Greetings good citizen, playing 'chicken' with civilization has some very real consequences as History's actors soon found out when they ignored integrity for political expediency.
The end result left us with just ONE political party. The 'pretenders' the money runs against its actors really are just empty suits without an ideology.
They aren't out to save the working class. They want to regain political control for the sake of gaining political control.
If you're a politician these days your job isn't to lead the people...your job is to distract the public from the fact the commerce system has failed and nobody [currently in power] is interested in fixing it.
Mr. Krugman makes some valuable observations that he shares at the tail end of this piece:
The advent of 'mass communication' sparked a phenomenon politicians didn't fully appreciate, that people are so focused on 'fitting in' that they will believe just about ANYTHING if it is first set on a 'bandwagon'.
With this marvelous new discovery you could convince people they were better off than anyone else IN HISTORY and that it really doesn't get much better than THIS.
It all starts with social cohesion and the individual's reluctance to stand out from the [now hypnotized] crowd. If you're not under the spell of mass stupidity [currently being sold by network TV as 'Wisdom of the crowd' a new TV series created solely to embrace/advance the concept of 'groupthink'] you keep your mouth shut because the 'crowd' will do unthinkable things to those who oppose it.
Now are you seeing today's title?
[FULL STOP] If you are here then you aren't one of the title subjects. You wouldn't be interested in non-mainstream thinking or even the existence of anything that challenges your 'worldview' [for the 'tragically stupid' that's a mighty tiny piece of realty.]
Problem is we have perhaps 25% of the population that doesn't know better and the absence of a coherent narrative to guide us ('socially') only serves to further muddy the waters.
Now, said narrative EXISTS but it's straight-forward and often manipulated by the feckless because they call it 'chump thinking'.
The Golden Rule of 'Do unto Others as you would have them do unto you' is widely denigrated by the self-interested as squandering a perfectly good opportunity to seize the upper hand while the other fellow doesn't have reason to suspect you're less than honorable.
Each of us understands that civilization (along with the convention that prevents us from killing one another on sight) is SOLELY RELIANT on TRUST. IF YOU CAN'T TRUST THE NEXT GUY AS FAR AS YOU CAN THROW THEM, 'civilization' descends into a cesspool of scoundrels, each seeking to do the other one in at the first moment the tiniest advantage presents itself.
How fortunate it is that most of us fail to recognize 'opportunity' even if we are being beaten to death with it?
Probably comes from repeatedly being presented with opportunities that aren't. [Money up front please! What were we talking about again?]
There have been [failed] attempts in the past to weed out humanity's propensity towards opportunism. You have to wonder how bad things got to spark/usher in the age of Chivalry and it's centerpiece, the 'field of honor'?
ASP has as it's 'centerpiece' the return of single combat to redress personal insults...albeit this version has a somewhat different set of rules. [We 'worldbuilders' deal in concepts and the 'idea' behind this one is 'personal accountability' for ones speech/actions or both.]
Today's 'sue me' mindset has made the world a much less 'civil' atmosphere in which to live...and considerably less 'safe'.
We need to 're-learn' the value of keeping out fat traps shut and watching what we do because others ARE watching...and it is SO EASY to misconstrue when you're only viewing part of the picture.
How odd our elders taught us to 'Mind your business' while today's buzzword is See something, say something!
People are just as curious as they are opportunistic and our (undeclared) favorite pass-time is 'jumping to conclusions'.
It will take TONS of 'self-restraint' to stay off the field of honor [which is why the challenged can refuse without (legal) recourse, there are still things the challenger can do to make the offender 'rise to the bait'.
Back to the 'honor' piece of the puzzle, if the challenged APOLOGIZES, the whole process stops dead [can't put the Genie back in the bottle but we can kill it with a simple (and sincere) I'm sorry.
[Why am I prattling on about this? Because society, as it currently exists, is entirely 'rudderless'! ASP fixes that.
Since having to apologize to people you might not see fit to spit on gets gualling after a while, we will also learn 'tolerance' like we have today.
The problem with tolerance is it fixes nothing and only serves to make the problem worse.
The ultimate aim is to return society to civility by making individuals personally accountable. Better people make better societies!
Once we wrest control of the media from the grip of the feckless we will use its awesome power to improve humanity.
Funny how the criminals among us don't think we can be 'improved'...
If we stop swallowing their BS maybe we can pick ourselves up out of this gutter and stand up, wipe our wounds clean and start the process of healing a badly wounded psyche.
But first we need to take our giant fist and smash their tiny, puny butts into the stone age. [How's that for a mental image?]
There are only a (relative) handful of them and the only reason they're powerful is because they have convinced YOU they are.
We are MIGHTY.
Keep that in mind the next time one of them takes a dump on you...
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
The end result left us with just ONE political party. The 'pretenders' the money runs against its actors really are just empty suits without an ideology.
They aren't out to save the working class. They want to regain political control for the sake of gaining political control.
If you're a politician these days your job isn't to lead the people...your job is to distract the public from the fact the commerce system has failed and nobody [currently in power] is interested in fixing it.
Mr. Krugman makes some valuable observations that he shares at the tail end of this piece:
Now what? Maybe, just maybe, Republicans will work with Democrats to make the health system work better — after all, polls suggest that voters will, rightly, blame them for any future problems. But it wouldn’t be easy for them to face reality even if their president wasn’t a bloviating bully.[Emphasis mine]
And it’s hard to imagine anything good happening on other policy fronts, either. Republicans have spent decades losing their ability to think straight, and they’re not going to get it back anytime soon.
The advent of 'mass communication' sparked a phenomenon politicians didn't fully appreciate, that people are so focused on 'fitting in' that they will believe just about ANYTHING if it is first set on a 'bandwagon'.
With this marvelous new discovery you could convince people they were better off than anyone else IN HISTORY and that it really doesn't get much better than THIS.
It all starts with social cohesion and the individual's reluctance to stand out from the [now hypnotized] crowd. If you're not under the spell of mass stupidity [currently being sold by network TV as 'Wisdom of the crowd' a new TV series created solely to embrace/advance the concept of 'groupthink'] you keep your mouth shut because the 'crowd' will do unthinkable things to those who oppose it.
Now are you seeing today's title?
[FULL STOP] If you are here then you aren't one of the title subjects. You wouldn't be interested in non-mainstream thinking or even the existence of anything that challenges your 'worldview' [for the 'tragically stupid' that's a mighty tiny piece of realty.]
Problem is we have perhaps 25% of the population that doesn't know better and the absence of a coherent narrative to guide us ('socially') only serves to further muddy the waters.
Now, said narrative EXISTS but it's straight-forward and often manipulated by the feckless because they call it 'chump thinking'.
The Golden Rule of 'Do unto Others as you would have them do unto you' is widely denigrated by the self-interested as squandering a perfectly good opportunity to seize the upper hand while the other fellow doesn't have reason to suspect you're less than honorable.
Each of us understands that civilization (along with the convention that prevents us from killing one another on sight) is SOLELY RELIANT on TRUST. IF YOU CAN'T TRUST THE NEXT GUY AS FAR AS YOU CAN THROW THEM, 'civilization' descends into a cesspool of scoundrels, each seeking to do the other one in at the first moment the tiniest advantage presents itself.
How fortunate it is that most of us fail to recognize 'opportunity' even if we are being beaten to death with it?
Probably comes from repeatedly being presented with opportunities that aren't. [Money up front please! What were we talking about again?]
There have been [failed] attempts in the past to weed out humanity's propensity towards opportunism. You have to wonder how bad things got to spark/usher in the age of Chivalry and it's centerpiece, the 'field of honor'?
ASP has as it's 'centerpiece' the return of single combat to redress personal insults...albeit this version has a somewhat different set of rules. [We 'worldbuilders' deal in concepts and the 'idea' behind this one is 'personal accountability' for ones speech/actions or both.]
Today's 'sue me' mindset has made the world a much less 'civil' atmosphere in which to live...and considerably less 'safe'.
We need to 're-learn' the value of keeping out fat traps shut and watching what we do because others ARE watching...and it is SO EASY to misconstrue when you're only viewing part of the picture.
How odd our elders taught us to 'Mind your business' while today's buzzword is See something, say something!
People are just as curious as they are opportunistic and our (undeclared) favorite pass-time is 'jumping to conclusions'.
It will take TONS of 'self-restraint' to stay off the field of honor [which is why the challenged can refuse without (legal) recourse, there are still things the challenger can do to make the offender 'rise to the bait'.
Back to the 'honor' piece of the puzzle, if the challenged APOLOGIZES, the whole process stops dead [can't put the Genie back in the bottle but we can kill it with a simple (and sincere) I'm sorry.
[Why am I prattling on about this? Because society, as it currently exists, is entirely 'rudderless'! ASP fixes that.
Since having to apologize to people you might not see fit to spit on gets gualling after a while, we will also learn 'tolerance' like we have today.
The problem with tolerance is it fixes nothing and only serves to make the problem worse.
The ultimate aim is to return society to civility by making individuals personally accountable. Better people make better societies!
Once we wrest control of the media from the grip of the feckless we will use its awesome power to improve humanity.
Funny how the criminals among us don't think we can be 'improved'...
If we stop swallowing their BS maybe we can pick ourselves up out of this gutter and stand up, wipe our wounds clean and start the process of healing a badly wounded psyche.
But first we need to take our giant fist and smash their tiny, puny butts into the stone age. [How's that for a mental image?]
There are only a (relative) handful of them and the only reason they're powerful is because they have convinced YOU they are.
We are MIGHTY.
Keep that in mind the next time one of them takes a dump on you...
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
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