Thursday, August 17, 2017

Experiment in Democracy

Greetings good citizen, the founders were presented a monumental challenge when they [due to the last minute abdication of their candidate to be King] decided to 'roll the dice' via a model the Romans (who lifted it from the Greeks) toyed with and the end result has largely come to be regarded as an 'experiment'.

Back then the public didn't 'vote'. [There was a great deal of consternation among the founders over the issue of letting 'the illiterate' even participate, never mind vote! (Lest one of them should wax rich enough to become POTUS)]

There were only two houses, the ruler and his 'advisers', the wealthy 'merchant class' who occupied The Senate, the unwashed masses didn't have 'representation'.

So this 'bold experiment' [entered on the leading edge of the industrial age where mechanical power was to replace human drudgery and 'free' the unwashed to become greater participants [even then the 'prize' wasn't about increasing public participation, it was about growing the customer base!

Money, we've been doing it WRONG for a LONG TIME!

Anyway, back to the voting thing. First they linked voting rights to property ownership [John Jay the nation's first 'jurist' opined 'Let those who OWN the land, RULE the land!' (and so it has been ever since but nobody pays much attention to such ancient codswallop these days because it raises serious questions about 'electoral integrity'.

Well, that didn't go over real well with the people who fought to be free of the yoke of monarchy [where they were basically 'property', treated however the ruling 'lord' saw fit.] How unfortunate for the rest of us this is the world the men who established this 'work in progress' came from.

[Didn't KNOW any better so it was assumed 'the rabble' didn't matter...the physics lesson those who set themselves over the rest seldom learn that of 'Size Matters' before 'the giant' crushes them like bugs.]

So was it decided to let the rabble 'play'.

Perhaps the most damning thing the founders did was to establish 'opposing' political ideologies, thus was government established BY them FOR us.

But the people, probably perplexed at first, didn't question this...proving the founder's original misgivings.

Why two parties? So we'd be 'TOO BUSY fighting one another to notice THEM ripping us off at every opportunity!

Which is to say there are still only the 'clique' of rulers, long past the stage of oligarchs and their bought & paid for stooges who turn out to be our ONLY choices at the ballot box...which is why 'electoral politics' doesnt' work.

But the conservo-whackos are too busy condeming the Lib-tards for THEIR mistakes and the public's frustration with the whole charade reaches apocalyptic proportions [again due to a failure to appreciate the laws of physics.]

If the feckless aren't brought to heel, globally, as one; our species will self-terminate. [With most of you thinking, no your creditors finally realize just who turned out to be 'the greater fool'...How sad their suffering will be over in a blinding flash of light while yours lasted most of your adult life.]

Yeah, for better of worse, the experiment in democracy is about to reach its climactic conclusion...and the divide in the road ahead points in two is towards more of the same and sure extinction and the other is joining together and making this a world we can all enjoy.

The choice, as always, is yours.

[One of the reasons readership is dropping like a bag of hammers is most of you can't handle the truth. What truth is that? The one where most of you AREN'T BRIGHT ENOUGH to understand the current system is murdering you and that you are being PLAYED, just as you have been from the onset by those whose only interest is to defraud you of what's rightfully yours!]

Either way it will be over soon.

Thanks for stopping by [not that its doing either one of us any good.]


P.S. If this is to be of any benefit to anyone you have to internalize it!

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