Thursday, August 31, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I have long held that the political process, as it currently exists, provides 'the illusion of participation' for the ignorant masses. Do you think we'd be in this predicament if we voted directly on the laws? Short answer, no.

Today's NY Times featured a piece advocating for automatic voter registration something sure to pour gasoline on an already raging inferno.

Our problem (as a society) is not 'voter participation' but government by the self-serving!

Governments are created to protect the public from the 'pay or die' opportunists among us.

What happens when those the government was created to restrain, seize control of the system?

Have you noticed your grandkids have NO [rational] expectations? School no longer teaches them what to expect or how to achieve their goals. Worse, it no longer teaches people how to get along with one another...although it does take great pains to point out how special each of them is, turning your children into individual islands of personal privilege. [Who's a 'snowflake' now? Never a mirror around when you need one, is there?]

This is what happens when you let the feckless run with scissors, they mold public institutions into platforms for exploitation.

Having more voters does ZERO to insure a more JUST government!

If the PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT is to insure JUSTICE what good is a legislative body run by the very people it was founded to protect us from?

Worse, I [bear with me] belabor the obvious when I point out there is no way to use the system to fix the system.

So here we sit, thralls to the feckless who control the system intended to restrain them to control us. Too late the hang the 'good man' who thought up this idiotic system but we DON'T have to live with it.

I suspect we're past due to 'update' our methodologies, something that scares the feckless spitless [repeat that one three times fast if you think you're so nimble!]

They know the curtain is falling on their selfish ways and they are just milking it for what its worth before it ALL collapses under its own contradictions.

Is that what you're waiting for? [The whole mess to collapse and to look into your children's accusing faces so you can shrug and whisper 'I'm sorry, I don't know how to fix this.']

Not my fault/job isn't entirely true, is it? You COULD HAVE gotten off you dead backside a long time ago, marched down to the local courthouse and lynched the judges before burning the abomination to the ground.

If you fail to stand against 'injustice', you are, by default, standing WITH it.

If not us, who? and if not now, when?

Until next time Head,


Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Greetings good citizen, there's lots of smoke surounding the situation in Venezuela and (as we all know) 'reliable sources' are hard to come by. Watched the Vice News [HBO version] of what's unfolding down there and it's pretty well as being a snapshot of what's coming soon to your own backyard.

Seems the people, in the wake of Hugo Chavez's death, elected his 'vice president' to replace the beloved leader. The capitalists didn't like Hugo [especially for sending 'free oil' to the US so the 'deadbeats' that couldn't afford to pay for oil AND food didn't freeze to death...although it's likely some of them DID but the feckless corporate owned media considers poverty to be a 'self-inflicted wound'. [And no, we're NOT hiring!]

So the global cabal of conservatives started undermining the price of fossil fuel with disasterous results for the Venezuelan economy. [Once the capitalists regain a 'co-operative' regime, the price of fuel will once again head for the stratosphere...for pretty much the same reasons it did the last time...because they COULD.]

Who says capitalism thrives on 'competition'? They LIED! Capitalists do loves their MONOPOLIES!

But I'm straying off point...a point the people of Carracas are on the receiving end of right now. Militarized police forces driven by 'the brotherhood of the badge'.

Cops are taught that THEY are each other's 'lifeline', that uniform carries a 'responsibility' to defend your fellow officers even while they murder YOUR family!

Your 'obligation' to the badge overrides what you owe to your family! [Why do you think they are persisting in trying to create rudimentary A.I.? A robot 'doesn't question commands!'

Allowing the feckless to get their hands on this kind of tech [not that WE have any say in the matter (something that SHOULD scare you silly!) is reckless beyond imagining. It was/is never about 'dangerous jobs'...there are always other ways.

Speaking of 'scared silly', the 'overthrow of democracy' forty years ago is about to be come charging out of the darkness it's been hiding under and won't YOU be shocked that your vote (like your opinion) is 'worthless'.

Um, while promising not to belabor the obvious, it is not possible to write 100% above the line, some 'spillage' is necessary.

Again, the Single Factor isn't even paying attention to the third world hell holes like Venezuela nor are they spending any time connecting the dots so this, er, 'heads up' isn't for them, it's for you!

Look Sharp.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Joker

Greetings good citizen, after years of riling up the mouthbreathers among us, now the feckless media announces the Republican party has become a vehicle for 'White Supremists'.

Where were they forty years ago when THEY put the first 'cowpoke' in the White House...

They might have run John Wayne but he died before Morning in America. It wasn't about who wore the cowboy boots, it was the 'image' of a 'cowboy president' that the single factor among us worshipped [and the past tense isn't quite right because that worship continues to this day.

But we're fresh out of that must bum the feckless few!

Zero irony that they pulled the plug on the Soviets on the Cowboy's watch, they had a 'good thing goin' and they knew the window was closing quick.

What do you suppose is behind the resurgence of Angry, repressed white people? Could it be due to the Republican's taking everything they had won (since the American Revolution) away from them one piece at a time? First they took his family (by forcing his wife to work) Next they took his home (by requiring him to take out a mortgage for his CAR!) Then they took his job! (along with his pension AND his medical coverage right around the age when he was going to start using it!)

Who is this THEY?

Their names are no longer on everyone's lips but that's how it used to be, after years of fearing to travel unescorted, a fear some of them still cling to, they now are 'unnoticed' by a once...'fearful' public. Once again we have the 'fine line' between feared and loathed.

Worse, most of them interpreted that loathing as 'love'.

And some of them were loved for being less overtly cruel than their peer [who were often their siblings...]

Yup, they may have stepped off their thrones centuries ago but they are still here...and will remain as long a predatory capitalism remains the economic system you have no choice in.

They no longer have 'titles' although I bet most of them could tell you exactly who they 'descended' from.

The single factor is incapable of understanding how those who [again, word choice is difficult, you want to say 'own' but dominate is closer to the mark, contextually] could simply toss it all aside and fade (unmolested) into...obscurity.

Inherited from their modern handlers, politicians have chosen to adopt the 'hold harmless' clause from their own reckless, ill-considered decisions.

While yesterday's 'announcement' that El Trumpo has opened the flood gate to 'militarizing' America's police forces this is nothing new. It has been happening ever since Morning in America and is the final step in preparing for a 'hostile takeover'.

The streets will run with blood if Trump announces he is 'taking over'. Problem is, the good people are going to get slaughtered. [Confront = BAD, HUNT = good!] If We don't gather, they can't get us. We KNOW where THEY live!

Only my wise readers will know to 'play the game'. Smile and nod in the daytime, hunt in the nighttime. Let the 'war of attrition' 'resume'.

Before the royals went 'underground' the...intellectuals had been hunting down the feckless and dispatching them. The royals, being 'single factor' themselves, abdicated rather than wait for assassination. It worked...for a while.

Why the hunt didn't resume after these same criminals crashed the global economy can only be answered by the intellectuals 'distaste' for the nasty but necessary work they had undertaken.

Erroneously thinking the situation was handled after the moronic royals 'let freedom ring', they disbanded.

Well, we will soon have another Hitler on our hands and it's all because the hunters didn't remain vigilant.

Remove the 'puppetmasters' and the puppets dangle, clueless.

Want to find the puppeteers? Follow the MONEY!

Action is not for the 'faint-hearted' but if you fail to step up, chances are you'll find yourself stripped of everything you love and being worked to death by people who only want YOU dead.


Rush and globalization were just the beginning, the Dickensian dystopia that's coming will be 'charming' by comparison!

But I rant, as I am wont to do.

You'd think I'd run out of topics but check back tomorrow, there's always something new because evil never rests.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Stand or Fall

Greetings good citizen, as I keep harping on, we have some serious developments underway on the governmental front and if you don't stand ready to oppose them you won't stand a chance of resisting that which follows being stripped of your 'rights'.

As it stands basic human rights are shriveling under the withering assault by those who weild the banner of public safety. A worrisome rubric because push come to shove, it's only a small portion of the public whose safety they're concerned about.

Yet the 'voters' will remain paralyzed by the feckless media, believing they are in 'disagreement' over what is or isn't justice.

While YOU split hairs they are preparing to fight... with 'the law' on their side...which is how fascism usually begins

Comply or die is already the 'law of the land'. The question, as always, is what are YOU going to do about it?

Mr. Krugman closes his piece with a particularly damning indictment; one that asks where the split is between loyalty to your party and loyalty for those on the receiving end of government brutality?

Sidebar to today's RED FLAG is that President pussygrabber has ended 'restrictions' on giving your local police department 'lightly used' military equipment.

Ask yourself good citizen how you feel about tanks rumbling down your quiet country lane in pursuit of a speeder? How many of you would feel 'safer' if you saw armored vehicles parked in the yard of the local PD?

How much more 'overt' could the fascists be? Do you look at this and think 'I'm safe now' or do you think 'resistance is futile'?

The LAST THING those trigger happy morons need is more FIREPOWER!

But this is how it begins and it takes a USEFUL IDIOT like Trump to get the ball rolling.

Did I mention the end is near? Actually most of the SINGLE FACTOR cheered when the end came some forty years ago.

['Morning in America' for those of you not born then.]

Democracy, we're doing it wrong!

Um, I have switched tactics and now write with the assumption that the intelligent don't require [detailed] explanations.

Belaboring the obvious serves no one.

That said it also negates the need for this blog...but I'm not hanging up my 'spurs' just yet.

My audience is small to begin with, the feeble aren't interested and my betters are wisely keeping their heads down and plotting how they will deal with the coming storm.

Could be as simple as insisting you are a 'good republican' but that's only going to carry you just so far. Smart people tip their hand by remaining silent when the stupid protest...and it's the one flaw they can pick up on.

And I'm doing it again...

Enough for today, keep your head down and bon chance!


Sunday, August 27, 2017


Greetings good citizen, seems everybody is squawking about justice but like all 'relative terms', seems few could pick justice out of a line-up even if it was the only item there.

Now we have a...'dolt' in charge of the nation making mince-meat of the legal system...and those 'the Dolt' appointed to run the justice system are clueless regarding what to do about it. [or if the should/CAN do anything at all.]

Remember, for evil to succeed all 'good men' need do is remain still & silent [or be silenced by the monied media.]

Circling back to the central issue of nobody being able to pick this 'justice' character out of a line-up...

Every government has a 'Justice Department' (and like their 'Intelligence Agencies') nobody knows where they are or what they do with the billions the clueless 'tough on crime' politicians shower upon them.

We see the end result [of the for profit prison system.] A system that incarcerates millions for possessing a substance that [temporarily] relieves the pain of this existence caused by a system incapable of recognizing JUSTICE even if it were crushing them to death.

Dare I sing the refrain? [Hard to believe we need a place called Hell...]

While we all possess [in varying degrees] an internal sense of 'right & wrong'. Sadly, there is NO [as in none] innate system governing 'proportion' because 'intelligence' varies widely. A 'wise' person knows mistakes are often their own punishment...but only 'smart' people get this. The, er, 'less intelligent' want to have those who wrong them torn to pieces by raging bulls...[and it only gets more sadistic from here. Yes there is a distinct link between sadism and your inner savage...which speaks volumes about the popularity of horror movies...and those who love them. Yes, I'm looking at YOU Ladies!]

How horrific is it that the equation keeps being reduced to single factor?

Given the tendency to 'shoot the messenger' I will [for once] refrain from 'belaboring the obvious'. The ones that understand don't need the equation explained to them [and the ones that don't will never get it no matter how you spell it out for them.]

But, as usual, I digress...back to the subject at hand.

Again, those who 'know' don't need the situation spelled out for them. Justice is just another way of saying 'you'lll do it my way or you'll pay the price for 'failure to comply'.

For most of us, that's the 'reality' of Justice, more apty named the 'comply or die' department. Shame most fail to see the irony of their also being in charge of 'fates worse than death'.

I think we will use the term 'single factor' as our 'secret handshake'. Again, those who 'get it' know what I'm talking about and don't need it explained to them.

Did it again...restarting.

Considering how important the 'appearance of justice' is to social stability we can only wonder why those in charge have turned this particular cannon loose on us at this particular juncture?

Those in charge of justice have zero interest in seeing it done.

Is it a 'dream' to even contemplate 'justice for all'?

I don't think so. Thus did I craft A Simple Plan so the 'reasonably intelligent' wouldn't get exiled just for spitting on the sidewalk. [If that happens, the wrong people have seized control (again!)]

The first step in creating 'an environment of justice' is EQUALITY...the criminals currently in charge allow too many 'exceptions' for their system to ever be JUST. [Under A Simple Plan, the laws will be 'straight-forward' and few...sort of like the commandments without the 'self-serving' parts.]


The assumption here is if you're on the 'right side' of the 'single factor', you don't need this explained to you. You also already understand there can be NO justice without equality!

The Nazis aren't interested in Justice, the operate under the slaver's universal 'comply or die' rubric.

So what does this say about president pussygrabber?

It says there are some truly twisted weirdos running things and if we don't bring them to heel the consequeces will be dire!

Once again citing 'single factor', those running things consider public office putting themselve in the crosshairs, and again, those on the right side of the single factor don't need the rest explained to them.

Much to cogitate...time to get busy!

Until next time head,


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Mute witness

Greetings good citizen, every once in a while, usually in the midst of committing (yet another) atrocity, some brave soul would get off their dead posterior and wack the perp on the noggin with a boulder, killing them mid crime.

Back before we had courts and criminal rights the brave/foolish citizen would be feted for his courage and rewarded with some token of the tribe's appreciation.

Why bring this up?

Did I mention criminals set up what passes for the existing Justice system? Dunno what 'die hard' Trump supporters think but a goodly percentage of the country is more than somewhat concerned that King Donald gave the justice department a rigid middle finger when he pardoned Sheriff Arpaio.

People were HOPING for change when they voted for Candidate Pussygrabber but I suspect this isn't even remotely what they were hoping for...[but we remain ignorant to this day how, precisely either Reagan or Bush the Lesser got second terms.]

Yup, 'Morning in America' was a watershed moment in US history, it will be the reference point researchers will return to when seeking answers to how it all went so horribly wrong.

While the founders are already leaning heavily on their fall back defense [It was our first time, we didn't have anything to go by!] Which is a load of malarky because you don't have to scratch the surface of the new model too hard or deep to find the ancient slavers frame 'prettied up' with a coat of faux public participation and the stalwart chihuahua of Men, both good and true to defend their foundling creation.

Makes you wonder which one of them planned on holding the lantern?

Naturally, we know now that this 'new nation' was founded by criminals and the proviso 'men both good and true' referred to THEM!

Zero irony that just about all of the founders got taken in by land swindles of one type or another. {Naturally, it was their 'first time'...}

So now we have a 'chief executive' who grew up believing he was 'above the law' in charge of those appointed to uphold it.

Understand that if the 'system' weren't broken beyond belief [The bankrupt media 'produces' the election cycle.] We wouldn't be saddled wih the clueless managing our nation because he 'polled well' with the [psycho] focus groups!

Seems the 'principle qualification' for running this nation isn't your executive credentials but 'name recognition'.

Knowing what a cesspit commerce is, people innately distrust 'businessmen' in politics [mostly because governments are founded SPECIFICALLY to protect the public from crooked businessmen!]

So the 'near famous' Captians of Industry have usually refrained from making a bid to head up what most of them refer to as 'the bane of their existence.'

Then there's this guy. Who didn't 'abandon' anything. [Usually upon winning the presidency, the 'president elect' will divest themselves of their business interests to avoid any appearance of 'impropriety'.

While other have attacked him for 'interferring' with his 'former' business interests, he has 'divested'...(he just hasn't left.)

Skipping back to the title, where does all this leave YOU (and more importantly YOUR CHILDREN!)

If the laws are BY THEM, FOR US. This leaves us at a decided disadvantage, something that happens once a planet runs out of 'running room'.

Ever wonder why you can find bands of humanity even in the harshest environments this planet has to offer?

You don't, do you...because it is perfectly understandable, stupid, but understandable. It is a riff off of that old saying, "better to rule in hell than to serve in Heaven."

Scientists speculate we [humans] don't possess the 'processing power' to appreciate the ramifications of overpopulation, never mind electing someone then giving them the authority to use nuclear weapons.

The few who have at least one working synapse were rather vocal about that very issue during the sham election but the the media, too focused on ratings, didn't listen...and neither did the bulk of the voting public.

[Understand, Trump LOST...but the media and their owners didn't care...just as Bush the lesser LOST but again, that didn't affect the outcome.]

So before you sit here believing 'all is lost, I live in Stupidville' take heart, those with working brains are still in the fact the smarter ones don't vote and haven't for a long time, waiting for precisely this moment.

Yes, 'hi-jack' situations like the one you suddenly found yourself living in happen all the time under the now ancient 'Slaver Model'. {And the Slaver model will remain with us until those who support it are purged from our society.)

Who supports it? Re-read my posts, the answer is there.

Not a mystery though...why did El Trumpo pardon who he pardoned?

Two and two still makes 4 although I doubt the averge conservative can figure that out without a calculator.

How long will you wrap yourself in the flag before you realize it's made of used toilet paper?

A lot to process, let's leave this one here while you get to it.

Thanks head, I appreciate your patience.


Friday, August 25, 2017

Degree or pedigree?

Greetings good citizen, once again the media is stirring up the sediment, looking for old hobby horses. Today's archival find was the 'imbalance' of minorities in the nation's college system. Seems it's worse than it was 30 years ago but they haven't accounted for the 'blowback' created by the Occupy Movement.

You remember them, the public space campers who protested the lack of job openings for the degrees they spent their parent's money on?

Sort of a 'wake up call' wasn't it?

It also heralded the begining of the 'gig' economy we are now cursed with.

Occupy Who? Yeah, same kids!

Part & parcel with this is how nobody sees the irony of spending a fortune for a degree, then, if the graduate didn't 'intern' for the company, requiring them to be 'trained' after they're hired!


Those of us who have done the 'intake dance' multiple times know the drill, nothin gets done until you've been shown where the bathroom is, what time you go on break and what you do for mealtime since it WAS customary [won't be in the future for most occupations] to have to spend at least one meal period at the workplace.

{Above assumes there won't be a major clamity that drastically reduces the population. Eventually capitalists will wake up to the need to reduce the work week AND to put an END to the FARCE of HOMEOWNERSHIP [Welfare for the banking system!])

But I digress, back to pedigrees.

Since EVERYBODY needs to be 'broken in' [shown what the 'accepted method' of doing things is] The four years spent 'prostrate to the higher mind' are literally wasted if we discount the 'socializing' factor.

Colleges EXIST to introduce the children of the wealthy to their less fortunate future underlings.

And if they don't NEED those underlings, OFW! Let's call the Ivy League system what it REALLY IS, a first job interview if you're saavy enough to realize it!

The kids are sent there to 'scope out' who is talented enough to help them run the businesses they stand to inherit, if they choose wisely, it means NOT spending forever as the vice president in charge of paperclips.

The 'my dog's better than your's' B.S. doesn't end with college, afterwards alumni work tirelessly buffing the reputation of their alma maters [whether they deserve it or not.]

NEVER cease to be amazed that a MBA from the local community college will open the doors of convenience store management [at least you'll be able to spell it] while the IDENTICAL degree from an Ivy League school opens the doors to the 'corridors of power' NOT BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU LEARNED BUT BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU SPENT!

How bizarre is it that NOTHING says LOYALTY louder than MONEY?

More unfortunate is how that has come to mean THE FINEST IDIOTS money can buy?

If MONEY = INTELLIGENCE, how do you account for the state of the planet today?

Again, as is becoming my custom, I will leave this one here for you to ruminate upon.

See you tomorrow Head,


Thursday, August 24, 2017


Greetings good citizen, perhaps one of the most sensitive subjects writers like me deal with is that of inescapability. What rankles some about my 'harping' is the 'inevitability' of it all.

Why even bring it up if you can't do anything?

Oh, but bringing it up IS 'doing something'. If you can't raise awareness, the problem/situation will persist out of shear inertia!

You may be able to 'retreat' but you can't escape existence...including what that implies [that even death may not 'liberate' you from this awful place.]

Sure, throwing up the walls of mental resistance temporarily relieves you of having to think about your 'immortal fate' but it does zero to help you along on your journey.

What journey is that? Who knows...some call it the endless trek for 'enlightenment' but in the end everything is 'relative' making enlightement 'unachieveable'. Is crossing the 'realization' finish line enough?

How sad is it the answer is 'insufficient data'?

Back to your ass and my being stuck to it.

Better is also a 'relative' term/state of mind. The part that isn't 'relative' is the parts we can agree on like freedom from pain, suffering or mental anguish.

Each 'personal journey' involves at least a degree of all of these...on a personal level, inflicting any of the above on anyone else only prolongs YOUR trip [not that the insane realize this...and if you've slipped a few cogs you could care less too!]

Why am I on YOUR posterior? Because in order to acheive 'relative' improvement we need as much cooperation as possible.

Got another pan handling e-mail from some politician this morning, looking for what else?

The guy isn't even from my state never mind district and I don't believe in funding politics period.

[Part & parcel with that they're gonna sell you out to the highest bidder regardless of what they promise you, never mind ask YOU what YOU think should be done! Absolutely pisses me off that these self-appointed 'revolutionaries' are waging war on the status quo without once holding a public forum to learn what the public WANTS!]

What does the public 'want'?

Again we return to: the answer is relative to who you ask.

What does EVERYBODY want? PEACE, what do they want after that? JUSTICE...ironically since there can NEVER be either without the third thing, we will never enjoy either one...and the third thing is EQUALITY.

Considering how 'human nature' [read those who regularly skin the rest of us] use 'inequality' to keep us at each other's throats, isn't the problem nestled in with 'the essence of criminality'?

That very first question that has grown unchecked with the 'death' of our flimsiest creation,(God) is that of where does the public good end and the individual good begin?

Those skinning the rest of us will adamantly defend their actions by insisting they are being deprived [with zero regard for what THEY are depriving others of.]

If you can't demonstrate your 'understanding' of the problem, you will fail to fix it.

Again I will leave this one here so you may 'process it' like yesterday's 'parable'.

Thanks for stopping by,


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Summer of 1968 [redux]

Greetings good citizen, One can only wonder how long we can rely on 'luck' before incompetence knocks the whole shebang into the cesspit they have built beneath us?

Um, while it's 2017 it appears we have echos of 1968 out in the streets.

Honest historians know things went seriously sideways during the five year stretch following the assassination of JFK, the first and only Roman Catholic president.

Relations between 'Christians' have always been strained, just as they are between Sunni & Shia or Buddhist and Hindu (not sure if they are more accepting of each other or if they are just really into pretending the other doesn't exist?)

How disturbing is it our Bible thumping bretheren feel morally superior to the rest of us without any justification at all? Although, try as they might, seems the Muslims are willing to 'go the distance' to prove Allah is 'king of kings'.

Again, that is not what it's REALLY about, I told you yesterday what it was really about. The whole 'God' schtick is just a smokescreen for a far more sinister agenda, (the 'Me First' agenda.)

While the 'official version' is God created us, the truth is God is 'man made' and customized to preform a specific task.

GOD is the 'justification' for why the few prosper while the many suffer.

Don't hate the prosperous, it's not their fault they're rich! God made them that way!

When the truth is more sinister than anyone is willing to admit...and it goes right up to the top of what passes for our 'justice system' [but this is news to no-one.]

Look at who 'wields' God. First is The church, who act as the gatekeepers of the afterlife [for the superstitious fools who think a 'better life' awaits them after this one.] Next we have The Politicians, who use their 'special relationship' with the 'Creator' [of BS] to carry out 'god's will' [while robbing their fellow citizens of both their dignity and their ability to fend for themselves.]

Said it once and I'll say it again...hard to believe we need a place called Hell.

Um, back to the title [not that we have digressed terribly so] we return to the 'true purpose' of government and why it does the exact opposite of what it's supposed to do.

If you can accept that Spirit in the Sky is a man made chimera, a fable then you are on the threshold of understanding that the criminals among us establish governments so THEY won't get punished for their crimes against the rest of us!

How unfortunate for our feeble species that most of you can't get past the first fiction to even begin to comprehend the second?

Most of my inner cynic lashes out and the few wise enough to seek understanding are punished for the willful ignorance of the rest. I owe you an apology for allowing my bitterness to make me insensitive.

To rephrase: let's give you some time to process this and pick it up again tomorrow.

Thank you for sticking with me,


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Unending conflict

Greetings good citizen, just spitballing here but do you suppose we, er, 'tolerate' a state of perpetual war because it keeps the thugs off the streets?

While we'd like to think 'lesson learned' we obviously haven't learned anything cuz our education started beck during the Crusades [to 'save' the 'holyland' from the heathen Muslims...]

What do you suppose 'the lesson' is from religious 'holy war'?

Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

How about you don't have a 'winner' until there is only one belief system remaining. Holy war doesn't end until one side eradicates the other.

What usually happens is one side 'beats down' the other to the point where a truce is called so the losers can 're-group'.

Then when their numbers refresh, the fighting resumes.

So the 'replenishment' of troops in Afghanistan still doesn't have a stated goal...and if you can't figure it out, re-read the above!

If a 'diplomatic solution' isn't reached the conflict in the Middle East will never end.

What YOU need to understand is what's really behind the fighting. This isn't Jaweh vs Allah, it's about the hopelessness of living in an economic desert!

You're living in your parent's basement for pretty much the same reasons the Taliban wages jihad on its own people...because them that has are fighting to keep what they stole.

No different here. You're living 'a life without a future' because them that has is doing everything in their power to keep what they should be sharing.

The 'solution' to this? Change the economic system OR engage in bloody revolution as we have so many times in the past...because it seems we are incapable of 'learning'.

Things don't change because we keep letting morons have their way.

I think we're all longing for a 'George Bailey' moment when the realization hits us like a bag of hammers that we are the victims of our own stupidity!

Until that glorious day we shall continue to mine for gold in cesspools and count ourselves lucky we have something to do.

So much waste, so little concern. It truly is a conundrum.

Well Head, thanks for stopping by...tell the meat suit I said Hi!


Monday, August 21, 2017


Greetings good citizen, today's celestial event has captured the imagination of the media as one more thing to marvel over other than the multiple failures of those running our out of control society.

Not to be mean good citizen but humanity still 'behaves' like a disease whose only purpose is to 'spread'. We call ourselves 'sentient' but we sure don't act it...especially from a management perspective.

Did any of you watch John Oliver's Last Week Tonight show last night? One of his bits was regarding nuclear waste and how after seventy (plus) years we still don't have an effective way of disposing of it.

Seriously? WTF?

Naturally, that issue is just the 'tip' of the proverbial iceberg. There is so much wrangling over more important problems like how will we remain on top in an increasingly transparent world? None of them the attention span to resovle, much less come to an agreement on, such trivial matters as global warming, the bankrupting of the customer base or as we see, the nuclear waste issue.

The people running things do much of what they do by 'slight of hand' and that time worn magician's favorite, 'mis-direction'.

Does anyone doubt the 'true purpose' of the Stock markets? It exists solely so we can have staggering income inequality! It's a prop to 'justify' theft on a massive basis.

The thing to marvel over is how they have gotten away with it for as long as they have!

But they have gone even longer 'pretending to have a justice system' that has consistently fails to prosecute them!

Hand in hand.

Next time you wonder why nobody does anything about our species pressing problems, find a mirror and you'll find the answer.


The answer, as always, is ME FIRST!

Like all of the nitwits will 'remind' you, don't look at the sun (although every eclipse some do anyway)

My addition to that pithy admonition is, can the blind go blind?

That's the problem we really need to address, just you and me head.

Cuz the meat suit that carries you around isn't interested than anything more pressing than how will I survive for another day?

Yup, without that mirror we're all just aimless pieces of offal, cluttering up the planet.

Doesn't have to be like this but the self-important can't see past 'Me First'.

Zero irony in how it all starts with YOU. If YOU don't change nothing does!

Most have stopped reading already, making this that much more pointless...but just like you, I don't have anything 'better' to do.

I'm gonna go full stop right there.


Sunday, August 20, 2017


Greetings good citizen, yesterday a frustrated electorate got out in the streets and protested 'hate speech' [something the Republican's have been pedaling for decades.]

Somewhat surprised to learn yesterday's fizzled 'free speech' rally was organized by conservatives interested in protecting their right to ridicule anyone with the chutzpah to think for themselves.

That's what 'free speech' is to haters!

What does this say about a party where if you're not a flag draped, gun totin' true 'conservative', YOU'RE SCUM!

Gegner has maintained all along that parties exist to DIVIDE, we are ALL human first! There are none greater, or lesser, even the morons...and those so timid they are confused with those incapable of understanding what they are supporting, which is to say the 'go along to get along crowd.'

We are HUMAN and we must stop the self-interested in their ultimate aim of hiring half of us to kill the other half!

Yes, yesterday's 'stand up' was very good...but it wasn't enough.

Tune into El Rushbo tomorrow to see how effective your public demonstration really was. Will the stations that carry him [for free] cease to broadcast his tripe?

It's not the stations but the station OWNERS that give Rush his pulpit. Free content AND a cut of the advertising revenue! Doesn't get sweeter than that...but look at what such recklessness has done to the nation.

SO we return to the 'profits before the public weal' issue again...not that anyone has even thought about profits before people in over a decade, couldn't let it slip that you were 'secretly liberal' because you never know when they were going to start rounding up the liberals and shoving them in those 'detention centers' Homeland had built! [Remember when there wasn't a 'Homeland?' How sad is it that you voted for Reagan? Where did all those millions you were going to retire on from all that money you were pulling out of your money market account and stashing in your IRA, back when interest rates were sky high? Feeling stupid now?]

And the 'defenders of liberty' have been cowering for decades, ever since the money crawled out of the closet and said, enough of this nonsense, start hiring!

Which meant exactly what I referred to in the beginning of this piece.

The One Percent has long maintained they could hire half of the planets population to kill the other half...and since they 'owned' the justice system nobody could do spit about it...and so the 'hiring' began...with El Rushbo!

Well, the people who are finally tired of cowering stood up...and now we find ourselves at a junction. What do you suppose the feckless will do about this 'open defiance' of their will?

They already fired Bannion...the answer to the question is in who replaces him. Do they have the next Hitler in their hip pocket?

A truly scary question since Hitler was a 'made thing' too. Easy enough to make a new one. All it takes is money and a media that tells the public what YOU want them to hear.

We'll see, probably not soon but soon enough.

Thanks for letting me inside,


Saturday, August 19, 2017

"Free Speech"

Greetings good citizen, in a society where most of what we're told is dubious at best one can only question 'the benefit' of free speech.

Part of the rationale behind restoring dueling is to 'temper' the myopic's insensitivity. People wouldn't say half of the BS they spout if they knew they might have to pay for their arrogance on the field of honor.

Is that a 'bad' thing?

Civil society starts with keeping a civil tongue yet some would argue that muzzling the likes of Mr. Limbaugh (et:al) is what leads to the dark ages where speaking truth to power often led to summary execution.

Whereas the counter argument is also true. If you spout anti-social remarks because things aren't the way YOU think they should be, are you really building 'social cohesion' by advocating for religious, racist or elitist goals?

How does one such as myself take on the subject of 'free speech' when it protects my right to dissent? I don't object to dissent. No matter how carefully I craft there will always be people who aren't 'satisfied' because their desires aren't fulfilled.

{In most cases said desires are greedy, they want exclusive control over something that belongs to us others won't 'spoil' what they hold dear.}

This is a failure of an educational system that doesn't teach logic (or even study it for that matter.) [The damning reason behind this failure is we are forced to accept many 'illogical' outcomes thanks to the irrational desires of others.]

The current mantra of 'protected speech' is once again restricted to those who own the public forum and profit over their control of mass communications.

Why is it they never address overpopulation or the multiple failures of capitalism if they are so interested in 'pursuing the truth?'

Because those who deny both problems exist don't want the public dwelling on their studied lack of action.

No one appreciates more than I the hypocritical stance of decrying what passes for 'free speech' in our society vs the need for 'productive public discourse' across the social spectrum.

Spouting hate and discussing problems are two entirely separate issues which should never be lumped together!

There is zero irony in the fact today's toxic political environment is the end product of 'unfettered speech'. Slanderous lies told about both sides to smother compromise and stifle rational discussion.

Worse is most of you fail to appreciate why such an environment is 'desireable'...and the answer is simple. If you can't communicate, you won't solve or even attempt to address 'injustice'.

For those who say they embrace 'fix the problem, not the blame' they seem much more interested not being told (much less discussing) what is or isn't a 'problem'.

Those who decry 'political correctness' only want what they want, 'end of discussion'.

Much is said about the symptoms of social collapse but nobody is interested in SOLVING the CAUSES.

Which is to point at yet another elephant in the room, so long as ONE Human is destitute, none should enjoy luxury.

So we return to the heart of the issue, fixing the blame instead of the problem.

When will they ever learn?

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head.


Friday, August 18, 2017

Meat Puppet

Greetings good citizen, as the change agent in the White House loses popularity there is a groundswell to 'do something' about our sinking status in the world.

The dirt loving media continues to insist El Trumpo's base still has his back but many of those flag draped patriots seem suddenly surprised about who is standing next to them in support of the nation's greatest 'Turkey.'

The trouble with 'myopia' is you don't notice the larger picture until it's too late...[that parade they all were so eager to join, turns out all the floats were septic trucks!]

Let us harken to the wisdom of the mighty Gump...Stupid is as stupid does!

While Mr. Krugman's article speaks of the 'rudderlessness' of the current political environment [our 'leaders' the feckless Republicans have no idea what to do about the loose cannon running amok on the world pathetic is it that this surprises NO ONE?

WORSE, YOU are (still) **being PLAYED!

Widely recognized in the last election was that the 'choices' came down to 'A giant douche vs. A turd sandwich.' How many of you fault the 'process' for that? (a process we have ZERO control over...) These 'commitees' are ALL APPOINTED by 'political operatives', how 'democratic is that?

Our last presidential match up was an affront to the nation! An affront we are powerless to alter.

But of course I'd say that, my main message is 'we're doing all of this wrong!' [Under A Simple Plan Everybody is a candidate to become leader regardless of where they start because The Tests, (primarily designed to reveal character) will weed out the unsuitable long before the leadership becomes a 'national embarrasment.'

At every level you will be TESTED on both your 'technical expertise AND your moral character'. Where how you behave around others will come back and bite you!

If you're a JERK, your co-workers will know even if you've never uttered anything stronger than 'aw shucks'. IF you're incompetent or wishy-washy, they'll know that too.

You can pose but you can't hide!

This is why I favor this approach. There are 35 test cycles between beginner and leadership and only the best of the best will advance [globally.] Those who work closest to weasels will know what they are and find a way to derail efforts to usurp power. [It is also the 'Uh-oh squads' job to keep a close eye on who associates with whom in the upper reaches of OUR society.]

As you climb the career ladder, each advance bestows additional 'perqs'. [Upgrades in housing, choicer vacation spots, priority event access.] Your circle of friends will also 'evolve' although one must be chary of ditching one's childhood friends! How one treats their 'oldest friends' reflects on how they value others...another critical factor in the process!

[Full Stop!]

Gegner may bitch about how things are done wrong but at least I provide alternatives. Bitching without alternatives is counterproductive...usually to the point of empty headedness where the response to the question of 'what would YOU do about it?' Comes back as a pat, "It just wouldn't happen if I were dictator!"

We've had too much 'comply or die' to be allowing more, 'because I said so!'

Um, in an unrelated note, Gegner is not Pretty but Cameron Diaz is...and Gegner is not rich but Warren Buffett is and Gegner is only a teeny-tiny bit Roman like today's antagonist, Caligulia.

What do all of these people have in common?

We all have the same birthday!

File that under *UK and puzzle over how YOU would fix what has become a 'leadership void'

Thanks for lettin' me...


(* Useless knowledge)

** Leaving too many issues unspoken leads to misunderstanding. As I explain above about how the Trump presidency was 'unlikely' from the beginning, the, er, people behind it did it for a reason. Trump should have had a rubber stamp just like the one they gave W. but he can't seem to get out of his own way in today's complex political environment.

They 'installed' Trump as a 'lesson' to the hopelessly stupid that just because a president tells you what you want to hear doesn't mean he'll be able to follow through!

Trump ran as a Democrat [and barely won] of course our 'divide' status has led to the last dozen elections being 'too close to call' [according to the media.]

So the NEXT candidate that runs on promises to 'help the people' will be beaten with Trump's abbreviated presidency and the admonition 'look at what happened last time!'

Probably shouldn't mention this HERE but the people that 'installed' Trump are the same people who want to go back to the Dark Ages, where 'comply or die' had more immediate effects.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Experiment in Democracy

Greetings good citizen, the founders were presented a monumental challenge when they [due to the last minute abdication of their candidate to be King] decided to 'roll the dice' via a model the Romans (who lifted it from the Greeks) toyed with and the end result has largely come to be regarded as an 'experiment'.

Back then the public didn't 'vote'. [There was a great deal of consternation among the founders over the issue of letting 'the illiterate' even participate, never mind vote! (Lest one of them should wax rich enough to become POTUS)]

There were only two houses, the ruler and his 'advisers', the wealthy 'merchant class' who occupied The Senate, the unwashed masses didn't have 'representation'.

So this 'bold experiment' [entered on the leading edge of the industrial age where mechanical power was to replace human drudgery and 'free' the unwashed to become greater participants [even then the 'prize' wasn't about increasing public participation, it was about growing the customer base!

Money, we've been doing it WRONG for a LONG TIME!

Anyway, back to the voting thing. First they linked voting rights to property ownership [John Jay the nation's first 'jurist' opined 'Let those who OWN the land, RULE the land!' (and so it has been ever since but nobody pays much attention to such ancient codswallop these days because it raises serious questions about 'electoral integrity'.

Well, that didn't go over real well with the people who fought to be free of the yoke of monarchy [where they were basically 'property', treated however the ruling 'lord' saw fit.] How unfortunate for the rest of us this is the world the men who established this 'work in progress' came from.

[Didn't KNOW any better so it was assumed 'the rabble' didn't matter...the physics lesson those who set themselves over the rest seldom learn that of 'Size Matters' before 'the giant' crushes them like bugs.]

So was it decided to let the rabble 'play'.

Perhaps the most damning thing the founders did was to establish 'opposing' political ideologies, thus was government established BY them FOR us.

But the people, probably perplexed at first, didn't question this...proving the founder's original misgivings.

Why two parties? So we'd be 'TOO BUSY fighting one another to notice THEM ripping us off at every opportunity!

Which is to say there are still only the 'clique' of rulers, long past the stage of oligarchs and their bought & paid for stooges who turn out to be our ONLY choices at the ballot box...which is why 'electoral politics' doesnt' work.

But the conservo-whackos are too busy condeming the Lib-tards for THEIR mistakes and the public's frustration with the whole charade reaches apocalyptic proportions [again due to a failure to appreciate the laws of physics.]

If the feckless aren't brought to heel, globally, as one; our species will self-terminate. [With most of you thinking, no your creditors finally realize just who turned out to be 'the greater fool'...How sad their suffering will be over in a blinding flash of light while yours lasted most of your adult life.]

Yeah, for better of worse, the experiment in democracy is about to reach its climactic conclusion...and the divide in the road ahead points in two is towards more of the same and sure extinction and the other is joining together and making this a world we can all enjoy.

The choice, as always, is yours.

[One of the reasons readership is dropping like a bag of hammers is most of you can't handle the truth. What truth is that? The one where most of you AREN'T BRIGHT ENOUGH to understand the current system is murdering you and that you are being PLAYED, just as you have been from the onset by those whose only interest is to defraud you of what's rightfully yours!]

Either way it will be over soon.

Thanks for stopping by [not that its doing either one of us any good.]


P.S. If this is to be of any benefit to anyone you have to internalize it!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Greetings good citizen, as a writer words are my 'stock in trade', they are both my weapons and my sheild. There is no doubt words are powerful and we must chose them wisely but we writers often lament over how few actually understand their meaning.

Often even the dictionary is of little use. Freedom is defined as 'the state of being free'. With definitions like that our contemporaries must scratch their heads and wonder what was 'wrong' with the revolutionaries, most of whom were 'free' already. [A good percentage of colonists started off as 'bondsmen' obliged to work off their passage to the new world but after the first hundred years, freemen outnumbered the 'indentured' by a wide margin.

Like many things, the problem lies with how it is 'parsed'. Is freedom 'front and center' in YOUR life?

Most of you would be quick to ask, 'what do you mean?' because while we all take 'freedom' for granted, most of us are hyper-sensitive to anything that threatens it. [This is the part that makes writer's heads explode...]

For such a hyper-sensitive topic, almost none of you know what it is!

Bizarrely, you are 'free' [in as much as nobody has a bill of sale with your name on it.] I am similarly 'unencumbered' and so is everybody else I know.

We are all 'free' in a world/society where NOTHING ELSE IS! [Stop right there, Captian Obvious! We all know the air is free without your pointing it out.]

So why are we so, er, 'worried' about our freedom? Our greatest fear is we can lose our freedom if an agent of the law suspects we have commited a crime.

Is that what spurred the founders to revolt against the crown/church?

Nope, back then one of the most common threats our forefathers had to deal with was the cry, "you'll hang for this!"

Statements like that formed the basis of Tyranny, being bent to the will of another [whether you liked it or not.]

Those who used their power to bend you to their will were called 'tyrants'. I know I belabor the obvious but like working class, both tyrants and tyranny have vanished from the public lexicon. Just because the term isn't used anymore doesn't mean 'tyrants' no longer exist.

In 'simpler' times, the King's authority was 'absolute', leaving no doubt in anyone's mind HE was a 'tyrant'. Same went for God's earthly representatives. Fail to meet your 'spiritual obligations' and you risked eternal damnation.

Back then 'ecumenalism' didn't exist. Not worshiping the 'right way' [or the right god for that matter] had dire consequences.

[In many places around the planet, it still does and if the 'tyrants' that rule from the shadows have their way, it will become the 'law of the land' again here too!]

Why is it those who claim to speak for god believe they're wonderful? How frightening is it the answer is likely insanity?

The 'freedom' the founders 'aggitated' for [eventually fighting a guerilla war for] was 'freedom from tyranny'.

But there aren't any 'tyrants' anymore, right?

The 'King' is no more and in this country anyway, religous freedom is one of our 'rights' [how sad it is one of the few remaining...because THE TYRANTS have taken the rest from us (in the name of Public Safety.)

A King is frightening enough but an invisible King is much worse.

Isn't THAT what's troubling you, Bunky?

How frightening is it that the 'meatpuppet-in-chief' is defending Monuments to the Slavers [tyrants] that CONTINUE to rule this country from the shadows?

WTF good citizen! How many of you (still) believe we can use the ballot box to straighten this one out?

How ironic we all hold freedom dear yet none will stand up to the invisible tyrants to defend it?

Since the cowardly tyrants hide behind the legal system, it forces us to eradicate a totally corrupt legal system to bring them to account for their crimes.

Consider your position carefully good citizen then act accordingly.

The founders didn't have a lock on courage or smarts. Your leader is likely standing close to you. [He or she is already your 'go to' when trouble surfaces...]

The greatest generation wasn't. Humanities 'finest hour' remains before it.

Do you have what it takes [to put an end to tyranny?]

If you're armed with A Simple Plan you do!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Deadly distractrions

Greetings good citizen, in something of a follow up to yesterday's less than helpful post we arrive at another conundrum. The piles of steaming BS left in your livingroom carpet by the 'have I got your attention now' media.

Yeah, the 'hey look at this crowd' doesn't want you asking 'what's this tripe?' They want you going, "golly gee! Why isnt' anybody doing anything about THAT!" [fill in the latest psuedo scandal]

Elephant in the room...dear fellow self-replicating machines, OVERPOPULATION has reached crisis levels and is contributing to such a hostile environment as competition heats up over the dwindling pile of resources, compounded by the rampant theft/misdirection of the 'privileged'.

How do you stop a creature that LOVES 'breeding' (almost as much as they love killing?) Sounds like a problem that solves itself but we have these things called laws and the prohibition against killing [and getting caught doing it] tops the list.

We all know we were born into a 'sick society' filled with liars and cheats [mostly because the liars got together and banned 'personal vindication', the ONE THING that minimized 'double dealing'.

There are few things a swindler likes better than reneging on a deal once they've gotten what they were originally after.

Seems few want to hear this kind of, er, 'data' but it is a very sobering thought to consider that even those closest to you will sell you out in a heartbeat for a few bucks.

Without the 'field of honor' [a treacherous place in itself] you have NOTHING. [Ever wonder why people smirk when they say 'sue me'? It's because you are really rolling the dice asking a stranger to 'set a precedent' and give YOU justice.]

Why does NOBODY question the existence of judges? [Probably for the same reason nobody questions injustice, One thing to have people THINK you're stupid and quite another to open your mouth and give them proof!]

Judges EXIST to deny YOU justice. [A jury of your peers is far more likely to be sympathetic...and in a 'just world' the judge, that alleged 'dispassionate observer', doesn't exist. [The law belongs to the people, not just the few.]

Judges have but a single purpose, to insure the juries don't 'chose wrong' thereby undoing centuries of 'legal precedent'.

Ever wonder why most cases 'settle'? Allowing cases to be heard by a jury would produce outcomes the powerful don't want the public to, er, 'get used to'.

For profit prisons are the flip side of the 'settle' coin...with the judge often lining thier own pockets via decisions they themselves write! Again, guilt or innocence is besides the point. Judgy gets a cut of everything he sends to 'profit-max', period.

There can be no justice when the self-interested have a stake in the outcome.

Guess when 'for profit prisons' came into being? Right after Morning in America!

Why isn't ANY of this on your radar?

Look no further than you (for profit) media! [how has been playing 'stick 'em up' with impunity since, yup...Morning in America!

Naturally I have led us to a place we have been many times before...the 'what are WE going to DO about this?'

Anyone spot the first problem here? The only WE here is 'you and me.' Buh and Duh are busy pretending everything is just fine because if they make any noise the 'judge' has threatened to throw them in the pokey [for crimes they didn't even commit!]

Should we 'charge the Bastille'? Wouldn't do us any good. 'Open Rebellion' only serves to turn the rebels into targets.

What you really have to do is ask yourself just how much you'd miss the dreck the media passes off as 'entertainment' and burn the f'n station/studio to the ground!

Then there's the 'war of attrition'. One at a time, start taking out the local PD. This will stretch the metropolitian forces thin because they will have to cover the hinterlands.

Without the 'blue wall' protecting them (and the media covering for them) the feckless will flee.

Understand, the 'ballot box' is useless and if you do nothing, nothing will change...and THAT is what they're COUNTING ON!

Remember this is the same feckless crew that is taking a steaming bowel movement on YOUR BED all while shreiking 'what are YOU going to do about it?'

They already know the answer.

Won't they be shocked when they wake up surrounded by flames?

Don't cost a cent but BS still 'walks'.

They can't watch everything and there aren't enough 'cells' to jail us all...and if it comes to that [the loss of civil order] we're done regardless.

Better to die on your feet than live on your knees!

The, er, 'Kabuki dance' exists to distract you from the fact that those pretending to govern us have turned a deaf ear to our plight.

If 'WE' aren't in this means [and this phrase became popular back in the eighties] 'you're on your own'...they used to call us 'yo-yo's'...and laugh about it.

Time for a good chuckle in response.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, August 14, 2017


Greetings good citizen, we all talk but if we aren't hitting our audience over the head with a sledgehammer, very few of us 'communicate'.

Hipshooting here (so this is a 'fer instance') when we go to church it's not about what 'the communicant' [fill in your own blank, each religion is different] is saying; it's about being seen! People literally go to church not to 'hear the word of god' but for their neighbors (and the off chance that GOD may have detailed someone to keep track of your activities) who take attendance.

If you don't 'keep it simple' chances are you aren't communicating at all! You mouth is moving but nothing [decipherable] is coming out.

We [meaning everyone who has the attention span to read this far] are deluged with competing 'information'. It is your itty-bitty brain's job to filter out what is and isn't important.

As evidenced by recent headlines, not everyone's itty-bitty brain is up to the task.

The brain is a fickle, er, 'organ'...if you're hungry [or perhaps you just think you're hungry] your 'attention' turns to food, often squelching out everything else.

Ever wonder WHY, after explaining what needs to be done in mindnumbing detail, people ask questions completely 'off-topic' [giving us one of those 'where the fuck have you been for the past twenty minutes' moments.]

Did I mention fickle?

[Even the 'meme factory' know you can eventually get your point across if you repeat it enough times!]

How do people [like the protesters in Charlotte] get it so wrong? While the media is 'pitching' Saturday's bloody protest as 'White Supremacy' when one side turns out not to be celebrating 'White Power' at all but protesting the 'removal' of a historic artifact that probably shouldn't have been crafted in the first place.

Worse, now the public sees itself the way our self-professed 'betters' do, as scum that needs to be 'eliminated'. Thanks (totally off the mark) CORPORATE OWNED MEDIA!

Driving cars into crowds isn't 'new''s happened before and usually by someone that doesn't have the mental horsepower to understand what they've done.

These people used to be 'institutionalized' but once Reagan [why, at every point in our civilization, when something goes horribly wrong, the decidely evil conservative agenda pops up?] 'privatized' healthcare, turning millions of 'mentally challenged' individuals out into the streets to fend for themselves, [compassionate conservatism at its finest!] eventually even defunding the medications these people used to cope.

Don't remember the days when society took care of people not capable of caring for themselves? That's because that part of society dried up and blew away back in the early 80's...before most of you were born.

Nations with 'socialized medicine' don't have these problems. There's another infortunate word choice that reflects the 'opinion' of our betters...people who can't afford healthcare DON'T DESERVE IT!

We need to get the Exile train rolling PDQ [and you are OLD if you know what PDQ stands for!]

Our [half-wit] 'self professed' betters are plotting 'Helter Skelter'. We are reliving the 60's although this version is much darker because the media is in on it!

In a nutshell, we have to stop talking AT each other and start talking TO each other... the feckless few don't want that to happen and you can only wonder why.

Why do you think the owners of the public media don't want us talking to one another [without their 'parsing' what's being said?]

Wouldn't take to much REAL communicating to realize it's ALL been one huge 'misunderstanding, one the corporate owned media has been PAID to perpetrate.

Here's 'the kicker'.

If you can't trust the media, [and you already know you can't] who can you trust?

Thank you for letting me inside your head,

Once again reminding YOU that it is NOT my mission to tell you WHAT to think but to provide you with something to think about!


Sunday, August 13, 2017


Since those who wish to push their agenda on the rest of us need to 'divide and conquer' we have incident's like yesterday's White Nationalist rally in the deeply segregated south [somewhat odd because the term 'south' no longer refers to a compass direction but a 'way of life' that has become omnipresent and has nothing to do with 'race'.]

Did I lose you again? Please try to keep up, this is important!

White supremacy is an oxymoron because once again it is a chimera, a 'fabrication'. Not that 'White privilege' doesn't exist, but whites are victims too.

They see the owner class as largely white and have [foolishly] taken a 'sense of pride' that the morons running things are White like Me.

[Disclosure: Gegner is white...and poor as a church mouse. The biggest benefit my 'whiteness' provides me is the (largely white) palace guard tends to ignore me.

One of the 'missions' of this blog is to wash away some of the 'disinformation' you get hammered with by the feckless media.

The 'mistake' here is believing Whiteness makes you 'superior' just as you do a great injustice the other races by imagining they aren't 'worthwhile' because of their 'lack of whiteness'.

Nothing special about being White. So why are the 'palefaces' marching in the streets, celebrating their 'uniqueness'?

Well, in my last post [sorry about yesterday, didn't have the 'privacy' to work on a post, my son had his buddies over to celebrate his birthday...and it was an all day/night affair!]

Anyway, in my last post I told you I would identify the people I often refer to as criminals and what makes them different/dangerous.

How do the 'powerful' get that way? Certainly not via 'intellegence', most of em are dumber than a box of rocks but they are 'good' at one thing and it's something the 'Idiot in Chief' take great pride in...they are all SWINDLERS.

Edison is known far and wide for his creative genius, lesser know is the man that OWNED that genius...J.P. Morgan!

What did people like Morgan know? That the greatest power resided in the ability to decide what was and wasn't 'permissiable'.

Ever wonder why an encounter with 'The Law' is so frightening? Because the 'law' (as it is currently practiced) is 'unknowable'. EVERY time you stand in front of a judge you have no idea what to expect...because they are only limited by their 'imagination'. [And their 'masters'. Don't (ever) forget about the people who specialize in getting their way because they have 'leverage'!]

Leverage can make people do things they KNOW are wrong but they 'fear' the consequences of 'non-compliance'. Don't do as your told and you'll be ruined.

And it is precisely this the shit-weasels deal in, the ability to 'ruin' others. This makes them (extortionists primarily) but swindlers when it comes to the other side of the equation.

Do whites have a corner on this variety of 'opportunism'?

Absolutely not [but they do excel at it...mostly because they have been at it longer.]

The opportunist has prefected the art of the 'swindle' to the point of even the blameless fear their feckless slander.

Guys like Limbaugh who painted whole races [especially the ones they themselves created] with his national pulpit are just some of the prominent examples of this shameless kind of criminal.

If there is one thing the public deserves protection against it is being manipulated by the media!

This shithole EXISTS because of the reckless people who OWN the media!

You are BURIED in 'swindle' from the time you wake in the morning until you weary head hits the pillow at night [and if you don't turn the 'idiot box' off, you get it while you're sleeping too!]

What you believe is handed to you everyday via the nearest media outlet.

March yourself into the bathroom and look in the mirror.

How much of what you see is you and how much came out of that infernal box?

All you see is's what's behind those glassy, blood-shot eyes that should trouble you. Are you even in there anymore or have you become a wind-up toy your 'preferences' [in media] have turned YOU into?

Nothing on the tube? There's nothin' going on up top either...and this is not a coincidence. You have lost the abilty to 'reason' by [almost never] having used it.

Keep in mind the multiple 'wasting diseases' afflicting our decaying society are born of not using what you were originally endowed with [because the sneaky jerks that sit in judgement of us want to 'get-over' on you...and there ain't a thing you can do about it because they sit in the chair that gets to decide what's 'right' and what's not [this time.]

THis time after we 'purge' the (unbelievably corrupt) Justice System we shall NOT REPLACE IT [the people, they go and stay gone!) The Law belongs to us all...and not some jerks interpretation of it...but what the 'consensus' believe it to mean...that way insuring JUSTICE is done, EVERYTIME! [in as much as 'justice' is a relative term...] By removing the cowards from the seat of judgement it clears the way for the greater good to prevail.

Just using that term makes me cringe because it so much evil has been commited under that pretense. Good for me isn't necessarily good for you much less everbody else but with so much at stake, the 'well-being' of the whole outweighs the luxuriousness of life for the few...

Not that they would agree but that's what needs 'addressing'.

Those who place their personal comfort ahead of that of the species forfeit their right to choose.

It is only just.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head [whatever color it is!]


PS: What's 'omnipresent'? The existence/prevalance of 'wage slavery'. the 'good folks vs. the peasants/trash' continues in earnest because the damn thing doesn't have an 'off switch'...

Overhauling the justice system and 'equalizing' treatment under the law is a tall order but it must be done.

Without equality there can be no justice.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Bad vs. Good

Greetings good citizen. We have been taught to think in terms of opposites. We think and even speak in terms of how things are either positive or negative.

The seeds of wisdom come from the realization that nothing is PURE. [Even concepts are 'tainted'!]

With this as a baseline we arrive at the shocking realization that in the absence of good, bad becomes 'normal' (less worse/unacceptable.)

Has our life become an exercise in choosing between 'lesser evils' (until we arrive at the choice between suicide and murder?)

The 'Overton Window' [the practice of playing 'shock & awe'] has removed 'good' from our sight leaving only 'less bad'.

Think I'm 'talking in circles' (or worse, confusing your already overtaxed mind with 'psycho-babble'?

Ask yourself right now, "What is 'GOOD'?"

First thing most of you think of is certainly the best...but it has it's downside by resulting in the greatest elephant in the room threatening humanity...over-population! (The direct outcome of (ironically) having 'nothing better to do'...)

What else is good? Is it lifting humanity out of poverty or is it ripping the throat out of your (imaginary) 'enemy'?

Why is one omnipresent and the other nowhere to be found? When you have no choice, whatever remains becomes 'normal'. [For the feckless, War is an endless buffet of opportunity!]

Today's 'enemies' (armed by the too much money and no place to invest crowd) face nuclear annihilation...except exterminating the 'terrorists' means wiping out the main engine of the underground economy! [a.k.a. criminal enterprise.]

Is ANY of this being reported on by the feckless media? No! Aren't you SHOCKED (nevermind being 'under awed') by this blatant misdirection of your already overtaxed imagination?

Here we are, a HALF TRILLION dollars poorer fighting 'global terrorism' for our very existence and not ONE 'News Organization' is asking 'where are the guns coming from?'

You don't want 'answers', you want ENEMIES!

Well, what is 'good'?

If you have to ask then there is something drastically 'wrong' with this picture. Isn't all of this 'technology' supposed to be 'improving' our lives?

Did I forget to mention we have lifted our foot from the necks of a race of 'mindless opportunists'? {The government that was supposed to be keeping them in check now belongs to THEM!]

What could go wrong?

Don't look now but you're soaking in it. [That fetid stench...that's you too! We call it 'desperation'...]

But I do have good news to share, they have found the cure to Alzheimer's and it's pretty straight-forward (although it seems very few can do it...)

In order to prevent 'brain atrophy' YOU HAVE TO USE IT!

Who says all the only thing you'll find here are 'doom & gloom'? [Quite the contrary, this site is the primary BEACON OF HOPE! (for ALL humanity!)]

Face it good citizen, if you are a 'regular' person, good is really just 'less bad'. If you want more good you're going to have to kick some dead ass for it [and there's nothing you like more than kicking dead asses! Good all by itself, isn't it?]

Need some motivation? Look no further than the poster child for Rich = Stupid and act accordingly [also targets just whose sitting parts are deceased!]

Aren't you glad you came? Share this with your bud's! [Go ahead, it's free!] What's better on a Friday than spreading some cheer?

Thanks for letting me inside your head!


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Conflict resolution

Greetings good citizen, we have arrived at the 'end game' I warned of earlier. There is a reason they made the current sock puppet their 'proxy' because he had the 'image' they needed to carry their plans forward.

Thus do we have headlines like this:

Fears of Missiles, and Words
President Trump's irresponsible statement on North Korea may make the confrontation over nuclear weapons harder to resolve.

Closing the Courthouse Door
There is no moral or economic reason to deny people who have been harmed the right to sue in court. But Republicans keep trying to do so.

The first is part of their, when the only tool you have is a hammer, all of your problems become nails, strategy. To 'relieve' the global population crisis a few nukes will certainly [create more problems than they solve...the 'lucky ones' will have the bombs land on their heads.] The rest will die needlessly fighting one another over the artificial shortages that will follow.

The second headline points directly to yet another elephant in the room, the criminals obsession with protecting themselves from 'legal recourse'. Who do you suppose wears the mantle of the 'party of criminals'?

Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?

That one's a gimme! The answer is right there in headline but no, the hopelessly STUPID deny it saying it's 'Fake News'.

What makes 'stupid' permanent? The adamant REFUSAL to fix/admit ignorance!

Tired of the blowhard of the office ranting about how El Trumpo should turn Poon yang into a glowing crater while MORONICALLY ignoring its proximity to CHINA! [This is why the stupid should be barred from voting!]

Criminality is everywhere and what we refer to as 'people's rights' [freedom of expression] has given birth to listening to morons who can't think a single issue through to its conclusion, bloviating constantly about what should be done...again the dumber the raver, the 'set' of solutions is limited to one response...'drop a nuke on 'em!

This is not 'criminal' in itself...but when it drifts into the 'public arena' and takes on the appearance of 'official policy' [because the bloviating moron happens to be president, (not because he's smart but because he's rich!)]

Can we blame Donald? Remember Reagan casually announced 'we launch in five minutes' into a live mic and everyone laughed at his wit [idiot!]

Somehow Fire & Fury is missing that certain 'comic element'...

Has the presidency become the office of the Clown-in Chief?

Your mission [not if you choose to accept it but whether you like it or not] is to keep in mind that pinhead 'might be' joking...(until he isn't.)

Yes, good citizen, this is the presidency you were born to support!


Let's circle the square one more time and return to the issue of how the tools don't exist to correct this trainwreck.

We vote for whoever the put in front of us...often a choice between clown and half-wit and then those who ran them for office tell them what they want done! Some system, eh?

While it would be nice if they marched peacefully into exile, I suspect it's going to take more than a few of 'em getting hung from the nearest light pole to convince them that walking quietly towards the exit is the 'smart move'.

Let's be real...if bozo continues to 'follow the mandate' given him by those who put him in office [the Five Percent] 'fixing the problem' becomes a moot point. There won't be a country to 'save' after some psychopath launches against another major superpower...

'The Unthinkable' is a lot less unthinkable than it used to be...and most of you are too stupid to care.

Oh well, tomorrow then [if we're still here to talk about it!]


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Pushing Buttons

Greetings good citizen, today's NY TImes carried an article that pointed to Trump's 'winning strategy' the [no longer with us] Dems plan on 'adopting'. Trump ran as a Dem (in case nobody noticed) and told voters what they wanted to hear...which appears to have been rewarded with those 'typical' Dem results, [nothing happened.]

Why is it the average mouth-breather is incapable of understanding they are getting Their 'buttons pushed'? Even now people defend the Meat Puppet-in-Chief for 'trying' to do as he promised but those damn liberals keep blocking him. [Funny how most of those liberals now have R's after their]

Seems the Republican strategy of repeat until true isn't fooling everyone as savvy pols are taking the time to look before they leap when it comes to endorsing the 'party line'.

How tragic replacing professional liars with more professional liars produces zero results? No irony should be lost on what happens when you insert a non-professional into the mix...

Um, probably not a good time to point out that the 'whole process' is a sham, put on SOLELY to provide 'The ILLUSION of PARTICIPATION.' [Wanna 'participate'? Vote DIRECTLY on the issue! Then your vote won't be wasted by the people who 'sell' their vote to the highest bidder...although we all know it's more like the 'you'll do this if you want to keep your job' sort of arrangement.]

Politics, the process of deciding what's best for society has long been plagued by the 'self-interested'. THey don't care what's best for the world, all they care about is what's best for them. [All the while spouting nonsense attributed to Adam Smith, telling anyone who will listen that their selfishness is good for humanity!]

Adam Smith was a moron! (but you knew that, right?)

I'm trying to push your buttons but I don't have a 'bandwagon' behind me to convince you it's the thing to do. All I have is that lonely whisper in the back of your mind telling you 'He's Right!'

You KNOW I'm right but still you don't act because nobody else is.

Who knew you were all 'sheep'?

If one stays rooted to the spot, you all do!

And the 'bandwagon' wins everytime!

Doesn't matter if it's a good idea so long as EVERYBODY is joining in!

Perhaps that will be our epitaph...'Everybody else was doing it!'

How the wicked will howl when the slow realization steals across your triumphant face that you've been 'chumped' once again!

WHY IS IT WE ARE SO QUICK TO FORGET THAT 'WE CAN'T HELP IT IF THEY ARE STUPID!' Is the basic assumption behind everything they do!

Not only are you played for stupid [everyday, all day] butyou NEVER wake up to the fact you're being PLAYED!

Worse, when someone points it DENY it. How sad the same thing goes for Spirit in the Sky [which should be Spirit in your heart! the 'sky' has nothing to do with it despite the ground being where 'bad things' (just like YOU) dwell.

There's a lot of irony in religion if you take a moment to ponder it but those who dish this tripe out don't want YOU thinking about what they say. You are supposed to 'accept & believe' [because the alternative is to 'abandon all hope'...forever.]

Didn't see that one coming, did you?

Well, just as it is NOT my purpose to TELL YOU WHAT TO THINK, I do often engage in the practice of psychological bushwhacking if only to make a point.

You get played all the time. Shit won't change until you smarten up and put a stop to it!

All it takes is letting them know you refuse to accept their BS anymore.

How do you stand up to them? Today's parting 'thought experiment' is would you REALLY be worse off dead?

Seriously, think about it.

You LITERALLY have nothing to lose! If they kill you, you are no worse off than you would be if they stop the BS! You can only win either way!

The part to keep in mind is their second, 'fallback' position is 'life is cheap' [and they are usually referring to YOURS.]

Again, the follow through here is if they kill us, they will have to do their own peckerhead work! {stupid isn't limited to just YOU...}

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Shelf life...

Greetings good citizen, while I'm talking to myself here I might as well expound on topics you can relate to

The workers brought the suit after discovering that nearly half — or 164 — of those in the 2013 layoffs were 40 or older, the age that initiates federal age discrimination law protections. And workers charge that they were singled out, in addition, because either they or their spouses had serious medical conditions.

Bad enough 'Failure to Launch' has reached epidemic proportions but IDGaF employers regularly 'weed out' workers that can't keep up/were owed benefits granted back when the environment was 'more liberal'.

Yes good citizen, most of my peers have been the victims of 'we have to let you go' decisions because back when there was still a 'New Deal' employers were required to provide workers with certain benefits that have since been, er, 'repealed'.

Again, the reasons given are 'cost based' but if we visit the heart of THAT issue and admit ALL MONEY IS FUNNY, essentially cost is 'nonexistent'.

YOUR 'shelf life' continues to be dictated by your age/profession. Employers even view their employees not as their customers but like used cars.

There are the 'oldies but goodies' and the rent-a-wrecks. Oddly, in our car comparison scenario, the 'new ones' are the worst. They have the latest and the greatest 'training' but zero experience [which is more than partly responsible for the trainwreck of an economy we are now saddled with.]

Employers want the latest and the greatest so they can claim to be on the bleeding edge of technology, even if those doing the hiring and firing haven't the slightest idea what they're doing!

If is this IGNORANCE, born of the FAILURE to THINK THINGS THROUGH that causes 'management specialists' to 'weed out' the old and experienced and replace them with the more 'results focused' but clueless youngsters...MORONICALLY thinking, 'they'll learn as they go'.

They won't if nobody knows what the end product is supposed to look like! Throw the experienced people off the shipping dock and the new people will read the prints [that haven't been updated in years] and go back to making the units WRONG!

Now they have 'let go' the people who knew what they were doing for a younger, quicker worker that excels in making junk faster than the old steady worker.

But that's okay! We didn't need what they were making anyway.

Problem here is the 'whipsaw' of late start combined with ever earlier 'obsolescence'. Retirement becomes a 'non-starter' because the average 'sweet spot' for accumulating earnings is now so truncated that the average worker can no longer afford to have kids.

People without children are a people without a future.

When only the 'rich & stupid' are breeding the soil becomes ripe for revolution!

So what's YOUR 'shelf life' looking like? Already on your third career [first one dumped you and the second one turned out to be a scam? Now you're hoping the third one isn't a scam too!]

Where is the 'wisdom of the crowd'?

Same place it's always been. Just as 'common sense' is a chimera spouted by morons, 'the crowd' is wrong 9 times out of 10!.

Not to be mean but if brains were dynamite, most of you couldn't blow your nose!

That's bad enough but couple that with your inability to be told anything and you're pretty much dead in the water!

This is why nobody protests when old (but knows what they're doing) gets thrown out the door. They don't know better! Which might more accurately be phrased as they are 'too stupid' to care.

Just because numbnuts has a degree does NOT insure 'competence'. How sad is it when your degree merely re-enforces the value of stupid's degree? If you point out they are idiots, it means you are too!

Own it baby because it is what it is.

You made this mess and it's gonna do you in.

Remember this shitshow is run by the 'degree'd professional' that can't think their way out of a paper bag if their life depended on it!

Be nice if people were taught to 'look before they leap' but most folks have zero capacity for thinking about consequences until it's too late.

Now we are led by the incompetent and there isn't a thing we can do about it.

Well, there is ONE THING but it does zero good because Spirit in the Sky is fiction totally made up to support our leaders claims of 'divine guidance'

Boy, will I be glad when these 'summer doldrums' are over and readers come back from vacation!

In the meantime, stay frosty!


Monday, August 7, 2017


Greetings good citizen, as some of you know I am a writer with three books available on [2 novels and a collection of short stories.] With that as a given I get to spend a good deal of time in the 'playground of the mind'. [It's what led me to dissecting and improving the world around us...and why those improvements won't happen without YOUR participation.]

Guys like me are literally 'a dime a dozen'. The Labels are many but few apply. You may THINK we are, er, CRAZY but we KNOW YOU ARE...and some of us make a damn good living selling exactly that! {I'm looking at you oh mighty Prince of Darkness!}

Rock throwing contest aside, the 'purpose' of this Facebook page is primarily to broaden my audience and familiarize you with my work. [So far it's not working, that said I haven't given you much to go on so it's my bad, not yours.]

Naturally the problem we Imagineers have is how much of the 'store' to give away so you'll be interested in seeing more?

Writers like Mr. King [revered Prince of Darkness referred to earlier] have a enormously deep well to mine but few 'vehicles' to exploit yet he keeps finding new and creative ways to market his 'product'.

I too have a, er, 'wealth' of material to mine but like Mr. King, much of my material is 'tainted' with religious 'taboo'.

We all are taught the story of our 'origin'...but what if that story wasn't ours but our creators?

I have touched upon the surface of an intriguing storyline here in my posts but there are two paths to follow (and very possibly combine!) The 'question' that separates the stories is whether we were abandoned or marooned?

Legends tell of 'visitors' returning and teaching our ancestors how to cope with living on our own, lending credibility to the 'abandoned' arguments. [Those who were troubled by the abandonment returned (not necessarily in person either!) to help us survive the ordeal of adapting to a terraformed planet.]

But, and this is a bit sketchier, there is also a case to be made for 'marooned'. This storyline hinges upon our, er, 'cultural fixation' with Gold, one of the most 'commercially useless' minerals there is.

In this scenario, our 'creators' are travellers whose vehicle ran out of a critical element to continue on. [The assumption here is that material is gold...even We call it 'stardust', same stuff pixies use to 'fly'...see the connection?]

Well, our intrepid travellers needed a LOT of gold to get where they were going but didn't have the 'equipment' to mine it themselves. What they did have was the ability to clone themselves [ostentatiously to 'repair' injuries suffered light years away from medical assistance.]

The tech was there to create an 'army' of miners so they could get the minerals they needed without risking themselves.

But it is here a third probability rears it's extremely ugly head. Marauders! Could gangs of 'scavengers' have scoured the galaxy searching for gold, mined by slaves they bought or captured themselves from remote outposts?

This explains several things 'evolution' can't account for. One, our 'mix' of races & creeds. Two our 'warlike' nature and Three, our fixation on gold over life itself. [Pointing to the deeply disturbing tendency of go along to get along, even if it eventually kills you!]

Go along to get along is inseparable from 'comply or die'. Just want that to be clear.

Mix these factors and you create a very different 'creation mythos!'

Behind the third scenario we have the possibility that one of the marauders is still overseeing operations here on this flyspeck on the edge of the Milky Way.

This would explain our bizarre political situation and they're inexplicable disregard for the state of the planet.

Funny that our 'best case' scenario lies with version 2, that of being 'abandoned tools' probably created/adapted mosquitoes to wipe us out (after they were safely much for 'benevolence'.)

If we are still under the bootheels of the marauders, they don't care if we live or die. We redefine the term 'expendable'. All they have to do is whip up a fresh batch.

Our 'happiness' doesn't even enter the equation.

Now 'left to your imagination' is what they'll do with us after the mines play out?

A question that ignores the possibility that the marauders no longer exist in this part of the galaxy, having mined it out centuries ago.

Did I mention I get to spend a great deal of time in the playground of the mind? [How do YOU know if there is even such a thing as 'too much'?]

I have yet to start this story and invite my readers to make suggestions (I'm 'favoring' the third, most brutal line of inquiry...with the proviso that the 'marauders' have 'moved on'. Their human 'assistant's run things now [talk about leaving a mess behind!]

Either way, thank YOU for letting ME inside YOUR head!
