Saturday, July 29, 2017

On your own

Greetings good citizen, somewhat ironic to recognize you are born into this world alone but your fate turns upon the actions of the many. Most of us pursue 'our personal interests' using that idiot Adam Smith's theory of by pursuing what's best for you, you are 'inadvertently' pursuing what's best for society.

This is great until we arrive at the situation facing the world today, the one where you have NO PATH FORWARD. You complete your compulsory education [which has itself become a 'jobs program'] only to find yourself with no place to turn.

The refugee crisis is really just people seeking opportunity that doesn't exist, fleeing civil war precipitated by a social system that ceased meeting their needs.

The tendency is to 'opine' it's always been like this but that's not true at all. Back then weird uncle Harold couldn't find work, it was because he was weird! Now, there are three people for every job and ninety percent of what we used to do here has been shipped off shore (or automated out of existence.)

So we 'share' nothing jobs that DON'T pay enough to live on.

Only the privileged can start families and society as a whole 'pays' [with growing civil unrest.]

Is there a solution to this?

Yup...but it means making the 'system' JUST again.

Understand, the feckless [the I've got mine, sucks being you crowd] don't care about your problems...[until you show up outside their house with torches and rope] and that's what it takes to effect 'social change'.

Those currently 'protecting their own interests' (a.k.a the status quo) are studiously ignoring the system that no longer serves 90% of us, this is a self inflicted wound. You ignore society at your own extreme peril.

Those who prevent change to preserve personal profit deserve death. For some crimes exile isn't enough...although the prohibition against public spectacle will remain.

[Confused? It's in the fine print of ASP...duels are strictly private, not even the next of kin are allowed in the dueling facility. Dueling will be reinstituted SOLELY as a method of redressing grievances...but many of the ghouls among us would happily PAY just to watch!] Worse, to address legal concerns, all duels will be recorded...but the public exhibition of those records is an exile offense. That prohibition is extended to executions. When justice demands summary execution it is justice being served, not to satisfy the public's lust for blood but to mete out justice.

Yes, good citizen, the feckless used to use public executions as a pacifier/distraction. The prohibition is intended so as not to repeat that heinous practice.

Just as today's political arena doubles as the center ring of the circus being put on for the public (a distraction to be sure.) It is INTENDED to keep you preoccupied with the banal while your livelihood/future circles the drain!

We need change and we need change now! The kabuki dance playing out on the world stage changes isn't supposed to. The feckless own the players, their only job is to keep YOU distracted!

And it appears to be working.

That said I want to elaborate a bit more about the new strategy for the strike. The first part is simple. You keep your job but use your income solely to stockpile necessities. You don't pay for the car, the shack or any utilities. You'd like to think this would have an effect but it won't. AFTER the STRIKE all of those things will be FREE, might as well liberate yourself from paying for them in advance!

Job 2 will be house hunting. AFTER the strike, your current address becomes your 'address of record', your 'assigned living space'.

Remember all the conservo-whacko threats to come shit in your bed because you don't OWN it? Well, registered user is what will replace 'ownership' and the need to buy what you can't take with you! Now if 'not the registered user' is found in someone else's residence, they will be EXILED. [if said intruder is caught evacuating their bowels upon the registered user's sleeping station, they will be executed on the spot!]

They already ruined the bed, might as well put it to good use.

Anyway, while you're waiting for the STRIKE to resolve itself, you're gonna want to 'upgrade' your situation if you can. [remember, you're not using your paycheck for anything but necessities now so you can 'lever' that now uncommitted cash into a new living situation, perhaps one you'd like to become accustomed to?

Admonition: Choose wisely. Many neighborhoods will be bulldozed wholesale as the new 'jobs program' will be insuring everybody has first class accommodations. We need the work and people need a place to live and raise their children...(both of them.)

Not just here but worldwide!

ASP is an idea whose time has come.

Ready to join the STRIKE?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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