Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Ignorance is NOT 'Bliss'

Greetings good citizen, I find 'preppers' amusing mostly because of their blindness, their inability to see the bigger picture.

I get 'prepper' advice in my junk mail all the time and most of it is laughable, just like those 'hard asset' IRA's you hear advertised on the radio [like we needed more proof that we're doing the money thing all wrong!]

I just perused one that plays on your fear of social collapse by citing specific instances without delving into the causes of those the effects are caused by an angry God who doesn't need a reason to vent his wrath.

Fer instance, the rioting that engulfed Baltimore when police gunned down an unarmed teenager. Numbnuts points at the riot but stops short of explaining WHY...and that is treachery of the worst kind!

Bobo is selling books on how you can 'save yourself and everything you've worked so hard for' mostly by playing/preying on the ignorance of the frightened, same way the king makers behind 'Morning in America' do via the corporate owned media.

Money is a 'concept', a legal construct. The FIRST thing we're going to DO upon establishing a new government is ABOLISH CASH in ALL of it's forms! Gems, gold all of it will be 'de-monetized'.

Ancient Aliens may have had productive uses for Bling but we DON'T. Money (as man has created it) has been a curse upon our species!

[Currently accepting invitations to debate this from any knowledgeable individual, so called 'experts' are cautioned to bring their 'best evidence']

[Hear that? Chirping crickets and that's how that one is gonna stay.]

The ONLY place you're gonna get the truth about money is HERE. I'd like to opine your ignorance has been fixed but it won't be so until we change how money is used/recognized by what passes for our legal system.

Until that happens money will still be whatever THEY say it is...and that's bad, not just for you but for this planet as well.

Ever wonder why society doesn't work? One answer and its staring you right in the wallet! Mismanagement on a massive scale. In the end the feckless realized that money is only useful to THE INDIVIDUAL. That's why they make YOU jump through hoops to get it.

THey don't have to do ANYTHING to get theirs...and THAT should bother you more than just a little.

One of the 'new rules' will be the ONLY way to get money is to work for it. No more 'I'm the CEO' my job is to delegate everything! That said, there won't be 'shareowners' to babysit or satisfy at the workers expense which should improve morale immensely by itself!

The 'workplace will become much 'friendlier' than that! Starting with the twenty hour work week! [We'll go from 3 shifts to six [except when it makes more sense to have 'a single point of contact' for the whole day, then those people will enjoy abbreviated work weeks.]

Overtime will be paid at time and a half and can be used as additional time off or be put towards an even earlier retirement [The 'new' retirement age will be 50, you can't keep up with the kids anymore so it's time to get out of the way!] Additional note, you won't be 'forced' to stop working.

Again, there is no lack of jobs that need doing. After fifty [or earlier if you have accumulated the time to retire early] you can 'change careers' and do something that will challenge you! There will be plenty of part-time/temporary gigs so you don't have to commit to doing any particular thing for the long term. that said if you like 'routine' you don't have to give up your 'day job' when you hit 50 [we don't throw you out the door until you're 65!] Then you MUST change careers.

One of the most glaring problems facing our species is THERE IS NO LACK OF THINGS THAT NEED DOING! Something is definitely wrong because if it can't be done 'profitably' then it can't be done at all under the current system! [Mismanagement anyone?]

As today's rapacious capitalists squeeze every penny out of their workforce [often personally pocketing the alleged 'savings'...AGAIN we are doing the money thing WRONG!

THis is why all of the badges and robes will be handed pink slips and sent to the employment office for re-assignment (pending their hearings with the new justice dept for their crimes against humanity.)

Politicians won't be quite so lucky since choosing to run for office is in fact a choice made with eyes wide open. They knew what they wanted to do so their guilt is NOT in doubt.


So, since A Simple Plan provides for full employment [making housing free while abolishing the stock market, the insurance and the banking industries [because debt will be illegal, the act of placing someone in debt will be an exile offence!] Remember, that Lord of the Flies thing is a certainty on voluntary exile island.

THey will be 'free' to set up their own government and the blue wall is likely to be the single largest 'demographic' so expect the worst.

Funny, cops HATE us, they think we're all scum...but one thing all cops hate even worse? Other cops! Imagine a whole island of them!

Dead bodies for miles around [with most deaths being attributed to a severe donut deficiency.]

Who will keep us safe if there are no cops?

In keeping with today's title, you, good citizen are ignorant of the true source of most crime! In wiping out the justice system we are actually making the streets SAFER.

You won't have anything to steal, crooks can't take your stuff and sell it, worse...getting caught with something that isn't registered to you is an exile offense [and for giggles SOME exiles will be sent to Blue Hell where they will be treated to a moonlight dinner!]

Other changes intended to boost public safety is the shift of the state taking full responsibility for child rearing [full stop: NOBODY is going to take your kids from you! But like all 'adults' have to work to support themselves, kids will be provided for by the state with the additional funds going to the custodial parent [should they prove worthy.]

Being 'biologically capable' of having children doesn't mean you're psychologically capable of raising them!

Look at the mess your parents produced [not kicking anyone in the shins but 'the opportunists' among us spit out kid after kid just for the support checks!]

Drugs will be legal and available from 'the store' in prescription doses. But people won't live lives of 'quiet desperation' like they do now because the feckless will no longer be in charge [in fact they won't even be present in our new society.]

Housing will be free and so will all utilities. Same goes for education, free for life! THink you'd enjoy being an educator, meet the qualifications and you could become one!

We WILL become a society that values intelligence rather than shuns it like today's conservo-whackos!

Look at what 'propaganda' has done to our civilization. It has torn the bonds of society apart, blaming YOU the whole time!

It all started with El Rushbo and his 'free' broadcasts to the bottom feeders among us, empowering them for being STUPID!

Believe what you want, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

THus do we ask YOU...what do YOU KNOW?

If the sentence starts with 'well I HEARD', then you don't KNOW jack!

Anything worth knowing is worth RESEARCHING YOURSELF!

If you examine the source of our problems [which on the surface appear to be 'monetary' but underneath, all of our problems are legal...which means our severe 'justice deficit' means our justice system needs replacing!

Again, under 'new management' justice will belong to 'the people'. Judges go away [they only exist to protect the guilty, to insure the privileged aren't prosecuted for their crimes.] Otherwise, judges are like cops, useless.

IF you find yourself standing in front of a jury [consisting of three people who work with you and four complete strangers] it will be because you stand accused of grievous offense. Fines go away [the rich taught us you can break all the laws you like if you can afford the fine!] Conversely prison is off the table as well.

If a jury of your peers finds you are unworthy of continued membership in civil society, you face exile. Often standing trial will be a cumulative thing, you've committed a series of violations of the rules we all choose to live under. [You won't stand trial for spitting on the street although you might land there for expressing the view that people should be exiled for doing it! (if you're a DICK, your 'peers' will know it and judge you accordingly. Just words of caution from your uncle Gegner!)

Flip that rock over and 'holier than thou' is also likely to land you on the hot seat. While needling others about behavior you dislike isn't in itself an exile offense, you might need the 'good opinion' of the very people you tried to cow with your petty likes and dislikes someday.

If the needles went deeper than you intended you will regret it more than you ever imagined.

Are you picking up what I'm laying down?

In order to live in a more civil world we have to learn to be more civil and keep our 'trash talk' to ourselves. {you may be 'joking' but does your audience know that?} Again you are cautioned against ending every sentence with 'you know I'm kidding, right?' It will put you in the same spot only quicker!

The words judge not lest you be judged come ringing back.

Anyone still feeling the need for cops?

Um, let's conclude this one with one of my other favorites: Stupid is permanent, Ignorance can be fixed [but only if the wise accept the knowledge as true!]

Thanks once again for letting me (and my companion, knowledge) inside your head,



  1. I don't like it. I love it! Don't bitch if you don't have a better idea.

  2. Currently accepting invitations to debate this from any knowledgeable individual, so called 'experts' are cautioned to bring their 'best evidence']

    [Hear that? Chirping crickets and that's how that one is gonna stay.]


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...