Friday, August 24, 2018

Cui Bono?

Greetings good citizen, the news that the bankruptcy King is guilty of felony crimes is greeted with confusion. His detractors want him gone and if you listen to the Late night talk show hosts cut him up, you have to wonder just who the alleged 10 to 15 thousand supporters that turn up at his rallies, [dressed like they are ready for a Ho Down or to be extras on Hee Haw!] are part of the MAGA miracle (their job, while it lasts, it to pretend to support the idiot-in-chief!)

[Did you know you can hire actors to show up at your campaign events? You can even specify how you want them attired!]

As the nation sinks deeper into economic stagnation [despite the Happy Talk tour, complete with talent agency supplied supporters, eyewash for the stupid.]

That said I haven't seen a MAGA cap since before the election...and that in itself speaks volumes. [Distinction, I've seen them on TV and no doubt they hand them out prior to these televised 'spectacles', I'm talking organic...someone so starstruck by Trump that they wear the hat as part of their fashion ensemble in support of 'their president'.

And I live in the Red part of a Blue State.

So we return to the issue underlying the entire Kabuki Dance, the game of Let's Pretend brought to us by a you CAN'T TRUST 'em media.

Your head is so loaded with nonsense you can't see what's going on.

Perhaps most remarkable is how the Bankruptcy King isn't sweating...sort of should be redirecting your attention to the whole STOLEN ELECTION and the media's complicity in it.

EVERYBODY KNOWS the media wears a muzzle and in doing so it makes it less than trustworthy.

[We really need to put the teeth back into anti-treason legislation!]

Perhaps less apparent is what this means to the 'Rule of Law'. Why isn't the Bankruptcy King fearful of prosecution? Because the people that put him in office (solely to dismantle consumer protections) ARE THE LAW!

Trump ain't sweatin' cuz his billionaire homies have his back! [And no he is NOT one of them. On that part the public is correct.]

{Prediction: The Trump presidency is destined to end in a pool of blood to protect the guilty.}

What does that mean for the 'Rule of Law'?

Hail to the King who IS the LAW! [It's been a couple of centuries but the public still won't tolerate the return of Monarchy, and that's fine with our oligarchs. We will (like China) be GIVEN (with zero say in the matter) a 'Director' who will rule with an 'iron fist' like the monarchs of old, for 'God and Country' (the people can eat shit!)

The question you SHOULD BE ASKING is 'If there is NOBODY 'willing' to prosecute the criminals then crime goes unpunished. Worse if criminals get to decide what is an isn't a crime, where are we?

Understand (on your children's lives) that the opposite is also true. Opposing those who claim to BE the LAW will be punished with DEATH. [Se habla Tyranny?]

Is THIS what YOU signed up for? Justice that's first duty is to protect the evil among us?

But you're a 21st century person, you don't believe in 'evil', do you? [Despite drowning in it on a daily basis...]

Don't you think it's high time we put the LAW beyond the reach of those who think they are BETTER than the rest of us?

Under A Simple Plan the law is the sole domain of all who agree to live under it! The people vote directly on the laws and NOBODY is capable of altering them! [One can always opt not to obey the laws of society but you instantly revoke your membership in society by doing so.]

The closest we come to a handful controlling what the rest of us must live with is the leaders, those with the vision necessary to implement the greater good. It is at their discretion that new proposed legislation (and the wording of that legislation) gets put to the public for a vote.

Since 'spite laws' are illegal in themselves. There will be no legislation against that which harms no one with the leadership being the sole arbiters of what is and isn't 'harmful'. Since leaders 'win' their positions via the competitions, their intelligence will speak for itself.

Do not confuse smart with wise...the media made that mistake installing the bankruptcy king as our leader (despite his being neither.)

While I would reach out from the grave to admonish future leaders to be as 'liberal' as possible [freedom is precious, do all you can to preserve it! The obverse of my admonition is Peace is even more precious, sometimes better to suffer a little tyranny than to sow the seeds of chaos.]

[End advice: the wise don't need it and fools won't heed it.]

Those who would like to see man's reign come to an abrupt end will be weeded out in the competitions long before reaching leadership due to their lack of imagination.

Myopia has a way of causing that. Dreams of doom and domination are self-fulfilling.

Thus will the competitions [for leadership] be our salvation! [Those who lack vision will not survive the tests into the leadership level.]

That said, mankind will once again be ASTONISHED at the pace of progress after we lift the yoke of selfishness from the path of humanity.

[A pox on the patent office!] Your 'inventions' are not yours, their OURS! If you don't want to share the door is always open.

All creation is built upon the work/insights of it's NEVER just YOU!

But I digress...

We are about to be swept under the latest wave of tyranny perpetrated by our self professed 'betters' and there is little time to ACT!

Generationally speaking it seems each new generation of royals thinks their ancestors made a huge mistake walking away from the throne...and what's about to come down on us is those kids acting on their 'instincts' to 'restore their birthright.'

They know not what they do and history will damn them for it.

Heads up [to the cognizant...not that you needed it.]

Thanks for opening your mind [those of you still in possession of theirs!]


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