Greetings good citizen, One must wonder what constitutes a genius because the term is bandied about by people who are far removed from the mentally agile/gifted. Genius to you would probably extract a yawn from me, whereas were I to demonstrate my mental horsepower I'd be greeted with a confused look if not outright anger because most of you 'misunderstand' how things work.
Worse, you get angry when anyone, genius or not, challenges your carefully constructed worldview [those of you that even have one...] Meaning that many lack the mental horsepower to even formulate a worldview much less 'maintain' it.
Tragic because NONE of this is 'difficult'. It only becomes confusing when the infamous 'they' are forced to cover their lies with bullshit!
As tensions increase society wide along the artificial 'party divide' [Truly bizarre because the Dems are totally 'unrepresented', there are no democratic politicians while the thugs are too stupid to understand they are being played, there are no Republican politicians anymore, only meat puppets who vote as commanded by their campaign backers. This is also true of those 'pretending' to be Democrats/progressives.]
This is as plain as the nose on your face to anyone paying ATTENTION but no! You're stuck living in your parents world of fiscally conservative Republicans and 'Tax & Spend' liberals who used to work together to build a better society but now they only want to build a better world for the 'good people' [and in this case 'good' translates directly to RICH.]
This too is obvious to anyone paying attention but too few of you possess the mental horsepower to process this information so you let the 'infotainment network' provide the answers for you.
You'll be pleased to know that none of my readers are mental cripples. Why the comment system remains inoperative is a mystery, it's not my doing.
It is likely due to trolling and there is no shortage of those.
But I digress...
Before you is the reason why the ballot box remains permanently broken. Your vote was ALWAYS meaningless because you only got to vote for who would make decisions in your name without ever consulting you.
For DEMOCRACY to exist you have to be able to vote directly on the issues facing humanity so we can all work together to build a more stable society. [Security is another matter entirely...and we can no longer afford to be distracted by the petty that would have us fight one another while they steal everything that isn't nailed to the ground.]
While you doubt its effectiveness, our future society will be 'self-policing'. That too is vital to a 'healthy Democracy'.
[See, you're making that 'I don't understand' face and it's driving me crazy! Think because your life (the future) actually DOES depend on it!]
First genius observation: We only have ONE planet. Definitely not a Nobel Prize contender but it seems most of you fail to appreciate what this means economically.
The DOMINANT commerce system on this planet is based upon OWNERSHIP. [This is due to collaboration between the criminals to create fake ownership documents from an equally fabricated 'Spirit in the Sky' so THEY could claim 'divine provenance' over the lands and everything on it! Because (naturally) they appointed themselves 'God's Representatives' in the here and now.] They also made the role hereditary...
Well, that got them 'over the threshold' and now 'established practice' keeps predatory capitalism firmly in place.
Don't misunderstand, the divine intervention claim is still there and will soon be invoked again when they attempt to return the 'crown' to re-establish the Ruler/subject relationship.
Free humans are a non-starter for the 'more for me' (Slaver) crowd.
The 'Neo-Cons' will invoke divine privilege to return all non-royals to 'chattel' status.
How many of you knew that once upon a time, way back in the 'bad old days' {same ones the Rethuglican leadership keeps pining for} all non-royals were considered PROPERTY?
That's the excuse the kings used for killing you out of hand, you were his property to do with AS HE PLEASED!
Bizarrely, the usual reaction to this 'miscarriage of justice' was 'Better them than Me!'
Those who do not learn the lessons of history ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT THEM!
This is why you need to KNOW WHAT YOU'RE FIGHTING FOR!
I crafted A Simple Plan to put an end to this slaver bullshit and to put an end to the slavers once and for all.
No more organized religion, no more judges, no more lawyers, no more cops, no more armies, no more banks and no more debt. EVERYONE works, thereby PARTICIPATING in society, getting back what they contribute while making life 'better' for us all!
Bizarrely THAT isn't considered 'genius' but what do they know?
Thanks once again for opening your mind!
Worse, you get angry when anyone, genius or not, challenges your carefully constructed worldview [those of you that even have one...] Meaning that many lack the mental horsepower to even formulate a worldview much less 'maintain' it.
Tragic because NONE of this is 'difficult'. It only becomes confusing when the infamous 'they' are forced to cover their lies with bullshit!
As tensions increase society wide along the artificial 'party divide' [Truly bizarre because the Dems are totally 'unrepresented', there are no democratic politicians while the thugs are too stupid to understand they are being played, there are no Republican politicians anymore, only meat puppets who vote as commanded by their campaign backers. This is also true of those 'pretending' to be Democrats/progressives.]
This is as plain as the nose on your face to anyone paying ATTENTION but no! You're stuck living in your parents world of fiscally conservative Republicans and 'Tax & Spend' liberals who used to work together to build a better society but now they only want to build a better world for the 'good people' [and in this case 'good' translates directly to RICH.]
This too is obvious to anyone paying attention but too few of you possess the mental horsepower to process this information so you let the 'infotainment network' provide the answers for you.
You'll be pleased to know that none of my readers are mental cripples. Why the comment system remains inoperative is a mystery, it's not my doing.
It is likely due to trolling and there is no shortage of those.
But I digress...
Before you is the reason why the ballot box remains permanently broken. Your vote was ALWAYS meaningless because you only got to vote for who would make decisions in your name without ever consulting you.
For DEMOCRACY to exist you have to be able to vote directly on the issues facing humanity so we can all work together to build a more stable society. [Security is another matter entirely...and we can no longer afford to be distracted by the petty that would have us fight one another while they steal everything that isn't nailed to the ground.]
While you doubt its effectiveness, our future society will be 'self-policing'. That too is vital to a 'healthy Democracy'.
[See, you're making that 'I don't understand' face and it's driving me crazy! Think because your life (the future) actually DOES depend on it!]
First genius observation: We only have ONE planet. Definitely not a Nobel Prize contender but it seems most of you fail to appreciate what this means economically.
The DOMINANT commerce system on this planet is based upon OWNERSHIP. [This is due to collaboration between the criminals to create fake ownership documents from an equally fabricated 'Spirit in the Sky' so THEY could claim 'divine provenance' over the lands and everything on it! Because (naturally) they appointed themselves 'God's Representatives' in the here and now.] They also made the role hereditary...
Well, that got them 'over the threshold' and now 'established practice' keeps predatory capitalism firmly in place.
Don't misunderstand, the divine intervention claim is still there and will soon be invoked again when they attempt to return the 'crown' to re-establish the Ruler/subject relationship.
Free humans are a non-starter for the 'more for me' (Slaver) crowd.
The 'Neo-Cons' will invoke divine privilege to return all non-royals to 'chattel' status.
How many of you knew that once upon a time, way back in the 'bad old days' {same ones the Rethuglican leadership keeps pining for} all non-royals were considered PROPERTY?
That's the excuse the kings used for killing you out of hand, you were his property to do with AS HE PLEASED!
Bizarrely, the usual reaction to this 'miscarriage of justice' was 'Better them than Me!'
Those who do not learn the lessons of history ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT THEM!
This is why you need to KNOW WHAT YOU'RE FIGHTING FOR!
I crafted A Simple Plan to put an end to this slaver bullshit and to put an end to the slavers once and for all.
No more organized religion, no more judges, no more lawyers, no more cops, no more armies, no more banks and no more debt. EVERYONE works, thereby PARTICIPATING in society, getting back what they contribute while making life 'better' for us all!
Bizarrely THAT isn't considered 'genius' but what do they know?
Thanks once again for opening your mind!
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