Thursday, July 27, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I've been at this for over twenty years when it first occurred to me to figure out if we had a legal problem or a money problem causing all of the misery in society.

One of the things I find particularly troubling is in all that time is I haven't attracted a single troll. That in itself is perplexing because those who rail against 'injustice' (while ignoring the underlying issues) attract trolls like flypaper.

When I point out that our problems are 'legal' in origin, nobody gainsays me. Money is a 'legal construct' and how we deal with it is totally unjust.

Apparently we're all in agreement that money is only useful to the individual, society CAN'T be concerned whether it has enough because literally speaking, nothing would get done and society would collapse if we sat there fretting whether or not we could 'afford' to build new roads or fight diseases.

UNFORTUNATELY it is this same 'endless' money supply that provides the funding for WAR [which has, since 'Morning in America', also become 'ENDLESS'.]

Zero irony should be lost on the fact that poverty reaches new heights while we are 'drowning in billionaires'...can I get a troll for that one please?

If you don't disagree, why won't you DO SOMETHING? [Doubling confounding because I'm literally asking you to do NOTHING!]

That said, I think we need a 'new way' to STRIKE. It has to extend beyond 'not working' {the 'downside' of the strike is rapidly rising prices.
'Striking in place' reporting to work and clocking in (coupled with not paying for ANYTHING) is likely to be the quickest route to resolving our legal conflict. They CAN'T foreclose on ALL OF US.

A society with ZERO customers is by definition 'defunct'.

Which is to point out that we would need to 'take' those items and if we stop making them there will be nothing to take. That said, there is really nothing they could do to stop us [in numbers] because the palace guard is badly outnumbered...and if they 'shoot the looters' it will result in a war they don't want...they no longer have castles to hide in.

The 'peasants' will hunt them down and eradicate their families for choosing the 'wrong' side.

[I use 'peasant' because it is a label our self-professed 'betters' pinned on us, in reality there is no such thing as a peasant, it's just that a whole lot of us have been abused for so long that we no longer possess the dignity we were born with.]

Unity people, it ain't gonna happen if we keep on believing that some of us are 'better' than the rest, THEY AREN'T!

A world of 'equals' will take some getting used to but if the Native American's did it for tens of thousands of years, I wager we can learn how too.

Equality is something the One Percent wants 'at arms length'. They want us to 'equal' to each other while continuing to believe that money somehow makes them 'superior' [to the point of being 'above the law'.]

Which is where today's title comes in.

We HAVE survived for time out of mind with laws 'made BY them, for US' (because 'law enforcement' is and always has been, 'their people'. They are the ones who first received the idea that 'non-royals' were something less than human!) It's why today's cop thinks YOU'RE SCUM!

More the pity law enforcement, who got their start as soldiers, weren't numerous enough to fight would have saved a considerable amount of grief over the centuries.

The outcomes would have been a bit difficult to deal with. When King A was defeated by King B, telling the population they had a new ruler would have been 'contentious' to say the least back in the days when losing meant slavery!

Ironically war is no longer a 'team sport'. The politicians pretend like it still is but reality is far more grim.

Makes you wonder if the loser knew they would be enslaved at the end of a nuclear standoff, would you MAKE THEM push the button?

Doesn't the slogan go 'Give me Liberty or give me Death!'?

It's not, 'Let me live and I'll do anything you like, anything!'.

Zero irony on the fact that MOST OF YOU will in fact accept just about any outcome in exchange for your wretched lives [because they aren't THAT wretched, are they?]

Like I said in the beginning good citizen, we don't ave a money problem but we got us a Class A legal [fuck-a-ree] problem on our hands.

When the laws don't apply to EVERYONE, there is no JUSTICE!

Can I get a troll now?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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