Greetings good citizen, since I was a young lad [which to me doesn't seem like such a long time ago] society has had a strange relationship with over-population, first freaking out about it followed by suddenly pretending it would work itself out.
Did I mention we seem to play 'Let's Pretend' [MAGA anyone?] an awful lot for a, er, 'developed' society?
Unemployment hovers around sixty percent (planet wide) creating society breaking forces that won't remain tamped down much longer.
Zero irony that the Bread & Circus routine dates back to ancient Rome just to give you an idea how long the feckless have been mismanaging things...
Also zero irony that our self professed betters have proven they are 'One Trick Ponies' who refuse to try alternatives.
[Would they continue to be in charge if they weren't better than us?]
At least that's what STUPID thinks...(and stupid tries not to think if s/he can help it because thinking makes their tiny-tidy head hurt.)
Out of sight, out of mind. Imagine the chagrin of our self professed betters when the back to back World wars didn't even dent the mathematical certainty that the world's population would double just fifty years after the dual herd thinning events.
In fact, stupidly, the war(s) made the problem worse! [It's also why we've been at war for 20 years and the media says nothing about it...]
Now might not be the best time to point out that our 'betters' only have one tool in their toolbox but there really isn't a way to use MONEY to solve an overpopulation crisis.
Since the great wars they have tried to use money to create population crushing poverty around the planet. The strategy has worked (somewhat) in the 'dumbed down' developed world. Females refuse to start families if the male doesn't have 'good prospects' but not all females are 'princesses' that can command prize level mate so 'compromises' are made that have resulted in a 'static' population where money controls the children's economic future.
As natural forests are turned into 'wildlife preserves' [ending subsistence farming supplemented by communal hunts...forcing the remaining 'free' people into 'economic slavery'] the 'hole' in this plan is there aren't enough 'jobs' for everyone that needs one...rather than divide what work there is they tell the moronic 'entrepreneur' to pay themselves from the 'profits'...[and what person is 'satisfied' with their 'fair share' when they see the criminals rewarding themselves handsomely with little or no effort.]
So it is we became a society of unchecked predators.
Commerce exists to enrich it's owners, society be damned!
But the government gives us money! [Don't be duped, if they (via the bought and paid for government) DIDN'T give you money the cheats would have NO CUSTOMERS!] The nation's largest retail chain achieved its ginormous stature by catering to the needs of people receiving government handout programs!
This too was 'no accident'. [Neither is this behemoth being supplanted by a 'virtual store'...] When YOU no longer have a reason to leave the house the world is whatever they tell you it's that for 'crippled'?
Like cattle in a chute, you (and yours) are being driven to SLAUGHTER.
While STUPID points to GREED [they want you to think MONEY is responsible!] the actual crime is being driven by 'expedience'. The US is about 'used up' so they needed 'new fools' that would jump through their hoops.
Since turning capitalist China has ended its 'One Child Policy' [Ironically they are the only nation to address overpopulation and now they are reversing that earlier decision to save themselves so they can keep the factories filled with CHINESE workers.
A labor shortage would result in a flood of foreigners that would irreversibly change the demographics of China forever!
So it is, good citizen, we must put a stop to this 'banking thing' that is driving civilization into a permanent abyss.
Banks are quick to thump their chest and proudly tell you they make life 'possible'!
When the facts are they make life miserable, there is nothing worse than a debt-driven society! NOBODY should be FORCED to buy their life from a BANK!
Under the banner of 'public safety' you can no longer live in the open. If you don't 'own' (the property) you have no right to be there [and if you can't pay the taxes on the property you won't own it long...]
This is BANKING at it's finest!
Yet we are reluctant to slip a similar (albeit hemp) noose around these miscreant's necks.
[Did I mention we live in a society managed by CRIMINALS?]
A place to live is your right! You shouldn't have to BUY it from anyone! [Now we arrive at the 'foundation' of the 'banking industry', they 'own' ALL of the land/houses and if you want one you HAVE TO pay them for it [even if the place isn't fit to live in!]
Now roll those facts back and forth in your head for a moment while pondering the root cause of the situation...we are literally neck deep in stupid.
Nobody IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would put up with this yet here we are!
Thanks for stopping by and letting me belabor the obvious!
Did I mention we seem to play 'Let's Pretend' [MAGA anyone?] an awful lot for a, er, 'developed' society?
Unemployment hovers around sixty percent (planet wide) creating society breaking forces that won't remain tamped down much longer.
Zero irony that the Bread & Circus routine dates back to ancient Rome just to give you an idea how long the feckless have been mismanaging things...
Also zero irony that our self professed betters have proven they are 'One Trick Ponies' who refuse to try alternatives.
[Would they continue to be in charge if they weren't better than us?]
At least that's what STUPID thinks...(and stupid tries not to think if s/he can help it because thinking makes their tiny-tidy head hurt.)
Out of sight, out of mind. Imagine the chagrin of our self professed betters when the back to back World wars didn't even dent the mathematical certainty that the world's population would double just fifty years after the dual herd thinning events.
In fact, stupidly, the war(s) made the problem worse! [It's also why we've been at war for 20 years and the media says nothing about it...]
Now might not be the best time to point out that our 'betters' only have one tool in their toolbox but there really isn't a way to use MONEY to solve an overpopulation crisis.
Since the great wars they have tried to use money to create population crushing poverty around the planet. The strategy has worked (somewhat) in the 'dumbed down' developed world. Females refuse to start families if the male doesn't have 'good prospects' but not all females are 'princesses' that can command prize level mate so 'compromises' are made that have resulted in a 'static' population where money controls the children's economic future.
As natural forests are turned into 'wildlife preserves' [ending subsistence farming supplemented by communal hunts...forcing the remaining 'free' people into 'economic slavery'] the 'hole' in this plan is there aren't enough 'jobs' for everyone that needs one...rather than divide what work there is they tell the moronic 'entrepreneur' to pay themselves from the 'profits'...[and what person is 'satisfied' with their 'fair share' when they see the criminals rewarding themselves handsomely with little or no effort.]
So it is we became a society of unchecked predators.
Commerce exists to enrich it's owners, society be damned!
But the government gives us money! [Don't be duped, if they (via the bought and paid for government) DIDN'T give you money the cheats would have NO CUSTOMERS!] The nation's largest retail chain achieved its ginormous stature by catering to the needs of people receiving government handout programs!
This too was 'no accident'. [Neither is this behemoth being supplanted by a 'virtual store'...] When YOU no longer have a reason to leave the house the world is whatever they tell you it's that for 'crippled'?
Like cattle in a chute, you (and yours) are being driven to SLAUGHTER.
While STUPID points to GREED [they want you to think MONEY is responsible!] the actual crime is being driven by 'expedience'. The US is about 'used up' so they needed 'new fools' that would jump through their hoops.
Since turning capitalist China has ended its 'One Child Policy' [Ironically they are the only nation to address overpopulation and now they are reversing that earlier decision to save themselves so they can keep the factories filled with CHINESE workers.
A labor shortage would result in a flood of foreigners that would irreversibly change the demographics of China forever!
So it is, good citizen, we must put a stop to this 'banking thing' that is driving civilization into a permanent abyss.
Banks are quick to thump their chest and proudly tell you they make life 'possible'!
When the facts are they make life miserable, there is nothing worse than a debt-driven society! NOBODY should be FORCED to buy their life from a BANK!
Under the banner of 'public safety' you can no longer live in the open. If you don't 'own' (the property) you have no right to be there [and if you can't pay the taxes on the property you won't own it long...]
This is BANKING at it's finest!
Yet we are reluctant to slip a similar (albeit hemp) noose around these miscreant's necks.
[Did I mention we live in a society managed by CRIMINALS?]
A place to live is your right! You shouldn't have to BUY it from anyone! [Now we arrive at the 'foundation' of the 'banking industry', they 'own' ALL of the land/houses and if you want one you HAVE TO pay them for it [even if the place isn't fit to live in!]
Now roll those facts back and forth in your head for a moment while pondering the root cause of the situation...we are literally neck deep in stupid.
Nobody IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would put up with this yet here we are!
Thanks for stopping by and letting me belabor the obvious!
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