Saturday, August 11, 2018


Greetings good citizen, the landscape is shifting and this has some disturbing implications. No, it's not the political landscape, that remains the same hot mess it's evolved into, this new problem is right here in the blogosphere.

All of my indicators have stopped working. Somewhat like the primary reason for blogging, to spark intellectual debate is useless because comments either aren't working or NONE of you hold (or possess the ability to defend) a different opinion.

Considering World Peace hasn't broken out due to this odd outbreak of persistent silence the only reasonable assumption is mechanical failure/manipulation.

Those of you just frothing at the mouth to give me a piece of your mind are being prevented from doing so because Big Brother has taken away the stage that discourse would play out on.

Stop for a moment and consider what being 'a bug in a jar' must feel like? You don't get to discuss ideas, making people question their beliefs is the quickest way to become an outcast, then you'll end up like me, blogging to myself in obscurity.

Somewhat weird to consider that for four years I have been writing a personal journal addressed to the English speaking world and the only one actually reading it is me.

Dunno if it is the spiders or my 'handlers' that throw me the occasional +1 but once again my indicator shows followers resolutely stuck on 0.

Still the lack of questions makes me doubt there's anybody out there or that my now approaching 50,000 page views has any basis in reality unless it registers a hit every time someone looks up a conjunction.

Back in the wild days of the blogosphere there were pages and pages of people rebutting one another's positions but now, not even crickets chirping. Only this deafening silence. Not just here, everywhere.

[This post is being brought to you by a dramatic drop in readership over the past week, seems they can 'squelch' the count to whatever they want it to read and mine is lower for reasons that aren't quite clear. (I suspect the number of spiders has dropped)]

Regardless of the cause, this means we have a different problem on our hands. 'Dialog' has been removed by those who control the interwebs. If it is not in an e-mail [isn't it curious that 'our revolution' uses servers that don't accept responses] blogs have become soapboxes from which to 'pontificate' from.

I'm not here to indoctrinate anyone. Teach yes and to debate and defend my ideas but that's a little difficult to do alone, you see the only other guy here agrees with me every step of the way.

Someone out there believes if there were only 'one message' [and that message was a 'happy' one] that we'd all be less dissatisfied with our...(don't you hate it when people use this term because it legitimizes 'predestination', that certain things are 'inevitable'...) 'lot in life'.

That's what THEY are trying to convince YOU of, that your miserable circumstances are 'unavoidable' and that you should just suck it up and suffer silently rather than harsh anyone else's mellow.

[Remember the feckless few? They are just going to keep taking what YOU need to enjoy a better life so their life won't suck. Why don't you just accept the 'inevitable' [and lynch the mother fucka!] and 'accept' your doom?

But no, instead they don't want YOU thinking life could be better or more because both of those beliefs lead to 'less for them'. [And believe me when I tell ya they aren't happy with all of the loot they took from you (because they spend their days fretting over their comeuppance, which they are convinced will be brutal beyond it should be.)]

Yeah, crime just does not pay (not that it ever stopped anybody.)

Criminals do what criminals do and we shouldn't be surprised when they do it. [That said, we should show them the door when they demonstrate their callous disregard for the benefits of civil society! (But the criminals in our case are in charge of the 'injustice system' so that needs to be purged first!)]

Now there are rabid opponents to the death penalty and it is likely those same people would get their underwear in a bunch over the idea of exiling people since modern exile is a death sentence because thieves won't cooperate with one another, everything is a competition to them!

So where's the 'debate' (or agreement!) because we aren't seeing either.

Did 'don't feed the trolls' become the mantra of the internet generation? [Because if it did then nobody thought about the deadlier silence this breeds {if you didn't have fools like me having these arguments with themselves!}]

If you come away from today's offering feeling like a rodent in a habitrail you are making progress, the first step finding liberty is discovering the cage!

Free Speech my furry backside! You are being drenched in 'propaganda' much so that most of you no longer know which way is up, nevermind out!

And with that I will thank you once again for lending me your 'eyeballs'...


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