Thursday, February 16, 2017


Greetings good citizen, 'immigration' has been problematic for time out of mind and pretty much for the same reason it always has been...although not everybody who immigrated did so 'willingly'.

How sad is it that 'unwilling immigrants' are better known by their situation, slaves?

Still, the greatest/principle objection to immigrants is their taking of jobs that 'might have gone' to natives.

When the REAL POBLEM is immigrants take jobs that the natives would starve to death doing!

The capitalists call this 'opportunity' when in reality it is exploitation.

How pathetic is it that the 'Land of Opportunity' really translates to the 'opportunity' for a capitalist to exploit YOU?

Sound like an old commie, don't I? Let me assure you I am not. Communism [as currently practiced] is no different from capitalism except under communism your politicians are also your bosses!

Not a welcome trade off under ANY circumstances.

The solution to both, er, 'management styles' are ironically the same. RULES WITHOUT RULERS!

YOUR biggest objection to our debt-driven, do as I say and not as I do society is how there's one set of rules for YOU and pretty much NONE for those walking the corridors of power.

Complain about this and suddenly you're throwing a pity party for YOURSELF! Not like everybody else doesn't have the same complaint...but the squeaky wheel is usually told it's on its own!

On those rare occasions when ol' squeaky has 'back-up' now you're just a pack of 'malcontents' that will never be satisfied with anything!

Isn't it disturbing how the conservo-whacko mind works?

But I digress...

So it is we, in our zeal to prove the Bible is the god given instruction manual we ALL must live by...again, everybody but those running things.

Thus did we 'transplant' God's 'chosen people' from the four corners of the planet back to the 'Promised Land', sort of pushing the people who lived there already aside because our god said they were here FIRST.

Palestine no longer exists and if you're not Palestinian YOU DON'T CARE!

Well, the capitalist with their H1B visas don't care if the job you laid out a hundred thousand dollars to get a degree in goes to the 'lowest cost candidate' that, ironically, didn't pay a nickle for their degree!

UNTIL we straighten out money we will NOT straighten out society!


[Things stay the way they are so 'a few' can be wealthy...pretty reckless in a world being overrun by the, er, 'surplus population'. Not my words...Dickens probably didn't coin the term either but he's credited with making it famous.]

Funny how the 'golden rule' [do unto others as you would have them do unto you!] would take care of this mess we let the selfish few make but who will pick up the sword and lead the charge?

Recognize the extreme danger of the mindless mob running off in every direction destroying things only to vent their rage over the injustices they have endured!

Imagine what the Palestinians would do if they could get their hands on the people responsible for using military might to re-establish the IMAGINED state of Israel. [Nobody alive KNOWS what was really there two thousand years ago.] We don't know that it truly existed, just that it is described in a 'fairy tale' used to justify their 'privilege' as being divinely mandated.

Think about this good citizen!

[Talk about one thing leading to another! This has gone 'screaming off the reservation' but it illustrates the power of obsfuscation and it's ability to fill your head with nonsense BECAUSE YOUR PARENTS WERE TAUGHT TO BELIEVE IT WAS GOD GIVEN!]

This is despite the fact that the Bible ADMITS to being written BY MAN [who were supposedly 'inspired by God' justify the divine right of Kings!]

Still with me?

Think I lost most of you at the first switchback, the common thread most of you missed is EXPLOITATION!

Immigrants come here looking for a 'better life', one they are promised exists just around the 'next bend'. How long do you think STUPID will keep looking?

The search for 'greener pastures' has driven our species into the most inhospitable parts of this planet and for some bizarre reason, the search persists to this day!

When will people wake up to the FACT that 'running' isn't the answer. Your 'green pasture' is right in front of you, all you need do is put a stop to the nitwit that THINKS it's theirs!

This planet belongs to ALL of us! This is why the current model is badly broken because the 'pieces' they don't want are sold off to the highest bidder and then YOU'RE STUCK WITH THEM!

I'd like to tell you ALL 'Stop being a chump!' but you aren't paying attention, much less listening!

[Boy, this one is a rambler even by my standards!]

[Screeching brakes as I stop from charging off the reservation yet again!]

Understand what is DRIVING the immigrant controversy. It's not YOU, it's the EXPLOITERS.


Thank YOU for letting me inside YOUR HEAD,


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