Monday, July 31, 2017

Deadly Sheep

Greetings good citizen, playing 'chicken' with civilization has some very real consequences as History's actors soon found out when they ignored integrity for political expediency.

The end result left us with just ONE political party. The 'pretenders' the money runs against its actors really are just empty suits without an ideology.

They aren't out to save the working class. They want to regain political control for the sake of gaining political control.

If you're a politician these days your job isn't to lead the people...your job is to distract the public from the fact the commerce system has failed and nobody [currently in power] is interested in fixing it.

Mr. Krugman makes some valuable observations that he shares at the tail end of this piece:

Now what? Maybe, just maybe, Republicans will work with Democrats to make the health system work better — after all, polls suggest that voters will, rightly, blame them for any future problems. But it wouldn’t be easy for them to face reality even if their president wasn’t a bloviating bully.

And it’s hard to imagine anything good happening on other policy fronts, either. Republicans have spent decades losing their ability to think straight, and they’re not going to get it back anytime soon.
[Emphasis mine]

The advent of 'mass communication' sparked a phenomenon politicians didn't fully appreciate, that people are so focused on 'fitting in' that they will believe just about ANYTHING if it is first set on a 'bandwagon'.

With this marvelous new discovery you could convince people they were better off than anyone else IN HISTORY and that it really doesn't get much better than THIS.

It all starts with social cohesion and the individual's reluctance to stand out from the [now hypnotized] crowd. If you're not under the spell of mass stupidity [currently being sold by network TV as 'Wisdom of the crowd' a new TV series created solely to embrace/advance the concept of 'groupthink'] you keep your mouth shut because the 'crowd' will do unthinkable things to those who oppose it.

Now are you seeing today's title?

[FULL STOP] If you are here then you aren't one of the title subjects. You wouldn't be interested in non-mainstream thinking or even the existence of anything that challenges your 'worldview' [for the 'tragically stupid' that's a mighty tiny piece of realty.]

Problem is we have perhaps 25% of the population that doesn't know better and the absence of a coherent narrative to guide us ('socially') only serves to further muddy the waters.

Now, said narrative EXISTS but it's straight-forward and often manipulated by the feckless because they call it 'chump thinking'.

The Golden Rule of 'Do unto Others as you would have them do unto you' is widely denigrated by the self-interested as squandering a perfectly good opportunity to seize the upper hand while the other fellow doesn't have reason to suspect you're less than honorable.

Each of us understands that civilization (along with the convention that prevents us from killing one another on sight) is SOLELY RELIANT on TRUST. IF YOU CAN'T TRUST THE NEXT GUY AS FAR AS YOU CAN THROW THEM, 'civilization' descends into a cesspool of scoundrels, each seeking to do the other one in at the first moment the tiniest advantage presents itself.

How fortunate it is that most of us fail to recognize 'opportunity' even if we are being beaten to death with it?

Probably comes from repeatedly being presented with opportunities that aren't. [Money up front please! What were we talking about again?]

There have been [failed] attempts in the past to weed out humanity's propensity towards opportunism. You have to wonder how bad things got to spark/usher in the age of Chivalry and it's centerpiece, the 'field of honor'?

ASP has as it's 'centerpiece' the return of single combat to redress personal insults...albeit this version has a somewhat different set of rules. [We 'worldbuilders' deal in concepts and the 'idea' behind this one is 'personal accountability' for ones speech/actions or both.]

Today's 'sue me' mindset has made the world a much less 'civil' atmosphere in which to live...and considerably less 'safe'.

We need to 're-learn' the value of keeping out fat traps shut and watching what we do because others ARE watching...and it is SO EASY to misconstrue when you're only viewing part of the picture.

How odd our elders taught us to 'Mind your business' while today's buzzword is See something, say something!

People are just as curious as they are opportunistic and our (undeclared) favorite pass-time is 'jumping to conclusions'.

It will take TONS of 'self-restraint' to stay off the field of honor [which is why the challenged can refuse without (legal) recourse, there are still things the challenger can do to make the offender 'rise to the bait'.

Back to the 'honor' piece of the puzzle, if the challenged APOLOGIZES, the whole process stops dead [can't put the Genie back in the bottle but we can kill it with a simple (and sincere) I'm sorry.

[Why am I prattling on about this? Because society, as it currently exists, is entirely 'rudderless'! ASP fixes that.

Since having to apologize to people you might not see fit to spit on gets gualling after a while, we will also learn 'tolerance' like we have today.

The problem with tolerance is it fixes nothing and only serves to make the problem worse.

The ultimate aim is to return society to civility by making individuals personally accountable. Better people make better societies!

Once we wrest control of the media from the grip of the feckless we will use its awesome power to improve humanity.

Funny how the criminals among us don't think we can be 'improved'...

If we stop swallowing their BS maybe we can pick ourselves up out of this gutter and stand up, wipe our wounds clean and start the process of healing a badly wounded psyche.

But first we need to take our giant fist and smash their tiny, puny butts into the stone age. [How's that for a mental image?]

There are only a (relative) handful of them and the only reason they're powerful is because they have convinced YOU they are.


We are MIGHTY.

Keep that in mind the next time one of them takes a dump on you...

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, July 30, 2017


Greetings good citizen. The greatest obstacle to overcome is today's title subject. The mighty *human carp has decided it can adapt to pretty much anything [which is how we came to be where we are] so there is no need to 'sweat' the small stuff.

Things will work out, right? They always have [for the survivors anyway.] Between the 'world of I' and D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.? We do what we do to keep our own shit straight and throw the rest to fate. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

Perhaps it's the 'afterlife' thing and the fact that none of us is getting out of this alive that makes us all so stoic.

Sure, we could have a 'better life' but why bother? It's all gonna be over soon, no need to get your panties in a bunch about it.

Sort of brings us to my two favorite sayings, "If you think you can't you're right" and "Stupid is permanent, ignorance can be fixed."

No need to knock yourself out, all you have to do is wait, it will be over soon enough.

Or so you think. It's really amazing how misery can make time drag on. Waiting for the end really sucks.

Which leads us to the opposite side of the same coin, what is a life waiting to die worth? Why not just off yourself and have done with it?

If we came equipped with a switch we could use to turn ourselves off our species would already be extinct.

Problem is we aren't built to self destruct. Failing to do the task correctly has a whole bunch of consequences most of us don't want to risk.

Odd little trap, isn't it?

This is where the no need to kill yourself bug steps in and reminds you that it will all be over soon enough.

If the only thing keeping you alive is your imminent death then it's not much of a life, is it?

Wishing you were dead but unwilling to make your life worth living is a puzzle within a puzzle, both of them tinged with/by 'fear of failure'.

What's the worst that can happen? [you end up crippled, in agony and wishing you'd just left well enough alone, then you could have stuck with your original plan to eat/drink yourself to death!

Think we made some progress here. You're not so much afraid of dying as much as you're afraid of failing.

Too much irony that we're alive because we're afraid of screwing up our own suicide?

Which returns us to the original question...what kind of life is this?

It COULD BE much better than what it is but that would require some effort, mostly to remove the ignorant idiots that are ruining life for the rest of us!

Happy Sunday...[more ironic that this line of questioning is considered a sin, isn't it? Bet Spirit in the Sky doesn't have a good answer for any of these questions. How does that grab you?]


* Human carp: Some scientists regard the carp, which can be found all over the planet, the single most successful creature at adapting to its environment. Humans are, due to our cleverness [ironically enough] a close second.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

On your own

Greetings good citizen, somewhat ironic to recognize you are born into this world alone but your fate turns upon the actions of the many. Most of us pursue 'our personal interests' using that idiot Adam Smith's theory of by pursuing what's best for you, you are 'inadvertently' pursuing what's best for society.

This is great until we arrive at the situation facing the world today, the one where you have NO PATH FORWARD. You complete your compulsory education [which has itself become a 'jobs program'] only to find yourself with no place to turn.

The refugee crisis is really just people seeking opportunity that doesn't exist, fleeing civil war precipitated by a social system that ceased meeting their needs.

The tendency is to 'opine' it's always been like this but that's not true at all. Back then weird uncle Harold couldn't find work, it was because he was weird! Now, there are three people for every job and ninety percent of what we used to do here has been shipped off shore (or automated out of existence.)

So we 'share' nothing jobs that DON'T pay enough to live on.

Only the privileged can start families and society as a whole 'pays' [with growing civil unrest.]

Is there a solution to this?

Yup...but it means making the 'system' JUST again.

Understand, the feckless [the I've got mine, sucks being you crowd] don't care about your problems...[until you show up outside their house with torches and rope] and that's what it takes to effect 'social change'.

Those currently 'protecting their own interests' (a.k.a the status quo) are studiously ignoring the system that no longer serves 90% of us, this is a self inflicted wound. You ignore society at your own extreme peril.

Those who prevent change to preserve personal profit deserve death. For some crimes exile isn't enough...although the prohibition against public spectacle will remain.

[Confused? It's in the fine print of ASP...duels are strictly private, not even the next of kin are allowed in the dueling facility. Dueling will be reinstituted SOLELY as a method of redressing grievances...but many of the ghouls among us would happily PAY just to watch!] Worse, to address legal concerns, all duels will be recorded...but the public exhibition of those records is an exile offense. That prohibition is extended to executions. When justice demands summary execution it is justice being served, not to satisfy the public's lust for blood but to mete out justice.

Yes, good citizen, the feckless used to use public executions as a pacifier/distraction. The prohibition is intended so as not to repeat that heinous practice.

Just as today's political arena doubles as the center ring of the circus being put on for the public (a distraction to be sure.) It is INTENDED to keep you preoccupied with the banal while your livelihood/future circles the drain!

We need change and we need change now! The kabuki dance playing out on the world stage changes isn't supposed to. The feckless own the players, their only job is to keep YOU distracted!

And it appears to be working.

That said I want to elaborate a bit more about the new strategy for the strike. The first part is simple. You keep your job but use your income solely to stockpile necessities. You don't pay for the car, the shack or any utilities. You'd like to think this would have an effect but it won't. AFTER the STRIKE all of those things will be FREE, might as well liberate yourself from paying for them in advance!

Job 2 will be house hunting. AFTER the strike, your current address becomes your 'address of record', your 'assigned living space'.

Remember all the conservo-whacko threats to come shit in your bed because you don't OWN it? Well, registered user is what will replace 'ownership' and the need to buy what you can't take with you! Now if 'not the registered user' is found in someone else's residence, they will be EXILED. [if said intruder is caught evacuating their bowels upon the registered user's sleeping station, they will be executed on the spot!]

They already ruined the bed, might as well put it to good use.

Anyway, while you're waiting for the STRIKE to resolve itself, you're gonna want to 'upgrade' your situation if you can. [remember, you're not using your paycheck for anything but necessities now so you can 'lever' that now uncommitted cash into a new living situation, perhaps one you'd like to become accustomed to?

Admonition: Choose wisely. Many neighborhoods will be bulldozed wholesale as the new 'jobs program' will be insuring everybody has first class accommodations. We need the work and people need a place to live and raise their children...(both of them.)

Not just here but worldwide!

ASP is an idea whose time has come.

Ready to join the STRIKE?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Friday, July 28, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I have decided to take a 'mental health day' so I will not task you on the need to strike to save your lives. You too deserve a rest.

Enjoy the day!


Thursday, July 27, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I've been at this for over twenty years when it first occurred to me to figure out if we had a legal problem or a money problem causing all of the misery in society.

One of the things I find particularly troubling is in all that time is I haven't attracted a single troll. That in itself is perplexing because those who rail against 'injustice' (while ignoring the underlying issues) attract trolls like flypaper.

When I point out that our problems are 'legal' in origin, nobody gainsays me. Money is a 'legal construct' and how we deal with it is totally unjust.

Apparently we're all in agreement that money is only useful to the individual, society CAN'T be concerned whether it has enough because literally speaking, nothing would get done and society would collapse if we sat there fretting whether or not we could 'afford' to build new roads or fight diseases.

UNFORTUNATELY it is this same 'endless' money supply that provides the funding for WAR [which has, since 'Morning in America', also become 'ENDLESS'.]

Zero irony should be lost on the fact that poverty reaches new heights while we are 'drowning in billionaires'...can I get a troll for that one please?

If you don't disagree, why won't you DO SOMETHING? [Doubling confounding because I'm literally asking you to do NOTHING!]

That said, I think we need a 'new way' to STRIKE. It has to extend beyond 'not working' {the 'downside' of the strike is rapidly rising prices.
'Striking in place' reporting to work and clocking in (coupled with not paying for ANYTHING) is likely to be the quickest route to resolving our legal conflict. They CAN'T foreclose on ALL OF US.

A society with ZERO customers is by definition 'defunct'.

Which is to point out that we would need to 'take' those items and if we stop making them there will be nothing to take. That said, there is really nothing they could do to stop us [in numbers] because the palace guard is badly outnumbered...and if they 'shoot the looters' it will result in a war they don't want...they no longer have castles to hide in.

The 'peasants' will hunt them down and eradicate their families for choosing the 'wrong' side.

[I use 'peasant' because it is a label our self-professed 'betters' pinned on us, in reality there is no such thing as a peasant, it's just that a whole lot of us have been abused for so long that we no longer possess the dignity we were born with.]

Unity people, it ain't gonna happen if we keep on believing that some of us are 'better' than the rest, THEY AREN'T!

A world of 'equals' will take some getting used to but if the Native American's did it for tens of thousands of years, I wager we can learn how too.

Equality is something the One Percent wants 'at arms length'. They want us to 'equal' to each other while continuing to believe that money somehow makes them 'superior' [to the point of being 'above the law'.]

Which is where today's title comes in.

We HAVE survived for time out of mind with laws 'made BY them, for US' (because 'law enforcement' is and always has been, 'their people'. They are the ones who first received the idea that 'non-royals' were something less than human!) It's why today's cop thinks YOU'RE SCUM!

More the pity law enforcement, who got their start as soldiers, weren't numerous enough to fight would have saved a considerable amount of grief over the centuries.

The outcomes would have been a bit difficult to deal with. When King A was defeated by King B, telling the population they had a new ruler would have been 'contentious' to say the least back in the days when losing meant slavery!

Ironically war is no longer a 'team sport'. The politicians pretend like it still is but reality is far more grim.

Makes you wonder if the loser knew they would be enslaved at the end of a nuclear standoff, would you MAKE THEM push the button?

Doesn't the slogan go 'Give me Liberty or give me Death!'?

It's not, 'Let me live and I'll do anything you like, anything!'.

Zero irony on the fact that MOST OF YOU will in fact accept just about any outcome in exchange for your wretched lives [because they aren't THAT wretched, are they?]

Like I said in the beginning good citizen, we don't ave a money problem but we got us a Class A legal [fuck-a-ree] problem on our hands.

When the laws don't apply to EVERYONE, there is no JUSTICE!

Can I get a troll now?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Low & Slow

Greetings good citizen, Once again we are told the sputtering economy is due to 'poor productivity' while the axiom 'you get what you pay for' is repeatedly being rubbed in our face.

Not a 'new' problem and it shouldn't even BE a problem except for Marx's theory of 'surplus value'.

Zero irony is lost on the idea that a capitalist is also a's their job to wring as much value as they can out of you for less and less, er, 'compensation'...which they themselves 'pocket'.

Naturally, the 'eye on the ball' crowd [more work, same pay] have lost track of the fact that the pauperized worker is also their CUSTOMER.

Not only stupid up front but stupid on the backside as well.

If your customer [or in this case the market for your product continues to shrink, driving down demand] can't afford your product, you are foolish to produce more than you can sell. Rather than reduce output, you reduce your workforce and whip what remains even harder.

Sound familiar? Did I mention the people running this crapfest are morons?

They know they are trapped but they are rats in a cage, they honestly don't know what else to do?

A lot of them dream of what life would be like if they didn't have the 'responsibility' of running a business, it really is miserable work...but then they consider what it would be like working for somebody else and grit their teeth...because they know it's worse.

Literally trading a tiny bit of freedom/autonomy for none at all.

But our focus has become too narrow, let us zoom out and look at the larger picture, shall we?

How many of you KNOW what the goal of 'globalization' is? Business was already 'world-wide' so what's this globalization but a fancy buzzword for same-old, same-old?

Globalization is NOT about spreading commerce to the very limits of civilization, globalization [now nearing it's bitter end] is more fully known as the 'global consolidation of market share'.

Neutron Jack Welch told us as much back in the early 80's but nobody was picking up what he was laying down. Now the Wizard of Menlo Park's creation lies in ruins and we're all the poorer [except Jack] for it.

Even the bonehead of the century didn't see what decimating his customer base would do to the company.

In yet another indictment against nepotism, turns out Jack was Reggie's son-in-law.

JP is probably spinning in his grave.

How fortunate for GE that its corporate parent was JP Morgan?

Dunno if that is still the case...once gutted the shell may have been sold off to whoever is playing the 'greater fool' these days.

Would such a transaction make the news? Hard to say considering how closely guarded the business world is these days...if they tell you ANYTHING it's because they WANT YOU TO KNOW.

Another important thing to keep in mind is what you KNOW and the TRUTH are two entirely different subjects!

Situations are seldom what they appear, this is another 'penalty' of living a lie made worse by the liars we allow to rule us.

Can you 'handle the truth'? It's likely you'll never know because you have let someone else make that decision for you.

Um, just checked the preview and this one is getting over long. You won't be amused I could have wrapped up the whole piece with the statement 'starve the customers and you starve the economy'.

You all KNOW that but what can you DO about it?

Do you really want me to tell you AGAIN?

Didn't think so.

Let me digress once more, went to the theater last night to see Valerian, a movie the critics panned as being 'too derivative' [like the endless remakes/reimaginings of King Kong and other tired old classics.]

Has conservatism seeped so deeply into our society that ANYTHING that questions the judgement of leadership is branded as 'unwatchable'?

You're missing a damn good film because 'Conservo-whackos' don't like having their 'values' examined.

What the corporate owned media did to this film [only one other couple was in the theater] speaks volumes regarding what they are doing to YOU on a daily basis.

Just a little something to think about as we wrap this one up...

Thanks for letting me inside your head, now go see Valerian! It's an imaginative romp!


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The underground economy

Greetings good citizen, once upon a time it didn't matter what you did on your own time but as the feckless fled these shores for the cheaper there their banksters created for them, those of us that were left behind found their off the clock activities taking a heavy toll on their professional lives.

While the above article points to jobs the Chinese don't want [low volume, quick turnaround Mfg] that identical problem plagues the soon to be defunct retail sector because almost nobody can pass a Pee test.

Ever wonder why Wal-Marts are nearly devoid of employees? Because the people that normally, er, 'gravitate' towards that kind of mindless work have been forced to pee in a cup before getting the job.

Now our sputtering economy is being blamed on failed pee tests...and what do you suppose the geniuses running this shithole will DO about it?

That's right, they'll build more 'for profit prisons' and start 'sifting' for people who don't have prescriptions for their marijuana to fill them up.

Like (endless) War, there is ALWAYS money for prisons. There may not be enough for you to earn a living wage in but they got more than enough to lock you up!

WTF, good citizen. Is 'law & order' [handed down from on high by people that don't ever need to worry about peeing in a cup] really that valuable to society?

Sobriety is but people need to be educated to what's at stake. Floating through your workday is all fine and well until you lose an appendage to your diminished state of awareness.

But if your chances of EVER working in the 'mainstream' economy are slim to nil, who cares about the 'needs of commerce'?

Worse, who are the knotheads building for profit prisons then lining their pockets with tax dollars that would be put to better use elsewhere?

Isn't this an Epic Fail on all fronts, starting with borders so 'porous' that both drugs and, er [damn the imprecision of speech] 'foreign agents' can flow freely [feeding the investment community, this is what all of those trillions that have no place to go now that banks would go bust paying 5% interest on savings.]

If not for the 'underground' economy [drugs and human trafficking] what passes for our normal economy would seize up from lack of customers.

Retail limps along on EBT cards. Much of Wal-Mart's fortune comes from people on public assistance looking to make what little they get go as far as they can stretch it. How ironic these are the same people the drug smugglers and the police state preys upon?

Why is it like this?


Doesn't it bother you that they have MORE THAN PLENTY OF MONEY to play war and build prisons yet you are forced to live a hand to mouth existence? We are in zero danger of running out of ink & paper. [That said, we are very much in danger of money turning into confetti...[a la Zimbabwe or the profiteers of Wiemar Germany, post WWI.]

Nice work when you can get it, eh?

How long will it be before you recognize that the buying and selling BS HAS TO STOP!

We must put an end to the practice of one human 'profiting' off of another! If a paycheck is good enough for 95% of us it's good enough for ALL of US [or there is no US!]

Let's put an end to this US vs THEM BS.

Gonna be a whole lot better for the majority when we can honestly say WE.

Remember, it only continues because YOU let it happen!

Join the STRIKE Today!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, July 24, 2017

History's Actors

Greetings good citizen, since the abdication of LBJ, leading to the Imperial Presidency of Nixon, history's actors have held the stage and acted blatantly to advance their 'agenda'. The Great Society died with the [real] Democrats in 1968 as the 'feckless few' picked up the reins of power and decided it was time for a Party.

In today's headlines, that 'I can't decide which one I like better' career politician Chuck Schumer announced that the [now defunct] Democrats were going to restore their 'base'.

W. came right out and told us who HIS base was, the HAVES and the HAVE MORES...[and you ALL just sat there.]

For those of you too young to remember, the Democrats 'USED TO BE' the party of the WORKING CLASS. There is zero irony that the term disappeared from the political lexicon AFTER the palace coup that gave us Boraxo's Reagan.

Since the 'conservative revolution' workers were something you DIDN'T want to be. If you were worth your salt, you were 'Middle Class' tragic most folks failed to realize that to actually BE Middle class you had to be a college educated professional working in a white collar field. [Lawyer, Doctor, Teacher, Scientist.]

Nope, suddenly Middle Class was getting 'parsed' into 'lower', middle and upper.

NOBODY wanted to be a Worker [Especially after Apollo Creed told kids 'Be a thinker, not a stinker!']

You definitely not 'POOR' because you weren't collecting Welfare [whether you qualified or not, it was 'beneath' you] and you ABSOLUTELY weren't RICH. If you didn't go to work, you didn't that left the Middle and that's how the conservatives became the 'champions' of the Middle Class...because the poor gave themselves an 'upgrade'.


Now the Working class has magically reappeared [but only after the pubic watched in horror as their heroes 'the rich' turned out to be CRIMINALS.]

THe poor LIKED being in the middle because the next step was rich. You weren't rich but you were almost there.

Then they saw how the rich got theirs and remembered why they hated them. Still, the 'rich' only had to crash the economy TWICE in two decades to wake the dullards up! [Wasn't the crash part that bothered people it's the then Nothing Happened, that's the part that opened people's eyes.]

People [often relatives] were doing 10 year stretches for (minor) possession, these Bozoes were robbing people of everything they had and the courts didn't touch them!

Not exactly the kind of behavior you want your children emulating.

Well, they 'won the day' by letting the morons believe they were better than they actually were but then they painted themselves into a corner when they dismantled the 'Party System' [where the workers USED TO congregate] and left them with NOTHING.

These asshats that call themselves Progressives aren't Democrats at all, their [at best] 'light conservatives', although most of them are indistinguishable from the moronic 'real deal'.

How pathetic is it that TV has pronounced Democracy dead (and the public believes them?) [because we're doing it wrong!] YOU don't vote for ANYTHING!

As I COMMENTED yesterday, I watched the HBO special Vice yesterday about America's diminishing role on the global stage.

In that special 'History's Actors' [people actually synonymous with the destruction of liberty] were pointing fingers at thing 'THEY DID' that sent this nation off the rails!

Mind you NONE of them 'admitted guilt' but they were all there when it happened, many of them championing (at the time) the very actions they were condemning in the special.

How many Elephants are in the room now? Shall we count them?

The failure of Capitalism, the omnipresence of Conservatism [historians will refer to this as the reign of the stupid.] The population crisis, the God Bomb [another human construct that has had dire 'unintended consequences'.] Criminals running the Justice System. The global consolidation of market share. The advent of the Billionaires. [Didn't exist prior to 1972.] The destruction of Party Politics. [only the Conservatives remain...can I get a 'stupid is as stupid does'?] Cops on a rampage [did we mention the badly broken justice system? funny how that coincides with 'the conservative revolution'...which precipitated the 'privatization' of the healthcare industry.] That's enough for starters but it's hardly ALL there is.

Between Peak Oil and the Population bomb it is small wonder yesterday's special viewed like old time what to do in the event of a nuclear attack video.

Instead of peace, every 'swinging dick' on the global stage is rattling their nukes, shouting 'want some of this?'

Zero irony that the convention against using assassination to bring about 'regime change' holds.

Yet humanity will be forfeit if the whack jobs behind the meat puppets decide we're getting too unruly to keep underfoot.

We need some really good sharpshooters and we need them YESTERDAY, while there is still TIME!

If the whack-a-doodles win, we all lose!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


[Time to feed the spiders]

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Better luck next time...

Greetings good citizen. Persistence has a value. If you persist you will eventually find your target audience. Until you do, today's title holds true.

Surrender is not an option. What's coming is too terrible to contemplate. Some believe our destruction is inevitable while others like myself prefer to believe where there's life, there's hope.

Sort of brings us to the fool's errand to save civilization.

Half of my audience doesn't even know I exist. Technology like this is a luxury they can't afford. If they knew they would be rioting in the streets [actually in some places they already are and that fire is spreading] The other 25 % could care less, they have it 'okay' and are stupid enough to believe if people aren't happy they should go get a job and quit 'whining'.

[Insert the 'hymn' here]

Don't know the hymn? (Last time I'm going to remind ya so don't forget it): If your job doesn't pay you enough to live on, it's not your EMPLOYER'S problem, it's YOURS!

Every one of those 'pat answers' spewed by political pundits like Rush reflect the willful ignorance and deep neglect nurtured by the CRIMINALS running this shit show.

Criminals don't care, they got theirs, too bad about yours [which they also got.]

Your BIGGEST MISTAKE is believing those in charge are JUST. [Or even remotely interested in anything other than 'the illusion of justice.']

Worse, good citizen, they don't care if you, er, 'suspect'. So long as you 'respect their authority' you can think what you like.

This brings us to the last 25%, the criminals and their 'dependents'. [Has to be a big number, why else do you think nothing changes?]

If it takes a gun to keep the population 'in line' [and here in modern day Galt's Gulch it takes exactly that!] you're not going to last very long.

If the rioting gets out of hand there will be dead bodies for miles around. [When the convention that prevents us from killing one another on sight is switched off, that's the end result.]

This is how the 'better safe than sorry' mindset plays out...and it takes a lot (once breached) to reset it back to 'live and let live.'

This is stuff you don't want to be messing with but if we stay on the course the morons have set for us, the end is nearer than anyone thinks...and it has absolutely zip to do with Spirit in the Sky.

[Don't think I need to remind you that once things go to shit, Spirit in the Sky will return with a vengeance! (the 'superstitious peasant' is always with us and chooses to resurface when society is in turmoil.] Woe be to the heretic when those who claim to know 'god's will' seize control (and they always do!)

[Anyone who questions the 'status quo' will be branded a 'heretic' and, er, 'martyred' for their heresy.]

Remember the Dark Ages? Morons really are 'one trick ponies', they only know 'comply or die'.

Do you really want to wait until 'next time?'

See ya in a thousand years.


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Cabbages and Kings

Greetings good citizen, what makes a 'leader'? How do we know the individual has the 'presence of mind' to weigh all of the factors, devise a workable plan then execute that plan successfully [last part is key.]

Currently the answer is we don't. We don't because the people running to be our 'leaders' don't have a track record of solving the kind of problems civilization is likely to face.

Why is this important? A 'good' leader leaves the world a better place than when they started, a bad leader tears it apart because they are either myopic or inept. [Like your typical Trump appointee.]

Political appointees aside and the perils of living under a sockpuppet/rubber stamp government (where the true power rests with myopic oligarchs) how do we 'elect' competent decision-makers?

Short answer is WE DON'T.

Under A Simple Plan ALL occupations lead to the top. Like now, recent graduates start at the bottom, doing the grunt work so they can observe how things get done. In many cases, college won't be 'necessary'. You'll learn what you need to know on the job and you'll [like now] be trained in the local way of doing things. [Different environmental factors result in procedural differences in otherwise standard practices.]

Which is to point out what most of you already know. College is a social club where you meet people you wouldn't ordinarily run into and form relationships that could yield lifelong benefits.

Educational? Certainly. Necessary? Hardly.

While you can learn about management styles and leadership traits, either you have it or you don't. Like Stupid, ignorance can be a stubborn disease, often defying your best efforts to eradicate it.

Only the 'adept' can internalize the mechanics of good management practices. Fools will try to 'mold' them to fit their mindset [the way they think things should be rather than the way they are] but a 'natural' leader will work within what's possible to achieve optimum results.

Sometimes optimum is pretty dismal but you can only do so much with a sow's ear...

Leadership is also defined by the ability to recognize and work with 'reality'.

Some of you have already picked up on the idea that your reputation [both on and off the shop floor] will affect your effectiveness as a leader.

The golden axiom for any leader is to 'lead by example' which means never asking anyone to do what you wouldn't do yourself. [This separates the adults from the children...and people who should never be given authority over another!]

So if you're a dick to deal with socially you aren't fooling anyone by pretending to be a 'team player' at work. {Zero irony should be lost on the fact that Dick's go to phrase is 'be a team player' even when they are taking a steaming dump on YOU. He want's everybody else to think he didn't single you out for crap detail.

Under ASP Dick gets being denied promotion. If you're the personification of 'difficult to work with' you aren't fooling anyone and it will show when the tests for promotion are held. [Where your co-workers get to state who they think is a good candidate to replace the incumbent...]

Smart shines and you already instinctively know who to ask when something doesn't look right. Leaders stand out from the pack, mostly because they're 'focused'.

Only half the loaf...often times someone might be a crackerjack at one aspect of a job but you wouldn't eat lunch with them if you knew they made it. This is also why some people become 'fixtures' in certain aspects of an operation. It's what they're good at and they are 'happy' there.

Lots of 'one trick ponies' out there [and some of them are full of themselves.] Sometimes taking 'ownership' a lot further than is, er, 'frugal'.

Don't be 'that guy' either, a competent leader listens [to everyone.]

But that's what the tests are for, they test both your technical competence AND your character [honesty] as well.

Heads up: if you 'waffle' an answer it's an automatic 'red flag'.


You get where this is headed...EVERY job leads to the Presidency or leadership of our species {ASP is designed to operate globally} so some of you must think it's a bit shady that the future president should start off emptying the trash but I'd rather have a leader that had walked even a few steps in my shoes than one who would look at me like I was an alien from another planet because our backgrounds were so different. [Like those presented to us as potential leaders today...]

Some of you [foolishly] believe Donald Trump is the kind of guy you could sit down and have a beer with...understand the idea itself would horrify HIM! [you go to his house you put booties on so you don't scratch the you money you don't have to do that at your house!

Zero irony is lost on how W was billed by the media kingmakers as a man you could sit down and have a beer with...what they left out is it would be like drinking alone, the man didn't have a thought in his head!

Do I need to explain the IMPORTANCE of having leadership that appreciates HOW YOU LIVE and what's important to YOU?

If YOU should be concerned about ANYTHING, it is the huge piles of money sitting on the sidelines with NO PLACE TO GO!

They built China from the ground up, remodeled India and sold them the 'Western Lifestyle' [Notice how most commercials are shot in Bollywood these days? [with Indian talent?]

There is nothing to invest in. Taxpayer funded infrastructure that capitalism relies on isn't going to happen as they let America slide into the cesspool they made for it. [This is meant to be a 'lesson' for the Liberals that had the balls to stop monopolies and trusts. It is also 'payback' for raising the income tax to 90% on incomes over a million.]

Trump, like W. and Obama all 'talked' about rebuilding battered and ancient American infrastructure but all they DID is pave a few freeways, snarling traffic while the roads still need to be bombed just to smooth out the potholes!

Did I mention mismanagement? [Nevermind the trillions sitting offshore that NOBODY is doing anything about!]

This is what you get when you ALLOW a segment of society to treat itself like it's 'better' than the rest.

Only the feckless media loves Royalty, the rest of us find it a 'curiosity'. Disney was built on Princesses but hell, they are all CARTOON princesses!

You don't really want to be ruled by someone who grew up thinking THEY were a cartoon princess?

Well, don't look now cuz guess who is in the Oval Office...

Since we will vote directly on the law, we will no longer 'vote' for our leaders, the job demands competence and that's something popularity contests suck at proving.

Worse, the electorate agrees that the 'standards' for who gets to run for national office have slipped below even our parent's abysmal level.

Since commerce IS society, decision makers directly from the world of commerce [not profits before people commerce or commerce that exists to enrich shareowners [funny how 'own' has become a 'bad word' and companies are substituting just about anything to avoid the negative connotations because nobody want to 'own' the downside...which is coming on like a freight train!]

Let our leaders PROVE they have the chops to handle the job by building a track record of problem resolution and teambuilding as well as besting their 12 'rivals' in the competition to be Leader of the human race!

No more 'incompetents' that only represent the worst of us.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Friday, July 21, 2017

The Break

Greetings good citizen, as the stock markets rises inexplicably [there is NO reason for it] the 'very rich' get even richer while the rest of us, very much like the frog in the pot of water, sit still, wondering what all the excitement is about...

Jump little froggy, jump!

But the little frog just sits there, completely unaware she's being cooked alive!

The problem is two-fold. First the frog is 'programmed' to think being in water is 'safe' [just as you have been programmed to believe if you have enough money you're safe!] The second problem is the frog doesn't understand everybody telling it to 'jump' doesn't can't heed your warnings even if it feels your sense of urgency/anxiety.

Um, analogies don't get much thinner than this one but I'll spell it out for you anyway. The frog in the pot is YOU...and most of you are too self-absorbed to actually do something to save yourself.

You understand Human just fine but our media is mute on the subject and the rest of are too proud to admit you are totally IGNORANT about the financial manipulation that occurs everyday!

Sadly there is STUPID and there's THIS.

Are you waiting for somebody with a bullhorn to tell is here we encounter the second have NO IDEA what to do! [Despite my telling you repeatedly EXACTLY what to do!]

But as the old adage goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him here we are.

You WON'T STRIKE until YOU think it's a good idea!

Jump little froggy, jump! Is of little use, first the frog has to realize it's in danger.

But you can't recognize the danger because you weren't taught what to look out for and, quite simply, none of you are particularly bright!

Wanna play 'connect the dots?' [What do you mean you're too old?]

Our first dot is have no friggin clue what it is, you just know that you need it because others want it! The things you want cost money and so you put yourself out there willing to do 'whatever it takes' to get your hands on some 'money'.

It is about now you learn that you never seem to be able to get your hands on 'enough' money and you're not sure if this makes YOU greedy or if the people that keep demanding more are...but that's neither here nor there, all you know [for sure] is you can't get your hands on ENOUGH!

You get some and poof it's gone!

Then you notice some people don't have to do ANYTHING for theirs, some people were 'born to it'. Why weren't YOU so lucky?

You're still not seeing the whole picture and THAT'S where the problem starts.

You get so caught up in 'earning' money that you stop wondering where it actually COMES FROM!

It comes from the same place it will come from under A Simple Plan [only under ASP there is a mechanism to erase it when it is spent.]

If you didn't know that money comes from a printing press try asking your peers where THEY think money comes from, you'll be amazed at the answers! [At least one of them will claim God makes it!]

Not as insane as it sounds...if you believe the Bible was created via 'divine inspiration' then it's only a small step towards believing the folks that print money are serving the creator when they practice their 'art'.

This, IDENTICAL to 'stock valuations' is absolute BULL SHIT!

Oh how those running things [off a cliff] must LAUGH!

But not for much longer because they are about to encounter a wrinkle they didn't plan on and that one is the planet's 'carrying capacity'.

When humanity is viewed like a virus in a petri dish, it exterminates itself once the food in the dish is exhausted.

Jump little froggy, jump!

What's this have to do with money?

In the 'true' end it all comes down to brute strength as to who will be the last...but until then 'money' governs who gets how much of what.

Didn't I just stick your face right over the crucial dot where whoever controls the printing press controls MONEY...and whosoever controls MONEY CONTROLS YOU!

Or are you really THAT STUPID?

A simpler look at the dots. First we wipe out cash and the holdings of those who have made themselves rich at our expense. [Your bill of sale is void.] Then we institute population control, we are currently in zero danger of running out of 'workers', it's the 'surplus' we must deal with...and War is NEVER the answer.

Remember, millions will be exiled. It's not the One Percent but the Five Percent that is responsible for this debacle.

So the alternative is birth control. As a member of 'civil society' you agree to have two offspring and only two. Your 'seed' will be banked in case you lose one or both to tragedy (so they can be replaced) but you will be sterilized once your seed is harvested.

If we fail to voluntarily put the brakes on population growth the crisis will resolve itself, most cruelly. [When we're all dead it won't matter whose was 'strongest' (also dumbest!)]

Not too difficult to imagine under the current circumstances that the feckless have done something to the food supply that is causing the precipitous drop in the birth rate globally...if you're not 'one of them' you won't be able to breed, making GMO that much more horrifying!

Jump little froggy, jump!

So you can either save your genetic inheritance or you can just sit there and boil to death.

WTF are you waiting for? Superman?

He can't do it alone either!

Let me close the circle and point to the danger you still don't recognize. Money controls the political system, the people 'printing you out of the market' are going to give themselves enough to live comfortably on while YOU starve to death.

Why isn't anybody sounding the alarm?

Who controls the media?

Who controls the stock market?

Who controls the banks?

Who controls YOU?

If you are too stupid to figure this out, been nice knowing you froggy!

Jump little froggy, jump!

Thanks for letting me [and little froggy] inside your head,


Thursday, July 20, 2017


Greetings good citizen, notice we keep fighting the same battles over and over again? This must be how it feels to be stuck in a time loop, reliving the same day over and over.

Obama, at the behest of his 'masters' abandoned single payer in favor of this hand out to the insurance companies [Romneycare, now known as Obamacare is 'mandated healthcare', something the insurance companies have wanted all along [they just don't want to be required to insure sick people so they made the government pay.]

Now Obama supposedly taxed the already outrageously rich to meet the out of control healthcare system's demand that their stockholders be rewarded.

The 'opposition' wants to rescind Romneycare and return the tax money to the people that probably never missed it in the first place.

This isn't money used to feed the destitute, it was money that sat in off-shore bank accounts that was used to fund human trafficking and arms deals for pseudo-terrorists.

Did I mention we use money completely wrong? In a world without investment, where do you suppose today's billionaires 'park' their money?

Same place they always parked it, funding crime!

Did I mention criminals run our 'justice system?' {Maybe brought it up once or twice but you might have missed it.}

Nope, the thing that should be slapping you silly is why our badly broken political system is fixated on a single topic, like the rest of the world isn't going to hell in a bucket!

Why is THE GOVERNMENT focused on taking healthcare AWAY from the public? Are REPUBLICANS really that STUPID? [My apologies to 'traditional' Republicans, but the new Libertarian-Republicans (re-incarnated Randites) are the personification of DUMB!]

They are why you'll have to pass an IQ test if you want to vote in the new future (assuming you live that long.)

What we are seeing on the 'national stage' is a kabuki dance where the politicians pretend to address issue of 'national importance' [reminder to those too young to remember, healthcare wasn't an issue BEFORE REAGAN 'privatized' it!

Again I point to the TERMINALLY STUPID that keep voting REPUBLICAN, each time expecting different results!

It's the very definition of insane, which lends credence to the notion that the media is 'stealing' the elections. There is NO VERIFICATION of what they report. We can no longer tolerate [much less survive] a system that rules us from arms length we have zero control over!

THe 'new way' will be to vote directly on the laws...which will be rare if at all but the needs of society are dynamic and as needed is not as often as the feckless would have you believe.

In fact, if you'll notice almost nothing [positive] has happened since 'Morning in America'.

Um, since yesterday's piece proved too long for most of you so I'll have to end this here by saying what you already know. You are being PLAYED and it won't stop until YOU make them STOP!

Join the (global) strike!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Ignorance is NOT 'Bliss'

Greetings good citizen, I find 'preppers' amusing mostly because of their blindness, their inability to see the bigger picture.

I get 'prepper' advice in my junk mail all the time and most of it is laughable, just like those 'hard asset' IRA's you hear advertised on the radio [like we needed more proof that we're doing the money thing all wrong!]

I just perused one that plays on your fear of social collapse by citing specific instances without delving into the causes of those the effects are caused by an angry God who doesn't need a reason to vent his wrath.

Fer instance, the rioting that engulfed Baltimore when police gunned down an unarmed teenager. Numbnuts points at the riot but stops short of explaining WHY...and that is treachery of the worst kind!

Bobo is selling books on how you can 'save yourself and everything you've worked so hard for' mostly by playing/preying on the ignorance of the frightened, same way the king makers behind 'Morning in America' do via the corporate owned media.

Money is a 'concept', a legal construct. The FIRST thing we're going to DO upon establishing a new government is ABOLISH CASH in ALL of it's forms! Gems, gold all of it will be 'de-monetized'.

Ancient Aliens may have had productive uses for Bling but we DON'T. Money (as man has created it) has been a curse upon our species!

[Currently accepting invitations to debate this from any knowledgeable individual, so called 'experts' are cautioned to bring their 'best evidence']

[Hear that? Chirping crickets and that's how that one is gonna stay.]

The ONLY place you're gonna get the truth about money is HERE. I'd like to opine your ignorance has been fixed but it won't be so until we change how money is used/recognized by what passes for our legal system.

Until that happens money will still be whatever THEY say it is...and that's bad, not just for you but for this planet as well.

Ever wonder why society doesn't work? One answer and its staring you right in the wallet! Mismanagement on a massive scale. In the end the feckless realized that money is only useful to THE INDIVIDUAL. That's why they make YOU jump through hoops to get it.

THey don't have to do ANYTHING to get theirs...and THAT should bother you more than just a little.

One of the 'new rules' will be the ONLY way to get money is to work for it. No more 'I'm the CEO' my job is to delegate everything! That said, there won't be 'shareowners' to babysit or satisfy at the workers expense which should improve morale immensely by itself!

The 'workplace will become much 'friendlier' than that! Starting with the twenty hour work week! [We'll go from 3 shifts to six [except when it makes more sense to have 'a single point of contact' for the whole day, then those people will enjoy abbreviated work weeks.]

Overtime will be paid at time and a half and can be used as additional time off or be put towards an even earlier retirement [The 'new' retirement age will be 50, you can't keep up with the kids anymore so it's time to get out of the way!] Additional note, you won't be 'forced' to stop working.

Again, there is no lack of jobs that need doing. After fifty [or earlier if you have accumulated the time to retire early] you can 'change careers' and do something that will challenge you! There will be plenty of part-time/temporary gigs so you don't have to commit to doing any particular thing for the long term. that said if you like 'routine' you don't have to give up your 'day job' when you hit 50 [we don't throw you out the door until you're 65!] Then you MUST change careers.

One of the most glaring problems facing our species is THERE IS NO LACK OF THINGS THAT NEED DOING! Something is definitely wrong because if it can't be done 'profitably' then it can't be done at all under the current system! [Mismanagement anyone?]

As today's rapacious capitalists squeeze every penny out of their workforce [often personally pocketing the alleged 'savings'...AGAIN we are doing the money thing WRONG!

THis is why all of the badges and robes will be handed pink slips and sent to the employment office for re-assignment (pending their hearings with the new justice dept for their crimes against humanity.)

Politicians won't be quite so lucky since choosing to run for office is in fact a choice made with eyes wide open. They knew what they wanted to do so their guilt is NOT in doubt.


So, since A Simple Plan provides for full employment [making housing free while abolishing the stock market, the insurance and the banking industries [because debt will be illegal, the act of placing someone in debt will be an exile offence!] Remember, that Lord of the Flies thing is a certainty on voluntary exile island.

THey will be 'free' to set up their own government and the blue wall is likely to be the single largest 'demographic' so expect the worst.

Funny, cops HATE us, they think we're all scum...but one thing all cops hate even worse? Other cops! Imagine a whole island of them!

Dead bodies for miles around [with most deaths being attributed to a severe donut deficiency.]

Who will keep us safe if there are no cops?

In keeping with today's title, you, good citizen are ignorant of the true source of most crime! In wiping out the justice system we are actually making the streets SAFER.

You won't have anything to steal, crooks can't take your stuff and sell it, worse...getting caught with something that isn't registered to you is an exile offense [and for giggles SOME exiles will be sent to Blue Hell where they will be treated to a moonlight dinner!]

Other changes intended to boost public safety is the shift of the state taking full responsibility for child rearing [full stop: NOBODY is going to take your kids from you! But like all 'adults' have to work to support themselves, kids will be provided for by the state with the additional funds going to the custodial parent [should they prove worthy.]

Being 'biologically capable' of having children doesn't mean you're psychologically capable of raising them!

Look at the mess your parents produced [not kicking anyone in the shins but 'the opportunists' among us spit out kid after kid just for the support checks!]

Drugs will be legal and available from 'the store' in prescription doses. But people won't live lives of 'quiet desperation' like they do now because the feckless will no longer be in charge [in fact they won't even be present in our new society.]

Housing will be free and so will all utilities. Same goes for education, free for life! THink you'd enjoy being an educator, meet the qualifications and you could become one!

We WILL become a society that values intelligence rather than shuns it like today's conservo-whackos!

Look at what 'propaganda' has done to our civilization. It has torn the bonds of society apart, blaming YOU the whole time!

It all started with El Rushbo and his 'free' broadcasts to the bottom feeders among us, empowering them for being STUPID!

Believe what you want, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

THus do we ask YOU...what do YOU KNOW?

If the sentence starts with 'well I HEARD', then you don't KNOW jack!

Anything worth knowing is worth RESEARCHING YOURSELF!

If you examine the source of our problems [which on the surface appear to be 'monetary' but underneath, all of our problems are legal...which means our severe 'justice deficit' means our justice system needs replacing!

Again, under 'new management' justice will belong to 'the people'. Judges go away [they only exist to protect the guilty, to insure the privileged aren't prosecuted for their crimes.] Otherwise, judges are like cops, useless.

IF you find yourself standing in front of a jury [consisting of three people who work with you and four complete strangers] it will be because you stand accused of grievous offense. Fines go away [the rich taught us you can break all the laws you like if you can afford the fine!] Conversely prison is off the table as well.

If a jury of your peers finds you are unworthy of continued membership in civil society, you face exile. Often standing trial will be a cumulative thing, you've committed a series of violations of the rules we all choose to live under. [You won't stand trial for spitting on the street although you might land there for expressing the view that people should be exiled for doing it! (if you're a DICK, your 'peers' will know it and judge you accordingly. Just words of caution from your uncle Gegner!)

Flip that rock over and 'holier than thou' is also likely to land you on the hot seat. While needling others about behavior you dislike isn't in itself an exile offense, you might need the 'good opinion' of the very people you tried to cow with your petty likes and dislikes someday.

If the needles went deeper than you intended you will regret it more than you ever imagined.

Are you picking up what I'm laying down?

In order to live in a more civil world we have to learn to be more civil and keep our 'trash talk' to ourselves. {you may be 'joking' but does your audience know that?} Again you are cautioned against ending every sentence with 'you know I'm kidding, right?' It will put you in the same spot only quicker!

The words judge not lest you be judged come ringing back.

Anyone still feeling the need for cops?

Um, let's conclude this one with one of my other favorites: Stupid is permanent, Ignorance can be fixed [but only if the wise accept the knowledge as true!]

Thanks once again for letting me (and my companion, knowledge) inside your head,


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Lucky 13

Greetings good citizen, difficult to say which is progressing faster, the destruction of our society or the strike to head that destruction off?

As a form of 'self-distraction' I spend the lottery and even that is 'educational'. I was looking at the local condo market and was, er, not necessarily surprised but taken aback considering all the recent 'happy talk' regarding the economy.

More than half of the units available were foreclosures! [locally]

My kids are both adults but they live with the wife and I. Being young, neither knows where they want to live so this act of mental masturbation is centered on where their friends are, here.

If I hit the lottery for a hundred million dollars they'd both expect Pappy to 'pony up'.

And I would, but more so as an exercise in personal responsibility. If the strike is successful, the ENTIRE real estate market goes 'poof' when housing becomes a 'gimme'.

Yes good citizen, as part of our departure from rapacious capitalism and in compliance with the H. A. E. law [where it is illegal for humans to 'earn a living' off of other humans, thus renting people property OR 'buying' their labor would become illegal!]

You can still give stuff away but there is no way to get 'cash' for your surplus junk. Most would prefer to 'trade' which is still acceptable although you have to 'register' what you trade with records to prevent being exiled for theft.

[Same goes for 'gifts'. If it's registered to you, it's your RESPONSIBILITY to make sure your records are up to date. Know what happens when that joke trophy you gave to an acquaintance because they asked for it turns into a MURDER WEAPON don't you?]

If you [wisely] eradicate your fingerprints from the item in question your innocence is undeniable, just because it was registered to you doesn't make you a murderer...but if your prints are on it and it turns up at a crime scene you're automatically an accomplice!

A pain to be sure but we are a species of opportunists where 'trust' is a commodity. decide you don't want that 'dust collector' your great aunt Tillie left you? Gotta notify records you 'recycled' it.

Did I mention the landfills will ALL be closed? EVERYTHING GETS RECYCLED [it will be recycling's responsibility to dispose of what can't be recycled. In the meantime we have to 'dot the i's and cross the t's' because the opportunists among us are RELENTLESS!]

Sad to say this but a 'cottage industry' will spring up around going through peoples trash and seeking discarded items if only to confound the justice system. Needless to say being caught sifting through someone else's trash will become an exile offense!

I think we've all gotten used to the 'better safe than sorry' mindset, we've been beaten hard enough with it since our original 'manufacture'.

[Parallel to Von Daniken's theory of 'ancient aliens', I 'theorize' we are abandoned 'tools' (possibly clones) used to mine minerals for profit of the renegades/pirates that originally visited this Imperial outpost roughly 150,000 years ago (when the oldest existing remains of homo sapiens first appear on this planet)]

The above is what we writers call 'foreshadowing', hinting at a future plot twist to tantalize the reader to keep them turning pages.

Left to all of our imaginations is whether or not this once forsaken outpost isn't now under Imperial control? If, er, Aliens were calling the shots it would explain much, especially their 'devil may care' attitude! How much worse could it be if our 'invisible overlords' are criminals, refugees from Imperial Justice?

Our 'salvation' isn't assured if the Empire discovers us. The likelihood we are illegal clones means we will be eradicated upon discovery.

Here we see the 'downside' of making life 'extraordinarily cheap'. [That said, cloning is likely illegal among the overlords as well, leading to the outlaw/pirate part of our 'origin theory'.]

Lots of wildcards in play here and regime change may not go well but chances are if the Empire has a rebel problem they may be too busy elsewhere to deal with an insignificant dust speck like Earth. [Only from the mind of a writer, eh?]

Um, I was going to ask if you're taking notes, some of this stuff is important but I ask much by letting YOU decide what is relevant and what is, er, mindless rambling.

THe whole thing has been posted dozens of times on the web under the title A Simple Plan, regrettably also the title of my original blog. I also posted it on Conceptual Guerilla back when I wrote for them [CG was generous when it can to content, bless him!]

Keeps disappearing, just as I suspect most of these posts land in a sealed coffin someplace on the web. Information that doesn't support the status quo is considered dangerous to/by those currently in power.

Either way it's good for the mind to exercise my 'thinking muscles'! [If you don't use it you're gonna lose it! (wanna prevent Alzheimer's, try thinking once in a while!] Sharing these mental exercises is also beneficial to the reader, we need to be exposed to ideas outside our comfort zones!

That said, A Simple Plan is real and viable! While it appears (at the moment anyway) to be an exercise in futility, I persist in championing social change for the salvation of our kind.

[Clones have rights too! (and there is zero 'shame' in being the descendant of a clone.)]

Um, thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, July 17, 2017

The whole freaking herd!

Greetings good citizen, Monday was the 'first day' of the workweek but the 24/7 gig economy threw that out the window. Now you work if there is work and Vaca and benefits are forgotten because you're lucky these days if you have anything that puts bread in your pocket.

[Reminder: if your job doesn't pay you enough to live on it's not your bosses problem, it's YOURS!]

Ask any 'failure to launch' victim, [someone that wasn't born into a family business or 'inherited' a spot on the force or got a 'leg up' from a relative or that rare friend who happened to know somebody and wasn't interested in taking the spot themselves. Altruism is all but dead in this tight labor market and shrinking economy.]

The thing that keeps Monday 'regular' for me is it's trash day [and has been since I moved here almost thirty years ago.]

That said has anyone else noticed there is a whole herd of elephants in the freaking room?

Worse, nobody is even looking at them. [Actually, they are 'dutifully' ignoring them because politicians only recognize WHAT THEY'RE FREAKING PAID TO SEE! [Serious stuff like where will transgendered children go the bathroom?]

If this is the best our deeply flawed decision making process can do [letting (only the deep pocketed) 'campaign donors' decide what is and isn't important to the functioning of society it no wonder the room became overrun with Elephants [just as there is zero irony in the fact that the elephant is the symbol of the party that created this logjam.]

All the same, stupid is as stupid does.

If our politicians are focused on which restroom kids who don't even have sexual identities yet will use, how the F will they deal with the trainwreck they have turned society's operating system into?

Short answer, they won't.

Since NO ONE is telling them 'capitalism is broken, FIX IT!' They just stand there and look at you like you're from another planet, taking the POV that you fail to appreciate the 'delicacies' involved with 'hooray for me and F you, capitalism.

When it ISN'T your JOB to ignore the elephants that are filling the room up with shit, where does this leave you? If you do get a forum you are accused of generating 'fake news' for attempting to blow things out of proportion.

Anyone want to argue the fact that capitalism is [and for the most part always has been] broken?

Can't go there because we have zero problems finding lunatics that will fight with fiery conviction that black really is white!

Since they can't deny it it's broken they will instead argue that YOU are broken for taking issue with the 'finest system ever created'. [Like they know shit from shinola!]

The world is full of freaks and most of them just like to hear themselves talk, making addressing issues next to impossible because discussion becomes 'all noise and NO signal'.

So we can only wonder what will come first? Will we drown in elephant shit or will we succeed in putting the herd back outside where they belong?

Weigh your options: you already KNOW you can't vote them out [they control the 'vetting' process. Only candidates willing to toe the campaign donor's personal agenda get case you wondered why politicians are 'unresponsive' at best.]

Probably not particularly helpful to point out (again) that we are totally mishandling the MONEY thing.

You want to put an end to the feckless buying political power? Make money NON-TRANSFERABLE, what part of YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU! don't you understand?

How do we bring about these necessary changes?

Wanna fight in the streets? How about burn the place to the ground? Neither are as effective as going on strike. Shut this shit show down and watch them stand up and take notice but we need 100% cooperation for it to work!

UNITED WE STAND! [Divided, we're toast!]

If nothing else you should be seriously concerned over the corporate media's insistence that we are deeply divided.

WHAT THEY AREN'T saying is WHO is divided...the poor have always been a world apart from the privileged few...and THAT is the 'divide' they are talking about!

Conservo whackos keep winning elections [and we end up debating issues that only the deeply religious care about (while the rest of the world crumbles) is not due to the ideological divide but the monetary divide.]

Computers mean we can finally DO SOMETHING about the gulf between those who rob the rest of us so they live lives of luxury while the vast majority of us struggle just to survive.

You won't EVER find that on the ballot...and you have to wonder why?

They'll tell you that it's because you wouldn't want it taken away from you if the situation were reversed but these people were BORN to their lives so the odds AGAINST your joining them are somewhere between slim and none.

You could marry into it but that would be short-lived, the rich truly are different from you and I...and not in a good way.

IF I weren't championing a 'better way' I'd keep my mouth shut.

I belabor the obvious when I point out the flaws in capitalism, a system few are even aware of and even fewer know how it (really) works.

Correcting the flaws was easy, selling them is proving significantly more difficult because those the flaws in the system benefit don't want those flaws to go away [and we're ALL poorer for it!]

Team humanity or Team Snob?

Which side are you on? We already know which side the 'palace guard' favors...and you had best believe they KNOW you are SCUM! Why else do they stand beside your car with their hand on their weapon? They DON'T TRUST YOU...but you're supposed to trust THEM!


Readjust your sights and regroup, good citizen.Together we can turn this thing around, now that we have something WORTH FIGHTING FOR...and nobody has to fight! Just stop going along with the tyranny!

The choice [for once] is YOURS!

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, July 16, 2017


Greetings good citizen, as anyone can see, the strike to establish equality and restore justice is proceeding as planned.

You didn't expect the feckless media to go on strike (and they won't walk off the job until we make them do it.) How unfortunate for them it will be their last day of work?

One of the tell-tales of change will be the fresh faces reporting the days events and the disappearance of 'headline making' reporters.

Perhaps the biggest shock to most of you will be how much of cable goes dark when NewsCorp is disbanded.

Ever wonder where you got all those bogus ideas from? You will see for yourself that they were 'omnipresent'; part of a 'lie-machine' you were repeatedly told didn't exist.

A big part of the 'war' we're fighting is the battle for 'common sense'...a misnomer if there ever was one because the feckless have repeatedly proven that 'common sense' doesn't exist!

They even tell you to your face that lies are 'repeated until true'.

But the 'war' is one they gird for everyday because the problem with lies is they require CONSTANT REINFORCEMENT.

Simply saying something isn't so doesn't make it true.

So when the truth pops into view it must be denied until it vanishes behind the wall of obscurity.

Worse, people are SO literal that most of you don't have a clue what I'm referring to. Let's look at the elephant in the room, shall we?

We are spending untold billions fighting the 'global war on 'terra' [knowing full well the 'terra-ists' are based in both the media and the worldwide military-industrial complex] is the 'acceptance' that we will remain in the Middle East for as long as there are Muslims to kill.

Nobody thinks there is anything wrong with this. The real thrust of the War on Terra is the conservo-whacko war on THINKING!

If you think for yourself [regardless of your politics] you are a no good LIB-TARD!

[If you are incapable of thinking for yourself, you're doomed.]

Zero irony is lost on the fact that only those capable of recognizing what's going on stand even a half a chance of surviving the coming purge. Followers will go blindly to their doom, right behind 'everybody else'.

Sort of puts that 'the strong survive, the weak shall die' in a whole new light, doesn't it?

Which brings us to those currently leading the 'arms race' [the folks wearing tin badges that double as 'get out of jail free' cards.]

Somebody posted a rant posted online by a 'disgruntled' badge toter that was angry about celebrities protesting 'police violence'. Back in his great grandpappy's day they would have thrown said 'celebrity' in the stocks and egged on the town drunk to get their 'revenge'.

The 'disturbing' part of this video? He went on to frankly state his disgust over having to deal with 'the human filth' day in and day out and at best the only 'thanks' he got for his service was his bullet-proof vest.

We have a huge problem, good citizen...but it is also an ancient one. Back in the days when these clowns were 'the palace guard' they could do no wrong. They 'served' the king and the king was the law.

One thing was OBVIOUS in this video...the officer in question made it clear that the ONLY humans that WEREN'T FILTH were his fellow officers.

Ever wonder why 'cop families' exist? Dad was a cop, Uncle was a cop, grandpa was a cop, his grandpa was a cop...and so on? THIS is where it comes from! If you're not a 'loyalist'; you are SCUM! [They got the job originally because they were royal wannabes and even back then the 'mentality' was you're either one of 'us' [royal and therefore privileged] or you're peasant scum...not a very 'healthy' attitude to have when you're outnumbered a thousand to one...but your job lets you carry a weapon AND makes it illegal for anyone to draw on you, regardless of what you're up to!

This is why 'The Blue Wall' goes bye-bye...not necessarily into exile but most definitely to the employment office...where most of 'em will be handed a rake or a paint brush. [The 'smart' ones will accept 'voluntary exile', they know they won't be 'happy' living like...well, you already know what they think of the rest of us. This is also exactly why 'voluntary exile' will dissolve into a Lord of the Flies situation almost immediately.]

We are FORCED live in this 'us vs them' stew that the feckless media keeps stirring up so it stays 'fresh'.

Are you still wondering where all of the problems are coming from? [Part of it is the owners of media, hungry for ratings and the other part is feckless reporters that keep the beast fed because the more they 'contribute', the more they are rewarded, the 'truth' be damned!

Open your damn eyes! [Wouldn't hurt to cover your ears while you're at it, that's how the lies get in!]

I will once again remind you that I am incapable of doing this alone.

If we can't become US this whole thing will become an exercise in futility [IDENTICAL to 'The American Dream']

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Regret in leisure

Greetings good citizen, we have all heard the meme, decide in haste, regret in leisure, well, the situation it doesn't cover is when the decision is made 'for you' by someone else and you're 'stuck with it'.

Like cattle in a chute, our lives are the result of decisions made by others for the rest of us.

It is the acceptance of these, er, 'conditions' that suspend our initial inclination towards killing one another on sight. [A convention that wears thinner every day.]

We are in fact edging closer to a point where we will once again be faced with the 'kill or be killed' decision every time we encounter another of our own species.

The 'fragile' bond that prevents us from murdering in self defense is 'trust'...a bond that is growing more fragile with each passing day as 'justice' becomes more 'illusive'.

The feckless don't care, they pay people to watch their back, you, on the other hand, are on your own.

The biggest thing protecting you is poverty. If there is nothing to be gained by killing you then it's 'easier' to ignore you, saving the energy it would take to exterminate you for later when you might need it for a more 'worthy adversary'.

This is also where 'regret in leisure' kicks in as someone you had the drop on earlier returns unexpectedly and gets the drop on you get to regret being...'apathetic' when you should have 'obeyed your instincts.'

You smile your best winning grin and hope numbnuts remembers you 'spared' them earlier, knowing he probably interpreted your earlier inaction not as 'mercy' but for what it was, 'miscalculation'.

When you only have seconds to live the leisure part goes right out the window...but when numbnuts DOESN'T kill you, he only disarms you it is that moment you realize you're in more trouble than you thought.

It is also the moment when you internalize that there are indeed 'fates worse than death'.

Now you get to regret not making your move [making a desperate lunge for your weapon, even if he struck a killing blow as you grappled, it would still be better than what's coming.

But no, you hoped [in vain it turns out] that you could reach the tiny spark of humanity we share, hoping for just one moment he could put himself in your shoes.

Why did you want to kill this guy on sight? Because you knew he would enslave you the moment he got a chance. Serial killers and slavers have one thing in common, neither of them has any use for 'mercy'.

Yet mercy and forbearance are what makes life worth living! We don't murder one another on sight because of the risk we might be exterminating a good and helpful being 'needlessly'...yet it is our own 'forbearance' that put us in this position, saddled with rules that condemn us to lives of misery while the few lord their power over us [often ignoring the same rules they 'hobble' the rest of us with.]

When justice isn't for all, it isn't justice.

You knew that...right?

Fool me once shame on you...let it go unpunished, shame on ME!

This is where you sit good citizen. You have been saddled with rules that prevent you and yours from enjoying your share of life's bounty.

Those 'rules' aren't going to change themselves.

If is to be, it's up to Thee!

Puddin' Head may want it all but you'll be satisfied with a simple fair shake.

As long as ol' greedy has their way [half of the thrill for ol' psycho is denying you yours!] and its tough to determine which he enjoys more, getting his or denying yours? [We think it's the latter that gives these twisted freaks more pleasure, they don't really have a good grip on what is or isn't 'theirs' in the first place.]

The mind really is a 'funny' [odd] place just as this being 'bent to the will of another' the most heinous crime one human can commit upon another and why the war against 'tyranny' requires constant vigilance.

The sick don't know they're sick but it's not an 'excuse'. Oh he's sick and didn't know better is an admission of fact and nothing more.

People who don't appreciate mercy deserve none.

Sort of a conundrum to opine that we need to be 'merciless' in eradicating those who possess none [not via murder but exile, the merciless have no place in civil society.]

If you can't make the 'hard decisions' then you have no place deciding for anyone else...and it's decisions like this that need to be made. Those 'incapable' of mercy aren't fit to live among us just as those, regardless of how kind, who are too stupid to think for themselves will not be allowed to participate in the decision-making process.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

[No one appreciate more than I the peril of leaving this sort of thing 'open to interpretation' but you have to let the chips fall where they may and pray the 'good' wins over 'stupid' [which is sadly omnipresent...]

In closing, let me share just one more thing...stupid really is EVIL. The inability to 'think things through' creates more havoc and harm than all of the ignorance in the world combined!

Small steps and we have a LONG way to go.

Ironically, it all starts here with the intellectual examination of what's broken.

Until next time, thanks for letting me inside your head.


Friday, July 14, 2017


Greetings good citizen, every day is something...different and today we turn the scope on transportation or getting stuff where it needs to be, when it needs to be there.

While the tradition 'homestead' is a relatively 'closed loop' very few still exist. The capitalist 'ideal' of 'self-sufficiency' is a dream few can afford or (unsurprisingly) desire. The principal 'hole' in every homestead lies in the operators themselves. This hardy bunch ignores health issues as long as they can but eventually illness/injury comes along and they need A.) medical attention and B.) someone else to pick up the proverbial slack their absence creates.

While the homesteader is proud of their 'self-sufficiency' the homestead is itself a chain of things that NEEDS to be done in a certain order on a regular schedule or the whole place falls apart.

Without 'back-up' a homestead can quickly become a mass grave.

This is why modern 'agro-business' is compartmentalized, with workers specializing in different aspects of the operation. More importantly, farming started off being a 'communal effort', something the shiftless capitalist doesn't want you thinking about because 'unions' (or anything else that unites people against tyranny) is a 'bad thing' to a capitalist [who is primarily a selfish, heartless tyrant.]

They don't call it 'more for me' capitalism for nothing.

The main concern of EVERY capitalist is 'I' (more commonly called Me.)

Without the ability to get things where they need to be, when they need to be there commerce can't function.

What's the other 'Elephant in the room'? The one our self professed betters are ignoring because they don't have an answer (that preserves capitalism)

Notice how the C.O.M. conversation keeps flirting with the idea of a quasi Communist-Capitalist model? [where the public provides the labor and infrastructure and the Capitalists keep the profits?]

Not too long ago we would be asking 'Where are you going to find people THAT STUPID?' Well good citizen, the answer is right here in Murika!.

The (fatally) selfish and terminally stupid have succeeded in convincing the rest of us we are just as selfish-stupid as they are.

[What's THIS have to do with transportation? We're getting to it...patience, okay?]

The 'corporate owned, capitalist dominated Media' is now on a campaign to divide us further with their 'fake news' campaign. If all news is 'fake', who do you believe? Worse, we circle back to the less than half of what you see and even less of what you hear because NOBODY [including the people directly involved] knows the WHOLE story.

The capitalist media keeps us distracted from our original objective. Hard to stay focused on draining the swamp when you're up to your buttocks in Alligators!

[Eh, transportation? What's wrong with you?]

Like our homestead example in the opener, life and commerce in particular relies heavily upon TIMELINESS! Remove the ability to get what's needed, where it needs to be, when it needs to be there and your whole civilization falls to pieces.

Undisputable fact.

Transportation is so important we are born with the ability to move ourselves where/when we need to be somewhere [mostly to obtain what we need when we need it. But enough of that, you get the point!]

While it would solve the unemployment problem we'd still have serious timeliness issues if we were forced to 'hand carry' everything. So we resort to [energy intensive] vehicles to get the job done in as 'efficient' a manner as possible.

Keyword here is 'energy'.

We have extremely limited energy resources coupled with a rapidly increasing number of 'users'...can you 'visualize' how this could present a problem in the not too distant future?

Appreciate the WHOLE picture because 'transportation' is just a fraction of the larger energy puzzle. We use the SAME energy resources to heat water for sanitary purposes as well as heat our homes, many of which would be uninhabitable for portions of the year...and don't stupidly point at the woods and say 'what about that?' We'd 'denude' the planets' forests in a single year if we attempted to use wood as fuel.

But wait, then there is the energy we use to grow [nevermind transport] the food we eat! [the bulk of nitrates used in fertilizer comes from fossil fuels.]

Now how sanguine are you about EVERY vehicle manufacturer producing gas-guzzling TRUCKS as the race to be 'highest' on the planet's roadways continues to escalate?

Personal transportation MUST return to what we were born with or our species will exterminate itself most brutally via a combined curse of starving and freezing to death...all due to piss poor management.

Where are our politicians on this issue?

Where is this issue on your personal radar? It isn't there, is it? Why isn't it there? Because the media isn't concerned, we have enough 'for now'.

When we don't, are you going to worry about it THEN or do you think we ought to be MANAGING what's left rather than letting the feckless few continue to prance around like it doesn't matter!

I'm just a storehouse of rusty old sayings and yet another just sprung to mind...I know you've already written humanity off but they ARE your children, how can YOU be so heartless?

Don't you know? "Failing to plan is PLANNING to FAIL!"

Don't listen to the MORONS who tell you the earth generates more energy in a single revolution than humanity uses in year because you don't want to do anything that draws off the planet's 'momentum'. Think we're scroomed now, imagine conditions on a planet with it's solar day doubled? Do you have any clue what that would do to life on this planet?

Some of it would adapt but most of it would perish because rainfall patterns would shift [madly] and prolonged exposure to solar radiation would kill off most of the vegetation.

Only the idiot capitalist would rejoice over hours that were twice as long, the ultimate 'two for one' deal and it's completely free...(fat lot of good 'free' does you when you're dead!)]

Stupid is as stupid does and 'obeying' the stupid is its own reward.

Join the yesterday!

If we don't get our act together there won't be an act to save, it really is that simple. Why is nobody talking about this? Because the selfish A-holes don't want the public 'taking matters into its own hands'(...and screwing up their flaming finale!)

The whole energy issue becomes 'moot' once the 'mushrooms' start popping.

IF you fail to act [strike] there won't be any point in trying to avoid it.

You have ONE MOVE, don't screw up!

For those of you that need 'permission' to act, consider it given. I am telling YOU to strike NOW!

[No picket lines, no public protests, just stop doing what you're paid to do until we get some responsible people in charge that will make things happen!]

Hit the off button and stand there, or go home, it's really your choice.

In the end, it's ALL YOUR CHOICE!

If YOU don't stop it, it WON'T STOP!

Doesn't matter if they threaten to kill you, you're dead anyway.

Wake up and smell the coffee.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Divine Retribution

Greetings good citizen, you are all familiar with that ancient bible passage that warns 'vengeance is mine' sayeth the Lord.

Ever wonder 'what's taking him/her/it so long?' Evil flourishes everywhere but YOU are supposed to leave it alone because it's 'not your job'.

Well, there must be more 'elasticity' in the universe than originally estimated because this existence seems capable of stretching a considerable distance before it starts to bounce back towards 'balance'.

Assuming the universe is equal parts good & bad [hard to figure since good & bad are both 'relative' and not 'absolute'.] The good (eventually and relatively) is 'equal' to the life will never be a 'bowl of cherries' because the bowl of disgusting stuff is right behind it, waiting for its turn!

The idea being that good and bad will cancel one another out, leaving a 'neutral' outcome, the universe becoming a bland paste of meh.

But it's not like that, is it? So where did this outlandish idea come from? Could the source be the same people that designed our 'punish the poor' justice system?


How fortunate for us all that you can fill an individual's head with a considerable amount of utter nonsense and they are still capable of functioning adequately!

More the pity so few of us remind ourselves that this is the 'starting point' our civilization kicks off from on a daily basis...

We've gotten this far without wiping ourselves out...what could go wrong?

Pretty cavalier attitude for a species well versed in the consequence of 'one false move and you're dead'. Our history drips in blood thanks to the mentally unstable dictating what 'good & bad' are.

Humans have only been on this planet for 300,000 years and thus far they have been years of PAIN. We seem totally unable to prevent the insane from seizing power.

Should we give it up as a bad job and pray for a quick extinction? Probably isn't going to happen because mankind long ago took to the stars and started marooning the ones they didn't like there. [a couple of hundred thousand years is NOT long enough for us to have 'evolved' here.]

Either that or 'we' are tools that were discarded after we had achieved what we were designed to do and everything afterwards is just programming designed to keep us 'on task'.

Whoever made us wasn't particularly interested in justice or equality. They were interested in getting the job done as quickly as possible (because we do everything like our lives depended on it's probably part of our core programming.)

Heads full of nonsense and absolutely 'rudderless'. What does that tell you? For starters we weren't 'built to last'. Secondly, thinking isn't our primary (or even secondary) purpose. We were built to mine and once we did what we were made to do our makers took a hike!

Totally unknown is whether or not our 'maker' was a criminal on the run or a lonesome scout, stranded after his ship lost/exhausted its supply of gold.

What we do know is we kept doing what we were 'made' to do and treat each other like we are totally expendable. It's no comfort knowing the moron that created us was equally as clueless as to what their 'purpose' was in the universe.

Maybe life is the culmination of combining good and bad, good for us but not so much for those unfortunate enough to encounter us.

Um, we all 'know' the 'vengeance is mine' bit but most of us let it sail right between our ears, in one side and out the other while we 'retain' the meaningful part, the MINE as we think to ourselves, 'NOW You're gonna PAY!'

Did I mention those unfortunate enough to encounter us? Check.

Sort of the long way home and another exercise in belaboring the obvious but none are so blind as those who refuse to see.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,
