Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Day 6

Greetings good citizen, the strike proceeds as planned. In the meantime the callous disregard for our civilization by those claiming to manage it are shredding the very fabric of society.

Homelessness, poverty un & under employment continue to 'stress' the typical family unit beyond the breaking point (so a few can be rich.)

Today's NY Times laments the 'culture of dishonesty' that permeates the ruling classes [that the conservatives like to pretend don't exist although let it be known here and now that liberal or conservative are of no consequence because both are 'Capitalist First!]

Liberals don't care if you're a 'freak'...Conservatives believe there are limits but the Capitalist, all they're interested in is owning (and thereby controlling) everything they can lay their hands on.

If it turns a profit, fine but that's 'secondary', the real 'goal' of a hardcore capitalist is the ability to deny/hold hostage what others need for savage amusement and profit.

Worse, capitalists train themselves to avoid words like 'mine' [unless that's what it is called] because possessions are 'liabilities'. That's the only reason they divested themselves from slaves. Once 'freed' the slaves had to care for themselves. They were no longer the owner's responsibility.

Not all capitalists are rich and most people that subscribe to capitalism do so because they mistakenly believe the capitalist's assertion that the alternatives to capitalism is either communism or slavery when BOTH are slavery without the liability! [since both capitalism and communism subscribe to Marx's fiction about extracting the 'surplus value' from labor.]

Seriously good citizen, we can do better and A Simple Plan frames precisely HOW [by returning money to its original purpose of 'regulator', now that the money supply can be rigorously monitored via computer.] [How damning is it that we haven't made the switch already?]

Little did they realize when they conspired to put a 'spy' in every household that they were sowing the seeds of their own destruction!

Monkeys like to 'play' and the PC is nothing if not a sophisticated 'toy'...a toy that monitors your every move but a toy none the less.

On a planet that is shrinking faster than anyone likes [despite most being blissfully unaware] the PC spells the doom of the 'more for me' crowd [but it takes more than awareness, it takes action and a change of polluted mindsets to make it happen!]

As it's creator I am the first to admit A Simple Plan isn't workable without computers and their ability to accurately 'remember' what is where, when [virtual money.]

To eliminate TYRANNY we must first eliminate CASH!

We CANNOT move ahead as a species without achieving this crucial milestone in social development.

Me-me-me will not move us forward because it is an end unto itself. It doesn't seek the advancement of humanity, it only seeks more for 'me'. We have advanced as far as we have literally 'by accident'.

Neither the space program or the 'computer revolution' were intended to advance society. Both 'used' the 'to better mankind' rubric to line the pockets of the already wealthy.

Seeing the enormous effort/danger presented by colonizing Earth's 'near neighbors' [Venus is a complete bust and Mars is death sentence] NASA (et:al) is now searching for 'earth-like' planets and developing the technology to get to them.

Again, not to 'relieve' the strain over-population is putting on this, our only home but to enrich the terminally myopic capitalist in the process.

UNDERSTAND: Once the 'need for money' is satisfied, the continued 'accumulation' of it only serves to deprive the rest of us! It is the 'whip' they so love to crack!

We must remove this whip from the hands of the feckless and dangerously deranged.

What the 'willingly ignorant' don't know is the billions these scoundrels 'pour' into [largely worthless] Charities are nothing more than tax deductions on money they shouldn't have in the first place!

YOU are expected to get by on your paycheck. Why is it 'unreasonable' to expect them to do likewise?

If you're sick of this double standard, join the strike (or strike in place, where feasible) and show 'em who's really 'Boss!'

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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