Thursday, February 23, 2017


Greetings good citizen, even a cursory study of human history produces concrete evidence that violence is a 'baked in' trait in our, er, actually, it's difficult to point at any species that isn't blood-thirsty so perhaps it's more accurate to point at life itself as being a 'violent undertaking'. [Pun intended.]

The difference between our [opinion is shifting and science now believes animals may be more 'aware' than we give them credit for...largely because we are LESS aware than we claim to be...see the puzzle?]

Still, because we sit at the apex of our particular 'food chain', we SHOULD BE 'better' at managing/minimizing unnecessary violence yet Man's inhumanity to his fellow man remains 'legendary'.

Also evident among many predator species is a sadistic streak a couple of miles it this what we need to overcome?

Because this trait is ubiquitous sociologists tend to ignore it. It is a pointless argument largely because the people running things around here have said sadistic streak in spades and they REALLY don't like being 'singled out' for their inherent viciousness.

Yeah, good citizen, many of you agree that the 'stupid' shouldn't be allowed to vote just as the vicious shouldn't hold public office...of ANY KIND.

Being a sick puppy doesn't make you a great commander, it makes you a reckless one!

How unfortunate for the rest of us that savagery doesn't manifest itself like stupidity does? Thus do we arrive at the line between intelligence and wisdom.

The stupid can 'learn' wisdom but the intelligent think they already are, compounding the tragedy. [Oh that this were 'easy'...but like everything else it is complicated beyond necessity!]

Now it's time to step before the mirror and examine the culprit where it lives. Yes YOU!

Mistake number one is thinking YOU don't need self-examination. Few are capable of self-criticism/admitting they are flawed JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE!

Which is to remind you the stones being thrown aren't aimed at YOU specifically but chances are very good that your reflection can be seen standing among the guilty, just as mine can.

Because, truth be told, violence is a thing of the mind! Violent thoughts beget violent actions! [Big surprise there, eh?]

The quality that allegedly makes us superior to beasts is our ability to 'control' our violent urges...but again, that control tends to crumble depending on who is looking...and what we're angry at.

Do YOU control your anger or does it control YOU?

I have switched topics but again it's all related and near impossible to even pretend the lines are clear cut.

In fact much of our violent nature has been attributed to 'anger management' issues.

While the typical human thinks of something humorous at least a dozen times a day, we also spend a goodly percentage of our day in some state of simmering anger/rage, ever-ready to erupt at the slightest provocation.

Considering the 'opportunist' nature of our species [poor parenting, writ large!] this state of constant anger seems 'unavoidable'.

Worse, it also allows us to 'sympathize' with the violent actions of others, making even the unacceptable at least thinkable.

Yeah, this is where this tendency to believe 'they had it coming' invades your judging process. Why did they 'have it coming'? Because YOU'RE ANGRY!

Which is a whole other topic, related directly to the STUPID PEOPLE RUNNING THINGS!

This also returns us to a topic dear to me.

Without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE [thus the anger] and without JUSTICE there can be NO PEACE!

A Simple Plan makes the world/our species operate like it SHOULD...don't you want to at least try it before we pass into history's junk pile of failed experiments?

To both digress AND go 'screaming off the reservation' let me just point out that there are those in high places who believe there are too many people [the simple fact that every time the population doubles, it halves the time required to do it again.] The feckless few believe the solution to this situation lies in EXTERMINATION OF THE SURPLUS, using MONEY as the yardstick that determines who lives and who perishes...a purpose it was never intended for. Here is a primary example of how 'IGNORANCE KILLS'!

A Simple Plan offers an 'opportunity' to both rein in 'uncontrolled population growth' and to implement sustainable ecological practices that will assist us in our leap into the cosmos [which we must do MUCH SOONER than conventional thinking suggests, (we have decades, not centuries!)

How sad is it that humanity is a parasite not only to our planet but also to/upon our own species?

I'd best roll out my book containing A Simple Plan so you folks will understand what I'm droning on about, the current working title is 'Anti-Venom [for the poisoned mind]'

I keep posting copies on the web but the Libertarians keep erasing them as fast as I post them because they have a vested interest in keeping YOU convinced [predatory] capitalism is 'as good as it gets'.

And it will remain as good as it gets so long as they have a hand in it!

Seek and ye shall find!

Thank you for letting me inside your head, [I've been typing that for years but now you hear it everywhere so I am 'impacting' the public square!]

Ignore me at your own peril!


[ lost we are without facts? In 1950 the world's population was measured/estimated to be 3 billion souls, in the year 2000 (give or take a few months) the population topped 6 billion. Both right on time and setting us up for a very perilous situation...that the feckless intend to rectify in the most straight-forward manner possible. Now that you have the 'benchmark' do the math that gave rise to the 'population explosion' of the 1970's.

What SHOULD strike you as FREAKY is this 'elephant in the room' is totally absent from the political dialog ANYWHERE...definitely worrisome.

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