Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Shelf life...

Greetings good citizen, while I'm talking to myself here I might as well expound on topics you can relate to

The workers brought the suit after discovering that nearly half — or 164 — of those in the 2013 layoffs were 40 or older, the age that initiates federal age discrimination law protections. And workers charge that they were singled out, in addition, because either they or their spouses had serious medical conditions.

Bad enough 'Failure to Launch' has reached epidemic proportions but IDGaF employers regularly 'weed out' workers that can't keep up/were owed benefits granted back when the environment was 'more liberal'.

Yes good citizen, most of my peers have been the victims of 'we have to let you go' decisions because back when there was still a 'New Deal' employers were required to provide workers with certain benefits that have since been, er, 'repealed'.

Again, the reasons given are 'cost based' but if we visit the heart of THAT issue and admit ALL MONEY IS FUNNY, essentially cost is 'nonexistent'.

YOUR 'shelf life' continues to be dictated by your age/profession. Employers even view their employees not as their customers but like used cars.

There are the 'oldies but goodies' and the rent-a-wrecks. Oddly, in our car comparison scenario, the 'new ones' are the worst. They have the latest and the greatest 'training' but zero experience [which is more than partly responsible for the trainwreck of an economy we are now saddled with.]

Employers want the latest and the greatest so they can claim to be on the bleeding edge of technology, even if those doing the hiring and firing haven't the slightest idea what they're doing!

If is this IGNORANCE, born of the FAILURE to THINK THINGS THROUGH that causes 'management specialists' to 'weed out' the old and experienced and replace them with the more 'results focused' but clueless youngsters...MORONICALLY thinking, 'they'll learn as they go'.

They won't if nobody knows what the end product is supposed to look like! Throw the experienced people off the shipping dock and the new people will read the prints [that haven't been updated in years] and go back to making the units WRONG!

Now they have 'let go' the people who knew what they were doing for a younger, quicker worker that excels in making junk faster than the old steady worker.

But that's okay! We didn't need what they were making anyway.

Problem here is the 'whipsaw' of late start combined with ever earlier 'obsolescence'. Retirement becomes a 'non-starter' because the average 'sweet spot' for accumulating earnings is now so truncated that the average worker can no longer afford to have kids.

People without children are a people without a future.

When only the 'rich & stupid' are breeding the soil becomes ripe for revolution!

So what's YOUR 'shelf life' looking like? Already on your third career [first one dumped you and the second one turned out to be a scam? Now you're hoping the third one isn't a scam too!]

Where is the 'wisdom of the crowd'?

Same place it's always been. Just as 'common sense' is a chimera spouted by morons, 'the crowd' is wrong 9 times out of 10!.

Not to be mean but if brains were dynamite, most of you couldn't blow your nose!

That's bad enough but couple that with your inability to be told anything and you're pretty much dead in the water!

This is why nobody protests when old (but knows what they're doing) gets thrown out the door. They don't know better! Which might more accurately be phrased as they are 'too stupid' to care.

Just because numbnuts has a degree does NOT insure 'competence'. How sad is it when your degree merely re-enforces the value of stupid's degree? If you point out they are idiots, it means you are too!

Own it baby because it is what it is.

You made this mess and it's gonna do you in.

Remember this shitshow is run by the 'degree'd professional' that can't think their way out of a paper bag if their life depended on it!

Be nice if people were taught to 'look before they leap' but most folks have zero capacity for thinking about consequences until it's too late.

Now we are led by the incompetent and there isn't a thing we can do about it.

Well, there is ONE THING but it does zero good because Spirit in the Sky is fiction totally made up to support our leaders claims of 'divine guidance'

Boy, will I be glad when these 'summer doldrums' are over and readers come back from vacation!

In the meantime, stay frosty!


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