Monday, July 3, 2017

'Mission objective'

Greetings good citizen, the 'big questions' have vexed/perplexed mankind since the advent of sentience [since we became aware we exist.] Both the 'purpose' and 'meaning' of life eludes the point we give up asking questions that don't have a good/satisfying answer.

Life is neither good nor bad, it just is. [How much 'better' life can be is what's causing the 'friction'.] Those who have it pretty good, okay want those who don't have it quite so nice to stop complaining and ACCEPT their 'LOT IN LIFE'.

The [largely inoperative] human mind thinks in order to improve anyone's circumstances, their circumstances will somehow suffer [they have been trained from an early age to think in terms of 'it has to come from somewhere'...which is absolutely FALSE.]

Poverty is the direct result of POOR PLANNING and MISMANAGEMENT on a colossal scale!

While the 'dividing line' in our civilization consists of rich vs. poor the contention between the two sides is mainly one of 'perception'. The greedheads are only interested in 'MORE FOR THEM'! They don't want to hear about the 'complainers' who are hungry, cold or have no shoes.

So we return to those who don't want to hear 'complaints', all they want is results. Doesn't matter if what they want is even possible, they just want what they want or as close to it as can be managed.

We call this behavior 'pig-headed' while they like to call it 'ambitious'...always 'pushing the limits' to extract as much as they can out of life [and the people around them.]

It's all good to these heartless bastards as long as THEY don't have to roll up their sleeves and pitch in!


These are NOT the people you want running things. People with zero grasp of the 'consequences of their actions' [because they repeatedly fail to put themselves in the shoes of those they demand the most from.]

Bizarrely, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Those who command their 'minions' to 'make it happen' are stuck demanding the impossible from the unwilling on a regular basis.

Their 'solution' to resistance is being 'more stubborn'.

Then when the social situation becomes untenable [people are dropping in their shoes due to the demands of the insatiable]

Suddenly they are shocked at the deplorable conditions created by their own CLUELESSNESS!

So, what is the 'mission objective'?

Currently those in charge are deeply involved in maintaining the 'status quo'. What's the 'bottom line'? They and those capable of making the workers march in unison [what I like to refer to as 'the 5%'] get theirs [and insuring the peasants get enough so they aren't breeding contagious diseases that will threaten their overlords, it's all good.]

Which is to say the gap between the haves and the have-nots is considerable [relative to who does what and why.]

While shame is something the church uses all the time we have grown immune to it's effects when it isn't aimed directly at us! How 'shameful' is it we let the feckless get away with their unreasonable demands because we personally figure if the victims are 'too stupid' to refuse, their bad!

This is how 'evil' thrives. We have a tough enough time watching our own '6' that we expect others to watch theirs...but some folks aren't given an 'option', this is the deal and you either take it or leave it.

The H.A.E. [Human Anti-Exploitation Law] is designed to prevent this kind of predatory behavior but until that happens we must all be constantly 'on guard'...against our own kind!

But I digress [yet again.]

The deal is crap and getting crappier, that much needs zero explanation or further edification. Driving the worsening conditions is the burgeoning population crisis we're being distracted from with Climate change!

Add our broken 'social system' [capitalism] on to the mis-management crisis and we have a species ending event on our hands.

How ridiculous is it if we happen to starve/beat ourselves to death over a lack of food or water?

This is the DIRECT RESULT of 'I got MINE, F-U!' mentality that permeates our society/civilization.

[Worse, numbnuts only THINKS they've got theirs...they don't!] Thinking things through is NOT one of humanities strong suits and is 90% of the reason we find ourselves where we are sitting today!

Funny how more truth is said in the old sod about how fortunate it is for the leaders of the world that their subjects don't think!

A more damning statement you won't find and truer words ne'er spoken/written!

Let them NOT be 'lost on you'...

I don't have 'high expectations' for Wednesday's Strike, I suspect only the unemployed will join me in not reporting to work. Our best hope lies with the transporters. The power to bring the feckless to their knees lies in their hands.

Although, the 'utility workers' [the people that keep the power plants humming] have an even bigger lever/stick than the truckers do. Much of modern life is totally dependent on electricity.

Turn off the traffic lights and you have instant chaos!

I suspect few outside the security community fully appreciate what a determined hacker can accomplish.

Full disclosure, I can't code anything. I don't know the first thing about code.

If control/alt/delete doesn't fix it, I'm done.

I'm not telling anybody to DO anything but something has to be done or we're all going to make 'the ultimate sacrifice' [so a few morons can be 'rich'.]

Worse, these morons ALREADY HAVE more money than they can spend! [WTF?]

If we don't stand up for ourselves we have to wonder if we deserve what becomes of us?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


I'd say 'prepare' [either way] because the 'end' is close for most of us.

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