Greetings good citizen, as some of you know I am a writer with three books available on [2 novels and a collection of short stories.] With that as a given I get to spend a good deal of time in the 'playground of the mind'. [It's what led me to dissecting and improving the world around us...and why those improvements won't happen without YOUR participation.]
Guys like me are literally 'a dime a dozen'. The Labels are many but few apply. You may THINK we are, er, CRAZY but we KNOW YOU ARE...and some of us make a damn good living selling exactly that! {I'm looking at you oh mighty Prince of Darkness!}
Rock throwing contest aside, the 'purpose' of this Facebook page is primarily to broaden my audience and familiarize you with my work. [So far it's not working, that said I haven't given you much to go on so it's my bad, not yours.]
Naturally the problem we Imagineers have is how much of the 'store' to give away so you'll be interested in seeing more?
Writers like Mr. King [revered Prince of Darkness referred to earlier] have a enormously deep well to mine but few 'vehicles' to exploit yet he keeps finding new and creative ways to market his 'product'.
I too have a, er, 'wealth' of material to mine but like Mr. King, much of my material is 'tainted' with religious 'taboo'.
We all are taught the story of our 'origin'...but what if that story wasn't ours but our creators?
I have touched upon the surface of an intriguing storyline here in my posts but there are two paths to follow (and very possibly combine!) The 'question' that separates the stories is whether we were abandoned or marooned?
Legends tell of 'visitors' returning and teaching our ancestors how to cope with living on our own, lending credibility to the 'abandoned' arguments. [Those who were troubled by the abandonment returned (not necessarily in person either!) to help us survive the ordeal of adapting to a terraformed planet.]
But, and this is a bit sketchier, there is also a case to be made for 'marooned'. This storyline hinges upon our, er, 'cultural fixation' with Gold, one of the most 'commercially useless' minerals there is.
In this scenario, our 'creators' are travellers whose vehicle ran out of a critical element to continue on. [The assumption here is that material is gold...even We call it 'stardust', same stuff pixies use to 'fly'...see the connection?]
Well, our intrepid travellers needed a LOT of gold to get where they were going but didn't have the 'equipment' to mine it themselves. What they did have was the ability to clone themselves [ostentatiously to 'repair' injuries suffered light years away from medical assistance.]
The tech was there to create an 'army' of miners so they could get the minerals they needed without risking themselves.
But it is here a third probability rears it's extremely ugly head. Marauders! Could gangs of 'scavengers' have scoured the galaxy searching for gold, mined by slaves they bought or captured themselves from remote outposts?
This explains several things 'evolution' can't account for. One, our 'mix' of races & creeds. Two our 'warlike' nature and Three, our fixation on gold over life itself. [Pointing to the deeply disturbing tendency of go along to get along, even if it eventually kills you!]
Go along to get along is inseparable from 'comply or die'. Just want that to be clear.
Mix these factors and you create a very different 'creation mythos!'
Behind the third scenario we have the possibility that one of the marauders is still overseeing operations here on this flyspeck on the edge of the Milky Way.
This would explain our bizarre political situation and they're inexplicable disregard for the state of the planet.
Funny that our 'best case' scenario lies with version 2, that of being 'abandoned tools' probably created/adapted mosquitoes to wipe us out (after they were safely much for 'benevolence'.)
If we are still under the bootheels of the marauders, they don't care if we live or die. We redefine the term 'expendable'. All they have to do is whip up a fresh batch.
Our 'happiness' doesn't even enter the equation.
Now 'left to your imagination' is what they'll do with us after the mines play out?
A question that ignores the possibility that the marauders no longer exist in this part of the galaxy, having mined it out centuries ago.
Did I mention I get to spend a great deal of time in the playground of the mind? [How do YOU know if there is even such a thing as 'too much'?]
I have yet to start this story and invite my readers to make suggestions (I'm 'favoring' the third, most brutal line of inquiry...with the proviso that the 'marauders' have 'moved on'. Their human 'assistant's run things now [talk about leaving a mess behind!]
Either way, thank YOU for letting ME inside YOUR head!
Guys like me are literally 'a dime a dozen'. The Labels are many but few apply. You may THINK we are, er, CRAZY but we KNOW YOU ARE...and some of us make a damn good living selling exactly that! {I'm looking at you oh mighty Prince of Darkness!}
Rock throwing contest aside, the 'purpose' of this Facebook page is primarily to broaden my audience and familiarize you with my work. [So far it's not working, that said I haven't given you much to go on so it's my bad, not yours.]
Naturally the problem we Imagineers have is how much of the 'store' to give away so you'll be interested in seeing more?
Writers like Mr. King [revered Prince of Darkness referred to earlier] have a enormously deep well to mine but few 'vehicles' to exploit yet he keeps finding new and creative ways to market his 'product'.
I too have a, er, 'wealth' of material to mine but like Mr. King, much of my material is 'tainted' with religious 'taboo'.
We all are taught the story of our 'origin'...but what if that story wasn't ours but our creators?
I have touched upon the surface of an intriguing storyline here in my posts but there are two paths to follow (and very possibly combine!) The 'question' that separates the stories is whether we were abandoned or marooned?
Legends tell of 'visitors' returning and teaching our ancestors how to cope with living on our own, lending credibility to the 'abandoned' arguments. [Those who were troubled by the abandonment returned (not necessarily in person either!) to help us survive the ordeal of adapting to a terraformed planet.]
But, and this is a bit sketchier, there is also a case to be made for 'marooned'. This storyline hinges upon our, er, 'cultural fixation' with Gold, one of the most 'commercially useless' minerals there is.
In this scenario, our 'creators' are travellers whose vehicle ran out of a critical element to continue on. [The assumption here is that material is gold...even We call it 'stardust', same stuff pixies use to 'fly'...see the connection?]
Well, our intrepid travellers needed a LOT of gold to get where they were going but didn't have the 'equipment' to mine it themselves. What they did have was the ability to clone themselves [ostentatiously to 'repair' injuries suffered light years away from medical assistance.]
The tech was there to create an 'army' of miners so they could get the minerals they needed without risking themselves.
But it is here a third probability rears it's extremely ugly head. Marauders! Could gangs of 'scavengers' have scoured the galaxy searching for gold, mined by slaves they bought or captured themselves from remote outposts?
This explains several things 'evolution' can't account for. One, our 'mix' of races & creeds. Two our 'warlike' nature and Three, our fixation on gold over life itself. [Pointing to the deeply disturbing tendency of go along to get along, even if it eventually kills you!]
Go along to get along is inseparable from 'comply or die'. Just want that to be clear.
Mix these factors and you create a very different 'creation mythos!'
Behind the third scenario we have the possibility that one of the marauders is still overseeing operations here on this flyspeck on the edge of the Milky Way.
This would explain our bizarre political situation and they're inexplicable disregard for the state of the planet.
Funny that our 'best case' scenario lies with version 2, that of being 'abandoned tools' probably created/adapted mosquitoes to wipe us out (after they were safely much for 'benevolence'.)
If we are still under the bootheels of the marauders, they don't care if we live or die. We redefine the term 'expendable'. All they have to do is whip up a fresh batch.
Our 'happiness' doesn't even enter the equation.
Now 'left to your imagination' is what they'll do with us after the mines play out?
A question that ignores the possibility that the marauders no longer exist in this part of the galaxy, having mined it out centuries ago.
Did I mention I get to spend a great deal of time in the playground of the mind? [How do YOU know if there is even such a thing as 'too much'?]
I have yet to start this story and invite my readers to make suggestions (I'm 'favoring' the third, most brutal line of inquiry...with the proviso that the 'marauders' have 'moved on'. Their human 'assistant's run things now [talk about leaving a mess behind!]
Either way, thank YOU for letting ME inside YOUR head!
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