Tuesday, February 14, 2017

One thing leads to another

Greetings good citizen, I put forth ideas that are outside the 'mainstream', one of those ideas is the ban on the 'professional practice of Law'.

If YOU don't understand the law then how will you know 'Justice' has been done?

A far worse problem is if you aren't 'made of money' YOU can't AFFORD 'justice'; right, wrong OR indifferent! Which is to belabor the obvious, most of us can't afford to 'sue the bastard' so 'the bastard' sticks it up your backside, knowing there is nothing we can do about it.

This is the world WE live in and have lived in for quite some time. The 'average' individual can't afford justice or his day in court because if he LOSES the 'expense' falls directly on THEM.

Justice is for EVERYBODY, not just the thieving few.

Do you want to hazard a guess WHY our justice system is 'cost prohibitive'?

So people don't sue the thieves for ripping them off!

Like rents being in lockstep with mortgage rates, Lawyers HOURLY rate is in lockstep with the median middle class WEEKLY wage!

Which is to belabor the obvious, the criminals have been running things from the start...and if you weren't one of them then YOU weren't going to 'prosper'.

You could do okay for yourself but between taxes and fees you'd always be fighting an 'uphill battle'. [Somewhat similar to the poor farmers that don't qualify for 'corporate welfare'...]

So, considering you've been raised from the get go to BELIEVE you need 'competent legal council' should you ever need to contest the legality of an issue, does the idea of a world WITHOUT Lawyers scare you?

It shouldn't.

Think about this. The Law should be straight-forward and easy to understand. IF YOU can't defend yourself/your actions on our own, why should you be able to hire a weasel to get you undone...or to make sure the other guy's weasel doesn't tie you up in knots?

That's where the 'professional practice of law' leads. You have to 'lawyer up' so you don't find yourself 'outmaneuvered' in the courtroom, stuck with the bill because the other guy was able to sidetrack the judge from what the real issue was!

Well, the banning the 'professional practice of Law' would also ban judges...because, again, NOBODY IS QUALIFIED TO SIT IN JUDGEMENT OF ANYONE!

Spirit in the Sky is but since he's both 'imaginary' AND 'perfect' it's not likely he's gonna be turning up in a courtroom anytime soon.


In the future, an educated populace will sit as jurors and it will be THEIR understanding of the LAW that will determine if the law was violated and what should be done about it.

Like voting, in the future your IQ will be used to determine your 'fitness' for jury duty as well as being able to vote.

Just as 'sanity' is what a majority of the population believes is 'normal', we'd apply the same principle to legal matters. The law would speak for itself and the jury would use 'their understanding of the law' to reach a verdict.

ANOTHER IMPORTANT VARIENT to the legal proceedings would be a seven member jury, three who KNOW you and four who do not.

The 'purpose' of mixing 'friends and strangers' is those who know you would be able to shed light on your 'character', where those who don't would be impartial...which is why the strangers would have the majority. Good friends will defend you regardless, although if your friends are stupid they can't be jurors...and smart people know they have to live here too, nice or not, if you're guilty, they will be interested in seeing justice done.

Again, your 'character' will precede you and those who work with you will KNOW what kind of person you are. You may think you have them fooled but you don't. If you're an idiot to work with, they know.

Thus will the law work to insure we behave 'morally' and that we are perceived by others as reliable and true. If not then you'd best pray you never find yourself defending your existence before a panel of seven.

This is how the Law SHOULD work.

What we have is a travesty designed to PROTECT THE GUILTY!

If you're tired of being stepped on, well at least you know what you're buying in to!

Well, that's my two cents on 'the professional practice of law' [and why it should be abolished! It is the very foundation of INJUSTICE!]

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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