Monday, February 20, 2017

Comply or Die

Greetings good citizen, as I know all too well, speaking truth to power has consequences.

Tyrants LOVE to use their 'power to punish' and it isn't difficult to imagine that the protesters will suffer for exercising 'their right to express themselves' FOR THE REST OF THEIR NATURAL DAYS...

THERE IS A REASON I harp on the topic of 'man's inhumanity to their fellow man!' and nothing is more dangerous to liberty that 'a little power'.

Using your position to punish others is an exile offense. [in the possible future, right now it's one of the hazards of living under the reign of tyrants!]

Mirror time, how many of you think the protesters brought this on themselves? Nobody is looking over your shoulder, nobody...well almost nobody can read your mind. I'm asking but only YOU know the honest answer.

Do you think people who stand up for themselves are A.) foolish & B.) Stupid?

Is YOUR motto 'tread softly and carry a VERY poisonous dagger!?

Because that's THEIR motto. The 'conspiracy of silence' and the 'who me' fake innocence is precisely the kind of behavior that disqualifies people from the benefits of civil society!

Think people don't KNOW you're a 'snake in the grass'? You delude yourself.

How fortunate for you making you accountable for you vile deeds is more trouble than its worth under the criminal society we live in. [This is not to protect you, it's to protect THEM.]

But I digress. In our computerized, cataloged and digitized age this sort of 'defiance' [against the very tyrants the government is supposed to be PROTECTING US FROM] will be part of your 'permanent record'.

Do anything to draw attention to yourself and 'policy' will take care of the rest.

I can speak my mind mostly because my 'future' is behind me. How freaky is it that this won't stop them from cataloging my crimes until the day my keyboard falls silent?

Won't be much they can do about it unless they decide to 'abbreviate' my sentence to this hellish place.

Truth be told there isn't much chance of that happening. If they 'murder' me it will come in the form of 'denial of service' should I have a medical situation.

But this isn't about me or my fate, it's about YOU and YOUR FATE!

Will you live on your knees or die on your feet? Um, get the fuck up! What? You didn't KNOW you were kneeling?

You need to pay more attention!

The mirror tells us a lot that we don't care to see and more we don't care to admit.

So it is, this message to the individual in the mirror is, if you don't like what you see, CHANGE IT!

Happy Presidinks day!


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