Sunday, July 9, 2017

Currency problems

Greetings good citizen, weather here in the normally frigid Northeast (well humid given we are in the middle of what passes for summer around here) is pleasant, even by our standards [which, trust me, they aren't high.] Humidity's tolerable and the sun's out...although all it takes to have a 'nice' day around here is low humidity and no rain.

Typical New Englander, obsessed with the [normally foul] weather. Would that it were the most we had on our plates! After (briefly) shifting the focus away from the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the room to kick off the urgently needed campaign to DO SOMETHING BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE, we will now return our attention to T-Rex [and hope the casualty count hasn't risen too much.]

Not that you're stupid but I feel compelled to remind you of what, specifically, is this T-Rex I'm referring to? [There are so many other issues competing for our attention like our badly broken/easily gamed (by the rich) political system, This is not that. This is my most beloved Hobby Horse of all, the most abused 'utility' of all, MONEY!

Let me re-cap the babblings of heresy where I denounce the misuse of this valuable tool in a (so far vain) attempt to put an end to the abuse.

Life [as we have come to know it] consists of attempting via [any means possible] to accumulate as much MONEY as we can [pretty much just to have it] so we can be 'winners' in the game of life.

We all know intuitively that we can't ALL be the richest, it's impossible.


You know that don't you? There is a certain line, generally delineated by your IQ that, ironically, tends to ignore annoying things like 'facts'.

If you're sufficiently STUPID anything is 'possible'! If you believe doing the same thing over and over again will eventually produce the desired results, you're both conservative AND Stupid! [Can I get a Yahtzee!]

Ignorance of MONEY'S PURPOSE is a media problem. Why there aren't educational commercials to explain to the, er, 'stubbornly ignorant' why money exists in the first place [the myth it began to 'simplify barter' is Bankster BS!]



Imagine 'capitalist utopia' where we were ALL self-employed, running (and supplying) our own little pop stands and selling to one another.

Who do you suppose is the 'big man' around town? The Dr? There isn't one. Under capitalist utopia we'd all work for ourselves so nobody would have TIME to study medicine...leaving that even larger hole of their being nobody to study with because there would be no teachers (beyond your parents...and because of that there would be no 'common language' because people would NEVER travel. Mother Nature is a merciless task master, neglect your chores and everything reverts to its 'wild state'.

Zero irony is lost on the fact that the original 'lay-abouts' were the Royals whose most useful addition to civilization was an interest in the arts and sciences [if only to relieve their boredom!]

To keep themselves 'entertained' they accumulated artists of all kinds and these people were able to 'hone their skills' but this added to the number of 'non-productive' people, increasing the 'tax burden' on the peasant farmer.

Like it or not, this is where shit started going 'sideways'.

A 'middle class' was born of those who [figuratively speaking] sucked the public teat rather than toiled to support themselves. The [initial] worst thing to come out of this was the mutual animosity between the servers and the served.

We have arrived at the 'end stages' of this decidedly lopsided arrangement...[originally born of the need to protect the populace from raiders.]

Like the War on Drugs, those who make their living/justify their existence to this 'never-ending battle' have a STAKE in keeping the conflict going! [No drugs, no need for the DEA or any of the multiple 'task forces' set up to combat addiction. So it is we now have 'War without end' for the exact same reason!]

Our politicians have made it their job to 'protect us from ALL THREATS [both real or IMAGINED.]

How do we resolve this 'entrenched phenomenon'?

Sadly, we can't. [Not if we keep playing 'comply or die'.]

The only way to turn the gun around is the STRIKE.

How sad is it that this will mean pointing it at people STUPID ENOUGH to BELIEVE we can ALL be rich?

Worse, this is a monster that dwarfs T-Rex. It makes the latest rendition of Kong look like an ant!

All so a few can be rich.




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