Greetings good citizen, since the abdication of LBJ, leading to the Imperial Presidency of Nixon, history's actors have held the stage and acted blatantly to advance their 'agenda'. The Great Society died with the [real] Democrats in 1968 as the 'feckless few' picked up the reins of power and decided it was time for a Party.
In today's headlines, that 'I can't decide which one I like better' career politician Chuck Schumer announced that the [now defunct] Democrats were going to restore their 'base'.
W. came right out and told us who HIS base was, the HAVES and the HAVE MORES...[and you ALL just sat there.]
For those of you too young to remember, the Democrats 'USED TO BE' the party of the WORKING CLASS. There is zero irony that the term disappeared from the political lexicon AFTER the palace coup that gave us Boraxo's Reagan.
Since the 'conservative revolution' workers were something you DIDN'T want to be. If you were worth your salt, you were 'Middle Class' tragic most folks failed to realize that to actually BE Middle class you had to be a college educated professional working in a white collar field. [Lawyer, Doctor, Teacher, Scientist.]
Nope, suddenly Middle Class was getting 'parsed' into 'lower', middle and upper.
NOBODY wanted to be a Worker [Especially after Apollo Creed told kids 'Be a thinker, not a stinker!']
You definitely not 'POOR' because you weren't collecting Welfare [whether you qualified or not, it was 'beneath' you] and you ABSOLUTELY weren't RICH. If you didn't go to work, you didn't that left the Middle and that's how the conservatives became the 'champions' of the Middle Class...because the poor gave themselves an 'upgrade'.
Now the Working class has magically reappeared [but only after the pubic watched in horror as their heroes 'the rich' turned out to be CRIMINALS.]
THe poor LIKED being in the middle because the next step was rich. You weren't rich but you were almost there.
Then they saw how the rich got theirs and remembered why they hated them. Still, the 'rich' only had to crash the economy TWICE in two decades to wake the dullards up! [Wasn't the crash part that bothered people it's the then Nothing Happened, that's the part that opened people's eyes.]
People [often relatives] were doing 10 year stretches for (minor) possession, these Bozoes were robbing people of everything they had and the courts didn't touch them!
Not exactly the kind of behavior you want your children emulating.
Well, they 'won the day' by letting the morons believe they were better than they actually were but then they painted themselves into a corner when they dismantled the 'Party System' [where the workers USED TO congregate] and left them with NOTHING.
These asshats that call themselves Progressives aren't Democrats at all, their [at best] 'light conservatives', although most of them are indistinguishable from the moronic 'real deal'.
How pathetic is it that TV has pronounced Democracy dead (and the public believes them?) [because we're doing it wrong!] YOU don't vote for ANYTHING!
As I COMMENTED yesterday, I watched the HBO special Vice yesterday about America's diminishing role on the global stage.
In that special 'History's Actors' [people actually synonymous with the destruction of liberty] were pointing fingers at thing 'THEY DID' that sent this nation off the rails!
Mind you NONE of them 'admitted guilt' but they were all there when it happened, many of them championing (at the time) the very actions they were condemning in the special.
How many Elephants are in the room now? Shall we count them?
The failure of Capitalism, the omnipresence of Conservatism [historians will refer to this as the reign of the stupid.] The population crisis, the God Bomb [another human construct that has had dire 'unintended consequences'.] Criminals running the Justice System. The global consolidation of market share. The advent of the Billionaires. [Didn't exist prior to 1972.] The destruction of Party Politics. [only the Conservatives remain...can I get a 'stupid is as stupid does'?] Cops on a rampage [did we mention the badly broken justice system? funny how that coincides with 'the conservative revolution'...which precipitated the 'privatization' of the healthcare industry.] That's enough for starters but it's hardly ALL there is.
Between Peak Oil and the Population bomb it is small wonder yesterday's special viewed like old time what to do in the event of a nuclear attack video.
Instead of peace, every 'swinging dick' on the global stage is rattling their nukes, shouting 'want some of this?'
Zero irony that the convention against using assassination to bring about 'regime change' holds.
Yet humanity will be forfeit if the whack jobs behind the meat puppets decide we're getting too unruly to keep underfoot.
We need some really good sharpshooters and we need them YESTERDAY, while there is still TIME!
If the whack-a-doodles win, we all lose!
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
[Time to feed the spiders]
In today's headlines, that 'I can't decide which one I like better' career politician Chuck Schumer announced that the [now defunct] Democrats were going to restore their 'base'.
W. came right out and told us who HIS base was, the HAVES and the HAVE MORES...[and you ALL just sat there.]
For those of you too young to remember, the Democrats 'USED TO BE' the party of the WORKING CLASS. There is zero irony that the term disappeared from the political lexicon AFTER the palace coup that gave us Boraxo's Reagan.
Since the 'conservative revolution' workers were something you DIDN'T want to be. If you were worth your salt, you were 'Middle Class' tragic most folks failed to realize that to actually BE Middle class you had to be a college educated professional working in a white collar field. [Lawyer, Doctor, Teacher, Scientist.]
Nope, suddenly Middle Class was getting 'parsed' into 'lower', middle and upper.
NOBODY wanted to be a Worker [Especially after Apollo Creed told kids 'Be a thinker, not a stinker!']
You definitely not 'POOR' because you weren't collecting Welfare [whether you qualified or not, it was 'beneath' you] and you ABSOLUTELY weren't RICH. If you didn't go to work, you didn't that left the Middle and that's how the conservatives became the 'champions' of the Middle Class...because the poor gave themselves an 'upgrade'.
Now the Working class has magically reappeared [but only after the pubic watched in horror as their heroes 'the rich' turned out to be CRIMINALS.]
THe poor LIKED being in the middle because the next step was rich. You weren't rich but you were almost there.
Then they saw how the rich got theirs and remembered why they hated them. Still, the 'rich' only had to crash the economy TWICE in two decades to wake the dullards up! [Wasn't the crash part that bothered people it's the then Nothing Happened, that's the part that opened people's eyes.]
People [often relatives] were doing 10 year stretches for (minor) possession, these Bozoes were robbing people of everything they had and the courts didn't touch them!
Not exactly the kind of behavior you want your children emulating.
Well, they 'won the day' by letting the morons believe they were better than they actually were but then they painted themselves into a corner when they dismantled the 'Party System' [where the workers USED TO congregate] and left them with NOTHING.
These asshats that call themselves Progressives aren't Democrats at all, their [at best] 'light conservatives', although most of them are indistinguishable from the moronic 'real deal'.
How pathetic is it that TV has pronounced Democracy dead (and the public believes them?) [because we're doing it wrong!] YOU don't vote for ANYTHING!
As I COMMENTED yesterday, I watched the HBO special Vice yesterday about America's diminishing role on the global stage.
In that special 'History's Actors' [people actually synonymous with the destruction of liberty] were pointing fingers at thing 'THEY DID' that sent this nation off the rails!
Mind you NONE of them 'admitted guilt' but they were all there when it happened, many of them championing (at the time) the very actions they were condemning in the special.
How many Elephants are in the room now? Shall we count them?
The failure of Capitalism, the omnipresence of Conservatism [historians will refer to this as the reign of the stupid.] The population crisis, the God Bomb [another human construct that has had dire 'unintended consequences'.] Criminals running the Justice System. The global consolidation of market share. The advent of the Billionaires. [Didn't exist prior to 1972.] The destruction of Party Politics. [only the Conservatives remain...can I get a 'stupid is as stupid does'?] Cops on a rampage [did we mention the badly broken justice system? funny how that coincides with 'the conservative revolution'...which precipitated the 'privatization' of the healthcare industry.] That's enough for starters but it's hardly ALL there is.
Between Peak Oil and the Population bomb it is small wonder yesterday's special viewed like old time what to do in the event of a nuclear attack video.
Instead of peace, every 'swinging dick' on the global stage is rattling their nukes, shouting 'want some of this?'
Zero irony that the convention against using assassination to bring about 'regime change' holds.
Yet humanity will be forfeit if the whack jobs behind the meat puppets decide we're getting too unruly to keep underfoot.
We need some really good sharpshooters and we need them YESTERDAY, while there is still TIME!
If the whack-a-doodles win, we all lose!
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
[Time to feed the spiders]
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