Since those who wish to push their agenda on the rest of us need to 'divide and conquer' we have incident's like yesterday's White Nationalist rally in the deeply segregated south [somewhat odd because the term 'south' no longer refers to a compass direction but a 'way of life' that has become omnipresent and has nothing to do with 'race'.]
Did I lose you again? Please try to keep up, this is important!
White supremacy is an oxymoron because once again it is a chimera, a 'fabrication'. Not that 'White privilege' doesn't exist, but whites are victims too.
They see the owner class as largely white and have [foolishly] taken a 'sense of pride' that the morons running things are White like Me.
[Disclosure: Gegner is white...and poor as a church mouse. The biggest benefit my 'whiteness' provides me is the (largely white) palace guard tends to ignore me.
One of the 'missions' of this blog is to wash away some of the 'disinformation' you get hammered with by the feckless media.
The 'mistake' here is believing Whiteness makes you 'superior' just as you do a great injustice the other races by imagining they aren't 'worthwhile' because of their 'lack of whiteness'.
Nothing special about being White. So why are the 'palefaces' marching in the streets, celebrating their 'uniqueness'?
Well, in my last post [sorry about yesterday, didn't have the 'privacy' to work on a post, my son had his buddies over to celebrate his birthday...and it was an all day/night affair!]
Anyway, in my last post I told you I would identify the people I often refer to as criminals and what makes them different/dangerous.
How do the 'powerful' get that way? Certainly not via 'intellegence', most of em are dumber than a box of rocks but they are 'good' at one thing and it's something the 'Idiot in Chief' take great pride in...they are all SWINDLERS.
Edison is known far and wide for his creative genius, lesser know is the man that OWNED that genius...J.P. Morgan!
What did people like Morgan know? That the greatest power resided in the ability to decide what was and wasn't 'permissiable'.
Ever wonder why an encounter with 'The Law' is so frightening? Because the 'law' (as it is currently practiced) is 'unknowable'. EVERY time you stand in front of a judge you have no idea what to expect...because they are only limited by their 'imagination'. [And their 'masters'. Don't (ever) forget about the people who specialize in getting their way because they have 'leverage'!]
Leverage can make people do things they KNOW are wrong but they 'fear' the consequences of 'non-compliance'. Don't do as your told and you'll be ruined.
And it is precisely this the shit-weasels deal in, the ability to 'ruin' others. This makes them (extortionists primarily) but swindlers when it comes to the other side of the equation.
Do whites have a corner on this variety of 'opportunism'?
Absolutely not [but they do excel at it...mostly because they have been at it longer.]
The opportunist has prefected the art of the 'swindle' to the point of even the blameless fear their feckless slander.
Guys like Limbaugh who painted whole races [especially the ones they themselves created] with his national pulpit are just some of the prominent examples of this shameless kind of criminal.
If there is one thing the public deserves protection against it is being manipulated by the media!
This shithole EXISTS because of the reckless people who OWN the media!
You are BURIED in 'swindle' from the time you wake in the morning until you weary head hits the pillow at night [and if you don't turn the 'idiot box' off, you get it while you're sleeping too!]
What you believe is handed to you everyday via the nearest media outlet.
March yourself into the bathroom and look in the mirror.
How much of what you see is you and how much came out of that infernal box?
All you see is's what's behind those glassy, blood-shot eyes that should trouble you. Are you even in there anymore or have you become a wind-up toy your 'preferences' [in media] have turned YOU into?
Nothing on the tube? There's nothin' going on up top either...and this is not a coincidence. You have lost the abilty to 'reason' by [almost never] having used it.
Keep in mind the multiple 'wasting diseases' afflicting our decaying society are born of not using what you were originally endowed with [because the sneaky jerks that sit in judgement of us want to 'get-over' on you...and there ain't a thing you can do about it because they sit in the chair that gets to decide what's 'right' and what's not [this time.]
THis time after we 'purge' the (unbelievably corrupt) Justice System we shall NOT REPLACE IT [the people, they go and stay gone!) The Law belongs to us all...and not some jerks interpretation of it...but what the 'consensus' believe it to mean...that way insuring JUSTICE is done, EVERYTIME! [in as much as 'justice' is a relative term...] By removing the cowards from the seat of judgement it clears the way for the greater good to prevail.
Just using that term makes me cringe because it so much evil has been commited under that pretense. Good for me isn't necessarily good for you much less everbody else but with so much at stake, the 'well-being' of the whole outweighs the luxuriousness of life for the few...
Not that they would agree but that's what needs 'addressing'.
Those who place their personal comfort ahead of that of the species forfeit their right to choose.
It is only just.
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head [whatever color it is!]
PS: What's 'omnipresent'? The existence/prevalance of 'wage slavery'. the 'good folks vs. the peasants/trash' continues in earnest because the damn thing doesn't have an 'off switch'...
Overhauling the justice system and 'equalizing' treatment under the law is a tall order but it must be done.
Without equality there can be no justice.
Did I lose you again? Please try to keep up, this is important!
White supremacy is an oxymoron because once again it is a chimera, a 'fabrication'. Not that 'White privilege' doesn't exist, but whites are victims too.
They see the owner class as largely white and have [foolishly] taken a 'sense of pride' that the morons running things are White like Me.
[Disclosure: Gegner is white...and poor as a church mouse. The biggest benefit my 'whiteness' provides me is the (largely white) palace guard tends to ignore me.
One of the 'missions' of this blog is to wash away some of the 'disinformation' you get hammered with by the feckless media.
The 'mistake' here is believing Whiteness makes you 'superior' just as you do a great injustice the other races by imagining they aren't 'worthwhile' because of their 'lack of whiteness'.
Nothing special about being White. So why are the 'palefaces' marching in the streets, celebrating their 'uniqueness'?
Well, in my last post [sorry about yesterday, didn't have the 'privacy' to work on a post, my son had his buddies over to celebrate his birthday...and it was an all day/night affair!]
Anyway, in my last post I told you I would identify the people I often refer to as criminals and what makes them different/dangerous.
How do the 'powerful' get that way? Certainly not via 'intellegence', most of em are dumber than a box of rocks but they are 'good' at one thing and it's something the 'Idiot in Chief' take great pride in...they are all SWINDLERS.
Edison is known far and wide for his creative genius, lesser know is the man that OWNED that genius...J.P. Morgan!
What did people like Morgan know? That the greatest power resided in the ability to decide what was and wasn't 'permissiable'.
Ever wonder why an encounter with 'The Law' is so frightening? Because the 'law' (as it is currently practiced) is 'unknowable'. EVERY time you stand in front of a judge you have no idea what to expect...because they are only limited by their 'imagination'. [And their 'masters'. Don't (ever) forget about the people who specialize in getting their way because they have 'leverage'!]
Leverage can make people do things they KNOW are wrong but they 'fear' the consequences of 'non-compliance'. Don't do as your told and you'll be ruined.
And it is precisely this the shit-weasels deal in, the ability to 'ruin' others. This makes them (extortionists primarily) but swindlers when it comes to the other side of the equation.
Do whites have a corner on this variety of 'opportunism'?
Absolutely not [but they do excel at it...mostly because they have been at it longer.]
The opportunist has prefected the art of the 'swindle' to the point of even the blameless fear their feckless slander.
Guys like Limbaugh who painted whole races [especially the ones they themselves created] with his national pulpit are just some of the prominent examples of this shameless kind of criminal.
If there is one thing the public deserves protection against it is being manipulated by the media!
This shithole EXISTS because of the reckless people who OWN the media!
You are BURIED in 'swindle' from the time you wake in the morning until you weary head hits the pillow at night [and if you don't turn the 'idiot box' off, you get it while you're sleeping too!]
What you believe is handed to you everyday via the nearest media outlet.
March yourself into the bathroom and look in the mirror.
How much of what you see is you and how much came out of that infernal box?
All you see is's what's behind those glassy, blood-shot eyes that should trouble you. Are you even in there anymore or have you become a wind-up toy your 'preferences' [in media] have turned YOU into?
Nothing on the tube? There's nothin' going on up top either...and this is not a coincidence. You have lost the abilty to 'reason' by [almost never] having used it.
Keep in mind the multiple 'wasting diseases' afflicting our decaying society are born of not using what you were originally endowed with [because the sneaky jerks that sit in judgement of us want to 'get-over' on you...and there ain't a thing you can do about it because they sit in the chair that gets to decide what's 'right' and what's not [this time.]
THis time after we 'purge' the (unbelievably corrupt) Justice System we shall NOT REPLACE IT [the people, they go and stay gone!) The Law belongs to us all...and not some jerks interpretation of it...but what the 'consensus' believe it to mean...that way insuring JUSTICE is done, EVERYTIME! [in as much as 'justice' is a relative term...] By removing the cowards from the seat of judgement it clears the way for the greater good to prevail.
Just using that term makes me cringe because it so much evil has been commited under that pretense. Good for me isn't necessarily good for you much less everbody else but with so much at stake, the 'well-being' of the whole outweighs the luxuriousness of life for the few...
Not that they would agree but that's what needs 'addressing'.
Those who place their personal comfort ahead of that of the species forfeit their right to choose.
It is only just.
Thanks once again for letting me inside your head [whatever color it is!]
PS: What's 'omnipresent'? The existence/prevalance of 'wage slavery'. the 'good folks vs. the peasants/trash' continues in earnest because the damn thing doesn't have an 'off switch'...
Overhauling the justice system and 'equalizing' treatment under the law is a tall order but it must be done.
Without equality there can be no justice.
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