Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Joker

Greetings good citizen, after years of riling up the mouthbreathers among us, now the feckless media announces the Republican party has become a vehicle for 'White Supremists'.

Where were they forty years ago when THEY put the first 'cowpoke' in the White House...

They might have run John Wayne but he died before Morning in America. It wasn't about who wore the cowboy boots, it was the 'image' of a 'cowboy president' that the single factor among us worshipped [and the past tense isn't quite right because that worship continues to this day.

But we're fresh out of cowboys...how that must bum the feckless few!

Zero irony that they pulled the plug on the Soviets on the Cowboy's watch, they had a 'good thing goin' and they knew the window was closing quick.

What do you suppose is behind the resurgence of Angry, repressed white people? Could it be due to the Republican's taking everything they had won (since the American Revolution) away from them one piece at a time? First they took his family (by forcing his wife to work) Next they took his home (by requiring him to take out a mortgage for his CAR!) Then they took his job! (along with his pension AND his medical coverage right around the age when he was going to start using it!)

Who is this THEY?

Their names are no longer on everyone's lips but that's how it used to be, after years of fearing to travel unescorted, a fear some of them still cling to, they now are 'unnoticed' by a once...'fearful' public. Once again we have the 'fine line' between feared and loathed.

Worse, most of them interpreted that loathing as 'love'.

And some of them were loved for being less overtly cruel than their peer [who were often their siblings...]

Yup, they may have stepped off their thrones centuries ago but they are still here...and will remain as long a predatory capitalism remains the economic system you have no choice in.

They no longer have 'titles' although I bet most of them could tell you exactly who they 'descended' from.

The single factor is incapable of understanding how those who [again, word choice is difficult, you want to say 'own' but dominate is closer to the mark, contextually] could simply toss it all aside and fade (unmolested) into...obscurity.

Inherited from their modern handlers, politicians have chosen to adopt the 'hold harmless' clause from their own reckless, ill-considered decisions.

While yesterday's 'announcement' that El Trumpo has opened the flood gate to 'militarizing' America's police forces this is nothing new. It has been happening ever since Morning in America and is the final step in preparing for a 'hostile takeover'.

The streets will run with blood if Trump announces he is 'taking over'. Problem is, the good people are going to get slaughtered. [Confront = BAD, HUNT = good!] If We don't gather, they can't get us. We KNOW where THEY live!

Only my wise readers will know to 'play the game'. Smile and nod in the daytime, hunt in the nighttime. Let the 'war of attrition' 'resume'.

Before the royals went 'underground' the...intellectuals had been hunting down the feckless and dispatching them. The royals, being 'single factor' themselves, abdicated rather than wait for assassination. It worked...for a while.

Why the hunt didn't resume after these same criminals crashed the global economy can only be answered by the intellectuals 'distaste' for the nasty but necessary work they had undertaken.

Erroneously thinking the situation was handled after the moronic royals 'let freedom ring', they disbanded.

Well, we will soon have another Hitler on our hands and it's all because the hunters didn't remain vigilant.

Remove the 'puppetmasters' and the puppets dangle, clueless.

Want to find the puppeteers? Follow the MONEY!

Action is not for the 'faint-hearted' but if you fail to step up, chances are you'll find yourself stripped of everything you love and being worked to death by people who only want YOU dead.


Rush and globalization were just the beginning, the Dickensian dystopia that's coming will be 'charming' by comparison!

But I rant, as I am wont to do.

You'd think I'd run out of topics but check back tomorrow, there's always something new because evil never rests.


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