Monday, August 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I encountered a post yesterday that claimed the labor market was so tight that candidates were blowing off interviews. The ASSUMPTION here was they were getting better offers from elsewhere and not bothering to cancel/turn down the lessor positions they'd been offered.

No future selling timeshares to a populace too broke to take a vacation just as you'll starve to death selling Insurance supplements to people that can't put food on the table or pay their phone bill. [Ask the Aflac guy how he's doing...]

These are the jobs that CONTINUE to go begging.

As the economy continues to SHRINK the 'cheerleaders' keep insisting the opposite, citing dubious examples like people no longer falling for offers that pay a draw they'll be obliged to pay back if they don't produce.

I have often asked (rhetorically) what 'capitalist utopia' would look like and the answer is 'commission sales'.

The percent of a percent BS led to the initial collapse(s) of capitalism until the law intervened on the side of payment due for services performed.

We are living an a 'vaporlok' economy were too many frivolous opportunities are chasing people with no disposable income.

That's not a labor market regardless of how they parse it. [Worse is the pronounced rise in 'bait & switch' schemes...all 'solicited' by automatons! (another capitalist mainstay, the employee you only pay for once and that works year round for no pay.]

How SMART is that? [The robot doesn't need your product or service and it cost YOU money you didn't have, Duh! What does your robot do? Spends it's time listening to other robots tell them the people they want to bilk are unavailable, please leave a message after the tone.

But the savvy capitalist knows it's a 'numbers game' [what stupid doesn't realize is nobody is fertilizing the field, you can't reap what hasn't been sown!] So their robots hang up if they don't reach a fish, time to move on to the next number if this one is unattended.

On the unfortunate chance that someone does answer the phone, usually because they were expecting a call from someone they NEED to talk to the ensuing conversation is considerably 'less than productive'.

So pointing to the 'telemarketer' market and saying candidates are blowing off interviews is merely proof of what we already know.

Commission sales is a dead end street here in capitalist utopia.

The AMWAY program milked that strategy dry, Relatives, friends, neighbors and DONE...Amway soap was no better or convenient than the brand the supermarket sold for half the price and none of the hassle.

Still there are those who believe if they only apply themselves they will make their mark in MLM sales. The 'trick' is to get other people selling for YOU!

But now we're back to price and convenience...if you can't compete you really don't have anything to sell.

Did I mention a significant portion of capitalism relies on mental masturbation?

That aside, the feckless do it because they don't want to do it themselves [that's what money is for!] Hold people hostage to scrip and they will do everything for you! [Again via the bastardization of the legal process.]

See, the feckless don't care about you or what you need/want. They only care about them and their kids [who will be just fine so long as YOU keep 'buying the lie' that is $...they literally whip it up out of thin air, the 'government' blesses it and 'shazam', you're paid.

Their parents did it, they do it and they'll teach their kids to do it too.

You have to 'make yourself useful' to them, not the other way around.

What does your moral compass tell you now?

If you can't live on what you're paid, TOUGH! It's not their problem, it's YOURS!

Again, since 'the deal is the deal' you don't spend much time considering just how shitty your end of the stick is. Your internal setting is survival and they exploit that to the limit.

Worse, you ignore the suffering of others by accepting their problems are 'self-created' when the truth is anything but.

Why are you so unfeeling?

Is it because you've been taught from a tender age that we are all on our own?

Does music reinforce the notion that your problems are the only things you can truly call your own?

If you're not making it in this life it's your own fault. You didn't make yourself 'useful enough'.

Wouldn't you like to track down the moron that came up with that one and crush their skull like the rotten pineapple it is!

Your lack of caring is born of the Yoyo syndrome. You don't care about others because you've been trained to think in terms of 'me first' since you were born.

Did I mention that we have a whole slew of people that should be barred from having ANY contact with children under 12? [Or that Half of them are women!]

This 'mess' didn't come from nowhere and persists because nobody is addressing the problem at the source.

So when you hear people are blowing of interviews remember it's NOT the economy that's overheating, there isn't some hot new technology sucking up the available workforce, it's the same old LIES being re-treaded!

Look ALIVE out there people!

That thing between your shoulders is more than a gigantic zit!

Use it!

Um, thanks once again for the chance to share the meandering and largely meaningless flow of life with you,


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