent viciousness.

Yeah, good citizen, many of you agree that the 'stupid' shouldn't be allowed to vote just as the vicious shouldn't hold public office...of ANY KIND.

Being a sick puppy doesn't make you a great commander, it makes you a reckless one!

How unfortunate for the rest of us that savagery doesn't manifest itself like stupidity does? Thus do we arrive at the line between intelligence and wisdom.

The stupid can 'learn' wisdom but the intelligent think they already are, compounding the tragedy. [Oh that this were 'easy'...but like everything else it is complicated beyond necessity!]

Now it's time to step before the mirror and examine the culprit where it lives. Yes YOU!

Mistake number one is thinking YOU don't need self-examination. Few are capable of self-criticism/admitting they are flawed JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE!

Which is to remind you the stones being thrown aren't aimed at YOU specifically but chances are very good that your reflection can be seen standing among the guilty, just as mine can.

Because, truth be told, violence is a thing of the mind! Violent thoughts beget violent actions! [Big surprise there, eh?]

The quality that allegedly makes us superior to beasts is our ability to 'control' our violent urges...but again, that control tends to crumble depending on who is looking...and what we're angry at.

Do YOU control your anger or does it control YOU?

I have switched topics but again it's all related and near impossible to even pretend the lines are clear cut.

In fact much of our violent nature has been attributed to 'anger management' issues.

While the typical human thinks of something humorous at least a dozen times a day, we also spend a goodly percentage of our day in some state of simmering anger/rage, ever-ready to erupt at the slightest provocation.

Considering the 'opportunist' nature of our species [poor parenting, writ large!] this state of constant anger seems 'unavoidable'.

Worse, it also allows us to 'sympathize' with the violent actions of others, making even the unacceptable at least thinkable.

Yeah, this is where this tendency to believe 'they had it coming' invades your judging process. Why did they 'have it coming'? Because YOU'RE ANGRY!

Which is a whole other topic, related directly to the STUPID PEOPLE RUNNING THINGS!

This also returns us to a topic dear to me.

Without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE [thus the anger] and without JUSTICE there can be NO PEACE!

A Simple Plan makes the world/our species operate like it SHOULD...don't you want to at least try it before we pass into history's junk pile of failed experiments?

To both digress AND go 'screaming off the reservation' let me just point out that there are those in high places who believe there are too many people [the simple fact that every time the population doubles, it halves the time required to do it again.] The feckless few believe the solution to this situation lies in EXTERMINATION OF THE SURPLUS, using MONEY as the yardstick that determines who lives and who perishes...a purpose it was never intended for. Here is a primary example of how 'IGNORANCE KILLS'!

A Simple Plan offers an 'opportunity' to both rein in 'uncontrolled population growth' and to implement sustainable ecological practices that will assist us in our leap into the cosmos [which we must do MUCH SOONER than conventional thinking suggests, (we have decades, not centuries!)

How sad is it that humanity is a parasite not only to our planet but also to/upon our own species?

I'd best roll out my book containing A Simple Plan so you folks will understand what I'm droning on about, the current working title is 'Anti-Venom [for the poisoned mind]'

I keep posting copies on the web but the Libertarians keep erasing them as fast as I post them because they have a vested interest in keeping YOU convinced [predatory] capitalism is 'as good as it gets'.

And it will remain as good as it gets so long as they have a hand in it!

Seek and ye shall find!

Thank you for letting me inside your head, [I've been typing that for years but now you hear it everywhere so I am 'impacting' the public square!]

Ignore me at your own peril!


[SIDEBAR...how lost we are without facts? In 1950 the world's population was measured/estimated to be 3 billion souls, in the year 2000 (give or take a few months) the population topped 6 billion. Both right on time and setting us up for a very perilous situation...that the feckless intend to rectify in the most straight-forward manner possible. Now that you have the 'benchmark' do the math that gave rise to the 'population explosion' of the 1970's.

What SHOULD strike you as FREAKY is this 'elephant in the room' is totally absent from the political dialog ANYWHERE...definitely worrisome.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Life hacks

Greetings good citizen, work on my fourth book proceeds apace. 'Ordering the content' [putting it in a order that will make sense] is somewhat of a bear because everything is at least tangentially related.

I'm not about to devote whole chapters to multitude of things you are commonly assailed with on a daily basis so I'll provide you with a little 'preview' here.

Let's start with a gem that hit me right in the eye while I was browsing the web this morning. One article promised to share the 'secret' of a couple that allegedly saved $50,000 last year.

Full disclosure, I DID NOT click on this article...the answer to this little morsel was right there in front of us. Key to ANYONE saving $50,000 in ANY timeframe is 'excess income'. If you want to 'save' $50,000 in a single year, the first thing you MUST HAVE is $50 k in 'disposable income'!

Little tough to do when most of us live hand to mouth but it is a prerequisite!

Next up is, er, Seeing the world...economically. The net ranked 50 'cheaper than here' countries and just as you would expect, most of 'em are third world hell-holes. The ones that aren't, if you didn't grow up there good luck trying to learn the language...[how many of you still believe in the 'Tower of Babel' BS? our inability to communicate is proof positive that we are from different planets...

Which seems to suggest there is a method of 'confounding' the brain into believing we've been HERE all along. But I digress, although not by too much.

As I keep repeating, ALL money is funny...value is completely 'relative' yet a fool believes.

[Valuable one there! Best pick it up and put it somewhere where you won't lose it!]

Here's a real gem...no matter how well you care for yourself, the final destination remains unchanged!

So much would be different if the genuinely deluded would embrace the simple fact (for now) NO ONE is getting out of here ALIVE!

Sounds dumb until you think about it.

Life really is 'too short' to put up with what we're regularly expected to take in stride.

Not a complete digest but some simple tips from your old pal Gegner!

Have a great day...because it truly is 'what YOU make it!'

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Richistan revisited

Greetings good citizen, as the list of billionaires keeps growing does it occur to ANY of you that money is severely 'mis-managed'?

Psychologists opine that the main reason we, er, 'tolerate' these lopsided outcomes is because we all want our turn when the time comes. The operative term here is 'when'. Stupid thinks he/she is gonna trip and come into several billions any day now! [So powerful is our ability to delude ourselves...]

Understand puddin' head, by the time YOU accumulate a billion anything it will be roughly the price of a cup of coffee.

How fortunate is it for those running our civilization that their followers are STUPID? [What we are witnessing today goes well beyond simple 'ignorance'.]

[FULL STOP] 'Criticizing' the uber wealthy is consistently attacked as 'jealousy', to the 'wannabe', wealth is good and more wealth is great!

But the 'problem' [same as it ever was] is not just fake news but fake wealth!

The Dow is hovering around 20,000 but what does that mean in a society whose major product is DEBT?

Poverty is off the charts around the globe, unemployment is rampant in our thieves culture but the thieves don't care, they have theirs.

In the end, that's what it's all about...I got mine, f___ You/them!

Billions will soon yield to trillions and still no one will, er, express their astonishment [because by then criticizing the wealthy will carry a death sentence!]

Did I mention our civilization is [barely] managed by tyrants?

Put NOTHING beyond them. Their selfishness and depravity know no limits.

But that's just sour grapes, right?

Time to make YOU face the mirror again...

What do you see?

Not much, truth be told, only one in a billion of you were BORN WITH A TRUST FUND! [But that doesn't bother YOU, you're gonna make your heap any day now, all you have to do is get your idea out of the planning stage [how pathetic is it that most of you plan on hooking up with someone else that has a great idea and riding THEIR coattails to riches!]

Worse, if [and in many cases even if you WERE born with a silver anything protruding from ANY of your orifices] what you see now is pretty much just an older version of the 'pauper' your parents brought into this world.

Stars [entertainers] beget stars and billionaires beget trillionaires because they 'travel' in their own little worlds, a world YOU aren't part of.

The whole situation redefines the term 'flirtin' with disaster'.

Today's real question for the 'man in the mirror' is, 'where do you plan on being when the bottom drops out?'

[Ya gotta do better than a shrug.]

Isn't it cute how the article goes on to praise those with more than they can spend for their 'charitable' [tax-deductible] contributions? You know those 'researchers' are members of the 'ultra rich' thanks to those billionaires alone!

If we continue to rely on 'charitable research', dread diseases will NEVER be cured for pretty much the same reason the War on Drugs is an 'exercise in futility'...there's 'too much money in it!'

Once again I belabor the obvious, all crime is cash and carry, we could end the 'drug problem' tomorrow [especially the 'overdose epidemic'] by legalizing and prescribing ALL medications.

No need to ask if we are being led by morons...one look confirms that we are!

The disturbing part is look at the followers...how the hell are we going to fix THAT?

Well, one thing at a time...[overthrow the chiselers then clean up the mess...]

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


PS: We aren't in danger of 'financial collapse' because the morons still have commas to move, as long as YOU keep accepting their 'trash', they keep the printing presses running. The problem with 'wealth imbalances' is [as highlighted earlier in my piece about farmers being driven out of business because they 'can't afford to grow food!'

We'll have plenty of money but NOTHING to eat!

That's where playing 'fast and loose with the finances bites civilization in the backside.

I don't need to draw you a picture as to 'who loses' when this recklessness comes home to roost, do I?

Monday, February 20, 2017

Comply or Die

Greetings good citizen, as I know all too well, speaking truth to power has consequences.

Tyrants LOVE to use their 'power to punish' and it isn't difficult to imagine that the protesters will suffer for exercising 'their right to express themselves' FOR THE REST OF THEIR NATURAL DAYS...

THERE IS A REASON I harp on the topic of 'man's inhumanity to their fellow man!' and nothing is more dangerous to liberty that 'a little power'.

Using your position to punish others is an exile offense. [in the possible future, right now it's one of the hazards of living under the reign of tyrants!]

Mirror time, how many of you think the protesters brought this on themselves? Nobody is looking over your shoulder, nobody...well almost nobody can read your mind. I'm asking but only YOU know the honest answer.

Do you think people who stand up for themselves are A.) foolish & B.) Stupid?

Is YOUR motto 'tread softly and carry a VERY poisonous dagger!?

Because that's THEIR motto. The 'conspiracy of silence' and the 'who me' fake innocence is precisely the kind of behavior that disqualifies people from the benefits of civil society!

Think people don't KNOW you're a 'snake in the grass'? You delude yourself.

How fortunate for you making you accountable for you vile deeds is more trouble than its worth under the criminal society we live in. [This is not to protect you, it's to protect THEM.]

But I digress. In our computerized, cataloged and digitized age this sort of 'defiance' [against the very tyrants the government is supposed to be PROTECTING US FROM] will be part of your 'permanent record'.

Do anything to draw attention to yourself and 'policy' will take care of the rest.

I can speak my mind mostly because my 'future' is behind me. How freaky is it that this won't stop them from cataloging my crimes until the day my keyboard falls silent?

Won't be much they can do about it unless they decide to 'abbreviate' my sentence to this hellish place.

Truth be told there isn't much chance of that happening. If they 'murder' me it will come in the form of 'denial of service' should I have a medical situation.

But this isn't about me or my fate, it's about YOU and YOUR FATE!

Will you live on your knees or die on your feet? Um, get the fuck up! What? You didn't KNOW you were kneeling?

You need to pay more attention!

The mirror tells us a lot that we don't care to see and more we don't care to admit.

So it is, this message to the individual in the mirror is, if you don't like what you see, CHANGE IT!

Happy Presidinks day!


Sunday, February 19, 2017


Greetings good citizen, the issue of 'Fake News' has stormed center stage as the head conserve-whacko has taken to repeating 'talking points' fabricated by the Right Wing Noise Machine.


Ironic that many, er, 'staunch conservatives' remain ignorant of just how their 'movement' became so...'popular'. It all started with the 'palace coup' that installed one of the worst presidents ever and remains responsible for telling YOU what to think EVER SINCE!

Like 'Skelator's' false news story about the 'massacre' in Bowling Green, KY. El Trumpo was broadcast as informing the world for the first time that the Swedes were experiencing similar problems to those experienced in France and Belgium.

For the first time because this was news to the Swedes too!

Will EL Rushbo lose his contract with satellite radio for this? Of course not. Making a public laughing stock out of the POTUS is collateral damage in the cause of advancing worldwide conservatism.

Power to the STUPID!


[Um, if you're NOT leaning back whispering 'good luck with THAT!' you're definitely part of the Dain Bramaged...]

Ironically, the now venerable Mr. Limbaugh has cemented his 'reputation' as an ENTERTAINER so no court in the land would convict him of 'mis-informing' the public.

ONLY STUPID PEOPLE 'believe' his 'fables'...sort of sad to learn a bit too late that the current POTUS falls into that rather substantial group.

Where are we?

We have arrived at the critical line between 'Freedom of Speech' and the public's NEED to LEARN THE TRUTH!

Can we have 'dis-information' masquerading as 'news'?

Rush lies ALL OF THE TIME but a majority of his listeners don't know that there isn't a shred of fact behind his sweeping assertions and broad generalizations.

Now we have Rush's listeners IN THE WHITE HOUSE!


Seated at the right hand of the Man-child is his 'head of propaganda', a direct pipeline to the 'info-tainment' the conservo-whacko base regularly feeds from!

Libel and slander have both been 'legalized' in the name of 'info-tainment' and that sacred principle enshrined in the Constitution, Free Speech!

How sad is it that Free Speech includes the 'freedom' to lie and dissemble, there is no protection from those who would use this 'right' to 'mis-inform' the public...and now the POTUS is displaying his IGNORANCE!

Like the song says, 'A man he hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest'...

How do you think the nation became so 'divided'?

Could it be because of the lying liars and their lies?

We can't make 'common cause' with one another because, depending on who you listen to, every one of us is part 'other' that the hate mongers tell us we can't trust...when the truth is WE CAN'T TRUST THE HATERS!

We would all like to think that certain things are 'evident' but some people don't comprehend at the same rate most of us do and it's beginning to look like those numbers are rising [largely because they have been immersed in dis-information their whole lives so to them it's all 'true'.

Problem with fiction is if it's repeated often enough it BECOMES TRUE!

Like the Flat Earthers...or the Birthers for that matter!

Like many things in this world we share, it's a dangerous place and even those who 'share' (or pretend to) your interests aren't necessarily 'all that bright'.

Gotta think for yourself if you want to survive.

As you were good citizen! Those who know don't need it and those who think otherwise aren't listening...have the serenity to know which is which and move on.

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Learning Curve

Greetings good citizen, as we inch ever closer to a UN mandated ultimatum, we should pause for a second and wonder why it matters (all of a sudden) whether or not the President is a 'security risk'?

Are 'career politicians' trained [at some undisclosed location] to handle 'sensitive information'? In a world increasingly shrouded in 'secrecy', WHO is qualified to keep those 'secrets' and HOW do we 'choose'?

How many of you suspect we've already been 'cut out of the loop', that our entire electoral process has become an exercise in 'hand-waving'?

Did/Are 'our betters' setting us up for a 'hostile takeover'?

Ironically, if we wait to see how this 'situation' plays out, it will be too late.

But I digress, let us return to the issues of 'Who and How'.

In a total 'wired' world, who is qualified to handle the multiple challenges facing modern society? If elections can be 'hijacked', how do we safeguard the process? [Do we go back to the 'ancient ways' and toss our spears in the pile of our choice?] (probably not, you almost never get YOUR spear back!)

Again, how do we 'choose'? Is the fellow you'd feel most comfortable 'sharing a beer with' really the best choice for leader or would it be the one you'd trust to watch your children in an emergency?

[Republicans want to have a beer with the candidate...maybe bartenders should polish up their political skills? Have a stranger watch their children? (They'd kill their own kids before they let a stranger watch them!)]

Where were we? Oh yeah, who would we pick to manage the nation's 'secrets' and how should we go about 'electing' them in a tamper free manner?

What does the kind of beer they drink tell you about how they will manage the nation's secrets? How many do you have to see them drink before you know it's the individual with the skills we need?

[A case? Two? Remember, you're matching him one for one! If he pukes before you do does it mean he's disqualified? If you puke first do you still get to vote?]

A farce for sure and NOBODY has opined that they'd like to sit down with the Donald and have a beer with him...

Does The Donald even drink beer? Hmmn...this is getting tougher the deeper we get into it!

You already know I think we're doing this wrong...the question isn't what to YOU think, the question here is, 'Does what you think matter?'

Again, the buzzer sounds telling us we have an 'illegal question!' [And no, it's not about what I think, it's the other one, the one that has the audacity to assume that what you think is even a consideration!

Now being Presidink has a definite 'learning curve'; one the media seems unwilling to cut the foundling any slack on. But it isn't the 'man child's' learning curve we're concerned about, it's YOURS!

Think about this good citizen, our increasingly 'secret society' coupled with global interconnectedness makes for a veritable minefield that is ALLERGIC TO FREEDOM!

How do you preserve your liberty when the price of 'safety' is your freedom?

Which leads full circle to the nagging question of 'who is watching the watchers?' [ad infinitum...]

The ONLY answer to that puzzle is 'nobody' because there are no secrets and we all must trust one another!

Learning curve solved.

If YOU can't wrap your head around that please do the rest of us a favor and commit suicide, put the both of us out of YOUR misery!

Once again I remind you it is not my purpose to tell you what to think, I only provide you with something to think about!

If you don't like my answers then please find your own.

Thank YOU for letting me inside YOUR head,


Friday, February 17, 2017

The 'Mess' we call 'government...

Greetings good citizen, yesterday the latest 'Nitwit in Chief' proclaimed that he 'inherited a mess!'

How many of you are SHOCKED by this revelation?

How many of you think every president since Washington, [who had a REAL MESS on his hands since it had never been done before], thought the exact same thing?

This isn't a poll so the 'how many' part is purely rhetorical. Perhaps better to ask who thinks the government ISN'T 'A MESS?'

People allegedly sick of the 'same old, same old' elected Mr. Let's make it GREAT [again...] with absolutely ZERO explanation of what that empty phrase was supposed to mean?

To this day NOBODY has a freakin' clue what GREAT is supposed to look like but it sure sounded GOOD during the campaign against Ms. 'You Owe Me this!'

Like the War on Terra, nobody FIFTEEN YEARS LATER, has the FIRST CLUE what 'VICTORY' is supposed to look like!

Ironic how someone who campaigned on eliminating the Electoral College owes his presidency to that 'appointed' body.

More disturbing is how it [said college] came to be created in the first place. So fearful are they of being prosecuted...because that part hasn't changed!

And the clock is against them.

Their singular 'saving grace' is there is no 'organized resistance' stalking them...yet.

Lost? Uncertain who 'they' are in this particular case? Do I refer to the puppets or the puppeteers?

Both actually cuz one isn't going down without the other...

The puppeteers like to think they can just snip the strings and walk away but the ties that bind can't be cut! Follow the Money and the path leads back to THEM!

Forget the Kabuki Dance the media calls government, the criminals who actually run things pushed the limits beyond what was prudent and surprise, they are now in full retreat and considering martial law to bring the situation back under control!

More psycho-babble you think? Wouldn't be the first time the public has been 'beaten into submission'...although it will take a lot more than it took last time because the mindless mob is less 'controllable' than their 'god fearing' ancestors were!

[It's also beginning to look like they are preparing to give us a God Enema...where you'll have GOD shoved up your backside the hard way! A return of 'blasphemy equals death' sort of thing...which is only slightly removed from 'thought crime'.]

Orwell's '1984' is flying off the shelves as we watch, mesmerized by the surrealness that is enveloping us with it's 'Alternative facts' and STOP THINK/THOUGHT CRIME marching to the forefront of public awareness!

Now here comes some 'Change you can believe in!'

Is this what you meant when you were wiping you backside with the Constitution...and the Magna Carta?

Treaties that were intended to hold the powerful accountable are only enforceable if those charged with insuring adherence aren't suborned by those who would act contrary to the treaties!

YOU, today, right here and now...are living in a world without ANY of those 'ancient protections'! and the usurpers say you 'lost them' because you 'took them for granted'!

Like the term 'These things we hold to be 'self-evident' apparently aren't when they conflict with the wishes of the 'self-interested!'

For time out of mind, ever since the first 'head-man' made a pact with his soldiers to exploit the very people they 'saved' from being exploited/exterminated by competitors, have people sought 'the protection of government' and the rule of law to save them.

And repeatedly, invariably, they have FAILED.

You are living in yet another failed attempt to establish the 'rule of law' over the rule of tyrants.

But, ironically THAT isn't 'The Mess' El Trumpo is referring to!

It's the failed 'War on Terra' and the 'make 'em pay' healthcare plans that most people LIKE [because coverage isn't denied for 'pre-existing conditions'] that the new 'nitwit in chief is talking about.

Again, ironically, he made the 'immigration mess' all by himself.

Nevermind what I 'see', what is it that YOU see?

Have you chosen 'blindness' as the 'safest path' in this 'go along to get along' world?

When THEY give the word, YOU are going to die [most wretchedly] and it will be because YOU failed to ACT when you had a chance!

Face it good citizen, NOTHING can 'salvage' what passes for government today. It is not the 'rule of law' but by the decree of the One Percent!

Time to tear it down and start over!

I have ALREADY TOLD YOU what needs to be done! [STRIKE!] (See, even the immigrants got the message!)

I have also told you that a strike alone won't be enough. You have three days to take control of the supply lines or the riots will rage out of control...

Which is to say we need to do a lot of things quickly if we hope to restore the 'rule of law'.

Foolishly losing control of money was our [many times removed] 'grandparents mistake', something we mustn't repeat.

It is the ONLY path forward [if WE are to survive...]

But if it's just you...good luck with that!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, February 16, 2017


Greetings good citizen, 'immigration' has been problematic for time out of mind and pretty much for the same reason it always has been...although not everybody who immigrated did so 'willingly'.

How sad is it that 'unwilling immigrants' are better known by their situation, slaves?

Still, the greatest/principle objection to immigrants is their taking of jobs that 'might have gone' to natives.

When the REAL POBLEM is immigrants take jobs that the natives would starve to death doing!

The capitalists call this 'opportunity' when in reality it is exploitation.

How pathetic is it that the 'Land of Opportunity' really translates to the 'opportunity' for a capitalist to exploit YOU?

Sound like an old commie, don't I? Let me assure you I am not. Communism [as currently practiced] is no different from capitalism except under communism your politicians are also your bosses!

Not a welcome trade off under ANY circumstances.

The solution to both, er, 'management styles' are ironically the same. RULES WITHOUT RULERS!

YOUR biggest objection to our debt-driven, do as I say and not as I do society is how there's one set of rules for YOU and pretty much NONE for those walking the corridors of power.

Complain about this and suddenly you're throwing a pity party for YOURSELF! Not like everybody else doesn't have the same complaint...but the squeaky wheel is usually told it's on its own!

On those rare occasions when ol' squeaky has 'back-up' now you're just a pack of 'malcontents' that will never be satisfied with anything!

Isn't it disturbing how the conservo-whacko mind works?

But I digress...

So it is we, in our zeal to prove the Bible is the god given instruction manual we ALL must live by...again, everybody but those running things.

Thus did we 'transplant' God's 'chosen people' from the four corners of the planet back to the 'Promised Land', sort of pushing the people who lived there already aside because our god said they were here FIRST.

Palestine no longer exists and if you're not Palestinian YOU DON'T CARE!

Well, the capitalist with their H1B visas don't care if the job you laid out a hundred thousand dollars to get a degree in goes to the 'lowest cost candidate' that, ironically, didn't pay a nickle for their degree!

UNTIL we straighten out money we will NOT straighten out society!


[Things stay the way they are so 'a few' can be wealthy...pretty reckless in a world being overrun by the, er, 'surplus population'. Not my words...Dickens probably didn't coin the term either but he's credited with making it famous.]

Funny how the 'golden rule' [do unto others as you would have them do unto you!] would take care of this mess we let the selfish few make but who will pick up the sword and lead the charge?

Recognize the extreme danger of the mindless mob running off in every direction destroying things only to vent their rage over the injustices they have endured!

Imagine what the Palestinians would do if they could get their hands on the people responsible for using military might to re-establish the IMAGINED state of Israel. [Nobody alive KNOWS what was really there two thousand years ago.] We don't know that it truly existed, just that it is described in a 'fairy tale' used to justify their 'privilege' as being divinely mandated.

Think about this good citizen!

[Talk about one thing leading to another! This has gone 'screaming off the reservation' but it illustrates the power of obsfuscation and it's ability to fill your head with nonsense BECAUSE YOUR PARENTS WERE TAUGHT TO BELIEVE IT WAS GOD GIVEN!]

This is despite the fact that the Bible ADMITS to being written BY MAN [who were supposedly 'inspired by God'...to justify the divine right of Kings!]

Still with me?

Think I lost most of you at the first switchback, the common thread most of you missed is EXPLOITATION!

Immigrants come here looking for a 'better life', one they are promised exists just around the 'next bend'. How long do you think STUPID will keep looking?

The search for 'greener pastures' has driven our species into the most inhospitable parts of this planet and for some bizarre reason, the search persists to this day!

When will people wake up to the FACT that 'running' isn't the answer. Your 'green pasture' is right in front of you, all you need do is put a stop to the nitwit that THINKS it's theirs!

This planet belongs to ALL of us! This is why the current model is badly broken because the 'pieces' they don't want are sold off to the highest bidder and then YOU'RE STUCK WITH THEM!

I'd like to tell you ALL 'Stop being a chump!' but you aren't paying attention, much less listening!

[Boy, this one is a rambler even by my standards!]

[Screeching brakes as I stop from charging off the reservation yet again!]

Understand what is DRIVING the immigrant controversy. It's not YOU, it's the EXPLOITERS.


Thank YOU for letting me inside YOUR HEAD,


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Are YOU 'middle Class'? [Dummy Test]

Greetings good citizen, coinciding with the Republican Revolution came a certain 'shame' in being 'working class'. Until the most recent election the words had disappeared from the political lexicon as the politicians focused their efforts on saving the 'middle class'.

Who, precisely, IS this group that 90% of us self-identify with?

People like 'simple' things...if the world were divided into 'Rich & Poor' most people would consider themselves 'in the middle' [largely because they have NO FREAKING CLUE what it takes to be considered RICH]

Is homeownership the dividing line between Middle Class and Poor?


Middle Class is 'reserved' for college educated professionals who earn their living from their degree.

Is it any wonder the Middle Class is 'disappearing'?

Once again we collide head on with the 'neck deep in STUPID phenomenon'.

Why is this happening? The culprit is 'modern education' which is designed to mislead rather than enlighten.

We have a whole crop of 'educators' that are dumber than a box of rocks!

Seriously, good citizen, the flaw goes back to and can be boiled down to 'failing to teach the basics'.

Should three quarters of you be ignorant as to the meaning of the word Liberty?

Not 'stupid student', we're looking at you Masters degree in 'education'...(or is that obsfuscation?)

Because today's 'educational objective' is not to learn how to think, the whole testing process is an exercise in 'remembering what you were taught' a.k.a. 'believe what I tell you' [or it will be marked wrong and you'll FAIL!]

We're not all going to be physicists so why does your degree rely on being able to perform complicated algebraic equations that even engineers don't encounter [regularly if at all?]

Is THAT 'teaching you to think?' [It is the complete opposite...it teaches you NOT to think! Your ability to solve complicated (but useless) equations (using formulas you were hand fed) makes you THINK YOU'RE SMART yet you have NO FREAKING CLUE what the function of government is supposed to be!] WTF!

Short answer, NO! No irony should be lost on the fact IQ testing relies heavily on the ability to use mathematics effectively.

Life is fairly simple [something your self professed 'betters' don't want you thinking about...in fact, they want you thinking about ANYTHING ELSE but how simple life really is...it's the 'complications' that make life GOOD for them and SUCK for you.

Truly pathetic is how the educators themselves fail to detect the smoke being blown up their backside, that their 'curriculum' isn't worth the powder to blow it to hell from a practical standpoint.

Ever wonder why ET keeps it's distance? Because this place is a floating INSANE ASYLUM...stay off the planet and they can't hurt you!

But I digress.

But again, not too wildly. You see, the reason WHY MOST OF YOU 'MIS-IDENTIFY' as MIDDLE CLASS is because you weren't 'educated' to know what 'Middle class' really was. Worse, you were LIED TO by these same 'educators' to believe you lived in a CLASSLESS society.

[Which isn't entirely untrue, those running our society are a bunch of 'classless assh*les!' which is a different problem altogether..]

How sad is it that this bit of 'enlightenment' will bring absolutely zero results? You SHOULD BE 'mad as hell' and looking for the head of the local school board on a platter! But this sort of stuff is POLITICAL, the people who cut the teacher's paychecks are the same people you (supposedly) 'elect' to represent you.

Are ANY of you wondering just how deep this particular 'rabbit hole' is?

Well, it brings us back to the mystery of what became of the fellow who observed 'you can fill a persons head with a great deal of 'nonsense' and they are still capable of functioning adequately.'

Ever wonder what happened to THAT guy? Did they make him the 'Minister of Education' or are his remains still floating around on an iceberg somewhere?

How ironic is it that if you're not taught to think, you won't?

Much of what occurs is due to your 'blind acceptance'.

Imagine a world where EVERYBODY knew that one fact?

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Yeah, I heard the 'crash' after I let you in on the fact you've been educated like a freaking mushroom [kept in the dark and fed bullshit!] but the time for 'kid gloves' is over.

Not EVERYBODY is going to survive this so the focus has shifted to 'saving the save-able'.

Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

One thing leads to another

Greetings good citizen, I put forth ideas that are outside the 'mainstream', one of those ideas is the ban on the 'professional practice of Law'.

If YOU don't understand the law then how will you know 'Justice' has been done?

A far worse problem is if you aren't 'made of money' YOU can't AFFORD 'justice'; right, wrong OR indifferent! Which is to belabor the obvious, most of us can't afford to 'sue the bastard' so 'the bastard' sticks it up your backside, knowing there is nothing we can do about it.

This is the world WE live in and have lived in for quite some time. The 'average' individual can't afford justice or his day in court because if he LOSES the 'expense' falls directly on THEM.

Justice is for EVERYBODY, not just the thieving few.

Do you want to hazard a guess WHY our justice system is 'cost prohibitive'?

So people don't sue the thieves for ripping them off!

Like rents being in lockstep with mortgage rates, Lawyers HOURLY rate is in lockstep with the median middle class WEEKLY wage!

Which is to belabor the obvious, the criminals have been running things from the start...and if you weren't one of them then YOU weren't going to 'prosper'.

You could do okay for yourself but between taxes and fees you'd always be fighting an 'uphill battle'. [Somewhat similar to the poor farmers that don't qualify for 'corporate welfare'...]

So, considering you've been raised from the get go to BELIEVE you need 'competent legal council' should you ever need to contest the legality of an issue, does the idea of a world WITHOUT Lawyers scare you?

It shouldn't.

Think about this. The Law should be straight-forward and easy to understand. IF YOU can't defend yourself/your actions on our own, why should you be able to hire a weasel to get you undone...or to make sure the other guy's weasel doesn't tie you up in knots?

That's where the 'professional practice of law' leads. You have to 'lawyer up' so you don't find yourself 'outmaneuvered' in the courtroom, stuck with the bill because the other guy was able to sidetrack the judge from what the real issue was!

Well, the banning the 'professional practice of Law' would also ban judges...because, again, NOBODY IS QUALIFIED TO SIT IN JUDGEMENT OF ANYONE!

Spirit in the Sky is but since he's both 'imaginary' AND 'perfect' it's not likely he's gonna be turning up in a courtroom anytime soon.


In the future, an educated populace will sit as jurors and it will be THEIR understanding of the LAW that will determine if the law was violated and what should be done about it.

Like voting, in the future your IQ will be used to determine your 'fitness' for jury duty as well as being able to vote.

Just as 'sanity' is what a majority of the population believes is 'normal', we'd apply the same principle to legal matters. The law would speak for itself and the jury would use 'their understanding of the law' to reach a verdict.

ANOTHER IMPORTANT VARIENT to the legal proceedings would be a seven member jury, three who KNOW you and four who do not.

The 'purpose' of mixing 'friends and strangers' is those who know you would be able to shed light on your 'character', where those who don't would be impartial...which is why the strangers would have the majority. Good friends will defend you regardless, although if your friends are stupid they can't be jurors...and smart people know they have to live here too, nice or not, if you're guilty, they will be interested in seeing justice done.

Again, your 'character' will precede you and those who work with you will KNOW what kind of person you are. You may think you have them fooled but you don't. If you're an idiot to work with, they know.

Thus will the law work to insure we behave 'morally' and that we are perceived by others as reliable and true. If not then you'd best pray you never find yourself defending your existence before a panel of seven.

This is how the Law SHOULD work.

What we have is a travesty designed to PROTECT THE GUILTY!

If you're tired of being stepped on, well at least you know what you're buying in to!

Well, that's my two cents on 'the professional practice of law' [and why it should be abolished! It is the very foundation of INJUSTICE!]

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Monday, February 13, 2017

Sit down and shut up

Greetings good citizen, I'll bet you're wondering who is supposed to sit down and dummy up, you or me?

I recently wrote an article on the topic of independent farmers who are unable to grow food 'profitably' and what this says about the mismanagement of our civilization.

On the 'hierarchy of needs' food ranks forth behind air, water and clothing/shelter [adequate clothing can compensate for shelter thus the 'tie' although some would argue that shelter is necessary for sound sleep and therefore must be 'predator' proof.]

So without food civilization cannot exist. It is postulated that growing crops and animal husbandry 'created' civilization and the prosperity that so many take for granted.

How is it farmers can no longer 'afford' to work the land?

What does this say about the value of money (or the idiots that manipulate it?)

Understand, money is 'make believe' yet you can't survive without it! Food is real and you also can't survive without it.

Am I boring you? Should I dummy up and keep my annoying blog posts to myself?

Sadly [for those who favor the idea I dummy up] this is my blog and it's what I do to 'vent'. Doesn't matter if anybody reads this, I put it out there for you to consider.

Because if nobody brings it up chances are you'll never come upon this stuff by yourself.

Chances are you're eyes would slide right over the headline, the significance of the story lost because the supermarket had plenty of food the last time you visited (just like is always does.) If there isn't any MONEY in farming, why bother?

Because farmers don't farm for money, what they raise is far more valuable than useless paper, they are making the staff of life!

For many Money equals Food...but mostly, for reasons that make zero sense, money isn't sufficient to produce food.

Well the factory farms must be doing something 'right'...How pathetic is it the thing they're doing right is called 'subsidies', better know as 'corporate welfare!' We 'pay' for food in more ways than one.

This is why the 'small operator' is getting 'squeezed out'.

When there isn't enough food, civilization will implode and it only takes 3 days.

While you're contemplating the 'hierarchy of needs' you might want to spend a few moments wondering what you'd do in a 'food crisis'?

When only the rich can afford food the battle cry becomes 'eat the rich'...which sadly, is literal.

Um, second on the menu is the hoarding chiseler that put the independent farmer out of business by not paying enough for their produce. [while charging too much for the inputs!]

Like I keep saying good citizen; money, we're doing it wrong!

Something most of you won't realize until they slip the noose over YOUR head, right before you start dancing the funky chicken two feet off the ground.

When there is the potential to 'abuse' a thing, it WILL BE abused...count on it, especially when those who uphold the law are 'unreliable'.

In this respect the whole damn set-up stinks.

It's ALL connected people, the sooner you wake up to the bigger picture the sooner we can get started putting things right!

Remember, it all starts with the Human anti-exploitation law! [and the banishing of those who would practice 'law' professionally.

Sorry for the repeat but it's important.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, February 11, 2017


How many of you know what 'Liberty' means without looking it up? Are you the Walrus, 'my words mean exactly what I want them to mean nothing more and nothing less !' [with the implied 'regardless of what anyone else thinks?']

You look it up while the rest of us contemplate what 'freedom from tyranny' means...

The essential 'purpose of government' is to insure the public's 'freedom from tyranny'.

[How they manage this without the human anti-exploitation law is anybody's guess but we all know OUR GOVERNMENT Doesn't consider 'safeguarding your liberty' as its primary mission.

It appears our modern government exists [solely] to protect the One Percent from PROSECUTION!

This is what happens when the people governments are founded to protect you from take over the government!

I'm sure nobody finds it odd that people forget why we have government in the first place but toss a few conniving weasels into the mix and the next thing you know you have a 'free for ME, er, ALL on your hands!

Why should YOU care, you of so limited memory? Do you remember what happens to the losers in that other game of political intrigue known as War? The surviving losers were ENSLAVED!

People mistakenly equate politics with team sports...your team 'lost' well better luck next time. How much LUCK do you think you're going to have when neither 'team' represents YOUR interests? You're a loser from the start and it will NEVER get better!

Politics are the art of how we will live! Something we are ALL deeply interested in.

Which returns us to problem A...how do we fix a political system that has no utilities that allow the governed to repair a system that no longer represents them?

If the current system represents you then you need your head examined...professionally although these days they're half off their rocker too!

Again, much to do and little time!

Enjoy your weekend,


Friday, February 10, 2017

Libertarian revolution is here!

Greetings good citizen, we've seen them on the periphery for decades, those 'rugged individual, get what you pay for [and to them it don't matter WHAT, to a Libby prostitution [even sexual trafficking where the 'provider' is forced to do what they do is 'just a business transaction'.

Well, don't look now good citizen but Mr. 'slash regulations' Trump is paving the way for what may already be a 'fiat accompli'. [Done deal]

Libertarian philosophy {the Libbies have been fielding presidential candidates for decades] is dressed up to be fiscally conservative but socially 'liberal' politics. Ever wonder where all of this political turmoil regarding 'gender politics' comes from? Look no further.

It would take a great deal of 'political capital' to make these issues 'mainstream' but to understand a Libby you have to understand where they came from!

They are the Robber Barons of old! Government regulation thwarted their original plans to turn society into an 'anything goes' cesspit so they 'regrouped' and began again, from the INSIDE.

Turns out it was a simple job to hijack the 'party system and oust legitimate political candidates, they had been studying the process for years and knew where the 'weak points' were.

Not satisfied with one party, they wanted control of the whole process so both parties were, 'suborned'.

Understand what has happened since 'Morning in America'.

The US economy was DESTROYED [and NOBODY even blinked while tens of millions of jobs went 'poof'!] but that isn't enough, then they proceeded to destroy the global economy so we have stories like this from today's NY Times:
Feeling 'Pressure All the Time' on Europe's Treadmill of Temporary Work

In the European Union, more than half [of] the new jobs since 2010 have been through temporary contracts, creating more workers seeking full-time employment.

This is the type of stuff that prevents kids from getting established and leading their own lives.

Could it 'left-handedly' be considered 'population control'? Why yes it could but the means are beyond cruel. We can put an end to population growth via education, it need not be done through coercion!

So the answer to the question, 'When is Junior going to find a nice girl and move out? is NEVER, thanks to our WOULD-BE EMPERORS who no longer admit to being Libertarians.

Yeah, good citizen, the 411 on libertarianism came out and it's EVIL was spread far and wide. While the Libbies [as a political force] have reverted to their former 'third party' status, the 'true perps are still bent on making the world a Libertarian paradise!

Two words, is all you need to know, good citizen. In/under Libertarian rule 'anything' [and I do mean anything] goes...and you have NO LEGAL RECOURSE, the government only exists to enforce the rules thought up on the spot by the rulers!

Since 'opening the doors' to [already] global trade [slightly before Morning in America] we started four, er, 'police actions', deregulated the media, legalized propagandizing the public [a totally reckless move blamed on youthful protesters] legalized loan-sharking [payday loans anyone?] abolished Habeas Corpus [eliminating protection against arbitrary arrest that has been around since the Magna Carta...which had to be signed at sword point FOUR TIMES...just to give you an idea what kind of people we're dealing with here!

Now The Donald is stripping us of what few rights we have left.

I'm beginning to think the tree of liberty is long overdue for watering...but this time we should water it with what the tree relishes, the blood of scoundrels! [those who would deny us Equality and Peace by withholding Justice!

No shortage of scoundrels! we could drown the damn tree but if legend be true, it's a hardy breed that thrives if given the right conditions!

If we fail to remove our Emperor wannabes from the corridors of power we will re-enter the Dark Ages from which mankind may never re-emerge.

Those who feel their thrones were 'denied' them by their selfish ancestors want nothing less than a return to power. We have already seen what they intend.

The question is do YOU want to live under the fickle rule of people who have nothing in common with you and zero regard for your well-being?

Cuz that's a Libertarian, a.k.a. a ROYAL!

It's all good as long as it's the way THEY want it!

They are the type that seriously ask the question, 'Don't they know they're lucky we let them live?'

If everything were automated, you would NOT be so lucky! Worse, only a tiny portion of what is needs to be and suddenly there would be a bounty on your worthless head!

Because it's not [even though it is if you're paying attention] in your face doesn't mean it's not happening and those people, despite being 'gone' for centuries have raised their kids to be aware of what they once were...with some of them telling them they could have it all back if they were 'crafty' enough.

Well, looks like a couple of 'em took grandpa at his word...

Remember, not what to think but something to think about!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sorry about quality, they just called me in so I had to 'scramble'.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

What's wrong with this picture?

Greetings good citizen, I came upon this article after yesterday's post and had yet another 'WTF' moment as millions are homeless and billions suffer from 'food insecurity'.

Is this something else we're [obviously] doing WRONG?

The 'pieces' are truly frightening as the 'mis-management' of our civilization moves into high gear. Take this news that farmers are being shortchanged for their produce [a vital necessity, more 'important' than oil!] and couple it with a whole generation that can't move out from under its parent's roof and where does that leave us?

Well, it means the f*ckers know that civilization is only nine meals deep (and for some reason they don't dare cut the supply lines yet...(although we might be a lot closer than anyone thinks.)

Crash the 'food market' and Helter Skelter begins, for real!

Why aren't these miscreants being prosecuted? Could they be part of the same gang of goons that repealed the ruling where if your going to call yourself an 'investment adviser', your RESPONSIBILITY is to the investor [and not YOURSELF!]

WTF good citizen!

Some of you may not get the connection between the 'Failure to launch' epidemic and the second 'farm crisis' that threatens to extinguish the independent farmer.

When there is only ONE SOURCE, that source will DICTATE PRICE...and if you can't afford it, TOUGH!

Is there a 'scion of wealth' out there right now, twiddling his thumbs as he contemplates the carnage that he intends to use to 'cleanse' the world of the 'surplus population'? [How SICK is it he honestly believes he's doing us 'a favor'?]

Those of little imagination [who only aspire to 'the world that was' one where THEY reign supreme!] need to be removed from the corridors of power BEFORE they shatter our best chance to move forward as a species!

YOU probably can't see it good citizen but we stand at a crossroads in one direction lies the future for us all and in the other lies debt driven slavery and extinction once the planet's resources are 'squandered' by the self-interested, upon the self-interested.

In that respect they DESERVE TO DIE HERE! But they have no right to take the rest of us with them...unless YOU let them.

Yup, it's YOUR FAILURE TO ACT that dooms our species to the hands of murderous fools.

How else do you interpret incompetence of this magnitude?

But look at who I'm asking? What's wrong with me? [If we figure that out then we'll learn why I write these mad letters to no-one, screaming warnings to the rocks and trees [while they're still here!]

I'd like to think I need warn no one that we are in serious trouble...and the 'unimaginative' are going to 'roll back' the social clock a thousand years...to a 'simpler time' when protest was met with certain death rather than 'tolerance'. A time where the 'rabble' lived and died in the dirt because that was their lot in life.

Cruel as this sounds, it is a 'self-inflicted wound' caused by their 'inaction'.

If the 'self-interested' aren't rounded up and exiled what happens next is OUR FAULT. If we REFUSE to protect our interests, they [weirdly] can't be blamed for acting to protect theirs.

I'd say it sucks being me but right about now it looks like it sucks being anybody whose name is followed by 'got bucks'.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


PS: It's NEVER too late to fight and you DON'T need a gun, you can do far more damage with a book of matches!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Smoke & mirrors

Greetings good citizen, perhaps the most common question in capitalist society is 'What am I doing wrong?'

How ironic the 'pat' answer to this vexing question is, 'Nothing, you're just not as 'lucky' as 'the Joneses'.'

People are more than sick to death of hearing either 'excuse', that it's luck or it's the imaginary 'Spirit in the Sky' that makes SOME PEOPLE wealthy.

You know my explanation...the 'rich' are CRIMINALS THAT STOLE WHAT THEY HAVE!

How ironic it all traces back to 'MONEY' and the rules regarding its use. Like oh so many things in this wretched society of ours, we're doing it WRONG!

While today's article points to the 'enigma' of wealth stratification by race the only thing this article gets correct is that [for the moment] the WHITE MAFIA is the strongest.

It's also part in parcel with why our civilization is a stinking, STAGNANT cesspit.

Bizarrely, the article neglects to mention that not ALL Whites are thirty percent richer than their racial peers, in fact our group of 'successful whites' isn't called the One Percent for nothing.

So yet again we encounter a degree of 'media whitewashing' going on...more than a little disconcerting considering public officials have taken to openly challenging the 'opinion makers' (who pretend to be 'fair and unbiased') [which we all know is baloney!] at what the media considers, it's own game'.

There's a reason why the media is 'regulated', unregulated [which is how the usurpers made it, for themselves that is] we'd have a weapon of incomprehensible power!

So the issue of 'who can you trust?' gets more complicated.

How about that, good citizen, each step into the quagmire only raises more issues...and THAT is 'no accident'. Takes a ton of lies to prop up the big ones...and boy oh boy are the rest of us 'living a lie'!

Why do your 'best efforts' keep you parked in the doghouse? Because them that has have stolen it from YOU!

Want to know the name of the guy responsible for this mess? Its a name you've known all along and that name is 'Owna'

Whosoever claims to OWN that which belongs to us ALL is a thief! His 'co-conspirators' are EVERYONE in 'finance' and EVERYONE in the 'legal profession'.

What makes the most powerful organized crime network ever established? They are also THE LAW!

Try picking the flyshit out of THAT pile of pepper!

Can you say 'FOOKED'?

Why is it people reject information that makes perfect sense just because they were TOLD it's not so?

Naturally, why should YOU believe ME?

I have given you the pieces...assemble them as you wish!

Good luck!


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

And now this...

Greetings good citizen, as it has a thousand times in the past, does the scene unfolding in the nation's capitol make you wonder where are the 'adults'?

Much of what is happening wouldn't be if we had 'qualified candidates' IN THE FIRST PLACE!

In fact, why do you suppose we're saddled with a process that totally ignores qualifications over political, er, 'zealotry'?

This certainly isn't being done for the 'good of the country'.

Do ANY OF YOU use that block of cement between your ears for anything besides occasionally parking a hat on it?

No apologies, this crap has been going on FOR OVER TWO HUNDRED YEARS...making the question 'is EVERYBODY BRAIN DEAD?' a valid issue!

Just as the 'smartest man who ever lived' didn't found a company and live the life of Crosius [Geez, don't brains = Money? Isn't that why HALF of you MEATHEADS voted for Trump?] The other half should steer clear of carnivals, the carny barkers will cannibalize 'em!

Naturally I'm not talking about YOU good citizen, you who had a ring planted through your nose at a very young age and were lead to your beliefs by those who had your 'very best' interests at heart. [How pathetic those very same people remain absolutely clueless what their own 'best interests' are?]

You at least recognize that something is screwy...and you marvel as to why NOBODY is doing anything about it.

If the system is broken why is NOBODY [except that whacko that lives across the street from you (GRIN)] trying to fix it? Isn't that what we send people to Washington [actually, fill-in-the-blank because it's ALL FUBAR!]

Which has to make you scratch your head and wonder...coincidence or collusion?

But I digress, at issue 'here and now' is 'competence'.

3/4's of El Trumpo's cabinet ISN'T [even remotely] qualified to perform the task they were APPOINTED to do, the appointment itself is 'political payback' and has NOTHING to do with the individual's abilities.

With this thought in mind, how do we determine a candidate is 'qualified' to run a nation...any 'leader', anywhere on the planet?

Well, we AREN'T QUALIFIED either!

THE PROCESS NEEDS TO BE THE FILTER! How screwy is it that our modern political thinking boils down to whether or not you think you could sit down and have a beer with the man running the country...

Perhaps the MAN part should be telling all by itself.

How competent do you think the president's new 'propaganda minister' is when he comes out against one of the most enlightened popes in history and publicly opines he's 'dangerously mis-guided'.

Which, ironically, speaks VOLUMES about the character of the man who has attached himself to the novice president.

Under A Simple Plan those 'qualified' to lead society will compete against one another via a series of tests that will not only reveal their problem solving abilities but their character as well.

I will once again point out that only 50% of the public turned out for the presidential election...largely because we can't use the ballot box to vote AGAINST the candidate(s) we DON'T WANT.

ADDING that option alone would have resulted in a 're-do'.

Worse, good citizen, repealing Citizens United will do nothing to overhaul the hollow 'two party' system because we all know there is only ONE [the other is 'faux' opposition, intended to make people BELIEVE they are being represented BUT they fold like empty boxes when the chips are down [whenever the people's rights are at stake.]

So it is good citizen, as we observe the 'circus' playing out in Washington, we can only shake our heads in disbelief that this is the 'best we can do'...

For those preparing to ram it up your backside, it's as good as it needs to be...YOU are sitting still for it!

Tired of being jerked around? Plant your butt and pour a cold one, then take every penny you can lay your hands on and go shopping for as much non-perishable food as you can buy...cuz it might be a long time before you can go shopping again.

Carbos may not be kind to your waistline but this is survival and carbos are CHEAP!

Put an end to this nonsense...wait. You're going to have to wait until support for an international strike builds. Doing it alone is suicide and a waste of resources YOU can't afford.

You'll KNOW when the time is right!

In the meantime, prepare!

If the world today seems somewhat bizarre it's because the infamous they have no intention of 'fixing' anything.

Things are as they want them and you are where they want you...anxious sbout whether or not you'll get next week's paycheck or if you'll be working next week!

Don't put up with it.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


PS: What we are witnessing has all of the earmarks of a Libertarian takeover. Libbies are repellant to society and psychotic in their beliefs regarding extreme 'predatory capitalism'.

They are also the ultimate SLAVERS.

RESIST, the life you save may be your own!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Close enough for ya?

Greetings good citizen, quite the 'show' last night [I was working and didn't see it] my 'home team' posted a historic 'come from behind victory' to make the duo of Brady and Bellichik the winningest quarterback/head coach combination in history!

Enough gloating, I didn't watch all season thus the Pats, Celts, Sox, Bruins or the Revolution have never broken my heart. [Professional sports IMHO are emblematic of what's WRONG with our society. Worse, sports are frequently used to champion 'rugged individualism' over mutual co-operation...[known to the conservo-whacko as 'socialism']

Left to our imagination is whether or not last night's event was 'choreographed' to play out as it did. Fans have been lamenting the fact that the last dozen Super Bowls have been 'routs' where an obviously superior team slaughters the 'also ran' in a two hour bloodbath.

So last night the 'fans' got their money's worth. Dupa Bowl 51 will be talked about for decades as other contests pale in comparison.

Somewhat like the Sox remarkable come from behind 4 game rout of the Yankees [the 'best team money can buy'] to win [for the first time in 50+ years] the World Series.

Come to think of it, Boston has seen a lot of 'firsts'.

I'm not going to count 'em down but I know most of you can name a few off the top of your head without too much effort.

Today's title points to another, er, 'conundrum' faced by the victims of technology, the wavering line between the real and the fabricated.

Sorting truth from fiction is becoming ever more difficult as those charged with keeping us 'informed' keep getting better with the use of the 'tools of mass deception'.

We are approaching an age where you really can't believe what you're seeing because the probability it was photo-shopped is all too likely!

Was last night's game 'choreographed'?

Don't know...but too many people saw it live to even entertain the idea that CGI played a role in the outcome.

The strongest case against the corporate owned media is what they DON'T show us. It is their SILENCE that damns them.

You can't make informed decisions without accurate information. If we knew everything we needed to know about candidates for office, nobody would run!

Point number one for the 'we're doing this wrong' crowd!

Which is to say we are 'perfectly capable' of making decisions ourselves, why do we let others vote against our wishes?

And most of the time, good citizen, it ain't even close!

Or should we say it's usually 'close enough' so your particular politician can use 'plausible deniability' as their defense for supporting legislation you wouldn't have voted for in a million years!

Some of them are 'slimy' enough that they will actually feign confusion, "I thought I was voting for something else!"

I'm not versed well enough in the mechanics of sports to explain how games are 'thrown' by key players but since that's all it takes, no CGI necessary, we can only speculate as to whether or not last night's results were the 'real deal'.

Just as we can only speculate whether or not the 'news' is real or fake.

You KNOW you're getting 'stroked' but can you detect it when it's an outcome you want?

There's the rub!

Given that the first thirty days of Trump's presidency has been a fiasco...left to our imagination is whether or not we are witnessing 'incompetence' or if it is being 'staged' for our benefit.

Until the other shoe drops, we won't know either.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Truth or consequences?

Greetings good citizen, mudslingers from all points on the political compass swear upon Jesus that the other guys are LYING [my humble self included] I hedge my accusations with the disclaimer that it is not my objective to tell you 'what to think', rather, my purpose is to provide you with 'something to think about!'

So it is when the facts are against the mindless conservatives they blame the conflict not on their own refusal to recognized reality but on 'lying liberals'.

Well, Liberals lie too but the facts don't. [and generally speaking, the Liberals are usually bagged by their 'ignorance' more so than deliberately trying to pull the wool over their opponent's eyes.)

There are two sides to every story and the conservatives routinely use the side the liberals didn't pick as their own preferred version...despite being clueless themselves.

While I am neither conservative or liberal, I, er, 'defend' the Liberals because they will at least bow to the facts. Conservatives will ignore facts so long as it make them 'right'.

Ersatz, stupid is as stupid does.

Which brings us to my main problem with conservatives...not that you should care. Liberals can keep their PC horseshit too, not EVERYTHING belongs 'inside the tent'. 'Factions' will always exist. It is self-defeating to try and MAKE THEM co-exist. The wise will provide enough 'room' for them to exist separately. Catering to either only sows more resentment.

Equality is a tough line to toe regardless of where you fit in the larger puzzle.

Perhaps the thing to be mindful of is YOUR PASSIONS ARE YOURS!

If you want to embrace YOUR PASSION you must also allow others to EMBRACE THEIRS!

Do the rest of us a favor and keep your 'ridicule' to yourself.

How blind do you have to be not to see that what you loathe about others is precisely what they loathe about YOU?

But we trod upon wisdom now and few of you recognize it at all.

Oh well!

Lies take many forms and often 'half truths' are as good as it gets!

We seem to be saddled with a language that prevents the truth from coming out. In order to explain anything thoroughly it takes too many words and too much 'back tracing' to cover ALL of the possibilities. In some instances you'd have to split hairs infinitely, making the 'truth' unattainable.

So it is we 'trust' the 'brick & mortar' media because they have 'gravitas' yet only a fool trusts them completely because they also have paychecks and the NEED to please the entity that signs those checks...

How sad is it that there are but a few 'truths' while the divisions between us are primarily based on the other side's tendency to 'lie'?

The 'truth' is often 'relative'. It is our refusal to acknowledge that the other fellow is arguing another aspect of the same conclusion that makes us crazy regarding those who, in the end, 'disagree' with us.

Lies come in many types...how sad is it that we MUST find 'common ground' or the conventions that prevent us from killing one another on sight will cease to exist?

Lies serve the self-interested while the truth serves us all.

Will co-operation overcome deceit?

It's not over 'til it is.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, February 4, 2017


Greetings good citizen, much of what we do is about 'face'...and a majority of the time it's about 'saving' it.

El Trumpo made some political hay out of 'defending Murika' and now he has to live up to those promises no matter how ridiculous it makes him look.

He wasn't looking ahead to when doing all those crazy things he said to fire up the base would make him look like a kitten killer to the rest of the world but when your political party is filled with superstitious savages [who are indeed demanding that their boy 'make good', the rest of us can go pound!

Here is the 'What have we done!' moment come back to bite us in the buttocks.

This is what happens when 'History's Actors' take control of the electoral process and 'engineer' unlikely outcomes.

[Like I said, our next round of 'choices' will be Paul Ryan vs Ted Cruz (with Billary tossing her hat in the ring just to muddy the waters!]

What you need to understand is those who have seized control of 'public opinion' via the media are laughing at their handiwork.

They can now do anything they want [until the streets run with blood, then all bets are off!]

Let's back up a half a step to the part where they're laughing at us. What do you suppose I mean by that remark? Is this 'experiment' in managing our own affairs going horribly wrong?

Hell Yeah!

Does ANYONE think this is an 'accident'?

Consider what's happened to our society since El Rushbo and Howie Stern hit the scene? What started as 'harmless titillation' has left our society 'rudderless', somewhat elementary since it also broke our 'moral compass'.

Not only do we despise whole swaths of humanity as 'chumps' [Shit rolls downhill and you KNOW that's what 'the man' thinks of YOU!] but we have also come despise those who do nothing about the degeneration of our civilization...add to that the growing list the victims of this massive 'turning away' from THE COMMON GOOD has produced!

What's that? you ask...Indeed!

Most of us no longer have a clue what the 'common good' is much less the ability/sense to get it on the ballot! [thus the laughter coming from those who 'rule' us]

The 'first tool' necessary for building the common good is the human anti-exploitation law. [formerly known as the Fairness Doctrine...which has zero mention about the main reason it vanished as soon as it appeared. ('fairness is relative.')

Time constraints restrict how long I can spend on today's offering so if this appears 'half-baked', please accept my humble apologies. [Until that lottery hit comes I remain, like you, a drudge for the man!]

I'll conclude with the observation that the 'stew pot' is bubbling, never a good thing since without peace there can be no prosperity!

Until tomorrow, thanks for letting me inside your head!


Friday, February 3, 2017

What do you THINK you're doing?

Greetings good citizen, one of the quickest ways to go 'screaming off the reservation' is to start questioning the nature of existence itself!

If the first 'unanswerable' question doesn't throw you for a loop it doesn't matter because the follow up questions don't do anything but make the water muddier than it already is.

We all know the 'official answer to the question 'why are we here' [eg exist at all] is to 'glorify god'. This response is considered 'unassailable' [that's your purpose, shut up and DO it already!] So we might venture that our secondary 'purpose' is to not ask questions...of ANY kind.

Worse, who do we ask these pressing questions? No sense asking the clown next door, they're just as ignorant as you are...although humans, for reasons as yet unexplained, tend to relish the opportunity to pretend they know what's going on.

How do you think we got saddled with the 'glorify god' answer? Do you honestly think God came down and told Mickey the Dunce to his face he existed to glorify him? Seriously?

Because we have a name for people that hear voices in their heads...we call them NUTS! [Or we elect them president...W claimed to talk to God.]

So here we sit, stand, kneel...glorifying God in ways nobody ever imagined! Oh wait, that other thing we do, that's our job! We only do the glorify thing on Sunday for about an hour, then we throw money in the basket, go home and park in front of the TV for an afternoon of Sports...

Ah, could 'heaven' be any finer?

Well, you could have zero interest in sports. [I haven't watched a single football game all season, even though the Pats are in the Superbowl ya think I'm gonna start watching 'em now? I got better things to do!]

But wait, I digress...but not by much because YOU'D be hard pressed to answer the question at all!

Sure you'd try using 'because' [the ONLY ANSWER to the question WHY?] Which brings us to the 'accommodation' most people arrive at. "I'm just doing the best I can with what I've got to work with...and like everybody else, I'm just waiting for the worms to come. [Besides, can't you read? I've got 'Born to Die' stamped/tattooed on my forehead!"

If this is true then why do certain people have an 'easier time' of things than most of us? Are we back to the 'don't ask questions' part of the equation?

If YOU stop asking questions then what you see is what you get...game over!

[The simple fact you're here means you're the 'inquisitive type' and at the very least, curious about 'other possibilities'. However, the Do as I say and not as I do crowd will be quick to remind you that curiosity killed the cat!

What am I pointing to? Given that there ISN'T a 'good answer' to existence, there is no 'pressing reason' for things to be as they are!

I'm not about to launch into the 'litany of woe', you all know without my uttering a sound exactly what I mean.

It's that lousy 'don't question your 'lot in life' BS and all the associated crap that goes with it.

We make the best of what we're handed, the question is why aren't we handed 'more'? It's there for the taking...

I'll close today's offering with this quote from today's NY Times that ties somewhat to a comment I made in yesterday's piece...


"We tried to warn you, with Occupy. We understood that people were sick of the political system, which is fundamentally corrupt. People want something radically different."

DAVID GRAEBER, a professor at the London School of Economics who helped organize the Occupy protests, on the rise of anarchists as a political force in the streets.

Just a little something to chew on until tomorrow, Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
