Friday, August 31, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as the myopic steadfastly refuse to abandon the increasingly toxic commerce system known as Capitalism, the capitalist controlled media insists on mislabelling the public's frustration as 'Right Wing White Nationalism!

Adding to the 'frustration' is the Army of the unemployed around the planet that feels democracy has abandoned them.

At the scene of Sunday’s murder, a stone’s throw from City Hall, Wolfgang Grosser, 61, and his wife, Sabine, were lighting a candle. They had known the victim. He was a friend of their son’s, and once helped them move house.

“He did not deserve this,” Mr. Grosser said. “He was the nicest possible human being.”

“We don’t feel safe in our own city anymore,” he said to the bitter nods of bystanders.

“No one bothers calling the police anymore,” Mr. Grosser said. “They are totally overwhelmed and don’t come anyway. So what’s the point?”

So it is I slip my tattered and torn Captain Obvious cap over my fuzzy noggin and point at the mismanagement of civilization at the behest of the commercial sector and the machinations of the feckless as they fumble with keeping their ungrateful 'customer/employees' in line.

How many of you KNOW you can't shrink your workforce and grow your customer base? [Without money your former employees take on a different job, that of marauders.]

They march in the streets and protest a government that ignores their plight.

It's not just in Germany either. Where do you think El Trumpo came from? Although painting a clueless billionaire as the savior of the downtrodden has to be the most boneheaded whitewash job since Tom Sawyer's little scam captured the public's imagination.

The irony here is both scams relied on the same age old axiom. [There are a LOT of stupid people in the world.] (Making what I do particularly hazardous.)

The ones doing the 'foolin' don't like having a light shone on their cupidity just as those with their finger stuck in the light socket don't like having their nose rubbed in their foolhardiness.

Sometimes these little missives are long and winding, bouncing between cause and effect, other times they reveal the crux of the problem right away.

Why nothing is done once the problem is revealed lies in who is pulling the strings.

That and the 'solution' to the customer/employee puzzle isn't a lucrative as playing 'global race to the bottom.'

What would we do if all them billionaires dried up and blew away? [Wrong, we'd pay less.] Alien concept I know, the same 'pranksters' have fooled you into thinking the economy only 'grows' when prices are rising...but that's not 'growth', it squeezing.

'The game' (for those of you too simple to catch on) is to give you money then squeeze more than they give you back out!

It's Marx's 'theory of surplus value' writ large but you've been 'chasing the dream' for centuries now!

Not 'stupid communist' a mirror, you'll see 'the stupid one' the moment you find one.

Today's lesson, for those of you that still don't 'get it' is how does it feel to belong to a society BASED ON THE CONCEPT "I CAN'T HELP IT IF THEY ARE STUPID!"

Who are THEY? (Still have that mirror handy because this is truly pathetic.)

Yes, take a moment to generate some genuine hatred for those who never told you what an ass you've been.

But don't be too harsh, they were (and sadly still are) as clueless as you.

I can make you 'see' (but only for moments at a time) The solution to this problem lies in printing this and putting it someplace where you will see it so you'll be reminded of what you're dealing with.

The problem with 'the trap' is it's self-sealing'.

When everybody is deluded the exit seals itself.

What does this mean? You can't stop being 'stupid' because all of your choices have been made for you.

How ironic is it that 'jailbreaking' the system will land you right where you were trying to break out of?

To break free you MUST break the system that wasn't designed to handle this many people.

Under the 'new' system there will be a lot of FREE, mostly time and we all know how troublesome that can be (considering 'mischief' is humanity's middle name!)

Is the tragedy here that most can't tell the difference between a good prank and a terrible one?

Now we bump up against levels and the failure to appreciate the consequences of our actions...but first things first, find a mirror and tape this post to it so you'll read it EVERY DAY!

If you didn't keep FORGETTING WHAT'S BROKEN maybe it would GET FIXED!

With that, Capt. Obvious, over and out!

Thursday, August 30, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as I take a moment to survey the smokin' crater that lies in my wake I have arrived at yet another circuit marker and pause to ponder both where I've been and where I'm going.

Can't look too closely at the crater because it's radioactive and burns like hell. Either I'm the world's worst friend or I'm unbearable to be around but either way that's a bed of my own making. I prefer to think it as the price of following one's destiny which is ever and always a solitary undertaking.

We all walk alone.

If we're lucky (and I count myself as such) you meet kind people on your journey and you help one another in the small ways that you can. In this we underestimate the value of both a heartfelt smile and the unspoken encouragement it gives us.

Either way I thank all those who have traveled alongside me on this long strange trip and hope in my heart that we shall meet again someday...not that this is the end, it's just another mile-marker on the odyssey of enlightenment. [Don't be discouraged if you don't get it, neither does anybody else...]

It is what it is, nothing more and nothing less.

If I failed to thank you for all you have given me, forgive me. I thought my gratitude was obvious but we all take things for granted, this is my moment to let you know I appreciate you for being you most of all.

Now to backtrack and apologize for not naming you specifically, there are too many to name and I love you all.

Enjoy this day and think not of me but of what we shared along the way,



Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, um, you should embrace that moniker because you are about to be 'demoted' to something significantly less than 'headcount/participant'.

In yet another finger pointing inducing episode, CNN [known for being 'particularly critical' of the Trump administration] ran the above linked article that I picked up off the popsugar saturated MSN homepage.

[How tragic is it that popsugar has more gravitas than Fox News among people who can spot BS on their own?]

In fact this whole shit show is the result of Fox distorting the truth to support its political agenda.

You say potatoe and I say potato and the 'difference' is about to explode in your face!

So here's the Billionaire president of the 'downtrodden' [white man] telling the Evangelicals (of all people) the he needs their 'support' if they don't want to see a 'hillbilly rebellion' come November.

If there are indeed 200 million Evangelicals then the race is already run. No amount of 'librul angst' is going to overturn the party of 1 in 4.

[Only 1 in four voters are registered Republican, the other 3 are imbeciles but that's a different problem for the remaining sixty percent that are smart enough not to participate in the 'illusion of government'.]

Although they might make an exception this November...when they will hit the 'typical roadblock' of there not enough voting machines to handle the turnout.

Although this time it will spark the violence as people wearing MAGA caps are dragged out of line and beaten until they can't stand up to cast a ballot.

If they make it into the polling place at all.

A vote for Trump is a vote against democracy.

Preznint Pussygrabber thinks we're blind but he is oh so wrong. He also thinks we're dumber than he is and that's a tragic estimation to make much less assume.

His handlers insist that a Coup will be a 'walk in the park', that the fearful public will embrace him as a 'liberator' but these oafs [many whom have already been indicted] fail to get the measure of what 50 years of Republican Rule has done to the Will of the PEOPLE.

Too much libertarian kool-aid fueled by Ayn Rand's psycho-babble will do that.

He [El Trumpo] has painted Anti-Fa as the target, seriously underestimating the support they enjoy, especially among the young that don't need a handbook to sort a fascist from a human.

In fact it might be helpful to point out the principle difference between the 'half-wits' and the humans...a half-wit is incapable of using the term we. 90% of what the half-wit says starts with the pronoun 'I'.

Zero original thoughts they are forever and ceaselessly regurgitating what they have been taught. [The truly disturbing thing about half-wits is the are not 'born', they are parents fearful of what will happen if a child finds its own mind, then follows its heart!

Unfortunately half-wits breed halfwits because their parents failed to teach them LOVE.

It also explains why we live in a world filled with hatred.

Um, remember why I end these when I do? [The most important points are the last ones.]

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Greetings good citizen, history tells us nobody signs up to become a serf because it isn't a 'choice' it's an outcome that you aren't given a choice in. It's indentured slavery or DIE!

How does such a thing come to pass?

Let's ask Professor Krugman! Today's offering is 'enhanced' with the wisdom of one of the planet's few remaining great intellects.

Soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a friend of mine — an expert on international relations — made a joke: “Now that Eastern Europe is free from the alien ideology of Communism, it can return to its true historical path — fascism.” Even at the time, his quip had a real edge.

And as of 2018 it hardly seems like a joke at all. What Freedom House calls illiberalism is on the rise across Eastern Europe. This includes Poland and Hungary, both still members of the European Union, in which democracy as we normally understand it is already dead.

In both countries the ruling parties — Law and Justice in Poland, Fidesz in Hungary — have established regimes that maintain the forms of popular elections, but have destroyed the independence of the judiciary, suppressed freedom of the press, institutionalized large-scale corruption and effectively delegitimized dissent. The result seems likely to be one-party rule for the foreseeable future.

One party rule, where do you suppose that comes from? If you listen to cranks like me it happens after a 'bloodless coup' wipes out one side of the political equation via it's stranglehold on MONEY! [Morning in America anyone?] Ronnie Reagan was a TRAITOR!

The 'usurpation' of government power was also used to muzzle the resistance. Then the propaganda machine put raving maniacs on the air [for free!] and they proceeded to undermine the foundations of Democracy with their trademarked 'My way or the highway' poison.

Most didn't listen but the few that did embraced the message that cooperation was for weaklings, that REAL MEN commanded DEMANDED respect!

Once again we find our 'mimic' nature being used against us (like it has been so many times before.) We 'ape' the 'dominant ones' (who are literally pissing their pants in fear, if the get caught faking it they will be torn apart!) and the next thing you know we are destroying what we love just because that's what THEY want.

Not only do we play 'Let's Pretend' an awful lot for 'alleged adults' but we are also the unwitting participants in an unending game of 'Simon Says'.

'Fair use' be damned, I'm invoking my 'future of humanity' override!

And it could all too easily happen here. There was a time, not long ago, when people used to say that our democratic norms, our proud history of freedom, would protect us from such a slide into tyranny. In fact, some people still say that. But believing such a thing today requires willful blindness. The fact is that the Republican Party is ready, even eager, to become an American version of Law and Justice or Fidesz, exploiting its current political power to lock in permanent rule.

Just look at what has been happening at the state level.

In North Carolina, after a Democrat won the governorship, Republicans used the incumbent’s final days to pass legislation stripping the governor’s office of much of its power.

In Georgia, Republicans tried to use transparently phony concerns about access for disabled voters to close most of the polling places in a mainly black district.

See, like Preznint Pussygrabber, the 'Republican Philosophy' is one that believes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

Does anyone else see the 'my way or the highway' in action? But Krugs is not done.

In West Virginia, Republican legislators exploited complaints about excessive spending to impeach the entire State Supreme Court and replace it with party loyalists.

And these are just the cases that have received national attention. There are surely scores if not hundreds of similar stories across the nation. What all of them reflect is the reality that the modern G.O.P. feels no allegiance to democratic ideals; it will do whatever it thinks it can get away with to entrench its power.

What about developments at the national level? That’s where things get really scary. We’re currently sitting on a knife edge. If we fall off it in the wrong direction — specifically, if Republicans retain control of both houses of Congress in November — we will become another Poland or Hungary faster than you can imagine.
Steve Jobs’s Daughter Forgives Him. Should We?
The Gift of Menopause
The Scientist Who Scrambled Darwin’s Tree of Life

This week Axios created a bit of a stir with a scoop about a spreadsheet circulating among Republicans in Congress, listing investigations they think Democrats are likely to carry out if they take the House. The thing about the list is that every item on it — starting with Donald Trump’s tax returns — is something that obviously should be investigated, and would have been investigated under any other president. But the people circulating the document simply take it for granted that Republicans won’t address any of these issues: Party loyalty will prevail over constitutional responsibility.

Many Trump critics celebrated last week’s legal developments, taking the Manafort conviction and the Cohen guilty plea as signs that the walls may finally be closing in on the lawbreaker in chief. But I felt a sense of deepened dread as I watched the Republican reaction: Faced with undeniable evidence of Trump’s thuggishness, his party closed ranks around him more tightly than ever.

A year ago it seemed possible that there might be limits to the party’s complicity, that there would come a point where at least a few representatives or senators would say, no more. Now it’s clear that there are no limits: They’ll do whatever it takes to defend Trump and consolidate power.

This goes even for politicians who once seemed to have some principles. Senator Susan Collins of Maine was a voice of independence in the health care debate; now she sees no problem with having a president who’s an unindicted co-conspirator appoint a Supreme Court justice who believes that presidents are immune from prosecution. Senator Lindsey Graham denounced Trump in 2016, and until recently seemed to be standing up against the idea of firing the attorney general to kill the Mueller investigation; now he’s signaled that he’s O.K. with such a firing.

But why is America, the birthplace of democracy, so close to following the lead of other countries that have recently destroyed it?

Don’t tell me about “economic anxiety.” That’s not what happened in Poland, which grew steadily through the financial crisis and its aftermath. And it’s not what happened here in 2016: Study after study has found that racial resentment, not economic distress, drove Trump voters.

The point is that we’re suffering from the same disease — white nationalism run wild — that has already effectively killed democracy in some other Western nations. And we’re very, very close to the point of no return.

Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook and Twitter (@NYTopinion), and sign up for the Opinion Today newsletter.

Oops! Well since most links don't work here I took the 'liberty' of posting the whole article. Very Republican of me, wasn't it?

Part of my reason for doing this is Mr. K's final rhetorical question: Why is Murika following the lead of nations that are destroying their democracies?

Well, for a long time now I have been pointing to 'Morning in America' as a global conquest. Conservative governments swept the planet's democracies and planetary economics were turned upside down [as the greed is good philosophy milked the gullible for everything they were worth!]

Now we are at the 'freedom's' bitter end. The Royals will once again seize the reins of society and put the 'serfs' back to work, teaching us all once again the ultimate lesson of 'strength is power'.

The wrong people are giving the orders and the ones with the guns and badges are TOO STUPID to understand they are working FOR the criminals!

So today's 'rhetorical question: What is serfdom?

The answer is it's what happens after you lose your 'rights'...
[for those of you not paying attention, W. did that with the Patriot Act.]

Thanks for playing (ready to revolt now? Strike is off the table.)


Monday, August 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, nothing lasts forever (except ignorance and its kissing cousin, stupid.) That said if we can prevent those who want us to remain ignorant from repeating the Dark Ages we will eventually piece together the true origin story [marveling the whole time over why we didn't see it sooner!]

The split we may never settle is if the 'creators' were human like us or if their depictions on the cave walls mean they were a dislike lifeform that required an atmosphere suit to survive in our environment.

{I come down on the 'human like us' side and the 'spacesuits' Ancient Astronaut theorists are so fond of were nothing more than anti-contamination suits.)

The 'clear and present danger' of genetic manipulation is the accidental creation of deadly microbes. [You spliced a what with a one of those? Uh-oh!]

But we don't know, the creators very well could have been aliens and we are what they found in their lab one day and they decided to see what they could do with our DNA.

[Here we return full circle to the question what makes humanity 'unique'...because we aren't like anything else.]

That said, our greatest 'gift' is likely our not uncommon ability to mimic. All nature learns by observing but we tend to be particularly good at it.

So much so that we tend to be better than what we are copying! [It's what put us on top of the food chain.]

Unfortunately it is also why we are so easily 'cowed', the feckless know how to use our fears against us.

Yeah, for all our cleverness we are actually a fairly timid species [generally speaking, there are marked exceptions.]

Did I mention our leaders are 'broken'? There is zero distinction between bold and stupid.

But that's an argument for another day.

The question this essay is driving at is whether or not it will take the realization that we are basically 'abandoned tools' for us to start treating one another with the respect necessary to build a rational society? [One that SHARES rather than hoards?]

When will we stop 'letting' [those who seize authority] from preying on us?

How many of you see a connection between religion and tyranny? [One attempts to disguise the other as 'love'.]

Believe me, the HUMAN guidebook will be decidedly different from the SLAVER version [whose principle message is OBEDIENCE!]

That said, the first step to cracking any puzzle is the realization that something is amiss...and something has been stinking rotten in our society for time out of mind...but tools don't get to complain...even the self-directed kind.

Is the key to becoming a rational society lie in transitioning from God's 'children' to God's 'tools' (then accepting that God has left the jobsite?)

When the mines played out we lost our purpose and we were abandoned. Those left behind decided decided to keep the show rolling and we followed their lead. Too bad the least of us stepped up to the plate first.

Naturally the children of the Abandoned were 'late to the party'. All of the good stuff was spoken for and the new regime set up a legal system that protected this 'grab'.

Time to put that nonsense behind us.

(Soon, because if we don't there won't be a 'later'.)

Now you know, pass it on!

Thanks for sharing,


Sunday, August 26, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I often play the devil's advocate, pointing to what you take for granted and showing it to you in a new light.

This is because the obvious has been obscured by the feckless to camouflage their treachery. Our present is distorted by our past. So many lies have been heaped upon one another that we kill one another to this day over a fictitious god created solely to pacify/control a race of bio-engineered slaves.

Our 'religion' has never been about 'love' it has always been about OBEDIENCE. We would only be 'worthy' of God's love through our obedience.

Our obedience to who you ask? God's representatives on [fill in the blank, depends on what planet you were mining.] God's 'true beauty' comes from 'one size fits all'...

Our origin story never claims this to be the planet of origin. You fill in that blank yourself. Maybe back during the days when the mines were active the 'holymen' would tell us we were created here and for most of us it was probably true. No sense dealing with the nuisance of transporting tens of millions of slaves presents if you can whip them up 'on site', after you've laid the foundations for the base camp.

I invite you to take a mental journey with me on a trip to the twilight zone for a more rational explanation of why our rudderless civilization is constantly at war with itself.

Archeologists, baffled by why modern man springs up in the fossil record about a hundred thousand years ago just as we are today, thanks to their church taught beliefs that the rest of the universe is empty, ran with the only remaining explanation left to them by church dogma, that we simply hadn't found the missing link between modern man and our ape ancestors.

This 'theory' is so full of holes as to be ridiculous in light of the evidence but the god fearing believe what they must to keep their 'faith' intact.

The 'tombs' nobody is buried in aren't tombs at all [although some of these complexes may have been conscripted by later rulers for burial chambers, they didn't build them , they were already there.]

Nope, our 'creators' whipped us up and put us to work mining this planet for its star ship fuel, the slag from this element is gold which explains why humans are enthralled by this commercially useless element and work the ancient mine beds to retrieve it.

It reminds us that once upon a time we had a 'purpose'.


Our 'talent' for organization is learned just as our social units were originally organized to support the now defunct mining...(venture?)

The only thing we know for sure is our creators abandoned us in place when the mines tapped out.

[There are still those among us who look expectantly toward the stars, wondering if the 'creators' will come back, many with fear but others with hope.]

Still with me? Have you ever wondered how 'evolution' accounts for all of the variants between the races? Now we arrive at the 'war' part of the puzzle.

Over the millennia, as mankind spread across the cosmos, different environments endowed humans with different traits. While conventional wisdom points to the White Man as the probable culprit regarding who enslaved who, we don't see any blue people among us now do we?

Culturally we have references to 'blue bloods' but we shrug them off as figures of speech. Problem is the universe is vast and our knowledge is miniscule.

Either way our 'diversity' tells us that more than one, er, 'branch' of slavers mined this planet and probably fought one another over the ready to ship cargo.

Left to our imaginations is if our differences were 'engineered' so the 'lords' could instantly identify one of their own or if the differences are organic and we each have different planets of origin [due to the 'tradition' of enslaving the conquered.]

Chances are [due to logistical considerations] our 'hue variations' were 'engineered' so our overlords could tell what 'batch' we were from.

Now we return to the Cro-magnons and the Neanderthals, human 'sub-species' that likely came from 'elsewhere'. Since we have no idea how adept the ancient engineers were with manipulating traits it is complete speculation that more difficult mining conditions caused them to engineer 'hardier, more robust' miners or if they imported this material from the far reaches of their nomadic empire. We have no way of knowing.]

Human conceit makes us think/believe we are the only sentient species [in keeping with our 'zero tolerance' minds] our warlike nature tells us this is not the case. There is something else out there and we are competing/warring with it for the cosmic fuel supply.

[This too is speculation, the 'enemy' could very well be the internal demon that plagues our kind, a deep and unquenchable GREED.]

How do you combat I was here first?

Get there before them!

Add that to being the universe's angriest loser and you've got war on your hands...over something stupid.

One is tempted to wax zen-like and add 'as above, so below.'

Boil away the BS and all life is one big competition for available energy in a universe overflowing with the stuff.

Still we play this game of winners and losers when sharing would be so much more productive.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Saturday, August 25, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the feckless are fond of pointing to money and blaming everything on that but the real 'root of all evil' is legal and our increasingly 'fickle' justice system.

Income inequality (and its root cause, the private ownership of what belongs to us all) isn't a money problem, it's a legal dodge!

Money itself exists to facilitate specialization but those who control money use it to leverage the very best FOR THEMSELVES! The problem with this? THERE IS NO LEGAL REMEDY...although there should be.

The ROOT of A Simple Plan is 'paychecks all around' and the ladder of skills one must climb to increase one's salary. With each rung on the ladder achieved, perqs and other benefits are bestowed along with the increased responsibilities that come with higher office.

Also central to the mechanics of ASP is the FACT that 'money's singular useful purpose' is to regulate access.

So the law includes the 'rule of ten' where each pay grade [read ladder rung] is not to exceed ten units from the one below it. Over the course of a working career the individual will participate in 32* test cycles [Entering the workforce at 18 and achieving 'retirement age' at 50 [still young enough to enjoy one's 'twilight years'.

Our median wage [it costs exactly the same to feed a rich man as it does a poor one] is arrived at upon the 'mastery' of your chosen skill. There are 12 GENERAL fields of endeavor that are called the 12 divisions. Upon completing your 'basic education' which WILL teach you how to survive on your own! [Flunk this and you'll end up in Special Services, a nowhere, make work position that offers no advancement.] The typical individual should achieve mastery of their specialty inside ten years...and Masters pay WILL be enough to provide you with an average lifestyle.

At this point the tests become 'optional' the requirement to participate ends and moving up becomes a choice. SOME will never achieve mastery and will be doomed to spend their career taking the masters test but this should be rare. If you'd rather volunteer for Lord of the flies Island than be someone else's boss planting yourself in a master's seat becomes a 'mission accomplished'. NOBODY is penalized in the tests. Let's suppose you take and pass the test to become a manager then lose the spot in the next competition. You retain all of the benefits you accrued when you return to your master's seat. [you may also be offered a 'peripheral' position rather than returning to your former position but under no circumstances will you be out in the cold.

Work is how we 'participate' in society and those who don't want to work don't like people nor do they crave the belonging that comes with being part of the team.

There's a reason the lone wolf is better known as the ROGUE. ASP has zero room/tolerance for 'rugged individualism.' Those who champion this trait do so because they want you to fail.

Survival is a team effort but the feckless 'honor/glorify' the rogue because it justifies/symbolizes their own selfishness.

It is NEVER 'I human' but TEAM HUMANITY!

Look at where I 'the man' has brought the brink of collapse as the benefit of being a team member has been stolen from you by the feckless few.

The ones JUSTICE turns a blind eye towards.

You all don't suppose we should fix this ME problem?

It starts by putting the LAW beyond the reach of those who would bend it to their own benefit.

No more badges, no more judges and no more 'OWNERS', if we are to survive then this world HAS TO BE OURS!

We should ALL be 'rich' in ways the feckless never imagined. GOLD truly is worthless and money is the LIE we all agree to, it should never be the 'be all end all.' [That's why under ASP your money is for YOU and YOU alone!]

What will you do when you reach 50? Join the military? Under ASP the minimum age to join the military is more sending our kids off to die...and by then there will be a 'Space Force' because we will live on a 'united planet' run by people that have humanity's best interests at heart. People who understand the value of teamwork and relish their place on the team!

The beauty of this team is the only requirement for inclusion is being HUMAN, if you're a self centered dolt, membership revoked and you'll receive free of charge, an all expense paid trip to Lord of the flies Island, there to live out your days however you wish, free of the 'tyranny' of having to care about others.

And that's what our 'rogues' think about the rest of humanity, they aren't worth the consideration never mind the courtesy.

How disturbing is it that their parents RAISE THEM TO BE LIKE THIS!

Um, perhaps it will be easier for you to understand my rage at how far removed we've become from what we could be to what you see today.

Death to the rogues! [which the feckless will deftly point at the destitute (they have made) and say, "that's them over there!"

The 'Two Americas' made famous by St. Ronnie and clarified by W. when he told us who his 'constituents' were in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS {the HAVES and the HAVE MORES} must end with the nation's first (and last) billionaire president.

ASP is DESIGNED to sweep the planet, not by military conquest but via trade. [It will be illegal to trade with non ASP nations]

Once the feckless have been removed from power (simply by declaring their money illegal) Their power structures will 'self destruct' when cash is eliminated.

Who knew justice could be so swift?

You may not be 'sold**' yet but believe me the alternative, less than an arm's length away is worse, much worse!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


* if you strive for leadership...and anyone can, along with everyone being encouraged to!

** zero irony your fear that you might be considered a moron by your peers and end up exiled...and some of you rightly so understand that exile is the ultimate punishment and reserved for the most unsalvageable cases. [Those who have repeatedly demonstrated a 'callous disregard' for the rules we all agree to live by.] ONCE is not enough...except for murder, then you can bet it's 'one and done.'

Friday, August 24, 2018

Cui Bono?

Greetings good citizen, the news that the bankruptcy King is guilty of felony crimes is greeted with confusion. His detractors want him gone and if you listen to the Late night talk show hosts cut him up, you have to wonder just who the alleged 10 to 15 thousand supporters that turn up at his rallies, [dressed like they are ready for a Ho Down or to be extras on Hee Haw!] are part of the MAGA miracle (their job, while it lasts, it to pretend to support the idiot-in-chief!)

[Did you know you can hire actors to show up at your campaign events? You can even specify how you want them attired!]

As the nation sinks deeper into economic stagnation [despite the Happy Talk tour, complete with talent agency supplied supporters, eyewash for the stupid.]

That said I haven't seen a MAGA cap since before the election...and that in itself speaks volumes. [Distinction, I've seen them on TV and no doubt they hand them out prior to these televised 'spectacles', I'm talking organic...someone so starstruck by Trump that they wear the hat as part of their fashion ensemble in support of 'their president'.

And I live in the Red part of a Blue State.

So we return to the issue underlying the entire Kabuki Dance, the game of Let's Pretend brought to us by a you CAN'T TRUST 'em media.

Your head is so loaded with nonsense you can't see what's going on.

Perhaps most remarkable is how the Bankruptcy King isn't sweating...sort of should be redirecting your attention to the whole STOLEN ELECTION and the media's complicity in it.

EVERYBODY KNOWS the media wears a muzzle and in doing so it makes it less than trustworthy.

[We really need to put the teeth back into anti-treason legislation!]

Perhaps less apparent is what this means to the 'Rule of Law'. Why isn't the Bankruptcy King fearful of prosecution? Because the people that put him in office (solely to dismantle consumer protections) ARE THE LAW!

Trump ain't sweatin' cuz his billionaire homies have his back! [And no he is NOT one of them. On that part the public is correct.]

{Prediction: The Trump presidency is destined to end in a pool of blood to protect the guilty.}

What does that mean for the 'Rule of Law'?

Hail to the King who IS the LAW! [It's been a couple of centuries but the public still won't tolerate the return of Monarchy, and that's fine with our oligarchs. We will (like China) be GIVEN (with zero say in the matter) a 'Director' who will rule with an 'iron fist' like the monarchs of old, for 'God and Country' (the people can eat shit!)

The question you SHOULD BE ASKING is 'If there is NOBODY 'willing' to prosecute the criminals then crime goes unpunished. Worse if criminals get to decide what is an isn't a crime, where are we?

Understand (on your children's lives) that the opposite is also true. Opposing those who claim to BE the LAW will be punished with DEATH. [Se habla Tyranny?]

Is THIS what YOU signed up for? Justice that's first duty is to protect the evil among us?

But you're a 21st century person, you don't believe in 'evil', do you? [Despite drowning in it on a daily basis...]

Don't you think it's high time we put the LAW beyond the reach of those who think they are BETTER than the rest of us?

Under A Simple Plan the law is the sole domain of all who agree to live under it! The people vote directly on the laws and NOBODY is capable of altering them! [One can always opt not to obey the laws of society but you instantly revoke your membership in society by doing so.]

The closest we come to a handful controlling what the rest of us must live with is the leaders, those with the vision necessary to implement the greater good. It is at their discretion that new proposed legislation (and the wording of that legislation) gets put to the public for a vote.

Since 'spite laws' are illegal in themselves. There will be no legislation against that which harms no one with the leadership being the sole arbiters of what is and isn't 'harmful'. Since leaders 'win' their positions via the competitions, their intelligence will speak for itself.

Do not confuse smart with wise...the media made that mistake installing the bankruptcy king as our leader (despite his being neither.)

While I would reach out from the grave to admonish future leaders to be as 'liberal' as possible [freedom is precious, do all you can to preserve it! The obverse of my admonition is Peace is even more precious, sometimes better to suffer a little tyranny than to sow the seeds of chaos.]

[End advice: the wise don't need it and fools won't heed it.]

Those who would like to see man's reign come to an abrupt end will be weeded out in the competitions long before reaching leadership due to their lack of imagination.

Myopia has a way of causing that. Dreams of doom and domination are self-fulfilling.

Thus will the competitions [for leadership] be our salvation! [Those who lack vision will not survive the tests into the leadership level.]

That said, mankind will once again be ASTONISHED at the pace of progress after we lift the yoke of selfishness from the path of humanity.

[A pox on the patent office!] Your 'inventions' are not yours, their OURS! If you don't want to share the door is always open.

All creation is built upon the work/insights of it's NEVER just YOU!

But I digress...

We are about to be swept under the latest wave of tyranny perpetrated by our self professed 'betters' and there is little time to ACT!

Generationally speaking it seems each new generation of royals thinks their ancestors made a huge mistake walking away from the throne...and what's about to come down on us is those kids acting on their 'instincts' to 'restore their birthright.'

They know not what they do and history will damn them for it.

Heads up [to the cognizant...not that you needed it.]

Thanks for opening your mind [those of you still in possession of theirs!]


Thursday, August 23, 2018


Greetings good citizen, in a tale lifted straight from the Brothers Grimm we have the Russia investigation, started by one candidate who rightly figured out that the one thing 'The Donald' is famous for is being on a first name basis with every bankruptcy judge on the East Coast.

The poster child for 'capitalism sucks' is such a deadbeat that 'concerned citizens' had the government investigate his ties to the Russian mob...which the 'less than blameless' media has turned what started as the investigation of a World Class deadbeat's connection to organized crime into a three ring circus centered on the Russian government committing an 'act of war' in a fruitless attempt to undermine American Democracy.

It's not the Russians that have fantasies about Democracy collapsing worldwide, it's the F'n 1 %

Newsflash for conservo-whackos...Russia IS NOT 'communist' anymore. China is communist in name only otherwise it is a military dictatorship just like every other Banana Republic on the planet.

What is it with Conservatives and REALITY? Is it too much for them to process?

Rhetorical question: the feckless behind the Conservative revolution work very hard at disguising their motives. They feel they were 'born to rule' and 'democracy' cheats them of, 'birthright'.

You want a New Deal try this on for size! And they proceeded to roll back civil rights and wage gains across the board while their bought and paid for politicians/legal system turned a blind eye.

Society's 'watchdog' has been rewarded for its 'cooperation' although it lives in a constant state of fear of being found out.

Do you want to know why 'Fake News' is so effective? Because we all know the media 'colors' and sometimes even outright ignores events that show the consequences of its complicity in burying the truth.

The media can't be trusted because somebody 'owns' it.

Um, same goes for the 'justice system' which is owned 'at arms length' by those own (and pretend to govern) society...

Why oh why can't people wake up and put a stop to this game of 'let's pretend'?

Survival is NOT a 'game' good citizen and we can no longer afford to let the 'cool kids' lead us to... their doom.

Which is to point out the obvious [Not to everyone just the few who are paying attention] those who pretend to run things know the wheels are about to come off and they don't care! They crave the fear they are driving into the hearts of those who trusted them to lead us away from danger.

Now the crash is imminent and the 'players' have already moved on to the next phase of their plan. [Selecting their new titles and drawing up the borders of their respective 'fifes'!]

T.M.I. good citizen? Still searching for commies in the former Soviet Republic? The undermining of democracy plays well with US citizen's mindset because of capitalist fears that COMMUNISM would undermine CAPITALISM [in the end no one cares what you 'vote' for (or against for that matter.) We voted down a seat belt law four times in a row by a 75% majority and we still got a seatbelt law...'democracy'?

Oh and it wasn't done for your 'safety'; it was done to condition you to accept the frivolous as necessary and reinforce the comply or die mindset. [TSA anyone? Especially TSA asking if you're a citizen! WTF!]

How many Conservo-whackos are blaming that on 'libruls'? TSA is a wholly owned subsidiary of W's Patriot Act...but stupid can't figure out that all things rotten in this nation have been brought to us by (because I said so) Conservatism!

Not that voting for the alternative would have produced a different outcome...fmr Speaker Pelosi is the wife of a billionaire after all.

She got her seat the old fashioned way, she bought it!

So in conclusion let's rewind back to the beginning. What Trump is calling a 'witch hunt' started off as the search for a smoking gun connecting the world class deadbeat to the Russian mob [and ruining his 'electability']

The connection turned out to be true but was suppressed by the lapdog media and transformed into the 'witch hunt' Trump claims it is to reinforce the myth that the 'communists' hate our freedom and are using the internet to hack our democracy!

A Democracy everybody knows is a sham from the start.

3 months til November...what are you gonna do?

YOU CAN'T VOTE THEM OUT and it won't stop until YOU STOP IT!

A Simple Plan, an idea whose time has come!

Wake up head,


Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's term is a catch all for the general environment we find ourselves drowning in.

Depending on how you're bent governs whether or not you *'believe' the problem is fixable or not...

Those who 'believe' individuals are corrupt think the problem is beyond our reach...those who believe the PROCESS is corrupt hold out considerably more certainty that a workable solution is attainable.

ASP takes the practical approach of attacking corruption at its root, removing the vehicle responsible for 'completing the transaction.'

[If there is no reward for their treachery most 'opportunists' will shun the 'risk' corruption represents. Some will do it because they can and others will try and leverage their 'boldness', causing them to be punished in a manner they didn't quite think all of the way through.]

Treachery against humanity is a capital crime.

[Not now, we wouldn't have a single sitting politician if the miscreants pretending to represent us were tried for their crimes.]

Ironically sitting politician will become a anachronism. The foolishness of letting others decide how you will live will become the emblem of tyranny we have so long fought against.

Perhaps the leveling of society (fostered by the abolition of ownership and the dissolution of the 'speculative markets' resulting in EVERYONE working for Humanity Inc and a PAYCHECK!) WTF is wrong with you people? Letting the feckless few enrich themselves at EVERYONE ELSE'S expense?

I'd say you need your head examined but there wasn't much you could do about it...short of revolt.

Problem is you will only revolt to win your freedom and now you've been 'taught' you're free. [It's not true by you don't get to choose what you are taught!]

We 'paid' for our freedom with the control of what we all need to live...and in that we weren't given a choice.

This is why corruption is universal and [what passes for] The Law does nothing to prevent it.

Left to your imagination is how do the enemies of capitalism get their arms?

Why from the capitalists, of course. How would you sell guns without conflict?

But your everyday life prevents you from asking those basic questions, doesn't it?

Trying to keep up with the myriad details thrown at you from every direction taxes your abilities beyond their limits and you mostly wish SOMEBODY would 'simplify' the entire process [because 99% of it is bullshit.]

Um, not for nuthin is the word most commonly associated with 'revolt' is 'failed'.

History has shown that revolt is a 'zero sum' game. The leadership changes but the tyranny remains.

You can read Marx until the cows come home but you won't find what happened in Russia anywhere in his [wrong-headed] musings on economics. Worse, once Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin overthrew the Czar the people had no clear idea who controlled what under 'communism'.

Ironically, under both systems, whoever controlled the law controlled the outcome. Business, masquerading as Commerce controls the law under capitalism while the military controls the law under Communism and the 'self-interested' control the law under both!

Worse, the 'chosen of God' continue to dominate humanity's destiny. [You'd think the godless communists would be free of this onus but you'd be mistaken as God's Armies are on the march world wide.]

Again I ask you 'Who is arming the Talibs?' The answer comes back ISIS but where are they getting the guns?

You have to know the answer to these question before we continue to allow the feckless to fund war without end...

Just a curious question but who else could get behind the abolition of cash? [Naturally they could trade weapons for oil/heroin but oil is traceable and can be 'de-monetized'!]

Hey, now we can ask the next question: Where is all of the heroin coming from? [You don't suppose the feckless war mongering capitalists have anything to do with it, do you?]

I have already beaten stupid into the dust. If your mind is too far gone to take anymore my suggestion is to put your head between your legs and kiss your ass good-bye!

We don't have a MONEY problem but we've got us one beyotch of a legal problem on our hands and only WE can solve it.

The revolt WON'T fail if we know what to expect on the other side! [The Law is the SOLE DOMAIN of ALL who agree to live under it. Those who don't agree automatically revoke their membership in society and will be exiled.]

Soon YOU will have to make a choice [because otherwise it will be made FOR YOU!]

And there won't be any 'do overs'.

This choice will affect how your kids and theirs will, er, 'live'.

[Letting them choose for you means your bloodline will disappear from the future genepool.]

Some of you have already self-selected such an outcome...for reasons of your own.

Is that why you're sitting on your hands while the murderous motherfucking capitalists import poison while exporting hatred and YOUR loved-ones die as a result?

[And the HITS just keep on coming!]

Nothing I say will motivate you, motivation comes from within...

Thanks for opening your mind,


* Believe because it's a proven fact that most humans don't THINK!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Greetings good citizen, In order to be 'effective' members of society we need to be 'educated', and the education that begins at our parents knee, [teaching us how to speak and behave] pretty much summarizes the parent's role in the educational process. Turns out most people don't receive a 'detailed' education from their parents [mostly due to the parents themselves being woefully 'undereducated'] thus we are all required to attend 'school'...which is supposed to teach us about the world around us and our 'place' in it.

Today's headlines tell us [like the 'they came out of nowhere' tax cuts] that 'Republicans' [read campaign donors] are lining up behind 'school choice'.

[Like a dog whistle, 'school choice' harkens back to the now ancient public schools vs private school debate...imagine where you'd be if your parents had to pay for your education. For a vast majority of us school wouldn't even be an option, the rich aren't rich because they give it away! [Despite the 'it' in question being 'free' to the '*connected'.]

Why are the rich, 'rich'? {don't teach you this in school either!} Because they belong to the 'chain of bondage' that enslaves the non-rich! [Money is a chimera, you need it while they can have all they want so long as they force you to 'perform']

Understand, society [to them] isn't possible without slavery. How fucked up is that?

These are the same people conspiring to take away your kids right to an inadequate indoctrination, an 'education' with so many holes in it most will never figure out why they are perpetually on the wrong end of the stick...need a mirror?

Again it's not the money but the privilege that makes one a political mover and shaker [considering most politicians are 'rich' compared to the people that chose them...out of two possible choices because that's all you get, either libtard or conservo-whacko.

[Gegner has no truck with 'party politics' that have proven repeatedly they are self-serving!] What use is it to be a 'party member' when 'the opposition' controls BOTH Parties?

[Doesn't matter who you vote into office if they both take their marching orders from the same people.]

I'm sure I've lost some of you so to get back on the same page we need to rewind to the early debates regarding 'public education'. Back in the day only the wealthy [read *connected] could afford to provide their children with an 'education' beyond what they could learn at their parent's knee.

Humans being incurable mimics clamored to be 'educated' (which initially came out of the Church's archives of documented events...and was the strict domain of the priesthood.

Those who 'ruled' the land by military might were able to extract certain 'concessions' from those who ruled ignorance and their (male) children came to be included in the programs designed to indoctrinate young priests. [The Dark Ages proved just how 'dangerous' knowledge could be. It gave people 'ideas' when they were supposed to be focused on 'the glory of God'.]

But that's another debate.

Along came the Reformation and with it a general increase in knowledge. The 'awareness' of reading drove a thirst for knowledge among the ignorant and soon those who couldn't read or write found themselves the butt of crude jokes but the cruelest cut was they were also branded stupid and that was intolerable.

Naturally moving out from under the safety of the rocks meant we needed to learn how to live in larger 'communes' [the base root of communities.]

It soon became 'intolerable' to find oneself at an 'educational disadvantage' and the peasants made their displeasure known.

Our mimics taught one another (although thanks to inbred pigheadedness what you were taught was often incorrect.) [Like the assholes that cheaped out and let India take over the dictionary used for 'spellcheck' creating a considerable bastardization of American English because the differences between the Queen's English, American English AND Indian English are subtle yet significant.

But again, I digress.

The exponential growth in civilization is directly traceable to the lifting of the prohibition against the sharing of knowledge. When enough people had learned to read the 'news industry was born to cater to a knowledge hungry populace...and if what was dispensed turned out to be falsehood well, everybody makes mistakes and people were made wiser by having to pick out the fly shit from the pepper of information.

If your thinking parts didn't work too well you didn't perform this, pretty much at all. You glommed it all down and waited until you stuck your foot in your mouth in front of your more erudite peers...and they all got a good YOUR expense.

So it is the idea came along that some parents weren't very good teachers and maybe it was time to 'formalize' the educational process. Imagine the progress that could be made if education were 'standardized'!

Now I ask you to step back a moment and mentally review what you were TAUGHT [from either source, your parent's knee or in school] about how the world 'works'...

What were you taught about the legal construct that dominates your life? If this question throws you the problem is considerably deeper than you suspect...and you may be incapable of handling the truth.

What were you taught about the Wealth Protection services? Weren't you told that they were YOUR FRIEND and that they were 'public servants' (this in reality redefines the term 'protection racket' [although you have since learned this was nowhere near the truth.] Once again we find your education receives a failing grade.

Finally, [not because this is an inclusive list but because the point is made] what were you taught about the mechanics of commerce [nevermind its 'purpose', there are degreed economists that remain ignorant of the purpose of commerce!]

While an 'educated' populace benefits us all, and ignorant populace makes the few rich, especially if those few dominate the 'justice process'.

Just a final breadcrumb before the system overloads again.

Thanks for taking the time to learn!

Gegner [The modern day Cassandra]

* read Royal

Monday, August 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I encountered a post yesterday that claimed the labor market was so tight that candidates were blowing off interviews. The ASSUMPTION here was they were getting better offers from elsewhere and not bothering to cancel/turn down the lessor positions they'd been offered.

No future selling timeshares to a populace too broke to take a vacation just as you'll starve to death selling Insurance supplements to people that can't put food on the table or pay their phone bill. [Ask the Aflac guy how he's doing...]

These are the jobs that CONTINUE to go begging.

As the economy continues to SHRINK the 'cheerleaders' keep insisting the opposite, citing dubious examples like people no longer falling for offers that pay a draw they'll be obliged to pay back if they don't produce.

I have often asked (rhetorically) what 'capitalist utopia' would look like and the answer is 'commission sales'.

The percent of a percent BS led to the initial collapse(s) of capitalism until the law intervened on the side of payment due for services performed.

We are living an a 'vaporlok' economy were too many frivolous opportunities are chasing people with no disposable income.

That's not a labor market regardless of how they parse it. [Worse is the pronounced rise in 'bait & switch' schemes...all 'solicited' by automatons! (another capitalist mainstay, the employee you only pay for once and that works year round for no pay.]

How SMART is that? [The robot doesn't need your product or service and it cost YOU money you didn't have, Duh! What does your robot do? Spends it's time listening to other robots tell them the people they want to bilk are unavailable, please leave a message after the tone.

But the savvy capitalist knows it's a 'numbers game' [what stupid doesn't realize is nobody is fertilizing the field, you can't reap what hasn't been sown!] So their robots hang up if they don't reach a fish, time to move on to the next number if this one is unattended.

On the unfortunate chance that someone does answer the phone, usually because they were expecting a call from someone they NEED to talk to the ensuing conversation is considerably 'less than productive'.

So pointing to the 'telemarketer' market and saying candidates are blowing off interviews is merely proof of what we already know.

Commission sales is a dead end street here in capitalist utopia.

The AMWAY program milked that strategy dry, Relatives, friends, neighbors and DONE...Amway soap was no better or convenient than the brand the supermarket sold for half the price and none of the hassle.

Still there are those who believe if they only apply themselves they will make their mark in MLM sales. The 'trick' is to get other people selling for YOU!

But now we're back to price and convenience...if you can't compete you really don't have anything to sell.

Did I mention a significant portion of capitalism relies on mental masturbation?

That aside, the feckless do it because they don't want to do it themselves [that's what money is for!] Hold people hostage to scrip and they will do everything for you! [Again via the bastardization of the legal process.]

See, the feckless don't care about you or what you need/want. They only care about them and their kids [who will be just fine so long as YOU keep 'buying the lie' that is $...they literally whip it up out of thin air, the 'government' blesses it and 'shazam', you're paid.

Their parents did it, they do it and they'll teach their kids to do it too.

You have to 'make yourself useful' to them, not the other way around.

What does your moral compass tell you now?

If you can't live on what you're paid, TOUGH! It's not their problem, it's YOURS!

Again, since 'the deal is the deal' you don't spend much time considering just how shitty your end of the stick is. Your internal setting is survival and they exploit that to the limit.

Worse, you ignore the suffering of others by accepting their problems are 'self-created' when the truth is anything but.

Why are you so unfeeling?

Is it because you've been taught from a tender age that we are all on our own?

Does music reinforce the notion that your problems are the only things you can truly call your own?

If you're not making it in this life it's your own fault. You didn't make yourself 'useful enough'.

Wouldn't you like to track down the moron that came up with that one and crush their skull like the rotten pineapple it is!

Your lack of caring is born of the Yoyo syndrome. You don't care about others because you've been trained to think in terms of 'me first' since you were born.

Did I mention that we have a whole slew of people that should be barred from having ANY contact with children under 12? [Or that Half of them are women!]

This 'mess' didn't come from nowhere and persists because nobody is addressing the problem at the source.

So when you hear people are blowing of interviews remember it's NOT the economy that's overheating, there isn't some hot new technology sucking up the available workforce, it's the same old LIES being re-treaded!

Look ALIVE out there people!

That thing between your shoulders is more than a gigantic zit!

Use it!

Um, thanks once again for the chance to share the meandering and largely meaningless flow of life with you,


Sunday, August 19, 2018


Greetings good citizen, since I was a young lad [which to me doesn't seem like such a long time ago] society has had a strange relationship with over-population, first freaking out about it followed by suddenly pretending it would work itself out.

Did I mention we seem to play 'Let's Pretend' [MAGA anyone?] an awful lot for a, er, 'developed' society?

Unemployment hovers around sixty percent (planet wide) creating society breaking forces that won't remain tamped down much longer.

Zero irony that the Bread & Circus routine dates back to ancient Rome just to give you an idea how long the feckless have been mismanaging things...

Also zero irony that our self professed betters have proven they are 'One Trick Ponies' who refuse to try alternatives.

[Would they continue to be in charge if they weren't better than us?]

At least that's what STUPID thinks...(and stupid tries not to think if s/he can help it because thinking makes their tiny-tidy head hurt.)

Out of sight, out of mind. Imagine the chagrin of our self professed betters when the back to back World wars didn't even dent the mathematical certainty that the world's population would double just fifty years after the dual herd thinning events.

In fact, stupidly, the war(s) made the problem worse! [It's also why we've been at war for 20 years and the media says nothing about it...]

Now might not be the best time to point out that our 'betters' only have one tool in their toolbox but there really isn't a way to use MONEY to solve an overpopulation crisis.

Since the great wars they have tried to use money to create population crushing poverty around the planet. The strategy has worked (somewhat) in the 'dumbed down' developed world. Females refuse to start families if the male doesn't have 'good prospects' but not all females are 'princesses' that can command prize level mate so 'compromises' are made that have resulted in a 'static' population where money controls the children's economic future.

As natural forests are turned into 'wildlife preserves' [ending subsistence farming supplemented by communal hunts...forcing the remaining 'free' people into 'economic slavery'] the 'hole' in this plan is there aren't enough 'jobs' for everyone that needs one...rather than divide what work there is they tell the moronic 'entrepreneur' to pay themselves from the 'profits'...[and what person is 'satisfied' with their 'fair share' when they see the criminals rewarding themselves handsomely with little or no effort.]

So it is we became a society of unchecked predators.

Commerce exists to enrich it's owners, society be damned!

But the government gives us money! [Don't be duped, if they (via the bought and paid for government) DIDN'T give you money the cheats would have NO CUSTOMERS!] The nation's largest retail chain achieved its ginormous stature by catering to the needs of people receiving government handout programs!

This too was 'no accident'. [Neither is this behemoth being supplanted by a 'virtual store'...] When YOU no longer have a reason to leave the house the world is whatever they tell you it's that for 'crippled'?

Like cattle in a chute, you (and yours) are being driven to SLAUGHTER.

While STUPID points to GREED [they want you to think MONEY is responsible!] the actual crime is being driven by 'expedience'. The US is about 'used up' so they needed 'new fools' that would jump through their hoops.

Since turning capitalist China has ended its 'One Child Policy' [Ironically they are the only nation to address overpopulation and now they are reversing that earlier decision to save themselves so they can keep the factories filled with CHINESE workers.

A labor shortage would result in a flood of foreigners that would irreversibly change the demographics of China forever!

So it is, good citizen, we must put a stop to this 'banking thing' that is driving civilization into a permanent abyss.

Banks are quick to thump their chest and proudly tell you they make life 'possible'!

When the facts are they make life miserable, there is nothing worse than a debt-driven society! NOBODY should be FORCED to buy their life from a BANK!

Under the banner of 'public safety' you can no longer live in the open. If you don't 'own' (the property) you have no right to be there [and if you can't pay the taxes on the property you won't own it long...]

This is BANKING at it's finest!

Yet we are reluctant to slip a similar (albeit hemp) noose around these miscreant's necks.

[Did I mention we live in a society managed by CRIMINALS?]

A place to live is your right! You shouldn't have to BUY it from anyone! [Now we arrive at the 'foundation' of the 'banking industry', they 'own' ALL of the land/houses and if you want one you HAVE TO pay them for it [even if the place isn't fit to live in!]

Now roll those facts back and forth in your head for a moment while pondering the root cause of the situation...we are literally neck deep in stupid.

Nobody IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would put up with this yet here we are!

Thanks for stopping by and letting me belabor the obvious!


Saturday, August 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, you just knew it had to happen. For years now they have been 'talking up' the markets [and since they are totally fictitious they rose, easy to do when it's all 'pretend'.] So it has come to pass that a sitting president is 'happy talking' the incredibly feeble into believing the nation is 'returning to Greatness'.

Those of us who were there before this nonsense began know the sewer we've been living in since 1968 continues its death spiral as the feckless continue to play 'Let's Pretend'.

Gov Cuomo has it right, The US has NEVER been 'great' primarily due to its unabated commitment to SLAVERY and TYRANNY masquerading as their polar opposites, PATRIOTISM and FREEDOM!

Without EQUALITY [something humanity has NEVER achieved] the human race has no right even pretending to be 'Great'.

Do you know what peckerhead is referring to in MAGA? He's referring to the 'ugly American' tendency to take full credit for winning World War Two! [Still pisses off the Europeans when we act like they owe us something for 'rebuilding Europe'.] Another myth perpetuated by BANKERS!

But what do you expect from a political philosophy that has reduced the leadership of this nation to its lowest common denominator, that of Commander-in-chief [the least of the president's 'responsibilities.']

Until the Reagan Revolution, this nation was founded on PEACE!

Since the 'bloodless coup' the operating principle of this country's leadership has been cluelessness (as exemplified by its constant overhauling of the educational system with each iteration being worse than its predecessor...)

Stupid is as stupid does.

Have to admit if stupid was the goal, they have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations! Two decades of war and nobody is protesting? WTF?

Probably be hard pressed to find someone that could even answer the question 'is America a Monarchy? nevermind factually. Couch the question assertively enough and you'd get most of the clueless to 'play along'. [In case you were doubtful just how deep 'stupid' runs in our society.]

A disturbing number of college students are blissfully unaware that the planet's dominant commerce system is capitalism. Worse, they have no idea how this is relevant to the political environment.

This is what they were taught, that they didn't need to 'understand' because they would be TOLD what to 'care' about.

Today's youth is PROUDLY 'apolitical' because they were taught that politics is something you argue about [end of story.]

So how do we expect the clueless to 'work things out' if they don't appreciate the necessity of talking to one another nor possess the intellect to comprehend the ramifications of STUPID'S ideas? ['Let's start a Space Force!']

This is how you land in a monarchy without realizing it. Things start 'trickling down' from the top and the next thing you know it becomes a pattern, with EVERYTHING being handed down from 'on high' (whether you like/agree with it or not!)

Question this and no one can answer you because they don't know where it comes from either (although the feckless are quick to point at the broken political system...sound familiar?)

Let us once again question the WISDOM of even paying attention to a 'for profit' information system. At the moment the 'alternatives' are crackpots like Alex Jones or lucid thinkers like my humble self...or the bought, paid for and 'tightly constrained' 'free' news. (That comes to you with a strong capitalist bias.)

But you implicitly 'trust' a system that has kept you prostrate to a bank your entire life, FOOL!

So riddle me this, are we Great Again?

The 'Doofus in chief' seems to say so with zero evidence, [good enough for him, good enough for you?]

The question it's NOT 'too soon' to be asking yourself is what are you going to do in November 2020 when the corporate owned media announces Preznint Pussygrabber has 'won' re-election in yet another Electoral College squeaker where Mickey Mouse won the popular vote but couldn't scrape together enough electors to pull off a 'win'.

Will you join the enraged mob as they march to burn down the White House (and everything around it for as far as the eye can see.)

Because 'burn 'em out' is the only 'answer' left to a captive populace.

You should know by now that 'the future' isn't open to 'negotiation'.

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Friday, August 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as democracy turns to tyranny around the globe Scandanavia has escaped the tyrant's grasp

Conservative ideology says that Denmark’s policy choices should be disastrous, that grass should be growing in the streets of Copenhagen. Regan was, in effect, describing what her employers think must be happening there. But if Denmark is a hellhole, it’s doing a very good job of hiding that fact: I was just there, and it looks awfully prosperous.

And the data agree with that impression. Danes are more likely to have jobs than Americans, and in many cases they earn substantially more. Overall G.D.P. per capita in Denmark is a bit lower than in America, but that’s basically because the Danes take more vacations. Income inequality is much lower, and life expectancy is higher.

For most humans the final point is the one that counts, you can't argue with SUCCESS!

Um, that last remark about GDP per capita is a highly loaded statement because it only includes 'workers'...and the US has a HUGE segment of its population that can't be employed AT ANY PRICE THANKS TO F-U, PAY ME Capitalism.

Reversed, the U.S. has huge 'government supported' liabilities, starting with 'corporate welfare' and continuing to foot the tab for maintaining 'War without end' on a global front [ironically, without which we'd be flat on our ass because our principle export is FOOD and that's dirt cheap, thanks to subsidies.]

Funny that the people screaming about 'socialism' are ALL ignorant morons, many of whom are 'Pete the Plumber' wannabes that claim socialism is preventing them from buying their boss's company and becoming financially independent [although the lack of a plumbing license and the quarter of a million dollar price tag also presented formidable obstacles to this 'socialist' plot to keep Pete down. Turns out, also thanks to life under capitalism, Pete had a credit history that made success unlikely indeed, yet another symptom of the 'intellectual dishonesty' that is so much a part of Conservative Ideology!]

Denmark enjoys a healthy society because it didn't get pushed down the rabbit hole the stupid led us down.

Now I have to back up and explain, "What rabbit hole is that, Gegner?"

[sigh] Economics 101, commerce DOESN'T exist to enrich it's OWNERS, it exists to SERVE SOCIETY [Which is why OWNERS (and their feeble minded wannabes) are so down on SOCIALISM!]

Capitalists believe commerce exists to enrich them and Devil take the hindmost! [The people 'left behind' by low wages and high prices become SOCIETY'S problem, not the Capitalists!]

Zero irony it is these same people who were left behind by predatory capitalism that complain the loudest about the 'Socialism' the keeps them out of sight or from being 'pressed' into becoming a marauder! [Remember 'press gangs' from history? Here's a refresher.]

What is a marauder you ask? Like the Dark Ages, few actually know so I'll explain.

Criminals aren't stupid. They take society's outcasts who can't earn an honest living and hold their families hostage, then they send their victims out to rob and pillage with their families safety insuring their success.

This way the criminal reduces the risk to himself and his 'hostages' insure that ALL of the loot gets turned over.

What, you DIDN'T KNOW this is how criminals operate? Boy, are you gonna be shocked come the revolution! Guess who is going to do the 'defending' against all those the angry rebels? [Beginning to see who 'the criminals' really are?]

When the bottom drops out and the boss 'magnanimously' offers to let you and yours join him in his fortified compound [the one he hired Merc's to've got the wrong idea.] The mercs are there to guard the 'hostages', YOU are being sent out fight off the mobs! (and you'll do it too if you want your wife and children to live!)

Funny how some things never change but this too circles back to 'can't argue with success...'

Commerce exists to enrich THEM is only the icing on the cake!

Again, I apologize to the erudite who know full well of what I speak.

My mission is to save the ignorant who have been hoodwinked by empty promises and benefits they will have to die to enjoy.

A hat tip to the esteemed Mr. Krugman for another illustration of 'it doesn't have to be like this...

and no I'm not going to parse 'this' for you.

My mission is to save the ignorant, stupid is on his/her own.


Thursday, August 16, 2018


Greetings good citizen, as civilization speeds off the rails Today's top story should come as no surprise

Drug overdoses killed about 72,000 Americans last year, a record number that reflects a rise of around 10 percent, according to new preliminary estimates from the Centers for Disease Control. The death toll is higher than the peak yearly death totals from H.I.V., car crashes or gun deaths.

Analysts pointed to two major reasons for the increase: A growing number of Americans are using opioids, and drugs are becoming more deadly. It is the second factor that most likely explains the bulk of the increased number of overdoses last year.

The trite response here is the famous line from Forrest Gump where he compares life to a box of never know what you're going to get.

Once you leave the realm of commercially produced opioids QC goes right out the window, especially when it comes to the synthetic stuff.

Even THEY don't know if the end product is 'safe'...but that's capitalism for ya, you pays your money and you takes your chances!

Did I mention that under A Simple Plan these capitalist 'wildcats' would be shit out of luck because there is no such thing as 'cash' so buying somebody's HOME BREW would be impossible and TRYING such an unknown would be considered an act beyond recklessness.

[If you don't know what you're doing DON'T DO IT!]

Kill somebody with your concoction (barring unforeseen allergic reactions) and prepare yourself for a long naked walk in the desert.

For reasons unexplainable, humans think it's clever beyond belief to send others on snipe hunts and one of those hunts is the quest for the 'ultimate high'. A quest that costs many their A-hole can contritely tell his friends (after he brags about sending them on the quest in the first place) "I didn't know they'd actually be dumb enough to TRY IT!"

That is the infamous last line of defense for A-holes everywhere! Well, A-hole behavior will reap the A-Hole's reward...stupid will pay for his 'cleverness' by having his membership in society revoked!

Are we 'genetically predisposed' to engage in 'herd thinning' behavior?

Seems a certain segment of the population has faulty wiring when it comes to survival behavior. These numbers keep climbing but so does the population.

Which is to point out that a certain percentage of the annual death toll can be attributed to 'recklessness'! Eliminating cash and tightening up the educational system will NOT eradicate what in many cases is reckless stupidity in the pursuit of 'a good time'...

Could we halve or even get that number below statistical significance? Possible but not likely.

We have too many 'wild assholes' (of both genders) living among us. Worse, we have become a society that prides itself on taking 'risks'...

In a life where almost NOTHING is certain, we humans sure go out of our way to 'tempt fate'.

Zero irony that some of these 'deaths' were intentional or that our feeble minded 'wealth protection services' have used Occam's Razor in finding their latest method of execution, which is certainly proving more effective than previous 'death cocktails'.

Do the Sadists among us fear that using fentanyl will not make the condemned suffer enough? Probably but that's an issue for the (useless) Supremes to debate.

Life is hard enough without some A-hole trying to put one over on you. You are 'beaten' six ways to Sunday throughout your life, don't let them win.

The least you can do is make the feckless EARN their place in society...and they'll play by the rules [we all agree to] if they want to remain there.

The beating heart of Eugenics (not in the hands of blind white men who used themselves as the 'baseline'...) wasn't out of synch with what we need to accomplish to survive as a species.

We don't need to sort by color or race, we need to sort by intellect and by ability with certain allowances for 'mutants'...but we must keep the mutants away from power or they will become the 'new tyrants' and the goal is to put ALL TYRANTS behind us.

Let no human be bent to the will of another.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Greetings good citizen, while we strive to fill our lives with goodness and light, it's an uphill slog with all of those greedy bastards dragging the rest of us down.

Now the clever 'more for me' crowd has turned this on it's head by pointing to the people it marginalized and accusing THEM of not wanting to contribute!

Well, what do you do when we live among people incapable of evaluating situations for themselves? [We are mighty quick to jump on the bandwagon before we have ANY of the facts! FOMO is formidible that way...]

You end up with a civilization at war with itself...[largely over lies but war nonetheless.]

If truth is the 'anti-dope', how do we get the confused to accept reason?

Exposing the truth is enough in most cases but those who 'misdirected' the public in the first place did so to deflect the judgment of society from falling upon them.

If we were just a little more detailed in sharing the actual mechanics of how things get done 'hatred' would be directed where it belongs, at those who purposefully short circuited the system for their own benefit.

At the base of the hatred problem is 'misunderstanding'. (Misunderstanding that is often due to scapegoating.)

How many times have you turned away from a news broadcast (or most of the other tripe they dish out as 'entertainment') and asked yourself "where are the adults?"

Just as the global race to the bottom is an impossible quest, the LCD keeps slipping lower because nobody is combating it! [They want you clueless!]

Perhaps just smart enough to KNOW your dumb...

I mean what do they expect, the broken educational system isn't cranking out Einsteins but you seem just fine with that! Maybe it's you that doesn't know any better?

Teaching to the LCD produces the results one would expect...

W's No Child Left Behind is almost are we doin'?

Ironically nobody question(ed) the bonafides of the empty suit proposing sweeping education reforms but a lot of things done under Republican governance don't stand up well to scrutiny.

But I digress. Most of you are familiar with the 'chain' that leads to hatred, it starts with perceived 'unfairness' and that fosters resentment against those receiving the preferential treatment. With just a little nurturing that resentment grows into full bore hatred and shazam, we got a problem on our hands. People will tolerate resentment but hatred demands that it be acted upon...

All because we avoid teaching students to think 'rationally'. Could this be because the people doing the teaching have things they don't want students figuring out?

Nope, it's not the educators themselves it's the politicians, who, at the behest of their campaign contributors, set the school system's curriculum.

While almost nobody misses civics [because it was taught by the unmotivated to even less motivated educators] today nobody understands the 'purpose of society' or their 'civic duty' anymore. [Which unmotivated civics teachers taught 'civic duty' began and ended with voting...what more could a politician ask for?]

Um, this [premeditated] failure to make sense of the world has turn society into a festering cesspool of hatred all so 'A Few' can be rich [at everyone else's expense!]

Great plan eh?

Anyone else think it redefines STUPID?

Probably the single greatest blunder is how they thought they could get away with it...although that is explained by the opposite side of that coin, what are YOU prepared to DO about it?

They bet 'nothing' and so far they are A.) Correct and B.) Winning!

Understanding instantly quenches the fires of hatred (although it usually results in a thirst for revenge upon those who deceived them by misrepresenting the situation...)

If we could only stop the liars before they duped the none to bright majority...

Thinking is critical to survival, not just personally but as a species!

Stupid thinks humanity is their enemy and find a peculiar comfort at the thought of a 'divine' extinction level event [that ain't never gonna happen because the divine is pure fiction!]

Man is not the enemy, those who would blame others for their misdeeds are.

Time to get serious about mismanagement.

Thanks once again for opening your mind,


Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, just did some research on the mechanics of the prisoner's dilemma and found it to be less than useful. While it is obvious that we 'should be' better off if we cooperated with one another, we aren't in control of major variables so we are left playing 'go along to get along' until we don't.

While the prisoner's dilemma is understood to be about the 'sentencing game' it tells us little about the practical problem presented by those born in prison and rely on the jailers for EVERYTHING (because that's the REAL prisoner's dilemma!)

How do you escape the hand that feeds and clothes you?

YOU are such a 'prisoner'. Left to our own devices the vast majority of us would perish in a most gruesome manner [starvation is physically agonizing and even more difficult to 'witness'.]

So let's put the 'rugged individual myth' to rest. Our survival is predicated on cooperation and our subjugation also depends upon 'complicity' among the conspirators.

Neither can do it alone...although eventually one 'side' ends up holding all of the pieces. Doesn't matter which side because the conspirators share an identical goal of keeping the masses docile [via religion] and believing they are 'free'.

The prisoners condition themselves to accept the role they are given (because the alternative is death) and the conspirators (more commonly referred to as 'the lucky ones') keep 'trimming the slag' wherever they can. [Again I create my own term for the 'illusion sustaining material' our feeble efforts produce that we use to differentiate ourselves from one another.]

Carnys call it slum but it's the same difference. Slag is the by-product of the refining process, the part that is normally thrown away.

Yet we use it to disguise ourselves so we need not look in the mirror and accept that it is our own kind doing this to us. The worst of us use it to elevate themselves above the rest but here we return to the 'broken mind' syndrome that permeates society from top to bottom.

Jailer is a full time job and there is zero irony that the jailer is just as much a prisoner as the rest of us. Yet stupid keeps reporting to work and following the orders of his frustrated superiors never realizing he's on the inside of the same cesspool he maintains for his masters.

And Master? He isn't going anywhere either...which is why he is obsessed with heading off revolt. His 'favored' position depends on it and he has had time to consider what he'd do if he could get his hands on the people responsible for marooning him here.

He doesn't want those people getting their hands on him...

How's that for a 'shitshow in a bottle?'

Yet we face a different conundrum created by the mismanagement of the planets resources and the inevitable collapse of the old methods.

The jailers have to allow the prisoners more 'freedom' if the system is to avoid collapsing upon itself.

Sadly this is precisely what the jailers were taught to avoid, that their continued superiority depends on despair.

This, as history has demonstrated repeatedly, is the recipe for disaster...and collapse.

Have you come to the conclusion that YOU are NOT a prisoner? [Where do you 'think' you're going?] The inside of your head is all of the 'running room' you've got! Time to start treating this prison like the home it actually is!

And guess what else? You have to share it with everyone else here whether you like it or not!

Remember the REAL 'Prisoner's Dilemma' (comply or DIE!) You go along or you cease to be a factor!

Some of you would embrace the 'sweet release' of death but you can't help but wonder if maybe you're already there...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head (because in the end it's all the 'freedom' you have!)


Monday, August 13, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's title (like all titles) is a 'relative' one with individuals running the full spectrum when asked 'what do you hold sacred?'

Some people regard 'life' as sacred but they are consistently behind those whose number one 'holy of holies' is CASH [because money by itself is useless...especially 'traceable' money.]

Naturally, it doesn't stop there. There are those who hold their faith as sacred and those who believe nobody is more important in Heaven or on Earth than their ever so humble selves.

[Ironically it is these same people who worship the empty dollar. Who is to say how many 'gods' are 'too many'?]

Is there a difference between stupid and insane?

Mr. Smarty Pants here doesn't even know where to begin to parse that one. Either way it is a self-inflicted wound.

Let me put my politician hat on and mount my trusty stump to proclaim [mostly to myself] that EDUCATION IS KEY!

For that crucial education we need only look at the headlines of the planet's capitalist news sources:

The muslim Taliban killed 240, er, 'infidels' in Afghanistan yesterday and we've had troops er, 'advisors' there for how long, almost 20 years!

Wow, somebody is being paid a lot for nothing! [Makes you wonder if the Chinese will suffer from the same problems?]

I know education is key but the mind is a sieve. Only the erudite will understand the reference.

Moving on, the Catholic church is still being rocked by sex scandals. Why does this 'surprise' anyone? This is the same church responsible for the DARK AGES and the subsequent CONSTITUTIONAL SEPARATION of Church and State! Before the Reformation it was the ONLY church! [and non-membership wasn't an option...]

It is here we encounter our original unanswerable question: Is there a difference between stupid and insane?

Is insanity really nothing more than a refusal to accept the obvious [fatal myopia?] (my way or the highway writ large?) [If I can make EVERYBODY believe it it's not insane, right...actually that ISN'T a question, more like the mental hiccup of a sick mind.]

So it is the militant Christians/white supremacists attempted to rally in the nation's capitol and other perceived 'liberal strongholds' across the nation and found itself seriously outnumbered by the humans again hatred crowd! [I LOVE people! Yay us!]

Sadly we can't congratulate ourselves and ignore the fact that we are both out-funded and outgunned (strangely thanks to the funds thing.)

Again I preach to the choir when a further go on to point out that this is also the reason the ballot box is broken.

We can OBJECT to our hearts content but in the end the ones with the guns make the rules...until we put a stop to that madness.

The LAW belongs to those who agree to abide by them. Not to the 'judges', not to the courts and not to badges/uniforms in their multitudes.

It is here that the 'tyrants' point at self rule and exclaim 'no rules except those YOU agree to! What kind of government is THAT?

Short answer...a JUST one!

Not only do the tyrants want to be 'in charge' of the rules creation process but they also have a compulsion to be in control of what passes for 'justice' because if they didn't control that the lot of them would be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity...

What's this got to do with Holy?

YOU make sure your kids are 'indoctrinated' (because if you don't the other kids will treat them like circus freaks when it's discovered they don't know who GOD is! Worse is explaining to your progeny that God (whose 'temples' are omnipresent) is the product of the feckless's imagination and that NOBODY has EVER seen this entity. Boy the other kids in school would have a party with that one, quoting from the bible and telling your now outcast children that they are 'sinners'! [Is there any greater crime than 'non-belief'?]

Seems the Talibs don't think so...

You see the 'magnitude' of the problem, don't you? [Is there a difference between stupid and insane?]

Sorry ladies but the Church relies on the MOTHER [In fact you can't be a jew if your mother wasn't jewish!]

Men are, er, 'more conflicted' when it comes to 'supreme beings'. Men secretly believe if they can land the first blow they can probably take the sucka but women, wired differently, seem to accept this 'concept' more readily. [Probably after a lifetime of having their ass kicked by angry, petulant boy-men.]

Bizarrely, women believe God is going to 'avenge' them, if not now, after death...which returns us to the question: Is there a difference between stupid and insane?

[If 'it' (stupid) weren't so prevalent I wouldn't keep pointing at it! It's degrading besides being a victim too.]

Sadly, we find ourselves neck deep in stupid and it seems to be getting deeper as the rhetoric accelerates.

The madness stops if we free our minds from the garbage dumped there to 'control' us.

Most of us are pretty bright if given a chance [I can only hope that this assessment isn't overly optimistic.]

Thanks once again for stopping by and opening your mind,


Sunday, August 12, 2018


Greetings good citizen, if they aren't trying to remove the 'human factor' from combat they are on an endless quest to seize the 'high ground' before 'somebody else' does.

Once again we are confronted with the question of 'who' (specifically) because the number of nation states with active space programs is growing and we can only wonder why?

Do we really need six missions to Mars? Who got there first and will they 'lay claim' to a significant portion of Martian 'real estate' even if they aren't the first ones to send colonists? [Who are likely going to perish due to overlong supply lines and the threat of earth bound intrigues, nevermind the challenges of surviving in a totally hostile alien environment.]

There is strong evidence that Earth was 'terraformed' specifically for us and the lifeforms we rely.

Newsflash for the intellectually challenged, you CAN'T terraform a planet that has no atmosphere (by virtue that it also lacks a 'magnetosphere')

But the multiple [wasteful] space programs are being used as an an excuse to 'militarize' Space.

Do you know the ONLY reason there [at least we hope there isn't] a Death Star like platform orbiting Earth already?

Because if there were such a weapon in orbit, under the command of the criminals, monarchy would have reasserted itself...AND the resultant bloodbath on the ground would have rendered the 'killer satellite' useless.

You [the general public] are already hopelessly outgunned but the psychologically damaged believe there is no such thing as being 'too safe' even if it means inciting enough fear to cause civilization ending riots in a futile attempt to seize the 'high ground'.

Again we ask where is the media because there are treaties that specifically forbade the militarization of space...but the conservo WHACKOS are running things and once again there is no bridge too far when it comes to military supremacy...

Yup can't have enough guns and god! [Hell, god invented guns so we could protect him and his righteousness..and defend ourselves against the 'unbelievers!']

And now you know why the 'superstitious peasants' cling so desperately to their guns.

But I digress, the issue is 'guns in space' [or are we really making Space safe for God (before that rascal Allah sneaks up there!)

Because you know dem 'terrerists' is EVERYWHERE and they hate our FREEDOM [To worship the almighty (buck)] the way we sees fit!

The rest of us want guns 'handy' against the day the religious crackpots decide god wants them to 'cleanse the Earth' of the unbelievers.

Seriously good citizen, it's that bad! [Don't believe me just look at the Global War on Terra!] Didja happen to notice the Terra-ists aren't Christians?

This is what you get when you don't PAY ATTENTION!

So if you were wondering why we suddenly need another branch of the military, now you know!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,
